Main IC RP

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"The drink costs 30 by the way." Astrid said as sh regained her composure, just in time to see the girl walk into the bar. She returned the wave and said, "There's a stable house just around the corner. Let the old man know that I let you place your horse there." She turned to see her vat complete. She began to bottle the batch while another vat began to start it's process as well.


Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene smiled. So this was the person who broke into the palace. Councilmen? Someone is definitely withholding information from me.  "I would like to know who killed the councilmen, and who put them in such a position in the first place. I want to know who is controlling the crown like a puppet right now. And kill them immediately. Keep the princess alive." It was all a balancing act. To blame the crown would make the most sense, given the craziness of the recent months in the crown prince and the king's death. But the princess is unlikely to have... killed councilmen? nor would she have had them in such a vulnerable position. She might be a fool, but she knows enough to make sure her kingdom doesn't fall into ruin. Someone has to be controlling her.


Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar

Hearing the bartender mention a nearby stables that she could put her horse in, caused Paitlyn to let out an audible sigh of relief from not having to be a nuisance to everyone else. Seeing as she didn't know these people all too well she figured it would be fine if she just left the bar and come back without saying a word until she came back, her horse on the other hand had different plans, because as they were leaving the horse made it its responsibilty to clop as loudly as it could until it was out of the bar. When Paitlyn got outside she spotted the stable that the barkeep was talking about which was just a few steps away. Since it wasn't that far a walk (as seen from earlier) she made it to the stables with no difficulty and locked up her horse in one of the nearby pens and as she left she noticed the old man the bartender was talking about giving a confused look at her, thinking that the reason of him giving her that look was because he was uncertain of why she was there Paitlyn decided to explain herself. "The bartender told me it'd be okay if I'd drop off my horse here." The man then gave a small nod of understanding as he turned his attention away from her as Paitlyn left for the bar. After another moment Paitlyn opened the door to the bar again, but this time she didn't have her horse was at the stables. She then walked up to a seat near the counter and sat down in it. Paitlyn looked up to the bartender and decided to start talking with her since that was the whole reason she came here. "What do you got to drink? Oh! And before I forget nothing with Alcohol please." When she finished her speaking she gave a smile at the bartender while she waited for her response.

-=-=((Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid) ))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
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Lexius Mhrodas

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

Lexius groggily woke up from his cozy dreams to a well kept bedroom, lifting himself up, he glanced his sleepy eyes into the ticking clock on the room, in which he almost instantaneously ran out of the house, picking up a key while at it, it seemed he was late for business. Running through the streets of Fairfax, bumping into civilians without a care, he arrived at the entrance, of course, there were guards there, "Zeir Vhart"  Lexius quickly said before the guards asked his name, when you constantly need to get out of Fairfax, you eventually remember the questions they give, the guards in retaliation glared at him like he was some sort of bug, and of course, he had to come up with a false name, he couldn't just go around and say 'Hi, I'm Lexius Mhrodas, You know, An assassin that was once yours', he'd just be executed. After a few more questions, Lexius was eventually let go of the city, sprinting in a single direction for a seemingly long time, Lexius could eventually see the shop just up ahead. Finally arriving to the weaponry emporium, he whipped out his key and unlocked the entrance door, "Hey Beardy, Sorry for being la-"  Lexius said while he entered the shop, but abruptly stopped once he realized that the owner of the shop was nowhere near him or in the shop, "Wow, thanks for the warning..."  He tiringly said while he got behind the counter, coming to a conclusion that Blenktrheim went to get materials for the weapons, as he usually does. Nonetheless, the shop is now open.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Amelia hopped off her horse and tied it trough a noose quickly to a tree nearby. She quickly walked up to Astrid's bar with two other exorcists and walked up to the counter. "Excuse me, may I have a word with you?" She spoke neutrally with a pretty low tone, staring into the bartender's eyes thoughtfully. A soft blue aura came out of the barman's body and it was sign of no daemonic activity. The other two exorcists looked around and checked the structure, looking for symbols where the light from the chandeliers didn't get to. There were no marks and they just walked behind Amelia once more. She kept staring at the barman with a neutral and cold gaze.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid smiled back at the girl. "I can get you juice, milk, water, or any potion you wish." She began to prepare a glass in waiting. "I am Astrid by the way." The two men and the girl walked into the bar. Astrid sighed. "Looks like I'll have to get back to you later, give me a moment." She walked around the counter to where the girl stood and said, "How can I help you?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

"Nothing else. Be quick, world politics happens in an instant." Selene waved Kyro goodbye and turned to her officers. "Continue to fortify our positions. And prepare to the fight the trollkins the moment to enter valley south of Fairfax towards Bowerstone. They are a threat to Gael." A young messenger ran up. "Haph... haph... News from the council!" "What is it?" "The council approved your proposal to provide more arms." Selene smiled. "Open the armories. I'll be back." Selene began to make her way to the Purprishade Weaponry Emporium.


It took her quite a bit to get there, with all the civilians and the guards celebrating what has been a successful revolt against the Crown of Albion. She entered the shop and with a clear voice said, "I would like to buy enough for an army."

@The Cat Man
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid smiled back at the girl. "I can get you juice, milk, water, or any potion you wish." She began to prepare a glass in waiting. "I am Astrid by the way." The two men and the girl walked into the bar. Astrid sighed. "Looks like I'll have to get back to you later, give me a moment." She walked around the counter to where the girl stood and said, "How can I help you?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Amelia smiled at Astrid and finally spoke. "If it is okay with you, I need to do a checkup on the place. Demons have been sighted around here and we need to make sure nothing is going on in here." She said with a calm and neutral tone as she took a small bag from her belt. "If you want to, spread this around the perimeter. It'll keep lesser creatures like goblins and coal tars away." She said as she dropped it on the counter. At the touch, it felt like sand, but as you squeezed it tighter, it felt solid. The two other exorcists started reciting verses and light came out of their hands. Seals appeared all around the walls, but they immediately went invisible. One of them made a quick movement with his finger and a demon appeared. It touched the ground as it fell, screeching as it turned to dust. He gave a thumbs up to Amelia and she smiled back at him. They do a very good work. She thought to herself.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Amelia smiled at Astrid and finally spoke. "If it is okay with you, I need to do a checkup on the place. Demons have been sighted around here and we need to make sure nothing is going on in here." She said with a calm and neutral tone as she took a small bag from her belt. "If you want to, spread this around the perimeter. It'll keep lesser creatures like goblins and coal tars away." She said as she dropped it on the counter. At the touch, it felt like sand, but as you squeezed it tighter, it felt solid. The two other exorcists started reciting verses and light came out of their hands. Seals appeared all around the walls, but they immediately went invisible. One of them made a quick movement with his finger and a demon appeared. It touched the ground as it fell, screeching as it turned to dust. He gave a thumbs up to Amelia and she smiled back at him. They do a very good work. She thought to herself.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid gave her a weird look. "You're more than welcome to, but it's unnecessary. I always keep a small supply of holy water." She took up the bag and placed it to the side. She was surprised that there was even a demon in her bar, but she didn't mind. She was use to all sorts of people by now that it didn't matter.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid gave her a weird look. "You're more than welcome to, but it's unnecessary. I always keep a small supply of holy water." She took up the bag and placed it to the side. She was surprised that there was even a demon in her bar, but she didn't mind. She was use to all sorts of people by now that it didn't matter.

