Main IC RP

The girl looked sad. She nodded and turned around, going away sadly. Another small victory for her, she now simply knew more about Dilate. She had to be patient. And... Well, invisible. When she was out of sight, she simply dissolved. Being the wind, she could just blow in, nobody even noticing she existed. It was literally impossible, as she was in fact simply air. 

Hidden like that, she would follow Dilate more. She would no take action just yet. She simply wanted to "meet" Elucifer. That was all. Know your enemy. 
Dilate's eyes were cold with duty.  "I am not a hero,"  He looked down at the girl with the same cold stare of his captain.  "There is no room for you here... I'm sorry to tell you this, but your mother is wrong,"  Dilate said simply as he watched the girl.  

The soldiers remained steadfast.  "No entry allowed for civilians, young miss... go home!"  The other guard was very frustrated... he really didn't care about the girl's sob story... he just wanted to do his job.  The guards remained incredibly stiff... especially while their Lieutenant, Dilate Adamant was watching them from behind their lances.

The girl looked sad. She nodded and turned around, going away sadly. Another small victory for her, she now simply knew more about Dilate. She had to be patient. And... Well, invisible. When she was out of sight, she simply dissolved. Being the wind, she could just blow in, nobody even noticing she existed. It was literally impossible, as she was in fact simply air. 

Hidden like that, she would follow Dilate more. She would no take action just yet. She simply wanted to "meet" Elucifer. That was all. Know your enemy. 

Erebus Rhamnousia

Location: Black Wolf Barracks

Erebus, following them, remained invisible and climbed one of the towers at the walls, following the magical esssence that made up Mikael's very being. She was an interesting creature, one that was malevolent at heart, wanting to inflict pain onto chosen others as a form of revenge. Her intentions, however, did not interest one person: Erebus, who only wanted to do this to best serve Elucifer in a way that Elucifer would come to appreciate him even more. He wished to serve his divine lord, as he saw Elucifer as much more than a man. His curse was clearly a divine gift, created, and given to Elucifer to protect him from evil spirits, to make them dissolve, shrivel up and die! Erebus believed that with all of his mind, one that was corrupt too much to change his beliefs. Erebus turned into Shadowstep form for a short second, flying off of the tower and onto the walls. He dropped behind an unsuspecting guard who was guarding the entrance to that same tower, and he had entered it. Erebus walked down the stairs onto the courtyard, and remaining invisible, followed Dilante, knowing that Michael would follow him too.
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Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar


As Astrid had finished telling Paitlyn the directions to get to the Guild, Amelia had began to leave the bar so she could lead Paitlyn to where the Guild resides (as she had just staed). Going into a rush so she wouldn't miss her one time ticket to easily get to the where the guild was Paitlyn had grabbed her cup of Orange juice and drunk it all down in one  steady gulp. Luckily, right before she had left the bar Paitlyn had remembered to say her goodbyes to the amazing bartended. "Sorry about leaving right after asking you a question, but I really have to go because my guide is leaving right now and I'd-I really hope you understand my reasons for leaving. So goodbye! And thank you again for all of your help!" Yelling her final words to Astrid, she had then immediately bolted out the door in a rush to make it to the stables on time so she could hopefully have enough time to get her horse, wave goodbye to the old man, get on the horse and then catch up with Amelia. After her rush to the stables Paitlyn had figured she had enough time to take a breath from running so fast right before she went through with her plan. Being all caught up she then busted the door open and ran out the stables to catch up with Amelia, all the while forgetting to wave goodbye to the old man.


Location: Fort Black


As the gates to Fort Black had finally come into Paitlyn's sight she had also finally spotted Amelia, but of course it was right before the gates had closed, blocking her view of Amelia. Walking up to the gates and expecting the guards to know who she was and let her through, she was merely stopped by 2 guards blocking the gate in front of her. As she had gotten even closer to the gate another guard had walked up to her and began to talk, "What is your business here stranger?" Being confused about why the guard was asking for her business there it had finally been made clear that all of the guards standing in front of the gate had no clue who she was, or what she was doing here. Not wanting to cause any conflict she had shown a letter to the guards which had clearly stated that she was allowed to come to the guild and start as an initiate so she could try to become an actual part of the guild. After a good couple of seconds the guard who had questioned her had signaled the other 2 guards to let her through. "Good luck on getting into the guild madam." Paitlyn smiled to the man and decided it would be best to thank him for letting her go through the gate, "Thank you and I really hope I can get into the guild too."


Passing through the gates to Fort Black as all of her nervousness had begun to well up she had spotted a large group of people (presumably guild members) training in a courtyard nearby to where she had entered. Assuming that only the leader or guild master could get this many people together she had begun to look through the crowds for anyone who could be the Guild Master. After a couple minutes of searching she had spotted a middle-aged man talking to various people, thinking that it could probably only mean that he was the Guild Master, she had immediately began trotting her horse towards to where the man currently stood. Finally taking a stop from leading her horse to where the presumed Guild Master was (because she had made it to right in front of him),the girl took one last deep breath and had begun to speak to him while nervously gripping onto the Reins of her horse to remove most of her stress. "Hi! My name is Paitlyn and if my gut is telling me right you're the guild master here, correct?"


