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Dilate smiled.  "Glad you understand,"  He replied to Conrad's comment about the favor.  "I was the more popular guy?"  He asked.  "I thought that was you... all my fame just stems from my great grandfathers deeds.  I remember you having a ton of romantic escapades back in the day.  Remember the Ellis twins? Man, how they fought over you!"  Dilate laughed as he listened to Conrad's comments about the academy.  "That's probably why girls find you attractive man, you're the quiet, intelligent type... a lot of girls are looking for that!  I mean... not that you need a girlfriend or anything,"  Dilate adjusted his stance.  "Infinite in mystery, is the gift of the Goddess..."  Dilate repeated.  "I'm not sure... never heard about that before, ever the poet huh?  Never change..."

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad nodded to his words and said. "Of course you were. Your ancestor is the reason everyone is too afraid to talk to you. They think of you as if you were a noble. They want to praise you, not befriend you." and heard about his romantic escapades. "That's just the past. I'm not interested in beatiful, rich women. What really is beauty, if on the inside one is rotting? Now, I'm not asking for someone perfect, just someone who isn't excessively spoiled." and heard Dilate's notion. "Quiet, intelligent? I can agree with the latter, but I wouldn't exactly call myself quiet. Sure, I study a lot. But what about the part where I make stuff explode with magic part?" and then heard Dilate's question about the poem. "Yep. That's Loveless, Act 1. Loveless is my favourite, written by Israfil Enki. The poem itself isn't much, but it's interpretation is what explains the title. It's really beatiful, but also tragic..." Conrad continued to mutter out facts about Loveless, oblivious to the fact that nearly nobody was listening. "It has a strong story element, and it made it's way to the stage around 300 years ago. The poem is a tragedy about 3 friends, and a lover of one of them. He cannot renoncile with her, therefore the title: Loveless. I can recite it to you, if you want, but I doubt that you can interpret it properly."
Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad nodded to his words and said. "Of course you were. Your ancestor is the reason everyone is too afraid to talk to you. They think of you as if you were a noble. They want to praise you, not befriend you." and heard about his romantic escapades. "That's just the past. I'm not interested in beatiful, rich women. What really is beauty, if on the inside one is rotting? Now, I'm not asking for someone perfect, just someone who isn't excessively spoiled." and heard Dilate's notion. "Quiet, intelligent? I can agree with the latter, but I wouldn't exactly call myself quiet. Sure, I study a lot. But what about the part where I make stuff explode with magic part?" and then heard Dilate's question about the poem. "Yep. That's Loveless, Act 1. Loveless is my favourite, written by Israfil Enki. The poem itself isn't much, but it's interpretation is what explains the title. It's really beatiful, but also tragic..." Conrad continued to mutter out facts about Loveless, oblivious to the fact that nearly nobody was listening. "It has a strong story element, and it made it's way to the stage around 300 years ago. The poem is a tragedy about 3 friends, and a lover of one of them. He cannot renoncile with her, therefore the title: Loveless. I can recite it to you, if you want, but I doubt that you can interpret it properly."

Daisy shyly opened the door to her room. She wore a light azure dress, that perfectly underlined her eye and hair color. She looked more than graceful, however, still more like a princess than like a queen. "Uhm, i would now be ready..." Her face was completely red, she had heard part of the conversation, had even listened a bit before stepping out. That was a bad habit she just couldnt get rid of. What Conrad had said about being rotten inside had made her think. Was the like that? Was she rich but rotten?
Daisy shyly opened the door to her room. She wore a light azure dress, that perfectly underlined her eye and hair color. She looked more than graceful, however, still more like a princess than like a queen. "Uhm, i would now be ready..." Her face was completely red, she had heard part of the conversation, had even listened a bit before stepping out. That was a bad habit she just couldnt get rid of. What Conrad had said about being rotten inside had made her think. Was the like that? Was she rich but rotten?

Dilate was thinking about the Loveless poem Conrad mentioned but flinched when Daisy stepped out of her room.  He looked at the light blue dress she wore... and admired its simple beauty.  She looks... beautiful.  He thought as he adjusted his posture.  He looked like he was going to say something about the way she looked but held it back.  "You guys ready?  Lets go to the Farmer's Market... we got to hurry before the nightly events end!"  He gave the princess a timid smile before starting to walk through the hallway.

