Main RP [RP happens here]

Jake was right. How can Kai find that person if he is using a proxy number? Then out of the blue, he got an idea that might actually work. "I got an idea, and it could work." Kai continued. "You call Smithwood. I'll try to get into your call using my laptop. Once I get to that, I'll locate the source of the signal you're receiving."

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
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In the most unknown of places, a dirty, silvery mask glinted in the crack of sunlight that managed to slip through the walls of the compound. A young woman entered the room a few seconds later, looking to the masked figure. "I know what you did. You make it so obvious, and then you leave the door open. We're done with you." A gun could be barely made out in the woman's hand. Shakily, and filled with fear, the woman raised the gun and pointed it straight to the mask. "T-Trust me...I will shoot!"

The mask made no movement. Suddenly, the outline of a gloved hand began to glow amidst the darkness with a blue aura. "What...what the hell are you doing? Y-You know that doesn't work if I'm...I'm-" The woman's hand began to violently shake, now for another reason. The gun ripped from her fingers and flew into the masked figure's hand. "I-Impossible...a...a...psychic-?" The woman was at a loss of words for what just went down as the masked figure began to walk forwards. "I didn't know it was you at the door, Celine. I'm no psychic, just an ordinary guy with electromagnets." The glow returned to the masked figure's hand. The woman hysterically began to sob as she tried to make her way out, but found herself unable to run. The floor had somehow restrained her. "NO! LET ME GO! KILL ME! KILL ME! KILL ME PLEASE! END MY LIFE I KNOW YOU CAN!! PLEASE KILL ME!" As the woman fell to the ground, a snap rang out from her feet. She continued to scream while Gamma began to walk circles around her. "Celine. You're far too beautiful to be rotting in a grave. Cheer up." Gamma lifted Celine's face to meet the masked silver eyes of his. ""

Gamma held his hand up, and the glove began to glow once again. "Hello there."

Almost immediately, the woman began to have serious muscle spasms, saliva dripping out of the corners of her mouth as she tried to scream, but found herself unable to. "Don't scream. That's just worse for me."

A hatch opened in front of the woman's trap, dangling her body over a seemingly endless drop. Gamma released the restraints and let the woman fall. A faint splash was heard at the bottom, though Gamma had prepared to smile just a second before he heard it.

After about half an hour of being tossed around (and not reacting to) sewer currents, the woman stumbled out of a random sewer maintenance hole, far away from the building. Her eyes were glassy, except for a glowing red bar that was visible faintly through her eyes. "..." 

<Woman is open>

steve has been working for hours now, and nia's just sitting there..... huh. well he started to smell something, wasn't quite pleasant.

"nia when was the last time you took a bath"



Nia Arini

"Uh...I did wash my hands before investigating the shootings of the revolution. Can't contaminate the corpses! Bath, I don't know." She grinned widely and moved the heart to the other freezer for the body parts. Nia wondered why Steve asked about a bath in the first place. 

@Salex The Baldie

suddenly steve would grab his pot usually used for... actually cooking food once in a while, and smack nia in the head with it, enough to knock her out.



he would proceed to drag her to his bathroom, and strip her naked (no ideas here perverts XD). he would then drag her onto the bathtub and start to bathe her. "the damn things i do to keep my apartment clean" he said as he used bleach to literally have to take away the scent of her.


Kai said as his fingers flew on the keyboard, "Maybe." He put out his unusually high-tech wireless headphones and put it in his ears. He tapped the enter key and he got into the call. "I'm connected to the call. I'm getting a slightly weak source of the signal, but it would be better if that guy answered." He told him.

@SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic
The mastermind was leant back in his chair. The only piece that was left to fall into place was time. For something so simple to understand it can be the most unpredictable part of the plan, if not factor for correctly. That's when a call came on his phone. Answering it with a sly smile on his face he says "Well done Alex you are so very smart" he says in a mocking tone. "Tell which one was it Kai or L0V3BUG, doesn't  matter after all they will all suffer because of you but call it curiosity," he says a sinister hint in his voice. "Now you most likely are going how I'll never win, you'll die before you let you friends die or anyone die but buts let just say you won't have time for that," he says as he looks over the bomb timers on his computer. The first two, one at the central park another at the mall would go off first out of the six. In less the minute to be exact.

