Main RP [RP happens here]

Captain Alison Eckener

This sounded almost exactly like something out of a comic book, except the police wasn't scared. In fact, she had experience with cases like this. The two TME wires reeled around the captain and a single grapple smashed through a third floor window. Alison barreled through the empty building, down the railing to the first floor, and smashed out of the first floor window, angled towards the woman. Two taser pegs flew from the hilt of the captain's swords, one aimed directly at the woman's leg and the other one aimed towards the exposed skin on her shoulder. Even if they didn't hit, Alison was headed straight towards the woman and in a position to tackle her.

@Deadly Darkness

Veena Sanchez

Veena stretched and put on a set of black underwear. "Yeah, do you know how to use a gun?" She absentmindedly fiddled with the bra for a few seconds before picking up two black pistols from the coffee table. Veena hitched one to the holster on the bra and held the other one out for Hanah. "Keep that with you at all times. It's 98.5% polyester, so it should bypass security unless they actually, you know, feel you down. We should lay low for a while, though. Don't get in trouble."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah taked gun and break it apart after minute.

"It's more complicated than my at my shelter."

Hanah then start putting it gun back whole again.

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Veena Sanchez

Veena chuckled and put a dark jacket over her undergarments. "You're good with your hands. I suppose that's what happens if you spend all day stealing, right?" Veena could quite easily tell that Hanah was a burglar or something along the lines of that, based on her skills with her hands. 

"Where do you want to go?"

@Hanah Solo
"Not really, i think i have worked with all mechanical more than stealing stuff. Normally i have stolen more things to study, food or sometimes little bit of money."

Hanah's face turned red.

"I have little shelter in slums, if you are interested to come whit me there. Otherwise i would like to come whit you."

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Johnathan had grown board, eventually giving up on his walk and heading, home trying to come up with a new job. Looking over the city he pondered how such a large city with so many fools could at times offer so little for him to take. Before he could ponder anymore the phone rang. One of his brokers ringing about a job, specifically informing him of Ying Corporation. Apparently they make some high level tech, high level tech that could be sold on the black market for quite the reasonable sum. Waiting a while to respond, as so not to seem too desperate, the magician says  "Tell me where it is". According to his broker there was a storage warehouse no a few miles from the city. Placing his suit in a case, Johnathan hopes on his bike and speeds of to the location.  

Arriving in the general area, the magician finds secluded  spot to hid his bike. A quick change of outfit  and a check over the new toys he brought along, smoke bombs, a grappling hook and a few more razor card and the Grey Phantom was ready to go. Going over to the back of the warehouse the master thief surveyed the area. Main entrance most likely to have security and I doubt any warehouse would need vents. All bets seemed to rest on the sky light.  Throwing up his grappling hook Johnathan made to the top in no time at all.  Feeling along the bottom of the frame and with a bit of 'gentle encouragement the window opens up allowing the feeling to leap in with a rather silent landing. Looking over the boxes Johnathan remembers to give his broker extra for this job. @Yid
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Akira didn't look up as Chi left. She had hacked her way into the broadcast system like Searan had done, and was now searching for the other IP that had hacked into the system.... got it! She worked quickly to find the address of that IP before Searan could switch it..... and just barely. An address appeared momentarily, but then she lost the signal. The broadcast was still going, this meant Searan had changed it on her, but that didn't matter. She had seen it after all. She grabs her phone and texts the address to Chi and Jake. "You have the address, now go!" she says, still looking at her computer as she tries to find the new IP to actually hack Searan.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo


The broadcast was still going, though Searan was possibly becoming a bit incoherent, as if he was high on the adrenaline rush he was experiencing right now. Anyone near a cell phone, computer, or TV screen would be able to hear this message broadcast in a deep distorted voice. "Now that your city has no politicians to lead it, now is the time to take your lives into your own hands. Your government was weak in the first place, as many of you have already been living liberated lives! Now it is time for everyone to join in!" As he said this, many of S3RP3NT's followers rushed out onto the streets, all armed with new, very destructive weapons. With S3RP3NT's encouragement, they began to attack the police station, the one place of government that had been left untouched so far. People attempted to break windows, and throw pipe bombs into the police station, while some who had larger guns stood outside, waiting for officers to run out.

