Main IC RP

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"what?" Astrid just stared at the crazed skeleton laugh in a pile of petals... She slowly began to process what he said as she took a sip of her ale. "Senor Frederico Callaberio, as much as I appreciate your nature, I do not believe that you are speaking with a sound mind. You seem to have misunderstood me or mistaken me for someone else, but unfortunately, I do not love you." Her hands tightened to a fist as she looked down at her flask of ale. "Now clean up the petals and LEAVE!" She said with a red face mixed with anger and embarrassment.

Senor Fred

Location: Astrid's Bar

The skeletal hero placed a a hand over his face.  "Senorita, there's no reason to hide your feelings anymore... I have returned your feelings back to you already.  I just want you to smile once in a while..."  The skeleton then faced Vance.  "Hey Amigo... welcome back..."  The skeletal knight pulled out a handful of gold coins and gems from his pocket.  "Say, do you wish to embark on a journey with me?  I will pay you in these..."  The skeletal fingers loosened and coins and rare gems fell all over the floor.  "Although I believe working with the great Senor Fred is enough of a reward for a man such as yourself!"  The skeletal knight looked down at the man with a heroic posture.  "What do you say?"
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Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Royal Palace

A man clad in snow white armor and a jet-violet cape walked the halls of the palace.  He had just returned from the war room and walked along the pillars of the outer courtyard.  He stood over some roses and held one gently in his armored fingers.  "Everything is falling into place...  it's as if this kingdom has presented itself to me on a silver platter..."  the man chuckled... his laugh deep and soft.  First the old man falls to my poison... Then the idiot prince takes a dose of maddening fluid... and kills himself in battle. The man stroked the rose gently.  "My patience is paying off... soon, I will have everything I deserve,"  He said softly.

Suddenly, behind him appeared a female knight clad in skintight black armor... a purple armband is around her arm: She is member of the Black Wolf Division's specialized assassination corps.  Her hair as white as the roses in the garden.

"Sir, the informant we bribed tells us Fairfax is planning a revolution... they are quickly militarizing" The woman whispered as to not disturb the song of the birds in the trees.

"Excellent..."  The eye-patched man kept feeling the roses as the woman spoke.  Unbeknownst to Selene of Fairfax... Elucifer had already bought her spy from her... the spy has been acting as a double agent.  "You read the Art of War over and over... and you don't practice the basics,"  The Captain chuckled.  "Her attack... will be a detrimental part of my plan..."  

The black knight nodded and kneeled down, awaiting orders.

"No sign of Mephisto yet?"  The man asked the servant.

"Sir, he was executed yesterday..."  The woman replied.

"Useless fool... you really think a demon would die from a guillotine?  Do you know how strong demon skin is?  You think a blade forced down by gravity is enough to kill him?  No, he faked his death... he is up to something.  I want you to locate him and observe his actions.  Also... keep playing along with his death around the others... I don't want them to get the same idea..."  The Captain plucked the white rose from it's bush.

"Now... I must attend the princess..."  He gave the servant a handsome smile.  "Pardon me..."

"Yes, sir... I will return with better news..."  The woman flashed away into the shadows.

The Captain went around looking for the princess.

@Princess Ami
Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Royal Palace

A man clad in snow white armor and a jet-violet cape walked the halls of the palace.  He had just returned from the war room and walked along the pillars of the outer courtyard.  He stood over some roses and held one gently in his armored fingers.  "Everything is falling into place...  it's as if this kingdom has presented itself to me on a silver platter..."  the man chuckled... his laugh deep and soft.  First the old man falls to my poison... Then the idiot prince takes a dose of maddening fluid... and kills himself in battle. The man stroked the rose gently.  "My patience is paying off... soon, I will have everything I deserve,"  He said softly.

Suddenly, behind him appeared a female knight clad in skintight black armor... a purple armband is around her arm: She is member of the Black Wolf Division's specialized assassination corps.  Her hair as white as the roses in the garden.

"Sir, the informant we bribed tells us Fairfax is planning a revolution... they are quickly militarizing" The woman whispered as to not disturb the song of the birds in the trees.

"Excellent..."  The eye-patched man kept feeling the roses as the woman spoke.  Unbeknownst to Selene of Fairfax... Elucifer had already bought her spy from her... the spy has been acting as a double agent.  "You read the Art of War over and over... and you don't practice the basics,"  The Captain chuckled.  "Her attack... will be a detrimental part of my plan..."  

The black knight nodded and kneeled down, awaiting orders.

"No sign of Mephisto yet?"  The man asked the servant.

"Sir, he was executed yesterday..."  The woman replied.

"Useless fool... you really think a demon would die from a guillotine?  Do you know how strong demon skin is?  You think a blade forced down by gravity is enough to kill him?  No, he faked his death... he is up to something.  I want you to locate him and observe his actions.  Also... keep playing along with his death around the others... I don't want them to get the same idea..."  The Captain plucked the white rose from it's bush.

