Main RP [RP happens here]

As the remaining guards saw what took place, they immediately reported to the captain.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you then who knows what could've happened? We thought this was a simple outnumbering and strategic fight on our part but... that man was clearly trained. The problem is why was he here? The most likely answer is to kill the mayor but why? He was going to retire soon and let new ones take over." The guards were clearly stumped. Still they notified the rest that the situation was under control and everyone would be escorted out safely. 

The remaining guards would standby willing to answer any of Alison's questions.


" the tme test? complicated, difficult to cooperate and also very hard to understand.... just like women but other than that i'm good, you literally fell asleep in a matter of seconds, how long did you last this time?" he said as he stood up from his chair and went to get coffee from the other desk


Chi giggles little when Jake answered.

That was good joke, something that could have come out from Nemo's mouth.
Jake would smile as she laughed "Want to test me? All you have to do is attack and I am in the clear to harm you." He said coldly
Akira holds her arm out in front of Chi as somewhat of a barrier to keep her from launching at the man. She gives Chi a serious look. "Their reasons may be weak, but let's not point weapons at people offering to help." She looks back to the medical professional, raising an eyebrow. "My word? Well, I can promise I'll do everything in my power to find and catch S3RP3NT, as I have been."


@Ichijou Raku

@Hanah Solo
"That is not what I meant by your word, All i care about is whether you allow me to help or not, and keep your friend in line, I dont like to hurt little girls." 

Jake said the last part tauntingly as he looked at chi, he was annoyed with her, he had offered help and she responded with an insult, he had no sympathy for idiotic people like her nor did he have the patience to deal with them

@Crystal Cali

Alison Eckener

"Is the mayor alright? I'll get the team to investigate. Right now...I'm going to do just that." Alison began roping off some area with the TME, which was doubling as police line for now. The captain then opened her phone and began to call. "Nia."


Nia Arini

"I was out just a little bit-" Nia's phone began to ring. She picked it up quickly, with an excited look on her face. "Oh, hi, captain? Y-Yeah. Yeah, on it."

She stayed silent for a few minutes with a ridiculous smile on her face. "Captain has some corpses for me! And...for some reason wants you there. Let's go, do you have a car?" At this point, the forensics expert could barely contain her excitement. 

@Salex The Baldie
"Don't worry, he needs to do lot worse to get me attack first."

Chi giggles more when Jake calls her again as little girl.
"The mayor is alright. Unfortunately we lost some of our men with that attack... The funeral preparations will be taken care of momentarily. For now we have the rest of the guards in position at the office just in case another attack happens," one of the guards says as he gets into guarding position as well. 

There would be several people who would wonder what was going on but were sent back by officers as the yellow tape was put up. Still this would certainly reach headlines soon enough just give it some time. 


"walk, better for the enviroment four-eyes" he said. he then put his various gadgets inside his trench coat and exits his apartment, not caring if nia is trailing behind or not. "calibrate hud, start research, activate a.i" he said, the lenses he wore would then spring up to life giving him real-time information as it scans the enviroment. the lenses would connect to the police database and his database as it starts to look for real time events, weather, murder, cases going on at this instant by the police, etc. the a.i he had was a prototype as well, nothing too complicated, it's much like the google or youtube a.i, only assigned to sort out important info from the useless and miscellanious ones.


@JPax ( @YoungX)


Jason looked at the hand extension that Mr. Uing-Lohn offered. Staring at Mr. Uing's hand, Jason back up to meet Mr. Uing's eyes.

"Well, have your parents never taught you manners?" ,Mr. Uing said with strictness.

Jason quickly glanced over at Sarah and back to Mr. Uing.

"Based on what your company has gone through, with all the lawsuits and accusations of corruption, I will not be seen with a criminal such as yourself," ,Jason stated with passion, "now, if you don't mind-".

"大志郎さんに脅しに行ってはいけない。 私の一生の間に多くの人が私を脅かしてくれました。私はあまり好きではないと言いましょう。 さて、あなたはあなたの答えを考え直したいかもしれません。さもなければ、あなたはあなたの前のようになります." ,Mr. Uing interrupted Jason.

.Translation: (Since the blue font for my characters means that they're speaking Japanese)

"Now don't you go threatening me Mr. Oshiro. Many people in my lifetime have threatened me and let's just say that I didn't take too fondly of it. Now, you might want to rethink your answer, or else you'll end up like those before you."

