Main IC RP

Location: Fort Black 

"Hmmm" Larei said turning to a mirror. "So, what about red eye color? haha" He said smiling. But then returned to a serious tone. "So your judged based on genetics huh? Well your not far from it unfortunately. Here we judge people based on genetics and power. You will however have more freedom here." That was the sad truth or at least the truth he learned. "Well now that you've run away what will you do?"

Ashlynn sighed. "I was expecting a question on my brown eyes..." she said a bit disappointed. "but I honestly dont know what im going to do... being a brown eyed Carion isnt an easy life..." she said as she had completely forgotten to explain the brown eyed situation. "And we dont have red eyes in our society..."
Location: Fort Black - Underground

Kyoko laughed "If William's corpse still had his powers then yes i would, naw I'm joking that would be horrible. ...Oh and uhhh... Disrespectful...yea....totally NOT going to do that......." Kyoko laughed even harder. But then focused long enough to reply as Mephisto created a stone figure. "Haha, unconformable? Welcome to my world..." She threw one of her knifes at it. The stone women slowly began to move, after a couple of seconds she was able to control it no problem. "As long as the stone figure doesn't go away we're fine." She moved the stone figure over and took the women's sword. The poor girl wouldn't have a sword but she would be ok. Kyoko was controlling both the girl and the stone girl. She put a knife without a chain into the stone girl and had it walk down to the entrance of the vault. Controlling Clara she said, "Hehe I think his plan might be a little better than that, but if you want some philosophy then I would tell you this. Everyone has a reason to do what they believe is right, and that might sound stupid but it's true. Every single person has life's and a history. They have a purpose that they believe is more important than yours." The truth was they Kyro didn't understand that, and he has reasons to. Part of of that was her fault. Most of it was just because he could accept what was before him. Truth is.... "Your nephew won't win, I promise. Try...When we do win, try not to judge him to hard." She smiled and wink. There are plenty of people that are evil but no one that is pure should die. "Oh I forgot...Ummm..." She was going to say something about the windrunner but decided it was better not to. "Good luck." She said turning away.

Mephisto Pheles, disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto left the Undergrounds, then the areas of the guild and under the guise of an old man, travelled towards Fairfax, where he decided to settle for now, perhaps find a new life? As soon as he arrived at the gates, he walked past several, rather intimidating Trollkin. They looked like a group of hunters. Mephisto, under his disguise walked through the expansive, well-developed city, admiring it's glory and beauty. "Much changed here since my last visit." he commented, then made his way towards the Fairfax Residence. Mephisto, still in the disguise of an old, bearded man with silky, gray hair, and dark brown robes, a hood and a cane walked up to the gate, and asked one of the servants. "Does Mistress Selene De Blanche care for a game of Chess?"

@Jefferson @Alteras
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Ashlynn sighed. "I was expecting a question on my brown eyes..." she said a bit disappointed. "but I honestly dont know what im going to do... being a brown eyed Carion isnt an easy life..." she said as she had completely forgotten to explain the brown eyed situation. "And we dont have red eyes in our society..."

Location: Fort Black

Larei gave a 'sorry' expression. "I was kind of avoiding asking that, I wasn't sure if you were sensitivity to that." Larei had truly considered it, but it seemed like at bad idea. Now though..."I'm not sure what you mean. You may have brown eyes but that doesn't mean your life will be hard in Albion. You ran away, your not part of that life anymore. You have a new chance."
Location: Fort Black

Larei gave a 'sorry' expression. "I was kind of avoiding asking that, I wasn't sure if you were sensitivity to that." Larei had truly considered it, but it seemed like at bad idea. Now though..."I'm not sure what you mean. You may have brown eyes but that doesn't mean your life will be hard in Albion. You ran away, your not part of that life anymore. You have a new chance."

Ashlnn chuckled at the thought. "A brown eye not having a hard life? Thats a laugh..." she said as she held her hand out. "my entire race is based on magic... the higher in eye color you go, the more tuned your sense of magic is... and me.." she said as a patch of flowers grew in her hand. "I am the only one that is at the top of that chain... Brown eyes are the rarest in the Carion, and the most abused in a sense... I ran from my home because the yellows were forcing me to be at the head of a war they were planning." As she said this the flowers died and turned to ash's. "And now, im on the run... don't know where to go, and always in fear i may be captured and forced into slavery or war once again..." A single tear came down her face. "You see now wh i am hesitant about things?"
Ashlnn chuckled at the thought. "A brown eye not having a hard life? Thats a laugh..." she said as she held her hand out. "my entire race is based on magic... the higher in eye color you go, the more tuned your sense of magic is... and me.." she said as a patch of flowers grew in her hand. "I am the only one that is at the top of that chain... Brown eyes are the rarest in the Carion, and the most abused in a sense... I ran from my home because the yellows were forcing me to be at the head of a war they were planning." As she said this the flowers died and turned to ash's. "And now, im on the run... don't know where to go, and always in fear i may be captured and forced into slavery or war once again..." A single tear came down her face. "You see now wh i am hesitant about things?"