"Now... I must attend the princess..."  He gave the servant a handsome smile.  "Pardon me..."

"Yes, sir... I will return with better news..."  The woman flashed away into the shadows.

The Captain went around looking for the princess.

@Princess Ami

The princess was in her chamber, currently playing a game of chess against a servant. She had not heard of her brothers death yet, people had made a good job to keep that news away from her. It was easy to keep her unknowing due to her naiveness though. 

The princess just fell for the servants trap. She had not seen the move that he planned. Until it was too late. "You have bested me, again. I will one day learn this game, Travor, one day. And that day, you lose.", she said with a kind smile. She was never a bad loser and she never minded defeat, she saw it as chance to learn. 

The captain was welcomed by her with a gentle smile, her full beauty showing when she looked at him like that. "Hello, Elucifer. I am glad to see you. We had no chance to talk the last days." The princess waved for him to enter her room and sit next to her. She always had a slight crush on the goodlooking armsman. He was always gentle to her, caring, trustable and nice. He was intelligent and protective... Simply a good person. And she liked that.
The princess was in her chamber, currently playing a game of chess against a servant. She had not heard of her brothers death yet, people had made a good job to keep that news away from her. It was easy to keep her unknowing due to her naiveness though. 

The princess just fell for the servants trap. She had not seen the move that he planned. Until it was too late. "You have bested me, again. I will one day learn this game, Travor, one day. And that day, you lose.", she said with a kind smile. She was never a bad loser and she never minded defeat, she saw it as chance to learn. 

The captain was welcomed by her with a gentle smile, her full beauty showing when she looked at him like that. "Hello, Elucifer. I am glad to see you. We had no chance to talk the last days." The princess waved for him to enter her room and sit next to her. She always had a slight crush on the goodlooking armsman. He was always gentle to her, caring, trustable and nice. He was intelligent and protective... Simply a good person. And she liked that.

Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Daisy's Chamber

"I have sad news to bring to you, my Lady..."  He said with a deep dark, gentle cooing voice.  He placed a white rose on the princess' table.  "I'm afraid your brother, King Adonis, has been slain in battle..."  He sat next to her, and looked into her eyes.  "I'm very sorry for your loss..."  He said as he watched her reaction.  "The council ordered me not to tell you... but I wanted you to know... you deserve the right to know..."  The Captain said with kind eyes.  "I'm sorry," He repeated.
Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Daisy's Chamber

"I have sad news to bring to you, my Lady..."  He said with a deep dark, gentle cooing voice.  He placed a white rose on the princess' table.  "I'm afraid your brother, King Adonis, has been slain in battle..."  He sat next to her, and looked into her eyes.  "I'm very sorry for your loss..."  He said as he watched her reaction.  "The council ordered me not to tell you... but I wanted you to know... you deserve the right to know..."  The Captain said with kind eyes.  "I'm sorry," He repeated.

Daisys eyes watered. She looked at him and her knees started to give in. "F...father...", she muttered. "Now... brother..." She leaned onto Elucifer, unable to stand by herself. Tears ran down her face. "Brother is dead... im all alone..", she whispered and cried, cuddling into the man that held her, just because she needed someone near her. She needed the strong shoulder. She needed soothing. 
Daisys eyes watered. She looked at him and her knees started to give in. "F...father...", she muttered. "Now... brother..." She leaned onto Elucifer, unable to stand by herself. Tears ran down her face. "Brother is dead... im all alone..", she whispered and cried, cuddling into the man that held her, just because she needed someone near her. She needed the strong shoulder. She needed soothing. 

He moved in to her and accepted her embrace,  He rested her face on his shoulder.  And stroked her back.  "I know how you feel... the King was like a brother to me... the loss is unbearable..."  He said as he tried to comfort her.  "Don't worry my Lady... I will always be here by your side... you will never be alone..."  He said as she sobbed.  He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped tears off her cheek.  "You are now the acting ruler of Albion... its a small consolation to your brother's death.  I hope you feel up to leading the people in his absence..."  He said as he wiped the other cheek.  "The advisors didn't want me to tell you of your brother's death because they don't want you to know of your position..."  He said as he looked into her eyes.  "They will use your brothers death to steal the kingdom from you... did you know that?  They don't think you are strong enough to handle a kingdom..."  He said as he calmed her down.  "I much rather serve you, Your Majesty, than those old relics... I would do anything in my power to defend your throne from them.  Would you accept me as your chosen knight?  I will do anything to serve you now... my new Queen..."  
LOCATION: Astrid's Bar

'So that's  why there's roses.' He thought, amused. Seemed like Sir Skeleton got savagely rejected by a mere bar-lady. 'Serves those idiot knights right; they don't get rejected often nowadays.' Before a smirk could form on his ashy lips, the skeleton knight faced him and suddenly took out a handful of currency and treasure.

