Main RP [RP happens here]

Three guards. Much more manageable for the trained killer in an everything-proof tuxedo, don't you think? Especially when he has the element of surprise (technically. They don't know where he is, right?) and two silenced pistols, that every hitman worth their salt should own.

You know. Shooty shooty. Maybe stabby stabby neck snappy if they get too close.

He starts by firing his two pistols at the heads of two of the guards, preferably the ones closest to him, and more likely to shoot back (like if one was facing the complete opposite way, he'd shoot the other two). He would then proceed to shoot the other one.

The three guards were standing when one was shot in the head. Luckily the other two had missed barely though they were bleeding at their temple area. The two guards then fired multiple rounds at the direction of which the gunshots came from. The other guards were alerted and would immediately move out. Ten of them went inside the building while the other five regrouped with the two guards at the front. The two guards who were injured would stay inside the building to regroup with the other guards. 

@The Fabulous Emerald
up on a roof top across the street umbrella watched the guards take positions.

"Perfect." he whispered to himself.
Number Six kept moving up, as he constantly moved behind cover. There were a few more than he accounted for, but it isn't like he has never been in this situation before.

At any and all opportunities, he kept firing. Even though his tuxedo was bullet-proof, he still was aware that his head wasn't protected, and therefore made sure he kept cover.

At this point, the guards would have to be careful about the situation. Whoever their intruder was, he or she seems to have been prepared well. To go in blindly can be a grave mistake and would be a dangerous move. For now they would take cover behind the outer walls and prepare themselves. 

@The Fabulous Emerald
Number Six took up a position behind cover where he could see the entrance, and waited. And he would keep waiting. Psychological warfare, after all.

He would shoot if a guy gets within range, though.

The battle of waiting has commenced. What will happen? No one surely knows. Still the guards were trained for these sorts of situations so all they did was wait. That is until one of them decided to plan out an idea. A sneak attack. Since they knew where the bullets were coming from, this guard would plan on sneaking about. Risky but it could work. Emphasis on work.

In any case, the guard would sneak through the back section, snuck through a nearby alleyway and went across the street. From there he planned on getting onto a nearby rooftop right across the mayor's building.

@The Fabulous Emerald
The guard who went ontop a rooftop would then start eyeing the premises. Of course he had to keep his cover so he wouldn't be seen by the intruder. 

Now he would eye someone who took cover and knew this had to be the intruder. Still it was rash to jump to conclusions, so he immediately notified the rest of the guards via communicators of this intruder. Once told, the rest of the guards remained in position and prepared. They didn't know of this person was the intruder, but it seems likely.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Number Six grabs a nearby tin can or rock or something from nearby, and throws it into the building, hoping they'd suspect it to be a 'nade of some kind.

If the ploy works, he stands from cover and starts firing at them.

The sound of something being thrown was heard and the guards instantly moved away from the source. They didn't know if it was a nade, but they didn't want to take any chances anymore. 

All of the guards immediately jumped from cover; the wall was not that tall. Then they all started firing upon where Six was according to their intel.

At the same time, the guard from the rooftop immediately went down from the rooftop and rushed toward Six from behind. He took out his specialized pistol, which can pierce through steel, and took aim at Six's head. The trigger was pulled and a bullet was released.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Number Six hears the running with his assassin training, and ducks out of the way, while turning around. His gun is now aimed at him.

It isn't gonna be easy getting the jump on Number Six.

The guard's gun was also aimed at Six's head but at the same time it was the same for Six as well. A stand off was occuring and the rest of the guards would get ready. 

As for this lone guard, whoever had the most accurate shot was the winner. So the man took aim at Six's head and readied himself. Sweat was pouring down his neck, and he wasn't sure what could happen next. 

Meanwhile the rest of the guards who were heading toward the two were preparing themselves as well. They reloaded their pistols and went behind their own cover right near Six and the lone guard. 

@The Fabulous Emerald (Since I'm gonna basically ditch the main story after this, I'd figure I should at least make it enjoyable.)
As he could hear the familiar sound of reloading, Number Six knew he only had one enemy to deal with.

He waited until the enemy blinked (shouldn't be too long, since he is sweating, he ducked his head to the side and shot simultaneously at his head. If that worked, he whipped around and started shooting at the others.

The guard also shot at Six's head just before he went down with a headshot. As for the other guards they would ambush Six from both left and right and all would fire at his head. Some were hit but all of them were shooting even when injured.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Number Six would probably be able to dodge out of the way of the fatal shots (or rather, move out of the way of the guns) but definitely would take some hits, causing blood to leak places.

Still, he doesn't seem to notice the pain. Pain is one of the first things his childhood 'taught' him to forget.

He would keep shooting.

The guards would also keep shooting at Six as they also did their share of dodges and hits. Two of them had already dropped dead, and they were going to keep shooting until they kept dropping. A few of them even opened fire at Six's ankle area. They figured that if this man wasn't feeling pain, he would certainly have his movement restricted with a shot to the ankle.

@The Fabulous Emerald
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(hmm...i would say his trousers cover his ankles? so is covered by the bulletproof stuff?)

Number Six almost smiles as the bullets just ping off of his trousers. Almost smiles.

He keeps shooting.

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(I can accept the trouser covering his ankles bit. Though I think the processing power seems a bit much. It would be better if it was toned down to something more tangible of an implant. So a nerf really.)

@The Fabulous Emerald
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(Its all ok. Well alrighty then. Anywho let us continue this shall we? Though Crystal Cali is busy but I'm sure she will be able to post soon enough.)

@The Fabulous Emerald
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Akira was just as alert as Dan as she led him to her van. She noticed how alert he was, though did not comment. She surveys the area before she unlocks her van and hops in, opening the passenger door for Dan after she gets in. 

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira sighs. "Wouldn't surprise me," she says, starts the car, then drives off. She would drive an odd route, avoiding most street cameras, but also never heading towards her apartment. She would park on the side of a well-lit street in a shopping district. She looks out the widows, checking the mirrors for anyone who may be watching them, though it would surprise her if anyone had managed to follow her pattern. 

@The Fabulous Emerald

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