Taking a deep sigh and turning around to face the glass walls of his office, Jason started to rethink his approach on this. The best solution was to just do what he says. Jason couldn't risk exposing his abilities in front of this many people.

He turned back around and said, "Of course, my apologies." ,and went to greet Mr. Uing with a handshake.

He clutched Mr. Uing's hand and did 4 pumps with his handshake. That's when Jason's secretary, Janice, walked in and said, "Sorry to interrupt Mr. Oshiro, but there is a possible client down in the lobby. He's asking to speak with a weapons technician.".

Jason looked over at Sarah and gave a "yeah you" look to her. She rolled her eyes and stormed out of the office and straight to the elevator, clicking the 1st floor button.

"Sorry about that. Anyways, what may I help you with?" ,asked Jason.

"Ah, now straight to business, eh?," ,the business man's accent was heavy, "you're company is releasing a product that I would like to purchase.".

"Which is?" ,Jason confusingly said, pretending like he doesn't know what goes on at his own company.

"The energy based cutlery." ,Mr. Uing said in return.

Thoughts started to cloud Jason's mind, and he was left puzzled on how he knew about that. With those weapons in the hands like Mr. Uing, the police force and everyone else would have a rough time of taking him down. [Basically, the weapons work like lightsabers. They're able to cut through literally anything. Jason was specifically going to use it for recon missions, to carve holes in buildings without making much noise.].

"Well, it'll come at a price. A high one too." ,Jason responded.

"I would've expected, since I am purchasing your whole stock." ,the man bargained.

"All of it?" ,Jason asked.

"All of it. You see, with this technology that I'll be buying," ,Mr. Uing spoke as a bodyguard brought over two briefcases, "it'll simply help me in my endeavors. Which is why I am offering $780 million dollars, cash too.".

Jason mushed his lips together and simply said, "No thank you.".

He could tell by the look on  the older man's face, that he shocked him with his response.

"Are you sure?" ,the businessman asked.

"Positively. Now, if you excuse me, I have more important issues to handle." ,Jason got up from his seat and held the door open for Mr. Uing and his accomplices. Mr. Uing's bodyguard closed both briefcases and walked with Mr. Uing to the door that was being held open.

Pulling Jason in closely, Mr. Uing said, "Mistakes are made, and you just made a big one.".

Jason cared less of what the elderly man had to say. He just wanted him gone. The group of 4 left the office and went into the elevator. Both Jason and Mr. Uing looked at each other, before the elevator doors closed, breaking their gaze.

Letting out one more sigh, Jason walked back over to his desk and sat down in his chair. He interlooped his fingers and looked back out the glass wall that were his windows. All the windows in the building were bulletproof and were 7 inches thick.




Sarah felt outraged that she had to help some random jackal who wanted to talk about whatever with her. She couldn't think straight. Sarah wanted to be there to help Jason with the discussion that him and Mr. Uing were having. Reaching the bottom floor, Sarah put on a fake smile and got in her god girl attitude. She couldn't ruin business for Jason as well.

"He's right over there." ,the secretary said, pointing to a man leaning against the glass desk of the secretary's.

Sarah extended her arm out and opened her hand for a handshake.

"Hello, I'm Sarah Smoak. Lead technician, engineer and scientist in basically every department of this facility." ,Sarah giggled at her own joke and looked deeply into the man's eyes.

@Crystal Cali

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Hanah Solo

After cleaning blood from girl's face, she covered girl better and lied down next to her.

"Mom did this to me when my head was hot."


Veena Sanchez

The girl tilted her head to Hanah and narrowed her eyes. Why was this woman being so nice to her, wasn't prison a brutal place? Spray Spr-no, Veena, got to her feet and sat on the bed, taking a minute to catch her breath after being brutally beat up by the ex police captain. Veena turned to the woman in the cell with her one more time before getting on the bed and untying her hair. Veena's black hair reached the middle of her back when not tied up or held in a hood. The criminal nodded once more before looking at the cell door, shock filling her eyes as she realized that she just got herself in prison.

@Hanah Solo

Alison Eckener Nia Arini

Nia possibly couldn't be bothered with walking with Steve. Nope, she brought something along. Just inches above the detective's head whizzed past the forensics expert with the brand new issue of TME. "YEAAAAAHHHH CORPSES!!!!!!!"

When Steve arrived, the captain and Nia were discussing how things went down. "Detective, you're-hold on, did you walk here?" 

