Main IC RP

Location: Astrid's Bar.

Severynd chuckled "That's what the other twenty five gold was for sweetheart." He slid it over firmly. "And don't worry about the body, I'll take care of it." He headed toward it and threw it over his shoulder after tightening his mask, beginning to walk out. @Alteras

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed as she walked out. She turned around and picked up the coins. She went over to the tables and began to pick it up. Well, I have more wood for a fire now. She dragged it to the backroom and returned to her post.

She heard the door open and watched a lady with a katana and a shortsword. There was a wisp that followed her. "Of course, what do you need?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Officers had setup a small command tent outside her residence. She was among them making plans on how to fight any incoming force to Fairfax. Civilians were bringing food and gifts to support the troops. A recount of the troops yielded 7,000 troops, 2,000 of which are veterans from the previous battle against the crown. Battle plans were made and new tactics were being drilled into the men and the squad commanders. An officer ran up and saluted. "1500 of our troops have been positioned along the mountaintops. Our chain of command is showing no signs of error. Should we reevaluate the information coming in and out of Fairfax?" "Hmmm... we probably should... The crown is taking quite a while to amass a force, and we haven't heard anything from Bowerstone. Do that, commence an investigation into our information network. Thank you Anthony." He saluted and ran off.

A guard ran forward. "Trollkins are still at the gates. They haven't said anything." "Thank you Travis, have Claire send for me when they do speak up. I know they're slow, but they can't possibly take half of the morning to come up with a reason." Travis ran off back to the northern gates.


Three guards and a man in a black coat walked forward. "Commander Blanche, this man requested to see you." "Thank you Emily, you and the others can take your break now, be prepared at sunset." The three saluted, leaving the man there. "I am Selene De Blanche, Commander of the Fairfax Army. How can I help you?"

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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed as she walked out. She turned around and picked up the coins. She went over to the tables and began to pick it up. Well, I have more wood for a fire now. She dragged it to the backroom and returned to her post.

She heard the door open and watched a lady with a katana and a shortsword. There was a wisp that followed her. "Of course, what do you need?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Officers had setup a small command tent outside her residence. She was among them making plans on how to fight any incoming force to Fairfax. Civilians were bringing food and gifts to support the troops. A recount of the troops yielded 7,000 troops, 2,000 of which are veterans from the previous battle against the crown. Battle plans were made and new tactics were being drilled into the men and the squad commanders. An officer ran up and saluted. "1500 of our troops have been positioned along the mountaintops. Our chain of command is showing no signs of error. Should we reevaluate the information coming in and out of Fairfax?" "Hmmm... we probably should... The crown is taking quite a while to amass a force, and we haven't heard anything from Bowerstone. Do that, commence an investigation into our information network. Thank you Anthony." He saluted and ran off.

A guard ran forward. "Trollkins are still at the gates. They haven't said anything." "Thank you Travis, have Claire send for me when they do speak up. I know they're slow, but they can't possibly take half of the morning to come up with a reason." Travis ran off back to the northern gates.


Three guards and a man in a black coat walked forward. "Commander Blanche, this man requested to see you." "Thank you Emily, you and the others can take your break now, be prepared at sunset." The three saluted, leaving the man there. "I am Selene De Blanche, Commander of the Fairfax Army. How can I help you?"



Location: Astrid's Bar

"Do you have anything that will wake me up? Like some kind of energy drink?" She laid her head down on the counter. I can't stop thinking about finding Mephisto and Mikael, but I honestly don't know where to look. I guess I could try Fairfax and then go to Oakvale. Maybe she knows something, although she probably thinks Mephisto is dead. Or even if she doesn't she not going to say 'Yeah Mephisto is probably here.' She might have heard of Mikael, though. "Also is there any chance you have heard of someone name Mik..I mean the Windrunner?"

Kyro Scripts

Location: FairFax

"My name is Kyro Scripts, and to be honest that really doesn't mean anything. What does matter is that I would like to help you. You could say I would like to help Fairfax. That is of course assuming you don't intend to let Bowerstone be completely destroyed. I am very skilled in stealth and levitation. I should make myself very clear though, I don't want to be someone that under you. I would like to help, and I will for the most part do want you ask, but I want to choose how I do it and I want to make suggestion. You control your men and I will help you as a separate entity." Hopefully this isn't coming across wrong. I don't know much about her and I don't know if she's like Vergil but.... "I'm beginning to see two sides form. The other side however doesn't need me." Kyro make a smile of revenge. "At this rate Bowerstone will fall and so will the guild. If you don't need my help that's fine, I will watch from the shadows. I think however, we can both benefit from each other."

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Do you have anything that will wake me up? Like some kind of energy drink?" She laid her head down on the counter. I can't stop thinking about finding Mephisto and Mikael, but I honestly don't know where to look. I guess I could try Fairfax and then go to Oakvale. Maybe she knows something, although she probably thinks Mephisto is dead. Or even if she doesn't she not going to say 'Yeah Mephisto is probably here.' She might have heard of Mikael, though. "Also is there any chance you have heard of someone name Mik..I mean the Windrunner?"

Kyro Scripts

Location: FairFax

"My name is Kyro Scripts, and to be honest that really doesn't mean anything. What does matter is that I would like to help you. You could say I would like to help Fairfax. That is of course assuming you don't intend to let Bowerstone be completely destroyed. I am very skilled in stealth and levitation. I should make myself very clear though, I don't want to be someone that under you. I would like to help, and I will for the most part do want you ask, but I want to choose how I do it and I want to make suggestion. You control your men and I will help you as a separate entity." Hopefully this isn't coming across wrong. I don't know much about her and I don't know if she's like Vergil but.... "I'm beginning to see two sides form. The other side however doesn't need me." Kyro make a smile of revenge. "At this rate Bowerstone will fall and so will the guild. If you don't need my help that's fine, I will watch from the shadows. I think however, we can both benefit from each other."

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid took out a stamina potion placed it next to her head. "Most people just drink a good mug of beer, but a stamina potion does wonders." She took a drink of her own ale and said, "I've read the legends and am well aware of her infamy. I saw a lady claim to be the Windrunner at Fort Black, but I'm not to sure if she's real or not. Why?"

Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene looked at the man, trying to gain insight from piercing gaze.

From his demeanor, he thinks of himself as a sort of god, or at least a powerful mage. The lack of any delineating markings or possessions other than cards suggest a man without a country. He takes pride in what he has seen and his power. An inherently gifted mage perhaps? Doesn't seem to be reliant on physical strengths, but doesn't need to be if his weapon is those cards he has. How does he use it? He doesn't carry any device to channel magic, nor anything to utilize the cards. Perhaps his gift is telekinesis, although that would suggest his cards are not a normal set of cards. Is he that confident in his abilities that he relies on a single object and nothing else?

Selene opened her folder but the wisps inside didn't form to anything. Rather they suggested he wasn't even part of this world. She looked up and closed the book, wondering who is this man without a past and why is he so interested in Albion. "There has always been two sides, but never two parties. What is it that you will gain from this? Why do you freely offer your services in a war? Why do you believe that Bowerstone and the guild will fall?" She was on guard. Other officers began to notice her behavior and took more defensive stances as well. They knew from history that mercenaries looking to aid Fairfax only want to steal the gems of the mountains, never defending its people.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid took out a stamina potion placed it next to her head. "Most people just drink a good mug of beer, but a stamina potion does wonders." She took a drink of her own ale and said, "I've read the legends and am well aware of her infamy. I saw a lady claim to be the Windrunner at Fort Black, but I'm not to sure if she's real or not. Why?"

Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene looked at the man, trying to gain insight from piercing gaze.

From his demeanor, he thinks of himself as a sort of god, or at least a powerful mage. The lack of any delineating markings or possessions other than cards suggest a man without a country. He takes pride in what he has seen and his power. An inherently gifted mage perhaps? Doesn't seem to be reliant on physical strengths, but doesn't need to be if his weapon is those cards he has. How does he use it? He doesn't carry any device to channel magic, nor anything to utilize the cards. Perhaps his gift is telekinesis, although that would suggest his cards are not a normal set of cards. Is he that confident in his abilities that he relies on a single object and nothing else?

Selene opened her folder but the wisps inside didn't form to anything. Rather they suggested he wasn't even part of this world. She looked up and closed the book, wondering who is this man without a past and why is he so interested in Albion. "There has always been two sides, but never two parties. What is it that you will gain from this? Why do you freely offer your services in a war? Why do you believe that Bowerstone and the guild will fall?" She was on guard. Other officers began to notice her behavior and took more defensive stances as well. They knew from history that mercenaries looking to aid Fairfax only want to steal the gems of the mountains, never defending its people.


Location: Astrid's bar

Val took the stamina potion and drunk about half of it in one go. She couldn't really drink anymore. I figured she knew as much. Asking couldn't hurt though. "I'm...well you could say I'm her friend. I'm Valence Vercy, you can just call me Val, though." She tried to drink the rest of the potion slowly. Wow this does work wonders. I feel full of energy again. "I don't believe I know your name though, Or how much this drink costs." She giggled at her own joke.

Kyro Scripts

Location: FairFax

Kyro didn't react at all to her being more defensive. I don't want to alarm her, I'm not here to fight her or make any kind of enemy with her. "I'm going to take that question in two different ways. 'What do you want' and 'what do you gain.' The first one is simple, I want two opposing forces to fight. I want them to fight all the time. I want one to beat the other, then i want them to rise up and fight each other again. Simple right? What I gain from this is....Is a little different. You see I'm fighting my own 'ghost'. For the longest time I have tried to beat this person, but I have failed. Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Of course you do. I have been doing the same thing for a very long time. Instead of fighting for the person that will bring the most chaos, perhaps I should fight against them." If we win the perhaps evil will come back even stronger, or if we lose then I guess there will be chaos anyway. Either way It's a losing battle for Kyoko.

"I'm not offering my services freely. I'm getting something out of this no matter if we win or lose." And I just want to see my sisters face when I'm on her side. Haha, can't wait..." To answer the final question, I believe the guild will fall because very bad person name Vergil will try to take it. Right now you are under powered. You might have more men but you most definitely don't have as much raw power. And there is more evil brewing besides him." Kyro laughed in a Ironic way. "Perhaps I'm just a sore loser, I guess that's not my call to make is it? It's yours."
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area #2

He had mustered a weak grin when the fireball struck home at the belly of the chimera, with the help of the skeleton knight. If he hadn't stabbed the scythe-wielder beforehand, his spell would've bounced right off and probably burn them instead. 'Teamwork...huh. I suppose it wasn't so bad. But I'm near to useless in terms to fighting this beast from hell...'

His knees had shuddered from the weight of his upperhalf body; the exhaustion from previous fights, the hunger pangs, the disgusting stench of his trenchoat, and the escalating throbbing pain from his arm had become nearly unbearable. 

When the smell of burning horsemeat had spread across the area, Vance had closed his eyes in pain and stuck the tip of his bloody tongue out; attempting to focus his attention in the darkness of his eyelids rather than the ear-piercing scream emitted by the centaur and the constang galloping of hooves against concrete.

Because he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings that time, he had nearly stumbled backwards when he felt something soft hit him  by his un-injured arm. Vance cracked opened his eyes and looked at the tinfoil wrapped object sitting on the ground. 

"A...a burrito? In the name of the king, Senõr, you have answered my silent prayers for food." Vance hadn't exactly questioned where the skeleton knight had stored it or acknowledge the fact that he didn't need a mana refill, just health -- but his hunger had taken control of his actions, and he quickly crouched down to pick it up and devour it (obviously discarding the tinfoil first). 

From his haste, around a quarter of the burrito was littered on the floor but the rest was in his satsified stomach. The chamber seemed to look lighter and his strength was slowly returning. The wound on his upperarm ebbed away to dull throbbing. Vance was revitalised

He noticed that the chimera was still galloping around the perimeter of the chamber, a leaking green blur to his eyes though. 

"You've really done some fantastic work, Senõr." He chortled as he ignored the bead of sweat trailing down his dirty forehead and the frustration of uselessness churning inside of him. 'Don't do this to me now, grey matter of mine. I can do something, but what...?'

A wild lightbulb lit up in his mind but his logic deemed it quite stupid. Biting his lip, Vance chose to go through with the idea anyways; elemental magic was his expertise after all. Sometimes spells don't come from scripts, you can make them up yourself. 

"I hope this is the last abomination we gotta deal with." He muttered as he positioned his hands in front of him, ready to perform possibly the finishing blow. He began to move them in a clockwise manner, starting off slow but gradually speeding up. Swirling smoke formed and continuously grew upwards; a tornado of suffocating black smoke. Its height had nearly reached the ceiling of the chamber before he ignited it with a snap of his fingers. Crackling lightning and fiery flames added itself to the smoke. 

'Holy hell...!' He laughed to himself. 

And then he released the destructive element and watched it hone towards the elusive centaur. 

'If that spell misses or that darn beast deflects it, I am officially screwed and a disappointment.'


Location: Astrid's bar

Val took the stamina potion and drunk about half of it in one go. She couldn't really drink anymore. I figured she knew as much. Asking couldn't hurt though. "I'm...well you could say I'm her friend. I'm Valence Vercy, you can just call me Val, though." She tried to drink the rest of the potion slowly. Wow this does work wonders. I feel full of energy again. "I don't believe I know your name though, Or how much this drink costs." She giggled at her own joke.

Kyro Scripts

Location: FairFax

Kyro didn't react at all to her being more defensive. I don't want to alarm her, I'm not here to fight her or make any kind of enemy with her. "I'm going to take that question in two different ways. 'What do you want' and 'what do you gain.' The first one is simple, I want two opposing forces to fight. I want them to fight all the time. I want one to beat the other, then i want them to rise up and fight each other again. Simple right? What I gain from this is....Is a little different. You see I'm fighting my own 'ghost'. For the longest time I have tried to beat this person, but I have failed. Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Of course you do. I have been doing the same thing for a very long time. Instead of fighting for the person that will bring the most chaos, perhaps I should fight against them." If we win the perhaps evil will come back even stronger, or if we lose then I guess there will be chaos anyway. Either way It's a losing battle for Kyoko.

"I'm not offering my services freely. I'm getting something out of this no matter if we win or lose." And I just want to see my sisters face when I'm on her side. Haha, can't wait..." To answer the final question, I believe the guild will fall because very bad person name Vergil will try to take it. Right now you are under powered. You might have more men but you most definitely don't have as much raw power. And there is more evil brewing besides him." Kyro laughed in a Ironic way. "Perhaps I'm just a sore loser, I guess that's not my call to make is it? It's yours."

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid stopped the moment she heard the woman's name. She turned to her and said, "... Valence Vercy? As in Valence Vercy, the angel of the battlefield? The blades of balance? The controller of spirits? The calming wind? That Valence Vercy? Gods, this is some crazy week!" She began to look at her healing potions, wondering how effective they were compared to the Calming Wind. "I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender. I have based many of my potions off of the texts left behind detailing your stories and methods. It is an honor to be able to meet such a distinguished guest."

Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

So this is the doom that follows the harbinger. Selene smiled inwardly. "A man does not create violence and conflict for the sake of it. What do you truly gain out of this?" She raised her hand and an officer ran forward. "Well in any case, there are some things you can achieve for me. Show it to him." The officer handed to Kyro a few letters with a wax seal of the House of Blanche alongside the Council Emblem of Fairfax. The paper has a special watermark of faint gold that was the emblem of the Fairfax Resistance. "I intend to bring the Kingdom of Laurelia and the Village of Oakvale into this war. I also have a letter prepared for the Elven King and the Kingdoms of the Far East, but they won't be able to react in time. I would like you to send these letters and find the source of the recent deaths of the Kings of Albion. I want you to kill him, he seems to know far more than I would like him to."
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid stopped the moment she heard the woman's name. She turned to her and said, "... Valence Vercy? As in Valence Vercy, the angel of the battlefield? The blades of balance? The controller of spirits? The calming wind? That Valence Vercy? Gods, this is some crazy week!" She began to look at her healing potions, wondering how effective they were compared to the Calming Wind. "I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender. I have based many of my potions off of the texts left behind detailing your stories and methods. It is an honor to be able to meet such a distinguished guest."

Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

So this is the doom that follows the harbinger. Selene smiled inwardly. "A man does not create violence and conflict for the sake of it. What do you truly gain out of this?" She raised her hand and an officer ran forward. "Well in any case, there are some things you can achieve for me. Show it to him." The officer handed to Kyro a few letters with a wax seal of the House of Blanche alongside the Council Emblem of Fairfax. The paper has a special watermark of faint gold that was the emblem of the Fairfax Resistance. "I intend to bring the Kingdom of Laurelia and the Village of Oakvale into this war. I also have a letter prepared for the Elven King and the Kingdoms of the Far East, but they won't be able to react in time. I would like you to send these letters and find the source of the recent deaths of the Kings of Albion. I want you to kill him, he seems to know far more than I would like him to."

Valance Vercy:

Location: Astrid's bar

Val started shaking her head. "No, no. I'm the one who should be honored. To think there's someone who remembers me and has based their work off mine, that's really great." Val took the last sips of her drink. I feel so much more awake. Wow, honestly I really needed that. "It's very nice to meet you Astrid, although I'm surprised you remember some of those names. I haven't been called 'Calming Wind' since, the windrunner and the guild's height. I haven't been in Bowerstone for a long time though, but I came back to find my friend." Astrid is very kind, I'm always glad to meet people that love the same things I do.

Kyro Script

Location: Fairfax

"uhhh" Kyro shook his head and sighed. "I told you, You have nothing I want. I don't care about power or money or land. All of those things become meaningless if you don't have a reason to fight for it. Everything begins to fade away." Kyro looked down at his cards. Besides Kyoko these are the only things that I have always been with me. They have followed me everywhere I go. Then Selene told him what she wanted. "Well, it's a bit tedious, but I suppose I will do this. I prefer scouting missions and stealth but I don't really mind assassinations." Kyro took the letters and put them in his coat. "About the last thing, your going to have to be more specific. There wasn't just one person killing people. Are you talking about the guards or the resent council members? Or something else?" Kyro killed the guard but he didn't know who kill the council members, but he would like revenge for that one too.
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LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area #2

He had mustered a weak grin when the fireball struck home at the belly of the chimera, with the help of the skeleton knight. If he hadn't stabbed the scythe-wielder beforehand, his spell would've bounced right off and probably burn them instead. 'Teamwork...huh. I suppose it wasn't so bad. But I'm near to useless in terms to fighting this beast from hell...'

His knees had shuddered from the weight of his upperhalf body; the exhaustion from previous fights, the hunger pangs, the disgusting stench of his trenchoat, and the escalating throbbing pain from his arm had become nearly unbearable. 

When the smell of burning horsemeat had spread across the area, Vance had closed his eyes in pain and stuck the tip of his bloody tongue out; attempting to focus his attention in the darkness of his eyelids rather than the ear-piercing scream emitted by the centaur and the constang galloping of hooves against concrete.

Because he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings that time, he had nearly stumbled backwards when he felt something soft hit him  by his un-injured arm. Vance cracked opened his eyes and looked at the tinfoil wrapped object sitting on the ground. 

"A...a burrito? In the name of the king, Senõr, you have answered my silent prayers for food." Vance hadn't exactly questioned where the skeleton knight had stored it or acknowledge the fact that he didn't need a mana refill, just health -- but his hunger had taken control of his actions, and he quickly crouched down to pick it up and devour it (obviously discarding the tinfoil first). 

From his haste, around a quarter of the burrito was littered on the floor but the rest was in his satsified stomach. The chamber seemed to look lighter and his strength was slowly returning. The wound on his upperarm ebbed away to dull throbbing. Vance was revitalised

He noticed that the chimera was still galloping around the perimeter of the chamber, a leaking green blur to his eyes though. 

"You've really done some fantastic work, Senõr." He chortled as he ignored the bead of sweat trailing down his dirty forehead and the frustration of uselessness churning inside of him. 'Don't do this to me now, grey matter of mine. I can do something, but what...?'

A wild lightbulb lit up in his mind but his logic deemed it quite stupid. Biting his lip, Vance chose to go through with the idea anyways; elemental magic was his expertise after all. Sometimes spells don't come from scripts, you can make them up yourself. 

"I hope this is the last abomination we gotta deal with." He muttered as he positioned his hands in front of him, ready to perform possibly the finishing blow. He began to move them in a clockwise manner, starting off slow but gradually speeding up. Swirling smoke formed and continuously grew upwards; a tornado of suffocating black smoke. Its height had nearly reached the ceiling of the chamber before he ignited it with a snap of his fingers. Crackling lightning and fiery flames added itself to the smoke. 

'Holy hell...!' He laughed to himself. 

And then he released the destructive element and watched it hone towards the elusive centaur. 

'If that spell misses or that darn beast deflects it, I am officially screwed and a disappointment.'


Senor Fred watched as Vance ate the burrito... he made sure the centaur did not attack him while he did so.  "Delicioso isn't it?"  The skeleton grinned as the scythewielder clashed blades with him.  He watched as the archer side start to pull back another bolt.  

Senor Fred glanced at Vance who was already preparing a massive magical attack.  He knew that this spell would just bounce off the Chimera if it hit it's Reflect spell.  Senor Fred had a plan!  He quickly backed off the clash of blades and prepared to dash back... he felt his knee lock up as he gathered energy into his blade.

As soon as the clouds of smoke appeared around the creature... the skeletal knight dashed into the smoke.  He charged his Rapier with Vance's lighting and fire magic and leaped heroically above the creature.  "Adios, Chupacabra..."  

The rapier became a huge lance made out of electricity and fire.  Lightning fast lunges of fire and light pulsed down upon the creature... pounding down on its magical barrier.... after 100 strikes the magic shattered and Fred continued the assault with his overcharged weapon!  The grand finale... Lightning and flames rained down on the beast... creating swirls of pure power around it!  Within an instant it was turned to bones and ash!

Senor Fred landed in front of Vance... throwing a single rose at the creature's remains.  "Ol'e"  He said as be clapped his hands dramatically.

This time there was no response from the woman in the loudspeakers.

"We seem to have angered her... perfect... lets go!"

Fred ran through the many halls of the specimen containment area until they burst through the glass doors of a room dimly lit only by electronic screens.  A woman was inside, wearing a pure white labcoat.  Her eyes were of different colors... one red and one gold.  She clapped her hands dramatically.