Not only did his eyes widen, but his mouth did as well. He had nearly let his cigar slip from between his fingers, just like how the boisterious knight did with the riches. As the gold coins and gems clattered against the floor of the bar, Vance's heart thrummed with each individal sound. But then he remembered to compose himself.

He put on a playful but spiteful grin before exhaling some smoke in the direction of the skeleton. 

"What's that now? A noble knight like you bribin' some sort of scum like me to come and offer you company?" Vance chuckled as he shook his head.

"This is some kinda joke, isn't it? But~ those riches don't look fake." He crouched down to pick up the fallen payment. 'He already looks like a punchline, but beggars can't be choosers. This could keep me goin' for a week or two...'

After he finished gathering it all up, he stood up and winked at the skeleton. 

"I gotta be honest, knight with a weird hairdo, ya aren't even near on being a reward to anything. But if ya want me to accompany ya or whatever, ya gotta pay me more on the way. This is just for...accepting the invitation. Are my terms alright with ya?" 

'Do it for the money, I need it.'

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He moved in to her and accepted her embrace,  He rested her face on his shoulder.  And stroked her back.  "I know how you feel... the King was like a brother to me... the loss is unbearable..."  He said as he tried to comfort her.  "Don't worry my Lady... I will always be here by your side... you will never be alone..."  He said as she sobbed.  He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped tears off her cheek.  "You are now the acting ruler of Albion... its a small consolation to your brother's death.  I hope you feel up to leading the people in his absence..."  He said as he wiped the other cheek.  "The advisors didn't want me to tell you of your brother's death because they don't want you to know of your position..."  He said as he looked into her eyes.  "They will use your brothers death to steal the kingdom from you... did you know that?  They don't think you are strong enough to handle a kingdom..."  He said as he calmed her down.  "I much rather serve you, Your Majesty, than those old relics... I would do anything in my power to defend your throne from them.  Would you accept me as your chosen knight?  I will do anything to serve you now... my new Queen..."  

Daisy was soothed by his words, her crying got less. She remained sad, obviously, but in his arms she felt so... protected. She felt good, like nothing in the world could disturb their embrace. And that feeling was soothing. She snuggled a bit more. She never wanted to leave this hug again. The moment she did, reality would crush down on her harshly. But now, all she knew was the warmth of his body. "Im queen...", she muttered. "I... I dont know... I know nothing of politics. Im not able to lead a kingdom... Though i much appreciate your trust in me... Elucifer, i trust you too, i would lay my life in your hands. Anything. But... Do you really think i can manage this?" Her eyes searched his, looking for a sign of if he was speaking truth. 
Daisy was soothed by his words, her crying got less. She remained sad, obviously, but in his arms she felt so... protected. She felt good, like nothing in the world could disturb their embrace. And that feeling was soothing. She snuggled a bit more. She never wanted to leave this hug again. The moment she did, reality would crush down on her harshly. But now, all she knew was the warmth of his body. "Im queen...", she muttered. "I... I dont know... I know nothing of politics. Im not able to lead a kingdom... Though i much appreciate your trust in me... Elucifer, i trust you too, i would lay my life in your hands. Anything. But... Do you really think i can manage this?" Her eyes searched his, looking for a sign of if he was speaking truth. 

Location: Daisy's room

"No other person can lead this country, my dear Daisy..."  He said, referring her by name.  "The officials are all corrupt... not only will they attempt to kill you, they will also make the country a living hell for the people..."  The knight said with a noble tone in his voice.  "In fact... my agents have found this in the room of one of the officials..."  Elucifer took out a small empty vial marked with small letters right on the glass.  "Do you know what this is, my Queen?"  The Knight placed the glass object onto Daisy's hands.  "My knights concluded that this is an extract made from the petals of a Nightfang flower..."  He said looking at her gentle hands.  "This extract is known to have adverse effects on anyone to ingests it.  Those who fall victim to it will act irrational and aggressive.  Have you noticed changes in the king's behavior lately?"  He asked the girl.  

"I have a feeling that the officials have been plotting to overthrow your family from the very beginning... they probably even poisoned your father..."  The knight grit his teeth in anger.  "These men want nothing more than power, my queen... if they take over, the people will suffer..."  He urged her.  "In fact... my men have seen them conspire about leaving the palace and joining the Fairfax rebellion!  They have even been seen telling the rebel forces vital information about our Kingdom!"  The knight installed fear into the princess.  "But fear not, milady... I have a clever proposition..."  He started.  "If you command, I will order my men to arrest every single official for questioning... I cant have them keep planning their schemes... I will protect you from them..."
LOCATION: Astrid's Bar

'So that's  why there's roses.' He thought, amused. Seemed like Sir Skeleton got savagely rejected by a mere bar-lady. 'Serves those idiot knights right; they don't get rejected often nowadays.' Before a smirk could form on his ashy lips, the skeleton knight faced him and suddenly took out a handful of currency and treasure.