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Oh, well, some days ago I killed a class-7 demon some miles away from here. Better be safe than to fix your wounds later, am I right?" She said with a small chuckle, as she and the other two men clapped their hands together all at once and they began reciting holy passages, blue light coming out of their bodies. But suddenly, a huge rift started sucking in light items and fire came out of it. The circle of light that generated between the three exorcists broke and Amelia unsheathed her sword. "Stay back!" She shouted, as purple flames surrounded her body. She leaped forward and stabbed the demon between its eyes, but it just blown her away with its enormous claw. "H-Hghh!" SHe said as she hit the bar's wall, coughing blood. The flames got bigger and changed color, shifting from purple to a fiery red. She jumped towards the demon with incredible speed, slashing her sword repeatedly at it. Flames engulfed the bar, but didn't burn it. They were warm and nice, but the demon was getting hurt from it. It screamed and roared repeatedly, as the other two exorcists launched light-based spells at it. Amelia then retreated, pointing her sword at the demon. "On my mark!" She said, drawing a flaming pentagram in the air. She slashed trough it and shouted "NOW!" and a burst of flames and magical blades flew towards the demon, as the other exorcists launched a wave of light towards it. It screeched one last time and exploded in tons of black dust. She took a deep breath and sheathed her sword once more. She walked to the counter and smiled, chuckling: "Told you." She said, looking at Astrid.
Location: Astrid's Bar

"Oh, well, some days ago I killed a class-7 demon some miles away from here. Better be safe than to fix your wounds later, am I right?" She said with a small chuckle, as she and the other two men clapped their hands together all at once and they began reciting holy passages, blue light coming out of their bodies. But suddenly, a huge rift started sucking in light items and fire came out of it. The circle of light that generated between the three exorcists broke and Amelia unsheathed her sword. "Stay back!" She shouted, as purple flames surrounded her body. She leaped forward and stabbed the demon between its eyes, but it just blown her away with its enormous claw. "H-Hghh!" SHe said as she hit the bar's wall, coughing blood. The flames got bigger and changed color, shifting from purple to a fiery red. She jumped towards the demon with incredible speed, slashing her sword repeatedly at it. Flames engulfed the bar, but didn't burn it. They were warm and nice, but the demon was getting hurt from it. It screamed and roared repeatedly, as the other two exorcists launched light-based spells at it. Amelia then retreated, pointing her sword at the demon. "On my mark!" She said, drawing a flaming pentagram in the air. She slashed trough it and shouted "NOW!" and a burst of flames and magical blades flew towards the demon, as the other exorcists launched a wave of light towards it. It screeched one last time and exploded in tons of black dust. She took a deep breath and sheathed her sword once more. She walked to the counter and smiled, chuckling: "Told you." She said, looking at Astrid.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed and gave her a shrug. Three bar rules broken and it isn't even noon, what a day! She held one of her vials and tossed it into the air. It exploded, sending liquid everywhere, cleaning up all the dust. "Well, would you like a drink or something?" She looked back at the girl from before. "What did you want as well?"

Lexius Mhrodas

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

Lexius wasn't really surprised on Selene's request, countless times she nonchalantly came here asking for enough weapons for her troops, "Sure, but the delivery will be quite slow, like always." He responded to her, agreeing to the commander's request, "You know my terms, anyways, I ask you, what are the arms for?"  Lexius said with a sly expression, "If I am correct, you just made a move against the royals, right?"  Lexius continued to try and get information, "Something tells me you aren't just refilling your armory..."  He said as he exited the counter and positioned himself in front of her, hands folded, curiosity filling the assistant's mind.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed and gave her a shrug. Three bar rules broken and it isn't even noon, what a day! She held one of her vials and tossed it into the air. It exploded, sending liquid everywhere, cleaning up all the dust. "Well, would you like a drink or something?" She looked back at the girl from before. "What did you want as well?"


Location: Astrid's Bar

"Oh, well, some days ago I killed a class-7 demon some miles away from here. Better be safe than to fix your wounds later, am I right?" She said with a small chuckle, as she and the other two men clapped their hands together all at once and they began reciting holy passages, blue light coming out of their bodies. But suddenly, a huge rift started sucking in light items and fire came out of it. The circle of light that generated between the three exorcists broke and Amelia unsheathed her sword. "Stay back!" She shouted, as purple flames surrounded her body. She leaped forward and stabbed the demon between its eyes, but it just blown her away with its enormous claw. "H-Hghh!" SHe said as she hit the bar's wall, coughing blood. The flames got bigger and changed color, shifting from purple to a fiery red. She jumped towards the demon with incredible speed, slashing her sword repeatedly at it. Flames engulfed the bar, but didn't burn it. They were warm and nice, but the demon was getting hurt from it. It screamed and roared repeatedly, as the other two exorcists launched light-based spells at it. Amelia then retreated, pointing her sword at the demon. "On my mark!" She said, drawing a flaming pentagram in the air. She slashed trough it and shouted "NOW!" and a burst of flames and magical blades flew towards the demon, as the other exorcists launched a wave of light towards it. It screeched one last time and exploded in tons of black dust. She took a deep breath and sheathed her sword once more. She walked to the counter and smiled, chuckling: "Told you." She said, looking at Astrid.

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar


To some people juice, milk, and water might've seemed absolutely horrible, but to Paitlyn those were the best choices you could ever ask for. Before Paitlyn could introduce herself like Astrid did and buy all of the juice in stock a group of 3 people entered the bar and had begun talking to Astrid causing her to have to wait until they were done. Paitlyn was about to see if there was a place where she could look at all her juice options, when suddenly a demon-like creature appeared from the ceiling! And as quick it appeared it had fallen to the ground and turned into black dust. While Paitlyn was trying to think of a not rude way of saying, "Is your bar full with demons?", another demon had appeared, but unlike the last one it hadn't fallen to the floor and turn into black dust like the previous one had. Reacting to this a second later Paitlyn immediately began looking for things to defend herself with only to hear a loud thud in the background, when she turned to look where the sound came from she saw the only girl from the group coughing blood. Getting even more scared for her life now seeing that someone was that hurt she got up from her chair and then sat right next to it except sitting on the ground, and she was holding her legs close to herself. Right before Paitlyn was going to make a run for it (because she believed it had gotten out of hand) the demon from earlier had screeched so loud and high-pitched it caused her to close her ears with her hands while the demon fell to the ground and changed into black dust like the one before did. After almost a minute of sitting on the ground Paitlyn had decided it was safe to come up, and right as she was coming up she heard Astrid speaking to her and the girl from earlier asking about what they'd like to drink. Completely forgetting about introducing herself  to Astrid like she had previously planned, she looked towards Astrid and the girl with as much of happy expression she could muster from everything that had just happened. "Juice please, I'm fine with any flavor. Just please, give me some juice." Being way too focused on the prior events Paitlyn wasn't able to express any sort of emotion that linked to her personality.


-=-=((Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid) ))=-=-

-=-=((Nearby/Mentioned @Gabriel97 (Amelia) ))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the  link in my signature!))=-=-
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked at the shaky girl and let out a heartwarming smile. "Orange Juice it is!" She walked over to the side, and pulled out two oranges, which she then proceeded to squeeze juice out of. "Perhaps a calming tonic with that? It helps to ease the mind." She said as she squeezed the last of orange juice, picking up a small vial of white mist. "The bar shouldn't be full of demons, but then again, I'm not expert compared to these three." Tilting her head slightly toward their direction, she continued with, "The drink is on the house, you sure you don't want any?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

Selene resisted a smile but the edges of her lips curled a bit. "Fairfax is back under the people's control. The King of Albion no longer has rule here. Although all I did was just capture the Crown's Guards, the foolish prince did the rest." She walked over to one of the weapons hanging on the walls. "The weapons are to protect Fairfax, and attack the Trollkins. There are twenty one of them standing at the gates of Fairfax, rumors are that they are headed to Bowerstone to destroy them." She looked over to the man. "Every guard and every soldier in Fairfax is a Fairfax Resistance member."

@The Cat Man
Lexius Mhrodas

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

Lexius' heart quickly jumped in joy, the independence his mother wished was now finally reached, however, only a simple smile showed in the assistant's face, "Good job, my dearest commander, you sure that prince is foolish?"  Lexius said, a small smile still etched in his face, "Trollkins? Took them long enough to attack, I think you should only attack them while they are in their way for Bowerstone, then you have time to prepare your forces and warn Bowerstone."  Lexius suggested, watching as she walked over to one of the weapons, "Every soldier? I wouldn't say that, nonetheless..."  He said, a hint of sorrow in the duelist's eyes, "Do not lose caution, now that the people control Fairfax, any person can come in claiming territory."  The assistant continued, any sign of sadness gone from his eyes, "Also, could you stop with those entrance guards' pop quizzes? It's quite annoying"  Lexius said as he lightly yawned, his mood doing a complete turnaround,

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked at the shaky girl and let out a heartwarming smile. "Orange Juice it is!" She walked over to the side, and pulled out two oranges, which she then proceeded to squeeze juice out of. "Perhaps a calming tonic with that? It helps to ease the mind." She said as she squeezed the last of orange juice, picking up a small vial of white mist. "The bar shouldn't be full of demons, but then again, I'm not expert compared to these three." Tilting her head slightly toward their direction, she continued with, "The drink is on the house, you sure you don't want any?"

