Main RP [RP happens here]

Hanah taked both pillows and blankets from beds and gived them to girl to keep her warm. Hanah then taked paper and started to clean blood from girl's face.

"You will get better soon"

Searan doesn't notice that his scan had gotten no number as he boldly looked into the strange man's eyes. "Not one for pleasantries? Well, then I'll get straight to the point," his voice was coarse, and weak. Searan coughs to clear his throat before continuing. "I need muscle to back my revolution in this city. I plan to expose the corruption hiding in the city's government. I saw you, and thought you might be a good fit, or know someone who is. What do you say?"


Akira drives to the cafe, parking her van out of sight. She gets out, locks the doors, then double checks to make sure all the doors are shut tight before heading inside. She makes a beeline for the counter, and orders a latte before looking around to spot Dan. Though Akira had bothered to clean herself, and put on fresh clothes, she had done nothing to hide the bags under her eyes caused by the lack of sleep she had gotten since Dan left her apartment.

@The Fabulous Emerald
"What is the pay?"

Number 6 speaks in a low, raspy voice as he looks back at the man's eyes with a cold, dagger-like glare.


Dan smiles as she enters, and waves.

"You look tired. You sleeping well?"

@Crystal Cali
A wicked grin crosses Searan's face. "Oh, if this goes well, you'll be payed plenty. I take out the elite of this city, and you take whatever you want from them. Once this revolution has taken place, and the corrupt have fallen, then everything they own is up for grabs, and you'll be the first one to take your pick of the spoils." Searan rambles, then starts to chuckle, though the laugh soon becomes a small coughing fit.


Akira takes her latte and walks over to Dan, sitting in the seat beside him. She yawns. "Not really... not at all," she rubs her eyes, then takes a drink. "I got... uh... slammed with work all of a sudden," she says vaguely. Akira pauses for a moment, trying to figure out how to word what she was wanting to say. "Well, maybe not so sudden. You remember that broadcast from the revolutionary who calls himself S3RP3NT? Well.... uh.... it kinda has to do with that."

@The Fabulous Emerald

Number 6 contemplates his options.

"Very well."

He puts down a handful of shopping bags, and offers his black leathered glove as a handshake.


Dan looks around, then at her. He leans in close to whisper.

"The hacker? What sorta work are you doing?"

He sounds...concerned, and surprised.

@Crystal Cali
Searan smiles, and takes the man's hand with his free hand and shakes it. "Wonderful. I plan on beginning my assault tonight, though I do not have much in the way of numbers. If you know anyone who would be willing to join the cause, let them know the reward will be great. If you can gather anyone, bring them to the penthouse suite of this apartment by sunset tonight. I will make a public announcement to gather more recruits before we strike."


Akira pauses as she watches Dan's expression closely. His genuine concern, though, made her fairly certain he wasn't on S3RP3NT's side. "I'm trying to find him," she says in a whisper so only Dan could hear. "I'm going to stop this revolution of his before it gets even more out of hand than it already is." 

@The Fabulous Emerald
"I work alone. If you betray me, you will die."

His grip tightens as he says the last part. His grasp is strong, and ruthless.


"You're gonna be a vigilante? Is that safe?"

Dan considers revealing his secret, but doesn't say anything.

@Crystal Cali
Searan winces as the man's grip tightens on his hand. Well, this wasn't the first time his big mouth got him into trouble, and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last. "Ah ha ha. Alright, alright, I get your point," he says in a cheery voice with a wide smile. "You look quite capable. I'm sure you could bring the revolution all on your own. Why don't we go up to my apartment and talk the details of this job? Unless you have somewhere else to be, in which case you can just come back later."


Akira looks very seriously into Dan's eyes. "Yes, I am. No, it's not safe, but this isn't something new to me. I've been hunting S3RP3NT for a long time. He's escaped four times now. I won't let him do it again." There was a fire-like determination in Akira's voice as she spoke. 

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Very well. I'll go get my bike."

Number 6 starts heading to the car park he left his bike, which seemed to be where he was headed anyway.


Dan looks a bit pale from worry, especially when she looks into his eyes.

"Not new to you? You do this all the time?"

@Crystal Cali
Searan walks back to the apartment, and waits just inside the door for his new colleague to return. He leans up against the door frame, and brinks the broth in his cup.


Akira looks a bit surprised by Dan's level of concern. She hadn't expected him to be so concerned for her, since they had only known each other for a short time. "Y-yeah I..." she trails off, looking to the side. Why was she suddenly so nervous? Maybe because Akira didn't realize how genuinely nice Dan really was. "I know who S3RP3NT really is, and I know why he's doing what he's doing. I've been following him from city to city, trying to put a stop to his revolution. He's always been a couple steps ahead of me, but this time I may have the upper hand but..." she sighs, and shakes her head. "I should have been able to stop him a long time ago, but I've burned myself out so many times trying. I may.... not be able to do it on my own."

@The Fabulous Emerald 
After a while, say...10 minutes or so, Number 6 returns having dropped off his shopping to his base of operations (I imagine Searan told 6 his address, right?). He walks up to the door, and knocks. His appearance hasn't changed at all in that time.


Dan's concern, while is concern for a friend, also seems...professional. 

"Surely, though, there are people who would help you? The police, all these vigilantes... Why not publicly display the information for all to see? You aren't necessarily on your own."

@Crystal Cali
Searan had been waiting by the door, so it opens immediately. "Follow me upstairs, and we can talk more in depth," he says, then turns and starts to walk up to the top floor suite. The suite was large and dimly lit. Visible from the entrance was a striped couch facing a large TV hooked up to a laptop on a coffee table. The windows all had sticky notes, and news articles taped to them. On one side of the room, there were tables lines against the walls which had weapons and tools strewn across them. Along the other side was a single desk with three computers and a leather rolling chair. Searan turns to his guest and says "Make yourself comfortable. I'll get us something to drink," then vanishes up the metal staircase to the left and into the kitchen.