"He sure did!" The forensics expert interjected quickly before putting on a set of rubber gloves.

"Hmm. Good for the environment, so plus ten points for style. Anyways, we have a couple jobs for you. First things first, you're going to read up on hitmen. This one's apparently called 'Six.' Second of all, you're going to analyze data from this crime scene and match this up with previous recorded patterns and see if we're onto something, centered onto one source. We think this has to do with someone 'S3RP3NT.' Third, you're going on a coffee run. Officer Penelope needs her pumpkin spice latte, or she's gonna be a heinous BITCH."

@Salex The Baldie

suddenly he reached into his trench coat and pulled out a folder, before tossing it to alison. " i already did research, i'm a detective. " he said. "[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]He has two names. His first name is TS759 and, his more recent name, Number 6. He has been called TS759 for around 16-18 years, but Number 6 is a more recent callsign, and unfortunately for him, his last[/COLOR]" he said looking at the decapitated body of six. "and i'll do the coffee run later, i'm low on coffee anyways... tell the other officers to fuck off, i need my space to concentrate" he said, he wasn't joking about needing space to concentrate, as if his vision is disturbed by a moving thing, it would break his concentration.



Despite the yellow tape, there were people everywhere just looking. Some had their cameras and were either recording or taking pictures. All the police could really was politely tell the people to keep away from the yellow tape. 

People were wondering what had happened, others were talking amongst themselves.

"Hey I heard the mayor was attacked."

"No way really? I heard it was some assassion who tried to do it... by himself!"

"Thats crazy man. The hell is going on these days?"

"I heard that S3RP3NT was behind this attack."

"You mean that guy who hijacked everything last night?"

"I think he might be on to something with that revolution.."

There was the sound of clamoring and it was impossible to tell who was saying what. Still it's undeniable to say that the public wants answers.

Meanwhile, there was certainly interest for S3RP3NT's revolution. People were looking at his site and etc.

@JPax @Salex The Baldie

@Crystal Cali(You can have npcs involved with your cause. Do as you see fit for a a story )

Alison Eckener | Nia Arini

"Take your time. Just remember this, the force needs time to mobilize based on what you find. As such, I'm going to assign you to be working with Theta." Alison turned as she said the name of the hacker. Nobody knew the real name of Theta except the captains and Nia, for some vague and stupid reason. "Ooh, you mean him! D-huhh...I hear people." The forensics expert knelt next to the decapitated corpse of the assassin, which was sitting in public's view. On top of that, the police captain was still holding two swords, stained in human blood. Nia bagged the corpse and began making her way out of the crime scene, but wasn't able to.

Meanwhile, the police captain walked over to the crowd and raised one of the swords. "We cannot release information to the public until the investigation is over. Any questions that you need answered will be answered, but I request that all of you take one large step back!" 

"H-Her sword is covered in blood!"

"D-Did the police captain kill an armed assassin with swords?"

"Are the police lunatics?"


"Listen, all questions will be answered but I require you all to please step aside!" The captain shot a glare towards Steve out of the corner of her eye. The glare that said to leave, with the forensics expert.


On the corner of the street was the savior for the detective and the forensics expert. At long last, an ice cream truck with a police symbol on it pulled up at the side and honked twice. Inside was a man with a confident smile, though a rather quiet appearance. He waved towards Steve and Nia and jerked a thumb towards the back of the truck. "Got your back, captain..." The man muttered and continued signaling the two.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali @Salex The Baldie

steve started his work.... his lenses fired up, making a crime scene. he started to analyze everything, the cracks in the floor, the scuffle in the walls, the footprints the guards and six left behind. he accessed cctv footage, only too see it was cut in the time of the event. but all he had was enough, he constructed a 3D crime scene of what would've happened, then compared that to the to the others. what he sees is a 3d crime scene comparing the others through a virtual hologram, what the others sees is a man in a trench coat moving his fingers like if there was a floating tablet in front of him and moving around the crime scene like a lunatic, but no one would dare to say that too him anyways. he would be done with everything in less than 2 minutes as he would then finish up everything and save the data, which mean if he wished, he could see the crime scene and all the data whenever he wants. he would proceed to walk to the ice cream truck and enter it. "drive, the crowd is making my head hurt" he said, which is true because he hasn't slept for over 3 weeks


@JPax ( @YoungX)
Meanwhile the crowd was just clamoring amongst themselves.