Location: Fort Black

Larei sat in his chair and let out a deep breath as he listened. He closed his eyes and thought about his response. "I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to that. I wasn't born with my powers but they were handed to me." He formed electricity from the bottom of his arm and it travel to the tip of his finger creating a small ball of lighting flouting above his fingers. "I watched as my home was torn apart by rage." He left out the part about doing the destruction. "Now theirs no one left that would come after me....." He sighed "In a way, despite how much power I have now, I think I would rather go back to when i didn't have this power, but I was happy." Larei didn't like this depressing mood. "I don't think your people will find you, and even if they did, they would be in for one hell of a fight." He smiled. Trying to lighten the depressing mood.

OOC Reminder

I'd like to remind everyone to post their characters' location before making a post.

We have a lot of players. Lots of locations, and we want to avoid confusion. This was already discussed before in the OOC, and it became problematic when people started making mistakes about responses due to not knowing where other characters are. Please, include the location of your characters before a post to avoid such confusion in the future. Let's learn on past mistakes!


Thank you.
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Location: Fort Black

Larei sat in his chair and let out a deep breath as he listened. He closed his eyes and thought about his response. "I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to that. I wasn't born with my powers but they were handed to me." He formed electricity from the bottom of his arm and it travel to the tip of his finger creating a small ball of lighting flouting above his fingers. "I watched as my home was torn apart by rage." He left out the part about doing the destruction. "Now theirs no one left that would come after me....." He sighed "In a way, despite how much power I have now, I think I would rather go back to when i didn't have this power, but I was happy." Larei didn't like this depressing mood. "I don't think your people will find you, and even if they did, they would be in for one hell of a fight." He smiled. Trying to lighten the depressing mood.

Ashlynn chuckled a bit as she stood up. "You know... this is the first time in a long while I have actually been happy to talk to someone..." She smiled and looked at Larei. "Thanks a bunch... I think ill go into town in a little... I have something I have been meaning to do for a while..." he said as she looked to her robe that was hanging up.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"About a day's time." Astrid said as she watched another man walk into the bar. She lifted her covers on the vats, "Make that half day." She says as she begins to drop ingredients into the pot. "Now leave before I regret my actions." She took up a mug and signaled to the waiting man, "You want anything to drink?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Arthur, the butler opened the door. He smiled. "Master Blanche would very much enjoy a game of chess. Although she's currently away. You're welcome to stay while we wait." He opened the door further to reveal the lavishly decorated lobby beyond the doorway. He moved over to a cart of tea and said, "If it is of urgent news, I can call upon her if you wish."

Ashlynn chuckled a bit as she stood up. "You know... this is the first time in a long while I have actually been happy to talk to someone..." She smiled and looked at Larei. "Thanks a bunch... I think ill go into town in a little... I have something I have been meaning to do for a while..." he said as she looked to her robe that was hanging up.

Location: Fort Black

Larei stood up. "I'm glad, If you need anything I will be here. I think I should try and make some friends here. Stop traveling the world and maybe make a difference inside the guild, haha." He walked out of the room. 'I think thats the first time ive had a friend in a long time...' he thought to himself. He was going to try to make a place he could call home. With any luck it would end up better than last time. 
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"About a day's time." Astrid said as she watched another man walk into the bar. She lifted her covers on the vats, "Make that half day." She says as she begins to drop ingredients into the pot. "Now leave before I regret my actions." She took up a mug and signaled to the waiting man, "You want anything to drink?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Arthur, the butler opened the door. He smiled. "Master Blanche would very much enjoy a game of chess. Although she's currently away. You're welcome to stay while we wait." He opened the door further to reveal the lavishly decorated lobby beyond the doorway. He moved over to a cart of tea and said, "If it is of urgent news, I can call upon her if you wish."



Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil, just like Astrid asked him to, took his leave, deciding not to get hit with liquid confusion in the face. Half a day was quite a bit, but it was acceptable. "Meet me north of Fort Black when they're done." And indeed moved to Fort Black to meet up with Grim, Kyrule and the rest of the Trollkin with him. So far: everything was going just... as... planned.

Mephisto Pheles disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fairfax Residence

Mephisto, or Johann which was his new identity's name smiled. A warm grin on an old man's, possibly monk's face like this one could warm someone's heart. Then, he said. "Yes, I indeed believe it is quite urgent. It's a message from the old Guildmaster, Mephisto Pheles of the Guild of Heroes. He had left something in his will, that included Miss Selene. A request of help. I am merely here to deliver it."
Mephisto Pheles, disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto left the Undergrounds, then the areas of the guild and under the guise of an old man, travelled towards Fairfax, where he decided to settle for now, perhaps find a new life? As soon as he arrived at the gates, he walked past several, rather intimidating Trollkin. They looked like a group of hunters. Mephisto, under his disguise walked through the expansive, well-developed city, admiring it's glory and beauty. "Much changed here since my last visit." he commented, then made his way towards the Fairfax Residence. Mephisto, still in the disguise of an old, bearded man with silky, gray hair, and dark brown robes, a hood and a cane walked up to the gate, and asked one of the servants. "Does Mistress Selene De Blanche care for a game of Chess?"

