Main RP [RP happens here]

Akira walked out of the gated area of the pool, and hopped onto the bike. Once she was settled she nodded. Getting to a safe location to regroup would be more important than going to her apartment for the other computer just now. She didn't know what was happening out front. She just hoped that Jake was alright.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic @JPax
Shadowkiller drived away whit Akira, she had already muted her phone at home so it wouldn't cause problems.

"Where we are going?"

@Crystal Cali
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Captain Alison Eckener | [COLOR= rgb(255, 160, 122)]Pandora Roth [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 205)]| [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]Commander Christina Hales [/COLOR]| Agent Theta

"No, he's actually pretty good looking. Though yeah, after you described his personality I'd say that is true."

Awkward silence in the police headquarters.

"So, Alison pointed a metal detector at the guy."

"I point a metal detector at all guys."

"Why not girls?"

"They do after all have more hiding spaces than men-"

"Okay, enough of that now..." Theta said from his computer desk, giving an angry whine of despair.

"Anyways, what were we even saying?" Christina glanced down at her wrist with a slight bit of impatience. "Right, did you convince-"

"It was an absolute failure. Police corruption from a few months ago ruined any chance of us trying to help them."

"Well, what did you give them other than a chance of not being arrested by the government?"

"Coupons...for Sai's kitchen."

"Those guys! They have damn good chicken."
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Akira nods, and hops off the bike. She walks to the front of the bar, looking around for any sign of someone watching her. Once she sees the area was clear, which takes her a few minutes as she was very through, she takes out her phone and calls Jake.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic 
After Akira has gone inside, Shadowkiller takes her rifle and climbs roof of bar to keep eye on surroundings.
Note: I'll be changing the time to a new day in the morning eventually. You guys better get ready!
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Akira was a bit surprised. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why did you send me away like that? Did that make them more suspicious? What happened after I left?" she fires questions rapidly, sounding worried herself. 

He chuckled at the other end of the line and said "I'm fine, everything is fine, they left. But I think they are still looking for you."
Akira sighs, tapping her foot rapidly on the ground as she thought things through. "They've seen me at your house, though they shouldn't know who I actually am.... unless Searan still has pictures," she rolls her eyes. "Hmph. It might not be safe for me to stick around," she says, sounding frustrated.

Akira's paranoia was growing, and she honestly didn't want to get these two into trouble. Akira sighs. "I'd put you in more danger is I stuck around, and the police were after me for some reason."

Akira sighs, a bit confused as to why Jake was being so persistent. "Are you really willing to put your life at risk for a girl you just met, Jake?" she asked with a tone of disbelief. "You hardly know me."


The Edition


Suddenly out of nowhere, a live broadcast for 'The Edition' would suddenly play on the website. "Hello citizens of Maple Pines! It is I, your lovely DJ, and I am here with some news. Now it has been officially confirmed that S3RP3NT, leader of a revolution group that attacked the station today, was just arrested. There is also some other bit of news. It seems that no one knows who the mysterious hacker was that attempted to stop S3RP3NT's revolution. Officials say they are unable to pinpoint the person and are dropping any potential charges due to the circumstances involving the incident." He then clears his throat and proceeds to seemingly stack papers neatly. 

"According to reports, S3RP3NT's trial will be held within a week from today. Police have said that any witnesses to confirm S3RP3NT's identity as well as anyone close to him at the time of the incident are highly recommended to inform the police and be present in court upon date arrival. Well now... that was a crazy night wouldn't you say? Police are cleaning up the station, S3RP3NT's hideout is being investigated by the police just in case and people are recovering. There is... one interesting bit of news." 

With another sound that seemingly resembles the stacking of papers, DJ goes on to speak. "Due to the lack of candidates for the election, as well as the mayor retiring, there will be a delay on the elections. An event like this has never happened before and potential political figures, business leaders and what not are able to have the chance of having their own campaign. Who will be Maple Pine's newest Mayor? Find out next time! So long everyone!~" With that the broadcast ends.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @JPax @Salex The Baldie 
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Jake chuckled "Maybe I want to get to know you." He said as he walked around his house "How about you ditch that apartment and come live here. For free. Maybe You're eorth the trouble." 

@Crystal Cali
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Akira hears 'The Edition' playing through the bar's radio speakers. She had been standing outside the door while she was talking, but she peeked her head inside a bit to listen to what it was saying. Of course, being that she was the only person who could, without a doubt, confirm S3RP3NT's identity, she had to stick around for a bit longer. Akira barely catches what Jake says over the phone, but lets out an exasperated sigh as she does. "Let me take care of a few things first," she says, then hangs up the phone before she could answer, and walks back outside to where the bike was parked.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
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Akira gives Shadowkiller the address of her apartment. "I need a few things from there, then I'm going back to the mansion. It seems like the people looking for me are gone, though I'll have another problem to deal with come morning."

@Hanah Solo

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