Main RP [RP happens here]

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it."

He takes another mouthful of cider.

(why would it surprise him to see an english speaker in an english speaking town, even if they are foreign?)

@Crystal Cali
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"You need to relax, take the stress off. You mentioned work was slow - anything I could help with?"

Dan sounds legitimately concerned. As he consumes more alcohol.
Akira raises an eyebrow as she drinks more, glancing up at Dan. "I don't know," she says as she sets her cup down again. "The flow of work isn't always steady as a freelancer. I suppose I could work for an IT department somewhere, if things continue like this too long."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira sighs again, though this time a small smile forms on her lips. "Because I'm bored," she says with a slight chuckle. She then glances over to Chi, and says "I write computer programs for just about anything, though mostly security measures like home alarm systems or computer antiviruses."

@Hanah Solo @The Fabulous Emerald
"You know anyone who works whit weapons? Don't try lie, that gun that you have isn't factory made."

Chi gives wink to Akira.
Akira raises an eyebrow. This girl was more observant than she thought. Sure, though her gun had been just a revolver when she got it, Akira had made a few modifications. "Ever hear of L0V3BUG? I've never met them in person, but whoever this person is, they make decent weapons," she says with a casual tone. "I hear this person does a background check on the people he or she makes weapons for though. I assume they have connections with the police. Anyone who wants a weapon custom made from them has to look them up online, and fill out an extensive form, authorizing that L0V3BUG can look into your background, and blah blah blah, but it's worth the trouble."

@Hanah Solo  
"What if there isn't background to check, as my friend wouldn't want way to those who seek her from purging their places find her or her family."

Chi throws her last dart to middle of darts.

"But she have money to cover any material lost and extra."
Akira shrugs, keeping her expression neutral. "Then they may get rejected. I don't know how this person works, I only know my experience." Akira looks back to Dan, then in English says "Ah, sorry about that. I guess you don't know Japanese?" she says with a smile.

@Hanah Solo  @The Fabulous Emerald
He shakes his head.

"Never had the time or patience to learn another language fully."

Other than a bit of French, he only knows English.
Akira smiles. "In the school system in Japan, learning English is required. Though a good number of people may not be fluent after graduation, a lot of students travel abroad to go to college in English speaking countries. I'm one of them, so I know both languages, and a little bit of Korean." Akira takes another drink.

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Here is my email, sent link to site there and i give it to my friend."

Chi gives one of her personal e-mail address to Akira.

"And if you want meet me again, you can ask whit it."

Behind Chi man who attacked her wakes and takes out from his pocket a dagger.

"I am going to make you..."

Chi turns fast around, kicks man to groin and then to his jaw, knocking out him again.

"That one didn't learn from first time. Good evening."

Chi leaves from bar.
"Awesome! Me, I'm just born and bred here. Although, I think I picked up some things from my English dad, but yeah. What's it like in Japan?"

He smiles warmly, and then takes a swig of cider.

@Crystal Cali
Akira looks at the e-mail Chi gives her, but doesn't intend to do anything with it. She goes to take another drink of Sake, and realizes that she was out. She asks the bartender for a different drink, then looks over at Dan. "A lot different," she smiles. "Customs in Japan revolve a lot around spiritual beliefs, and the grading system in school is more competitive. Those are the major differences I noticed when I moved here... er, besides the food."

@The Fabulous Emerald 
Akira takes another drink. She has about half o her second drink left, and now she was really starting to feel a bit unbalanced. Good thing she was sitting. She rests her elbow on the counter, and then rests her head on that hand so she was leaning over a bit, but still propped up and looking at Dan. "I haven't been back in a long time. There are many great vacation spots, though. I've been to several different hot springs. It's a great experience."

@The Fabulous Emerald 
"See, I never liked the idea of hot springs. Bit too public for my taste. Although, I hear from a friend that Todaiji temple is a good place to visit. Meant to be really interesting."

Dan notices that Akira was starting to feel a bit...tipsy at most. However, he trusts that she can handle her drink well.

@Crystal Cali
Akira grins. "You don't see many foreigners at hot springs. It's a concept that would be hard to get used to for many, I'm sure. I've been to plenty of temples, but I don't think I've been to the Todaiji temple. I actually never traveled too far from home until I moves out of the country."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Chi walked in her house and take out her suit.

"I need go look after that girl. I don't like that man who leaved whit her or hearing about that police."

Chi put her suit on and taked her katanas and smoke bombs. Then she got down on her knees and put fist on her chest.

"I swear that today i will keep my target alive. If i fail that i would go after life to keep her safe there."

Chi then rises and heads near to bar, hiding in shadows.

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