@Jefferson @Alteras

Location: Fort Black

After Mephisto left Kyoko took Clara and put her back where she was before. "Ok so now its time to take back what they tried to take from us. hehe." Kyoko turned and began heading toward Fairfax. She could teleport to Bowerstone but she needed to have Fairfax under her belt. So like every place she must go to she walked, painfully slowly walked.
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Chamber

He must've been temporarily dazed again since his vision grew even darker than the chamber's lighting. The last thing he had heard before that was the oh-so-annoyingly-familiar voice of Senõr Fred's, and then something colliding into his phantasm form's vulernable spot: his head.

From the skeleton knight's heavy impact against such a spot, the spell cancelled immeditately and flesh and bone returned -- as well as the aching pain. 

"You... why...?! Frickin' literal bonehead..." Vance gasped, clutching his head befre rolling into a fetal position. The impact shouldn't have been so harsh against him since Senõr Fred was only a skeleton hence there shouldn't have been excess mass; but his armour was like an obsidian boulder. 

He forced himself to contain the wrathful emotions building up one after another deep into the pit of his stomach, until this job was over. 'I'll never see this idiot again.' Vance thought and gritted his teeth.

While he was composing his breathing, he noticed that the chamber had grown brighter, the light having a strong blue hue. He exhaled deeply before raising his head to look around, and his body slowly uncurled from the fetal position. 

'Bloody hell! The light isn't helping at all -- I didn't need to see so much of this cursed place!' 

Vance could feel the knots in stomach and the queasiness creeping into his throat -- and the smell was absolute torture, it began to bring tears to his eyes.

This seemed to continue to go on for the worse, as the beast that had lunged at him from the shadows before could now be seen in full view. And he never did want to see something that could kill him. The stinging water in his eyes blurred out the monster, but Vance knew that it was more of an abomination than the knight that was going to slay it.

"I told ya...I'm not...made for this....kinda shmuck, knight!" He growled as he scrambled to stand up.

He really had planned to ditch the skeleton knight then and there but -- beneath the beast's bulk were scattered coins and jewels. They must've fallen off from his pockets when he had first landed down here.

Scowling, Vance shrugged off his coat since it was beginning to feel uncomfortable to wear with his current condition's temperature. He cringed at the clattering noise of the treasure within its pockets. 

Just like how the knight brandished his blade, he began to ready his magic. 'I'm gonna shock and roast the hell out of that thing.'

"I ain't leavin' without all of my payment." He muttered as his hand crackled with heat and dark light. With a snap of his fingers, a black  streak of electricity zigzagged it's way towards the beast.

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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed as Vergil and the pink colored woman walked out of the bar. She turned around and picked up a bottle of Calming Tonic and poured it into a mug of beer. She walked toward the man and handed it to him. "15 coins. Anything else?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

"Very well." Arthur walked toward one of the windows and raised his hand. Magic circles appeared before his palm and suddenly a pigeon with blue and purple streaks flew out. "She will be here shortly. Please have some tea."

Location: Fairfax Gates

The pigeon flew across the city, towards the gates. Selene still stood before the trollkins, awaiting their response. She heard the familiar cry of Arthur's Familiar. Selene let out a sigh and turned to her trusted subordinate. "Claire, ask them why they are here. If they request passage through the city, grant them it but keep half of the forces on them. Don't let them anywhere near the Marble Council." "Yes madam!" Selene bowed toward the group of trollkins. "If you'll excuse me, have other business to attend to, Sergeant Claire will answer anything you request." She turned and left for her House.


Location: House of Blanche

As Arthur was setting out the tea, the pigeon flew back in and disappeared into blue dust. The door opened and Selene walked into the parlor. She bowed and took a seat across from the old man. "I am Selene De Blanche. How can I help you?"

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Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil, just like Astrid asked him to, took his leave, deciding not to get hit with liquid confusion in the face. Half a day was quite a bit, but it was acceptable. "Meet me north of Fort Black when they're done." And indeed moved to Fort Black to meet up with Grim, Kyrule and the rest of the Trollkin with him. So far: everything was going just... as... planned.

Mephisto Pheles disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fairfax Residence

Mephisto, or Johann which was his new identity's name smiled. A warm grin on an old man's, possibly monk's face like this one could warm someone's heart. Then, he said. "Yes, I indeed believe it is quite urgent. It's a message from the old Guildmaster, Mephisto Pheles of the Guild of Heroes. He had left something in his will, that included Miss Selene. A request of help. I am merely here to deliver it."

