Main IC RP

Amilia couldnt help it and she had to laugh a little bit. She laughed without stopping to cry, standing up and slowly heading to the door. She opened to door, wrapped her arms around Mephisto, burried her face in his shoulder and cried something about Oliver being an asshole.

Mephisto nodded and patted her on the shoulder. "It's okay, It's okay..." he kept saying, trying to make her feel better. He felt the tears soaking into his shoulder, although he'd still have to confront Oliver later, to know what happened that caused this. Mephisto couldn't think of anything happening between two adepts that would make one-- Oh, wait. Of course he could, as soon as he realized that the two were of opposite gender and were 'flirting friends.' For now he just stood there, as a support for Amilia.
Mephisto nodded and patted her on the shoulder. "It's okay, It's okay..." he kept saying, trying to make her feel better. He felt the tears soaking into his shoulder, although he'd still have to confront Oliver later, to know what happened that caused this. Mephisto couldn't think of anything happening between two adepts that would make one-- Oh, wait. Of course he could, as soon as he realized that the two were of opposite gender and were 'flirting friends.' For now he just stood there, as a support for Amilia.

Amilia continued crying for quite a time. When she finally calmed down, she nugded her head between his shoulder and chest. Then she backed up a bit and looked into his eyes. "Thanks for... being there...", she sniffed and nodded towards Mephisto. "I... got kinda overwhelmed. I'm sorry to cause such a drama."
Amilia continued crying for quite a time. When she finally calmed down, she nugded her head between his shoulder and chest. Then she backed up a bit and looked into his eyes. "Thanks for... being there...", she sniffed and nodded towards Mephisto. "I... got kinda overwhelmed. I'm sorry to cause such a drama."

Mephisto nodded and said "That's okay..." then took a step back. "You know, even devil may cry." (This is foreshadowing, by the way.) and chuckled. "Should I talk to our Dragon Knight about this, little... accident?" he asked her. Mephisto as the Guildmaster had to ensure that the relations between the members of the Guild were good enough that they were willing to cooperate with each other during combat, as contracts that required the whole Guild weren't as rare as they seemed. (Also a foreshadowing.)
Gabriel was still at the gate, waiting for his daughter to be there, looking into his leather bag for the same usual drink he happily sips every evening. An horse quickly approached the gate, galloping quickly and proudly. A hooded and shady figure was riding it, as they quickly reached for Fort Black. Being arrived at the entrance, the horse stopped all of a sudden as the figure on it pulled the leather lasso that they used to stir the horse. They jumped off the horse and took off their hood. "DAD!" Amelia exclaimed happily, smiling brightly and hugging Gabriel really tightly. Gabriel was surprised, but smiled and responded, "Amelia! It's good to see you!" with a cheerful and happy tone. He raised his eyebrow and looked at her, kneeling down. "You changed a lot since the last time I've seen you." He said ironically, smiling at her. She smiled back again, giggling and looking around, throwing her gaze all around the place. "How's your training going?" Gabriel asked Amelia with a curious tone, getting up and coughing a bit. "It's been great! I've finally passed the trials, I am a full exorcist now!" Amelia exclaimed cheerfully, showing him her badge, which was more of a mini-dagger. "Someone wants to meet you." Gabriel said excitedly, gesturing her with his left hand for her to follow him. Amelia followed him quickly, having to half-run besides him as one of Gabriel's steps is equal to about three Amelia's steps. 

Gabriel walked towards the inside of Fort Black, in the wing of the castle where Mephisto was. As he arrived in the hallway where Mephisto and Amilia were, Gabriel stopped walking and stopped Amelia too. He looked at the scene quietly, hoping everything was alright. Amelia stared into Mephisto's eyes, and gasped. She hid behind Gabriel and stood completely still behind her father, fearful of the powerful demon that she had in front of herself.

Amilia continued crying for quite a time. When she finally calmed down, she nugded her head between his shoulder and chest. Then she backed up a bit and looked into his eyes. "Thanks for... being there...", she sniffed and nodded towards Mephisto. "I... got kinda overwhelmed. I'm sorry to cause such a drama."

Gabriel was still at the gate, waiting for his daughter to be there, looking into his leather bag for the same usual drink he happily sips every evening. An horse quickly approached the gate, galloping quickly and proudly. A hooded and shady figure was riding it, as they quickly reached for Fort Black. Being arrived at the entrance, the horse stopped all of a sudden as the figure on it pulled the leather lasso that they used to stir the horse. They jumped off the horse and took off their hood. "DAD!" Amelia exclaimed happily, smiling brightly and hugging Gabriel really tightly. Gabriel was surprised, but smiled and responded, "Amelia! It's good to see you!" with a cheerful and happy tone. He raised his eyebrow and looked at her, kneeling down. "You changed a lot since the last time I've seen you." He said ironically, smiling at her. She smiled back again, giggling and looking around, throwing her gaze all around the place. "How's your training going?" Gabriel asked Amelia with a curious tone, getting up and coughing a bit. "It's been great! I've finally passed the trials, I am a full exorcist now!" Amelia exclaimed cheerfully, showing him her badge, which was more of a mini-dagger. "Someone wants to meet you." Gabriel said excitedly, gesturing her with his left hand for her to follow him. Amelia followed him quickly, having to half-run besides him as one of Gabriel's steps is equal to about three Amelia's steps. 