Not only did his eyes widen, but his mouth did as well. He had nearly let his cigar slip from between his fingers, just like how the boisterious knight did with the riches. As the gold coins and gems clattered against the floor of the bar, Vance's heart thrummed with each individal sound. But then he remembered to compose himself.

He put on a playful but spiteful grin before exhaling some smoke in the direction of the skeleton. 

"What's that now? A noble knight like you bribin' some sort of scum like me to come and offer you company?" Vance chuckled as he shook his head.

"This is some kinda joke, isn't it? But~ those riches don't look fake." He crouched down to pick up the fallen payment. 'He already looks like a punchline, but beggars can't be choosers. This could keep me goin' for a week or two...'

After he finished gathering it all up, he stood up and winked at the skeleton. 

"I gotta be honest, knight with a weird hairdo, ya aren't even near on being a reward to anything. But if ya want me to accompany ya or whatever, ya gotta pay me more on the way. This is just for...accepting the invitation. Are my terms alright with ya?" 

'Do it for the money, I need it.'


"Hahaha I like a man with a thirst for treasure!"  Senor Fred put his hand into his pocket once more and sprinkled more gold and treasure over Vance.  "Here we go... for extra measure! HAHAHA!"  The skeletal knight laughed as rubies and emeralds rained down on the stranger.  "I have a feeling we could be friends, senor... what is your name by the way?"  The Hero asked.  "I'm sure you know my name already... It is Frederico Hidalgo de Enrcarnacion y Los Angeles Clippers Cabellerio... but you can call me Senor Fred..."  The knight started clip clopping out of Astrid's bar... leaving a filthy mess.
Location: Daisy's room

"No other person can lead this country, my dear Daisy..."  He said, referring her by name.  "The officials are all corrupt... not only will they attempt to kill you, they will also make the country a living hell for the people..."  The knight said with a noble tone in his voice.  "In fact... my agents have found this in the room of one of the officials..."  Elucifer took out a small empty vial marked with small letters right on the glass.  "Do you know what this is, my Queen?"  The Knight placed the glass object onto Daisy's hands.  "My knights concluded that this is an extract made from the petals of a Nightfang flower..."  He said looking at her gentle hands.  "This extract is known to have adverse effects on anyone to ingests it.  Those who fall victim to it will act irrational and aggressive.  Have you noticed changes in the king's behavior lately?"  He asked the girl.  

"I have a feeling that the officials have been plotting to overthrow your family from the very beginning... they probably even poisoned your father..."  The knight grit his teeth in anger.  "These men want nothing more than power, my queen... if they take over, the people will suffer..."  He urged her.  "In fact... my men have seen them conspire about leaving the palace and joining the Fairfax rebellion!  They have even been seen telling the rebel forces vital information about our Kingdom!"  The knight installed fear into the princess.  "But fear not, milady... I have a clever proposition..."  He started.  "If you command, I will order my men to arrest every single official for questioning... I cant have them keep planning their schemes... I will protect you from them..."

Daisy looked at the little glass object. Her eyes got hard. Cold. But sad. "Poisoned... father...", she muttered. "Poisoned brother...", she continued. "And now me?" She looked up. "Your my white knight. Elucifer, i value you over everyone here in the palace, except maybe Aegis. She has my full trust too. But if you tell me they plot that... Then it must be true." She took his hands, holding them gently. "Enprison them. Interrogate them. If they confess, execute them." Those words were harsh and the princess had never said such a terrible thing before. "And you, you shall be my advisor, just like Aegis will. Advisor and General." She kissed him on the cheek gently. "I trust you fully. My mind and...", she blushed. "Heart tell me you would never lie to me."
Daisy looked at the little glass object. Her eyes got hard. Cold. But sad. "Poisoned... father...", she muttered. "Poisoned brother...", she continued. "And now me?" She looked up. "Your my white knight. Elucifer, i value you over everyone here in the palace, except maybe Aegis. She has my full trust too. But if you tell me they plot that... Then it must be true." She took his hands, holding them gently. "Enprison them. Interrogate them. If they confess, execute them." Those words were harsh and the princess had never said such a terrible thing before. "And you, you shall be my advisor, just like Aegis will. Advisor and General." She kissed him on the cheek gently. "I trust you fully. My mind and...", she blushed. "Heart tell me you would never lie to me."

