Main RP [RP happens here]

Hanah is crying.

"Yes, but i look ugly."


"beauty us fleeting and you have more pressing issues honestly" he says walking in and sitting down "But first need any thing some water or something the nurse wouldn't get you?" he asks he wanted her as comfortable as possible before he dropped this on her or at the very least as mentally sound as possible  
"beauty us fleeting and you have more pressing issues honestly" he says walking in and sitting down "But first need any thing some water or something the nurse wouldn't get you?" he asks he wanted her as comfortable as possible before he dropped this on her or at the very least as mentally sound as possible  

"W-water, please."

If i remember right, he wasn't that bad.
Hanah nobs and drinks little.

"Better than what i drink home."

He nodded a little " yea well how are you doing beyond the hair thing?" he asks trying to make idle chat and get a general feel of pleasantness in the air before telling her the bad news
He nodded a little " yea well how are you doing beyond the hair thing?" he asks trying to make idle chat and get a general feel of pleasantness in the air before telling her the bad news

"I miss mom's necklace and my body doesn't hurt."

There's strong painkillers ordered to Hanah.
"I miss mom's necklace and my body doesn't hurt."

There's strong painkillers ordered to Hanah.

"well that's good the neckless thing will be cleared up as soon as we find him their isn't much of a market of silver underground at the moment so he'll still have it when we catch him and plus from his description he's an odd ball and we will find him soon" he pauses for a moment "well I don't know how to tell you this but your arm might take years to heal if we just let you out and you don't have health insurance so we have a option for you but its prison it isn't so bad if you will admit to some minor and repeated offences loitering and such maybe five well put you in state for a couple months long enough for your arm to heal you will be fed  high protein meals and have TV so honestly all of it could only benefit you." he says being carful with his words and trying to make it sound good which state wasn't all that bad and she could use the nutrition "also its a female prison they keep the genders separate and you will be with the other minor offenders so no murders or anything like that just you and some other minor offenders." he says including the last part when he thought about it  
"well that's good the neckless thing will be cleared up as soon as we find him their isn't much of a market of silver underground at the moment so he'll still have it when we catch him and plus from his description he's an odd ball and we will find him soon" he pauses for a moment "well I don't know how to tell you this but your arm might take years to heal if we just let you out and you don't have health insurance so we have a option for you but its prison it isn't so bad if you will admit to some minor and repeated offences loitering and such maybe five well put you in state for a couple months long enough for your arm to heal you will be fed  high protein meals and have TV so honestly all of it could only benefit you." he says being carful with his words and trying to make it sound good which state wasn't all that bad and she could use the nutrition "also its a female prison they keep the genders separate and you will be with the other minor offenders so no murders or anything like that just you and some other minor offenders." he says including the last part when he thought about it  

"Is it because food and last night? And what is tv?"
"Is it because food and last night? And what is tv?"

"no you have been linked to multiple crimes but if you say you loitered and I say you were caught loitering by me well the most the court will do is look at me weird beyond that they'll put you in jail if its around 5 times as for why your skinny unhealthily skinny and those meals would help you heal also a TV is ... well honestly I think you are fucking with me there even if you didn't own one I think you would know." he says trying to answer her questions in order
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"I have take food whitout money, stuff that works themselves, shoot dogs and last night i drive car..."

Mom always said that i need be honest if asked what i have done.
"I have take food whitout money, stuff that works themselves, shoot dogs and last night i drive car..."

Mom always said that i need be honest if asked what i have done.

"well if you admit to that you will ironically get free food, a bed, and somewhere to rest your head for a couple months while you heal up though you might want to exclude the dog shooting part its funny enough much more frowned apon than thievery." he says calmly
"well if you admit to that you will ironically get free food, a bed, and somewhere to rest your head for a couple months while you heal up though you might want to exclude the dog shooting part its funny enough much more frowned apon than thievery." he says calmly

"Mom said i need always say truth."

Maybe jail isn't bad place, free food and bed.
"Mom said i need always say truth."

Maybe jail isn't bad place, free food and bed.

"well I won't argue with her well that's what I'm offering you confess your crimes get somewhere to rest and heal up heck while your their I think they still have reading and education programs going on so you might learn reading and math while your there."
"well I won't argue with her well that's what I'm offering you confess your crimes get somewhere to rest and heal up heck while your their I think they still have reading and education programs going on so you might learn reading and math while your there."

