Main RP [RP happens here]

"And it wont be too? Too what?" He asked as he peaked over looking at the screen and he scans the page as well and he asks "S3RP3NT's doing?" He asked as he sat back and muttered to himself "This city gets crazier by the minute. Soon it will be a all out war here." He sighs as he sits back, his hair to the side as he leaned back, he was watching her movements. He didnt trust her completely yet. "Sorry, did I ever get your name?" He asked as he looked to her

@Crystal Cali
Akira nods, and grumbles. "He usually doesn't work this fast. This city's too bloodthirsty for it's own good." With an exasperated sigh, she leans back in her chair. "Akira," she answers. "And you?" she asks, not remembering weather or not he said his name.

He smiles as he says "Jake." He then sat up a little and asked "So how long does this stuff usually take? And do you need to watch it the whole time?" He was genuinely curious about it he knew a little about computers, like how to build one and stuff but no where near as much as her, he never had the time with all his medical studies and all.

@Crystal Cali
Akira looks up at Jake. "That depends entirely on when S3RP3NT makes his move. I can't track him if he's offline, but once he's online, and I catch him, hacking him doesn't take too long. Of course, he'll try to counter-hack me, and change signals so I loose my progress, assuming he notices I'm hacking him. I don't doubt he will. He's not entirely stupid, but neither am I. I don't really have to be watching too hard the entire time, though it might be good to keep a TV on in case he hacks the airwaves again."

"Well what would you like to do to pass the time then? We have a pool, a movie room, a lounge, a spa room and many other facilities." He would ask as he stood up smiling to her, he was bored, he hated waiting.

@Crystal Cali
Akira raised an eyebrow, and just stared at him silently for a moment. He was pretty much the exact opposite personality as she was, since she would usually just sit and wait in front of her computer. "I shouldn't get too focused on something, so no movies. So long as there is a TV nearby that I can use to see if S3RP3NT has started another broadcast, I wouldn't mind the pool or spa... I don't have a change of clothes, though." she says finally, deciding to be at least a little friendly, though last time she let her guard down, she had missed her chance. She wasn't going to let that happen this time, though. As she spoke, Akira linked her computer and her phone, so if the scanning program on her computer picked up anything suspicious, she would get a notification, on top of hopefully being able to see the TV broadcast. While she was at it, she sent Chi a quick e-mail that said "Hey, I sent you coordinates, but here they are again, in case they didn't get to you," with the coordinates to her current location attached.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo (I'll probably wait till tomorrow after I'm home to have Searan do anything dramatic.)
He smiled and nodded "Well then, The spa has a few Tv's placed around the room if you'd like." He said with a smirk as he walked over tot he closet of the room, he opened it. It was a walk in closet and it had shoes shirts underwear bikinis and pretty much every type of clothes or shoe for woman and men you could imagine. "Like any of these? These are for the guests of the house. Each room is fully stocked." He smiled as he then walked towards the door. "I'll wait at the end of the hall, come out when you're ready. If I'm not bakc and changed by the time your done then just wait at the end of the hallway." He then left the room and changed in his own room

@Crystal Cali
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Akira was a bit surprised by how over-the-top this guy was. "The hell kind of doctor is this guy?" she asks herself after Jake left the room. Best she not think in it too much, she supposed. Akira walks into the closet and finds a simple black bikini and a white cover-up that looked like an oversized button-up shirt with a pocket on the front. She make sure her phone's volume is all the way up in case the computer finds something so she can hear the notification it will send, changes into the outfit she picked out, and walks out of the room and to the end of the hallway to wait for Jake.