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar


To some people juice, milk, and water might've seemed absolutely horrible, but to Paitlyn those were the best choices you could ever ask for. Before Paitlyn could introduce herself like Astrid did and buy all of the juice in stock a group of 3 people entered the bar and had begun talking to Astrid causing her to have to wait until they were done. Paitlyn was about to see if there was a place where she could look at all her juice options, when suddenly a demon-like creature appeared from the ceiling! And as quick it appeared it had fallen to the ground and turned into black dust. While Paitlyn was trying to think of a not rude way of saying, "Is your bar full with demons?", another demon had appeared, but unlike the last one it hadn't fallen to the floor and turn into black dust like the previous one had. Reacting to this a second later Paitlyn immediately began looking for things to defend herself with only to hear a loud thud in the background, when she turned to look where the sound came from she saw the only girl from the group coughing blood. Getting even more scared for her life now seeing that someone was that hurt she got up from her chair and then sat right next to it except sitting on the ground, and she was holding her legs close to herself. Right before Paitlyn was going to make a run for it (because she believed it had gotten out of hand) the demon from earlier had screeched so loud and high-pitched it caused her to close her ears with her hands while the demon fell to the ground and changed into black dust like the one before did. After almost a minute of sitting on the ground Paitlyn had decided it was safe to come up, and right as she was coming up she heard Astrid speaking to her and the girl from earlier asking about what they'd like to drink. Completely forgetting about introducing herself  to Astrid like she had previously planned, she looked towards Astrid and the girl with as much of happy expression she could muster from everything that had just happened. "Juice please, I'm fine with any flavor. Just please, give me some juice." Being way too focused on the prior events Paitlyn wasn't able to express any sort of emotion that linked to her personality.

Location: Astrid's BAr

"Well, sorry about that. It wasn't expected. We are just placing anti-demon seals around here just to make sure. And about that, I'll take a cup of Fenrisian Ale." She spoke quietly, cleaning the blood off her coat. It evaporated almost instantly. She gazed at Paitlyn, "Are you a member of the Guild?" She asked curiously, dropping a handful of gold coins on the counter. "You have the Insignia on the shoulder," she pointed out, pointing her finger at it. It was a single flaming dagger, the Initiate Rank's Symbol. She smiled and showed her another symbol on her hand, apparently a glowing tattoo. It was a sun, it was the Knight's Symbol. "Sorry for scaring you before."
Location - Palace

Aegis bid farewell to Kyoko.  She didn't know what kind of trouble the strange spirit was talking about... she did not know if she could trust her... but It might be something worth keeping in mind anyways.  If she manages to get Selene to come for a meeting, it could also mean a chance to convince the leader of the Fairfax resistance to rejoin the Albion Kingdom.  She was about to walk to the princess when a knight with a blue cape ran to her.

"Ma'am... the Albion Research Center..."  The knight panted.  "It exploded!"  He said as Aegis' eyes widened in disbelief.

Location - Albion Research Center explosion area

Aegis watched as her men tried to search the rubble for any survivors.  None were found.  Aegis commanded one of her knights to summon the Investigation Corps to help them find out why the building suddenly exploded.

The investigation corps arrived in the scene moments later.  They were knights who wore no heavy armor... instead they wore white trench coats with their blue-green insignia printed on the back of the coat.

"We found this here..."  One of the investigators held a severed grey hand that seemed to belong to a humanoid.  "This once belonged to a female centaur... around age 17.  These puncture wounds here..."  The investigator pointed at some small punctures in the wrists.  "Are done by medical syringes... judging from the marks of the skin... they were given huge doses of anesthetics and growth hormones..."  The investigator sighed.  "The skin has been terribly discolored from the chemical injections... It's frightening to think about what this person has been through.. this is a very... very serious matter..."

Aegis' eyes opened wide in shock.

"Captain... I believe there were terrible things done underneath the ARC... I suggest you allow us to investigate this site further.  If we work quickly, our divisions can track down and convict whoever has done these crimes to these people..."  The detective bowed.  "My team will continue our excavations now..."

Aegis nodded.

Soon posters were placed all over the kingdom:



REWARD 6,000,000

Elucifer Lyserg

Location - Lyserg Family  Mansion

The mansion of the once prestigious Lyserg family still stands ominously above the barracks of the Execution Corps.  The family was part of a long line of nobles whose bloodline can even be traced back to the early rulers of Albion.  The nation of Albion used to be ruled by the Lyserg Family... but blood ties and unfavorable marriages soon pushed the once influential family... to utter obscurity.  They still have mansions and lots of money... but they no longer have the same influence on Albion as they did many years ago.  Their greatest hindrance to taking the throne recently was a child with a cursed left eye.  A child that was said to be a bringer of death and destruction to the Kingdom if crowned King.  When the first Adonisian king died... Prince Adonis' grandfather... the throne was supposed to return back to the much purer bloodline of the Lyserg clan.  However, the council feared the curse of the Lyserg clan's only eligible heir... Elucifer.  Instead of returning the crown to it's original bloodline... the crown was instead given to King Adonis' father.  The crown once again stripped away from the hands of the Lyserg clan.

Lyserg stepped into the dark, empty mansion.  Now that all his relatives are gone, his once childhood home became a dark sanctuary for the scheming Captain.  It's dark, wooden walls are his only refuge against the madness of the Albion Kingdom... a civilization led haphazardly by the its current leaders.

He sensed something off however... as if something was in his house that did not belong there.

He entered the living room... there, laying down on his couch... was a sleeping young lady.  Her sultry, patchwork body covered only by a ragged grey tunic.  Her green hair covered by the tunic's hood. 

Elucifer grit his teeth.  "Lorelei Scylla... what is a criminal like you doing in my house?"  His roar woke her.

She stretched her arms and yawned.  Her right eye covered with an eyepatch as if mocking Elucifer.  "Good morning, room mate!"  She squeeled cutely as she sat up to face Elucifer.

"I am a patient man..."  Elucifer said cooly.  "But if you test my patience... you will end up in 10 different places at the same time..."  He closed his eyes and waited for her to explain herself.

"Captain... you wouldn't mind if I hide here for a while, don't you?  It looks like your home needs housewarming anyways... its so dark and lonely in here!"  She grinned playfully.

"Nobody... is allowed here... but me..."  Elucifer grit his teeth.

"Aww come on... if you kick me out, where else am I going to conduct my research!?  Knights all over the Kingdom are looking for me!"

"You deserve it... criminals deserve to be hung..."  Elucifer grinned.

Lorelei gasped and gripped the Captain's cape.  "Please!  Please just let me borrow your basement or attic!  I just want to finish my research!  Please!"

Elucifer remained quiet.

Lorelei grinned.  "Look... I'll show you something neat!"  She puffed her cheeks and took out a canvas backpack.  She pulled out a glass spherical device that seems to hold blue flames within.  "TA-DAH!!!!"

Elucifer looked at the soul harvesting device with intrigue.  "That soul... it's not dying out?"  He said as his eyes opened wide with ambition.

"I told you this was going to be neat!"  She giggled and juggled the ball playfully.  "It's not magic... it's not some sort of science either.  If I could give you a short summary of what this is... all I could tell you is this..."  She looked at him with serious, passionate eyes.  "This is... infinite energy..."  She grinned teasingly... knowing he would bite.  "This is... materialized Justice... 100% pure..."  She said seductively.

Elucifer stroked his chin as he thought about the prospect.

"Let me continue research on this... and in exchange... I will give you an army of infinite power..."  She held out a hand for a handshake.  "Deal?"

Elucifer smirked.  "Hmm... you've managed to gain my trust..."  He said, ignoring her hand.  "I'll give you permission to use my lab in the basement.  In return I need you to refine that energy source and show me something useful you can do with it.  I do not want you working on any other experiments while you are here... I do not want you stepping out of this mansion... nor do I want to see anybody else come in that I have not previously invited..."  The Captain warned.  "If I see you break these rules... I will eliminate you immediately..."  He said as he turned around and headed for the door.

