Main IC RP

Dilate tried to hide his excitement about seeing her again with a cold expression on his face. "Yeah... sorry about what happened.  Are you feeling okay?"  he asked her almost monotonously.  He seems to always act cold around her.  "Captain asked me to check on you.  This is my childhood friend Conrad... it's alright for him to stay in the palace for a few minutes right?"  He asked her.  He looked at the floor... then up the ceiling... feeling a cold wave of awkwardness.  "Do you... want to go somewhere... I can escort you to the city if you need some fresh air.  It's not good to close yourself off in your room all the time..."  He blushed slightly but his words were cold... distant.

The princesses face immediatly got sad. He was cold towards her yet again. What had she done to make him hate her? "I dont want to go anywhere. I dont want to waste your time, Dilate.", she murmured. She looked at Conrad. "Interesting. You come from the guild, i suppose?" The princess words were bitter. Her mood had just died a crucial death. "Well, tell Elucifer i am fine. Is there anything else you need?", she said, turned to Dilate again. 

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad noticed that the queen\princess suddenly got sad. He did not know the source of this, but it may have been Dilate's cold treatment and expression, nearly as if he just left a graveyard. Or perhaps it was Conrad's fault for mentioning her brother and father. He didn't have warm relations with his family, maybe with a slight exception for his older sister, but he was well-aware that your parents and family are the first people to put trust. Their death could cause grief, and so Conrad decided not to speak, but then Daisy asked him a question. "Yes, I do." he politely answered her question in a humble tone, trying to have a cheerful face, however the atmosphere was extremely awkward anyway.

He decided to change the subject, and perhaps the stiff atmosphere by quickly mentioning their childhood. "Me and Dilate both wanted to be heroes when we were young, actually." he said, but he didn't know if it was the truth. Did Dilate really want to be a part of the Guild? He always wanted to surpass his ancestor, that's for sure. Conrad peeked at his best friend with the very corner of his eyes, to see if he was even remotely correct. When they were younger, they both ran around, destroying criminal organizations and killing dragons, all by themselves. It's quite impressive to say the least, and it wouldn't be hard to guess that both of them were aiming for an adventuring type of career, but then Dilate got the exclusive job in the Royal Knights. "We used to travel all types of places in search of adventure and treasure. We have slain dragons, and helped many people. Truly, the most marvelous days of my life." and gave Dilate a sligth push with his elbow, to make him realize that they should either go, or change the subject, as the conversation was getting coarse, while at the same time trying to smile at the princess as a form of friendly distraction. 
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The princesses face immediatly got sad. He was cold towards her yet again. What had she done to make him hate her? "I dont want to go anywhere. I dont want to waste your time, Dilate.", she murmured. She looked at Conrad. "Interesting. You come from the guild, i suppose?" The princess words were bitter. Her mood had just died a crucial death. "Well, tell Elucifer i am fine. Is there anything else you need?", she said, turned to Dilate again. 

Dilate scowled at the princess' harsh tone.  He eased up a bit and loosened his body.  "Your majesty, I just wanted to ask you... to go with us to the Market... there's this event going on and I wanted you to come with me... us..."  He corrected himself, blushed and clenched his fist.  "But you know what, If you don't want to go, and you'd rather mope around here... We'll just go ourselves.  I just wanted you to feel better... you can't rule a kingdom if you dwell on sad things..."  He turned around and headed for the door.  Why the heck is she always so naive?  Can't she sense how I feel about her? He thought as he ordered a knight to report any disturbances directly to Captain Elucifer.
Dilate scowled at the princess' harsh tone.  He eased up a bit and loosened his body.  "Your majesty, I just wanted to ask you... to go with us to the Market... there's this event going on and I wanted you to come with me... us..."  He corrected himself, blushed and clenched his fist.  "But you know what, If you don't want to go, and you'd rather mope around here... We'll just go ourselves.  I just wanted you to feel better... you can't rule a kingdom if you dwell on sad things..."  He turned around and headed for the door.  Why the heck is she always so naive?  Can't she sense how I feel about her? He thought as he ordered a knight to report any disturbances directly to Captain Elucifer.

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad noticed that the queen\princess suddenly got sad. He did not know the source of this, but it may have been Dilate's cold treatment and expression, nearly as if he just left a graveyard. Or perhaps it was Conrad's fault for mentioning her brother and father. He didn't have warm relations with his family, maybe with a slight exception for his older sister, but he was well-aware that your parents and family are the first people to put trust. Their death could cause grief, and so Conrad decided not to speak, but then Daisy asked him a question. "Yes, I do." he politely answered her question in a humble tone, trying to have a cheerful face, however the atmosphere was extremely awkward anyway.

He decided to change the subject, and perhaps the stiff atmosphere by quickly mentioning their childhood. "Me and Dilate both wanted to be heroes when we were young, actually." he said, but he didn't know if it was the truth. Did Dilate really want to be a part of the Guild? He always wanted to surpass his ancestor, that's for sure. Conrad peeked at his best friend with the very corner of his eyes, to see if he was even remotely correct. When they were younger, they both ran around, destroying criminal organizations and killing dragons, all by themselves. It's quite impressive to say the least, and it wouldn't be hard to guess that both of them were aiming for an adventuring type of career, but then Dilate got the exclusive job in the Royal Knights. "We used to travel all types of places in search of adventure and treasure. We have slain dragons, and helped many people. Truly, the most marvelous days of my life." and gave Dilate a sligth push with his elbow, to make him realize that they should either go, or change the subject, as the conversation was getting coarse, while at the same time trying to smile at the princess as a form of friendly distraction. 