@JPax @SirGrey @Yid @YoungX

Other Police Officers of no real importance


With an order given by the higher-ups to defend the station, officers would come on out and fire at the crowd with their police railguns and riot shields, which are much more durable than regular ones. They were ready to defend the station with their life but at the same time upper management was worried.

City Council


"Now what in the sam hill is this bull shit?!" One of the higher-ups from the Government said at a small meeting room at the main Government Complex as he, as well as others, were sitting on a round table. 

"Jesus Christ... there's an actual riot!" "We have no choice but to arrest them all!" "What are you crazy?! That'll only be worse on our image you fool!" There was bickering among the higher-ups as they argued like children on a playground. This continued until one spoke up.

"Now gentlemen... I believe it's time we settled down and talked this out like adults hmm?" The man who spoke was Nathaniel D. Williams, one of the Maple Pines Council Members and the man in charge of the Maple Pines Police Division. Basically he was the one who could override and make decisions held by the Police. 

"I have the upmost confidence that our Police Force can handle such an irrelevant situation. So please... let's all be civil about this shall we? We don't want to... complicate matters do we?" He said smiling all casually as he is sitting upright and is looking as casual as can be. The rest of the higher-ups simply stay silent as they realized how immature they had acted. All they could do was trust Nathaniel.

@Crystal Cali @JPax @Salex The Baldie
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steve would evacuate the important people. eckener, hales, theta, etc would all be evacuated as the burning rubble started to fall, although suddenly for some off reason, all of the combat officers would be called by steve which they would then proceed to follow his orders...


suddenly..... loudspeakers around the police station would get hacked by someone.... "you shouldn't have tried to come here....." the broadcast said before it abruptly stopping. suddenly a smoke bomb would be set off at the back line where the big guns were. gunshots were heard as shouts of help was called and beating noises were heard. by the time the smoke lifted, 1/3 of the back row was knocked out but not dead.


unless the crowd had balls of steel, they would be at least nervous to face against an opponent that they can't see. suddenly a shout says "NOW" and over 50 combat officers with high caliber handguns and ballistic shields would start to move out of the rubble of the police station, and since 1/3rd of the back row is crippled, it's gonna be a tough time as the police holds their line, the ballistic shields protecting them from projectile and gunfire


Many of those who were still standing would try to flee from the police station, while a few brave (or idiotic) people tried to rush the police's line. As this situation was happening, Searan watched the feed from a security camera across the street. Frustrated, he yelled into the microphone, his distorted voice playing from the speakers of every device he had hacked, though arguably twice as loud. "My wonderful revolutionaries, now is not the time to run in fear! Stand up and fight! These meek government pawns are nothing to those fueled by the fire of a glorious rev-" and suddenly the voice went silent. Akira had used the scene at the police station as a distraction to her advances on hacking. Now that she was the one in control of the broadcast, she had silenced Searan's mic, and swapped the image of the black snake that had been displayed on every screen with the image of a red lady bug that had dots shaped like hearts. She didn't bother with a voice filter this time. She knew using her raw voice would send Searan into an even deeper rage, which would keep him distracted longer. Akira flipped on her own mic, and her voice rang through every hacked device, saying "Oh shut up!"

@YoungX @Salex The Baldie

suddenly another smoke bomb was thrown, and like expected, everyone in the smoke would be beaten up unconcious as the smoke lifted... steve was standing there, his foot on a person's head before smashing his foot down making the person unconcious. with the back row fully taken care of, one brave fellow tried to throw a pipe grenade at steve, to which he grabbed it mid-air and threw it back, purposely putting it in a safe distance so that they can still not be killed but injured and knocked out to some extent. steve would walk through the fire and smoke like it was nothing, setting up the fearful scene of his approach. he only said one thing... "run"


The revolutionaries were frantic, with most of them now trying to desperately escape. The broadcast which had been egging them on had stopped entirely. All the devices that were hacked had gone back to normal. Akira now had control of Searan's technology, and Searan was essentially blind to any oncoming attack. He had about ten people guarding his apartment located in various place, each one of them having an impressive weapon. 