Location: Albion Night Market

Once a week, the Albion market holds a mini-fair full of vendors and outdoor restaurants.  The scents of foreign meats and spices filled the air accompanied by the sounds of hearty festival music.  people were dancing in the square as musicians held a concert to commemorate the blessings of the harvest god.  Kids were lined up playing carnival games for chances to win simple dolls and toys.  There were vendors of every sort lining the square... some sold vegetables, some sold fruits, some sold costumes from faraway lands, and some sold handcrafted knick knacks.  Colorful lanterns fill the night sky like stars.  

"Smells nice doesn't it?"  Dilate grinned at his two companions.
Dilate was thinking about the Loveless poem Conrad mentioned but flinched when Daisy stepped out of her room.  He looked at the light blue dress she wore... and admired its simple beauty.  She looks... beautiful.  He thought as he adjusted his posture.  He looked like he was going to say something about the way she looked but held it back.  "You guys ready?  Lets go to the Farmer's Market... we got to hurry before the nightly events end!"  He gave the princess a timid smile before starting to walk through the hallway.

Location: Albion Night Market

Once a week, the Albion market holds a mini-fair full of vendors and outdoor restaurants.  The scents of foreign meats and spices filled the air accompanied by the sounds of hearty festival music.  people were dancing in the square as musicians held a concert to commemorate the blessings of the harvest god.  Kids were lined up playing carnival games for chances to win simple dolls and toys.  There were vendors of every sort lining the square... some sold vegetables, some sold fruits, some sold costumes from faraway lands, and some sold handcrafted knick knacks.  Colorful lanterns fill the night sky like stars.  

"Smells nice doesn't it?"  Dilate grinned at his two companions.

Daisy shyly opened the door to her room. She wore a light azure dress, that perfectly underlined her eye and hair color. She looked more than graceful, however, still more like a princess than like a queen. "Uhm, i would now be ready..." Her face was completely red, she had heard part of the conversation, had even listened a bit before stepping out. That was a bad habit she just couldnt get rid of. What Conrad had said about being rotten inside had made her think. Was the like that? Was she rich but rotten?

Conrad Varentain

Location: Albion Night Market

Conrad looked around and nodded to Dilate's words, then said. "Yeah." and started to take a look around. The place was rather interesting, a lot of vendors and salesmen trying to get their merchandise into the cycle. People were trading goods everywhere around, and one could sense exotic food all around. Conrad made his way around, and then stopped to stare at the concert for a minute. The music wasn't bad at all, even though played by basic bards, minstrels and peasants who barely had any idea what they were doing, it was still pretty good. This may have even been a salvageable evening, as Conrad wanted to spend it with his best friend, but then again: You don't get to meet the queen of Albion every day, even more: To hang out with her. This reminded Conrad of the alchemical rule of equivalent exchange. Something for something of equal value.
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Daisy looked around. The market. How long had she not been here? Years and years, the last time was with her father. She had still been a kid back then. "It is really beautiful...", she muttered and looked around. She looked at every single stand she saw and acted like a child. She tried all food she found, she tried all drinks. She seemed to enjoy herself, to forget the trouble of the last weeks. She seemed to be the joyful self that she had been back then, when the old king lived. The one that got called Princess Purity. The one so many people loved. 
Daisy looked around. The market. How long had she not been here? Years and years, the last time was with her father. She had still been a kid back then. "It is really beautiful...", she muttered and looked around. She looked at every single stand she saw and acted like a child. She tried all food she found, she tried all drinks. She seemed to enjoy herself, to forget the trouble of the last weeks. She seemed to be the joyful self that she had been back then, when the old king lived. The one that got called Princess Purity. The one so many people loved. 

As soon as the princess stepped into the cobblestone square, curious eyes started to lock on to her.  Kids holding various fruits rushed up to her and generously gave her apples.  Merchants immediately walked up to her and offered her roses, masks, and toys.  "Free!  For our beautiful princess!"  The merchants shouted.

The music went on and on as Dilate led them to an outdoor cafe that serves food fresh from the farm.  "This isn't anything fancy, but it sure smells good... that's a wild pig they're roasting over there!"  Dilate pointed at a skewered pig rotating over a massive fire.  He looked at the princess.  "Have you eaten roasted pig before?"
As soon as the princess stepped into the cobblestone square, curious eyes started to lock on to her.  Kids holding various fruits rushed up to her and generously gave her apples.  Merchants immediately walked up to her and offered her roses, masks, and toys.  "Free!  For our beautiful princess!"  The merchants shouted.

The music went on and on as Dilate led them to an outdoor cafe that serves food fresh from the farm.  "This isn't anything fancy, but it sure smells good... that's a wild pig they're roasting over there!"  Dilate pointed at a skewered pig rotating over a massive fire.  He looked at the princess.  "Have you eaten roasted pig before?"