Gabriel walked towards the inside of Fort Black, in the wing of the castle where Mephisto was. As he arrived in the hallway where Mephisto and Amilia were, Gabriel stopped walking and stopped Amelia too. He looked at the scene quietly, hoping everything was alright. Amelia stared into Mephisto's eyes, and gasped. She hid behind Gabriel and stood completely still behind her father, fearful of the powerful demon that she had in front of herself.


Mephisto's hair stood up, he grabbed his hat and quickly hid behind Amilia. He hissed towards Gabriel and Amelia and exclaimed. "Get that thing away from me! I can smell the holy water from here!!! Gabriel, you traitor!!! You brought an Exorcist here to kill me! I always knew this moment would come!" but you could sense in his voice that he was being somewhat overdramatic. "You're here to overthrow your Guildmaster and take his place?!"  he asked again, hissing at Amelia once again.
Gabriel was extremely surprised by Mephisto's reaction, and started laughing, falling on the ground. "Oh my god! M-Mephisto!!! *snort* That'! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" He said in laughs, lots of laughs, rolling on the ground as Amelia looked at Mephisto. "'re...Mephisto? Father talked about you a lot in his letters..." Amelia said in a little relaxed tone, standing up completely and smiling at him.

Amilia continued crying for quite a time. When she finally calmed down, she nugded her head between his shoulder and chest. Then she backed up a bit and looked into his eyes. "Thanks for... being there...", she sniffed and nodded towards Mephisto. "I... got kinda overwhelmed. I'm sorry to cause such a drama."

Mephisto nodded and said "That's okay..." then took a step back. "You know, even devil may cry." (This is foreshadowing, by the way.) and chuckled. "Should I talk to our Dragon Knight about this, little... accident?" he asked her. Mephisto as the Guildmaster had to ensure that the relations between the members of the Guild were good enough that they were willing to cooperate with each other during combat, as contracts that required the whole Guild weren't as rare as they seemed. (Also a foreshadowing.)

Gabriel was extremely surprised by Mephisto's reaction, and started laughing, falling on the ground. "Oh my god! M-Mephisto!!! *snort* That'! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" He said in laughs, lots of laughs, rolling on the ground as Amelia looked at Mephisto. "'re...Mephisto? Father talked about you a lot in his letters..." Amelia said in a little relaxed tone, standing up completely and smiling at him.

Oliver sat in the library, head in his hands, stress clearly noted on his face. He had said the wrong things, and caused pain to Amilia. That was never his intention, but nevertheless, he had royally screwed up. Now he had Amilia who was angry at him, and she would probably be pissed off for a long time. If he ever had a reason to go on a long mission, he felt now would be a good time. He would give Amilia the chance to be away from him, make her feel better, and he could cool off without having to think too much of the Guild.

He nodded, making the decision, and stood up, smiling. He looked over to Ruthus, holding his arm out for his pet to climb on. But Ruthus just gave him a blank stare, snorted, and laid back down to sleep. Oliver looked at the small dragon for a moment, and sighed. Dragons could understand human emotions and actions better than almost any other animals or beasts, and Ruthus knew that Oliver was in deep trouble. No leaving until it was fixed. Oliver sighed, and walked out of the library, making his way through the Guild to where the bedrooms were. 

As he got to where Amilia's room was, he saw a whole crowd in front of it. Mephisto and Gabriel were there, and another girl was there as well. He approached them all, pasting a smile on his face. Of course, that was the only thing that looked happy about his demeanor. His normally straight back was hunched somewhat, and his eyebrows were furrowed just a tiny bit. He waved. "Mephisto, Gabriel! Hello, how are you two doing? Of course, I saw you when I returned, Mephisto, but not you, Gabriel. You've been good, I'm assuming?" Oliver looked over to Amilia, who was standing near Mephisto still. He knew he should have been more nervous to see her, but he couldn't help but think of that kiss, and a rosy pink appeared on his cheeks. He coughed into his hand. "Ah...A-Amilia. Good, you're here. I was looking for you. I need to, you...privately?" He had a pleading look on his face, which was something very rare to see. 
Gabriel was extremely surprised by Mephisto's reaction, and started laughing, falling on the ground. "Oh my god! M-Mephisto!!! *snort* That'! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" He said in laughs, lots of laughs, rolling on the ground as Amelia looked at Mephisto. "'re...Mephisto? Father talked about you a lot in his letters..." Amelia said in a little relaxed tone, standing up completely and smiling at him.