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro left the machine there but kept the vial. He might need it, but he didn't intend to use it. So the last thing to do was to make a truce. Kyro shadow stepped to where he thought his Vergil would be and what do you know. "Everyone loves that bar..." Kyro waited to Vergil walked out of the bar. He didn't put his mask on or anything. Vergil probably knew who he was and like he said before it was just for fun. He like messing with people. When Vigil did finally walk out of the bar, Kyro was leaning up against the wall. "Hello, I believe I could use your help, or maybe you could use mine. Honestly I have no idea what your doing but I don't mind helping you anyway. I don't have anything better to do." he said looking at his deck of cards.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed as Vergil and the pink colored woman walked out of the bar. She turned around and picked up a bottle of Calming Tonic and poured it into a mug of beer. She walked toward the man and handed it to him. "15 coins. Anything else?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

"Very well." Arthur walked toward one of the windows and raised his hand. Magic circles appeared before his palm and suddenly a pigeon with blue and purple streaks flew out. "She will be here shortly. Please have some tea."

Location: Fairfax Gates

The pigeon flew across the city, towards the gates. Selene still stood before the trollkins, awaiting their response. She heard the familiar cry of Arthur's Familiar. Selene let out a sigh and turned to her trusted subordinate. "Claire, ask them why they are here. If they request passage through the city, grant them it but keep half of the forces on them. Don't let them anywhere near the Marble Council." "Yes madam!" Selene bowed toward the group of trollkins. "If you'll excuse me, have other business to attend to, Sergeant Claire will answer anything you request." She turned and left for her House.

Location: House of Blanche

As Arthur was setting out the tea, the pigeon flew back in and disappeared into blue dust. The door opened and Selene walked into the parlor. She bowed and took a seat across from the old man. "I am Selene De Blanche. How can I help you?"


Mephisto Pheles

Location: Fairfax Residence

Johann stared at Selene, sipping some of the tea that Arthur offered. "I am Johann Faust, a simple monk. Hopefully, you have heard of the execution of the Guildmaster, Mephisto Pheles. He left something in his will for you, m'lady." The old, hooded, silver-haired man took the last sip of tea before laying the empty, still warm cup on a metal tray. The brown robes of the old monk twirled slightly as he quickly turned to Selene once again, looking at her with his brown eyes. His gaze was deep, a stare that could give someone chills, if not for his welcoming smile. "I'd like to talk it over a simple game of chess, as I've heard you like playing chess on the way here. I believe what he left in his will is disturbing, however important. We can't leave it be."
Severynd handed her 50. "Just for you to walk into the back for about... five minutes." As soon as Severynd finished his sentence, a man walked into the bar. Severynd glanced at him and sighed "I guess this will have to wait." He set the drink on the table and put his hand in his trench coat, eyeing the man. 

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid took up 25 coins. "Can't do that, gotta watch my bar. But I can keep my mouth closed." Astrid returned to her counter and began crafting the potions that Vergil wanted, letting each drop and pop make a loud boiling sizzle sound to drown out any conversation that could be made.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Selene smiled. It was rare to find people outside of the Resistance that would want to play chess with her. most of the city already knows of her infamy and strength in it. "Very well, Arthur if you will." "Yes, Master Selene." A chess set was brought out from another room and laid out before the two. "Please, you may start." Selene said as she gestured to the board.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid took up 25 coins. "Can't do that, gotta watch my bar. But I can keep my mouth closed." Astrid returned to her counter and began crafting the potions that Vergil wanted, letting each drop and pop make a loud boiling sizzle sound to drown out any conversation that could be made.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Selene smiled. It was rare to find people outside of the Resistance that would want to play chess with her. most of the city already knows of her infamy and strength in it. "Very well, Arthur if you will." "Yes, Master Selene." A chess set was brought out from another room and laid out before the two. "Please, you may start." Selene said as she gestured to the board.


Location: Fairfax Residence

Johann sat back and relaxed. He made his first move... Without using his hands. Mephisto used the grasping hand spell to make a simple pawn move forward as he said, with his normal, not elderly voice. "Let's get to business." Mephisto used Polymorph and changed back into his true form. He had his signature hat, suit, elven ears and purple hair. The clothes, face and hair all seemingly faded and changed to his Wood Elf version in seconds. "It is I, Mephisto Pheles... your move." Mephisto smiled, looking at the chessboard. "Anyway, I faked my death because I realized that Albion, hell, all of Gael, maybe entire Terra is in danger, and I need your help."
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Chamber

He must've been temporarily dazed again since his vision grew even darker than the chamber's lighting. The last thing he had heard before that was the oh-so-annoyingly-familiar voice of Senõr Fred's, and then something colliding into his phantasm form's vulernable spot: his head.

From the skeleton knight's heavy impact against such a spot, the spell cancelled immeditately and flesh and bone returned -- as well as the aching pain. 