Akira bites her lip as she seriously considers what Dan is saying. "That may work. I have been thinking of enlisting help... There aren't many people I know I can trust, though...." she sighs. "The risk may be worth it, though, if he does manage to get an army. This is the first time I've seen him actually hack the broadcast system," she sounds a bit irritated as she talks about the hacking. "I don't even know for sure how to do that."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Number 6 doesn't sit, but looks at all the things around. His eyes are first drawn to the weaponry. He quickly makes note of their type, their strengths, flaws etcetera, but then his gaze shifts to the laptop. However, he does nothing else as he waits, but keeps standing at the window, looking down at everyone.


Dan shrugs. Crow may give it a good go hacking into stuff, but Dan knows nothing. Why would a college students know anything, after all?

"Are there not servers and networks you could access? What am I saying, this is...unreal. I-I don't know..."

As he says this, he spies Chi, the girl from before, he remembers where they are.

"Should we not go somewhere more private?"

@Crystal Cali
Jake would be sitting in the coffee shop, checking something on his phone when he overheard a strange conversation, he could only make out a few parts of it.

It sounded like the two people discussing it were talking about some sort of plan, and he had heard the word Vigilantes....

This sparked his interest and he would act as if he had heard nothing, faking a yawn as he turned his head towards them covering his mouth in a natural manner.

Although he was acting natural this was a common tactic, anyone who payed close enough attention would be suspicious of his actions, he would then take a sip of his coffee and continue to look at his phone.

He seemed to never get a break, even on his day off, while he was enjoying himself trouble always seemed to find a way to guilt him into helping, he would continue to eavesdrop with relative ease, being only a few feet from them at the table to their right.

(Couldnt find any other way to intro, sorry to be a creep off the bat xD)

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali @The Fabulous Emerald
Akira flinches slightly as she notices Chi, then another man who seemed to be trying a little too hard to act natural. "Yeah, we shouldn't talk too much here," she says to Dan in a low voice. 

@Hanah Solo @The Fabulous Emerald @ThatOneLunatic


Searan comes back downstairs balancing a tray with an Asain-style tea set on top of it. Help yourself, if you like," he says, then takes a cup for himself, pouring in the hot tea and mizing honey to hopefully get rid of this irritating rasp in his voice. "We can't do much in the way of actually striking until the sun goes down, but basically what I plan to do is eliminate the mayor, and the politicians running for office against him. Well, that's only the first step. Once this city has no one to head the government, it will be easier to pick it apart. Once the government is gone, then the corruption is gone, then no one will become a pawn of the elitists again." Seran's eye twitches slightly as he speaks.
Kai Williams

"I should go." Kai said before saying goodbye to Reno. He walked away from the man and decided where to go. "That was weird." He muttered. His bag still slung in his back, so he has nothing to worry about. After that, he decided to walk around, but as soon as he stepped into an unknown street, his legs wobbled and his vision started to double. "Ugh. Not again. I forgot I didn't sleep too well." He muttered. His usual 'cure' for his condition is to sleep. Just sleep, or take a nap and he's okay. The other problem, is he doesn't want to sleep. He stepped into a nearby coffee shop and decided to take a few cups of coffee to keep him awake 'til nighttime.

Around the coffee shop was a couple of persons sitting on a table, a man holding a phone, two persons having a conversation, another person eating pastries, and so on. He ordered a cappuccino and sat in the table to their north. He put his bag in his laptop and opened up his laptop while he take a sip of coffee.

@Crystal Cali @The Fabulous Emerald @ThatOneLunatic

(Yay. Three persons eavesdropping the conversation XDXDXDXDXD)
Dan looks around.

"Yeah. Do you want to continue this elsewhere?"


"The mayor? Very well."

With that, he starts to head to the door. He had a job to do, after all.

@Crystal Cali, and whoever is eavesdropping. You know who you are.
Akira nods, and stands up. She takes her latte and heads towards the door, glancing behind her to make sure Dan was following as she walked out the coffee shop and to her van parked just around the corner.

@The Fabulous Emerald


Searan raises an eyebrow, then grins as he watches the man simply take his orders and get to work. "Now then," he says, turning on the large TV, and sitting with his tea on the couch. "Time to just sit back and watch."
Jake would notice the man and he would look to him curiously, and he would try to get his attention by tapping his spoon on his cup as if he just finished stirring his coffee

The man he was signaling had a laptop on his table and was sipping his coffee as he did so

Suddenly the woman would get up and walk out and he would then smile to himself, waiting to tail them @Crystal Cali @The Fabulous Emerald @Ichijou Raku
Kai Williams

After Kai saw the two persons got outside the coffee shop even their drink isn't done yet, Kai knew from the moment he sat down the table near them, they were being eavesdropped. He heard a tapping sound at the direction of the man, and acted like he was signaling him. Kai brought his bag and laptop to the man's table and said, "Hey. What did you get from them?"

@Crystal Cali @The Fabulous Emerald @ThatOneLunatic
Dan follows, much more alert that Akira might expect him to be, yet still keeping a casual look to him.


Number 6 first gets on his bike, and heads to his Cold War bunker he repurposed. Once there he sits down on his bunk, fists on his chin, contemplating how to do things. He decides the accidental route to be most beneficial, although he also contemplates the silent killer route. After a while, he grabs a bottle of cyanide pills and heads out. He travels to the mayor's office.

@Crystal Cali, @YoungX
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Kai Williams

"I'm up." Kai replied and smirked back. He closed his laptop and put it in his bag. He tapped his dagger which is still resting in pocket.

"Got a weapon and a vehicle?" He said.


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