Main RP [RP happens here]


Hanah had waked in hospital. Nurse had made simple tests about how bad brain damage she would have, only to learn that she didn't know numbers, don't never learned to write or read. So because lack of education there was no way test her brains.

@JPax @Theflamre
Akira bites her lip and starts rocking back and forth on her feet. "Uhh... you live around here, right? I mean, do you live in an apartment with a lobby where we could sit? I-I mean, I wouldn't want to actually go to your place if that makes you uncomfortable, but if you live in an apartment with a lobby area, that would work."

@The Fabulous Emerald


Hanah had waked in hospital. Nurse had made simple tests about how bad brain damage she would have, only to learn that she didn't know numbers, don't never learned to write or read. So because lack of education there was no way test her brains.

@JPax @Theflamre


He sits out side the room not wanting to startle her or give her a panic attack some of the nurses looked at him an extra second or two as they passed him but beyond that no one even talked to him he sat quietly waiting for anything to try and come finish the job or for his captains orders to leave.
Well... this situation was growing more awkward by the minute. Akira pauses a long time as she considers the next idea that comes to her head. By the time she speaks up, it would appear that their pizza was ready. "My apartment isn't too far," she says. "And I could drive us there anyway, since my van is in the park."

@The Fabulous Emerald 
Akira starts walking out, and towards her van. She'd keep a brisk pace, though would watch Dan to make sure he kept up with her. "It's right outside the area of all these businesses. Just down a couple streets."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira would unlock her van, hop in the driver's seat, and wait for Dan to get in the other side. While she waits for him to get settled, Akira pulls a curtain behind her, hiding the computers and weapon parts in the back. Once Dan gets in, Akira will drive off to her apartment, taking back roads, and side streets that she knows don't have any cameras, intentionally trying to make it harder for the officer from earlier to find her if he were looking.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Dan gets in, and doesn't say anything about the curtain. He was already being awkward enough without asking about little things like that.

Dan also knows the camera-less roads, and notices that Akira is specifically driving down them. He doesn't say anything, though, and just waits.

@Crystal Cali
Akira pulls into a parking lot behind a tall, plain apartment building. She would lead Dan up three flights of stairs that were on the outside of the building, and then down a somewhat narrow balcony until she arrived at her apartment. The apartment door had an electronic security system on the front which required Akira's finger print to disarm, none of the other apartments they had passed had this exact system.

The apartment consisted of two rooms, a living space, and a bathroom. Directly in front of the door was a space where the floor was lower than the rest or the room. This section had clean grey carpet, a couple of purple bean bags, a dark brown coffee table, and a TV stand that matched the color of the coffee table. On top of the TV stand was a small plasma screen TV, and on the shelf below it was a collection of unmarked DVDs, the kind you use to make home movies on. On the raised floor to the left was a small kitchen area, and to the right a bit behind that was a bed. Behind the bed was a pair of cloudy white glass sliding doors that led to the bathroom. 


Akira removed her shoes, and placed them by the door before walking over to the kitchen area. She looks over her shoulder and says, "Please take off your shoes, and just make yourself comfortable."


Shadowkiller takes licence plate up and leaves then home, because she hasn't way to follow van.


One of the doctors who treated Hanah walks to sergeant.

"Sergeant? You are here because girl?"

Dan respectfully nods and immediately kneels down to undo the laces of his steel-capped boots. Underneath, he wore a pair of Caterpillar brand industrial work socks, which are very similar to thick socks but more durable and grippy (I find anyway) on the floor. He looks around the aparment, impressed.

"This is nice. Very homely. Nothing like my place."

@Crystal Cali
Akira looks over her shoulder and smiles at Dan as she grabs two glasses from her cbinet and fills them with ice from her ice maker. "Thanks. Though, other than the bean bags, all the furniture came with the apartment. There was a couch when I moved in, but it wasn't very comfortable, so I swapped for the bean bags." Akira grabs the two glasses of ice with one hand, and two plates with another, then walks over to the coffee table, and sets the dishes down before plopping into a bean bag.

@The Fabulous Emerald
David sits on an adjacent bean bag, by lowering himself slowly onto it (he never liked the idea of dropping onto it) and puts the bag between them, and starts unwrapping.

"Here's your drink and here's the pizza!"

@Crystal Cali
Akira sets up the table so that the pizza was in the middle, and each of them had a plate and a cup in front of them. "Thanks," she says cheerfully as she pours her drink into her cup with ice, and then grabs a slice of pizza. "So, are you an engineering major in school, or something similar?" she asks, just trying to make conversation. 