Daisy looked around. The market. How long had she not been here? Years and years, the last time was with her father. She had still been a kid back then. "It is really beautiful...", she muttered and looked around. She looked at every single stand she saw and acted like a child. She tried all food she found, she tried all drinks. She seemed to enjoy herself, to forget the trouble of the last weeks. She seemed to be the joyful self that she had been back then, when the old king lived. The one that got called Princess Purity. The one so many people loved. 

Conrad Varentain

Location: Albion Night Market

Conrad kept looking around curiously, as he turned around to hear some merchants offering gifts to the princess. He watched with jealousy in his eyes. How did it feel to be loved by everyone, and recognized by everyone as soon as they looked at you? He followed Dilate to the cafe and then sat by the table. Roasted pig? Conrad cringed, as how much could roasted pig cost- Oh, wait. Right. DIlate already gave him the money to pay for everything. Nothing to worry about. "I myself have never indulged in such delicacies, but I am sure that our lady did." he commented, looking at Dilate. She was royalty after all, they could buy anything. "Nevertheless, I will pay for it, if you wish." he added in a suave, professional and composed tone. Dilate requested for Conrad to behave properly, so Conrad would behave like a gentleman... for the time-being.
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Conrad Varentain

Location: Albion Night Market

Conrad kept looking around curiously, as he turned around to hear some merchants offering gifts to the princess. He watched with jealousy in his eyes. How did it feel to be loved by everyone, and recognized by everyone as soon as they looked at you? He followed Dilate to the cafe and then sat by the table. Roasted pig? Conrad cringed, as how much could roasted pig cost- Oh, wait. Right. DIlate already gave him the money to pay for everything. Nothing to worry about. "I myself have never indulged in such delicacies, but I am sure that our lady did." he commented, looking at Dilate. She was royalty after all, they could buy anything. "Nevertheless, I will pay for it, if you wish." he added in a suave, professional and composed tone. Dilate requested for Conrad to behave properly, so Conrad would behave like a gentleman... for the time-being.

Dilate nodded as he pulled a chair for the princess.  "Your Majesty,"  He said formally.  "Conrad, you're too nice.  Did you know Conrad is one of the most successful mages in the guild of heroes?  That's why he's happy to pay for our meals... He's taken on so many good jobs and adventures that he's always getting paid well," Dilate winked at Conrad.  The restaurant was small but quaint.  Colorful paper cutout of animals hung on the awning above.  The chairs were old and wooden... they creaked when people sat on them.  Despite it's humble appearance, the little restaurant is almost at maximum capacity.  There were many others eating... a lot of them were eating roast pig and artichoke.  A shabby looking waitress with a round body approached the table and asked them for their orders.  
Dilate nodded as he pulled a chair for the princess.  "Your Majesty,"  He said formally.  "Conrad, you're too nice.  Did you know Conrad is one of the most successful mages in the guild of heroes?  That's why he's happy to pay for our meals... He's taken on so many good jobs and adventures that he's always getting paid well," Dilate winked at Conrad.  The restaurant was small but quaint.  Colorful paper cutout of animals hung on the awning above.  The chairs were old and wooden... they creaked when people sat on them.  Despite it's humble appearance, the little restaurant is almost at maximum capacity.  There were many others eating... a lot of them were eating roast pig and artichoke.  A shabby looking waitress with a round body approached the table and asked them for their orders.  

Conrad Varentain

Location: Albion Night Market

Conrad kept looking around curiously, as he turned around to hear some merchants offering gifts to the princess. He watched with jealousy in his eyes. How did it feel to be loved by everyone, and recognized by everyone as soon as they looked at you? He followed Dilate to the cafe and then sat by the table. Roasted pig? Conrad cringed, as how much could roasted pig cost- Oh, wait. Right. DIlate already gave him the money to pay for everything. Nothing to worry about. "I myself have never indulged in such delicacies, but I am sure that our lady did." he commented, looking at Dilate. She was royalty after all, they could buy anything. "Nevertheless, I will pay for it, if you wish." he added in a suave, professional and composed tone. Dilate requested for Conrad to behave properly, so Conrad would behave like a gentleman... for the time-being.