 @CrossedInLyke @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Jakes eyes widened at his words "Why? Why are you doing this?" He asked as tried tonremain calm "If you have a problem with me thej settle it with me leave civilians out of it."

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"He answered it. I have his full location now, and I'm seeking it. 18 hours until the seek ends--" Kai got cut while his saying something to him (got a bit confused, is it Alex or Jake?). He noticed two faint signals in his computer. Kai killed a command that hides hidden signals, and he received two signals. BOMB1 in the central park, and BOMB2 in the mall. Both have timers, and it is less than a minute. He told (Jake/Alex) quietly, "Put the phone down." Then he said to Edward, "It's Kai." Then Kai disconnected from the call.  Kai never had experience disabling a bomb before, so he did a common command on BOMB2, >exec disable<. It disabled. Kai knew he had time to disable the bomb at the central park, but he didn't.

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
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Jake hungup and he looked to Kai "What do we do? Hes gonna kill them?" He said quietly as to not cause panic and he then got up worriedly "The hospital.....he was there earlier and he said something about everyone suffering." His eyes widened in panic and he called Akira and he looked to Kai. "If it gors off there hundreds will die. Women, children, everyone even elderly." Before he turned back walking out waiting for Akira to answer

@Crystal Cali @SirGrey @CrossedInLyke
The mastermind smiles at his computer screen. One out of six weren't bad. Still, the mall was safe, the park sadly wasn't. As Jake was talking on his phone to both hackers a bomb would go off in the central park. A huge fiery ball of death and carnage encompassing the tiny island of green in the huge city of steel grey. The mastermind expected that heroes might show up, and maybe might even stop of few of the other bombs it would teach them a valuable lesson. They can't save everyone, especially while Edward Smithwood is around.  

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke @Salex The Baldie @JPax @Hanah Solo @YoungX @DankWaffles (Taging everyone cause well a bomb did go off) 
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After reports of a bomb that went off in the central park, police were immediately dispatched along with some ambulances. Once they arrived, the police would start to evacuate anyone still alive and find anyone else remaining. Any... bodies would be placed within body bags and those injured are sent to the hospital. The police didn't think anything like this could happen; it almost feels like a terrorist attack. People would be shocked, scared, and just outright worried. For now the police would do whatever they can to not only help the people but also find out who did it. 

@JPax @Salex The Baldie @SirGrey
What the hell was that? AJ thought as she ran towards the park after hearing a massive boom. When she got there, she saw the police, body bags, bodies, and the injured. "Oh-Oh my god! What happened?," she cried. "What-Who did this? Officer!," AJ exclaimed, trying to flag down one of the police, "Officer, what happened?"

@JPax @YoungX @Salex The Baldie @SirGrey

Elite Operations Squad

Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth Erik Młynarz

The bombs were definitely a job for the regular police, but the elite operations squad was making rounds around town when the bombs struck. Since they traveled through the air, they could easily feel the shockwave. Alison even saw it. The three landed directly in front of someone (AJ), who was trying to get the attention of an officer. The captain answered with a calm, but serious and biting tone, as well as a straight face. "We can't get you any information at this time. Leave." Alison directed the man away from the scene of the crime by pointing away. Pandora and Erik began to help the investigation. "Who would do this? Nevermind, officers...keep Alison informed alright?"
"Oh. Um, alright, then." AJ said as she started walking back home. Who could've done this? Was it someone that knows I go jogging in the park every night? Was I being targeted?!? As she was thinking all this, she started jogging, then sprinting the last few blocks home. She unlocked the front door, went in, and sat down to play Xbox to calm down.

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Jake gave up on the call and got into his car after hearing the explosion. He drove towards central park. Police and other emergency vehicles passing by and he frew more anxious. He stopped getting out of his car. And running over as soon as he arrived. He ran into a few of the cities Elite operations squad as he was rushing to the scene. He had a civil duty to save lives. He swore an oath when being made a MD that he would help all those in need. And the EMTs and Paramedics (Yes they are different) would most likely need help. They were trained to provide first aid and to keep someone alive until brought to the ER which was no easy task ((beleive me im currently being trained in first aid and all)) but anyone with advanced medical knowledge would be useful. He kept running. He was rather fast for your average doctor when it came to running. Almost as if he was used to running like his life depended on it. 

