Main RP [RP happens here]

Chief of Police Frank Westmore


"Ah Hales?" Frank says as he gets up from his seat and approaches her. He raises his hand and smiles. "A high-five it is." He also kept Eckener's comment in mind. While what she said was true, reality is much more cruel. People only care about whether or not criminals get what they deserve. The upcoming trial will surely be such an example.

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Christina Hales | Alison Eckener

The commander turned around and beamed widely, her hand quivering. "R-Really?!" She brought her hand up to the chief's hand, all while Eckener took a step back and covered her ears. Christina high-fived the chief, still retaining the dumb smile on her face as she walked out of the office with the captain. "Stop smiling like a retard, we might as well be attacked by a ten meter tall retarded baby."

"High...high five...I am never going to wash this hand again, just so I can have the strength to push a car up a hill..."

"As if you wash your hands anyways. Tsk."


Chief of Police Frank Westmore

"Now do wash your hands Christina. Germs are bad for your health," hebsayd smiling as the high five certainly brightened up his day a bit. He went back to work and filed the temaining paperwork.


steve went back to his apartment, and sees something in the mail.... a package..... with an MPPD logo..... oh god not this again. he brings it into his main office and unboxes it, and there stood his worst enemy: paperwork. he starts taking it all out and starts his work on it, his hands moving like a madman as he is already used to this but there's still alot to go through...

(open for interaction)

Nia Arini Pandora Roth

Pandora was performing one of her rounds in the sky when a certain forensics expert walked out of the office and towards an apartment building. Nia seemed rather happy to be going to Steve's apartment, knowing that he'll usually let her in, especially with the large grocery bags of food she was holding in her arms. The sound of pressurized gas fizzled out from behind the forensics expert, seconds before a particularly short woman was standing in front of her. "Where are you going?"

"Steve's apartment! I brought sushi, bread, vegetables, chicken, and coffee!" Nia smiled as she walked past Pandora, who was still mildly irritated from what went down today. "Steve. You mean...Steve Argent, the detective?"

"The one and only."

"I have a paper for him..." Pandora said as she shyly folded her wingsuit wings, revealing a small MPPD envelope. Nia's eyes widened as she saw this. "Wait, how did you get your hands on classified captain orders? Even Theta can't hack into that database, you shouldn't be walking around with it!"

"Doesn't matter. I really don't think he'll like it though. Honestly, I don't know what it is."

Nia knocked on the door, smiling and now speaking in her usual sing-songy voice. "Ste-ee-eeve! I brought you sushi! And bread! And vegetables! And chicken! Oh...and coffee!"

@Salex The Baldie

steve knew the moment that door knocked it was nia, he was going to ignore it but the very second nia said "coffee", the door flung open. " what is it four eyes" he asks as the scent of freshly brewed coffee flies out and the breath of fresh air rolls in, something steve always never gets usually.



Nia Arini | Pandora Roth

Nia took a second to process what just opened in front of her before shaking her head. "Groceries. You never usually have the time so I decided I'd buy you bread, chicken, veggies, sushi, and coffee!" The forensics expert stepped back and forth. She looked down at one of the bags, which...didn't have any food in it, but it had a frozen human heart. "Hey, Steve, can I borrow your freezer? Thanks! Oh, and by the way, this is Pandora Roth, elite operations squad!" Nia quickly sprinted in before anyone could say another word.

Pandora stared, dumbfounded by what was going on. "Nice to officially meet you, detective."

@Salex The Baldie

"..... i smell meat.... don't tell me you bring another organ to this place...." he said as he walked upstairs "and yeah yeah, what the hell are you doing here" he asks with an always cold attitude as usual



Nia Arini | Pandora Roth

"Sorry again, Steve!" Nia laughed as she put the heart into the freezer. She also began setting the other food on his counter, completely distracted by the food. She didn't care that Steve's apartment smelled like windex mixed with coffee mixed with forensics. 

Pandora shook her head. "I was doing a patrol round and I ran into Doctor Arini. Anyways, I have to go and finish up on that. Here you go." She flicked an envelope with no movement at all towards Steve. It had the MPPD seal on it, and was actually slightly cold. That was a good sign it was Alison's envelope.

@Salex The Baldie

" eckener? what does she want?" he says as he grabs the envelope and goes to his desk, cluttered with paperwork. "NIA THE FREEZER'S FOR FOOD, USE THE ONE IN THE BASEMENT" he shouted before opening the letter


Working his way through the man boxes, looking for anything that may pay the rent for a good couple of months  Going through the wooden boxes the magician finds a vial of green liquid. Looking over it he goes "Hmm I have no idea what this is" Johnathan thought to himself. Placing it in his pocket he just hopes its worth something. Looking inside another crate he finds an armored suit of some kind, a suit that Johnathan can swear he has seen before. As the magician looks over the armored suit, he hears a noise of some on else coming into the warehouse.  Running over and hiding behind some more of this places copious amount boxes. 