Oliver sat in the library, head in his hands, stress clearly noted on his face. He had said the wrong things, and caused pain to Amilia. That was never his intention, but nevertheless, he had royally screwed up. Now he had Amilia who was angry at him, and she would probably be pissed off for a long time. If he ever had a reason to go on a long mission, he felt now would be a good time. He would give Amilia the chance to be away from him, make her feel better, and he could cool off without having to think too much of the Guild.

He nodded, making the decision, and stood up, smiling. He looked over to Ruthus, holding his arm out for his pet to climb on. But Ruthus just gave him a blank stare, snorted, and laid back down to sleep. Oliver looked at the small dragon for a moment, and sighed. Dragons could understand human emotions and actions better than almost any other animals or beasts, and Ruthus knew that Oliver was in deep trouble. No leaving until it was fixed. Oliver sighed, and walked out of the library, making his way through the Guild to where the bedrooms were. 

As he got to where Amilia's room was, he saw a whole crowd in front of it. Mephisto and Gabriel were there, and another girl was there as well. He approached them all, pasting a smile on his face. Of course, that was the only thing that looked happy about his demeanor. His normally straight back was hunched somewhat, and his eyebrows were furrowed just a tiny bit. He waved. "Mephisto, Gabriel! Hello, how are you two doing? Of course, I saw you when I returned, Mephisto, but not you, Gabriel. You've been good, I'm assuming?" Oliver looked over to Amilia, who was standing near Mephisto still. He knew he should have been more nervous to see her, but he couldn't help but think of that kiss, and a rosy pink appeared on his cheeks. He coughed into his hand. "Ah...A-Amilia. Good, you're here. I was looking for you. I need to, you...privately?" He had a pleading look on his face, which was something very rare to see. 

Mephisto seemed to be afraid of Amelia, due to her Exorcist-status. Actually, 'afraid' was the lightest way of describing it. Mephisto was shaking, he was nearly petrified. After gulping once, he answered to Amelia's words and said "I will now show you all the last magic trick for today!" in a half-happy, half-'I-am-so-friggin-scared' tone, and chuckled very nervously at his own words. He took his hat in his hands, then swiftly and quickly put it on the ground, with the hole for the head pointing upwards. Mephisto, rose his hand into the air, with the pointing finger out, then he counted to three in a germanic language. "Eins, zwei, drei!" and as soon as he finished counting, and was at three, his hat exploded with a pink, glittery smoke, filling nearly the entire hallway and making nothing visible. It appeared so suddenly and laid such a pressure on the windows of the castle that the said windows broke, with the glittery smoke leaving them into the outside world. As soon as the smoke disperrsed into the air, Mephisto was no longer there.

@Princess Ami
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Mephisto seemed to be afraid of Amelia, due to her Exorcist-status. Actually, 'afraid' was the lightest way of describing it. Mephisto was shaking, he was nearly petrified. After gulping once, he answered to Amelia's words and said "I will now show you all the last magic trick for today!" in a half-happy, half-'I-am-so-friggin-scared' tone, and chuckled very nervously at his own words. He took his hat in his hands, then swiftly and quickly put it on the ground, with the hole for the head pointing upwards. Mephisto, rose his hand into the air, with the pointing finger out, then he counted to three in a germanic language. "Eins, zwei, drei!" and as soon as he finished counting, and was at three, his hat exploded with a pink, glittery smoke, filling nearly the entire hallway and making nothing visible. It appeared so suddenly and laid such a pressure on the windows of the castle that the said windows broke, with the glittery smoke leaving them into the outside world. As soon as the smoke disperrsed into the air, Mephisto was no longer there.

@Princess Ami

Gabriel sighed and patted Amelia on the head tenderly. "Don't worry, he'll get used to you around. You'd react the same way if a demon created to kill exorcists appeared right next to you." He said in a wise and fatherly tone, smiling at her. Amelia looked down at her feet and nodded. She then looked at Oliver, "Hey! I'm Amelia, nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully, waving at him with a big smile stamped on her face. Her clothing was really, really recognizable. The suit of an exorcist. She approached Oliver and extended her hand, looking quite happy.
Gabriel sighed and patted Amelia on the head tenderly. "Don't worry, he'll get used to you around. You'd react the same way if a demon created to kill exorcists appeared right next to you." He said in a wise and fatherly tone, smiling at her. Amelia looked down at her feet and nodded. She then looked at Oliver, "Hey! I'm Amelia, nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully, waving at him with a big smile stamped on her face. Her clothing was really, really recognizable. The suit of an exorcist. She approached Oliver and extended her hand, looking quite happy.