The princess got sad again, looking at Dilate. He hated her. Why did he hate her? What had she done. She could not stand it. "Dilate!", she called out to stop him. "What did i do to make you hate me that much?" Her eyes were filled with tears. "I always considered you a friend, but you are always that cold and harsh to me. You must really dislike me. But why...", she continued. "I dont think i can change your feelings for me, but i at least want to know why." She completely ignored Conrad in that miment, because the momentanous subject was too important.
The princess got sad again, looking at Dilate. He hated her. Why did he hate her? What had she done. She could not stand it. "Dilate!", she called out to stop him. "What did i do to make you hate me that much?" Her eyes were filled with tears. "I always considered you a friend, but you are always that cold and harsh to me. You must really dislike me. But why...", she continued. "I dont think i can change your feelings for me, but i at least want to know why." She completely ignored Conrad in that miment, because the momentanous subject was too important.

Dilate paused and raised his shoulders.  "Hate you!?  Why do you think I hate you?"  He shouted.  The guard in front of him flinched.  He sighed and relaxed.  "I don't hate you... I..."  He looked down on the floor.  "Nevermind.  You need exercise... are you coming, or not?"  He asked her.  "Conrad says he'll treat us to dinner... just stop being stubborn and come with us,"  He said as he walked to the hallway.
Dilate scowled at the princess' harsh tone.  He eased up a bit and loosened his body.  "Your majesty, I just wanted to ask you... to go with us to the Market... there's this event going on and I wanted you to come with me... us..."  He corrected himself, blushed and clenched his fist.  "But you know what, If you don't want to go, and you'd rather mope around here... We'll just go ourselves.  I just wanted you to feel better... you can't rule a kingdom if you dwell on sad things..."  He turned around and headed for the door.  Why the heck is she always so naive?  Can't she sense how I feel about her? He thought as he ordered a knight to report any disturbances directly to Captain Elucifer.

The princess got sad again, looking at Dilate. He hated her. Why did he hate her? What had she done. She could not stand it. "Dilate!", she called out to stop him. "What did i do to make you hate me that much?" Her eyes were filled with tears. "I always considered you a friend, but you are always that cold and harsh to me. You must really dislike me. But why...", she continued. "I dont think i can change your feelings for me, but i at least want to know why." She completely ignored Conrad in that miment, because the momentanous subject was too important.

Dilate paused and raised his shoulders.  "Hate you!?  Why do you think I hate you?"  He shouted.  The guard in front of him flinched.  He sighed and relaxed.  "I don't hate you... I..."  He looked down on the floor.  "Nevermind.  You need exercise... are you coming, or not?"  He asked her.  "Conrad says he'll treat us to dinner... just stop being stubborn and come with us,"  He said as he walked to the hallway.

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad then understood it was not his fault at all. Something must've happened between the two of them that he was not aware of, yet they were closer together than he originally thought. Friends, the princess said herself. Technically, Conrad knew the princess too, now, however he couldn't even think about feeling jealous due to the situation at hand, and the harsh atmosphere. Maybe he shouldn't have come along and patiently waited outside the palace for Dilate? He saw their argue, and wanted to cut in every now and then, in very meek hopes of easing the conflict, but they just kept talking between themselves, then the princess started crying and it all got messy.

Conrad then heard Dilate's question towards the princess and mentioned something about treating them to dinner. "Wait, I nev--" and realized what was going on, very, VERY quickly changing his mind and continuing. "I mean, yeah, of course I will." in realization that he almost denied paying for the princess and his best friend, even though he was slightly pressured into it, he didn't mind. After all, Dilate just gave him a favour for letting him enter the palace. Favour for favour, so Conrad would indeed treat them to dinner if the princess agreed.
[SIZE= 24px][COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]Paitlyn Alondra[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px][COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Location: Fort Black[/COLOR][/SIZE]

When the man admitted to being the Guild Master (like she had assumed) it left Paitlyn smiling a bit more confidently to know that her assumption was correct and that she wasn't talking to some random stranger. "Why yes I am an Initiate, my father sent in a request for me to join a couple weeks back and you guys replied no sooner than a week ago." To prove that what she was saying was the truth she pulled out the letter she had gotten from the guild and brought it close enough to him to hopefully show that she was expecting him to take it from her. After waiting a good couple of seconds, Paitlyn let go of the letter letting it fall to the ground if the man didn't grab it when she was letting him. Not taking her letter back from the Guild Master she began to speak once again when she thought that she had given him enough time to finish reading the letter. "So what does an Initiate need to do to become an actual part of the guild?" As she finished her statement all of the worries that she had gained from the journey here had began crawling up inside of her extremely fast, causing her to fear the fact that she probably was going to have to fight or do something that required physical or offensive strength, both of which she was not one bit excited for. Immediately bringing her head down to the neck of her horse she crossed the fingers on her hand that wasn't visible to the Guild Master and hoped that he wasn't going to say that she needed to fight someone and win, or show a really specific amount of physical strength to get in.

-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel nodded slowly and then took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Initiates are to-be tested Apprentices. Whenever someone wishes to join the Guild, they are set upon a month trial as an Initiate." He began speaking, looking down at Paitlyn, "If they can prove that they are capable of learning combat, or know something about combat then they are accepted as an Apprentice by a Master or higher and thus begins their career," He said inquisitively as he walked back and forth while he talked, "If they do not make progress in the one month trial, they are kicked out, but can always remain for another try. Initiates are confined to the walls of Fort Black, to train under the higher ranks and be tutored by them." He ended speaking, looking at Paitlyn as he waited for her response.
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel nodded slowly and then took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Initiates are to-be tested Apprentices. Whenever someone wishes to join the Guild, they are set upon a month trial as an Initiate." He began speaking, looking down at Paitlyn, "If they can prove that they are capable of learning combat, or know something about combat then they are accepted as an Apprentice by a Master or higher and thus begins their career," He said inquisitively as he walked back and forth while he talked, "If they do not make progress in the one month trial, they are kicked out, but can always remain for another try. Initiates are confined to the walls of Fort Black, to train under the higher ranks and be tutored by them." He ended speaking, looking at Paitlyn as he waited for her response.