"You two made it at last..."  She said as she leaned her table.  

"Where are you hiding the hostages?"  Fred asked.

"I have no need for them anymore... take them if you want!  They're over in the halls behind me..." The motioned her head in a dimly lit chamber behind her. "Keep going through that hall, and you will reach the secret shipment receiving area, your friend can escape through there..."  She smiled at Vance.

"Lies!  If there was an emergency exit, you would have taken it already!"  Fred pointed at Lorelei.

"Why would I want to leave?  I've been waiting for you!  I want you as a specimen... like... really really badly!"  She grinned lewdly and licked her lips.

"Senorita, you are very very sick... I didn't say I didn't like that... but some men might find that disgusting.  In any case... I... Senor Fred... will stop your dastardly plans!"  Fred took a step forward.

"Did you say you were Senor Fred?  The Hero from all the fairytales?"  Lorelei laughed.  "How, interesting... If you really were him... you must be more than 600 years old!"  The woman laughed.

"I am NOT that old!  I am like George Clooney... I get handsomer with age!"  

Lorelei giggled and pressed a button on her desk.

"SELF DESTRUCT PROTOCOL INITIATED! 5 MINUTES REMAINING!"  Soon the lab glew red with alarm lights.  "ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED!  PROGRESS 10%!"  A monotone female voice announced as alarms blared.

"Hurry Senor Fred... don't you have to save some wretched filth?"  She tilted her head and laughed.

"No... there is no time..."  Fred clenched his fist.  "Senor Vance... go ahead and save those people... once you free them... take them to the exit!  I will make sure this woman does not do anything to stop you!"

The scientist grinned lovingly at Fred.  "I want to test your performance, my dear heroic knight... I can't wait to research you further!"  She laughed and revealed her right hand.  It morphed into sharp blades.  She revealed her other hand... the fingers morphed into a bunch of syringes.  "My body is lovely... isn't it?"  She laughed at Senor Fred.

"Senor Vance!  Go!  I'll handle her!  We don't have time!"
Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Albion square belltower.

The one-eyed captain Elucifer Lyserg watched from the Bell tower as his plans slowly came to fruition.  Without the advisors getting in the way, he is free to influence the Queen in any way he desires.  Of course, the order of knights still exist... and some... like that annoying dark elf Aegis, will eventually take notice and get in the way of his path to full domination.  He looked at bower stone through the arching architecture of the belltower... right now he acts in the shadows, puppeteering and controlling events  from a distance.  Waiting... waiting patiently to execute his final plan.  Then, he will become the guiding light of the people... ushering a new age of peace and prosperity.

The same member of the assassination corps appeared behind Elucifer.  "Sir,"  She said, kneeing down in submission... one hand on the floor.  "We found dismembered bodies of some officials cut up in the interrogation room..."  

Elucifer closed his lone eye and put a finger and thumb on his chin.  "Oh?  Some vigilante acting their own sense of justice after our announcements?"  He asked.

"As confirmed by Lead Prison Guard Leonsfield, nobody was allowed inside of the prison as you commanded,"  The white haired woman explained.

"As expected..."  Elucifer sighed.  "Go on..."

"Let me show you the scene..."  The girl pulled out a vision sphere and turned it on.  Projected on the floor is a scene of great violence and bloodshed.  Limbs were cut and bodies gruesomely mutilated.  

Elucifer laughed.  "Why would someone go through all the trouble to kill some old men that were destined for the gallows anyway?"  He asked the girl... she replied with silence.  She moved the sphere and showed her superior officer the body of the executioner.

"Hmm.. that's definitely peculiar...  the killer also killed the executioner?  If he would just allowed him to do his job, it would have saved him all the effort..."  Elucifer smirked with amusement.  "In any case, I want you to warn Lieutenant Dilate about this case... this killer is definitely very skilled to bypass the defenses of the Guard Division.  They might even have the ability to turn invisible or shapeshift... tell all our officers to be on guard,"  Elucifer said as the sphere was turned off.

"You think this person might be after us?"  The woman asked.

"They killed the executor AND the executee... we don't know exactly who they are after... it's best to remain vigilant..."  The man explained.  "Also... I want you to burn the bodies and clean up the prison immediately.  I don't want any of this leaking out to the other Knight Divisions... if the Knights are being attacked... I want the information all to myself..."  Elucifer smirked.  "I'll tell our propaganda team that the officials were not killed, but rather they defected to the Fairfax rebellion for fear of execution... that is all"

Elucifer turned back around to gaze at the beautiful city of Bowerstone.

Before the woman left, he spoke,

"Do you think I am despicable, Assassin?"  He asked her.

"Sir?"  She replied.

"Some people may think my actions are cruel... this is true.  But you know, I am doing this to bring order to Abion...."  He continued.  "All my efforts are about making my ambitions a reality... but my ambition is noble.  I simply want to create a world where there are no wars, crime, or poverty... where laws and rules govern the people and prevent them from killing each other.  Once I reach the top, I will make sure that Albion will be a brilliant Utopia for its people.  These royal imbeciles have only trampled on this order... not doing anything about their ambitions... thinking Albion is just a birthright and that conquests are trophies to be displayed.  My empire will be different from the dreams of foolish Kings and naive Princesses... my empire will be a shining beacon for the people..."  He said as he looked at the sunset.

The woman was silent.

"Nothing... no force of nature... no revolt... no foreign nation... will take that Utopia away from me..."
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Aegis Caliburn

Location- Royal Palace

When word of the executions of the nobles reached the long ears of Aegis, she was deeply concerned.  "Orders of the princess?  Arrest and try all officials for treachery?"  She walked the halls of the palace trying to find the princess.  What would drive her to do such a thing?  Did they find out something about the officials without telling the other Knight divisions?  What is going on?  Her blue cape flew back as she looked high and low for the princess.

Dilate Adamant

Dilate watched as a strange middle aged man approached the child that was crying.  He watched as the mother took her daughter's hand and pilled her away from the man... away from the crowd.  She then carried the little girl in her arms and retreated someplace else.  He looked down at the floor... then up at the bell tower where his superior officer was watching the event.  He wonders if he could talk to the princess... ask her about what happened.  The crowd around him cheered.  "Long Live Queen Daisy!  Long Live Albion!  Long Live Queen Daisy!  Long Live Albion!"  The all yelled.
Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Albion square belltower.

The one-eyed captain Elucifer Lyserg watched from the Bell tower as his plans slowly came to fruition.  Without the advisors getting in the way, he is free to influence the Queen in any way he desires.  Of course, the order of knights still exist... and some... like that annoying dark elf Aegis, will eventually take notice and get in the way of his path to full domination.  He looked at bower stone through the arching architecture of the belltower... right now he acts in the shadows, puppeteering and controlling events  from a distance.  Waiting... waiting patiently to execute his final plan.  Then, he will become the guiding light of the people... ushering a new age of peace and prosperity.

The same member of the assassination corps appeared behind Elucifer.  "Sir,"  She said, kneeing down in submission... one hand on the floor.  "We found dismembered bodies of some officials cut up in the interrogation room..."  

Elucifer closed his lone eye and put a finger and thumb on his chin.  "Oh?  Some vigilante acting their own sense of justice after our announcements?"  He asked.

"As confirmed by Lead Prison Guard Leonsfield, nobody was allowed inside of the prison as you commanded,"  The white haired woman explained.

"As expected..."  Elucifer sighed.  "Go on..."

"Let me show you the scene..."  The girl pulled out a vision sphere and turned it on.  Projected on the floor is a scene of great violence and bloodshed.  Limbs were cut and bodies gruesomely mutilated.  