Elucifer smirked slightly before bowing.  "As you command, my Queen...  It will be an honor to serve as your advisor..."  He drowned his victorious grin with a face of noble responsibility.  He then flinched slightly when he heard the name 'Aegis'. He didn't say anything about it.  Aegis Caliburn?  Really?  That dark skinned makeshift knight from the slums as General?  How absurd! He thought as he bowed.  "Princess I must act out your commands quickly so that I can intercept their plans... I will make sure to arrest every single one of them!"  he reached for her hand and kissed the top of it.  "My lady, your Kingdom will be one full of smiles and happiness.  Imagine the future... all your subjects will fall in love with you..."  He said as he blurted out something in a softer voice.  "just like I did..."  He said quickly before standing up.  "Farewell for now, Princess..."

Success... the plan goes through... once I get rid of my enemies... the kingdom will be mine!

[COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)][SIZE= 16px]EMPLOYED: Journey with a Knight[/COLOR][/SIZE]

LOCATION: Astrid's Bar, heading to only the skeleton knows where.

"Sounds like a deal --" He began, but he stopped abruptly when the knight suddenly showered him with more jewels and coins. While the rain of precious metal and stone clonked against his head, he mustered up a sheepish grin before he closed his eyes. Because if that idiotic knight saw the malice that laid in his gaze, it would probably be over and he would return home poor as ever.

When he no longer felt the riches falling down his head, he opened his eyes and embraced the sight of the small pile of treasure at his feet. 'How the hell can I carry this with me?' 

"You're an awfully generous knight, aren't ya?" Vance murmured as he crouched down to repeat what he did before.

'Why does he keep droppin' on the ground, though? Stuck-up buffoon...'

"Friends? Nah, more like...short-term acquaintances. Very, very short." He replied while stuffing his payment down his pockets. 'Hope this all fits in there.'

He had to look away when the knight introduced himself, for he was biting down on his tongue -- hard. It suited the skeleton very well, a ridiculous name for a ridiculous persona. 

"Ha... what a name, don't ya reckon? Mine's just --" He watched him stride towards the exit before he could even finish. 

" -- Vance. Huh, okay then." 

He shook his head in an attempt on getting rid of the heat in his head, and stalked after Senõr Fred.

Before he left the bar, he took in one last smoke before burning the entire cigarette into dust and letting it settle on the ground. It cleaned itself when the doors opened since the wind scooped it up somewhere else.

As he followed after him, Vance would be glaring or staring solemnly at the back of the knight's head.

'Darn, I forgot to ask what the whole journey thing would be for. Then again, I don't want to really speak to this idiot. Suppose I'll  find out the hard way.'

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EMPLOYED: Journey with a Knight

LOCATION: Astrid's Bar, heading to only the skeleton knows where.

"Sounds like a deal --" He began, but he stopped abruptly when the knight suddenly showered him with more jewels and coins. While the rain of precious metal and stone clonked against his head, he mustered up a sheepish grin before he closed his eyes. Because if that idiotic knight saw the malice that laid in his gaze, it would probably be over and he would return home poor as ever.

When he no longer felt the riches falling down his head, he opened his eyes and embraced the sight of the small pile of treasure at his feet. 'How the hell can I carry this with me?' 

"You're an awfully generous knight, aren't ya?" Vance murmured as he crouched down to repeat what he did before.

'Why does he keep droppin' on the ground, though? Stuck-up buffoon...'

"Friends? Nah, more like...short-term acquaintances. Very, very short." He replied while stuffing his payment down his pockets. 'Hope this all fits in there.'

He had to look away when the knight introduced himself, for he was biting down on his tongue -- hard. It suited the skeleton very well, a ridiculous name for a ridiculous persona. 

"Ha... what a name, don't ya reckon? Mine's just --" He watched him stride towards the exit before he could even finish. 

" -- Vance. Huh, okay then." 

He shook his head in an attempt on getting rid of the heat in his head, and stalked after Senõr Fred.

Before he left the bar, he took in one last smoke before burning the entire cigarette into dust and letting it settle on the ground. It cleaned itself when the doors opened since the wind scooped it up somewhere else.

As he followed after him, Vance would be glaring or staring solemnly at the back of the knight's head.

'Darn, I forgot to ask what the whole journey thing would be for. Then again, I don't want to really speak to this idiot. Suppose I'll  find out the hard way.'


"Vance huh... rhymes with... Lance..."  The skeletal hero clip clopped along Bowerstone's stone roads.  "Riches are just riches Amigo... you can't take that with you when you die..."  Senor Fred explained.  "I make it a goal in my life to give money to those who need it.  Besides, monsters in raid dungeons just drop those treasures every time you kill them... wonder why people don't just go to those..."  The skeleton laughed.  "Okay, so what we need to do is find out clues about this ARC place..."  Senor Fred said as he clip clopped along.  "Any ideas?"  He said as the horse urinated on a stone sign saying 'Albion Research Center'.  "If the thug wasn't lying, this ARC place should where they bring their hostages.  It should be our job to rescue them Amigo..."  He told Vance.  "But it's killing me... what is the ARC?  I should have asked the thug when I had the chance!"  Senor Fred facepalmed.
"I practice Life magic..." She said as she sat up, now having her wounds healed. "I can heal broken bones and such, but have not learned to heal myself..." she said with a bit of embarrassment "But I am trying to learn."