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Was Previously Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid) & @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-   
The girl looked sad. She nodded and turned around, going away sadly. Another small victory for her, she now simply knew more about Dilate. She had to be patient. And... Well, invisible. When she was out of sight, she simply dissolved. Being the wind, she could just blow in, nobody even noticing she existed. It was literally impossible, as she was in fact simply air. 

Hidden like that, she would follow Dilate more. She would no take action just yet. She simply wanted to "meet" Elucifer. That was all. Know your enemy. 

Dilate Adamant

"It took you a long time... made any detours?"  Elucifer asked as Dilate stepped into his courtyard.  The Captain's armored fingers stroked the petals of a plum blossom... His lone eye locked on the moonlit flower.

"My apologies Captain, I ran into something strange on my way here..."  Dilate bowed out of respect.

"No need to apologize Lieutenant, what did you bump into?"  The Captain asked as he plucked a flower off from a tree branch.

"One of Captain Hawkeye's men... apparently exploded,"  Dilate explained as Elucifer paused and looked at him.

"Expoded?"  Elucifer asked.

"Exploded..."  Dilate repeated.

Elucifer paused and stroked his chin.  "Strange..."  He said with thoughtful eyes.

"What do you think Captain... you think he really exploded?"  Dilate asked.

"It's hard to tell without me looking at the scene myself... are the Investigation corps looking into it?" 

"Yes sir, they have already started their investigation..."  Dilate said, not looking at the Captain's eyes.

"Remain vigilant, Lieutenant... make sure you keep an eye on the Queen... make sure she is safe at all times..."  The Captain placed a hand on Dilate's shoulder.  "A lot of our enemies will attempt to assassinate our princess... It is our job as her servants to protect her.  Do not let your guard down..."  The Captain said with a calm, deep voice.

"Yes sir... I will go see her now..."  Dilate bowed as the Captain released his hand.

Dilate headed for the gate that leads to the mansion courtyard.

Elucifer stood alone in the garden, sniffing plum blossoms as if waiting for something to happen.  His eyes locked onto an open area... as if looking at an invisible guest.

@Princess Ami
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Dilate Adamant

"It took you a long time... made any detours?"  Elucifer asked as Dilate stepped into his courtyard.  The Captain's armored fingers stroked the petals of a plum blossom... His lone eye locked on the moonlit flower.

"My apologies Captain, I ran into something strange on my way here..."  Dilate bowed out of respect.

"No need to apologize Lieutenant, what did you bump into?"  The Captain asked as he plucked a flower off from a tree branch.

"One of Captain Hawkeye's men... apparently exploded,"  Dilate explained as Elucifer paused and looked at him.

"Expoded?"  Elucifer asked.

"Exploded..."  Dilate repeated.

Elucifer paused and stroked his chin.  "Strange..."  He said with thoughtful eyes.

"What do you think Captain... you think he really exploded?"  Dilate asked.

"It's hard to tell without me looking at the scene myself... are the Investigation corps looking into it?" 

"Yes sir, they have already started their investigation..."  Dilate said, not looking at the Captain's eyes.

"Remain vigilant, Lieutenant... make sure you keep an eye on the Queen... make sure she is safe at all times..."  The Captain placed a hand on Dilate's shoulder.  "A lot of our enemies will attempt to assassinate our princess... It is our job as her servants to protect her.  Do not let your guard down..."  The Captain said with a calm, deep voice.

"Yes sir... I will go see her now..."  Dilate bowed as the Captain released his hand.

Dilate headed for the gate that leads to the mansion courtyard.

Elucifer stood alone in the garden, sniffing plum blossoms as if waiting for something to happen.  His eyes locked onto an open area... as if looking at an invisible guest.

@Princess Ami

Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad finally arrived. On the way to the barracks, he had to ask several guards about Lieutentant Adamant to make sure he can find him here. He approached the guards and then asked. "I'm from the Guild of Heroes. I would like to talk to Lieutentant Dilate Adamant with all haste." hoping that the Guild actually meant something to the people of Albion nowadays, or at least these guards. Perhaps they'd at least ask? If not for it's deeds, they would surely have to ask Adamant because the Guild is also now a part of the Albion government, meaning that it's members clearly had SOME authority. Conrad took out the Sigil of the Guild from under his trenchcoat and flashed the two guards with it, as if showing them his sherrif's star for proof. He stuffed it back into his coat and crossed his arms, waiting for their response.

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar


As Astrid had finished telling Paitlyn the directions to get to the Guild, Amelia had began to leave the bar so she could lead Paitlyn to where the Guild resides (as she had just staed). Going into a rush so she wouldn't miss her one time ticket to easily get to the where the guild was Paitlyn had grabbed her cup of Orange juice and drunk it all down in one  steady gulp. Luckily, right before she had left the bar Paitlyn had remembered to say her goodbyes to the amazing bartended. "Sorry about leaving right after asking you a question, but I really have to go because my guide is leaving right now and I'd-I really hope you understand my reasons for leaving. So goodbye! And thank you again for all of your help!" Yelling her final words to Astrid, she had then immediately bolted out the door in a rush to make it to the stables on time so she could hopefully have enough time to get her horse, wave goodbye to the old man, get on the horse and then catch up with Amelia. After her rush to the stables Paitlyn had figured she had enough time to take a breath from running so fast right before she went through with her plan. Being all caught up she then busted the door open and ran out the stables to catch up with Amelia, all the while forgetting to wave goodbye to the old man.