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


Hearing the two choices from either proving her strength or proving she could learn, she had figured that it was pretty obvious that she would need to prove she could learn combat from the fact that she had no strength to prove. Paitlyn was relieved to hear that she actually had a chance of getting into the guild, but when she realized it was going to take a month her jaw almost dropped to the ground. Obviously thinking that a month was way too long for her to wait until she could get into the guild (that she mainly wanted to join so she could learn about strength and lessening side effects), she decided it would be best (in her case0 to ask if there was any way possible for her to speed up the admission process. "A month seems a bit too long for me so is there any way I can shorten that month of proving myself to something shorter like maybe only a week?" Paitlyn thought that shortening the admission process meant either her taking a paper test on types of combat moves or having to prove she was trustworthy, but the most likely way of getting accepted faster being actually fighting had never once crossed her mind while she thought of all the ways to shorten the process. Taking notice that it was probably extremely rude of her to be sitting on top of her horse while talking to the Guild Master of the guild, she hopped down while still holding onto her horse's reins to prevent it from running away.


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


Hearing the two choices from either proving her strength or proving she could learn, she had figured that it was pretty obvious that she would need to prove she could learn combat from the fact that she had no strength to prove. Paitlyn was relieved to hear that she actually had a chance of getting into the guild, but when she realized it was going to take a month her jaw almost dropped to the ground. Obviously thinking that a month was way too long for her to wait until she could get into the guild (that she mainly wanted to join so she could learn about strength and lessening side effects), she decided it would be best (in her case0 to ask if there was any way possible for her to speed up the admission process. "A month seems a bit too long for me so is there any way I can shorten that month of proving myself to something shorter like maybe only a week?" Paitlyn thought that shortening the admission process meant either her taking a paper test on types of combat moves or having to prove she was trustworthy, but the most likely way of getting accepted faster being actually fighting had never once crossed her mind while she thought of all the ways to shorten the process. Taking notice that it was probably extremely rude of her to be sitting on top of her horse while talking to the Guild Master of the guild, she hopped down while still holding onto her horse's reins to prevent it from running away.


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Location: Fort Black

"1 Month is just a time limit. You can join in one hour too if you prove yourself worthy. And strength isn't always physical one. You can prove yourself good in magic, or whatever else you specialize in. It is just a metaphor." He explained shortly, crossing his arms and yawning, as the stars came up in the sky. "I will assign you under my daughter, Amelia, for your training. Meet her in the Courtyard." He said, walking away from Paitlyn. Amelia, annoyed by Cloud ignoring her, went up to the magical training dummies and began to exterminate them one by one with precise slashes of her sword.
Lexius Mhrodas | Blenktrheim Purprishade

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

"Costs exactly 2548 coins"  Lexius quickly said after the commander requested her arms, "Now, I just need to wait for-"  Lexius was interrupted by someone's footprints entering the shop, Blenktrheim had arrived, carrying a chest full of smithing materials, as if on cue, "A certain someone who is late to arrive."  Lexius said, stepping towards the owner of the shop with his hands folded, "Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Perfection, I was collecting materials for our weapons, and please, don't scare our customer away."  Beardy responded, placing the chest down, "Oh really? That's a shame, because we're going to use those materials to create 1000 swords, shields and bows, also, our customer is a commander that was one of of the people that managed to finally gain our people's independence."  Lexius said, picking up the chest and carrying it towards the blacksmith's forgery, "What?! Is that true?!"  Beardy almost instantaneously questioned Selene, a glimmer of joy in the blacksmith's eyes.


Selene De Blanche

Location: Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

Selene took out a piece of parchment paper that has the council's deed and trust of money. "No way am I about to carry 2500 coins around. Here's the trust that you can get from reserve. They'll probably only give you gems and bars instead of coins." She turned around to see the smithy walk in. "Hello Mr. Purprishade. As of last night, 500 of Albion's army has been arrested and the Fairfax Council has declared independence once again!" She said proudly.

Astrid Hathaway

(I don't think anyone is talking to her, right?)
Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Lyserg Mansion Courtyard

Elucifer sighed and walked up to a bush of roses and knelt down to observe it.

He started to speak.

"Ichigo Kurosaki will be hard to beat without mastering my Bankai"

((I can feel eyes watching us, don't leave invisibility))

His words are directed to the invisible Erebus Nearby.

"Sometimes Naruto can change into a woman... this just causes nosebleeds for Master Kakashi..."

((I want to change your mission.  Leave the target alone for now, he or she is helping us thin the ranks of the Royal Knights... if they go beyond our control, I'll have Dilate contain her...))

"Goku's power level is over 9000... Even Vegeta can't handle him..."

((I have a better, more challenging mission for you... listen close...))

"I realy really need to find all seven dragon balls... that way I can summon Shenron"

((I need you to start a war with a foreign power))

"But I really don't know what to wish for..."  He smiled playfully as he plucked a white rose.

((I don't care how and I don't care who... I need them to march over to Albion with a massive army... and I want them to shake things up))

Elucifer stood up.

"If only I had a Deathnote..."

((You are dismissed... be careful))
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Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Lyserg Mansion Courtyard

Elucifer sighed and walked up to a bush of roses and knelt down to observe it.

He started to speak.

"Ichigo Kurosaki will be hard to beat without mastering my Bankai"

((I can feel eyes watching us, don't leave invisibility))

His words are directed to the invisible Erebus Nearby.

"Sometimes Naruto can change into a woman... this just causes nosebleeds for Master Kakashi..."

((I want to change your mission.  Leave the target alone for now, he or she is helping us thin the ranks of the Royal Knights... if she goes beyond our control, I'll have Dilate contain her...))

"Goku's power level is over 9000... Even Vegeta can't handle him..."

((I have a better, more challenging mission for you... listen close...))

"I realy really need to find all seven dragon balls... that way I can summon Shenron"

((I need you to start a war with a foreign power))

"But I really don't know what to wish for..."  He smiled playfully as he plucked a white rose.

((I don't care how and I don't care who... I need them to march over to Albion with a massive army... and I want them to shake things up))

Elucifer stood up.