@Salex The Baldie @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo 
Jake smiled. They had the adress. He nodded to her. He ran out sprinting through the hiuse and out the door getting in his car quickly turning it on and driving out. The gates opened just in time for him to speed out. He put the adress in the gps already and he put the pedal to the metal as he sped down the street towards the adress. Jake brought his finger to his ear and the counter next to Akira made a light beep and his voice came through "Akira? Can you hear me? Is this thing on?" He said as he continued to speed down the streets.

@Crystal Cali
Akira had to click a few things to transfer use of her mic from Searan's computer to the one where Jake would hear her. "Yes, I hear you. S3RP3NT's electronic security is under my control, so he won't see you coming. He's still probably expecting something, so I wouldn't recommend walking through the front door."

Chi speed out from gates right behind Jake and then passed him.

(reminder what Chi's bike looks like)

Chi's bike.jpg

She didn't slow down even when there was traffic or red lights.

"100mph when there is traffic, not bad."

Chi didn't start ringing to Akira when driving. Chi counted that if Akira had something talk to, she would ring.
Akira quickly links Chi's phone to the rest so all three could speak at the same time, something she probably should have done earlier. "Chi, how you approach this is up to you, but the front door of the apartment is most likely heavily guarded. I have to focus on the distraction, or else he'll counter ha- ah!" Akira's voice cut off with an alarm sound in the background which notified her that Searan was starting his counter attack. She switches the use of her microphone back to the speakers of Searan's equipment, and her voice is heard throughout the apartment. "Well, looks like I've finally caught up to you."

"Damn it, Akira!" Searan beat his fist on his desk. "Just let me do this!"

"You don't even know what you're doing and why anymore! Just stop it!" 

meanwhile in his 2 day absence, steve had been tracking down s3rp3nt and tracking down everyone who tried to go against him, a rebellion of some sorts. he found two people: lov3bug and jake AKA the doctor who worked together, but it took a while to find them. without them knowing he has been tracking them and now knowing that akira has hacked onto the broadcast, which probably meant she has control on s3rp3nt's defense system, he would take 5 of the assault officers on a swat van to s3rp3nt's hideout. suddenly a swat van would head to the front door.... but it's not stopping, it is bulletproof, and steve was not in the right state of mind so..... it rammed through a guard and into the apartment. 5 combat officers came out before steve did in a slight cloud of smoke. the c.o would locate any cctv cameras and shoot them as to cover their movements. slowly they would make their way up, going through each door to find s3rp3nt


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Commander Christina Hales Agent Theta

Christina was perfectly prepared for the situation as well. She had assembled the elite operations squad through her own command and relayed Theta's information to them. "Alright, sounds like we have something down. Please, Alison, use the front door this time. As for now I hope Steve doesn't get his rear end killed."

"Yeah, you said it commander." Theta turned to his boss as he chugged down a bottle of red bull. 

Captain Alison Eckener Pandora Roth Erik Młynarz

"Gotchya." Alison broke off the trail from the generic psycho woman since they didn't seem to do anything. @Deadly Darkness

Alison and her three squad members made their way down the street, zipping along wires like some sort of vigilante group. The only difference was that they had sirens going. As they turned tight corners towards the designated location, zipping high above the traffic, Pandora smirked and turned to Erik. "Comrade, we are back at the job so fast already!"

" serious. Captain is to molest them?"


"No. Both of you keep quiet. Erik's shit English combined with your stupidity causes messes like this. Keep your pants dry and break off."

From the altitude, Alison pointed to the breach done by Steve. They weren't going through there, no, the elite squad never went through the front door. Pandora clicked her wingsuit and took off upwards, to the higher window. Erik dropped to the ground to support Steve and the assault squad. "Detective, I am take over from here." 

Alison came in through the wall next to the window, pulling out a pyrotechnic handgun. Fireworks went off in the second floor in the MPPD's colors, as well as masking the captain in a thick cloud of colored smoke. The occasional noise of metal hitting the wall rang throughout the red and blue smoke, but other than that, the captain was making her way towards S3rp3nt. Having both swords drawn as well as the tasers ready, she was prepared for anything.

