Main RP [RP happens here]

Kai leaned behind him and saw another person wave his hand to him. He waved back for no reason. Kai faced the police and replied, "Its a bomb! Do you want to explode your faces or not? Let me in so I can defuse it!" Kai knew he has no time to defuse the bomb, but he still hasn't given up. The bomb is going to explode any second now.

@Theflamre @JPax @SirGrey

Corporal Ivan Sarkozy

Ivan made effort to block Kai from entering. "We will send the warning to evacuate everyone. The elite operations squad is currently doing something, they'll be here shortly. You didn't see them, did you?" Ivan was well under their ranking, and could easily be swayed by simply threatening him with Alison's presence. However the captain was busy. "Short woman, angry face? Even shorter woman, wingsuit? Or some Polish guy?"

@CrossedInLyke @Theflamre
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Corporal Ivan Sarkozy

Ivan made effort to block Kai from entering. "We will send the warning to evacuate everyone. The elite operations squad is currently doing something, they'll be here shortly. You didn't see them, did you?" Ivan was well under their ranking, and could easily be swayed by simply threatening him with Alison's presence. However the captain was busy. "Short woman, angry face? Even shorter woman, wingsuit? Or some Polish guy?"

@CrossedInLyke @Theflamre

Frank Sanguine

"She said something along the lines of I have a plane to catch, second off I doubt you can evacuate everyone in time third of all" he said taking a short breath. "As long as we all are dead set on sitting here and dieing could you please kill you self first." This is why Frank mugged people he couldn't be bothered to deal with the really stuiped ones like captin bitch and her personal ass kisser here. "O and lastly WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU RUNNING TOWARDS THE BOMB" he was only following the man cause he thought they were running away from a bomb.

Kai replied to the man. "Because, I'm here to defuse the bomb. Unlike, this..." He was tempted to bring out his dagger and kill him, but he managed to not do it. "Jeez, THE BOMB IS GOING TO EXPLODE ANY TIME NOW!" He shouted at the world.

@Theflamre @JPax 

(and @SirGrey you can explode the bombs now)
"How disappointing" the mastermind mutters as the countdowns reach their epitaph. It seemed both the museum and the office building would be meeting their end today. Edward was a tad surprised no one managed to stop him this time. Still, it was the calculated option. No the final parts of the plan could start to take effect. "Knight takes rook it seems" Edward mutters with a sly smile. 

@JPax @YoungX @Salex The Baldie @Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @Theflamre

Frank Sanguine

"Fuck this" he said as he started springing away from the museum. Every ones so adement about dieing let them he was getting away from here preferably before the bomb went off. Well worst comes to worse he would be close enough to grab what ever survived from the museum ... or he would be dead.

@CrossedInLyke @JPax @YoungX
Kai pushed away the police and followed the man that rushed in the musuem. The fossils, paintings, and other antique artifacts distracted Kai, but he managed to stay in focus. Then, a thought appeared in his mind, "Why is it taking so long?" Kai's eyes widen. He tried to push the fire alarm before the bomb goes off. "DUDE, LETS GET OUT OF HERE!" He shouted at the man.

@JPax @SirGrey @Theflamre @YoungX

Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth

Alison grabbed the plane's controls, looking around outside. "Well, the woman just jumped out of here is a serious idiot." She pulled out both swords and jammed them into the floor of the plane, so they wouldn't hurt anybody. "Alison, we are about to crash into a building! PULL THE STICK!!"

"Calm down, I still got time." 


Alison pulled the stick hard, taking the plane into a vertical loop over the building. She grabbed Pandora by the shirt with her other hand and looked directly into the woman's eyes. Pandora stared back, however shaking. "C-Captain?"

"Don't. Ever. Leave."

Pandora nodded hastily, in an effort to stop the awkward. Alison pushed the stick downwards, bringing the plane towards a large open field. Landing there would have disastrous consequences, but now was the time that Alison really had nothing better to do. "Think we can find the woman after this?"

"No, she's not important. This plane is."

Erik Mlynarz

After a bit of searching, Erik found the bombs before the countdowns began to reach the end. "If I die today, Alison will kill me. Pathetic bombs aren't worth dying over..." He pulled out industrial grade tools and, with quick movements as well as precision, he began to disarm them. He had seen bombs similar to this before, and although they were a bit advanced than the ones he was trained with, they had the same underlying structure. 

@SirGrey @CrossedInLyke

Akira takes the money, and locks some of it in a hidden compartment in her van, while putting the rest in her wallet in her pants pocket. She starts to pack up and leave when she notices a missed call from Jake. After locking up the back of the van, and hopping in the driver's seat, she calls him back as she starts up the car.