Elucifer laughed.  "Why would someone go through all the trouble to kill some old men that were destined for the gallows anyway?"  He asked the girl... she replied with silence.  She moved the sphere and showed her superior officer the body of the executioner.

"Hmm.. that's definitely peculiar...  the killer also killed the executioner?  If he would just allowed him to do his job, it would have saved him all the effort..."  Elucifer smirked with amusement.  "In any case, I want you to warn Lieutenant Dilate about this case... this killer is definitely very skilled to bypass the defenses of the Guard Division.  They might even have the ability to turn invisible or shapeshift... tell all our officers to be on guard,"  Elucifer said as the sphere was turned off.

"You think this person might be after us?"  The woman asked.

"They killed the executor AND the executee... we don't know exactly who they are after... it's best to remain vigilant..."  The man explained.  "Also... I want you to burn the bodies and clean up the prison immediately.  I don't want any of this leaking out to the other Knight Divisions... if the Knights are being attacked... I want the information all to myself..."  Elucifer smirked.  "I'll tell our propaganda team that the officials were not killed, but rather they defected to the Fairfax rebellion for fear of execution... that is all"

Elucifer turned back around to gaze at the beautiful city of Bowerstone.

Before the woman left, he spoke,

"Do you think I am despicable, Assassin?"  He asked her.

"Sir?"  She replied.

"Some people may think my actions are cruel... this is true.  But you know, I am doing this to bring order to Abion...."  He continued.  "All my efforts are about making my ambitions a reality... but my ambition is noble.  I simply want to create a world where there are no wars, crime, or poverty... where laws and rules govern the people and prevent them from killing each other.  Once I reach the top, I will make sure that Albion will be a brilliant Utopia for its people.  These royal imbeciles have only trampled on this order... not doing anything about their ambitions... thinking Albion is just a birthright and that conquests are trophies to be displayed.  My empire will be different from the dreams of foolish Kings and naive Princesses... my empire will be a shining beacon for the people..."  He said as he looked at the sunset.

The woman was silent.

"Nothing... no force of nature... no revolt... no foreign nation... will take that Utopia away from me..."
Aegis Caliburn

Location- Royal Palace

When word of the executions of the nobles reached the long ears of Aegis, she was deeply concerned.  "Orders of the princess?  Arrest and try all officials for treachery?"  She walked the halls of the palace trying to find the princess.  What would drive her to do such a thing?  Did they find out something about the officials without telling the other Knight divisions?  What is going on?  Her blue cape flew back as she looked high and low for the princess.

Dilate Adamant

Dilate watched as a strange middle aged man approached the child that was crying.  He watched as the mother took her daughter's hand and pilled her away from the man... away from the crowd.  She then carried the little girl in her arms and retreated someplace else.  He looked down at the floor... then up at the bell tower where his superior officer was watching the event.  He wonders if he could talk to the princess... ask her about what happened.  The crowd around him cheered.  "Long Live Queen Daisy!  Long Live Albion!  Long Live Queen Daisy!  Long Live Albion!"  The all yelled.


Location: Bowerstone - Royal Palace

Now I'm sure. I have suspicions about this man Elucifer, but I'm sure now. After all I have followed him around and he literally just gave a confection. Or something close. I don't think I want to talk to him however. I don't think he is going to listen to me. Perhaps her other friends will. Since I started stalking the Princess, well stalking is a bad work...She can't see me anyway...Well point being she has another very close friend. This person comes to see her a lot, But instead of going to evil perhaps I should stick with what I normally do, and talk to people who aren't close minded. I know who this person is anyway, I listen in to the princess's conversation before and I know their name and a bit about them. Their an dark elf and part of the Royal Knights. I suppose, I should look around for them. When Kyoko found her she was talking to another knight. Probably someone under her. I want her to know that I'm not someone random. I want her to know that I'm controlling someone. The elf finished speak to her subordinate. Kyoko kindly waited till they were done before she took control the the man she was talking to. The man had brown hair and brown eyes. He was pretty bulky but wasn't wearing any armor. Pretty dull, I hate people with the same eye color as their hair. Uhhh I need to take over him no matter what though. He had started to walk away but when she control him he jumped back around.

"Hello, I believe your name is Aegis, Correct?" Her name is Aegis but I like asking the question anyway. "My name is Clara, and it's nice to meet you." She made him smile and bow.
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Location: Bowerstone - Royal Palace

Now I'm sure. I have suspicions about this man Elucifer, but I'm sure now. After all I have followed him around and he literally just gave a confection. Or something close. I don't think I want to talk to him however. I don't think he is going to listen to me. Perhaps her other friends will. Since I started stalking the Princess, well stalking is a bad work...She can't see me anyway...Well point being she has another very close friend. This person comes to see her a lot, But instead of going to evil perhaps I should stick with what I normally do, and talk to people who aren't close minded. I know who this person is anyway, I listen in to the princess's conversation before and I know their name and a bit about them. Their an dark elf and part of the Royal Knights. I suppose, I should look around for them. When Kyoko found her she was talking to another knight. Probably someone under her. I want her to know that I'm not someone random. I want her to know that I'm controlling someone. The elf finished speak to her subordinate. Kyoko kindly waited till they were done before she took control the the man she was talking to. The man had brown hair and brown eyes. He was pretty bulky but wasn't wearing any armor. Pretty dull, I hate people with the same eye color as their hair. Uhhh I need to take over him no matter what though. He had started to walk away but when she control him he jumped back around.

"Hello, I believe your name is Aegis, Correct?" Her name is Aegis but I like asking the question anyway. "My name is Clara, and it's nice to meet you." She made him smile and bow.

Aegis turned around at her bowing subordinate.  "Clara?"  She said a bit confused.  "James... have you been smoking that odd medicine again?"  She said as she turned to face the possessed man.  She didn't know what to do... it was such a random moment.  There was this cold, awkward silence between subordinate and Captain that it was almost humorous.  Aegis held back a chuckle and turned back around.  "Okay 'Clara'... just... don't try and steal my clothes okay?"  She dismissed him as she continued searching for the princess. 
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Aegis turned around at her bowing subordinate.  "Clara?"  She said a bit confused.  "James... have you been smoking that odd medicine again?"  She said as she turned to face the possessed man.  She didn't know what to do... it was such a random moment.  There was this cold, awkward silence between subordinate and Captain that it was almost humorous.  Aegis held back a chuckle and turned back around.  "Okay 'Clara'... just... don't try and steal my clothes okay?"  She dismissed him as she continued searching for the princess. 


Location: Royal Palace

Aegis turn around and started to walk away. Uhhhh She didn't.....Oh no you don't! Before Aegis could walk away, Kyoko made Clara or the person she was controlling, run after Aegis. "Aegis! I'm not James..." Uhh She doesn't believe me she just keeps walking, and she thinking I'm smoking something. Fine I guess I will have to prove it. Kyoko saw that there were at least 13 other people around. she through all of her knifes that had chain on them around the room. Everyone that the knifes hit became under her control. All 14 people including her subordinate all turned to her at the same time and said "I am a spirit, I am also your friend and I need your help." She dropped the knifes and everyone except the subordinate she was controlling either were free. James/Clara said "Don't be freaked out, please. I am not here to hurt you." Everyone that she had controlled went back to normal as if nothing happened. I hope I didn't scare her pants off too much.