@JPax @YoungX
The mastermind couldn't help hold back a laugh. The park explosion had most of the cities population upside down in confusion and hopefully the Doctor was one of them. Still, if just one bomb could do this what about the others. They had about five minutes left on their respective timers. One was placed in the cities museum while the other was by a new office building built only a few weeks ago. The past versus the present as it were. Edward could hardly wait to see which one if any would survive. He knew that with his hacker friends, Alex might be in with a chance of preventing on of the blasts but they were only a possibility. Edward like to deal with facts, like te fact that two bombs are planted and set to go off.  

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke @Salex The Baldie @JPax  @YoungX 
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Elite Operations Squad

Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth | Erik Młynarz

[SIZE= 14px]Alison saw Jake run past the squad. It wasn't the squad's duty to worry about medical stuff, just to find them. "Alie, there's something about this that's off." Pandora looked down at the digital map in her left hand. Her eyes widened in a mix of surprise and agony. "What is happening, Pan- oh. Alright..." Erik gave a hand signal to his captain, who called in on the police HQ. "Agent Theta, he has a job. Best hacker we have. No, I can't hold." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]And they put her on hold. Damnit.[/SIZE]

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX









Ryan had lost track of time as soon as returned with the equipment he had been searching for, but Ryan didn't take much care. He was too busy with piecing together his suit. The crate that contained his armor was sitting in an office chair, in the far corner of his cave. Within the crate of goodies was more then his new armor. There was a helmet, painted red, that was installed with thermal vision and a communications device. Luckily, Sarah had volunteered to add new components while Ryan designed his new suit. This new suit would be much more to his needs. The armor itself was flexible, allowing him to move freely and quickly, but it still added protection from bullets, unless it was a shotgun being shot at point blank range, or a FMJ bullet. But the armor could withstand 9mm bullets, auto rounds (as long as he didn't get hit too much), and knives. With his suit almost complete, Sarah had just finished adding some 'ingredients' to the helmet.

"Alright. Your helmet is finished." and she plopped the vibrant red helmet in front of him.

"What'd you add?" ,Ryan said, still tinkering with his suit.

"Oh, you know, a rebreather, voice modifier, voice activation for your bike annnd," ,the suspense now intrigued Ryan as he looked to meet her eyes, "an explosive device wired to the top of the helmet, on the inside of course. It's capable of bringing down a 15 story building." ,Sarah continued with a smile.

"You didn't have to go all out you know." ,Ryan said, breaking eye contact and went back to molding his suit pieces together, "Was there anything else that we can use, that was found in the crate and all.".

"Yeah a few surprises.", Sarah remarked, walking away, smiling.

Only 10 minutes had passed, until Sarah bolted out of the main entrance to the cave, tears swelling her eyes.

"Ryan! A bomb went off in the park! My sister was there!" ,she cried.

Without a second to waste Ryan quickly equipped his armor and other equipment and tore out of the cave's secret garage entrance. He sped in between emergency vehicles and throttled the bike even more. The bike itself was now pushing it's max speed and it was still too slow. When Ryan had arrived to the site, he only saw death, destruction, and desperation. The cries of people filled the air as he tried to control his anger, the rage that was now building up was just too much though. And then... he saw a body. The body of not only Sarah's sister, but her nephew, Andrew. He was only 2 years old. A nearby police officer brought bags over to place the bodies in. Ryan kept to the shadows, as he didn't want to expose himself to the whole police force, he was already wanted in 7 different states and 2 different countries. Trying his best to stay in the shadows, Ryan then caught sight of what seemed to be a red laser being pointed only inches to the right of him. Whoever was watching Ryan, knew that he would be hiding in that spot. And then, *POW*! A bullet had whizzed by Ryan's right shoulder and he looked from rooftop to rooftop, trying to find the sniper. And there they were, escaping.

"Alright hotshot, let's see what 'chu got." ,Ryan exclaimed as he got off the ground, activated his voice modifier, and ran after the assassin, maybe the potential bomber.

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