"You... why...?! Frickin' literal bonehead..." Vance gasped, clutching his head befre rolling into a fetal position. The impact shouldn't have been so harsh against him since Senõr Fred was only a skeleton hence there shouldn't have been excess mass; but his armour was like an obsidian boulder. 

He forced himself to contain the wrathful emotions building up one after another deep into the pit of his stomach, until this job was over. 'I'll never see this idiot again.' Vance thought and gritted his teeth.

While he was composing his breathing, he noticed that the chamber had grown brighter, the light having a strong blue hue. He exhaled deeply before raising his head to look around, and his body slowly uncurled from the fetal position. 

'Bloody hell! The light isn't helping at all -- I didn't need to see so much of this cursed place!' 

Vance could feel the knots in stomach and the queasiness creeping into his throat -- and the smell was absolute torture, it began to bring tears to his eyes.

This seemed to continue to go on for the worse, as the beast that had lunged at him from the shadows before could now be seen in full view. And he never did want to see something that could kill him. The stinging water in his eyes blurred out the monster, but Vance knew that it was more of an abomination than the knight that was going to slay it.

"I told ya...I'm not...made for this....kinda shmuck, knight!" He growled as he scrambled to stand up.

He really had planned to ditch the skeleton knight then and there but -- beneath the beast's bulk were scattered coins and jewels. They must've fallen off from his pockets when he had first landed down here.

Scowling, Vance shrugged off his coat since it was beginning to feel uncomfortable to wear with his current condition's temperature. He cringed at the clattering noise of the treasure within its pockets. 

Just like how the knight brandished his blade, he began to ready his magic. 'I'm gonna shock and roast the hell out of that thing.'

"I ain't leavin' without all of my payment." He muttered as his hand crackled with heat and dark light. With a snap of his fingers, a black  streak of electricity zigzagged it's way towards the beast.


The beast was struck by a bolt of black electricity.  It roared in pain as one of it's four main arms have been blown off.  "Great thinking, sidekick!  Your magic is definitely fabulous to behold!"  Senor Fred did a fencers salute against the beast and and dashed to it with inhuman speeds.  He appeared on top of the beast and drove the blade down through it's skull.  The beast screamed and fell on it's belly, knocking the treasures up into the air!  The skeleton looked back at Vance.  "Well done, Robin... now it's time for us to go after Poison Ivy!"  The undead knight flicked his blade clean of blood and sheathed it.

What he didn't realize was the beast's tail popped straight up... the drill end began to spin and is aiming to strike the skeleton's back as he walked to the edge of the cage.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Severynd grinned at the girl. He called out to the man. "Nicholas?" The man quickly and confidently said "No." Severynd shook his head and his finger. "See, now we could've negotiated, but you lied to me." Severynd stood and the man reached into his pocket, fingering at a QuickDraw pistol. Severynd saw and flipped a table that wasn't his own before diving behind it, the man emptied his gun into the table, cursing and running for the door. Severynd stood and hauled a shadowy shurkin into his knee. The man collapsed with a yelp, and Severynd walked over, quickly and swiftly sinking a knife into his chest. "Shhhhhhh, Ihre Seele Träume." The dagger dissapeared into black smoke as the man lay limp. Severynd dusted himself off as he stood. He grabbed his drink as calmy drank half with a gulp. He looked over to Astrid and smirked through his mask. "You've got quite the talent ma'am." @Alteras

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed. She continued to drop the ingredients into the vats. She stoked up the fire, shining more light into the glassware as the beams mingled with the morning sun, covering the bar in light. She heard the gunshots and saw the shadow move around in the reflection of the alcohol. "Thank you very much," she said without turning around. "Although compliments won't get you out of having to pay for damages." One bar rule was already broken today, how about another? Astrid picked up one of the bottles shelved above her, Princess's Grace, popped it open and took a drink. She let it dropped into the vat and performed Impromptu Brew, pulling out her amulet, to prevent the batch from being tainted. She then picked up her dagger and began cutting the herbs beside her. "At least clean up the kill, even common street killers have some courtesy in my bar."

Location: Fairfax Residence

Johann sat back and relaxed. He made his first move... Without using his hands. Mephisto used the grasping hand spell to make a simple pawn move forward as he said, with his normal, not elderly voice. "Let's get to business." Mephisto used Polymorph and changed back into his true form. He had his signature hat, suit, elven ears and purple hair. The clothes, face and hair all seemingly faded and changed to his Wood Elf version in seconds. "It is I, Mephisto Pheles... your move." Mephisto smiled, looking at the chessboard. "Anyway, I faked my death because I realized that Albion, hell, all of Gael, maybe entire Terra is in danger, and I need your help."