Location: Royal Palace

Aegis turn around and started to walk away. Uhhhh She didn't.....Oh no you don't! Before Aegis could walk away, Kyoko made Clara or the person she was controlling, run after Aegis. "Aegis! I'm not James..." Uhh She doesn't believe me she just keeps walking, and she thinking I'm smoking something. Fine I guess I will have to prove it. Kyoko saw that there were at least 13 other people around. she through all of her knifes that had chain on them around the room. Everyone that the knifes hit became under her control. All 14 people including her subordinate all turned to her at the same time and said "I am a spirit, I am also your friend and I need your help." She dropped the knifes and everyone except the subordinate she was controlling either were free. James/Clara said "Don't be freaked out, please. I am not here to hurt you." Everyone that she had controlled went back to normal as if nothing happened. I hope I didn't scare her pants off too much.

Aegis was more confused than scared.  "Uh... guys if this is some sort of practical joke... stop.  Now is not the time for jokes..."  She said and watched the unit get back to their senses.  "Ugh... what happened?"  One of them said as he rubbed his temple.  Aegis thought about what happened and got really frustrated.  They must be messing with me again... just because of my race. She gave them an angry grimace and walked out of the halls.  Then her mind opened... those are MY men... they wouldn't judge me like that... I know them.  She decided to stand in front of a young palace servant.  Let's see if this young lady would get possessed by 'Clara' if she doesn't I'll give make those soldiers run laps.
Aegis was more confused than scared.  "Uh... guys if this is some sort of practical joke... stop.  Now is not the time for jokes..."  She said and watched the unit get back to their senses.  "Ugh... what happened?"  One of them said as he rubbed his temple.  Aegis thought about what happened and got really frustrated.  They must be messing with me again... just because of my race. She gave them an angry grimace and walked out of the halls.  Then her mind opened... those are MY men... they wouldn't judge me like that... I know them.  She decided to stand in front of a young palace servant.  Let's see if this young lady would get possessed by 'Clara' if she doesn't I'll give make those soldiers run laps.


Location: Royal Palace

Aegis ran out of the room and Kyoko was still in the room with the soldier. Can she NOT run please! I'm so slow. That's seems to be my only downside, is that I can't run very fast like this. She stopped controlling 'james' and ran over to to where Aegis was. I almost lost her, honestly if she hadn't haven't stood still then I probably wouldn't be able to catch up to her. Aegis was standing next to a dark haired servant, she was wearing pretty tradition maid cloths. The servant was cleaning and wasn't facing Aegis. Before Aegis got bored Kyoko threw her knife at the servant and she twitched a bit before turning around to face Aegis. Kyoko had to catch up but finally said. "I run slow! Please don't do that I told you I'm not trying to hurt you. God do you run fast though. Can we talk for real now?" 
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Location: Royal Palace

Aegis ran out of the room and Kyoko was still in the room with the soldier. Can she NOT run please! I'm so slow. That's seems to be my only downside, is that I can't run very fast like this. She stopped controlling 'james' and ran over to to where Aegis was. I almost lost her, honestly if she hadn't haven't stood still then I probably wouldn't be able to catch up to her. Aegis was standing next to a dark haired servant, she was wearing pretty tradition maid cloths. The servant was cleaning and wasn't facing Aegis. Before Aegis got bored Kyoko threw her knife at the servant and she switch a bit before turning around to face Aegis. Kyoko had to catch up but finally said. "I run slow! Please don't do that I told you I'm not trying to hurt you. God do you run fast though. Can we talk for real now?" 

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Palace

Aegis sighed in realization that this was indeed a entity that possesses people.  She crossed her arms.  "What do you want from me?"  She asked the maid and tilted her head.  "so Clara right?  What are you doing here in the royal palace?"  She replied.
Aegis Caliburn

Location: Palace

Aegis sighed in realization that this was indeed a entity that possesses people.  She crossed her arms.  "What do you want from me?"  She asked the maid and tilted her head.  "so Clara right?  What are you doing here in the royal palace?"  She replied.


Location: Palace

The maid smiled, but not in a sinister way just a happy way. Finally I get recognized, but really I think that was harder than it need to be, oh well. "I don't want anything from you. I'm not trying to force you to do anything, I'm requesting. Better yet I'm just asking, but I do need your help and uhhh I might be able to help you too......"She got quieter as she said this. "I know something about the Queen, I uhhh didn't stalk her or anything!" Kyoko shook her head. I did stalk her but... Ok I need to be serious. Kyoko stopped being childish and got seroius. "Fairfax has declared independence and large forces are gathering far north. They have several goals that they will have to take care of first, but I'm almost sure that there will be alot of evil that will attack Fort Black. They cannot win. I don't know whats there but I know for a fact that there is something bad in there. A.....Person I trust very much has confirmed this for me. Fairfax needs Bowerstone and Albion. They will fight with you, but I need....No I ask you.." Clara bowed as she said this "To send as many men and commanders to Fort Black and fight with Selene de Blanche. If you turn on them than all of Albion's man power will turn to dust and evil wins. You must....I ask that you work with Fairfax and help protect Fort Black...No, all of Albion. I know you don't have the authority to do this but I can control people than you need me to. And you also know the princess very well...Which would lead me to my next point of her being influence by someone. But I won't get into that yet....." Clara looked at Aegis in the same way a child looks at there parents when asking for something they want.

Location: Palace

The maid smiled, but not in a sinister way just a happy way. Finally I get recognized, but really I think that was harder than it need to be, oh well. "I don't want anything from you. I'm not trying to force you to do anything, I'm requesting. Better yet I'm just asking, but I do need your help and uhhh I might be able to help you too......"She got quieter as she said this. "I know something about the Queen, I uhhh didn't stalk her or anything!" Kyoko shook her head. I did stalk her but... Ok I need to be serious. Kyoko stopped being childish and got seroius. "Fairfax has declared independence and large forces are gathering far north. They have several goals that they will have to take care of first, but I'm almost sure that there will be alot of evil that will attack Fort Black. They cannot win. I don't know whats there but I know for a fact that there is something bad in there. A.....Person I trust very much has confirmed this for me. Fairfax needs Bowerstone and Albion. They will fight with you, but I need....No I ask you.." Clara bowed as she said this "To send as many men and commanders to Fort Black and fight with Selene de Blanche. If you turn on them than all of Albion's man power will turn to dust and evil wins. You must....I ask that you work with Fairfax and help protect Fort Black...No, all of Albion. I know you don't have the authority to do this but I can control people than you need me to. And you also know the princess very well...Which would lead me to my next point of her being influence by someone. But I won't get into that yet....." Clara looked at Aegis in the same way a child looks at there parents when asking for something they want.

"So, let me get this straight..."  Aegis rubbed her temple.  "You want me to risk the lives of MY men... to engage in combat with the Fairfax Resistance in Fort Black,"  She paused.  "My men who just yesterday fought a violent psychopath with wind fart powers... who are now recovering from their many injuries... to go back to Fort Black and fight the resistance?  And then we... I mean... I should go and attempt to make peace with Selene de Blanche and work together?"  She shook her head.  "I don't know what you are planning but this is impossible.  First, my men do no have the morale to fight... they just survived a violent attack yesterday.  Second, I do not have the authority to deploy my troops without permission of the counci--- the Queen..."  She grit her teeth.  "Third, how do I even know Fairfax would appear?  How do I know I could trust you?  And finally... look at me... I'm a dark elf.  You really think I can get the other Captains to rally behind me?"  She looked at the maid with softened eyes.  "Try asking the princess first... I'm trying to find her myself..."  She sighed.  
"So, let me get this straight..."  Aegis rubbed her temple.  "You want me to risk the lives of MY men... to engage in combat with the Fairfax Resistance in Fort Black,"  She paused.  "My men who just yesterday fought a violent psychopath with wind fart powers... who are now recovering from their many injuries... to go back to Fort Black and fight the resistance?  And then we... I mean... I should go and attempt to make peace with Selene de Blanche and work together?"  She shook her head.  "I don't know what you are planning but this is impossible.  First, my men do no have the morale to fight... they just survived a violent attack yesterday.  Second, I do not have the authority to deploy my troops without permission of the counci--- the Queen..."  She grit her teeth.  "Third, how do I even know Fairfax would appear?  How do I know I could trust you?  And finally... look at me... I'm a dark elf.  You really think I can get the other Captains to rally behind me?"  She looked at the maid with softened eyes.  "Try asking the princess first... I'm trying to find her myself..."  She sighed.  