Location: Fort Black


As the gates to Fort Black had finally come into Paitlyn's sight she had also finally spotted Amelia, but of course it was right before the gates had closed, blocking her view of Amelia. Walking up to the gates and expecting the guards to know who she was and let her through, she was merely stopped by 2 guards blocking the gate in front of her. As she had gotten even closer to the gate another guard had walked up to her and began to talk, "What is your business here stranger?" Being confused about why the guard was asking for her business there it had finally been made clear that all of the guards standing in front of the gate had no clue who she was, or what she was doing here. Not wanting to cause any conflict she had shown a letter to the guards which had clearly stated that she was allowed to come to the guild and start as an initiate so she could try to become an actual part of the guild. After a good couple of seconds the guard who had questioned her had signaled the other 2 guards to let her through. "Good luck on getting into the guild madam." Paitlyn smiled to the man and decided it would be best to thank him for letting her go through the gate, "Thank you and I really hope I can get into the guild too."


Passing through the gates to Fort Black as all of her nervousness had begun to well up she had spotted a large group of people (presumably guild members) training in a courtyard nearby to where she had entered. Assuming that only the leader or guild master could get this many people together she had begun to look through the crowds for anyone who could be the Guild Master. After a couple minutes of searching she had spotted a middle-aged man talking to various people, thinking that it could probably only mean that he was the Guild Master, she had immediately began trotting her horse towards to where the man currently stood. Finally taking a stop from leading her horse to where the presumed Guild Master was (because she had made it to right in front of him),the girl took one last deep breath and had begun to speak to him while nervously gripping onto the Reins of her horse to remove most of her stress. "Hi! My name is Paitlyn and if my gut is telling me right you're the guild master here, correct?"


-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Was Previously Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid) & @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-   

Location: Fort Black

"Exactly." Gabriel said, looking at the new girl. "I guess you're a new Initiate?" HE asked curiously, looking at the girl with a contemplative expression. In the meanwhile, Amelia slapped Cloud across the face EXTREMELY hard. "Watch your mouth, old pervert." She said with an angered tone, unsheathing her sword as flames burst around her. "Get ready to fight." She said with a blank and empty tone, waiting for him to do the first move. As Gabriel spoke with the new Initiate, he watched at everyone training too.
Lexius Mhrodas | Blenktrheim Purprishade

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

"Costs exactly 2548 coins"  Lexius quickly said after the commander requested her arms, "Now, I just need to wait for-"  Lexius was interrupted by someone's footprints entering the shop, Blenktrheim had arrived, carrying a chest full of smithing materials, as if on cue, "A certain someone who is late to arrive."  Lexius said, stepping towards the owner of the shop with his hands folded, "Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Perfection, I was collecting materials for our weapons, and please, don't scare our customer away."  Beardy responded, placing the chest down, "Oh really? That's a shame, because we're going to use those materials to create 1000 swords, shields and bows, also, our customer is a commander that was one of of the people that managed to finally gain our people's independence."  Lexius said, picking up the chest and carrying it towards the blacksmith's forgery, "What?! Is that true?!"  Beardy almost instantaneously questioned Selene, a glimmer of joy in the blacksmith's eyes.

Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad finally arrived. On the way to the barracks, he had to ask several guards about Lieutentant Adamant to make sure he can find him here. He approached the guards and then asked. "I'm from the Guild of Heroes. I would like to talk to Lieutentant Dilate Adamant with all haste." hoping that the Guild actually meant something to the people of Albion nowadays, or at least these guards. Perhaps they'd at least ask? If not for it's deeds, they would surely have to ask Adamant because the Guild is also now a part of the Albion government, meaning that it's members clearly had SOME authority. Conrad took out the Sigil of the Guild from under his trenchcoat and flashed the two guards with it, as if showing them his sherrif's star for proof. He stuffed it back into his coat and crossed his arms, waiting for their response.

Dilate Adamant

"My apologies Sir, Captain Elucifer  gave us strict orders--" the guard's sentence was interrupted by an armored hand patting his shoulder.  "It's alright... He came to see me.  We'll talk outside," Dilate said to the guard. When he moved his eyes from the guard to Conrad, his eyes lit up and his mouth formed a happy grin.  "Well, well... If it isn't the best mage in the village!"  He embraced Conrad.  "Long time no see, you handsome devil!"  Dilate let Conrad go and walked alongside him towards the palace.  "How are you?"
Dilate Adamant

"My apologies Sir, Captain Elucifer  gave us strict orders--" the guard's sentence was interrupted by an armored hand patting his shoulder.  "It's alright... He came to see me.  We'll talk outside," Dilate said to the guard. When he moved his eyes from the guard to Conrad, his eyes lit up and his mouth formed a happy grin.  "Well, well... If it isn't the best mage in the village!"  He embraced Conrad.  "Long time no see, you handsome devil!"  Dilate let Conrad go and walked alongside him towards the palace.  "How are you?"

Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad felt irritation upon the guard's initial sentence, however then saw Dilate approaching from behind and cutting him off in the middle of it. Seeing Dilate, Conrad smiled and his eyes opened up to take a good look on Dilate's face. He opened his arms up to Conrad and answered him. "I'm great. I've graduated the Oakvale Academy, then I became a Warrior in the Guild. I became a Hero, like I always wanted. Though, lately..." he paused, but deciding that Dilate was his best friend since... ever?! And not wanting to break the mood of a happy, friendly reunion, he decided not to mention that the Guild was annexed, as Dilate probably knew already. It doesn't feel the same. The Guild used to be this big, friendly family. Now everything is tense. Everyone tries to maintain a calm aura, but sometimes a fight or two break out, over the everlasting argument: The Guild should not have been annexed, or should it have? Some people prefer to submit, others don't. Conrad tried to warm himself up by smiling and covering all of his negative emotions behind it. "Anyway, I think we should celebrate! I haven't seen you, in what... like three years? Maybe more, maybe less? Do you know any good pubs around here? Unless you still have paperwork to do in that big castle of yours, in that case I'll just go finish my contract for today and wait." but still maintaining the same, relaxed grin.
Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad felt irritation upon the guard's initial sentence, however then saw Dilate approaching from behind and cutting him off in the middle of it. Seeing Dilate, Conrad smiled and his eyes opened up to take a good look on Dilate's face. He opened his arms up to Conrad and answered him. "I'm great. I've graduated the Oakvale Academy, then I became a Warrior in the Guild. I became a Hero, like I always wanted. Though, lately..." he paused, but deciding that Dilate was his best friend since... ever?! And not wanting to break the mood of a happy, friendly reunion, he decided not to mention that the Guild was annexed, as Dilate probably knew already. It doesn't feel the same. The Guild used to be this big, friendly family. Now everything is tense. Everyone tries to maintain a calm aura, but sometimes a fight or two break out, over the everlasting argument: The Guild should not have been annexed, or should it have? Some people prefer to submit, others don't. Conrad tried to warm himself up by smiling and covering all of his negative emotions behind it. "Anyway, I think we should celebrate! I haven't seen you, in what... like three years? Maybe more, maybe less? Do you know any good pubs around here? Unless you still have paperwork to do in that big castle of yours, in that case I'll just go finish my contract for today and wait." but still maintaining the same, relaxed grin.

"Guild of Heroes, huh?" Dilate smirked.  "A lot of crazy things have happened to the guild lately,". He sighed.  "But at least now the guild is supported by the Kingdom... Maybe it wouldn't be as unstable as it was before". Dilate sensed unease in his friend's eyes.  "My Captain, Elucifer Lyserg, actually opposed the guild's annexation.  He said that the Kingdom shouldn't waste their time and resources supplying and regulating the guild.  I'm not sure which side I being to.  People expect me to have some strong opinion because of my relationship with the guild's founder... But I really don't have one,". Dilate scratched his head.  "I would love to hang out with you... It's been so lonely and cold up here in the capital.  However I first have to check on the princess.  Maybe we could hang out afterwards?"  Dilate asked heavyheartedly as he approached the palace.  
Location: Fort Black

"Exactly." Gabriel said, looking at the new girl. "I guess you're a new Initiate?" HE asked curiously, looking at the girl with a contemplative expression. In the meanwhile, Amelia slapped Cloud across the face EXTREMELY hard. "Watch your mouth, old pervert." She said with an angered tone, unsheathing her sword as flames burst around her. "Get ready to fight." She said with a blank and empty tone, waiting for him to do the first move. As Gabriel spoke with the new Initiate, he watched at everyone training too.

Cloud Cerberus

"Ouch!" Cloud said dramatically as Amelia slapped him.  "Oh!  My old bones!"  He fell melodramatically into the grass and laid down.  He closed his eyes an winced, pretending to be in pain.  "Your skills have improved a lot, doll face... You managed to beat me with one strike!  I'm just no match for you!" Cloud said as he pretended to faint.  The white cat imitated him and also faked death.  One of cloud's eyes opened to catch a glimpse of what's underneath Amelia's skirt.  
"Guild of Heroes, huh?" Dilate smirked.  "A lot of crazy things have happened to the guild lately,". He sighed.  "But at least now the guild is supported by the Kingdom... Maybe it wouldn't be as unstable as it was before". Dilate sensed unease in his friend's eyes.  "My Captain, Elucifer Lyserg, actually opposed the guild's annexation.  He said that the Kingdom shouldn't waste their time and resources supplying and regulating the guild.  I'm not sure which side I being to.  People expect me to have some strong opinion because of my relationship with the guild's founder... But I really don't have one,". Dilate scratched his head.  "I would love to hang out with you... It's been so lonely and cold up here in the capital.  However I first have to check on the princess.  Maybe we could hang out afterwards?"  Dilate asked heavyheartedly as he approached the palace.  

Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad nodded to his friend's words and heard out his opinion about stability, resources and about Elucifer. Conrad heard about Elucifer previously. The man made quite the name for himself on the stage of leaders lately. He comes with many names. The One-Eyed Devil, or The One-Eyed Saviour. Some called him the executioner. Conrad had a mixed opinion on Elucifer, but decided not to share it as he knew too little about the Captain himself, and it was hard to judge someone you know little about. "Maybe you should consider--" but soon stopped, upon hearing the words. 'Check on the princess.' Conrad's eye ticked, and he slowly twisted his head to look at Dilate. "Yo-You... You know the princess?" in sheer disbelief of how high in society his friend actually was. He was so high, that he had the pleasure of talking to the highest people in society, the royalty. "Can I come with you?" he asked, smiling, with hopeful eyes of at least seeing what her majesty really looks like, as one could only hear stories about divine beauty and excellence that stemmed from the royalty. He tried to restrain himself from bursting out and fanboying about everything, and inside, Conrad felt deeply jealous and envious of Dilate's life. 'A descendant of William Black... and he knows the princess. What a guy...' Conrad thought, even having some admiration for his friend, then continued to plead with Dilate. "Pleeease!? I promise I won't talk to her! You won't notice I'm even there!"
Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad nodded to his friend's words and heard out his opinion about stability, resources and about Elucifer. Conrad heard about Elucifer previously. The man made quite the name for himself on the stage of leaders lately. He comes with many names. The One-Eyed Devil, or The One-Eyed Saviour. Some called him the executioner. Conrad had a mixed opinion on Elucifer, but decided not to share it as he knew too little about the Captain himself, and it was hard to judge someone you know little about. "Maybe you should consider--" but soon stopped, upon hearing the words. 'Check on the princess.' Conrad's eye ticked, and he slowly twisted his head to look at Dilate. "Yo-You... You know the princess?" in sheer disbelief of how high in society his friend actually was. He was so high, that he had the pleasure of talking to the highest people in society, the royalty. "Can I come with you?" he asked, smiling, with hopeful eyes of at least seeing what her majesty really looks like, as one could only hear stories about divine beauty and excellence that stemmed from the royalty. He tried to restrain himself from bursting out and fanboying about everything, and inside, Conrad felt deeply jealous and envious of Dilate's life. 'A descendant of William Black... and he knows the princess. What a guy...' Conrad thought, even having some admiration for his friend, then continued to plead with Dilate. "Pleeease!? I promise I won't talk to her! You won't notice I'm even there!"

Dilate Adamant

Under normal circumstances, Dilate would put his duty above personal business.  When he looked at his old friend's grin however, his sense of duty softened.  He laughed a bit and put an arm around Conrad's shoulders.  "She's the most beautiful girl in the world, Conrad..."  He teased as they walked along.  Dilate looked at the ground and smiled.  "I'll go ask her if she minds... She'll probably allow it... She's a very nice girl,". Dilate blushed.  "Just don't act like you're a country bumpkin okay?"
Dilate Adamant

Under normal circumstances, Dilate would put his duty above personal business.  When he looked at his old friend's grin however, his sense of duty softened.  He laughed a bit and put an arm around Conrad's shoulders.  "She's the most beautiful girl in the world, Conrad..."  He teased as they walked along.  Dilate looked at the ground and smiled.  "I'll go ask her if she minds... She'll probably allow it... She's a very nice girl,". Dilate blushed.  "Just don't act like you're a country bumpkin okay?"

Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad nearly squealed in excitement, however just after he heard Dilate's request, he looked forward, took a deep breath and composed himself. Conrad rose his right hand up to his head and slightly adjusted his hair, then doing the same with his clothes, answering Dilate's request. "You got it--" and turned around to see Dilate's blush. Conrad made a weird face, as if trying to figure out why Dilate's cheeks are pink. "Why are you..." and then he realized. "Wait - I know what's going on here!" and slowly, a smile of realization painted on his face. "I get it! I get it!" and chuckled. Conrad then decided to inquire his friend about his relation with the princess. "You like her, don't you?" Conrad teasingly asked.
Conrad Varentain

Location: Black Wolf Barracks - Outside

Conrad nearly squealed in excitement, however just after he heard Dilate's request, he looked forward, took a deep breath and composed himself. Conrad rose his right hand up to his head and slightly adjusted his hair, then doing the same with his clothes, answering Dilate's request. "You got it--" and turned around to see Dilate's blush. Conrad made a weird face, as if trying to figure out why Dilate's cheeks are pink. "Why are you..." and then he realized. "Wait - I know what's going on here!" and slowly, a smile of realization painted on his face. "I get it! I get it!" and chuckled. Conrad then decided to inquire his friend about his relation with the princess. "You like her, don't you?" Conrad teasingly asked.