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Selene's face hardened as she tried to get a sense of whether he was fake or not. She gave up, having piercing gaze failed her. She instead rationalized that no sane person from Bowerstone would go around dressed as Mephisto right now. "Fairfax believed you to be well, thankfully you have shown yourself to be." Selene leaned forward and move her knight forward toward the center. "I am honored that you have come to me for aid. I understand that there are twenty one trollkins headed for the center of Gael, and that politics in Albion may or may not have caused the deaths of two kings. But that doesn't put the entirety of Terra in danger."
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Cage

He cracked his knuckles in satisfaction, oddly admiring the damage the Thundraga spell had inflicted against the beast. It lifted his mood a bit, and even the skeleton knight's compliments was taken nicely this time. 'Need to learn more Thundraga, I suppose. Though Aero will always have a place in my heart.' He chuckled quietly and rubbed the nape of his neck.

Vance's lips formed a mocking smile as he watched Senõr Fred dash towards the beast and end its misery; slightly cringing at the loud and agonised bellow that the monster released. When the chimera fell, his riches bounced into the air and scattered itself more in the disgusting chamber; a few jewels landed on its belly. 

Now shrugging seemed to be his usual response to the skeletal knight's nonsensical sentences, since most of the time he had no idea what he means. 

"My name isn't Robin, kni--" Vance stopped abruptly when he saw the beast's drill appendage begin to spin and strike towards Senõr Fred, who had gotten off the beast and was walking to the end of the chamber.

'Oh. Shoot.' Was all he thought when the drill managed to pierce into the skeleton knight's back. As soon as the attack made successful contact and did its damage, did only Vance make a sharp horizontal movement with both of his arms. The movement casted a spell where two waves of air flew towards the chimera and Senõr Fred -- one wave sliced off the drill and the other merely missing the skeletal knight.

"Woah, hey! Sorry about that, knight -- I...I guess I hesitated--" Vance called out to him, only feeling a quarter of sincere guilt. 'He'll live. Right? I mean he's already dead...'

He cautiously approached the two, while eyeing the jewels and coins littered across the floor and its corpse.

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LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Cage

He cracked his knuckles in satisfaction, oddly admiring the damage the Thundraga spell had inflicted against the beast. It lifted his mood a bit, and even the skeleton knight's compliments was taken nicely this time. 'Need to learn more Thundraga, I suppose. Though Aero will always have a place in my heart.' He chuckled quietly and rubbed the nape of his neck.

Vance's lips formed a mocking smile as he watched Senõr Fred dash towards the beast and end its misery; slightly cringing at the loud and agonised bellow that the monster released. When the chimera fell, his riches bounced into the air and scattered itself more in the disgusting chamber; a few jewels landed on its belly. 

Now shrugging seemed to be his usual response to the skeletal knight's nonsensical sentences, since most of the time he had no idea what he means. 

"My name isn't Robin, kni--" Vance stopped abruptly when he saw the beast's drill appendage begin to spin and strike towards Senõr Fred, who had gotten off the beast and was walking to the end of the chamber.

'Oh. Shoot.' Was all he thought when the drill managed to pierce into the skeleton knight's back. As soon as the attack made successful contact and did its damage, did only Vance make a sharp horizontal movement with both of his arms. The movement casted a spell where two waves of air flew towards the chimera and Senõr Fred -- one wave sliced off the drill and the other merely missing the skeletal knight.

"Woah, hey! Sorry about that, knight -- I...I guess I hesitated--" Vance called out to him, only feeling a quarter of sincere guilt. 'He'll live. Right? I mean he's already dead...'

He cautiously approached the two, while eyeing the jewels and coins littered across the floor and its corpse.


LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Cage

The tail knocked Senor Fred forward, into the cage bars.  The skeleton watched as the tail get sliced by a wave of wind.  Another wave of wind almost slices his perfect hair... but he ducked.  "Perfecto!"  The skeleton said as the tail fell down to the ground.   "Gracias, Amigo..."  The skeleton bowed.  "I knew I made the right decision hiring you!"  He said as he looked at the bars.  He drew his rapier and slashed the bars in an arc... the metal bars fell on the other side creating a pathway for the duo.  "Alright, quickly, we must save the hostages!"  The skeleton said as he hurried out the cage.

The red light at the corner of the room glew green and white electrical lights turned on all over the chamber.  The green light appeared to be a mechanical bat powered by magic.  It's one eye appeared to lock on to the duo.  Static noise echoed through out the chamber, coming from the ceiling.  The noise faded and turned into a voice.  "Welcome, my new test subjects... seems like you had little trouble getting rid of one of my projects,"  The female voice spoke through the speaker systems.  "Don't worry, I was going to put him away myself... you two saved me the trouble..."  The voice continued.  The pair found themselves in a hallway lined with cages in every wall.  Each cage contained a different abomination.  Red lights blinked near every opening of the cages.

"Coward! Release your hostages at once!  If you refuse, you will feel the wrath of Senor Fred!"  The skeleton roared out.

"Hostages?  Do you mean my test subjects?"  The voice continued.  "Come at the lab if you want to see them..."  The voice giggled.

"But before that... you will have to participate in my little mouse maze... I hope you can find your way here!"  The voice taunted from the speakers.