Oliver sat in the library, head in his hands, stress clearly noted on his face. He had said the wrong things, and caused pain to Amilia. That was never his intention, but nevertheless, he had royally screwed up. Now he had Amilia who was angry at him, and she would probably be pissed off for a long time. If he ever had a reason to go on a long mission, he felt now would be a good time. He would give Amilia the chance to be away from him, make her feel better, and he could cool off without having to think too much of the Guild.

He nodded, making the decision, and stood up, smiling. He looked over to Ruthus, holding his arm out for his pet to climb on. But Ruthus just gave him a blank stare, snorted, and laid back down to sleep. Oliver looked at the small dragon for a moment, and sighed. Dragons could understand human emotions and actions better than almost any other animals or beasts, and Ruthus knew that Oliver was in deep trouble. No leaving until it was fixed. Oliver sighed, and walked out of the library, making his way through the Guild to where the bedrooms were. 

As he got to where Amilia's room was, he saw a whole crowd in front of it. Mephisto and Gabriel were there, and another girl was there as well. He approached them all, pasting a smile on his face. Of course, that was the only thing that looked happy about his demeanor. His normally straight back was hunched somewhat, and his eyebrows were furrowed just a tiny bit. He waved. "Mephisto, Gabriel! Hello, how are you two doing? Of course, I saw you when I returned, Mephisto, but not you, Gabriel. You've been good, I'm assuming?" Oliver looked over to Amilia, who was standing near Mephisto still. He knew he should have been more nervous to see her, but he couldn't help but think of that kiss, and a rosy pink appeared on his cheeks. He coughed into his hand. "Ah...A-Amilia. Good, you're here. I was looking for you. I need to, you...privately?" He had a pleading look on his face, which was something very rare to see. 

Amilia looked at the new woman, then, with  Stoic expression, at Oliver. "Hello Amelia. Under other circumstances, I would most likely be amused about how similar our names are. Not right now however. I have got to talk with that man your extending your arm towards in a serious cause and thus, I will ask you and your father to leave with all politeness that I can bring up St the moment. Oliver, please come into my room. The hallway is no place to talk about this."
"Very well madam." Astrid walked back to where Akena's cup of milk stood and ducked under the counter. She came back with a wooden block with glass side embedded, a gift from a passing mage a few years ago. She placed it a seat away from Tiercel, then turned around and started to make a Cuba Libre. Around halfway through her routine flair, she took a large stroke, letting some rum spill onto the box. The rum seeped into the block and the wood retracted into a box with glass windows. Inside a band of wooden homunculi formed and began playing a song. Meanwhile Astrid maintained her conversation with Tiercel. "Fairfax you say, what's the mission?"

Tiercel listened to the exchange between the mysterious woman and Astrid, and tried not to overthink the request for blood. It was strange request- and something not in Tiercel's place to judge. "Some sort of kidnapping." He glanced back to Astrid as his finger ran along his glass, and frowned a little. The topic was a little sore to him for personal reasons of the past, things being the reason for him being here, but though disturbing, he was more determined to fix it. It's what he joined to do, after all. 

"I'm just going down to investigate. The rumors are quite peculiar..." Familiar, even, he had to admit. "Apparently a village just east of Fairfax was burned to the ground- and the arsonists took a few people with them in the attack." He had to believe they were alive still. "And there is nothing from stopping the group from doing it again." Tiercel had reason to believe that it would be Fairfax next. His gaze was serious as he focused down in his hands, buried anger, subdued, but still there after all these years. His expression however did not seem to remark on his true feelings, he was the picture of calm and indifference- but a mess under it all. 

He took another drink of the healing ale, warmth flooding his senses, making him feel better. Already his lip and his shoulder felt good as new. 

The woman listened to the music for a little and then nodded, getting up. With a bright smile, a real one and one of joy, she looked at the winged man. "Last chance to dance with me, birdie.", she said as she started to dance a little, showing that she sure enough was one of a great dancer. While moving to the music, her dress changed to a longer one suiting the swing style of dance she was doing. 

Tiercel glanced back over to the woman  She was still there- still wanting something from him. He wondered if she was trying to be underhanded- or trying to get something from him? Or maybe she was just trying to have a good time, he'd give anyone the benefit of the doubt first. He wasn't a rude or looking to upset and judge people, after all. "Ah," he smiled a little and shook his head, not really in the mood for dancing. Despite her skill he only came here to have a drink. "That's quite alright," he declined as politely as he could. Who knew what getting on his feet would do after polishing off this ale, anyways. 
Tiercel listened to the exchange between the mysterious woman and Astrid, and tried not to overthink the request for blood. It was strange request- and something not in Tiercel's place to judge. "Some sort of kidnapping." He glanced back to Astrid as his finger ran along his glass, and frowned a little. The topic was a little sore to him for personal reasons of the past, things being the reason for him being here, but though disturbing, he was more determined to fix it. It's what he joined to do, after all. 