Jake would have just finished helping a injured man when he answered "Hello?" He would grunt as he tied a bandage around the leg of another person. His voice would be stressed as he spoke "Were you caught in any of the blasts? Do you need help?" He sounded worried as a injured man groaned in pain. He was tightening a tournekit on the mans leg to stop the bleeding

@Crystal Cali


Shadowkiller packed her shoppings and drived off. When driving home she get message where was new job to her. Small crimeboss that hadn't gone jail thanks to pass judge.

Well at least i have something to do at night.


Woman walked to bar counter and show her ID: Nemo Dark age 19.


Nemo's phone vibrated and she looked info that she had hijack from her sister's mail.

Sis will most likely go at night after him, well i will be faster.


Hanah panted from screaming, not knowing what they was going to do her.

Akira's eyes went wide, and she sounded shocked as she spoke. "Blasts? I didn't know of any blasts?" She only had to drive around a couple of corners before she ran into the aftermath of the blasts. "What the hell?" She had driven out to the road by the central park, and saw the destruction. "Damn it. Was this all done by that guy you told me about? He acts fast, doesn't he?"

Jake turned to see her. His buisness sui was stained with blood. Pices were torn off and could be seen wrapped around the wounds of the injured. His white collared shirt and tie were stained with patches of blood. His black pants darkened by blood and his black overcoat/vest was torn and bloody. His gloved hands had blood on them aswell and he looked up at her for a brief moment. "This is why I needed you." He said not to make her feel bad but so that she understood the consequences of her actions of ignoring his call. He then looked back to the young girl who had burns on her left leg and he smiled "You'll be ok sweety." He looked around to make sure no one was watching as a needly came out of his left wrist and he smiled "Just a small pinch ok?" He said as he pushed the needle into her leg. The nanobots flowing into her immediately nullifying her pain as they began to repair her burnt tissues. Akira might have seen it as he didnt check directly behind him. He was more worried about other seeing than her. The little girls leg looked better already and she stopped crying as the pain stopped

@Crystal Cali
Well, Jake may not have intended to offend Akira, but she still scowls at his statement. "I'm not an on-call hero. You should have called the police first," she spat, sounding frustrated. 

Kai ran outside the building, ignoring the man who was still inside. He followed the flow of people panicking while going outside the history building. Kai didn't notice he is still wearing his bag after all that, but he didn't care much about it. He ran to the central park and saw Akira, who looked frustrated while looking at Jake, his hands and clothes bloody while helping the persons affected in the blast trajectory. He approached them, panting from his run. "Akira, you're late. But, good thing you didn't get hurt." He stated. Kai looked around, and the man, who was with the police captain, hasn't come back yet.

@Theflamre @JPax @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Jake had finished helping the little girl and he turned and stood up as Akira spoke to him "We did. Thats why the police are here." He spoke in a calm tone but it was clear to see there was pain in his eyes. He then spotted Kai and he nodded to the tall boy before he looked back to the wounded that he had helped. "I'm gonna kill that man...." he said in a cold tone. He never spoke in such a manner but this had hurt him personally. How could anyone do something like this? There were kids at this park.....Jakes hands balled up into fist as he thought more about the subject

@Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke
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Kai looked around him. The sound of ambulance signal, medics continuously ordering themselves and others pick that body or someone, rescue teams digging out debris, and many more. It all happened at once, and only an ADHD person can keep track to all of it. "Yeah, we all want to kill him. We can do it this night." Kai said. He almost forgotten he still has the seek to Edward Smithwood's signal location.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Akira nodded to Kai. "I don't take calls when I'm with clients. Even responding to Jake's message was breaking my protocol," she spoke to Kai, though her cold tone was intended to make clear to Jake that he shouldn't blame her. "Do you know where this guy is yet? If I have some time, I can build some new weapons for you two to give you an edge." 

@ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke
"I dont know. Thats why I need you both."

he said calmly as he looked to the both of them "I cant trace him. Im not good with that type of stuff. I need you guys to trace him so I can apprehend him." He said quietly before looking to Akira "What I said a minute ago wasnt meant to He insulting. Dont take it that way but when I tell you lives could be at stake I would assume your protocol should be put after them." He then looked to Kai and smiled "Did you locate the other bombs?"