"If only I had a Deathnote..."

((You are dismissed... be careful))

Erebus Rhamnousia

Location: Lyserg Mansion Courtyard

Erebus perfectly understood his master's words and teleported away via shadows. The code-words were very peculiar, and so, Erebus teleported far, far away from the mansion, to the very border of Albion. His first step would be to give a realistic reason for a war. There are many checkpoints across the eastern border, especially between Albion and Kolechia. One, tactical attack against the station. It would be enough to stir up the furnaces of war in Kolechia and thus would be the first step onto beginning a lasting conflict. Erebus infiltrated the checkpoint, possessing a guard and silently murdered everyone, then injured his current vessel. He took one of the torches and dropped it to the ground to burn the whole place down. He ran across the Kolechian land, leaving a trail of his own blood behind, all to make it seem realistic. He ran east, and east, and east, seemingly for endless kilometers, without tiring, as his vessel was much more durable than his own, frail and umbrastigma-infested body.

Finally, under the guise of an injured guard, he approached a small castle and yelled towards the guards at the wall: "THEY'RE INVADING! ATTACKING! GODS HELP US!" like a lunatic. The guards on the walls looked upset. "Who is?!" one of them demanded, to which Erebus yelled. "ALBIONIANS! THEY ATTACKED US! I AM THE ONLY ONE LEFT! PLEASE, LET ME IN, I BEG YOU SIRE!" with a terrified face. The gates opened up for Erebus' vessel as he pretended to limp inside, heavily injured. He took the nearby wall as a support, while one of the guards took him up on his legs and helped him walk towards the infirmary. The commander questioned him. "What happened soldier? Tell us everything in detail!"

Erebus wanted to smirk in success, but he didn't. Instead he told lies about what happened.

"We were all just doing our normal duty. Tours, patrols, guard... the--" Erebus' body stopped to cough up blood, just as planned. Poor, poor little soldier... and those terrified faces around him, thinking war is soon to begin. "Then, we heard marching outside the gates. When some of us went to investigate, we were attacked. I was knocked unconcious, and I had to sneak past these damn - damn Albionians! My god..." he repeated, several tears forming in his eyes. He made it very realistic and appealing. A true soldier, feeling grief after losing his comrades. The guard commander shook his head in disbelief, his eyes widening open in rejection of what he just heard. This meant war, and everyone knew that well. "I think that only I made it out alive." as he laid on the infirmary's bed. Of course, even his current vessel could not make it out alive. They'd have no memory of what happened. This is unnacceptable. Erebus started using his possession powers to slowly cause suffocation to his own body, as life left it, he remained inside, possessing the now-dead corpse. One of the soldiers yelled. "FETCH THE MAESTER! QUICK! HE'S BLEEDING OUT!" however, as one of the clerics came in, he examined the body with all haste and said. "I'm sorry. It's too late. Not even I have the-- I can't revive the dead. It's above my skill."

Erebus left his current vessel and teleported far outside the outpost. All he had to do now was get to the capital of Kolechia and stir up some more commotion, perform a few stabs in select backs, a few possessions of select bodies, make a few utterly obedient umbrastigma-infected servants and the rest would be history. Literally. As wars are rarely forgotten by the historians...

"This is too easy. If doing all that was such a piece of cake, I bet I can infiltrate the capital." and went into Shadowstep, dissapearing into a forest.
Location: Fort Black

"1 Month is just a time limit. You can join in one hour too if you prove yourself worthy. And strength isn't always physical one. You can prove yourself good in magic, or whatever else you specialize in. It is just a metaphor." He explained shortly, crossing his arms and yawning, as the stars came up in the sky. "I will assign you under my daughter, Amelia, for your training. Meet her in the Courtyard." He said, walking away from Paitlyn. Amelia, annoyed by Cloud ignoring her, went up to the magical training dummies and began to exterminate them one by one with precise slashes of her sword.

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


As the Guild Master left Paitlyn standing all by herself she was confused on why he mentioned about how strength was just a metaphor and that skill in magic could also be one, because she was pretty certain that she didn't mention anything about not being strong enough, but from not wanting to think any more of it she decided to assume he could either read minds or he had just forgotten to mention it to her earlier. It wasn't like it really helped her that much by saying it either, because healing a bunch of people until you turn into a jerk doesn't really show your expertise in the skill or in combat. Remembering the Guild Master's last instructions before he left was to meet Amelia in the courtyard so she could train, she figured it would be best to go looking for her before it was too late for even her to be outside. After riding her horse for a while Paitlyn had finally spotted Amelia destroying some sort of magical dummies, not wanting to get off topic by questioning what the dummies were for she decided to tell her what the Guild Master directed her to do after jumping off of her horse once again. "The Guild Master said I'm assigned to train under you, so what should I do first, for my training?" Paitlyn ducked her head away immediately after speaking from trying to avoid the crossfire of Amelia destroying the dummies to avoid getting her head chopped clean off. Making sure the horse's reins were still intact she began waiting for Amelia to respond or give her orders on what to do.


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Previously interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


As the Guild Master left Paitlyn standing all by herself she was confused on why he mentioned about how strength was just a metaphor and that skill in magic could also be one, because she was pretty certain that she didn't mention anything about not being strong enough, but from not wanting to think any more of it she decided to assume he could either read minds or he had just forgotten to mention it to her earlier. It wasn't like it really helped her that much by saying it either, because healing a bunch of people until you turn into a jerk doesn't really show your expertise in the skill or in combat. Remembering the Guild Master's last instructions before he left was to meet Amelia in the courtyard so she could train, she figured it would be best to go looking for her before it was too late for even her to be outside. After riding her horse for a while Paitlyn had finally spotted Amelia destroying some sort of magical dummies, not wanting to get off topic by questioning what the dummies were for she decided to tell her what the Guild Master directed her to do after jumping off of her horse once again. "The Guild Master said I'm assigned to train under you, so what should I do first, for my training?" Paitlyn ducked her head away immediately after speaking from trying to avoid the crossfire of Amelia destroying the dummies to avoid getting her head chopped clean off. Making sure the horse's reins were still intact she began waiting for Amelia to respond or give her orders on what to do.