Lorlei puffed her cheeks.  "So cold..."

As soon as Elucifer exited and reached the courtyard he paused and looked to his shoulder.  "Assassin, if you see her working on some sort of mutant experiment... kill her..."  He said simply to no one at all.

"Yes sir..."  A female voice whispered in response.
Location - Palace

Aegis bid farewell to Kyoko.  She didn't know what kind of trouble the strange spirit was talking about... she did not know if she could trust her... but It might be something worth keeping in mind anyways.  If she manages to get Selene to come for a meeting, it could also mean a chance to convince the leader of the Fairfax resistance to rejoin the Albion Kingdom.  She was about to walk to the princess when a knight with a blue cape ran to her.

"Ma'am... the Albion Research Center..."  The knight panted.  "It exploded!"  He said as Aegis' eyes widened in disbelief.

Location - Albion Research Center explosion area

Aegis watched as her men tried to search the rubble for any survivors.  None were found.  Aegis commanded one of her knights to summon the Investigation Corps to help them find out why the building suddenly exploded.

The investigation corps arrived in the scene moments later.  They were knights who wore no heavy armor... instead they wore white trench coats with their blue-green insignia printed on the back of the coat.

"We found this here..."  One of the investigators held a severed grey hand that seemed to belong to a humanoid.  "This once belonged to a female centaur... around age 17.  These puncture wounds here..."  The investigator pointed at some small punctures in the wrists.  "Are done by medical syringes... judging from the marks of the skin... they were given huge doses of anesthetics and growth hormones..."  The investigator sighed.  "The skin has been terribly discolored from the chemical injections... It's frightening to think about what this person has been through.. this is a very... very serious matter..."

Aegis' eyes opened wide in shock.

"Captain... I believe there were terrible things done underneath the ARC... I suggest you allow us to investigate this site further.  If we work quickly, our divisions can track down and convict whoever has done these crimes to these people..."  The detective bowed.  "My team will continue our excavations now..."

Aegis nodded.

Soon posters were placed all over the kingdom:



REWARD 6,000,000

Elucifer Lyserg

Location - Lyserg Family  Mansion

The mansion of the once prestigious Lyserg family still stands ominously above the barracks of the Execution Corps.  The family was part of a long line of nobles whose bloodline can even be traced back to the early rulers of Albion.  The nation of Albion used to be ruled by the Lyserg Family... but blood ties and unfavorable marriages soon pushed the once influential family... to utter obscurity.  They still have mansions and lots of money... but they no longer have the same influence on Albion as they did many years ago.  Their greatest hindrance to taking the throne recently was a child with a cursed left eye.  A child that was said to be a bringer of death and destruction to the Kingdom if crowned King.  When the first Adonisian king died... Prince Adonis' grandfather... the throne was supposed to return back to the much purer bloodline of the Lyserg clan.  However, the council feared the curse of the Lyserg clan's only eligible heir... Elucifer.  Instead of returning the crown to it's original bloodline... the crown was instead given to King Adonis' father.  The crown once again stripped away from the hands of the Lyserg clan.

Lyserg stepped into the dark, empty mansion.  Now that all his relatives are gone, his once childhood home became a dark sanctuary for the scheming Captain.  It's dark, wooden walls are his only refuge against the madness of the Albion Kingdom... a civilization led haphazardly by the its current leaders.

He sensed something off however... as if something was in his house that did not belong there.

He entered the living room... there, laying down on his couch... was a sleeping young lady.  Her sultry, patchwork body covered only by a ragged grey tunic.  Her green hair covered by the tunic's hood. 

Elucifer grit his teeth.  "Lorelei Scylla... what is a criminal like you doing in my house?"  His roar woke her.

She stretched her arms and yawned.  Her right eye covered with an eyepatch as if mocking Elucifer.  "Good morning, room mate!"  She squeeled cutely as she sat up to face Elucifer.

"I am a patient man..."  Elucifer said cooly.  "But if you test my patience... you will end up in 10 different places at the same time..."  He closed his eyes and waited for her to explain herself.

"Captain... you wouldn't mind if I hide here for a while, don't you?  It looks like your home needs housewarming anyways... its so dark and lonely in here!"  She grinned playfully.

"Nobody... is allowed here... but me..."  Elucifer grit his teeth.

"Aww come on... if you kick me out, where else am I going to conduct my research!?  Knights all over the Kingdom are looking for me!"

"You deserve it... criminals deserve to be hung..."  Elucifer grinned.

Lorelei gasped and gripped the Captain's cape.  "Please!  Please just let me borrow your basement or attic!  I just want to finish my research!  Please!"

Elucifer remained quiet.

Lorelei grinned.  "Look... I'll show you something neat!"  She puffed her cheeks and took out a canvas backpack.  She pulled out a glass spherical device that seems to hold blue flames within.  "TA-DAH!!!!"

Elucifer looked at the soul harvesting device with intrigue.  "That soul... it's not dying out?"  He said as his eyes opened wide with ambition.

"I told you this was going to be neat!"  She giggled and juggled the ball playfully.  "It's not magic... it's not some sort of science either.  If I could give you a short summary of what this is... all I could tell you is this..."  She looked at him with serious, passionate eyes.  "This is... infinite energy..."  She grinned teasingly... knowing he would bite.  "This is... materialized Justice... 100% pure..."  She said seductively.

Elucifer stroked his chin as he thought about the prospect.

"Let me continue research on this... and in exchange... I will give you an army of infinite power..."  She held out a hand for a handshake.  "Deal?"

Elucifer smirked.  "Hmm... you've managed to gain my trust..."  He said, ignoring her hand.  "I'll give you permission to use my lab in the basement.  In return I need you to refine that energy source and show me something useful you can do with it.  I do not want you working on any other experiments while you are here... I do not want you stepping out of this mansion... nor do I want to see anybody else come in that I have not previously invited..."  The Captain warned.  "If I see you break these rules... I will eliminate you immediately..."  He said as he turned around and headed for the door.

Lorlei puffed her cheeks.  "So cold..."

As soon as Elucifer exited and reached the courtyard he paused and looked to his shoulder.  "Assassin, if you see her working on some sort of mutant experiment... kill her..."  He said simply to no one at all.

"Yes sir..."  A female voice whispered in response.

Erebus Rhamnousia

Location: Lyserg Family Mansion

Erebus, even though unseen was there all along, following his master in the Chameleon Suit that was turned to invisible, thus making him remain unseen by all. He followed his adoptive father, quietly praising his incredible, decisive decisions and intrigues, being infatuated with his mindset, strategy and goals. Erebus couldn't stop thinking about how great of a man Elucifer is. He quietly followed his master outside, and saw his order to one of the assassins, scowling in the shadows as he saw the woman respond. Erebus fealt jealousy, contempt, disgust and hatred towards nearly all other servants of Elucifer, seeing them as crude imitations of Erebus' power. Servants that while may fullfill a role, are not even worthy of serving Elucifer, and should be bowing to his feet at all time. He felt disgusted that the woman even spoke back to Elucifer, as she should acknowledge all of his words and praise them as holy truth, and put it above all else. Even reason. Beceause for Erebus, the only reasonable thing to do, was to ignore reason, to serve Elucifer.

Erebus remained hidden, not flinching from his place and waiting for his master to be all alone, so that the two could speak with each other. Erebus wanted to know if his master had any wishes, plans, or missions for Erebus to partake in, and would be grateful and thankful to his master, if he was given a chance to complete one. Erebus' felt a sudden rash on all of his body's skin, a symptom of the Umbrastigma disease that constantly plagued him, however due to his zealous nature, Erebus abstained from scratching. Besides, in the Chameleon Suit scratching one's skin would be about as easy as counting to infinity, starting from one.
Erebus Rhamnousia

Location: Lyserg Family Mansion

Erebus, even though unseen was there all along, following his master in the Chameleon Suit that was turned to invisible, thus making him remain unseen by all. He followed his adoptive father, quietly praising his incredible, decisive decisions and intrigues, being infatuated with his mindset, strategy and goals. Erebus couldn't stop thinking about how great of a man Elucifer is. He quietly followed his master outside, and saw his order to one of the assassins, scowling in the shadows as he saw the woman respond. Erebus fealt jealousy, contempt, disgust and hatred towards nearly all other servants of Elucifer, seeing them as crude imitations of Erebus' power. Servants that while may fullfill a role, are not even worthy of serving Elucifer, and should be bowing to his feet at all time. He felt disgusted that the woman even spoke back to Elucifer, as she should acknowledge all of his words and praise them as holy truth, and put it above all else. Even reason. Beceause for Erebus, the only reasonable thing to do, was to ignore reason, to serve Elucifer.