The princess blushed as dilate offered her a seat, yet she sat down and nodded. "I have eaten it before, but never here.", she muttered and looked around. "I cant have you pay for me, that wouldnt be right. Now, i insist, it is me who should invite the two of you.", she then said and smiled brightly at both of the men. Then she looked at Conrad. "You know, i never supported the idea of the guilds annexion, but i cannot reverse it now. My brother died for it, i would spit on his memory if i was to undo his actions. I will try to keep a balance between having the guild be its own thing, yet part of us. Albion has heroes of its own, one is sitting here with us."
Dilate nodded as he pulled a chair for the princess.  "Your Majesty,"  He said formally.  "Conrad, you're too nice.  Did you know Conrad is one of the most successful mages in the guild of heroes?  That's why he's happy to pay for our meals... He's taken on so many good jobs and adventures that he's always getting paid well," Dilate winked at Conrad.  The restaurant was small but quaint.  Colorful paper cutout of animals hung on the awning above.  The chairs were old and wooden... they creaked when people sat on them.  Despite it's humble appearance, the little restaurant is almost at maximum capacity.  There were many others eating... a lot of them were eating roast pig and artichoke.  A shabby looking waitress with a round body approached the table and asked them for their orders.  

The princess blushed as dilate offered her a seat, yet she sat down and nodded. "I have eaten it before, but never here.", she muttered and looked around. "I cant have you pay for me, that wouldnt be right. Now, i insist, it is me who should invite the two of you.", she then said and smiled brightly at both of the men. Then she looked at Conrad. "You know, i never supported the idea of the guilds annexion, but i cannot reverse it now. My brother died for it, i would spit on his memory if i was to undo his actions. I will try to keep a balance between having the guild be its own thing, yet part of us. Albion has heroes of its own, one is sitting here with us."

Conrad Varentain

Location: Bowerstone - Night Market - Cafe

Conrad heard their arguments and talk, then said. "It's no problem, really." he insisted on paying for their meals, as he quite clearly couldn't keep the money from Dilate. The mage sighed, hearing the whole conversation turning into a talk about politics once again. The Guild as it was right now, was on it's road to destruction. In a few years, it would be ran by a bunch of bureacrats, until it was finally deemed too free to be effective, thus disbanding it. If it remained annexed for the next 40-50 years, that would surely be it's fate as far as Conrad knew. That much for William Black's work. Conrad rose an eyebrow when he heard her mentioning Albion having heroes of it's own. He felt envy burning up inside. He was surrounded primarily by superior people, as great as he was himself. He scowled, trying to keep up a smile and a positive expression, yet in hardship. Conrad grit his teeth. Dilate, the descendant of William Black, a Royal Knight. Then, Daisy, the Queen of Albion, the current ruler.

Conrad sighed, calming down and regaining all composure. Dilate's friendship meant a lot to him, a lot more than power, position or wealth. Once again, the mage returned to a positive expression and answered the princess' words. "I can perfectly understand that." In his head, he kept repeating the lines of Loveless, to calm himself down. The poem always had a calming effect on him.
Conrad Varentain

Location: Bowerstone - Night Market - Cafe

Conrad heard their arguments and talk, then said. "It's no problem, really." he insisted on paying for their meals, as he quite clearly couldn't keep the money from Dilate. The mage sighed, hearing the whole conversation turning into a talk about politics once again. The Guild as it was right now, was on it's road to destruction. In a few years, it would be ran by a bunch of bureacrats, until it was finally deemed too free to be effective, thus disbanding it. If it remained annexed for the next 40-50 years, that would surely be it's fate as far as Conrad knew. That much for William Black's work. Conrad rose an eyebrow when he heard her mentioning Albion having heroes of it's own. He felt envy burning up inside. He was surrounded primarily by superior people, as great as he was himself. He scowled, trying to keep up a smile and a positive expression, yet in hardship. Conrad grit his teeth. Dilate, the descendant of William Black, a Royal Knight. Then, Daisy, the Queen of Albion, the current ruler.

Conrad sighed, calming down and regaining all composure. Dilate's friendship meant a lot to him, a lot more than power, position or wealth. Once again, the mage returned to a positive expression and answered the princess' words. "I can perfectly understand that." In his head, he kept repeating the lines of Loveless, to calm himself down. The poem always had a calming effect on him.

Dilate looked at both of them.  "I mean it's only 3 coins a plate to eat here, how about we just pay for ourselves?"  Dilate gave out his idea.  "None of us here are broke anyways"  He looked at Conrad as he sat down.  He sensed that something was bothering him.  He decided not to pursue it and tried to catch up.  He didn't want to bring up anything regarding the guild's annexation so he looked around for something to talk about.