Jake arrived shortly after smiling, he was wearing a black and white bathing suit with two towels over his shoulder, he had no shirt on nor any shoes. Just his swim trunks. His toned body exposed as he said "Right this way." He began to lead her to the spa, down the long hall and down the main stairs. Taking a left down a long hall into the massive spa room. Probably about 30 feet wide and 40 feet long it was steaming as marble pillars held up the high ceilings that had what seemed to be glass over it. Jake stepped to the wall and flipped a small switch and the glass retracted like a suroof and the windows and doors to the outside also retracted the soft sound of birds chirping and the smell of freshly cut grass entering the room

@Crystal Cali
Akira follows Jake to the spa room, and pauses to watch as the glass ceiling opens. "I know you mentioned something about a medical career, but, what is it exactly that you do?" she asks, curious as to how he can afford such an overly-extravagant place. Though, if Akira weren't so insistent on being 100% mobile, she'd be able to afford a decently fancy place of her own. As she waits for Jake to answer, Akira finds a place to hang the cover-up she wore down here so that the phone in her pocket wouldn't get wet or damaged, but it would still alert her if the computer picked up any movement from Searan.



Seran was in a state of pure glee as his army of revolutionaries was rapidly growing. Turns out that failure of an assassin did him some good after all. It would take him a while to arm his forces and send them out into battle, but the time was growing nearer. It was also growing more obvious to people on the street that something was going on in the tall apartment complex in the center of the city. Searan was getting a bit cocky, though, and didn't do much to try to hide the suspicious activity.

(Open for Interaction. People could use the NPCs to find Searan if they are nearby.) 
Jake smiled at her question "I'm a neurosurgeon." He said proudly as he set the towels down at the side of the spa and he smiled "I also do contracting work once in a while. But most of my money comes from my profession." He smiled before he looked to her, he was a open book. He didnt care what people knew he was confident in his skill to protect himself and he stepped into the spa "You like the house?" He asked as he held his hand out to her, he spa water being about waist deep on his tall frame.

@Crystal Cali
Akira takes his hand and steps into the water. It went a bit higher than her waist. "Well, it is impressive," she comments, dropping her hand to her side and looking up at him. "It seems more like a resort than a house, though being a neurosurgeon, how much time do you actually get to spend here? I'd imagine your schedule is usually quite busy, isn't it?" she asks, sounding somewhat curious, but not overly enthusiastic.

He nods and sighs " is my one day off of the week. And even now I could still be called in to work." He looked to her almost sadly before he smiled "But its for the people. For the preservation of human life." He smiled, Jake at heart was probably the kindest mand anyone would meet, he hated when other suffered and he hated to see people hurt. Thats why he chose his profession, he wanted to help people. He cared for all human life. Unless someone took another persons life he did not deem in necessary to kill he then added "It's my job isnt it? As a human."

@Crystal Cali
The man known as Johnny Jojo would be walking as he noticed the tall apartment complex in the center of the city. He had heard rumors about S3RP3NT being here. All it took was a few scares and a few burns from people to figure it out. So he went on inside and headed upstairs. 

"Hi ho silver away," he says calmly with a small smile. As he approaches his destination he knocks on a door that seems to be S3RP3NT's according to some followers he "persuaded." 

"Hi ho I'm looking for S3RP3NT. The 'revolutionary' in?"

@Crystal Cali
Akira looked somewhat sympathetic towards Jake. "It's still rough. I don't really get time off at all, anymore, or at least I haven't since I started my search for S3RP3NT. The moment I let my guard down, he gets two steps ahead of me," she sighs, frustrated. "I'll catch him though. It's my job to stop him."



Searan was at the weapon table, with about five guys scattered across the room. They all looked towards the door, then the others looked towards Searan, who picked up his gun from the side of the table, made sure it was loaded, and walked towards the door. He opens it a crack, and looks out with a smile. "Perhaps he is," he says in a hoarse voice. "Who's asking?" though his voice was rough, he sounded amused.

He smiled as he put his hand on top of her head and said "You got me by your side now. We aren't gonna fail. I swear we will find him." He did this as a sign of friendship and comradary and he chuckled "After all, we got you on our side!" He tried to reassure her

@Crystal Cali
"I am Johnny," he says sounding like a total foreigner. After a crackle he would get on with what he wants.