Erebus remained hidden, not flinching from his place and waiting for his master to be all alone, so that the two could speak with each other. Erebus wanted to know if his master had any wishes, plans, or missions for Erebus to partake in, and would be grateful and thankful to his master, if he was given a chance to complete one. Erebus' felt a sudden rash on all of his body's skin, a symptom of the Umbrastigma disease that constantly plagued him, however due to his zealous nature, Erebus abstained from scratching. Besides, in the Chameleon Suit scratching one's skin would be about as easy as counting to infinity, starting from one.

Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Lyserg mansion courtyard

Elucifer felt the female assassin leave and glanced behind him.  "I feel your jealousy Erebus... there is strength in that emotion, but it's power is only refined when it is controlled..."  Elucifer turned and walk in the direction of Erebus.  "How are you feeling?"  He asked quietly.  "Your curse... it still hurts doesn't it?"  He said before pausing for a response.

"My most valued servant... I have a special mission for you..."  Elucifer whispered.  "There is a killer roaming around Albion that seems to evade the eyes of the Royal Knights.  Right now, the only information I have on this killer is that they have brutally chopped up the officials that were waiting to be executed... in addition, they have also sliced the throat of one of our own executioners..."  Elucifer explained.  His hand held out a vision sphere containing the prison scene before it was cleaned up by his men.  "The murder scene was captured here in this vision sphere..."  Erebus whispered.

"Your task is to try and pinpoint the identity of this criminal, and I want you to observe their actions... abilities... and powers..."  He explained.  "If you also find their motivation, I would be very happy..."  

"But I request that you keep this mission strictly reconnaissance.  I don't want whoever this person is... to hurt you in any way..."  He said with softened eyes.  "If they catch any hint of you watching them... abort the mission and lose them as fast as possible... you are to avoid confrontation..."

"Next... once you find out more about them... I would like you to imitate their killing style... and bring down the Royal Military's most stubborn Captains.  These are Captains who would refuse to join us by any means.  They are a problem and I want you to take them out... using our killer's Modus Operandi.  This way, we can put all the blame... on this unknown killer, and use their appearance to our own advantage..."  Elucifer smirked.
Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Lyserg mansion courtyard

Elucifer felt the female assassin leave and glanced behind him.  "I feel your jealousy Erebus... there is strength in that emotion, but it's power is only refined when it is controlled..."  Elucifer turned and walk in the direction of Erebus.  "How are you feeling?"  He asked quietly.  "Your curse... it still hurts doesn't it?"  He said before pausing for a response.

"My most valued servant... I have a special mission for you..."  Elucifer whispered.  "There is a killer roaming around Albion that seems to evade the eyes of the Royal Knights.  Right now, the only information I have on this killer is that they have brutally chopped up the officials that were waiting to be executed... in addition, they have also sliced the throat of one of our own executioners..."  Elucifer explained.  His hand held out a vision sphere containing the prison scene before it was cleaned up by his men.  "The murder scene was captured here in this vision sphere..."  Erebus whispered.

"Your task is to try and pinpoint the identity of this criminal, and I want you to observe their actions... abilities... and powers..."  He explained.  "If you also find their motivation, I would be very happy..."  

"But I request that you keep this mission strictly reconnaissance.  I don't want whoever this person is... to hurt you in any way..."  He said with softened eyes.  "If they catch any hint of you watching them... abort the mission and lose them as fast as possible... you are to avoid confrontation..."

"Next... once you find out more about them... I would like you to imitate their killing style... and bring down the Royal Military's most stubborn Captains.  These are Captains who would refuse to join us by any means.  They are a problem and I want you to take them out... using our killer's Modus Operandi.  This way, we can put all the blame... on this unknown killer, and use their appearance to our own advantage..."  Elucifer smirked.

Erebus Rhamnousia

Erebus flinched when he heard Elucifer's voice suddenly speaking about him, but he turned visible and slowly, humbly walked to his master, not looking up at Elucifer's face as he didn't feel he was worthy to think of such a thing. Erebus knelt down before Elucifer and said. "I am fairing well, my lord." and wanting to say: 'Please, do not concern yourself with me.' however feeling that saying it might offend Elucifer in some way. It'd technically be questioning his reasoning behind the question, thus a form of rebelling against Elucifer's will, therefore Erebus didn't say that thing. "Yes, my master. It hurts, however even if I die, I shall serve. Even in death - I serve you. Death would be a mere inconvenience to me." refering to his innate Aasimar soul, that meant if his body was to die, he could always just possess another one, or resurrect himself with some form of dark magic. Erebus stopped even thinking about it soon after, sensing that yet another of his master's intrigues is about to reach his ears, so Erebus kept quiet and listened to Elucifer's words.

He heard Elucifer's whisper, and smirked under his helmet, happy that he was the most valued servant. This reminder helped Erebus build determination deep inside. It was what drove him onward. To be valued by the most precious of Elucifer's warriors. "What is thy bidding?" Erebus inquired, then rose his head by several degrees, however still not looking at Elucifer's face, rather at his torso. Erebus listened to Elucifer's intricate words. Pale light from Elucifer's vision sphere reflected faintly in the visors of the Chameleon Suit, as Erebus' eyes rose slightly to meet the sphere with a gaze, carefully analyzing every detail of what his eyes told him. The mission was fairly simply for Erebus' skills. To observe the person's actions, abilities, powers and motivation. It was a scouting mission, in which he was to avoid conflict of any form. Erebus heard his further words, as he understood this mission was indeed more complex than he initially thought. He was to frame the said person into killing several of Albion's captains. Whatever it was, Erebus was ready to do it, without care for consequences. The only reason was to serve Elucifer.

Erebus humbly shot up from his kneeling position and turned around, whilst saying. "As you wish." and nodding, to signify he had fully understood what his mission was. Erebus used Shadowstep, turning into a ball of black, gasseous mist and flying the shadow that Elucifer cast onto the ground, teleporting somewhere else.

Erebus thought about where to go, and decided there'd be no better place to start investigation and pick up a lead other than the crime scene itself. One thing about Erebus: Due to his extra-sensory perception abilities, he was a supernaturally good tracker, but when it came to magical beings, he could nearly instantly pick up an aura-induced track from somewhere that his victim walked earlier. It was like a dog's keen smell sense, however with a more of a supernatural vibe to it.

Erebus Rhamnousia

Location: Bowerstone @Princess Ami (This is all related to your post of the Wind-demon)

Erebus teleported into a dark alleyway in Bowerstone, leaving the Shadowstep form and materializing with his normal Aasimar form. Erebus hinged onto several planks that stood out in a building next to him and climbed the roof this way, in about 20 seconds, being about 16 meters above the ground on a rooftop. He parkoured and jumped from roof too roof, occassionaly turning into Shadowstep to help himself jump higher, or to traverse rooftops that are far away from each other. Why didn't he fly instead? Well, first of all: He was an assassin, growing wings and flying over a city didn't exactly fill with his job quota, and flying as a dark mist didn't either, but if he did it rarely then people would think that their eyes fooled them, instead of suspecting anything. It was a common thing for the common people to reject what they see and pass it off as their eyes not working properly. Well, rarely they made stories about it, but it didn't really matter. As long as the whole city didn't see him, there was little to no evidence of his presence in the first place.

Erebus arrived, standing on a building opposite of the crime scene, with several guards stationed there. 'They doubled the guards. No wonder.' Erebus thought to himself, then turned on his Chameleon Suit's cloaking enchantment and dropped down onto the ground. He made his way through a dark alley, to the back side of the building where he saw a lonely guard taking a piss in a corner. One thing he learned from his master was to never let an opportunity pass by. Without long thought, Erebus started sneaking up behind the guard up to him, then when he was close to the guard, he waited for the guard to... 'finish,' as he didn't plan to possess someone in the middle of a natural process. Erebus might be a psychopath, but he is a hygienic one, not planning to use a vessel that is already unworthy of his presence, AND one that has piss on it's hands and clothes.

