Main RP [RP happens here]

after finishing bathing nia, he clothes her up and sets her asleep in his living room couch with a note saying he'll be gone. he was going to get groceries as he needed more than the ones nia brought, but suddenly his radio came on that he was dispatched to a bombing..... odd since no one usually had the balls to cause a bombing. he went out with his gear and arrived at the bomb site. he approached the officer and asked "where is eckener"





"She's here sir. Right over there or so," he said pointing to Eckener. "We're still trying to clean up the debris and rescue anyone who was caught within the blast radius. It's a real mess I tell you what. Who would do such a thing? Terrorists? Though I doubt they would come here of all places. I'm just glad my children were at school while this happened but... how am I supposed to feel glad when others lost their family members?" The police officer would then get back to doing what he was doing earlier.

@Salex The Baldie
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Elite Operations Squad

Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth | Erik Młynarz

Alison and her squad were quite busy to deal with Steve's request; they were digging up a family of six out of the rubble from the blast. Pandora and Erik tried their best to pull out a large piece of stone, but only managed to get it slightly off. "At this rate, it'll take forever." "Alison, get a drill or something."

Without saying a word, the captain hauled the piece of stone off and tossed it about six inches away. Pandora and Erik looked to each other, then back to the pile of rocks. Then, they went back to work. "Steve, wait your turn. Human lives come first." Alison was sure that Steve knew this, but for some reason she had to put extra emphasis on it. She then went back to removing pieces of rubble with the rest of her squad.

@YoungX @Salex The Baldie

Frank Sanquin 

Frank sat in his apartment watching a old comedy called "Blazing Saddles" as he polished his new lady as he affectionately called his weaponry the large skeleton like man had been enjoying his new prosperity after finding a large stash of drugs in an old hospital and selling them. He looked down at his new weapon "God if Browning was still alive I would blow him" he remarked to him self and chuckled at his crude humor as he lifted his 1901 in front of him and checked the lever action on the 12 gadge shotgun. He knew that even he couldn't carry this concealed but he didn't care it was nice to have a new gun he put the gun in his closet a took out the Browning Hi-power putting it in his pocket  he headed towards his car then he was going to the explosion everyone knew that the finders fee in that kind of distruction was what ever you could quietly shove in a pocket.

@JPax @YoungX @Hanah Solo @Salex The Baldie
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Small size woman was looking out from plane that was used to parachuting when pilot get announce that where he was is no-fly zone. 

"Miss, we need to go back."

"No you don't."

"What you -"

Pilot turned his head towards woman, who threw knife to his throat.

"You can come down whit me."

Woman then take parachute and jumped out, before pilot died and plane started to drop down.

Woman looked at air to Maple pines.

"I am coming sis!"

@JPax @YoungX @Salex The Baldie @Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @Theflamre

(Look up there is small plane coming down, right after bombs. Is it related to them or not)
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Esther Khan | Gamma

Before anything went down, the sedative wore off of Hanah and she'd be able to wake up. Esther threw her in front of Gamma's terrifying presence, without any second thoughts. To strip one of their humanity was a lot to handle, and it was something the Esther Khan of Maple Pines would never be able to handle without a little extra boost. Her glowing red-bar eyes shifted to Gamma. No signs of fear were in her eyes as Gamma raised their hand and closed it. Immediately, the red bar disappeared.

"What am I supposed to do with this...lump of flesh."

"It's alive. Her name is Hanah."

"I've seen worse. Anyways, you didn't prove a full name. Guess I'll do that myself." 

Gamma pulled Hanah up to her feet, then onto a step. The masked figure stood at 7'2, so it was quite the height difference. Once the step raised to Gamma's eye level, they held their hand out. A blue glow reappeared around the glove. "Posside familia nomen..."


"No, it's the name of the needle." 

@Hanah Solo
The people inside the coffee shop panicked as well. He picked up his laptop and headphones and ran to the central park. There were people lying around the bomb trajectory, some dead, some injured with some major burns. It's my fault, but not entirely my fault. Kai thought. He did save a lot of people at the mall, but still, he killed persons. An idea again popped out of his brain, tell the police about the second bomb Kai disabled at the mall. Normally, it wouldn't go well if Kai interacted with the kind of people that killed his parents. But he forced himself to do it.

He walked to the officer that was dressed differently than the other police. That girl must be the captain. She was searching around for something, maybe bodies. Kai thought. He approached the captain and said, "Hello. I'm afraid this isn't the only bombing that was supposed to happen."