"Senorita, do not underestimate the willpower of mice... once they get the scent of cheese... they will relentlessly pursue it!"  Senor Fred said, looking up at the ceiling.

The voice laughed.  "I agree with you, my undead intruder..."  The voice spoke.  "But... I didn't say you two were the mice..."  

The red lights of the cages turned green.  sounds of locks clicking echoed throughout the chamber... cages started to open.

"No... you two... are the cheese!"  The voice laughed as genetically modified monsters and experiments crawled out from their cages... and towards the heroic duo.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed. She continued to drop the ingredients into the vats. She stoked up the fire, shining more light into the glassware as the beams mingled with the morning sun, covering the bar in light. She heard the gunshots and saw the shadow move around in the reflection of the alcohol. "Thank you very much," she said without turning around. "Although compliments won't get you out of having to pay for damages." One bar rule was already broken today, how about another? Astrid picked up one of the bottles shelved above her, Princess's Grace, popped it open and took a drink. She let it dropped into the vat and performed Impromptu Brew, pulling out her amulet, to prevent the batch from being tainted. She then picked up her dagger and began cutting the herbs beside her. "At least clean up the kill, even common street killers have some courtesy in my bar."

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Selene's face hardened as she tried to get a sense of whether he was fake or not. She gave up, having piercing gaze failed her. She instead rationalized that no sane person from Bowerstone would go around dressed as Mephisto right now. "Fairfax believed you to be well, thankfully you have shown yourself to be." Selene leaned forward and move her knight forward toward the center. "I am honored that you have come to me for aid. I understand that there are twenty one trollkins headed for the center of Gael, and that politics in Albion may or may not have caused the deaths of two kings. But that doesn't put the entirety of Terra in danger."

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

 "Of course not." Mephisto chuckled, moving his tower in the place where his pawn used to be. "Dunno why you'd come to that assumption." He added, as he clearly had beforehand experience in 'saving-the-world.' Then, Mephisto suddenly spoke. "But my nephew is. For you see, 28 years ago, my brother decided to play the mortal game, as we demons call it. I'm playing it constantly for 700 years now. The mortal game is simple: you become a traitor to demonkind and live in peace with the mortal races of Terra." Mephisto sat back, relaxed and smiled. "Do you know what happened then?" He asked her, and without giving time to answer, he said it himself. "He had kids with a human! Long-story short, demon loyalists don't think fondly of mixing the genepool. They took him away and murdered his family, the end!" And clapped his hands , as if it was the.end.of a story. "But... one child survived that night. Now my nephew went insane. He's trying to access the eldritch horrors that me and Black locked away. Unfortunately for him, I have the only key. All I want from you is the permission to sit here until the end of time. Hopefully his healing factor isn't of demon origin and he won't live for an eter-" Mephisto stopped, sighing. "Who am I kidding? Of course he has a healing factor. Screw it! Maybe I can pretend to be your cat? I heard you like cats and no one will suspect a thing." Mephisto asked, not knowing that the rumours for Selene's cat appreciation weren't meant to get out.
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Cage

From Senõr Fred's enthuastic words, Vance knew that he had definitely survived --  even when the skeleton knight had made a heavy clonk against the cage bars.

He blinked and allowed a little grin of disbelief to dance across his visage, for he was amused by how fast the knight recovered. 

"Same goes for me, knight. Aren't I glad to be paid this much." He murmured, crouching near the corpse of the chimera to quickly pick up the riches that had fallen from his pockets. When he had successfuly stuffed them safely inside once more, Senõr Fred had already rushed out of the cage, shouting out the objective of his mission.

Vance sighed; backtracked inside the cage to retrieve his trench coat near a pile of manure and carcasses, and in disgust jogged after him. 

Before the thought of ditching the entire job again came into his mind, the huge chamber suddenly flooded with  white and green light. He shielded his eyes against the harsh brightness while he shrugged into his trenchcoat -- a mistake, his coat smelt atrocious. But he didn't take it off since he was distracted by a flying mechanical bat looking straight at them; its emerald light hurt his eyes a tinge. 

Then a feminine voice came from above, but the source was nowhere to be seen. Vance had stayed quiet during the mysterious woman's speech, but internally he was cursing -- especially when the chamber revealed to be a part of a hallway with more cages. More cages meant more of the chimeras.

"This can't be happenin' right now..." He whispered to himself while Senõr Fred argued with woman about mice and cheese.

"Why the hell am I still stickin' around here?" 'How the hell is that skeleton knight still so darn enthuastic, even during our current situation?!'

Vance flinched when a chorus of clicking noises came from the cages lined in the hallway. Fortunately he was still in control of his mind, despite the alarming set of nervousness invading his body, and he casted the spell of Smoke Phantasm once more. When the abominations came rushing towards them, he glided towards the ceiling and made sure his head wasn't in reach to any of the deadly limbs that the chimeras had. 

"I didn't come here to die, ya know!" Vance yelled above the snarling and growling of the chimeras. 'I need to leave. Now.' 