"I'm just going down to investigate. The rumors are quite peculiar..." Familiar, even, he had to admit. "Apparently a village just east of Fairfax was burned to the ground- and the arsonists took a few people with them in the attack." He had to believe they were alive still. "And there is nothing from stopping the group from doing it again." Tiercel had reason to believe that it would be Fairfax next. His gaze was serious as he focused down in his hands, buried anger, subdued, but still there after all these years. His expression however did not seem to remark on his true feelings, he was the picture of calm and indifference- but a mess under it all. 

He took another drink of the healing ale, warmth flooding his senses, making him feel better. Already his lip and his shoulder felt good as new. 

Tiercel glanced back over to the woman  She was still there- still wanting something from him. He wondered if she was trying to be underhanded- or trying to get something from him? Or maybe she was just trying to have a good time, he'd give anyone the benefit of the doubt first. He wasn't a rude or looking to upset and judge people, after all. "Ah," he smiled a little and shook his head, not really in the mood for dancing. Despite her skill he only came here to have a drink. "That's quite alright," he declined as politely as he could. Who knew what getting on his feet would do after polishing off this ale, anyways. 

The woman started to dance a little on her own, not really minding his decline. "I heard about that incident.", she said and laughed. "Timiriels whole family lived there. They surely suffered under those flames." The woman laughed maniacally. Timiriel. That name could ring some bells in the warriors head. A few month ago, there had been a quest to search for a elven woman with that name. The description would work. Except for the eyes. The woman however seemed to not care for what she just said, as if it was some by the way talk. She danced on, laughing happily.
Tiercel listened to the exchange between the mysterious woman and Astrid, and tried not to overthink the request for blood. It was strange request- and something not in Tiercel's place to judge. "Some sort of kidnapping." He glanced back to Astrid as his finger ran along his glass, and frowned a little. The topic was a little sore to him for personal reasons of the past, things being the reason for him being here, but though disturbing, he was more determined to fix it. It's what he joined to do, after all. 

"I'm just going down to investigate. The rumors are quite peculiar..." Familiar, even, he had to admit. "Apparently a village just east of Fairfax was burned to the ground- and the arsonists took a few people with them in the attack." He had to believe they were alive still. "And there is nothing from stopping the group from doing it again." Tiercel had reason to believe that it would be Fairfax next. His gaze was serious as he focused down in his hands, buried anger, subdued, but still there after all these years. His expression however did not seem to remark on his true feelings, he was the picture of calm and indifference- but a mess under it all. 

He took another drink of the healing ale, warmth flooding his senses, making him feel better. Already his lip and his shoulder felt good as new. 

Tiercel glanced back over to the woman  She was still there- still wanting something from him. He wondered if she was trying to be underhanded- or trying to get something from him? Or maybe she was just trying to have a good time, he'd give anyone the benefit of the doubt first. He wasn't a rude or looking to upset and judge people, after all. "Ah," he smiled a little and shook his head, not really in the mood for dancing. Despite her skill he only came here to have a drink. "That's quite alright," he declined as politely as he could. Who knew what getting on his feet would do after polishing off this ale, anyways. 

The woman started to dance a little on her own, not really minding his decline. "I heard about that incident.", she said and laughed. "Timiriels whole family lived there. They surely suffered under those flames." The woman laughed maniacally. Timiriel. That name could ring some bells in the warriors head. A few month ago, there had been a quest to search for a elven woman with that name. The description would work. Except for the eyes. The woman however seemed to not care for what she just said, as if it was some by the way talk. She danced on, laughing happily.

"Ah, well then, I have just the potion." Astrid said as she finished the Cuba Libre. She saw the young lady still dancing, so she instead left it on a coaster by the box of humunculi. She turned around and took two bottle and poured them out into four vials. "Two high quality healing potions and two general use antidotes. Come back tomorrow morning and I'll have a potion that'll freeze anything it touches."
Fia decided to find her way back to her room, but upon seeing a small scene taking place only a few dozen feet from her room, the half-elf decided against it. She had spent 3 months at the keep; during that time, she had noticed a frequent visitor: a civilian who introduced herself as Astrid. She often sold potions to the guild, a some of the other members told the half-elf about Astrid's bar. Fia wasn't a drinker, she never had been and never wanted to even try alcohol, but Fia's curiousity often got the better of her. Although she didn't plan to buy anything, she allowed herself at least one visit. Mounting a horse, Fia headed down into town.

