Main RP [RP happens here]

Akira barely glances at the weapon Chi was looking at, though says confidently "The handguns will work with 9mm rounds." She reaches for another case, and opens it, showing an array of different kinds of ammo, including what Chi had asked for earlier. "Take your pick."

@Hanah Solo
He looked to the man taken back with slight surprise "How do you know who I am? And if you harm any patients here I will have you arrested!" He said in frustration as he looked to the man "What do you want with me?" He asked more quietly, his calm and welcoming tone gone. He had a cold tone now. He was clearly not liking the situation

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The mastermind was rather amused by the Doctor's composure under such circumstances. "I control one of the greatest and most powerful criminal organisations know to man you think your identity was is so beyond my reach" Edward says as he grabs his cane, its silver handle shining under the hospital light. "Also do you think the police worry me, besides I'm sure they would be as interested in your activities as mine" he says as he moves closer to the doctor. "All I wish to say is that soon the game shall commence and you had better keep your eyes on the task at hand, for it will be more then just your patients in harms way Mr Sutherland" the mastermind says as he exits the room, and the building, along with his security. @ThatOneLunatic 
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He froze and he turned "If you touch my patients. Or anyone in this city. I will kill you." He said in a serious tone as the man left. He then pulled out his phone and sent a text to Akira Hey I know your probably busy. Sorry to bug you but we need to talk ASAP. I think someones going to do something to the injured people at the hospital. He hit send and then put his phone away, watching the mans movements as he left with his security, he then left the room marking him as cleared to leave putting his clipboard down at the front desk and leaving the hospital. Getting into his car and starting it. He was in such a rush he forgot to take off his lab coat that had dried blood on it from stopping the bleeding of a man injured in ladt nights attacks. His wound had reopened and he went into shock.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali
Akira feels her phone vibrate as she gets the text. She pulls out her phone, seeing as Shadowkiller hadn't asked her a question in a bit. "Excuse me," she says in Japanese, then bows her head, and spins around so she was hidden inside the back of the van. She takes out her phone and reads the text, then quickly sends a reply. Contact the police, then. I'm with a client, so I can't do much right now. 

@Hanah Solo

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He shook his head looking at the reply I cant tell them. Apparently this guy has dirt on me. Something the police would arrest me for. I dont even know what it could be. He replied as he began driving towards the downtown district

@Crystal Cali
Akira sighs, and rolls her eyes. Seriously? Who forgets if they have a secret police would arrest them for? Obviously he was bluffing. Akira pauses as an idea comes to her, then she starts typing again. What was this guy's name, you know?

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He smiled and nodded to himself before entering in Yeah his name is Edward Smithwood he said he's some big crime boss or something. Never heard of him though. He sighed to himself before sending a second text You mind looking him up for me?

@Crystal Cali
Kai Williams

Kai regret sleep. He means, he drank alcohol while his daily sleep is like, no sleep to 2 hours of sleep. He slept for 12 freaking hours. New record, but bad, he thought. He woke up lying on a big bedroom, which he assumed was the master's bedroom. The chandelier placement and its light perfectly fits the white-colored wall. He tried to sit up but his head was flaming with headache. He touched his head with his right arm and muttered, "Why did I even do that...?" He tried to sit up again with the hope that his headache will fade. Fortunately, it did. He stood up and tried to scan around the house for Jake and Akira. Kai found nothing. He sat in the guest room and tried to text Jake. Yo, where you at?  He tapped send.

Akira reads the text, and then quickly sends a reply. Sure, once I'm finished with my client. and then moves back to sit in the open door of the van. "Sorry about that," she says," urgent message. So, see anything you like?"

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
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Jake smiled at Akiras response All right good luck with your sale he sent before his phone buzzed and he was suprised to see it was from Kai. Kai! Where have you been? Havent seen you in a while? You just disappeared out of no where. he chuckled to himself I got myself into a bit of a sticky situation. Meet me at the coffee shop we first met at. he send before he drove home. Quickly entering his home heading into his room and changing into a business suit. He then got in his car and started on his way to the coffee shop

@Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke
As the mastermind takes a car home, he grows a grin which bears no pleasantry, in its place is a sense of sadistic pleasure and Machiavellian machinations. Once Akira got to searching, she would find little on the man Edward Smithwood. Only little, vague pockets of information here and there, put with her skills she would pick up a few details,  details that included him being one of the most dangerous modern day criminal minds. "The game is most defiantly on" Edward mutters as he pulls out a phone. Using a proxy number he would text dear Jake with a single message "How unfortunate for you to brings friends into the matter, they didn't need to suffer as well" just as he arrives as one of his country estates.  @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke
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Jake had arrived at the coffee shop and ordered a normal Large iced regular and sat down. He heard his phone buzz and checked it. He was expecting someone he knew, he had no clue who the number was from but the message was clear. Once he read it he knew who it was form and he messaged Akira instantly Akira he has my number, he said hes going to make you suffer as well. The matter is more than urgency now. He sent before adding the proxy number I'm not sure if its his number of if hes using a fake one but thats what he used he sent before he took a long sip on his cofee and then texted Kai again Hurry. This just got worse. 

@Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke @SirGrey
Kai Williams

I made a regrettable decision that day(night?) but I sneaked out of the mansion, tried to buy some tacos, got into a fight, then became friends with and got drunk on the way back. He replied to Jake then continued, And sure. I'm energized. Kai remembered the way from the mansion to the coffee shop, which was unusual, since its like a long way off. He called a taxi, got in the passenger seat, and he is on his way to the coffee shop.

Kai Williams

He finally arrived in the coffee, and he brought his trusty old backpack with him. He got out of the taxi and paid the driver the exact money. He got inside the coffee shop and instantly found Jake drinking coffee. He sat in the other chair and told him, "Hey dude. Looking fancy in your business suit. So, what happened?"

Jake looked releived that Kai sat across from him and he had a strange look to him. Jake was looking around cautiously. He explained everything including trying to contact Akira and he hedl out his phone showing him the text from the proxied number "Do you think you oculd help me out." He asked as he looked at him worriedly "I think he is going to attack the hospital that I work at."

@Crystal Cali @CrossedInLyke @SirGrey
Kai Williams

He finally arrived in the coffee, and he brought his trusty old backpack with him. He got out of the taxi and paid the driver the exact money. He got inside the coffee shop and instantly found Jake drinking coffee. He sat in the other chair and told him, "Hey dude. Looking fancy in your business suit. So, what happened?"


[Note: Oh and next time avoid double posting. If needed one should edit his or her post if something extra would be included.]
[Note: Oh and next time avoid double posting. If needed one should edit his or her post if something extra would be included.]

[Should've edited it lol. Noted.]

Kai Williams

"You know me. Of course I can help you out. What do you plan to do with it?" Kai told Jake truthfully. But, with the end of the revolution led by S3RP3NT, his desire to overthrow the government is still Kai's mission. Nothing has changed within him.

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Hanah didn't listen Esther as she runned to Veena right after Esther had thrown her to floor. 

"Mistress, please wake up."



Shadowkiller pick up cases of 9mm ammos and 14.5x114 ammos and 2 pistols.

"You have thigh holsters?"

@Crystal Cali
He smiled "Well I dont know. Is there something you can do. Maybe trace back the number." He asked he knew a little about pcs and stuff but no where near as much as the others "Maybe find out soemthing about him, where he lives maybe." 

Akira nods, and swaps the case with guns for a case with holsters. She rummages through to find a thigh holster and offers it to Shadowkiller. "Anything else I can provide you with?"

@Hanah Solo
Kai Williams

"I can do that. Good idea." Kai said. He opened up his bag and put out his laptop. He turned on command prompt and tried to locate the number. He received the coordinates and tried to locate it from the internet. The call was made in Hawaii. "This is impossible. The call was made in Hawaii, yet you said you met him earlier. He's using a proxy number, and I can't do anything with it." He told him. Kai found an identity but it was a 14-year old student. "Nothing. I found nothing."

Jake sighed and sat back. "Do you think you could dig some dirt up on him? Background check him? Find something? His name Is Edward Smithwood." He said quietly so that any observers couldnt hear. He then sat back sipping his coffee casually.


Esther Khan | Veena Sanchez | Estelle Yin

"Let her be, you inconsiderate fuck. Don't you know that she's unconscious?" Esther smirked as she watched Hanah hopelessly try to wake Veena up. It would probably take her a full day to wake up, maybe more, if she could wake up at all...

Estelle covered her ears at Hanah's screaming and began to shake. "Esther, make her stop...aaahhhh..." She began to whimper and lay down on the couch, tears filling her eyes. Esther ran her hand slowly down Estelle's back before rage filled her eyes. She got to her feet and pulled out a roll of duct tape. "So, you like making little girls cry, right? Under the right circumstances, I do as well." Esther cracked her neck and unraveled the tape. Then, she turned Hanah by the shoulder and tried to tape her mouth.

@Hanah Solo


"I think that's all, for now. How much it's?"

Shadowkiller taked holsters and then take out bundle of money.

@Crystal Cali


Hanah started to resistance Esther's grasp. 



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