Location: Palace

"I understand this is a tall order, but I didn't say I wouldn't help. I know your soldiers are probably just about dead but the enemies forces aren't coming tomorrow. I haven't talked to Selene." uhh I probably shouldn't have said that. "But I can go back and forth very easily in fact if I wanted to talk to her right now, I could" She had a awkward smile. I kind of messed that up but I think it's ok i will make it up. "About the captains don't worry, if you can put them all in the same room then I can change their mind." She tapped her finger on her head and smiled. "I'm here to help, most of the time at least...I will find the Princess for you." Kyoko let go of the maid and started fazing through the walls. Anyone she saw she threw and knife without a chain on it. These won't last forever but it will be long for me to find the princess. Kyoko and the people she was controlling moved through the Palace. Everyone of them, about 20, she could see from. One of them came across the Princess within the Kitchen. She was stealing food. Yup, that's her. Kyoko went back to Aegis and let everyone she was controlling go back. When she came back into the room with Aegis the poor maid was rubbing her head wondering what happened. Kyoko put one of her knifes back into them maid and controlled her again. "She's on the second floor kitchen, um stealing something? Anyway should we go?" @Princess Ami

Paitlyn Alondra

-=-=((The Squishy Cleric Initiate))=-=-

Location: Astrid's Bar


It had been almost a week since Paitlyn's father had let her leave home to go to the Guild of Heroes, but from her long horse rides she had felt like it had been a lot longer. Paitlyn had seen so many different things on her way here that she wasn't even able to describe it, ranging from helping someone carry their stock to running from a bandit attack! While Paitlyn was on her journey the same worrying thought had kept on appearing in her mind over and over again 'what if I can't prove my strength.' Which was something that wasn't going to be easy for her in the first place, but somehow when she had started her trip to the Guild of Heroes she had somehow convinced herself that all she needed to do to convince that she was worthy of joining was to just have them meet her (which was quite a hopeful thought), but the hopefulness of the thought got more worrying the longer she had rode eventually leaving her to the worrying thought that she may not be able to prove herself with either her strength or by who she was. One of the things that started her worrying thoughts was when she had started running away from all of the conflicts she had encountered just so something like what happened with her and the red mage wouldn't happen again.


All of these thoughts circling through her head had caused her to forget why she was sitting on top of her horse near the front of a bar. After Paitlyn paused her thoughts she had started staring at the doors to the bar to try and remember why she was here, after 5 seconds of this she suddenly remembered! The reason that she had came here was so she could hopefully figure out some more information on how the guild works and where it was located in Albion. Following a swift jump off of her horse Paitlyn grabbed her horse by its reins and proceeded to bring it into the bar. When she had entered the girl immediately began to search through the area to see where the bartender was located until she spotted the bartender  standing behind her counter. Throwing the hand that wasn't currently holding the horse's reins up into the air to try and attract the bartender's attention to herself, after it was in the air for a moment Paitlyn had begun to speak. "Excuse me! Do you have a place where I could leave my horse at while I'm here? If not could I have my horse with me while I'm here?" Paitlyn then threw her hand back down to beside her side while waiting for the bartender's response, hoping that there would be a place considering that there didn't seem to be that much space in the bar for her and her horse to sit at without taking up half the space.


-=-=((Interacting with @Alteras (Astrid)))=-=-

-=-=((Nearby  @Swire (Val)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Paitlyn's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
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Location: Palace

"I understand this is a tall order, but I didn't say I wouldn't help. I know your soldiers are probably just about dead but the enemies forces aren't coming tomorrow. I haven't talked to Selene." uhh I probably shouldn't have said that. "But I can go back and forth very easily in fact if I wanted to talk to her right now, I could" She had a awkward smile. I kind of messed that up but I think it's ok i will make it up. "About the captains don't worry, if you can put them all in the same room then I can change their mind." She tapped her finger on her head and smiled. "I'm here to help, most of the time at least...I will find the Princess for you." Kyoko let go of the maid and started fazing through the walls. Anyone she saw she threw and knife without a chain on it. These won't last forever but it will be long for me to find the princess. Kyoko and the people she was controlling moved through the Palace. Everyone of them, about 20, she could see from. One of them came across the Princess within the Kitchen. She was stealing food. Yup, that's her. Kyoko went back to Aegis and let everyone she was controlling go back. When she came back into the room with Aegis the poor maid was rubbing her head wondering what happened. Kyoko put one of her knifes back into them maid and controlled her again. "She's on the second floor kitchen, um stealing something? Anyway should we go?" @Princess Ami

"Go where?"  Aegis sighed and softened her shoulders.  "Okay Clara... I'll ask my closest soldiers to go with me to Fort Black when the time comes.  I'll also ask my most trusted colleagues in the military leadership to help me..."  Aegis rubbed the back of her neck.  "But I'm really grasping at straws here... I'm talking to a palace servant about teaming up with the rebellion against some sort of power we can't even confirm..."  She sighed.  "Before I do all this, I will need a meeting with the leader of the resistance, Blanche... I need to meet her someplace private where we can discuss what it is we are doing... I can do that for you,"  She smiled.  "If you can convince that traitor to team up with us, I'll try my best to help you..."  She pat the servant's back.

"Try not to tell anyone else in the Palace about this before I talk with Selene... please..."  She reminded her.  "What I'm about to do will straddle the lines of my professional duty..."
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"The drink costs 30 by the way." Astrid said as sh regained her composure, just in time to see the girl walk into the bar. She returned the wave and said, "There's a stable house just around the corner. Let the old man know that I let you place your horse there." She turned to see her vat complete. She began to bottle the batch while another vat began to start it's process as well.


Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene smiled. So this was the person who broke into the palace. Councilmen? Someone is definitely withholding information from me.  "I would like to know who killed the councilmen, and who put them in such a position in the first place. I want to know who is controlling the crown like a puppet right now. And kill them immediately. Keep the princess alive." It was all a balancing act. To blame the crown would make the most sense, given the craziness of the recent months in the crown prince and the king's death. But the princess is unlikely to have... killed councilmen? nor would she have had them in such a vulnerable position. She might be a fool, but she knows enough to make sure her kingdom doesn't fall into ruin. Someone has to be controlling her.

LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC

The skeleton knight never ceases to amaze and amuse him. He had unconsciously taken a step back after witnessing the flashy combo of his new spell and Senõr Fred's savage elemental lance; all the remaining past doubt he had against the skeleton had been erased. 'Gotta remind myself to not get in this knight's way after the job's over with...' Vance thought as he grinned at Senõr Fred. He acknowledged their triumph with a half-hearted "Whoop!" and arms thrown into the air. 

Though as usual, the knight dashed ahead of him instead of taking a breather; always having their objective on his mind. Vance reacted the same way every time the skeleton did that: groaning before jogging after him. He would've preferred to have taken a short break since he was a living human being with limits, unlike Senõr Fred who was literally the undead. 'Yet here I am, complaining to myself about how I want this to be over while he's the one actually trying to rush things.' 