But he hesitated when he looked at Senõr Fred. 'As good as he is with that blade, he probably can't take all of 'em at once. I reckon...I can do something here...and benefit from it.'

"Hey knight! I got a spell that could probably knock 'em all dead -- but you have to pay me extra for it! And don't go droppin' it onto the floor!" 

LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Cage

From Senõr Fred's enthuastic words, Vance knew that he had definitely survived --  even when the skeleton knight had made a heavy clonk against the cage bars.

He blinked and allowed a little grin of disbelief to dance across his visage, for he was amused by how fast the knight recovered. 

"Same goes for me, knight. Aren't I glad to be paid this much." He murmured, crouching near the corpse of the chimera to quickly pick up the riches that had fallen from his pockets. When he had successfuly stuffed them safely inside once more, Senõr Fred had already rushed out of the cage, shouting out the objective of his mission.

Vance sighed; backtracked inside the cage to retrieve his trench coat near a pile of manure and carcasses, and in disgust jogged after him. 

Before the thought of ditching the entire job again came into his mind, the huge chamber suddenly flooded with  white and green light. He shielded his eyes against the harsh brightness while he shrugged into his trenchcoat -- a mistake, his coat smelt atrocious. But he didn't take it off since he was distracted by a flying mechanical bat looking straight at them; its emerald light hurt his eyes a tinge. 

Then a feminine voice came from above, but the source was nowhere to be seen. Vance had stayed quiet during the mysterious woman's speech, but internally he was cursing -- especially when the chamber revealed to be a part of a hallway with more cages. More cages meant more of the chimeras.

"This can't be happenin' right now..." He whispered to himself while Senõr Fred argued with woman about mice and cheese.

"Why the hell am I still stickin' around here?" 'How the hell is that skeleton knight still so darn enthuastic, even during our current situation?!'

Vance flinched when a chorus of clicking noises came from the cages lined in the hallway. Fortunately he was still in control of his mind, despite the alarming set of nervousness invading his body, and he casted the spell of Smoke Phantasm once more. When the abominations came rushing towards them, he glided towards the ceiling and made sure his head wasn't in reach to any of the deadly limbs that the chimeras had. 

"I didn't come here to die, ya know!" Vance yelled above the snarling and growling of the chimeras. 'I need to leave. Now.' 

But he hesitated when he looked at Senõr Fred. 'As good as he is with that blade, he probably can't take all of 'em at once. I reckon...I can do something here...and benefit from it.'

"Hey knight! I got a spell that could probably knock 'em all dead -- but you have to pay me extra for it! And don't go droppin' it onto the floor!" 


LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area

Senor Fred has detached his red cape and began using it as a matador's muleta.  "Toro!  Toro!" The valiant knight taunted a mutant creature with a bull's head and a crocodile's body.  It rushed to him with great speeds... only going through the red cape.  The fencer quickly dispatched the creature with a quick stab through the skull.  :"Ole!"  The crazed bullfighter took a flamenco stance and taunted more of the creatures.  With skill and effortless grace, he flowed through them like a crimson storm... executing each and every mutant that came near him.

The skeleton looked at Vance as he proposed a brilliant idea.  He pulled out his rapier from a mutant's skull and laughed heartily.  "My friend... you really are in love with the most beautiful and most fickle senoritas!"  He slashed a creature to death.  "A woman called Fortune!"  The knight flicked blood off of his rapier.  "You know what?  The company's doing great, stocks are high... maybe it is time you get a raise, Senor..."  The fighter dashed to a mutant and skewered it's heart.  "Alright, if you demonstrate your beautiful magic skills again, I will reward you handsomely!"  Fred has already cleared around a third of the monsters.  "I wish I could show you the pure thrill of heroism... but if money is how you get motivated, then I would be glad to offer some, Amigo!"
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area

He had to give him credit, that Senõr Fred sure could put up one heck of an interesting fight; with such a variety of combat-styles too. So different from what he's experienced from before. Does it seem that he finally took a liking to his knight? Not entirely. Just of his uniqueness and absolutely annoying happy attitude was a nice change from the stuck-up usual ones.

Vance clicked his tongue and reminded himself to concentrate on the battle below. He has no idea why a sudden warmth  rose in his chest just then.

"If only Lady Fortune fancied me back, I would be wealthier than the king himself." He retorted playfully. 

'Let's finish this round and get even more rich.' 

"Since I reckon you're dead and all, you wouldn't need to breathe so much -- right, Senõr?" 

Vance's floating head shuddered as he inhaled deeply, and in an airy voice came the spell of Breathless. It was subtle, the spell, but its affects were making the remaining abominations drop like flies. All that is living would need oxygen to survive. After the last beast had clawed at its neck and struggled to take in oxygen that wasn't there before slumping onto the floor, did he undo the spell. 

Considering that it was quite safe now, Vance slowly floated down to the floor near the skeleton knight. He suddenly felt a bit drained, but satisfied. 

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