Frank Sanguine 

as Frank began to see the bomb site he saw it was swarming with cops he took a few deep breaths and assured him self they probably didn't even remember the chick he almost killed. He got out of the car and waved to one of the police "Anything I can do to help officer?" he said in the most friendly voice he could manage. 

@YoungX @JPax

Captain Alison Eckener  | Pandora Roth Erik Młynarz

Alison didn't even bother turning to address the guy. "Yes, you can help. Leave." She picked up the last piece of rubble and tossed it aside. It looked far too heavy for anyone to carry, let alone throw it. The piece fragmented with a loud noise. Pandora, however, noticed that there was an opportunity for him to help. She turned and waved. "You can do a public service and check the perimeter for anything. Be careful and if you see anything suspicious, tell captain Eckener. You know, I'll just go with you. Alie, is that cool?"

The captain simply nodded and, with Erik, helped the family of six out of the wrecked building. "Okay."

@Theflamre @YoungX

Frank Sanguine

He simply smiled and started to walk the perimeter watching silently for life as he thought about the encounter. She was strong but strength now days ment nothing he wondered if she could could deflect a bullet as he saw a bit of movement.  He walked over to it looking under it to see a teen just some guy probably out on a walk his arms were a bright crimson as he held a corpse of a teen girl up. He almost laughed when he saw he had used her to hold off the exposed rebar that had peirced and killed the girl. He was as good as dead the girls corpse hadn't held the rebar off and they were pushed together by the weight the rebar had got them both. In Franks uncaring eyes it was a corpse holding a corpse the boy coughed on him a mix of blood a a minor bit of saliva he looked scared horrified at the fact that he was going to die. Frank watched the last light fade from his eyes reached foward and took took a twenty for both of their wallets leaving enough to be believable that nothing was missing he stood up and shouted "got some corpses" he was almost brought to laughter by the event the only thoughts in his mind was the fourty dollars in his pocket and how dumb someone had to be to believe a teens body could save themselves.

@JPax @YoungX

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Small size woman was looking out from plane that was used to parachuting when pilot get announce that where he was is no-fly zone. 

"Miss, we need to go back."

"No you don't."

"What you -"

Pilot turned his head towards woman, who threw knife to his throat.

"You can come down whit me."

Woman then take parachute and jumped out, before pilot died and plane started to drop down.

Woman looked at air to Maple pines.

"I am coming sis!"

@JPax @YoungX @Salex The Baldie @Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey @Theflamre

(Look up there is small plane coming down, right after bombs. Is it related to them or not)



As Police were performing their duties, a few would notice a literal plane that was crashing down as well as a woman dropping down. 

"What the hell?" One officer said as they realized that this was not good. "Attention all officers, there is a plane crashing down. I repeat there is a plane crashing down. We also have confirmation of a woman parachuting downward towards the ground."


Captain Alison Eckener  | Pandora Roth | Erik Młynarz

Pandora nodded at the talk about corpses and pointed to the other Police. "Go talk to them. That's it. Hold on." Pandora then walked away to her captain.

Alison and Erik turned to Kai. "Yes, I figured that. Take Młynarz with you and point out all the locations. He'll have them disabled in no time." Alison inserted a battery onto the strange device around Erik's shoulders and back. He turned to Kai and saluted. "I am here to help with bombs. Let's go."

Alison heard the announcement shortly after. "Pandora, get your ass over here."

"Right here ma'am."

"You heard the announcement, right?"

"Yes captain. Are we going to intercept the parachuting woman? You have swords, I have a way to get up there-"

Alison interrupted her subordinate by clamping Pandora's mouth with her hand. "Pandora, don't worry about the woman. We have a plane to catch."

@CrossedInLyke @Theflamre @YoungX @Hanah Solo

Frank Sanquin 

he stared at the one lining cop wondering what she ment but not asking.

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Captain Alison Eckener  | Pandora Roth | Erik Młynarz

Pandora nodded at the talk about corpses and pointed to the other Police. "Go talk to them. That's it. Hold on." Pandora then walked away to her captain.

Alison and Erik turned to Kai. "Yes, I figured that. Take Młynarz with you and point out all the locations. He'll have them disabled in no time." Alison inserted a battery onto the strange device around Erik's shoulders and back. He turned to Kai and saluted. "I am here to help with bombs. Let's go."

Alison heard the announcement shortly after. "Pandora, get your ass over here."

"Right here ma'am."

"You heard the announcement, right?"

"Yes captain. Are we going to intercept the parachuting woman? You have swords, I have a way to get up there-"

Alison interrupted her subordinate by clamping Pandora's mouth with her hand. "Pandora, don't worry about the woman. We have a plane to catch."