The scene that greeted Fia's eyes was not exactly something the half-elf expected: there was music, to be expected, but the bar seemed... empty. At least emptier than the 17 year old had expected. Astrid was running the bar, and Fia approached cautiously, glancing around and taking in and making a mental note of where all the exits were. Her eyes eventually fixed on the barkeep, but, at first, the half-elf didn't say anything.

@Alteras @Others_in_the_bar
Amilia looked at the new woman, then, with  Stoic expression, at Oliver. "Hello Amelia. Under other circumstances, I would most likely be amused about how similar our names are. Not right now however. I have got to talk with that man your extending your arm towards in a serious cause and thus, I will ask you and your father to leave with all politeness that I can bring up St the moment. Oliver, please come into my room. The hallway is no place to talk about this."

Amelia and Gabriel looked at eachother and nodded, leaving the room. They headed both towards Amelia's room. "This is your room now sweetie." Gabriel said with a smile, waving her goodbye and walking off towards somewhere else. Amelia settled down her things and let herself fall on the bed. "I'm so tired..." She muttered to herself, taking out the Holynomicon and starting to read it carefully.
Fia decided to find her way back to her room, but upon seeing a small scene taking place only a few dozen feet from her room, the half-elf decided against it. She had spent 3 months at the keep; during that time, she had noticed a frequent visitor: a civilian who introduced herself as Astrid. She often sold potions to the guild, a some of the other members told the half-elf about Astrid's bar. Fia wasn't a drinker, she never had been and never wanted to even try alcohol, but Fia's curiousity often got the better of her. Although she didn't plan to buy anything, she allowed herself at least one visit. Mounting a horse, Fia headed down into town.

The scene that greeted Fia's eyes was not exactly something the half-elf expected: there was music, to be expected, but the bar seemed... empty. At least emptier than the 17 year old had expected. Astrid was running the bar, and Fia approached cautiously, glancing around and taking in and making a mental note of where all the exits were. Her eyes eventually fixed on the barkeep, but, at first, the half-elf didn't say anything.

@Alteras @Others_in_the_bar

Just as Astrid finished handing Tiercel his potions, the door opened to a half elf girl. Astrid has seen her before at the guild. What was her name? Lia? With a smile, she beckoned the little girl forward. Lia was probably just cautious of the dancing girl and Akena. "Welcome to my bar, Lia." She said as she gestured to the seat next to Tiercel. "Didn't expect to see you here. What would you like? Some beer? Water-mix? Juice? Or perhaps just a Calming Tonic?" The music was coming to an end, so Astrid took a ruined calming tonic bottle and poured some on the music box of homunculi. The miniature band inside waved their arms in protest, until Astrid poured some more. The wooden homunculi took the drops and absorbed it, and began playing more calming music.
Just as Astrid finished handing Tiercel his potions, the door opened to a half elf girl. Astrid has seen her before at the guild. What was her name? Lia? With a smile, she beckoned the little girl forward. Lia was probably just cautious of the dancing girl and Akena. "Welcome to my bar, Lia." She said as she gestured to the seat next to Tiercel. "Didn't expect to see you here. What would you like? Some beer? Water-mix? Juice? Or perhaps just a Calming Tonic?" The music was coming to an end, so Astrid took a ruined calming tonic bottle and poured some on the music box of homunculi. The miniature band inside waved their arms in protest, until Astrid poured some more. The wooden homunculi took the drops and absorbed it, and began playing more calming music.

Fia decided to find her way back to her room, but upon seeing a small scene taking place only a few dozen feet from her room, the half-elf decided against it. She had spent 3 months at the keep; during that time, she had noticed a frequent visitor: a civilian who introduced herself as Astrid. She often sold potions to the guild, a some of the other members told the half-elf about Astrid's bar. Fia wasn't a drinker, she never had been and never wanted to even try alcohol, but Fia's curiousity often got the better of her. Although she didn't plan to buy anything, she allowed herself at least one visit. Mounting a horse, Fia headed down into town.

The scene that greeted Fia's eyes was not exactly something the half-elf expected: there was music, to be expected, but the bar seemed... empty. At least emptier than the 17 year old had expected. Astrid was running the bar, and Fia approached cautiously, glancing around and taking in and making a mental note of where all the exits were. Her eyes eventually fixed on the barkeep, but, at first, the half-elf didn't say anything.

@Alteras @Others_in_the_bar

The black eyed woman stopped dancing. Annoyedly, she dropped on a chair besides Fia. "Wow, what kind of music is that? I mean yeah, I can dance to that, but it kills the mood." She grabbed the Cuba Libre and emptied it in one go. Alcohol did not affect her undead organism. She looked at the half elf. "Hey, your an elf too, at least an half one." The woman revealed her even ears. Her dress changed into a seductive cocktail dress. Black, of course.
Lilith catched the ball happily. "Daddy is a little like a mentor, but other than that, no." She threw the ball again, this time aiming higher, so he could catch it better. 