@CrossedInLyke @Crystal Cali
He gazed to his apartment building, just a few blocks away from the central park. He opened his laptop and saw a blinking light that he labeled, EDLOC1. "Mhm, I still have his location." He told them. "Also. I'm gonna go visit my apartment. It's been a few days since I visited there. See you later, guys." He walked to his apartment building, leaving them alone.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Akira snorts and rolls her eyes at Jake. She considers, for a moment, telling him again that she's not an on-call hero, but this wasn't the time to get into a conversation that would only go in circles. "I'll go gather supplies and set up shop at your place then," she says, then calls in Kai's direction "If you need me to build anything specific, send me a text," as he walked off, then looked to Jake, "you too. Text me if you have something specific." After that she turns back to her van, and drives off.

Akira makes her way to several shops around, outside of the area of the disaster area, picking up pre-made weapons she could modify, along with raw materials she would need to build attachments. She knew she didn't have time to start from scratch, but she did have several signature designs she could put together by the time the day was over. Once she was fully-stocked, she would drive back to Jake's mansion and set up shop in the pool area.

Akira finds a sturdy table, and drags it to the area between the bar and the outdoor pool. She places her materials and her tools on the table, then heads upstairs. Akira grabs one of her unmarked DVDs, and her spare laptop. The other one was still hidden in a compartment down by the bar. She sets up one of her laptops to do an automatic search on the name "Edward Smithwood." She figured Kai had already done a search, but Akira's computer was also searching hidden forums on the deep web in case anything significant was hiding below the surface. Her second computer was used to monitor local news sites, and wait for the nightly podcast, in case she was still working when that came on. 

After setting up the computers, Akira turns on a nearby TV, and inserts her DVD into the built-in player. A collection of "home movies" featuring Akira, Searan, and Searan's sister, Heejung, began to play on the screen. Akira had the volume of the TVs a bit low but still loud enough that she could hear as she began dismantling and modifying the weapons she had purchased.

@ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke @SirGrey
Kai entered his apartment, and people inside there look confused. He just walked through stairs like nothing weird happened. He entered his apartment room, and it still looks the same. He entered his room and thought about everything that happened. When he closed his eyes, his past invaded. The good guys who killed his parents... He wanted revenge. He wanted to take back everything they did to him. He wanted to stop hiding out of the shadows. He opened his eyes, sat up, and opened his laptop. The signal and Smithwood's call number still flashed on the matrix map of the city. He made a decision to betray. He called Edward Smithwood, hoping if he could accept the deal.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali @SirGrey
Jake was tired. When the two left he sat back for a moment to relax. His head was pounding  and his body ached. He stood up and headed back to his car. The EMT's and Paramedics should be able to handle the rest. He begsn to drive home, he needed to change, afterall his clothes were soaked in blood. Once he arrived home he quickly changed into a new suit. He went to Akiras room, he figured shed be up there and he wanted to make sure she had everything she needed. To his surprise she wasnt. He sighed and walked down stairs outside through the spa to the pool area. He spotted her immediately and he waved as he walked over. Once he was only a few feet away he spoke "Hey, need anything? Supplies? Anything really."

@Crystal Cali
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Akira had brought a stool over to the table, and was sitting on it as she used a small screwdriver to pull apart an ordinary handgun. "Maybe some candy, or something to eat," she says after a moment, realizing that she had forgotten to eat all day. Well, it wasn't the first time Akira had done that. Akira had looked up to Jake as she spoke, then her eyes flickered towards the TV as soft giggles came from the speakers.


Centered on the TV screen was Searan, looking into a small box with a look of disappointment on his face. He looked up at the camera, and stared for a moment before Akira's voice came from behind the camera.

"Nooo, don't be upset," she cried as she hopped into view and threw her arms around Searan's shoulders. Akira's hair in the video was longer, and she was wearing a black hoodie with cat ears that were blue on the inside.

"Hey now," a female voice came from behind the camera. "You did say you thought it would be exciting to try them and see what flavors you get."

"I did not," Searan protested, then a mischievous grin spread across his face. "I said it's fun watching other people try, and get nasty flavors. Soo, Heejung, wanna try one?"

"Nope!" the camera's view shakily jolted backwards. Searan turned his playful gaze towards Akira.

"What about you, Akira?" Akira let go of Searan as he spoke, and took a step backwards.

"No.... I" Akira looked to the camera. "Run!" 


As she watched the video on the screen, Akira let out a small chuckle. Her hands continued to work on dismantling the weapon, and she seemed to be able to do it efficiently, even though she continued to look up at the TV screen. A look of realization crossed Akira's face, then she looked over to Jake again. "You use guns that attach to your wrists, don't you? Would you like me to build something along those lines?"


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