"W-what?" Dilate let go of Conrad's shoulders.  His face is super red.  "Dude, no!  I... Just happened to help save her once.  I think she's a pain in the ass sometimes.  She's beautiful, but she's such a handful..."  Dilate chuckled. "She's more like an annoying little sister to me," Dilate and Conrad reached the gates to the palace, Dilate's presence alone made the guards move aside and open the gates.  "Besides, I think she has a thing for my Captain..." The two arrived inside the palace.

@Princess Ami
"W-what?" Dilate let go of Conrad's shoulders.  His face is super red.  "Dude, no!  I... Just happened to help save her once.  I think she's a pain in the ass sometimes.  She's beautiful, but she's such a handful..."  Dilate chuckled. "She's more like an annoying little sister to me," Dilate and Conrad reached the gates to the palace, Dilate's presence alone made the guards move aside and open the gates.  "Besides, I think she has a thing for my Captain..." The two arrived inside the palace.

@Princess Ami

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad smirked and stared at Dilate's face as it turned red and heard his excuses, but inside he knew the truth. It was simply too easy to connect the dots, but at the same time, it caused a feeling of anxiety and even more envy. Envy, that he would have to put away for the sake of their friendship. Conrad was jealous of the fact that while he had to study, improve and learn, however with tremendous effects, Dilate was having fun, saving a princess, advancing high in the ranks of society, and becoming a real important person. All of that mixed with being a descendant of William Black, and having a lot of authority over people. Conrad followed Dilate inside, walking shoulder to shoulder with his friend and upon hearing his last words, he put his hand on Dilate's shoulder and gently clenched his hand on it. "That's okay. We'll find you someone nearly as good. I'm sure of it." with a supporting voice. "After all: You're already pretty high up the ladder, right? Descendant of William Black... a neat job... a real hero. Who wouldn't want you?"
Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad smirked and stared at Dilate's face as it turned red and heard his excuses, but inside he knew the truth. It was simply too easy to connect the dots, but at the same time, it caused a feeling of anxiety and even more envy. Envy, that he would have to put away for the sake of their friendship. Conrad was jealous of the fact that while he had to study, improve and learn, however with tremendous effects, Dilate was having fun, saving a princess, advancing high in the ranks of society, and becoming a real important person. All of that mixed with being a descendant of William Black, and having a lot of authority over people. Conrad followed Dilate inside, walking shoulder to shoulder with his friend and upon hearing his last words, he put his hand on Dilate's shoulder and gently clenched his hand on it. "That's okay. We'll find you someone nearly as good. I'm sure of it." with a supporting voice. "After all: You're already pretty high up the ladder, right? Descendant of William Black... a neat job... a real hero. Who wouldn't want you?"

Dilate Adamant

Location: Royal Palace

Dilated sighed and looked away.  "Yeah..."  His voice got somber and serious.  "...You know I really don't want to be carried by my bloodline... It's really frustrating to me when you say that, man..."  Dilate scratched his head.  "Look, I am not William Black... and it's not as easy to go up in rank as you think it is.  The things are sacrificed aren't from William Black... I worked hard to get here..."  Dilate looked at Conrad.  "You know how I hate being compared to William Black, man... and I would really hate to find out later on that my wife only married me because of my bloodline..."  He continued as he walked up to the Princess' door.  

Dilate grinned.  "You're not a throwaway yourself you know... a lot of women would fight each other to get their hands on a talented mage like you..."  Dilate knocked on the door.  "Did you ever ask that girl from our village to go out with you?  What was her name?  Marina?"  

@Princess Ami
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Dilate Adamant

Location: Royal Palace

Dilated sighed and looked away.  "Yeah..."  His voice got somber and serious.  "...You know I really don't want to be carried by my bloodline... It's really frustrating to me when you say that, man..."  Dilate scratched his head.  "Look, I am not William Black... and it's not as easy to go up in rank as you think it is.  The things are sacrificed aren't from William Black... I worked hard to get here..."  Dilate looked at Conrad.  "You know how I hate being compared to William Black, man... and I would really hate to find out later on that my wife only married me because of my bloodline..."  He continued as he walked up to the Princess' door.  

Dilate grinned.  "You're not a throwaway yourself you know... a lot of women would fight each other to get their hands on a talented mage like you..."  Dilate knocked on the door.  "Did you ever ask that girl from our village to go out with you?  What was her name?  Marina?"  

@Princess Ami

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad listened to Dilate's explanation and nodded his head once or twice to show him understanding. "I got it. Sorry." However inside he had an inner fight. Conrad himself was an Inherent Magician. He had his powers and talent from his parents. Didn't that technically mean that he was such a mage merely based off of the accomplishments of his ancestors? Why is magic hereditary... Conrad asked himself, but was happy from the other side. "A talented mage like me?" He asked, still think ing about the same things, but he managed to sneak in a smile. "Yeah, they would. I'm pretty handso--" but cringed when he heard Marina's name.

Marina was a noble girl, from an extremely rich family that owned the whole village they lived in. Even though he had no chances with her, Conrad still had a crush on her when he was young, and once him and Dilate saved her from a bandit. "Come on, you know that she's from a noble family. She'll marry some rich guy and live happily ever after. I have not the social status, nor willpower to do anything about it. I like to push my luck with women, but she was out of my league." And then kept silent in anticipation, after Dilate knocked on the door.