When the guard started pulling his pants up, Erebus turned into Shadowstep form and entered the Guard's body, quickly taking control of him. Erebus planned to use this body to get past security and so, he had entered the building from the back. He infiltrated past the enemy lines, heard some rumours and finally arrived in the room where it happened. He saw the Executioner's corpse next to the dead advisors, lying there on the ground. Nobody was on the scene, a perfect moment to investigate. Erebus neared the corpse that lied next to the wardrobe and stared at it. The throat was pierced and cut by some form of sharp, scythe-like weapon, from what he had seen previously thanks to Elucifer, it was a Kama. Erebus took a little part of his own shadow and used it to create a Kama using Umbrakinesis, with his shadow regenerating shortly after when the photons stopped being disrupted by magic. He pinned the Shadow Kama to his belt, adding it to the list of equipment he'd use when killing Albion's officials.

(Added Shadow Kama to equipment of Erebus Rhamnousia)

Erebus took a deep breath of the air, sensing a magical trail leading him outside. Whatever he was dealing with, was likely to be some form of Shapeshifter, or at least had such abilities that allow one to shapeshift. Shapeshifting was one thing that Erebus couldn't do, but possession could have a similar effect, except he'd have to find a vessel that is extremely similar to the appearance of the girl that performed the murders. He observed the bodies of the advisors bodies and started examining them. Their limbs were cut away from the corpses and the advisors died of blood loss. They were gagged when it happened. 'Creative, and experienced.' Erebus noted to himself, so that he can later on take on the characteristics of the murderer.

Erebus snooped around for several minutes more, however he found nothing on the scene, thus concluding his research on this, particular crime scene. He managed to get as much information about the killer as he could. They used a Shadow Kama, could Shapeshift and were creative and experienced in what they did. Erebus left the body of the Guard, halting his possession. The guard dropped to the floor, as Erebus, still in Shadowstep form flew out through one of the walls, outside of the building. The guard got up, half-concious soon after, his head hurting like hell. "What happened?" he asked himself, seeing that he was on the crime-scene and unaware of what he did.

Erebus picked up the magical essence and aura of the killer, so he possessed a random, homeless dog and used it's body as a vessel. Ironically enough, dogs were good at tracking, so was Erebus, so the vessel suited his current goals. He made his way to the bridge on the edge of the town and tracked the essence up to a bush, from which a small river of blood was flowing out. Erebus ensured nobody was watching him, and then left his dog-vessel alone and materialized back in his normal form. He walked up to the body and investigated, then once he was done, he left the body alone and went further after the track he had.

Erebus Rhamnousia

Location: Bowerstone - Barracks

Erebus arrived in the barracks, in his Chameleon Outfit. He had no disguise, so he turned invisible and then he looked around for some sort of opportunity, a lonely soldier, perhaps? Finally, he saw an Officer of the army walking into a dark alley. The invisible assassin rushed after said Officer, slowing down and becoming fully quiet when he neared him. Erebus put his arms around the Officer's neck in a chokehold and slowly shifted into Shadowstep, possessing the said Officer. 'This vessel has authority.' he thought, smirking as now he had power over several other ranks of soldiers. This would tremendously help him get past security and access the more private parts of the barracks.

Erebus entered the barracks, still disguised as the Officer of the army and tried to sense the location of the killer. He indeed sensed him. A particular, stormy, windy aura in one person, strong in magic, with intentions of malice towards others. He focused and could determine one-hundred percent that it was the killer, disguised as a soldier, but not just any. It was the same soldier as he saw earlier, the dead one. 'So you took his form, you clever witch...' he thought, then used Possession to allow the Officer who he was possessing to remember Conner O'Haily's face. Erebus, possessing the Officer left the room once again, returning to the dark alley from earlier. Erebus left the Officer's body and materialized, picking him up and holding him by his throat, with his dagger in the other hand. "I used my magic to show you a face. Who is that? All details!"

The Officer who's throat was being crushed took a deep, yet faint breath, then said "C-Conner - O'Haily... new in the garrison... answers to Dilate Adamant, a lieutentant!"  "Rest in peace." Erebus quickly, and briefly stated, before slitting the Officer's throat. The now-dead Officer dropped to the ground, as Erebus let go of his throat. Erebus used Corruption Inducement to revive said Officer back to life, then once again possessed him. Erebus took out a bandage that the Officer had on him and wrapped it around his neck to cover up the cut-wound.

He once again entered the garrison and watched Mikael from the shadows, thinking about what the Officer told him. 'Dilante Adamant? Is that who you're after? I wonder why.' he thought to himself. Of course, Elucifer also wanted for Erebus to try to discover the motive fo the killer. Erebus decided that getting to Dilante first would be a key of doing that, to question him and try to get any informations about him.

Erebus, disguised as the officer known as Gilver Maze entered the upper levels of the Garrison and started looking around for Dilante Adamant. @IamNotLoki
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked at the shaky girl and let out a heartwarming smile. "Orange Juice it is!" She walked over to the side, and pulled out two oranges, which she then proceeded to squeeze juice out of. "Perhaps a calming tonic with that? It helps to ease the mind." She said as she squeezed the last of orange juice, picking up a small vial of white mist. "The bar shouldn't be full of demons, but then again, I'm not expert compared to these three." Tilting her head slightly toward their direction, she continued with, "The drink is on the house, you sure you don't want any?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

Selene resisted a smile but the edges of her lips curled a bit. "Fairfax is back under the people's control. The King of Albion no longer has rule here. Although all I did was just capture the Crown's Guards, the foolish prince did the rest." She walked over to one of the weapons hanging on the walls. "The weapons are to protect Fairfax, and attack the Trollkins. There are twenty one of them standing at the gates of Fairfax, rumors are that they are headed to Bowerstone to destroy them." She looked over to the man. "Every guard and every soldier in Fairfax is a Fairfax Resistance member."

@The Cat Man

Location: Astrid's BAr

"Well, sorry about that. It wasn't expected. We are just placing anti-demon seals around here just to make sure. And about that, I'll take a cup of Fenrisian Ale." She spoke quietly, cleaning the blood off her coat. It evaporated almost instantly. She gazed at Paitlyn, "Are you a member of the Guild?" She asked curiously, dropping a handful of gold coins on the counter. "You have the Insignia on the shoulder," she pointed out, pointing her finger at it. It was a single flaming dagger, the Initiate Rank's Symbol. She smiled and showed her another symbol on her hand, apparently a glowing tattoo. It was a sun, it was the Knight's Symbol. "Sorry for scaring you before."

[COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]Paitlyn Alondra[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-[/COLOR]

Location: Astrid's Bar

When Astrid smiled at Paitlyn she couldn't help but smile back at her, she wasn't the kind of person to not smile back at someone who had just smiled at them it had always cheered her up (even if it was just a bit). She was about to continue thinking about the previous events when Astrid mentioned that she was going to make her Orange Juice, it caused her to leave those thoughts and wonder if Astrid chose Orange Juice for her because of her vibrant orange outfit, or if it was something else.. "Yeah a calming tonic sounds good, thanks again!" Before Paitlyn could mention on how she could pay for her own drink and that she was being too nice the girl from earlier was commenting on the prior events. "No need to apologize it's my own fault that I stil can't do much in the battlefield, yey." When Paitlyn thought that her drink would be done (it seemed like a rather simple drink to her so she thought it would be done fairly quickly) the girl from earlier had once again had started talking to her, but this time commenting about the insignia of the initiate on her shoulder. "Oh yeah I forgot that was there, but I really haven't actually joined since I'm still an initiate, wait are you in the guild?! If yes do you think you could show me to where it is? I still haven't even seen where it's located." Paitlyn had stopped talking for a second to remember she had forgotten to introduce herself! Holding out one hand to the girl and her other hand to Astrid she began to introduce herself with a bright smile. "I forgot to introduce myself, sorry about that. My name is Paitlyn it's really nice to meet both of you." She then waited with her hands in the air to see if they wanted to shake hands as a sign of greetings.