When they had finally stopped inside a new chamber, they came face-to-face with an actual human being, not a monster. Still, Vance's brows quirked in slight disgust at the way the woman interacted with them.

'Her she's the one that's been talking, huh? Man, I can't even stand her voice and now I regret on running into her too.' 
His ears twitched when she spoke of where the emergency exit was at. A secret shipment area could have some valuables within it -- though if he did find something he couldn't take it along with him since he no longer had any space. But if the loot was of extreme value to him, he'll find a way. 

Vance was shocked out of his thoughts when the self-destruction protocol rang in his ears, followed by Senõr Fred's order on rescuing the hostages. 
"I can't believe ya tellin' me to do this. I'm not exactly the saviour-type, but I don't want to stay here to die either." He said to the skeleton knight before casting Smoke Phantasm and quickly gliding past the mad scientist towards a new hallway containing the hostages.
"If this is the last time I get to see ya, Senõr Fred, I--I should've brought along a bag or somethin' so I could've grabbed more of the riches you have stored in that armour of yours!" 




Vance had destroyed all the cages that the hostages were held in and bad ushered them towards the emergency exit. All of the hostages, however, made him feel odd and even a teensy bit queasy since they weren't human. When he had sliced open one cage containing a marine-esque being, their flipper had phased through his vapour head when they attempted to pat him on the head to show gratitude. 

As the last hostage waddled to freedom, he floated by the exit for a moment. Vance had found something of use to him in the shipping area, and it was trapped within the vacuum of his swirling smoke mass. It was a spellbook that possibly contained forbidden and/or high level type of elemental magic. 
'My role here seems to be done. I reckon I should sleep this adventure off...' 
Vance looked through the flickering hallway, half-expecting to see the skeleton knight to appear. But he never did plan on waiting for him anyway.


Final entry for Vance unless he's visited by someone at his place in the shadier parts of Bowerstone. Will possibly add entries in the Albion Chronicles on what he's been doing out of the RP.
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Señor Fred


"There's no need to be worried about me amigo, I know you only came with me for treasure... But I believe you have earned something much more valuable... A hero's heart.  Lady fortune might abandon you... But a señorita named justice... She is a sweet lover.  I hope that after this... You help the weak and defend the innocent.  Someday people will champion you... As their hero..."  The skeleton knight passionately spoke as Lorelei laughed.  "I really hate to say this... But it seems your friend already abandoned you!" She smiled at him playfully.  "But we don't need him... We have each other!    Now tell me, how are you moving about without magic?  I find you truly fascinating!"  Lorelei looked at Fred lustfully as she rushed towards him... Clashing her finger blades against his rapier.  The hero's wrists blurred and delivered 20 slashes upon Lorelei's chest.  She giggled and staggered backwards.  Her wound gradually healed.  "Such speed!  Such accuracy!  I want it!  I want your secret!"  She lunged at him.  The timer ran and flickered as the two clashed blades over and over.  Señor Fred staggered backwards and pointed his blade at Lorelei.  The flames in his eyes started to dim and flicker.  "You feel it now dont you?"  Lorelei smiled as she revealed a small spherical device in her pocket.  "This is a soul harvester!  It does not work on living things, but it works really well against the undead!"  She laughed excitedly.  "I want your soul!  I want to make it mine!"

Fred relaxed his pose a bit.  "Señor Vance... Please be the champion of the weak and downtrodden". Visions of Vance flickered in the skeleton's thoughts.  "Niño and Nina... Please take care of your parents..."  Images of the dryad family flashed in his mind.  "Maestro... Keep making good music..."  Visions of the band flashed by.  "Señorita... Save a cup of angel's hugs for me..."  The heroes flames exploded dramatically as he got back into a fighting stance.  "This will be my legacy!  I will show you what justice feels like! En Guardia!"


Vance and the hostages made it out of the ARC just in time before the building exploded.  A female dark elf  kissed his cheek in gratitude, she also plucked a grain of brown rice off his cheek.

Somewhere in the dark forest, the dryad children yelled in happiness as their parents ran and embraced them!  The little boy looked at the object clenched tightly in his hand.  A simple, ordinary... Spider-Man comb.
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"Go where?"  Aegis sighed and softened her shoulders.  "Okay Clara... I'll ask my closest soldiers to go with me to Fort Black when the time comes.  I'll also ask my most trusted colleagues in the military leadership to help me..."  Aegis rubbed the back of her neck.  "But I'm really grasping at straws here... I'm talking to a palace servant about teaming up with the rebellion against some sort of power we can't even confirm..."  She sighed.  "Before I do all this, I will need a meeting with the leader of the resistance, Blanche... I need to meet her someplace private where we can discuss what it is we are doing... I can do that for you,"  She smiled.  "If you can convince that traitor to team up with us, I'll try my best to help you..."  She pat the servant's back.

"Try not to tell anyone else in the Palace about this before I talk with Selene... please..."  She reminded her.  "What I'm about to do will straddle the lines of my professional duty..."


Location: Palace

"Thank you." Kyoko made Clara bow and almost jump in glory. "If you need me to help you all you have to do is call my name almost anywhere in the palace and i will show up." Ok now I just need to speak with Selene, who probably won't be as easy. Although, considering Kyro. She's probably is against Kyro. Well better yet, Kyro is probably helping Vergil if I know my brother. Haha that could be a real problem. Also what I felt earlier, there was a dark presence in Bowerstone. Whatever I will have to worry about that later. "I will go talk to Selene, good luck my friend." Kyoko stopped controlling the maid. Now I should meet Selene, but I just have a bad feeling about this. I just feel like....Nevermind. Kyoko left the palace and would soon go to Fairfax.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"The drink costs 30 by the way." Astrid said as sh regained her composure, just in time to see the girl walk into the bar. She returned the wave and said, "There's a stable house just around the corner. Let the old man know that I let you place your horse there." She turned to see her vat complete. She began to bottle the batch while another vat began to start it's process as well.


Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene smiled. So this was the person who broke into the palace. Councilmen? Someone is definitely withholding information from me.  "I would like to know who killed the councilmen, and who put them in such a position in the first place. I want to know who is controlling the crown like a puppet right now. And kill them immediately. Keep the princess alive." It was all a balancing act. To blame the crown would make the most sense, given the craziness of the recent months in the crown prince and the king's death. But the princess is unlikely to have... killed councilmen? nor would she have had them in such a vulnerable position. She might be a fool, but she knows enough to make sure her kingdom doesn't fall into ruin. Someone has to be controlling her.



Location: Astrid's bar   

Val took out 30 coins and laid it on the counter. "Thank you, I should however probably be going. I don't want to stay here too long." She saw the girl walk in and take her horse around. I really should go. I can feel that I'm wasting too much time here. I guess I should head to Fairfax. Considering everything that's happening in Fairfax...It might be a bad idea. I want to find Mikael though. So it looks like I have no choice. She looked at Astrid. "I hope we can meet again soon." She said as she smiled and left. I need to get to FairFax now. She ran as fast as she could to the get a horse and headed to Fairfax. 


Location: Fairfax

Kyro sighed. "I don't know who killed the councilmen, And I really doubt it will be easy to find out who did it. I will stop by if I can, I'm pretty sure I know why you would want me to do that. Either way I will deliver these letters. I will try to be as.... unbiased as I can. I also have someone I want to pick up on the way if I can find them. So it might take a bit longer." That's assuming everything doesn't just go to shit out of now where, and assuming I can find everyone no problem. Yeah, great idea send the foreigner to find everythin. Uhhh oh well I will manage. "I will go now." Kyro waited for any last orders or things of importance before he would leave. 

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