Amilia stared at him. Her eyes were big, being deep as the ocean like that. Her stare was more than just hurt. It was almost heartbroken. They had just kissed, it had felt so right, so much like heaven. And now he was giving her that? Was he serious? 

The small woman got up from his lap. Tears gushed into her eyes, but she held them back. "Your such an asshole!", she yelled at him. Insulting was totally not her usual, as one could tell. After yelling at him, she turned around. The tears won and she started crying as she ran off to her room. When she reached it, she threw herself on the bed.

Baragar caught the ball.  "I see..."  He said with a deep echoing voice.  "Must be hard for you to control magic at such a young age... I'm actually very very old and I still have a lot of trouble casting magic..."  Baragar said as he looked at the ball made with her magic.  "Your talent is quite extraordinary, I see a lot of potential in you..." He looked at her proudly and tossed back the ball.  It was a peaceful scene, a huge metal man playing catch with a little girl.  
Fia's somewhat neutral expression narrowed into a glare. With a sigh, Fia shook her head, taking the seat that the barkeeper indicated to, "Fia. My name's Fia. And I'm not exactly sure I expected to find myself here either. Water will be fine."

There had been a woman dancing when Fia entered, now she stopped. The half-elf didn't really take a glance at her before hand, nor did she really want to pay too much attention to her now. The woman commented on her heritage and Fia shrugged, "I didn't come here to be ridiculed by elves or people. Just wanted a bit of peace. The music here appears to be helping with that."

The half-elf lifted her bow off her shoulder and rested it on her lap. As she waited for her drink, she studied it intently, scrutinizing over every detail before she was satisfied that it hadn't been damaged on the way over to the bar.

@Princess Ami @Alteras
Baragar caught the ball.  "I see..."  He said with a deep echoing voice.  "Must be hard for you to control magic at such a young age... I'm actually very very old and I still have a lot of trouble casting magic..."  Baragar said as he looked at the ball made with her magic.  "Your talent is quite extraordinary, I see a lot of potential in you..." He looked at her proudly and tossed back the ball.  It was a peaceful scene, a huge metal man playing catch with a little girl.  

Lilith kept playing the game with the giant Lizardman, having fun doing so. "Yeah, everyone says that. And a lot of people are afraid. One even called me a bomb, which could explode anytime." 

Fia's somewhat neutral expression narrowed into a glare. With a sigh, Fia shook her head, taking the seat that the barkeeper indicated to, "Fia. My name's Fia. And I'm not exactly sure I expected to find myself here either. Water will be fine."

There had been a woman dancing when Fia entered, now she stopped. The half-elf didn't really take a glance at her before hand, nor did she really want to pay too much attention to her now. The woman commented on her heritage and Fia shrugged, "I didn't come here to be ridiculed by elves or people. Just wanted a bit of peace. The music here appears to be helping with that."

The half-elf lifted her bow off her shoulder and rested it on her lap. As she waited for her drink, she studied it intently, scrutinizing over every detail before she was satisfied that it hadn't been damaged on the way over to the bar.

@Princess Ami @Alteras

"I never intended to be unpolite in any means, I am no full elf myself.", the woman said in a friendly tone. "I just tried to get the mood a bit better, everyone here seems so weighed down. I mean come on? Is the guild that bad or is it just you?", she joked and made a motion to the bartender to give her another drink. "Also, why doesn't anyone wanna talk? Am I looking that much like a turn off, that everyone even refuses talking to me?"
Amilia looked at the new woman, then, with  Stoic expression, at Oliver. "Hello Amelia. Under other circumstances, I would most likely be amused about how similar our names are. Not right now however. I have got to talk with that man your extending your arm towards in a serious cause and thus, I will ask you and your father to leave with all politeness that I can bring up St the moment. Oliver, please come into my room. The hallway is no place to talk about this."

Oliver looked at Amilia, nervous at how calm she seemed to be, then turned to look at Gabriel and the other girl, named Amelia, he assumed. Oliver gave a nervous smile, winking at the man. "Let's grab a drink later, Gabriel. Catch up on some things." With that, he ducked into Amilia's room, avoiding her gaze as he did so. He didn't like how she was calm. If she had been angry, or sad, or upset, and she showed it, then he would feel more at ease. But that cool expression had set him on edge. So, he stood in the middle of the room, massaging his palm slowly, unsure of what to say exactly. The last time he had opened his mouth to her, she had ran off crying. He knew he didn't want to do that again, because if he messed up, then things would become unfixable.

@Princess Ami
Lilith kept playing the game with the giant Lizardman, having fun doing so. "Yeah, everyone says that. And a lot of people are afraid. One even called me a bomb, which could explode anytime." 