-=-=((Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid) and @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Nice to meet you too." Astrid said as she shook her hand. Her left hand continued to shake the mixer of Calming Tonic with the Orange Juice. She poured our the contents of the mixer into the tall glass. "Orange Juice with a dose of Calming Tonic. Hmm... let's make the price 2 coins for the troubles we put you through." She placed the glass before Paitlyn and began to pick up a new set of mixer and cups. "Fenrisian Ale... Fenrisian... Fenrisian... Not everyday you hear that one." Astrid walked into the back room and brought out a chest, which she laid in front of her. She opened it to the smell of old ale. "Haven't had this open in..." She looked to the side where a small date was engraved into the side of it. "...60 years! That was back when the previous barkeep still had the strength to journey to other lands." She looked back at the exorcist. "You have good taste." She carefully took one bottle out and with a lavish spin poured out a cup of it. With her hands, she fanned the air above the cup, wafting the smell into the air. Astrid quickly turned back to her chest. "I better hide this before my other patrons start asking for this." She used her dagger to engrave a new date into the chest and placed it back into its storage. She came back out and placed the cup before the girl.


Selene De Blanche

Location: Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

"Then start using your actual real name. It still has a lot of influence in the Council of Fairfax, and many of the older generation of Fairfax still remembers the deeds of the House of Mhrodas in ages past." Selene turned back to face the Lex. "We arrested 500 Albion guard and officers. Fairfax is definitely under Resistance Control." She looked towards the direction of Bowerstone, imagining it beyond the walls. "Most of our forces are positioned in the mountains, waiting for the Trollkins to pass through for an ambush. But that is the least of our worries. I believe I'm playing a chess match against someone in Albion's High Court. It may seem silly, but I worry for Bowerstone that this opponent intends to make their Princess a sacrificial lamb." She looked around the store. Selene was clearly concentrating on her next move, the second one, and the third, fourth, and fifth move, but she couldn't predict her opponents first move.

@The Cat Man
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Nice to meet you too." Astrid said as she shook her hand. Her left hand continued to shake the mixer of Calming Tonic with the Orange Juice. She poured our the contents of the mixer into the tall glass. "Orange Juice with a dose of Calming Tonic. Hmm... let's make the price 2 coins for the troubles we put you through." She placed the glass before Paitlyn and began to pick up a new set of mixer and cups. "Fenrisian Ale... Fenrisian... Fenrisian... Not everyday you hear that one." Astrid walked into the back room and brought out a chest, which she laid in front of her. She opened it to the smell of old ale. "Haven't had this open in..." She looked to the side where a small date was engraved into the side of it. "...60 years! That was back when the previous barkeep still had the strength to journey to other lands." She looked back at the exorcist. "You have good taste." She carefully took one bottle out and with a lavish spin poured out a cup of it. With her hands, she fanned the air above the cup, wafting the smell into the air. Astrid quickly turned back to her chest. "I better hide this before my other patrons start asking for this." She used her dagger to engrave a new date into the chest and placed it back into its storage. She came back out and placed the cup before the girl.


[COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]Paitlyn Alondra[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-[/COLOR]

Location: Astrid's Bar

When Astrid smiled at Paitlyn she couldn't help but smile back at her, she wasn't the kind of person to not smile back at someone who had just smiled at them it had always cheered her up (even if it was just a bit). She was about to continue thinking about the previous events when Astrid mentioned that she was going to make her Orange Juice, it caused her to leave those thoughts and wonder if Astrid chose Orange Juice for her because of her vibrant orange outfit, or if it was something else.. "Yeah a calming tonic sounds good, thanks again!" Before Paitlyn could mention on how she could pay for her own drink and that she was being too nice the girl from earlier was commenting on the prior events. "No need to apologize it's my own fault that I stil can't do much in the battlefield, yey." When Paitlyn thought that her drink would be done (it seemed like a rather simple drink to her so she thought it would be done fairly quickly) the girl from earlier had once again had started talking to her, but this time commenting about the insignia of the initiate on her shoulder. "Oh yeah I forgot that was there, but I really haven't actually joined since I'm still an initiate, wait are you in the guild?! If yes do you think you could show me to where it is? I still haven't even seen where it's located." Paitlyn had stopped talking for a second to remember she had forgotten to introduce herself! Holding out one hand to the girl and her other hand to Astrid she began to introduce herself with a bright smile. "I forgot to introduce myself, sorry about that. My name is Paitlyn it's really nice to meet both of you." She then waited with her hands in the air to see if they wanted to shake hands as a sign of greetings.

-=-=((Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid) and @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar

Amelia giggled and shook Paitlyn's hands. "Nice to meet'cha. The name's Amelia, I am an Exorcist in the Order of the True Cross. A paladin, to be exact." She pointed out, smiling at the girl. THen, she picked up the cup and smelled it. She took a deep breath and chugged it down in a single shot. She exhaled and smiled, "Didn't taste something like this in a long time. Another one, please!" She exclaimed, putting down more coins on the counter. 
Lexius Mhrodas

Location: Outskirts of Fairfax - Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

"No thanks, I'd like not to be kidnapped again"  Lexius answered her, carelessly playing with his tomahawks, the commander's words managed to calm his suspicions, but a deep anxiety for Fairfax still stands within the assistant's mind, "Interesting.... but why do you think the princess shall be this person's sacrificial lamb? Any reasons you think this way?"  Lexius questioned her, a thoughtful expression radiating from his face, "Are you actually trying to predict this person's moves without any evidence? Any suspects?"  He said as he tried to think of anyone whom has the motive and opportunity to confront Fairfax.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Nice to meet you too." Astrid said as she shook her hand. Her left hand continued to shake the mixer of Calming Tonic with the Orange Juice. She poured our the contents of the mixer into the tall glass. "Orange Juice with a dose of Calming Tonic. Hmm... let's make the price 2 coins for the troubles we put you through." She placed the glass before Paitlyn and began to pick up a new set of mixer and cups. "Fenrisian Ale... Fenrisian... Fenrisian... Not everyday you hear that one." Astrid walked into the back room and brought out a chest, which she laid in front of her. She opened it to the smell of old ale. "Haven't had this open in..." She looked to the side where a small date was engraved into the side of it. "...60 years! That was back when the previous barkeep still had the strength to journey to other lands." She looked back at the exorcist. "You have good taste." She carefully took one bottle out and with a lavish spin poured out a cup of it. With her hands, she fanned the air above the cup, wafting the smell into the air. Astrid quickly turned back to her chest. "I better hide this before my other patrons start asking for this." She used her dagger to engrave a new date into the chest and placed it back into its storage. She came back out and placed the cup before the girl.


Selene De Blanche

Location: Purprishade Weaponry Emporium

"Then start using your actual real name. It still has a lot of influence in the Council of Fairfax, and many of the older generation of Fairfax still remembers the deeds of the House of Mhrodas in ages past." Selene turned back to face the Lex. "We arrested 500 Albion guard and officers. Fairfax is definitely under Resistance Control." She looked towards the direction of Bowerstone, imagining it beyond the walls. "Most of our forces are positioned in the mountains, waiting for the Trollkins to pass through for an ambush. But that is the least of our worries. I believe I'm playing a chess match against someone in Albion's High Court. It may seem silly, but I worry for Bowerstone that this opponent intends to make their Princess a sacrificial lamb." She looked around the store. Selene was clearly concentrating on her next move, the second one, and the third, fourth, and fifth move, but she couldn't predict her opponents first move.

@The Cat Man

Location: Astrid's Bar

Amelia giggled and shook Paitlyn's hands. "Nice to meet'cha. The name's Amelia, I am an Exorcist in the Order of the True Cross. A paladin, to be exact." She pointed out, smiling at the girl. THen, she picked up the cup and smelled it. She took a deep breath and chugged it down in a single shot. She exhaled and smiled, "Didn't taste something like this in a long time. Another one, please!" She exclaimed, putting down more coins on the counter. 

