Main RP [RP happens here]

After spending time staring at the birds, Shinoa got back to skateboarding. Suddenly, a man approached her while she was stopping to catch her breath, trying to get her attention. She proceeded to ignore him and continued skateboarding, not wanting to take a risk.
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(Yeah, sorry this took so long either. Anyways, your post says 'familiar' to me, did we already interact? If we did, I forgot lol)

Kai Williams

He saw a man go down in his apartment and got outside. The man's walking direction was obviously pointing in Kai's direction. The wind breezed in the morning and Kai put his hand in his pocket, his empty pocket. He tried to be less alert and acted natural to blend in with the normal living citizens, after what happened that night.

The bounty hunter finishes off his sandwich and coffee, James decide to vacate the cafe. The owner was still giving him the evil eye, I mean he paid for the window and yet they still have it out for him. Pulling out a cigarette Dog decides to just have a walk, after all he still  had some cash left. Not much but enough to get by. As he smokes his cigarette, James straightens out his tie he wonders through the battered streets and blaring engines of the city. (Open for interaction) @The Fabulous Emerald
Chi left to walk in park after sending email to L0V3BUG.

Too less of ammunition for hunting.

Chi looks girl that skateboards and then continues walking. 

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As a storm set upon and massive amounts of rain began to fall, one man was taking a stroll along main street. With umbrella open he stopped, turned to his right, and proceeded to continue his way along the sidewalk...
As a storm set upon and massive amounts of rain began to fall, one man was taking a stroll along main street. With umbrella open he stopped, turned to his right, and proceeded to continue his way along the sidewalk...

Note: I'll let the weather be rain but next time if someone wants to let the weather change then ask me first. This applies to everyone.
suddenly the man stopped short. He saw a formal looking man and noticed the knife that he was holding. Umbrella thought to himself target sighted and immediately began to raise the umbrella like a firearm. the umbrella's tip pointed towards the back of the man's head.

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Christina Hales and "Theta"

"Captain...?!" Theta turned away and glared at the ground at the sight of the captain washing her clothes under a roof drain. "What?" 

"That water is crawling with bacteria! And you're letting it drip on your body and...oh my fucking God woman! Imagine going to fight with a criminal and they drop dead!"

"They usually do!"

"They die from Christina jacket disease! Get in the car and don't put on your disease ridden clothes!" 

Theta started up the ice cream truck as the captain hopped in, balling up her disease ridden clothes. Suddenly as they drove out of an alley, a bullet smashed in through Christina's passenger side window of the ice cream truck, narrowly missing her and Theta. "Fucking shit fuck! ¡Perra me disparaste! ¿Por qué todos tienen un maldito arma y lo usan como si no fuera nada? ¡Estoy cansado de esta maldita mierda y de tus paraguas armados y de puta mierda!"

Christina let out a long sigh as her partner swore at the man in Spanish. She quickly threw on her disease ridden jacket as to not look indecent. A badge was then pulled out from under her chair and she pointed it to the man. "Christina Hales, Maple Pines Police Department. I presume you tried to shoot the man the ice cream truck blocked." How awkward that the big bad captain to introduce herself from an ice cream truck. 

@Mr Kraz

turning in the opposite direction umbrella knelt down and proceeded to open his umbrella. it began to blink blue as he flung it on to his back. suddenly wings unfolded and he took off into the sky.
turning in the opposite direction umbrella knelt down and proceeded to open his umbrella. it began to blink blue as he flung it on to his back. suddenly wings unfolded and he took off into the sky.

(Also this is a reminder to please only have one post at a time, not several in a streak.)

"Theta" and Christina Hales

"Ir y chupar un puto polla que un pedazo de mierda paraguas putamadre pistola apuntando perra tit! ¡THETA NUNCA DA EN SUS SUEÑOS!" Theta flipped off the man who just flew away with an umbrella. That wasn't the weirdest nor most impressive thing the two had seen. "Mierda." 

The captain put her jacket on and turned to Theta. "You swear an awful lot, you know that? Whatever, back to the police department. Turn on the siren."


"Siren, s'il vous plaît."

Theta grumbled and turned on the 'siren.' If only the bad guys could see these two going to the police station with 'Pop Goes the Weasel' playing from their ice cream truck.

( @Mr Kraz ) 

<Open for interaction>
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The bounty hunter was yet again back on the job. Currently he was on his motorcycle chasing after a bounty target. Guy was apparently a well know or if you prefer infamous smuggler. Still the bounty would more than make up for the window incident at the cafe. Still the chase wasn't exactly what you would call safe. The bounty target really didn't wan't The Dog to cash in. He was going like a bat out of the hell. Then again all that did was give James an excuse. Still that did mean he nearly crashed into an ice cream truck. "Sorry gotta go, I'll buy a ice cream after this is all over" he jokes before jetting off. @JPax  
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"Theta" and Christina Hales

"¡PUTAMADRE!" Theta shouted before having his wrist grabbed by the captain. "You idiot, that guy is a smuggler and the other motorcyclist is equally a potato. You know what, I got this." The captain got to her feet and went to the back of the ice cream truck, grabbing sets of grapple equipment as well as her MPPD badge. "We're right behind them alright?" As the truck began to move, the captain nodded as she equipped the gloves. The roof access hatch that Christina went through was currently the least of her worries, seeing as she would have to stand on the roof of a moving ice cream truck. "Alright Theta, I think I got this." 

Christina pulled a trigger and fired a grapple hook onto a bridge. She leapt off the truck and flew right over the bridge, only second before entering a downwards dive towards the motorcycle and the smuggler. The captain pulled out a pistol as she entered another loop of swinging. On the next downwards dive, she fired towards the smuggler's wheels before jumping right back onto the ice cream truck. "Theta, I could really use a scoop of strawberry right now." 

"¡PUTA ES USTED SERIO AHORA DERECHO!?" Theta slammed the accelerator and turned on the actual police siren.

Still chasing down the smuggler on his motorcycle the bounty hunter prepares to jump onto his target vehicle. You know the sane and rational thing to do. However before he even has a chance to get any closer his attention is drawn by someone using a grappling hook to lop around in the air like some sort of deranged Tarzan and blow out the criminals tires. "Crap thanks a bunch" James exclaims as he steps on peddle hoping to catching his crashing target. After all if the bounty was dead, well there was no bounty money to be had and no food on the table once again and crashing your car is know to be dangerous for people's health. Pulling up along side the car wreck the bounty hunter manages pull out his target, still in the land of the living. "Sorry pal I know you've just had a hell of trip but I can't have you running off so" James says before knocking out his target. Time to get paid. @JPax  

Christina Hales

The police captain grabbed the bounty hunter's arm, holding them back from moving with ease. "He's under arrest. Give him to me." The captain then pulled out her badge. Yep, it was the captain and she was back for the second time. If anyone didn't recognize her, they either lived under a rock or just didn't care. The ice cream truck stopped inches from the two, with the police lights on the top. 

suddenly a man dropped from the sky>

His name is UMBRELLA and you JPax is his designated target.
suddenly a man dropped from the sky>

His name is UMBRELLA and you JPax is his designated target.

un sheathing his umbrella you realize that the umbrella is really a plasma gun...

(Again please keep things in one post since it seems that it looks like it should be one post. Also JPax is the rper not the rp character. You need to specify the rp characters need. Also it helps to tag with @ and the name of the Rper. @JPax)

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