"Hey look... we used to play that game back at the village..."  Dilate pointed at a dart game.  The object of the game was simple, try to hit the targets on a cork board with darts.  "Maybe we can play some of those games after our meal yeah?  The princess can join too,"  

The meal arrived.  Generous portions of pork has been slapped down on mismatched plates. The skin looked porcelain and caramelized... just a light push of your teeth would probably shatter the skin to tiny crispy shards of porky goodness.  The meat was white and steamy... covered in hot gravy.  Served next to the meat was a simple sliced artichoke and roasted corn... bounty of the harvest.

"Wow this looks great!  I never thought of having this kind of food here in the city..."  Dilate exclaimed and immediately blushed at the realization that his 'country bumpkin' side was released.  He regained composure and looked away from the princess.  
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Dilate looked at both of them.  "I mean it's only 3 coins a plate to eat here, how about we just pay for ourselves?"  Dilate gave out his idea.  "None of us here are broke anyways"  He looked at Conrad as he sat down.  He sensed that something was bothering him.  He decided not to pursue it and tried to catch up.  He didn't want to bring up anything regarding the guild's annexation so he looked around for something to talk about.

"Hey look... we used to play that game back at the village..."  Dilate pointed at a dart game.  The object of the game was simple, try to hit the targets on a cork board with darts.  "Maybe we can pay some of those games after our meal yeah?  The princess can join too,"  

The meal arrived.  Generous portions of pork has been slapped down on mismatched plates. The skin looked porcelain and caramelized... just a light push of your teeth would probably shatter the skin to tiny crispy shards of porky goodness.  The meat was white and steamy... covered in hot gravy.  Served next to the meat was a simple sliced artichoke and roasted corn... bounty of the harvest.

"Wow this looks great!  I never thought of having this kind of food here in the city..."  Dilate exclaimed and immediately blushed at the realization that his 'country bumpkin' side was released.  He regained composure and looked away from the princess.  

Conrad Varentain

"Sure." Conrad nodded to Dilate's offer. Upon Dilate explaining what the game is about, and offering for a few matches, the mage had to disagree. "Actually, after the meal, I will have to vacate. I currently have a contract on my hands, and I need to finish it quickly." as they all received their meals. He looked down at his plate and smirked. The pork looked appetizing and good. Conrad was used to eating in the dining hall of the Guild. The food at the Guild wasn't bad, but it was rather mediocre. It was optimal, yet adequate. But here? This was high quality. He heard Dilate behaving like a county bumpkin and laughed at the irony. Oh, the sweet irony. The highly esteemed Royal Knight asking Conrad to not behave like a county bumpkin, but accidentally behaving like one. "Fortes fortuna adiuvat." (Fortune favours the bold) Conrad commented, before picking up the metal fork and beginning to eat.
Conrad Varentain

"Sure." Conrad nodded to Dilate's offer. Upon Dilate explaining what the game is about, and offering for a few matches, the mage had to disagree. "Actually, after the meal, I will have to vacate. I currently have a contract on my hands, and I need to finish it quickly." as they all received their meals. He looked down at his plate and smirked. The pork looked appetizing and good. Conrad was used to eating in the dining hall of the Guild. The food at the Guild wasn't bad, but it was rather mediocre. It was optimal, yet adequate. But here? This was high quality. He heard Dilate behaving like a county bumpkin and laughed at the irony. Oh, the sweet irony. The highly esteemed Royal Knight asking Conrad to not behave like a county bumpkin, but accidentally behaving like one. "Fortes fortuna adiuvat." (Fortune favours the bold) Conrad commented, before picking up the metal fork and beginning to eat.

Dilate nodded at Conrad's comment.  "contract huh?"  he said as he picked up the food with a fork.  "Good luck with that... It's a shame our meeting was so brief..."  Dilate said as he sighed.  "Next time we should hang out longer... although I doubt I would be able to, being a royal knight is a 24/7 job..."  He said as he ate.  He looked at the princess for a few moments before looking back down at his plate.
Location: Dark Forest

bloating balls of glowing blue flames materialized in the Dark Forest.  The flames soon started to clump up together and formed skeletal arms, legs, ribs, and a skull.  The flames then created armor, boots, mariachi pants.  a final touch created a glorious drill pompadour on the skulls head.

The specter moaned as it's flame eyes caught fire.

The spectre trudged along the forest... flames creating a rapier in his hand.

"Amigos... come to me"  The spectre's voice echoed in the forest.  Glowing flower prints glew on his body like ghostly tattoos.

<<Spectral Fred Appeared in the Dark forest>>

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