Location: Fort Black

"hmmmmm, you kind of explained why your here, but why show up at the guild?" Larei thought about his reasoning for being here. He truly didn't have one. Not much a good one at least. "And why do you hate government?" Now we would try to change the outcome. Maybe make a difference in the world.
LOCATION: Bowerstone

"Mhm, you're absolutely right"  .... "That' very honourable of you to do such a thing" He murmured behind Senõr Fred's back. He didn't bother to prevent sarcasm from entering his tone -- and the fact that he was half-listening. 

Until the skeleton knight actually said something of value.

Vance had halted a few horse-steps away from Senõr Fred when they had stopped on a particular road in Bowerstone. 

"ARC, huh? Well I reckon that it could be an acronym for somethin'." He replied warily. 'Probably an average villager could even point that out.' 

He just shrugged in response to the skeleton knight's regret on not asking for more details to whoever gave him this information. 'Proves on how stupid you really are, Sir Skeleton.' He allowed himself to grin at the thought.

"Hold on a sec, are ya sayin' that this is a rescue mission?" Vance rubbed his jaw and sighed.

"This isn't what I'm made for, knight." 'He must be doing the job about that shady organisation....the one I didn't wanna do. Darn it. Atleast I'm getting payed extra for this.' He somehow cheered up at the last part.

It was good that he stayed a distance from them, since Senõr Fred's horse went and peed on a sign by the road. He didn't exactly know why his eyes followed the trail of the stream of urine in the first place, but it managed to help him notice the words etched onto the stone. Vance squinted at the wet stone and bared a little toothy grin.

"Don't go and fret, skeleton. Seems like your horse found more than a clue to this mystery place." Instinctively, he reached in his pocket for a cigarette but found none. Frowning slightly, he moved onto his coats' breastpocket and took out a toothpick to chew on. 

"Ya reckon that those folks in there would experiment on us if we dared to intrude?" 

'They'll be more busy focusin' on you anyway. If I remember right, they target non-humans. How fun for them.'

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"Mhm, you're absolutely right"  .... "That' very honourable of you to do such a thing" He murmured behind Senõr Fred's back. He didn't bother to prevent sarcasm from entering his tone -- and the fact that he was half-listening. 

Until the skeleton knight actually said something of value.

Vance had halted a few horse-steps away from Senõr Fred when they had stopped on a particular road in Bowerstone. 

"ARC, huh? Well I reckon that ig could be an acronym for somethin'." He replied warily. 'Probably an average villager could even point that out.' 

He just shrugged in response to the skeleton knight's regret on not asking for more details to whoever gave him this information. 'Proves on how stupid you really are, Sir Skeleton.' He allowed himself to grin at the thought.

"Hold on a sec, are ya sayin' that this is a rescue mission?" Vance rubbed his jaw and sighed.

"This isn't what I'm made for, knight." 'He must be doing the job about that shady organisation....the one I didn't wanna do. Darn it. Atleast I'm getting payed extra for this.' He somehow cheered up at the last part.

It was good that he stayed a distance from them, since Senõr Fred's horse went and peed on a sign by the road. He didn't exactly know why his eyes followed the trail of the stream of urine in the first place, but it managed to help him notice the words etched onto the stone. Vance squinted at the wet stone and bared a little toothy grin.

"Don't go and fret, skeleton. Seems like your horse found more than a clue to this mystery place." Instinctively, he reached in his pocket for a cigarette but found none. Frowning slightly, he moved onto his coats' breastpocket and took out a toothpick to chew on. 

"Ya reckon that those folks in there would experiment on us if we dared to intrude?" 

'They'll be more busy focusin' on you anyway. If I remember right, they target non-humans. How fun for them.'


The skeleton knight looked at what Vance pointed out.  "Increible, Senor Vance... I knew I picked the right person for the job!"  Senor Fred praised the stranger when he realized ARC really did stand for 'Albion Research Center'.  "Come on, Amigo... there is no time to dawdle... we have people to rescue..."  A bony finger pointed at the main entrance of the large fortress.  "Lets go!"  The horseman drove his horse to the building's glass doors, breaking it and causing a huge commotion.  The secretary that worked at the front desk screamed as she saw the undead creature enter the building nonchalantly!  "Evildoers!  Where are you keeping the hostages!  Tell me now or prepare for my wrath!"  The skeleton made a flash flamenco pose as he clopped along the panicking stampede of scientists and mages.  