@Crystal Cali @Salex The Baldie
Akira could see the van smash through the front door, while Searan simply felt the vibrations the impact caused. Guards in the downstairs level of the apartment started shooting wildly at the SWAT team, some were skilled marksmen, and some were simply idiots with fancy weapons. The area would be in chaos, though one smaller female escaped up the stairs and back to Searan's apartment. "SWAT just busted through the front door!" she shouted as she barged into the room. Akira smiles as she hears the report.


There were only two guards near Alison, though they were not the only people on that floor of the apartment building. One guard charged Alison with reckless abandon, while the other bust open another apartment and pulled out a young woman by her hair. He held the woman in front of him like a shield, pointing a handgun which was modified with target-seeking bullets that would curve if one tried to outright avoid them.

@JPax @Salex The Baldie 

Captain Alison Eckener Pandora Roth

Alison mumbled something before flipping a sword back. With one step and pivot of her foot, followed by the glint of a sword streaking through the air left a shower of blood as the guard's head rolled on the floor. "Hostages? That's original." 

At the last minute, Pandora pointed a taser to the hostage guard's butt, and fired with extreme precision.

@Crystal Cali @Salex The Baldie
steve and his men would start to make their way up, although they would start with relative ease, 5 minutes later he would be the only one left using a wall as cover as his 5 men were all killed in cold blood. he was stuck there as he only had 1 smoke pellet left and he had to save it for later. suddenly erik came and steve had to pull his ass to the wall before he has his whole torso was about to detonate. "let me get this clear, no one takes over on my mission" he said as he takes out his grenade and throws it to the crowd, knocking the 2 guards out. he goes out of cover and starts to head upstairs

@JPax @Crystal Cali
Chi parked her bike behind of building where Akira had sended her. Then she climbed second floor window and entered in, supricing guard in that room whit slicing his throat open.

"One down."

@Crystal Cali
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Searan didn't need control of his cameras to know that the attack on him was growing. The noise from the fighting came through clearly. "Barricade the door!" he shouted, and two revolutionaries begane to move the couch towards the door, while one locked every one five locks on his door. Behind Searan was a flurry of people trying to find more things to pur in front of the door, while Searan was typing frantically on his computer to get control of the broadcast system back. Every time he began to make progress, Akira blocked him with ease. The more she blocked him, the more frustrated Searan became, until he finally threw a punch at his computer screen.

"Give up yet?" Akira asked, smugly. Her voice rang through every intercom speaker in the apartment, and so did Searan's.

"No! I can't give up! I have to-" Searan started, but Akira cut him off.

"Have to what, Searan? Get your revenge?"

"Ha! As if it was just about petty revenge anymore! I already killed the worm who got Heejung killed!"

"Then what is the point of continuing with this?"

"Because it's not good enough! Because those who have power will always trample those who do not! We all come into this world as equals, should we not always remain equals?"

"This isn't even about equality, it's about peace! Just let these people live in peace!"

@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Hanah Solo
those words rang through his head... "equality".... what a bullshit concept. he goes to the 2nd floor, then 3rd, then to the room where s3rp3nt is. " open up, or not i'm going to have to use brute force, and let's be honest you still value your spine don't you?" he asks

@Crystal Cali

Erik Młynarz

"You command mission, I make sure command happen." Indirectly, Erik had said his orders weren't to take over. His orders were the protect Steve, and that was all. The Polish man clenched the grip on his gun and taser as he walked ahead of Steve, covering the detective with the taser.

@Salex The Baldie 

Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth

Having killed the guards, Alison and Pandora made their way to the barricaded door with relative ease. While both women were rather small, it was clear that there was something else at work as some guards were even fully decapitated. "Blow the locks?"


Pandora attached a small charge to blast open 2 of the 5 locks. "Captain, I could only do two-"

"Works for me." 

Pandora stood back, pulling Steve back as well, and crouched as Alison tapped the door. She took in a deep breath and stepped back, her foot landing in Pandora's hands. Pandora looked down at the door, and, without a word, pulled up on Alison's foot. The captain vaulted forwards and, with one kick of superhuman power, contacted the door with her right leg. She had used this technique to kick down steel doors before, so this would likely end in her landing on the couch. Pandora prepared to open fire on anyone near the door, but not on S3RP3NT himself.

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
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