"I've... 'asked' a bit of followers if it was true you built weapons. Plus you sound like you got some shit on authority. I don't like authority so I think I can help out. Now don't worry no one else is here but me. I doubt you don't at least have some actual decent security to find that out don't you? If you make weapons then it shouldn't be far-fetched right?" He said with a smile.

@Crystal Cali
Chi had stopped her bike to read emails from Akira and then put coordinates to her gps, then she drived to front of Jake's ports and ring doorbell.

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There would be someone who semeed to be in a hurry. He had a duffel bag but didn't look to be using it for sports reasons. He went into an alleyway and opened it, revealing wads of cash.

"Yes! This is my biggest break yet. 10K in cash!" He said quietly.

Akira glances up at the hand placed on her head, and grins slightly. "Well, I suppose being optimistic doesn't hurt," she says, then looks over as the doorbell rings. "Oh, that's probably Chi," she says as she steps out of the spa, and walks over to put the cover-up back on before heading to the door to let Chi in, not really caring that this wasn't her house.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo


Searan listens to Johnny, then glances over at the big screen TV, which now had security camera footage playing on it. He saw that Johnny was alone in the hall, then opened the door. "Yeah, I make weapons, but I'm also organizing the attack on your corrupt government. While anarchy is fun, you're not going to over take the government without a bit of organization. Ah, but I assume you're looking for a new weapon to fight the revolution with, am I right? Well, feel free to search the tables at the side of the room here and see if you can find one you like," he says as he walks over to said tables, gesturing towards the display of modified weapons. Some were modified to simply be more powerful, while some had some rather unique features that you would think would only be found in comic books. "If you have a specific request, I can do that for you as well." 

He smiled as he looked to her and he said "Already answering the door? Hmmmm, a future lady of the house then!" He said jokingly as she walked away, he remained in the spa

@Crystal Cali
"Big boys of destruction," he says as he eyes the table. He then looks to S3RP3NT and thought of a request.

"I'd like a weapon that deals with fire. Pure and simple. I like things... hot. And who says I'm interested in the government? What's the point? Nothing is ever perfect. All the more to burn it," he says with a fond reminisce of his latest use of fire.

"Even if you build a log cabin, it'll still come down with fire."

@Crystal Cali
Akira looks over her shoulder at Jake and rolls her eyes before she goes out to the front door. She sees through a window that Chi is not actually there, then remembers about the gate. "Oh, duh," she mumbles to herself, then walks over to the spot where she could see the feed through the gate's security camera. She looks around quickly for a speaker button, then presses it so she could speak to Chi real quick. "I'd recommend parking out front. Once we know where S3RP3NT is, we'll have to move quick," she says, then hits the button to open the gate, which swings in with a buzzing sound.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo


Searan chuckles, then pulls a long, thin flame thrower with a back-pack fuel tank off the table. "I could make something more powerful than this, or even something with more control if you like. The back pack is an unfortunate requirement of you want something that makes big flames, though. Anyway, up to you." He shrugs off the comment Johnny made about not being interested in taking down the government. "Well, weather your officially join the revolution or not, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I will gladly sell you a wonderful destruction-bringer," he says with a grin.

"I'll gladly accept your offer. I'm used to this fuel tank of mine anyways. If there is one thing we may have in common, it's disgust for certain people."

He would look out the window then back to S3RP3NT. "Do you know what it's like to be powerless before others. Others who take advantage of their power and pretend to be more than their pitiful self?" He makes a small smile before chuckling.

"That feeling as if an obnoxious bully has his foot on your head. Those who pretend to have power will fall by their own false power."

@Crystal Cali
Chi shrugged, she was already planned to drive front of door, maybe even right below window so she could have get on her bike fast as possible. Chi started her bike and drived front of front door, turn off motor and put her helmet on handle before walking straight to inside, not caring to ring bell again, finding wet Akira at main entrance.

"What you are wearing and why you are wet?"

@Crystal Cali
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