"Undead!  Help!  Someone!"  The scientists screamed as Senor Fred looked around him.  The white walled building contained nothing but alchemical equipment and lab rats.  The horse clumsily broke glass flasks and bottles containing unknown fluids.  "Senor Vance?  Are you sure this is the place?"  He called out.  "Hmmm... maybe this is some sort of front... like in Pokemon where you have to press a button under a poster to reveal team Rocket's hideout!"  Senor Fred ripped off a poster of Alchemy elements of the wall.  "Nothing!"
Elucifer Lyserg

Location: Bowerstone

As soon as the princess declared the order, Elucifer immediately dispatched his troops to arrest the officials who slept soundly in their homes.  ghostly white knights with violet capes marched along the streets towards the officials.  White gauntlets slammed on the doors, waking up the ministers.  One of the peaked out from his door.  "What's the meaning of this?"  An old man asked.  

"Sir, you are under arrest, by order of the princess..."  The Royal Knight kicked open the door, knocking the old man on his bottom.  They straddled him and wrapped his wrists with rope.  The old man screamed in pain.

When the officials refused to open their doors, the white knights simply burst the doors open with their heavy boots.  The screaming disgraced officials were forcefully dragged out of their houses and arrested.

There were some officials that used magic to resist arrest... however they were quickly silenced by the blade of the Assassination corps.

Elucifer watched from up on the rooftops... savoring the screams of his potential political enemies.  They will not be given a trial... they will be executed for treason.  It's just one step in securing his place as Albion's one and only ruler.  

One of the men tried to escape from the knights... Elucifer aimed his bow and arrow carefully and followed the man with his eye.  He released the bow and skewered the official's skull with a well placed arrow.  He grinned triumphantly.
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC

He shrugged off the praise from the knight and mentally knuckled his brain. He might of considered it  as an insult rather than a compliment since it came  from a knight.

He watched in shock as Senõr Fred riled up his steed and dash into the laboratory, breaking the expensive glass doorway in the process. From the shattering of the glass, screaming of the folks inside and the skeleton's booming voice, Vance cringed heavily. 

"I'm doin' it for my own benefit. Doin' it for the money. Come on, man." He whispered to himself before forcing his legs to jog in pursuit of Senõr Fred. 

When he had timidly stepped through the broken entrance, the knight was already tearing down the place. Vance raised his hand and used it to run through his greasy black hair. 

"Hey! Your horse found it, not me." He called out to the skeleton as he gave sheepish looks to the folks that were in a panic.

He took a moment to scan the area, ignoring the noise around him, before giving up. There was nothing much of value that could be sold to the black market for a decent price. Unless he wanted to keep a rat as a pet, which he didn't.

"I don't know what "pokemon" is, or this "Team Rocket" -- and ya know what? I'm just, I'm just gonna wait outside. Finish your business here first, yeah?" Vance took one step back and fell on a loose part of the floor. It must've rose when the horse's hooves came stampeding inside. When he tried to steady himself, his hand brushed against some sort of switch and ...

He began his descent into the depths of the laboratory. 

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LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC

He shrugged off the praise from the knight and mentally knuckled his brain. He might of considered it  as an insult rather than a compliment since it came  from a knight. He watched in shock as Senõr Fred riled up his steed and dash into the laboratory, breaking the expensive glass doorway in the process. From the shattering of the glass, screaming of the folks inside and the skeleton's booming voice, Vance cringed heavily. 

"I'm doin' it for my own benefit. Doin' it for the money. Come on, man." He whispered to himself before forcing his legs to jog in pursuit of Senõr Fred. 

When he had timidly stepped through the broken entrance, the knight was already tearing down the place. Vance raised his hand and used it to run through greasy black hair. 

"Hey! Your horse found it, not me." He called out to the skeleton and gave sheepish looks to the folks that were in a panic. He took a moment to scan the area and ignored the noise around him, before giving up. There was nothing much of value that could be sold to the black market for a decent price. Unless he wanted to keep a rat as a pet, which he didn't.

"I don't know what "pokemon" is, or this "Team Rocket" -- and ya know what? I'm just, I'm just gonna wait outside. Finish your business here first, yeah?" Vance took one step back and fell on a loose part of the floor. It must've rose when the horse's hooves came stampeding inside. When he tried to steady himself, his hand brushed against some sort of switch and ...

He fell. 


Senor Fred looked around for his companion.  "Amigo?"  He bent his body down to look under a table.  "Senor Vance... I know you share the same thirst for Justice as I do... but it's better for us to work together!  I want to fight bad guys too!"  The skeleton spoke out as the scientists evacuated the building.

Lorelei Scylla

Location: ARC Basement level

A green haired woman watched a screen as red lights flickered around her.  "Master, we have an intruder..."  A coffin-like device said as Lorelei watched the man fall into one of her specimen chambers.  A look of amusement appeared on her face as a large shadow slowly crawled towards the fallen man.

When Vance comes to, he should find himself in a pitch black room lit only by a single red light at the far corner.  The scent of carcasses and manure should immediately fill the air.