"I never intended to be unpolite in any means, I am no full elf myself.", the woman said in a friendly tone. "I just tried to get the mood a bit better, everyone here seems so weighed down. I mean come on? Is the guild that bad or is it just you?", she joked and made a motion to the bartender to give her another drink. "Also, why doesn't anyone wanna talk? Am I looking that much like a turn off, that everyone even refuses talking to me?"

Baragar caught the ball and held it in his hands for a short while.  "Bomb huh?  I sometimes feel the same way..."  Baragar looked at the ball.  "But you know what, Miss Lilith?  No matter what others feel, just continue to be kind.  I believe kindness will turn any fear into admiration..."  Baragar tossed the ball back.  He felt somewhat sympathetic for Lilith, holding yourself back for others all the time is a challenge.  In a world built on paper glass and cardboard walls, he has found someone sharing his burden.
Fia's somewhat neutral expression narrowed into a glare. With a sigh, Fia shook her head, taking the seat that the barkeeper indicated to, "Fia. My name's Fia. And I'm not exactly sure I expected to find myself here either. Water will be fine."

There had been a woman dancing when Fia entered, now she stopped. The half-elf didn't really take a glance at her before hand, nor did she really want to pay too much attention to her now. The woman commented on her heritage and Fia shrugged, "I didn't come here to be ridiculed by elves or people. Just wanted a bit of peace. The music here appears to be helping with that."

The half-elf lifted her bow off her shoulder and rested it on her lap. As she waited for her drink, she studied it intently, scrutinizing over every detail before she was satisfied that it hadn't been damaged on the way over to the bar.

@Princess Ami @Alteras

 "I just tried to get the mood a bit better, everyone here seems so weighed down. I mean come on? Is the guild that bad or is it just you?", she joked and made a motion to the bartender to give her another drink. "Also, why doesn't anyone wanna talk? Am I looking that much like a turn off, that everyone even refuses talking to me?"

Handing Fia a glass of water, Astrid said, "Sorry about that, it's just that I've only heard about you from others. I don't tend to remember names well if they haven't been served by me." She reached under and took the Calming Tonic from the rack and poured it into a shotglass anyway. Placing the misty white liquid on the table she said, "Just a potion that eases the mind if you want it." She went about making another drink of Cuba Libre, a bit less flair this time to match the music. "No worries madam, while your efforts may seem wasted on my patrons, there is no need to be down. Everyone comes to a bar for their own reason. Behind that heavy door is the outside world with suffering and sadness. In here is whatever a patron may wish it to be, that is if the bartender can do it."
Fia shrugged her shoulders but looked up in time to thank the bartender for the glass of water. "Your apology is accepted."
The half-elf looked at the misty-filled shotglass and shook her head, "I appreciate the gesture but... I think I'll be fine without it."

As the other woman insisted she didn't mean to offend her, Fia looked her in the eye, "I'm sorry, but when people call themselves elves it brings back... well... I'd rather not say, if it's all the same."

Without waiting for a reply, Fia opened her book and started reading, taking a sip from her drink every couple of seconds.

@Alteras @Princess Ami
Oliver looked at Amilia, nervous at how calm she seemed to be, then turned to look at Gabriel and the other girl, named Amelia, he assumed. Oliver gave a nervous smile, winking at the man. "Let's grab a drink later, Gabriel. Catch up on some things." With that, he ducked into Amilia's room, avoiding her gaze as he did so. He didn't like how she was calm. If she had been angry, or sad, or upset, and she showed it, then he would feel more at ease. But that cool expression had set him on edge. So, he stood in the middle of the room, massaging his palm slowly, unsure of what to say exactly. The last time he had opened his mouth to her, she had ran off crying. He knew he didn't want to do that again, because if he messed up, then things would become unfixable.

@Princess Ami

Amilia followed him inside and looked at him calmly, buy with a sad expression. "Well...", she started and then stopped again, looking down and then back up. "What do you have to say?"

Baragar caught the ball and held it in his hands for a short while.  "Bomb huh?  I sometimes feel the same way..."  Baragar looked at the ball.  "But you know what, Miss Lilith?  No matter what others feel, just continue to be kind.  I believe kindness will turn any fear into admiration..."  Baragar tossed the ball back.  He felt somewhat sympathetic for Lilith, holding yourself back for others all the time is a challenge.  In a world built on paper glass and cardboard walls, he has found someone sharing his burden.

Lilith catched the ball, but she squeezed it harshly. "Kind?" She squeezed it more. The ball made a loud bang. "I don't want to be kind anymore!" She started to hover. A warrior, no special person, just another guild member walked by, keeping a scared distance to the child. That drove her over the egde. In an instant, she was besides the member and held his head in her hand. Not balance brought control. Anger did. But then, she realized what she had done. Tears filled her eyes. She teleported front to Baragar. "Hand this to daddy... tell him... I'm sorry." With that, she disappeared.

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