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Previously interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Cloud Cerberus

Location: Courtyard

Cloud got in between Paitlyn and Amelia.  "Well hello there..."  He said as he fixed his snow-white hair.  The cat on his shoulder knocked a lock back down, messing it back up.  "You must be a new member, my name's Cloud!"  He held out a hand in front of her.  "If you need some advice or just need company..."  Cloud winked.  "Just come see me!"  The cat yawned.  "Wow... a squishy mage huh?"  He says looking at her.  "Mind letting me see how squishy you are?" He nudged her with his elbow.
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Cloud Cerberus

Location: Courtyard

Cloud got in between Paitlyn and Amelia.  "Well hello there..."  He said as he fixed his snow-white hair.  The cat on his shoulder knocked a lock back down, messing it back up.  "You must be a new member, my name's Cloud!"  He held out a hand in front of her.  "If you need some advice or just need company..."  Cloud winked.  "Just come see me!"  The cat yawned.  "Wow... a squishy mage huh?"  He says looking at her.  "Mind letting me see how squishy you are?" He nudged her with his elbow.

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


As Paitlyn was waiting for Amelia to respond a man with striking white hair greeted her while holding out one of his hands for a presumable hand shake. Seeing no reason not to greet him with a handshake, she shook his hand for a moment and then let go of his hand as she began to introduce herself. "You're correct about that I am an initiate. And my name is Paitlyn it's very nice to meet you Mister Cloud." Paitlyn was wearing a smile from getting to meet someone who is actually a member of the guild, and then to hear him offering her some of his advice, that would be great! Because then maybe he could help her get in and if she got in he could also show her around the interior of the guild! "I would really appreciate that if it wouldn't be any bother, and also by any chance do you think you could introduce to me everyone else here around sometime tomor-." She then suddenly paused in her tracks and stopped her smiling when Cloud had mentioned to her being a squishy mage (as they call them). If she had more expertise in her magic then it probably wouldn't have been a problem to her at all, but the fact that she hadn't used her abilities since 1st grade and that her abilities had such a big and immediate side effects really brought her down a notch. From being so bummed out from getting reminded that she was a squishy mage, she didn't even think about or question on how he knew that she was a squishy wizard, all she wanted to do then was just to continue her training until it was time for her to go sleep. "I'd really rather not and if it's okay may I please go back to talking with Amelia?" Paitlyn didn't dare to even smile at Cloud by being so down in the dumps, all she did was stare at his face with a calm expression, also while hoping that he would let her go by to start training with Amelia.


-=-=((Interacting with @IamNotLoki (Cloud) & @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


As Paitlyn was waiting for Amelia to respond a man with striking white hair greeted her while holding out one of his hands for a presumable hand shake. Seeing no reason not to greet him with a handshake, she shook his hand for a moment and then let go of his hand as she began to introduce herself. "You're correct about that I am an initiate. And my name is Paitlyn it's very nice to meet you Mister Cloud." Paitlyn was wearing a smile from getting to meet someone who is actually a member of the guild, and then to hear him offering her some of his advice, that would be great! Because then maybe he could help her get in and if she got in he could also show her around the interior of the guild! "I would really appreciate that if it wouldn't be any bother, and also by any chance do you think you could introduce to me everyone else here around sometime tomor-." She then suddenly paused in her tracks and stopped her smiling when Cloud had mentioned to her being a squishy mage (as they call them). If she had more expertise in her magic then it probably wouldn't have been a problem to her at all, but the fact that she hadn't used her abilities since 1st grade and that her abilities had such a big and immediate side effects really brought her down a notch. From being so bummed out from getting reminded that she was a squishy mage, she didn't even think about or question on how he knew that she was a squishy wizard, all she wanted to do then was just to continue her training until it was time for her to go sleep. "I'd really rather not and if it's okay may I please go back to talking with Amelia?" Paitlyn didn't dare to even smile at Cloud by being so down in the dumps, all she did was stare at his face with a calm expression, also while hoping that he would let her go by to start training with Amelia.


-=-=((Interacting with @IamNotLoki (Cloud) & @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Cloud Cerberus

Cloud flinched when he saw Paityn frown.  "W-wait... I was just kidding!  It's a joke!"  Cloud scratched his head at the failure of making a good first impression.  "Aw man, kids these days are always so serious... just breaks my heart..."  He shook his head.  The cat hopped down and rubbed Paitlyn's leg with it's body.  Cloud looked down at the cat.  "Come on, Wendy... she's not in the mood, she's gonna step on you..."  Cloud said to the cat.  "I'm gonna go ahead... and take an ice cold bath... this hangover is killing me..."  He said as he walked away.
Lexius Mhrodas |  Blenktrheim Purprishade

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

"I-I..... Thank you! Thank you so much!"  Blenktrheim stuttered as he bowed to Selene, crying tears of joy, "Oh! I didn't know that you mimic dogs!"  Lexius said as he came out from the insides of the weapon shop, "Lexius, do not test me, shouldn't you be happy that there was a successful revolt?"  Beardy glowered at the assistant as he stood up, adjusting himself, "Well, we shouldn't cast ourselves into an illusion, we must stay cautious on the matter of Fairfax, and there are rumors of Trollkins heading for Bowerstone."  Lexius said as he picked up the council's deed, "Hmph..."  Beardy simply responded Lexius as he went towards the insides of the shop, to forge the swords and shields, a bit annoyed on how all the materials he collected is going down the drain, "Anyways, you should receive the weaponry today, where shall the deal commence?"  Lexius jokingly said as he carefully inspected one of the shop's halberds.


Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


As Paitlyn was waiting for Amelia to respond a man with striking white hair greeted her while holding out one of his hands for a presumable hand shake. Seeing no reason not to greet him with a handshake, she shook his hand for a moment and then let go of his hand as she began to introduce herself. "You're correct about that I am an initiate. And my name is Paitlyn it's very nice to meet you Mister Cloud." Paitlyn was wearing a smile from getting to meet someone who is actually a member of the guild, and then to hear him offering her some of his advice, that would be great! Because then maybe he could help her get in and if she got in he could also show her around the interior of the guild! "I would really appreciate that if it wouldn't be any bother, and also by any chance do you think you could introduce to me everyone else here around sometime tomor-." She then suddenly paused in her tracks and stopped her smiling when Cloud had mentioned to her being a squishy mage (as they call them). If she had more expertise in her magic then it probably wouldn't have been a problem to her at all, but the fact that she hadn't used her abilities since 1st grade and that her abilities had such a big and immediate side effects really brought her down a notch. From being so bummed out from getting reminded that she was a squishy mage, she didn't even think about or question on how he knew that she was a squishy wizard, all she wanted to do then was just to continue her training until it was time for her to go sleep. "I'd really rather not and if it's okay may I please go back to talking with Amelia?" Paitlyn didn't dare to even smile at Cloud by being so down in the dumps, all she did was stare at his face with a calm expression, also while hoping that he would let her go by to start training with Amelia.


-=-=((Interacting with @IamNotLoki (Cloud) & @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Cloud Cerberus

Cloud flinched when he saw Paityn frown.  "W-wait... I was just kidding!  It's a joke!"  Cloud scratched his head at the failure of making a good first impression.  "Aw man, kids these days are always so serious... just breaks my heart..."  He shook his head.  The cat hopped down and rubbed Paitlyn's leg with it's body.  Cloud looked down at the cat.  "Come on, Wendy... she's not in the mood, she's gonna step on you..."  Cloud said to the cat.  "I'm gonna go ahead... and take an ice cold bath... this hangover is killing me..."  He said as he walked away.

Location: Fort Black

Amelia sighed in disappointment, as she stopped demolishing the training dummies. "Piss off, Cloud..." She said, panting. A soft blush covered her cheeks, but it was normal. All that fire around her at all time while she fought heated her up by a lot. "So your father assigned you under me?" She asked curiously, sheathing her sword and tapping a spot on her armor that was placed above the right shoulder. It opened and Amelia walked out of it. She then moved her finger upwards and the armor teleported away. "I will make you the best fighter in the world. Or the best witch, depends on what you pick. You tell me, I train you." She said, still panting and sweating, but a cold breeze passed by and Amelia was refreshed by the wind. "Aaaahhh...much better." She exclaimed, sitting back on a chopped tree.

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


Paitlyn waved bye to Cloud as she then begun walking up to Amelia who was asking about whether or not she wanted to become better at fighting physically or using magic. Seeing that she wasn't really that interested in learning more magic until she got her own sorted out so she figured it would be better to focus on fighting physically. Assuming she probably shouldn't have her horse while training, Paitlyn looked around until she spotted a nearby tree and then tied her horse to that tree. She then walked back to Amelia and told her which one she wanted to train on, "I'd prefer fighting if that's okay, so do we start today or tomorrow?" Paitlyn was mentioning the fact that it was the evening and it might be to late for any training.


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
Cloud Cerberus

Location: Bowerstone

After Cloud left the courtyard, his stomach growled.  "Aww geez... I need to eat..."  He looked down at the white cat that was walking alongside him.  It's tail was bent in a zigzag pattern.  The cat's stomach also growled.  He pulled out his wallet and tried to find any spare coins.  "Drat... only 2 coins..."  He sighed and his stomach growled louder.  He scratched his head and kicked the floor in frustration.  "Eh... lets go visit the old lady... she might give us some food,"  He grinned mischievously as a puddle appeared underneath his feet.  The water soon rose high and he was eventually being lifted by a huge lump of solid water.  Frightened, the cat leaped on his shoulder as he rose up a few feet off the ground.  The water is now in a shape of a huge shark... submerged in the floor.  "To Bowerstone!"  The water creature accelerated forward... Cloud rode it like a massive surfboard.  "Liftoff!"  Cloud yelled out with a big grin as the shark leapt up from the ground and into the sky.  Cloud was now flying up in the sky... riding a shark-shaped blob of water above the forests of Albion.

When he reached Bowerstone, he leaped of the shark and landed safely on the stone floor.  The shark dissipated into water vapor behind him.  He grinned as he looked at small hole-in-the-wall restaurant consisting of an outdoor kitchen and stools.  An old lady fried a bunch of vegetables and noodles in a large metal wok... although her arms seemed brittle and feeble, her techniques made it seem like the heavy wok didn't weigh anything at all.  Her face was stuck in a permanent scowl, her wrinkle-covered face is sprinkled with cigarette ash and oil.  A burnt out cigarette jut out from her wrinkled lips... she blew out smoke from her nostrils... like a small, elderly fire-breathing dragon.  She wore silk clothes embroidered with flowers and birds, she has told Cloud once that this was the traditional attire of the people from Shang-ri La -- a dreamlike nation that exists beyond the eastern border.

"Hey, auntie... can I have some of your special Shangrilan noodles again?"  Cloud grinned and raised his hand as he sat on a stool.  The woman wasn't really his Aunt.

"You again, you want onions?"  The old lady's voice was raspy and coarse, a symptom of smoking too much.  

"Yes please!"  Cloud's grin got bigger.

The lady tossed the ingredients up in the air with skill and grace.  The flames seemed to be not affecting her saggy skin at all.  Cloud rested his chin on two hands as the Shangrilan lady added exotic spices to the dish.

As soon as the lady was done, she slid the noodles down into a black lacquered bowl... it's edges had scuffs and chips from frequent use.  She also pushed forward two sticks made of animal bone.