"The police captain just killed someone didn't she?!"

"She killed an assassin though! Anyone with a brain can see that the mayor was in danger! I saw him kill those guards!"

"Who the hell cares?! I say to hell with that! It's the government's fault we're in this mess aren't we?! Crime in the downtown area, people continuing to get taxed to no end... this is ridiculous. S3RP3NT is right. Down with the government!"

"Down with the government!"

"Have you people lost your minds?!"

The bickering wouldn't stop. The people were divided on the subject. Surely this will make headlines soon enough.

@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Crystal Cali
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Theta | Nia Arini

Nia vaulted into the ice cream truck just seconds before Theta closed the door. She was pretty strong by now, carrying all these corpses around with ease. She put the body on the table in the back of the truck and looked to the front, before deciding to take a seat in the back. "Huh, you must be crazy busy having to deal with this S3RP3NT stuff by now."

"Thanks Ph-Theta. We are busy, but you know how it's like with the corpses and all." Theta's name was known by only two in the force; the police captain and the forensics expert. They went to elementary school together.

"Yep. Pretty much. Haven't been to successful on this front, S3RP3NT keeps changing his network." The second in command sighed as he began to drive towards the MPPD.

"So...this is an ice cream truck, right?"


"Do you guys have snacks?"

@Salex The Baldie
Hanah looked woman who seemed same age than her, maybe older as she didn't know how old herself is and she was little smaller than her.

When Veena rised up and untied her hair, Hanah felled that her must stay on ground. First time Hanah felled to submit to other, whitout getting beating first after her mother's dead.

"I'm Hanah, Mistress."

Other prisoners wanted call herselfes as Mistress at showers at morning, maybe she wants too.

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"no, no snacks for four-eyes." he said as he kept on thinking on what are the patterns. murder attempts, choice of victims, etc. " i need you to drop me of at my apartment, i need to focus to be able to see it" he said



Veena Sanchez

The criminal looked at Hanah with a slight look of sorrow at the her physical state. "I'm Veena." Veena knelt down in front of Hanah, softly looking at the girl. "Look, I think they're gonna tell us to take a shower soon. Did they do anything to you, at all, that I should know about?" As Veena said this, her voice tightened and her hand curled into a fist. She hated prison showers.

@Hanah Solo

Theta | Nia Arini

Theta nodded and set up the GPS towards Steve's apartment. "Sorry, I have everyone's address." The hacker smiled and looked back at Nia, who simply returned half a smirk. "Yeah, remember when you showed up at my place with a raw onion? Don't do that, please, it mixes with the smell of human carcasses and it just gets disgusting." The hacker laughed at the forensics expert before turning the corner to Steve's address. "Alright, here we are. Steve, is Miss Arini getting down with you?"

@Salex The Baldie

"i would usually be able to tolerate four eyes in my apartment like always  but i need my space to concentrate, thanks and see ya...... also theta, my database is off limits, stop trying to get into it please" he said as he walked out of the truck and got into his apartment. he then entered one room, the room was full white in all sides, which was what he needed. this was his "thinking room", where he used his lenses to create a 3d projection onto the white room, kind of a virtual reality simulation. he used this space to think about any patterns, possibilities, etc.


Hanah looked to Veena like she would have been angel.

"T-they beated me from my night crying, then they make me do awful stuff to them before they let me clean myself... In breakfast they forced me to eat from ground like... like dog."

Hanah's started to cry and her arms to shake.

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Theta | Nia Arini

"Mmm, captain already gave me your database. It's safe with me, don't worry." Theta smirked and closed the door before Nia could get out. "Hey! I was going to go to his-" 

"Look, a corpse!" 

"What?! Where?!"

Theta put the needle against Nia's arm and pressed, causing the woman to fall unconscious.

"Night night." The hacker fit an oxygen mask over her face, set her on the table next to the corpse, and drove off.

@Salex The Baldie

Veena Sanchez

Veena rolled her eyes. "Stop crying, you're a big girl..." She realized this wasn't any help at all and simply grabbed Hanah's arms. The vandal looked directly into Hanah's eyes with a look that spelled murder. "Ever got into a prison yard fight? Because we're going to start one in the showers. Then, you can get revenge on them." Of course, it was a messed up plan, and it did require both of the girls to be grabbed unnecessarily, but as long as there was a mess the plan would be fine.

@Hanah Solo

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