@The Fabulous Emerald
The mastermind had been called away on business for the past couple of weeks. No he was back and he decide to take a look around the city. A grander should know ones garden as he knows his hands after all. Walking around without security for once felt good. Edward could take good enough care of himslef. Then again the city does have the element of surprise in great quantities. (Open for Interaction) 
Searan was getting tired of waiting around. Apparently, people here were not as interested in his revolution as they had been in other cities. He decided he would walk around to see just how the city operated, and what he could do to start the fire he was hoping to. He pulls up his hood, casting his face into shadow. He heads out to the streets, expecting more chaos then he actually runs into. Sure, there were always minor robberies and muggings happening at night, but that was tame compared to the chaos Searan wanted to start. He walks down the street with his hands in his pockets, concealing a gun he had hidden, until he came across another man walking the street. Searan stops, and nods towards the man. "Peaceful night, isn't it?" he says, his voice deep and rough.



Akira takes a bite of her pizza, and smiles at Dan. "I see. Any idea what you want to specialize in?" she asks cheerfully.

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Probably maintenance or maybe even CAD, but I don't know yet. I'll see what happens. Earlier, you said you were bored when I asked you about jobs. Did you have jobs before?"

(at least, i think i understood what you said a couple of pages ago.)

Dan smiles back, but then eats some more pizza.

@Crystal Cali



Richter snapped awake, bolt upright, sweat matting his hair to his forehead. Red-rimmed eyes looked to the blaring alarm clock on his bedside table, and a swift hand silenced the klaxon. He swung his bare feet over the side of his bed, resting them on the cold, dirty concrete floor. He pressed his hands against his face, breathing slowly and deliberately. He'd been crying in his sleep. The dreams didn't come when he slept on sedatives, but he'd been out and had decided to risk it. He raised his head, scanning the decaying room, his eyes passing over the few boxes holding his meager possessions. He hadn't unpacked, and probably never would. There wasn't need to. Well, except for one box, that is...

He swiped his lighter from where it lay next to the now silent alarm clock, fumbling open the single drawer of the table with his other hand, causing a familiar green package to bump into his view. He picked up his pack of menthol cigarettes, flipping the package open and placing a white and brown tube between his lips one-handed with practiced ease. He placed the package back into the drawer, more than a little reluctantly, and closed it. He lights up, acrid blue smoke drifting up and away as the old chemical pleasure sent his nerve endings singing. He stood, now much calmer, and lifted a box labeled "Christmas" onto the bed, tearing through the boxing tape with his nails. He folded it open, revealing several rolls of brightly colored wrapping paper. He threw them aside, reaching deeper into the box and extricating a course cloth mask and a black vest. He set them aside, reaching into the box again and removing a long, ragged woolen coat. He set this with the vest and mask before moving the box back with the others, still open. Searching among them, he found his toolbox and removed a rubber-gripped engineer's hammer. He hefted it, testing it's weight, before setting it alongside his clothes. Opening a large armoire, the only furniture in this place he'd decoded to keep besides the bed, he changed into a long-sleeved black undershirt and black cargo pants, with matching work gloves. He slipped his feet comfortably into his dark brown boots and, discarding his cigarette, dressed fully, slipping the mask on last. He reached beneath his bed and removed a coil of rope, wrapping it across his chest. He picked up the hammer again and, for a few seconds, just stared at it in his hand. He felt the sure grip of it, the course fabric of the mask, and the comfortable weight of his clothes. Then, without a word, he turned and left the building.

(Open for interaction)
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"Yes it does seem to be a rather quiet night doesn't it" Edward says while he rests his hands on his cane to talk. He couldn't see the hooded mans face and the voice struck no memories. "Seems we are experiencing one of rare moments of quiet in this city" Edwards says with a smile. It was rather odd that the city was this silent then again Edward hadn't been contacted about any jobs recently. "So what are you doing alone in this normally dangerous city?". @Crystal Cali
Akira takes another bite of pizza. "Aside from internships, I've only ever done temp jobs or freelance stuff. I just haven't had much work coming my way since I got to this city. I mean, I can work for someone far away from here through the Internet, but I just haven't been contacted in a while." 

@The Fabulous Emerald


Searan smiles as he hears that the silence was indeed rare. "Oh, just looking for work. I make weapons, see, and well, I know many people around here could use some."


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