"Awesome!  Great work as usual auntie!"  Cloud said as he grabbed the bone utensils.  He pulled the noodles up with his chopsticks... he then proceeded to slurp it up,

"Young man... Are you going to pay your bills from yesterday?"  The old woman said as she wiped her table with a cloth.

"Um.... About that..."  Cloud looked at the cat as it watched him eat.  "... I... haven't gotten too many good quests lately... You don't mind if I pay tomorrow, do ya?"  

The old lady lifted up the red hot wok and slammed it on Cloud's head... scaring away the cat.

Cloud yelped in pain as the old lady gripped his nostrils with chopsticks... tilting his face up.  "o-o-ow!  Auntie come on!"  Cloud cried.

"You no-good freeloader!"  She said with a raspy voice.  "You owe me 500 gold coins now you know!  I don't run a charity!"  She ranted as Cloud struggled.

Cloud reached for his pocket and revealed a pack of cigarettes... He slid it across the table in an attempt to appease the rampaging old woman.  The woman let go of his nose and sighed.  She sat down and let Cloud eat.

"What the hell happened to you, boy?  Back in the day you strolled around these streets liked you owned it.  You used to wear the most expensive suits and jewelry.  You were always surrounded by beautiful women and huge bodyguards... now look at you.  You're a penniless bum!"  She blew smoke at Cloud before extinguishing the cigarette into a dragon-shaped jade ashtray.  She then opened the cigarette pack presented to her and lit a fresh stick.

"I'm happier like this..." Cloud said as he offered the cat a piece of meat.  "I'm tired of that life.  The broads at the guild are way cuter than the girls out here too..."  Cloud grinned as the cat at the meat.

The old woman shook her head.  "But you're so lazy that you can't even earn money... you're wearing rags for Ao Kuang's sake..."  She smirked as she sucked up smoke.

"Better be broke than to flaunt around blood money..."  Cloud's eyes became more serious as he drank water.  "'besides... the syndicate has been eliminated a long time ago, there's no point in working for pop anymore..."

"Hmph... you think the gang disbanded?"  The old lady blew smoke.  "You're wrong... they went deeper underground.  They're being led by your more responsible and more ruthless younger brother..."  She looked up and sucked in smoke.  "Human trafficking is their main source of income nowadays... lot of missing girls lately... lot of brothels full of broads..."  She exhaled a circular shaped puff of smoke.

Cloud smiled as he thought about the old gang.  "Nimbus huh?"  He said his younger brother's name.  "Wow..."  He slurped the last strand of noodle.

Behind him he glanced at a passing tourist who was bumped by a man dressed in a very shabby black suit.  The suited man was accompanies by two large men... also wearing tacky outfits.  As soon as they bumped the tourist the man in the black suit buckled his knees and fell to the floor.

Naively, the tourist turned around.  "S-sorry!  Do you need help?"  He asked.

The man in the black suit winced in pain as the two giants grinned.  "What gives man?  You broke my funny bone!  It really hurts!"  The man complained as he held his leg.  The tourist panicked.  "Are you going to be responsible for this?  I'm a member of the Tarasque Gang y'know!"  The man taunted the tourist.  "Yknow what?  I'm willing to forget all this if you give me 50,000 coins... I just need to pay the hospital fee, get me?"  The suited man grinned as the thugs cracked their knuckles.

Cloud stood up and approached the scene.

"Criminals these days... I tell you..."  He said as he cracked his knuckles and looked at them with a threatening scowl.  " dignity... no class..."  He smirked as the cat followed right behind him.  "Back in my day, class was very important... I guess my little brother didn't teach you that huh?"  The white-haired ex-gangster approached the thugs.

"Who the hell are you!?"  The thugs said as they pulled out their daggers.

"You don't know?"  Cloud smirked.  "I guess you're not authentic then..."

The beatdown proceeded.
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The princess looked at Dilate sadly. He said he didnt hate her. Yet he kept harsh as always. "Sure, why not...", she muttered. Maybe if they spent more time together? But going out to dinner with him? Was that a date? Daisy blushed like crazy, she had never went on a date before. She wasnt even dressed for a date! "Uhm, of course, when you take me out to dinner... I... uhm... Have to look good for that... This is way too spontanous to properly prepare, but i can at least dress nicely. Would you give me a few moments?"

@Birdsie @IamNotLoki 

(i decided for the cinnamon roll technique, which is one of her strongest jutsus.)
The princess looked at Dilate sadly. He said he didnt hate her. Yet he kept harsh as always. "Sure, why not...", she muttered. Maybe if they spent more time together? But going out to dinner with him? Was that a date? Daisy blushed like crazy, she had never went on a date before. She wasnt even dressed for a date! "Uhm, of course, when you take me out to dinner... I... uhm... Have to look good for that... This is way too spontanous to properly prepare, but i can at least dress nicely. Would you give me a few moments?"

@Birdsie @IamNotLoki 

(i decided for the cinnamon roll technique, which is one of her strongest jutsus.)

Dilate blushed lightly and gave her a small smile.  "As you wish,"  He turned around and headed out to the hall.  He closed the door for her.  He then looked at Conrad, pat his shoulder and held out a wad of Albionian bank notes.  Each strip of paper is worth around 10 gold coins.  "Sorry I told her you'll pay... I'm not good with thant kind of stuff..."  He said as he gave Conrad the bills.  "You been to the farmer's market before?  They have some exotic food from all over the world..."  He grinned.  "It's like a mini festival,"  He said as he leaned on the hallway's walls.  "You're about to have a date with the princess, you sure your guildmembers would approve of this?"  
Dilate blushed lightly and gave her a small smile.  "As you wish,"  He turned around and headed out to the hall.  He closed the door for her.  He then looked at Conrad, pat his shoulder and held out a wad of Albionian bank notes.  Each strip of paper is worth around 10 gold coins.  "Sorry I told her you'll pay... I'm not good with thant kind of stuff..."  He said as he gave Conrad the bills.  "You been to the farmer's market before?  They have some exotic food from all over the world..."  He grinned.  "It's like a mini festival,"  He said as he leaned on the hallway's walls.  "You're about to have a date with the princess, you sure your guildmembers would approve of this?"  