"There were actually two bombs, including the bomb that has gone off here. The other bomb is in the mall. I already disabled, but it might go off anytime. I recommend evacuating the people in the city mall before you officers dispatch a bomb squad. I tried to disable the two bombs but, I ran out of time. I'm sorry." Kai implied but lied at the last part. He doesn't know how effective the excuse 'I ran out of time' but he doubted people would start suspecting about that. "Anyways, I pinpointed the location." He said.

Kai opened up his laptop while standing, showing it to Erik. He opened up the command prompt and it saved his recent activity. The prompt displays the map of Maple Pines with green lines as the outlines of each building. The red are on roads, streets and sidewalks. Kai showed him the disabled bomb, pinpointed at the location of the mall.



Hanah screamed when needle was injected to her.

"Let me die!"



Shadowkiller looked up to air and see that there was small plane coming down to their direction. 

"AKIRA! We need go now!"

@Crystal Cali


Woman opened her parachute and watched how plane seemed heading towards buildings.

"Bye bye plane, let out mayhem!"

Woman then looked down to ground.

"Wow, is there welcoming party to me?"

@YoungX @JPax @Theflamre
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Hanah screamed when needle was injected to her.

"Let me die!"



Shadowkiller looked up to air and see that there was small plane coming down to their direction. 

"AKIRA! We need go now!"

@Crystal Cali


Woman opened her parachute and watched how plane seemed heading towards buildings.

"Bye bye plane, let out mayhem!"

Woman then looked down to ground.

"Wow, is there welcoming party to me?"

@YoungX @JPax @Theflamre

Frank Sanguine

He puts his hand on his gun casually taking a few steps back "speaking of planes looks up" he said to the officers near by. 

@YoungX @JPax 

Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth

Pandora and Alison looked out the window to the falling woman. "It isn't a welcoming party. Brat." Pandora chuckled and back flipped out the helicopter door, spreading the wingsuit wings and taking off after the plane, which did slow down a bit. Alison simply followed with the TME wires. "ALISON, I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE INTERCEPTING A PLANE!!" 

"Believe it, baby girl. The Idiot woman left the door open. In fact, it pretty much broke off." 

With the strength of the TME wires, it was easy to reel in. However, Alison wasn't prepared for the plane to suddenly turn. Pandora looked to the captain with a shocked expression. "Bad idea-ugh!" Alison kicked Pandora into the plane before jumping in through the door herself, though hitting her head on the side. Despite the bleeding, she found herself trudging forwards towards the cockpit. Switching the left TME wire to the inside, she found leverage and began making her way to the cockpit, shoving over the corpse of the pilot without a second thought. Most would vomit at the sight of death, but Alison dealt with it almost inhumanly. And then, the two officers took the controls, swerving the plane away from the building and towards a remote forest. 

@Hanah Solo @YoungX 
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While Kai was showing the disabled bomb at the mall, two more bomb signals picked up Kai's laptop. BOMB3 in the history museum and BOMB4 in the new state of the art building in Maple Pines. He tried to type that command to both bombs, but it didn't work. "Holy shit. You need to disable those both, now!" He exclaimed to Erik.

@JPax @SirGrey
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Erik Młynarz

"Manually..." Erik fired the device around his back. A grapple hook fired off into the distance, catching onto a building. "I can't disable both at same time. I'll take building, you take history museum. Stay away from building. Warn civilians to evacuate." He gave a final wave before slingshotting himself into the distance at seventy kilometers an hour. 

Erik arrived at the new building rather quickly, still in the air. He pulled out a flashlight and found a window to fly through. The officer barreled through the window, and began to search for the bomb.

@CrossedInLyke @SirGrey
"Jeez, that guy is hella fast." Kai muttered and he sighed, "And I don't take orders from the police." He ran going to the musuem, which is just a kilometer away from the central park. "Good luck to me though." He continued to run and make rhythm on his running so he doesn't get tired that much.

He reached the musuem in no time. He tried to enter the musuem, but the police was blocking him. "Let me in, and evacuate the people inside here. There is a bomb inside this building that's about to go off anytime." He waited for the polices' answer.

@YoungX @JPax

Frank Sanguine 

Frank couldnt make heads or tails of anything that was going on. So he decided to leave as he had been left alone by the police. As he walked away he spotted some guy running like another bomb was about to be set off... he took up a jog which for the skeleton of a person that was frank was rather fast after the person better safe then sorry he was trying to wave the preson down as he jogged.

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