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar


When Paitlyn heard Amelia start talking she had excepted her to answer her question and introduce herself, but instead Amelia only had introduced herself as a Paladin (that she had thought was so cool that she just had to comment on it to let Amelia know how neat she thought it was)."That's pretty neat!" After responding Paitlyn couldn't help, but be a bit taken back by the fact that Amelia didn't respond to her question regarding the guild and if she could lead her to where it was, but instead she figured it would be best if she had just tried to forget about it and move on. As Paitlyn was trying to forget about Amelia not answering her, Astrid had given her Orange juice with the calming tonic inside of it. Paitlyn happily took the glass from Astrid and looked up to her "Thanks a lot!" After thanking Astrid for her drink she then took out 2 golden coins from her bag (which was the bag that her father had given to her when she first) and placed both of the gold coins from the bag on top of the counter in front of her so Astrid could take them when she was ready. Still having the irritating memory of Amelia ignoring one of her questions on her mind (even though she had tried her hardest to forget about it), She then decided to ask a similar question to Astrid a bit as retaliation to Amelia and the other two thirds of it being wanting to get to wherever the guild was before nightfall. "Now that I've introduced myself I was curios if I was allowed to ask for information and or where-abouts on things from you or am I not allowed to ask about that here?" Paitlyn looked directly at Astrid to hopefully stay away from any confusion of who she was talking to since she didn't remember mentioning her name while she was asking the question. She then took a quick drink of her Oranje juice while she waited for Astrid to respond.


-=-=((Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid) & @Gabriel97 (Amelia)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Coming right up!" Astrid still had the bottle in her hand, pouring it out into the cup. She looked over to Paitlyn. "No problems. You're always allowed to ask questions." She finished pouring out the ale and handed it to Amelia. Turning back to face Paitlyn, she said, "Some questions I'll give out for free, but specific information costs a bit more. Anyways, the guild is what you were asking right? They occupy Fort Black, an hour's horse ride north of here." She picked up the coins and put it in her pouch. "I sell potions there every week."


Selene De Blanche

Location: Astrid's Bar

Selene laughed a bit. "Well, that's the problem. I don't know who is the puppet master. But whoever they are, they seem to know me and have blocked a fair amount of information from me. As for the princess, I've heard a rumor that the officials of Bowerstone are being executed in the name of the princess." She looked around once more before giving up and sitting down next to Lexius. "Well, I want about 1000 swords, shields, and bows."

@The Cat Man
Mikael waited and waited. The human she was expecting did not appear to come. That was a small issue, but nothing she could not fix. She had another idea of what to do to simply get herself towards her goal. The total extinction of Albion. Or, at least, their army and government. The normal people were nothing but pawns in the game of might, so they were not the target of her vengance. Killing them was unjust and the intention of hers was the excact opposite, bringing justice. Destroying the skum that was dirtying the name of right. Mikael, or her momentanous embodyment at least, clenched her fists. The thought of it alone brought rage to her, but she could not let her emotions interfere with her plan. Then again... Maybe she could. Maybe she could just explode with wrath. 

The idea that formed in Mikaels head was highly dangerous and really not easy to get done. First, she had to find herself a captain that she could take over. Having two bodies at the same time that acted on their own was not easy and she could not keep that up long. But she wouldnt have to, so that was okay. It was easy to summon copies of herself, but literally being two persons at once who are in different places, but still controlled through one mind was something completely different. Mikael would have to do the latter. But it would not only give her a ensured meeting with that Dilate, she would as well be able to get a bit of panic spread. That was a key to victory. Fear of the unknown enemy, not knowing what could come next, where she could strike, what she was ABLE to do. 

She saw a captain. The uniform told her he was one. And he was currently not busy. She approached him. "Captain? On a word please...", she said. The captain arose, raised an eyebrow. "Connor, why so formal? Just call me Dave, as usual...", he replied. Mikael sighed in her mind, but in relief. That could have gotten hairy, but now all was fine. Her move had been uncautious, she scolded herself. But luck had been on her side. "Sure, Dave, on a word please. Private." The captain nodded. He seemed to have a friendship with that Connor, or at least HAD one. Well, both of them would not need to mind anymore soon. Mikael led the captain outside, into a sideway, where they were unseen. "What can i do for you Co-" The captain named Dave could not continue, too fast had he been impaled by a Kama. The corpse sunk together and Mikael sighed. Leaving it here was too dangerous. She created a aura around the corpse with a higher concetration of carbon, controlling the ingredients of air was a ability too. Then, she created a small spark, igniting the aura. The smoke stayed within it, as the corpse burned to ashes. Out of the ashes arose a wind and that wind formed an exact copy of Dave. It was Mikael... As well. 

Connor and Dave walked back inside the barracks, but seperatedly. They could not be seen together or she was in danger. Dave made his way to the above, where the captains were allowed, but mere soldiers werent. It was essential she was not around Connor when she triggered it. Connor however stood in the middle of the lower room, where all the normal soldiers were. Then, suddenly, he started to shiver. The body was a creation of wind and completely followed Mikaels orders. With a sudden bang, Connor literally exploded, splattering everywhere and most likely traumatizing everyone in the lower room. Now, Mikael had only one body again, Dave, and just had to wait until the higher officers were called down. An exploding soldier would sure enough be a good reason to do so. 

@IamNotLoki @Birdsie
Mikael waited and waited. The human she was expecting did not appear to come. That was a small issue, but nothing she could not fix. She had another idea of what to do to simply get herself towards her goal. The total extinction of Albion. Or, at least, their army and government. The normal people were nothing but pawns in the game of might, so they were not the target of her vengance. Killing them was unjust and the intention of hers was the excact opposite, bringing justice. Destroying the skum that was dirtying the name of right. Mikael, or her momentanous embodyment at least, clenched her fists. The thought of it alone brought rage to her, but she could not let her emotions interfere with her plan. Then again... Maybe she could. Maybe she could just explode with wrath. 

The idea that formed in Mikaels head was highly dangerous and really not easy to get done. First, she had to find herself a captain that she could take over. Having two bodies at the same time that acted on their own was not easy and she could not keep that up long. But she wouldnt have to, so that was okay. It was easy to summon copies of herself, but literally being two persons at once who are in different places, but still controlled through one mind was something completely different. Mikael would have to do the latter. But it would not only give her a ensured meeting with that Dilate, she would as well be able to get a bit of panic spread. That was a key to victory. Fear of the unknown enemy, not knowing what could come next, where she could strike, what she was ABLE to do. 

She saw a captain. The uniform told her he was one. And he was currently not busy. She approached him. "Captain? On a word please...", she said. The captain arose, raised an eyebrow. "Connor, why so formal? Just call me Dave, as usual...", he replied. Mikael sighed in her mind, but in relief. That could have gotten hairy, but now all was fine. Her move had been uncautious, she scolded herself. But luck had been on her side. "Sure, Dave, on a word please. Private." The captain nodded. He seemed to have a friendship with that Connor, or at least HAD one. Well, both of them would not need to mind anymore soon. Mikael led the captain outside, into a sideway, where they were unseen. "What can i do for you Co-" The captain named Dave could not continue, too fast had he been impaled by a Kama. The corpse sunk together and Mikael sighed. Leaving it here was too dangerous. She created a aura around the corpse with a higher concetration of carbon, controlling the ingredients of air was a ability too. Then, she created a small spark, igniting the aura. The smoke stayed within it, as the corpse burned to ashes. Out of the ashes arose a wind and that wind formed an exact copy of Dave. It was Mikael... As well. 

Connor and Dave walked back inside the barracks, but seperatedly. They could not be seen together or she was in danger. Dave made his way to the above, where the captains were allowed, but mere soldiers werent. It was essential she was not around Connor when she triggered it. Connor however stood in the middle of the lower room, where all the normal soldiers were. Then, suddenly, he started to shiver. The body was a creation of wind and completely followed Mikaels orders. With a sudden bang, Connor literally exploded, splattering everywhere and most likely traumatizing everyone in the lower room. Now, Mikael had only one body again, Dave, and just had to wait until the higher officers were called down. An exploding soldier would sure enough be a good reason to do so. 

@IamNotLoki @Birdsie

Erebus Rhamnousia

Location: Barracks

Erebus, still possessing the dead Warrant Officer Gilver Maze's body, heard a loud bang from the lower floor. Erebus decided that it was the killer, and that he should abandon his mission of interrogating Dilante Adamant and instead hide and observe the killer. Disguised as the dead officer's body, with several bandages around his throat, he took the support of a wooden column and stood there, minding his own business. He'd ignore the explosion and wait on the upper floor, to see what happened next.


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