The princess looked at Dilate sadly. He said he didnt hate her. Yet he kept harsh as always. "Sure, why not...", she muttered. Maybe if they spent more time together? But going out to dinner with him? Was that a date? Daisy blushed like crazy, she had never went on a date before. She wasnt even dressed for a date! "Uhm, of course, when you take me out to dinner... I... uhm... Have to look good for that... This is way too spontanous to properly prepare, but i can at least dress nicely. Would you give me a few moments?"

@Birdsie @IamNotLoki 

(i decided for the cinnamon roll technique, which is one of her strongest jutsus.)

Conrad Varentain

Conrad heard Dilate's excuse and said. "I get it. It's alright." and then heard Dilate's words. "Date... with the princess?" he asked, losing most of his composure and trying to think through what was even going on right now. First, he wanted to meet her, and Dilate agreed. Now, he'd participate in a social event and make friends with her. This was both amazing, and terrifying. Conrad thought this through. "What wouldn't I do for you?" he inquired back in self-confidence, upon hearing Dilate's question about guild approval. "Besides, I don't need the Guild's approval for anything." he added shortly afterwards, also in confidence, as he grabbed the bank notes from Dilate's hands and counted them. "Isn't it ironic, though?" he asked. "You've always been the more popular guy. All the ladies just looove you to death. Surely, you would be confounded if you knew sort of social ineptitude I've had at the Academy. All I did was sit amongst books instead of people, yet isn't that what being a mage is about?" Conrad quoted his favourite poem afterwards, as he gracefuly added. "Infinite in mystery, is the gift of the Goddess." and after a few seconds, he looked at Dilate smiling. "Do you know what that's from?"
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Conrad Varentain

Conrad heard Dilate's excuse and said. "I get it. It's alright." and then heard Dilate's words. "Date... with the princess?" he asked, losing most of his composure and trying to think through what was even going on right now. First, he wanted to meet her, and Dilate agreed. Now, he'd participate in a social event and make friends with her. This was both amazing, and terrifying. Conrad thought this through. "What wouldn't I do for you?" he inquired back in self-confidence, upon hearing Dilate's question about guild approval. "Besides, I don't need the Guild's approval for anything." he added shortly afterwards, also in confidence, as he grabbed the bank notes from Dilate's hands and counted them. "Isn't it ironic, though?" he asked. "You've always been the more popular guy. All the ladies just looove you to death. Surely, you would be confounded if you knew sort of social ineptitude I've had at the Academy. All I did was sit amongst books instead of people, yet isn't that what being a mage is about?" Conrad quoted his favourite poem afterwards, as he gracefuly added. "Infinite in mystery, is the gift of the Goddess." and after a few seconds, he looked at Dilate smiling. "Do you know what that's from?"

Dilate smiled.  "Glad you understand,"  He replied to Conrad's comment about the favor.  "I was the more popular guy?"  He asked.  "I thought that was you... all my fame just stems from my great grandfathers deeds.  I remember you having a ton of romantic escapades back in the day.  Remember the Ellis twins? Man, how they fought over you!"  Dilate laughed as he listened to Conrad's comments about the academy.  "That's probably why girls find you attractive man, you're the quiet, intelligent type... a lot of girls are looking for that!  I mean... not that you need a girlfriend or anything,"  Dilate adjusted his stance.  "Infinite in mystery, is the gift of the Goddess..."  Dilate repeated.  "I'm not sure... never heard about that before, ever the poet huh?  Never change..."

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Fort Black


Paitlyn waved bye to Cloud as she then begun walking up to Amelia who was asking about whether or not she wanted to become better at fighting physically or using magic. Seeing that she wasn't really that interested in learning more magic until she got her own sorted out so she figured it would be better to focus on fighting physically. Assuming she probably shouldn't have her horse while training, Paitlyn looked around until she spotted a nearby tree and then tied her horse to that tree. She then walked back to Amelia and told her which one she wanted to train on, "I'd prefer fighting if that's okay, so do we start today or tomorrow?" Paitlyn was mentioning the fact that it was the evening and it might be to late for any training.


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Location: Fort Black

Amelia nodded slowly and looked at Paitlyn. "First off, get some sleep. You look like you've been awake for 3 days. Tomorrow morning at 5 AM, in the courtyard. Bring your weapons and armor." She said neutrally, tossing at her a small book. The title was Fighting 101. Amelia then walked into the woods, disappearing in the shadows of the night. She sat down on a rock deep in the woods and took out a small, rough and pink crystal. She stared at it, "I miss you mom..." She whispered at the crystal that began to glow softly. 
Lexius Mhrodas |  Blenktrheim Purprishade

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

"I-I..... Thank you! Thank you so much!"  Blenktrheim stuttered as he bowed to Selene, crying tears of joy, "Oh! I didn't know that you mimic dogs!"  Lexius said as he came out from the insides of the weapon shop, "Lexius, do not test me, shouldn't you be happy that there was a successful revolt?"  Beardy glowered at the assistant as he stood up, adjusting himself, "Well, we shouldn't cast ourselves into an illusion, we must stay cautious on the matter of Fairfax, and there are rumors of Trollkins heading for Bowerstone."  Lexius said as he picked up the council's deed, "Hmph..."  Beardy simply responded Lexius as he went towards the insides of the shop, to forge the swords and shields, a bit annoyed on how all the materials he collected is going down the drain, "Anyways, you should receive the weaponry today, where shall the deal commence?"  Lexius jokingly said as he carefully inspected one of the shop's halberds.


Selene De Blanche

Location: Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

Selene smiled. "Why at the marble palace of the Fairfax Council! Everywhere is safe now!" She turned around and began walking out of the shop. "I'll be attacking the trollkins soon. Take care!" Selene left the shop and returned to her residence.

(Sorry for the delay)

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