(Yes it's different time here)

Akira nods. "Alright. Just be careful when you leave. This city gets crazy after dark," she says with a concerned tone as she watched for Dan's reaction to what she just said, trying to find clues as to weather or not he may be a villain or vigilante. She's not the best at reading faces, though, so if Dan is decent at keeping his composure, Akira wouldn't be able to tell a thing.

@The Fabulous Emerald   
"I'm always careful! If I didn't know much better, I'd say you were worried for me."

He says sarcastically, then with a chuckle.

"I'll catch you later, yeah?"

He says with a smile, as he starts heading towards the door. In terms of composure, he doesn't seem to be worried about the trip home though he never has been.

@Crystal Cali
The alleys of Maple Pines are as dirty and dark as any, but they comforted him. The mixed smell of trash and old liquor invaded his nostrils, the dim illumination provided by the moon and streetlights concealing the desperate, victim and perpetrator alike. The near silence of the night is broken by strings of male laughter nearby. Happiness has no place here, and the sound of it is turned sinister as a result. He moves by ear, sticking to the shadows and softening his steps. He turns into a side alley and freezes.

Three college-age men surround a homeless man laying on the ground. Their unsteadiness and slurred speech indicate a level of intoxication worthy of the drunk tank, and their athletic builds and tough guy style practically scream bully. As the Hangman watches, the vagrant curls into a ball right before one of them reels their leg back and kicks him. The homeless man makes no sound, no movement, but not two seconds later another kick comes. And from one of the onlookers, another. The Hangman grits his teeth in rage as he begins moving towards them, his pace limited only by his need for stealth. One of the boys picks up a bag of rubbish and throws it at the assaltee's still prone form. One of them just stands there laughing as his friends grab the man and force his face into the ground, saying between bouts of laughter, "Eat it, Garbage Man, eat it! This is your thing, right, eating garbage? So show us! Come on, a nibble, you've gotta be hungry, I mean-"

He was upon them, and he took the bystander first. Most likely to run. He came out of the shadows, raising his hammer with his right hand. The man's eyes were shut tight, tears beading at their corners while his body was racked with great heaves of laughter. Abruptly, his guffaws became gasping shrieks, turning his drinking buddies' heads. Their friend was laying on his side, a dent in the side of his head. His left eye had popped from it's socket. His screams were silenced when the sole of a boot struck the dent, cracking his skull and adding another stain to the concrete. One of the men stands and doubles over, vomiting, while the other charges, letting loose a roar of fear and rage. The Hangman catches his shoulders, spinning and sending him face first into a brick wall, The Hangman pins him against the wall, raises his hammer, and buries it's head halfway into th guy's braincase. He turns and finds the weak-stomached one is nowhere to be seen. He looks down on the victim, who looks up with scared, pleading eyes.

"You should get out of here." He says, harnessing years of smoking to make his voice as rough and mangled as possible, "The cops will be coming soon." The man nods, hurriedly picking up his sleeping bag before scampering off. The Hangman cracks his knuckles. He had work to do.

(Open for interaction. )
Kai Williams

Kai yawned. He walked around for like, forever. His legs were wobbly, like Jell-O. He couldn't feel the bottom part of his body anymore. He sat down in the tree with a bench and tried to take a rest. He put his bag on his stomach and adjusted his position so he could find the most comfortable position in the bench. He finally found the comfortable position he needed. 45 degrees leaning on the bench, and his legs resting on the ground. When Kai was just about to take out his headphones and listen to some chillstep music, he saw a man walking. The reason it caught his attention was that he looks suspicious. Really suspicious. He stared at him and tried not to get seen.

Note: I'll be ending the night cycle soon. So if you guys have interactions then I'll wait till you guys are done with them. The plot shall actually advance a bit.
Akira rolls her eyes dramatically at Dan. "Alright, ja ne," she waves as he turns to leave. He didn't seem worried, but neither did he seem to be in a hurry. That seemed like a good sign to Akira, though it was too early to tell. Once Dan was gone, Akira would clean up the dishes and pizza boxes, then go lay on the bed and sleep for a while, even though it was already close to morning.

@The Fabulous Emerald


Searan walks around the streets, hands in his pockets and still concealing a weapon. He seems unconcerned, and even bored with the simple muggings going on all around him. As he walks down the street he spots a suspicious-looking man, and notices someone on a bench staring at the man. Searan pauses a moment to see if either would talk to the other. Maybe he had come in during an interesting argument. 

@Ichijou Raku @Buckteeth
Note: I didn't see the interaction with Ichijou Raku, Buckteeth and Crystal Cali. Once that's done then I'll post the time change and stuff.

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