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad listened to Dilate's explanation and nodded his head once or twice to show him understanding. "I got it. Sorry." However inside he had an inner fight. Conrad himself was an Inherent Magician. He had his powers and talent from his parents. Didn't that technically mean that he was such a mage merely based off of the accomplishments of his ancestors? Why is magic hereditary... Conrad asked himself, but was happy from the other side. "A talented mage like me?" He asked, still think ing about the same things, but he managed to sneak in a smile. "Yeah, they would. I'm pretty handso--" but cringed when he heard Marina's name.

Marina was a noble girl, from an extremely rich family that owned the whole village they lived in. Even though he had no chances with her, Conrad still had a crush on her when he was young, and once him and Dilate saved her from a bandit. "Come on, you know that she's from a noble family. She'll marry some rich guy and live happily ever after. I have not the social status, nor willpower to do anything about it. I like to push my luck with women, but she was out of my league." And then kept silent in anticipation, after Dilate knocked on the door.

Dilate Adamant

Location: Royal Palace

Dilated sighed and looked away.  "Yeah..."  His voice got somber and serious.  "...You know I really don't want to be carried by my bloodline... It's really frustrating to me when you say that, man..."  Dilate scratched his head.  "Look, I am not William Black... and it's not as easy to go up in rank as you think it is.  The things are sacrificed aren't from William Black... I worked hard to get here..."  Dilate looked at Conrad.  "You know how I hate being compared to William Black, man... and I would really hate to find out later on that my wife only married me because of my bloodline..."  He continued as he walked up to the Princess' door.  

Dilate grinned.  "You're not a throwaway yourself you know... a lot of women would fight each other to get their hands on a talented mage like you..."  Dilate knocked on the door.  "Did you ever ask that girl from our village to go out with you?  What was her name?  Marina?"  

@Princess Ami

The princess opened the door herself, quite surprised by the sudden visitors. She looked at Dilate surprisedly and then her expression changed. "Hello, Dilate.", she calmly stated, happy to get to meet him again. Ever since he had saved her, she saw him as friend and treated him accordingly. "We have not met in quite some time." Her eyes locked onto his and she smiled brightly. Then she looked at his comrade. "Though i can not remember having met you before. I am Daisy, the prin- queen of Albion." A small cringe went through her as she corrected herself. The word queen still remembered her of the loss she ahd suffered. 
The princess opened the door herself, quite surprised by the sudden visitors. She looked at Dilate surprisedly and then her expression changed. "Hello, Dilate.", she calmly stated, happy to get to meet him again. Ever since he had saved her, she saw him as friend and treated him accordingly. "We have not met in quite some time." Her eyes locked onto his and she smiled brightly. Then she looked at his comrade. "Though i can not remember having met you before. I am Daisy, the prin- queen of Albion." A small cringe went through her as she corrected herself. The word queen still remembered her of the loss she ahd suffered. 

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad remembered Dilate's words. Do not act like a county bumpkin. Conrad's heart was beating out of his chest. "Conrad Varentain. Hero and esteemed mage, fresh from Oakvale Academy." And wanted to boast avoid being the very best, or about how he graduated in 2 years, but did it really matter? He was talking to the queen, you can't possibly impress her with a few magic spells. "I am sorry for your loss." He added, knowing  what happened to Daisy's father and brother.
Cloud Cerberus

"Ouch!" Cloud said dramatically as Amelia slapped him.  "Oh!  My old bones!"  He fell melodramatically into the grass and laid down.  He closed his eyes an winced, pretending to be in pain.  "Your skills have improved a lot, doll face... You managed to beat me with one strike!  I'm just no match for you!" Cloud said as he pretended to faint.  The white cat imitated him and also faked death.  One of cloud's eyes opened to catch a glimpse of what's underneath Amelia's skirt.  

Location: Fort Black

"I will summon a demon to personally gauge your eyes out of their sockets, you damn pervert." She said, as the flames burst all around Cloud giving him the sensation of burns all over his body. "Get up and fight!!" She exclaimed, pointing her sword at him with her eyes full of anger. "Only one person will have the right to watch there and it will certainly not be YOU!" She said, as she rushed towards Cloud with an enraged expression stamped on her face as she slashed her sword, flames flying towards him. Obviously, they only simulated the pain of a wound. Gabriel set up a magical perimeter to do just that.
Location: Fort Black

"I will summon a demon to personally gauge your eyes out of their sockets, you damn pervert." She said, as the flames burst all around Cloud giving him the sensation of burns all over his body. "Get up and fight!!" She exclaimed, pointing her sword at him with her eyes full of anger. "Only one person will have the right to watch there and it will certainly not be YOU!" She said, as she rushed towards Cloud with an enraged expression stamped on her face as she slashed her sword, flames flying towards him. Obviously, they only simulated the pain of a wound. Gabriel set up a magical perimeter to do just that.