Peeking around he see's the shadow of some one who defiantly wasn't some of the security, but looked like he could still take very easily deal with someone. Just as Johnathan was about to take of, his phone goes off. "Talk about timing... wait what" the magician thinks as he watches S3RP3NT broadcast. This was going to make his life a lot more interesting. Still the police could handle it. The more immediate threat was this man. Deciding to gamble on the fact that this character in the warehouse was also a thief, he decide to see if honour amongst thieves still exists. Coming from behind the box he says "Hello other person who is breaking inside this warehouse of treats, I assume you've  come to this warehouse uninvited and as a thief to another ne'er do well I would suggest that we help each other out" the master thief says in rather upper class tone. "Get what you want from this place and I'll take what I need and we leave it at that". @Yid
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Working his way through the man boxes, looking for anything that may pay the rent for a good couple of months  Going through the wooden boxes the magician finds a vial of green liquid. Looking over it he goes "Hmm I have no idea what this is" Johnathan thought to himself. Placing it in his pocket he just hopes its worth something. Looking inside another crate he finds an armored suit of some kind, a suit that Johnathan can swear he has seen before. As the magician looks over the armored suit, he hears a noise of some on else coming into the warehouse.  Running over and hiding behind some more of this places copious amount boxes. 

Peeking around he see's the shadow of some one who defiantly wasn't some of the security, but looked like he could still take very easily deal with someone. Just as Johnathan was about to take of, his phone goes off. "Talk about timing... wait what" the magician thinks as he watches S3RP3NT broadcast. This was going to make his life a lot more interesting. Deciding to gamble on the fact that this character in the warehouse was also a thief, he decide to see if honour amongst thieves still exists. Coming from behind the box he says "Hello other person who is breaking inside this warehouse of treats, I assume you've heard the news outside about the riot and as a thief to another ne'er do well I would suggest that we help each other out" the master thief says in rather upper class tone. "Getting back into the city now is going to be murder, literally consider how violent this riot could get and you look like you can take care of yourself so yes I am asking for help but I imagine having someone to watch your back wouldn't hurt either". @Yid

@Yid [S3RP3NT's revolution has actually ended and he is in prison now. So yeah.]

Veena Sanchez | Esther Khan

Veena mumbled something and opened her eyes to see both Hanah and...Esther?! "Move!" Veena pushed Hanah away before a foot slammed into her side, sending the criminal a few meters back. "W-What the f-," Veena sputtered, only to be kicked hard in the face once again immediately. Esther maneuvered around Veena before the criminal had a chance to hit the ground, and delivered another glorious kick to her face. "Idiot, you did fuck up a lot just by getting in prison." (Esther is speaking in Japanese).

"Wha-ACK!" Veena had no chance to react before Esther lifted her into the air and shoved her into the river. "You're here too, redhead?"

@Hanah Solo
Jake  understood why she would be upset. He sympathized with her and he backed off. He sighed "I know if must be hard on you." He said apologetically "I know what its like to lose someone close." He said as he made a weak smile and then added "We can go to the trial. Testify on his behalf or try to strike a desl with the police." He said trying to restore her hope.

@Crystal Cali
Akira smiles back weakly. "I have to go to the police tomorrow anyway. They are looking for someone who can give them more information on Searan." Akira pauses a moment, sitting down on the bed, and looking at the sheets. "I appreciate that you want to help, and I don't think I can get through this on my own anymore..... but I don't want to be.... comforted. I knew this day would come eventually, and my emotions will pass, so don't worry if I'm sad or upset. I'll work it out on my own."

Jake shook his head sitting next to Akira. He put his hand on her shoukder gently and he smiled at her saying "You dont need to fight in your own anymore. So please when someone offers help dont reject it. I want to help. And I'm here for you." He tilted her head so she was looking up at him "Now why dont we get you a drink and a cute bikini and take a swim?" He said more stating than asking. Either way he was gonna pick her up and take her to the pool if she said no

@Crystal Cali
Akira sighs, though with a small smile this time. "You go pour the drinks. I'll join you after I've changed." She gets up from the bed, picks up the bikini she had on earlier, and goes the the bathroom to change.

Jake walked out. He poured one glass of wine and set it on the bar before quickly downing the one he had from earlier and refilling it. He then stood at thenservers side of the bar. The new wine that he had poured into her glass and his was aged. It was quite old. 70 year old wine. He smiled as he took a small sip waiting for Akira to arrive as he stood leaning over the bar, his toned upoer half exposed to the air and he tapped his fingers loghtly on the bar

@Crystal Cali
Akira changes back into the bikini, then finds a brush to run through her hair. The motorcycle rides had left it rather tangled. After a while she makes her way back out to the bar, reaching for the glass of wine right away. She looked a bit more cheerful now. "Thanks," she says, taking her cup, then taking a sip.

He smiled as she took a sip. The aged wine would taste sweet yet also slightly bitter. It was good wine with great taste and he asked "Like it? Its a special bottle. Set aside for celebrations." He took a sip of his own glass as he looked to her. She looked cute in her bikini and he couldnt help but stare at her face almost in a daze. She truly was remarkable 

@Crystal Cali
Akira did not seem to be in as much of a daze as Jake was in, but she does give him a cheerful smile. "It's very nice," she says, taking another sip. She sets her glass down on the bar, then glances to the pool. "Well... I'm going for a swim." she says, then bolts towards the water, doing a cannonball into the deep end.


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