Cloud felt something burning underneath him so he quickly did a handstand and flipped to his feet.  Wendy the cat saw the flames erupt from the ground and screamed in fright... she hopped on Cloud's shoulder.  "Nice try, young lady!"  He smelled smoke and look down at his bottom.  Flames!  "Gah!"  He exclaimed as he gathered water vapor to his palm, creating a ball of water.  He used the ball to extinguish the flames on his bottom.  The flames created a small hole showing his underwear.  "Tsk, tsk!  You accuse me of being a pervert?"  He grinned and shook his head disappointingly.  "You don't think old man Cloud knows what you're doing?  Getting my clothes all damaged... just to see my sweet bod?"  He taunted her as he made two balls of water in his hands.

He grinned when he saw her enraged face.  "Aww man, cool off... It's not good for kids to get angry all the time!"  He threw the water ball at her face... making a big splash on contact and soaking it.  Just as the first water ball made contact to her face... a second water ball struck her breasts... soaking them generously and making them bounce dramatically.

"Hehe... Strike!"  Cloud high fived the cat and ran in a random direction.  "Gotta go!  This ol man don't wanna get killed by a volcano lady!"   He said cheerfully as he ran.

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The princess opened the door herself, quite surprised by the sudden visitors. She looked at Dilate surprisedly and then her expression changed. "Hello, Dilate.", she calmly stated, happy to get to meet him again. Ever since he had saved her, she saw him as friend and treated him accordingly. "We have not met in quite some time." Her eyes locked onto his and she smiled brightly. Then she looked at his comrade. "Though i can not remember having met you before. I am Daisy, the prin- queen of Albion." A small cringe went through her as she corrected herself. The word queen still remembered her of the loss she ahd suffered. 

Dilate tried to hide his excitement about seeing her again with a cold expression on his face. "Yeah... sorry about what happened.  Are you feeling okay?"  he asked her almost monotonously.  He seems to always act cold around her.  "Captain asked me to check on you.  This is my childhood friend Conrad... it's alright for him to stay in the palace for a few minutes right?"  He asked her.  He looked at the floor... then up the ceiling... feeling a cold wave of awkwardness.  "Do you... want to go somewhere... I can escort you to the city if you need some fresh air.  It's not good to close yourself off in your room all the time..."  He blushed slightly but his words were cold... distant.
[SIZE= 24px][COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]Paitlyn Alondra[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px][COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Location: Fort Black[/COLOR][/SIZE]

When the man admitted to being the Guild Master (like she had assumed) it left Paitlyn smiling a bit more confidently to know that her assumption was correct and that she wasn't talking to some random stranger. "Why yes I am an Initiate, my father sent in a request for me to join a couple weeks back and you guys replied no sooner than a week ago." To prove that what she was saying was the truth she pulled out the letter she had gotten from the guild and brought it close enough to him to hopefully show that she was expecting him to take it from her. After waiting a good couple of seconds, Paitlyn let go of the letter letting it fall to the ground if the man didn't grab it when she was letting him. Not taking her letter back from the Guild Master she began to speak once again when she thought that she had given him enough time to finish reading the letter. "So what does an Initiate need to do to become an actual part of the guild?" As she finished her statement all of the worries that she had gained from the journey here had began crawling up inside of her extremely fast, causing her to fear the fact that she probably was going to have to fight or do something that required physical or offensive strength, both of which she was not one bit excited for. Immediately bringing her head down to the neck of her horse she crossed the fingers on her hand that wasn't visible to the Guild Master and hoped that he wasn't going to say that she needed to fight someone and win, or show a really specific amount of physical strength to get in.

-=-=((Interacting with @Gabriel97 (Gabriel)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
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Dilate tried to hide his excitement about seeing her again with a cold expression on his face. "Yeah... sorry about what happened.  Are you feeling okay?"  he asked her almost monotonously.  He seems to always act cold around her.  "Captain asked me to check on you.  This is my childhood friend Conrad... it's alright for him to stay in the palace for a few minutes right?"  He asked her.  He looked at the floor... then up the ceiling... feeling a cold wave of awkwardness.  "Do you... want to go somewhere... I can escort you to the city if you need some fresh air.  It's not good to close yourself off in your room all the time..."  He blushed slightly but his words were cold... distant.

Conrad Varentain

Location: Royal Palace

Conrad remembered Dilate's words. Do not act like a county bumpkin. Conrad's heart was beating out of his chest. "Conrad Varentain. Hero and esteemed mage, fresh from Oakvale Academy." And wanted to boast avoid being the very best, or about how he graduated in 2 years, but did it really matter? He was talking to the queen, you can't possibly impress her with a few magic spells. "I am sorry for your loss." He added, knowing  what happened to Daisy's father and brother.

The princesses face immediatly got sad. He was cold towards her yet again. What had she done to make him hate her? "I dont want to go anywhere. I dont want to waste your time, Dilate.", she murmured. She looked at Conrad. "Interesting. You come from the guild, i suppose?" The princess words were bitter. Her mood had just died a crucial death. "Well, tell Elucifer i am fine. Is there anything else you need?", she said, turned to Dilate again. 

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