Two glowing eyes turned to face the fallen man.  A giant silhouette rushed towards the location of his breathing.

It roared with animalistic rage as it saw the man as its next meal. 
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Chamber

He didn't even feel  the ground rushing to meet the back of his body, but he knew he must've been knocked out for a atleast a few good seconds. The harsh irritation in his nose was the reason why his brain awakened, and he did not wake up wonderfully. Vance moaned and rubbed the back of his head. He was aching, especially at the spinal area. He opened his eyes but saw nothing. At first he thought he didn't open them at all, but a flickering red light caught his attention. It was dim, but it grew brighter as his head gradually composed itself.

And then the smell nearly made him pass out again. Gasping, he covered his nose in a vain effort to block out the smell of corpses and feces. Above him, he swore he could've heard the skeleton knight's voice, but his senses became muddled due to the dizzying stench of the room. 

'Ah, shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.' 

A roar in the darkness shook his entire body and only for a split second did he make eye-contact with the glowing eyes in the shadows, before his lips moved on their own to cast the spell of Smoke Phantasm. It was a common reaction to close your eyes when you're expecting to be hit by something, and that's what Vance had done when the beast leapt towards him -- and passed through him. 

When he opened his eyes, he couldn't see the beast's bulk unless the ray of the red light flashed against it. He sighed in relief and quickly glided to the ceiling, aiming for the opening to where he had fallen. 

"Tough luck, ya shadowy lug. I've got a life to live that isn't yours to take." Vance chortled.

'This hatch better not close. But then again, I can just pass through it. It better not be resistant to magic then. Hope this the entire walls of this whole darn chamber isn't.'


Location: Fort Black

"hmmmmm, you kind of explained why your here, but why show up at the guild?" Larei thought about his reasoning for being here. He truly didn't have one. Not much a good one at least. "And why do you hate government?" Now we would try to change the outcome. Maybe make a difference in the world.

Ashlynn sighed. She trusted Larei a bit, so maybe she could tell him. "Okay... Larei... Have you ever heard of the Carion?" She asked him as she ran her hand through her brunette hair. "and do you know how their government and society work?"

(Srry for short reply. Busy.)

Marcella, Djinn of destruction.

dark forest entry

Marcella shuddered a bit as he picked up the locket. 

"I'm no paltry demon Virgil, my power far exceeds that of a demon... But I cannot tell you much more until you free me, open the locket, and all my power and knowledge will be yours." From this close the voice was loud, she could have told him more but dear god she wanted out of this prison. So she did what she could to sweeten the offer, a pulse would surge through the locket lick a jolt of electricity, and up Virgil's arm. Flashing images of the Djinn war and the terrible power and weapons they wielded. They filled sky's with fire and Lightning, weapons that turned living beings into lead, weapons that downed cities by being pointed at them. 

Worlds were broken...


But just as suddenly as it had begun the visions were cut short. 

"That is all I can reveal Virgil... This is but a portion of what you can be shown, their power can be yours." 

She hoped he would listen with every fiber of her being, she could almost taste the air now...

Kyrule King of Ur 

Several miles northwest of fairfax.

Kyrule and his Baloth breakers continued south heading for the city of fairfax. They were not coming with ill will towards the city, but they needed travel gear. However twenty one trollkin armed to the teeth and wearing armor was a very intimidating sight. He approached the gate with his elites and stood waiting to be greeted. 

(Anyone at fairfax) 

Marcella, Djinn of destruction.

dark forest entry

Marcella shuddered a bit as he picked up the locket. 

"I'm no paltry demon Virgil, my power far exceeds that of a demon... But I cannot tell you much more until you free me, open the locket, and all my power and knowledge will be yours." From this close the voice was loud, she could have told him more but dear god she wanted out of this prison. So she did what she could to sweeten the offer, a pulse would surge through the locket lick a jolt of electricity, and up Virgil's arm. Flashing images of the Djinn war and the terrible power and weapons they wielded. They filled sky's with fire and Lightning, weapons that turned living beings into lead, weapons that downed cities by being pointed at them. 

Worlds were broken...


But just as suddenly as it had begun the visions were cut short. 

"That is all I can reveal Virgil... This is but a portion of what you can be shown, their power can be yours." 

She hoped he would listen with every fiber of her being, she could almost taste the air now...

Kyrule King of Ur 

Several miles northwest of fairfax.

Kyrule and his Baloth breakers continued south heading for the city of fairfax. They were not coming with ill will towards the city, but they needed travel gear. However twenty one trollkin armed to the teeth and wearing armor was a very intimidating sight. He approached the gate with his elites and stood waiting to be greeted. 

(Anyone at fairfax) 

Location: Dark Forest Entry

In the vision of the terrible war, Vergil reconsidered doing what Marcella asked him for. "Power, and knowledge?" Vergil asked slowly, curiosity in his voice, albeit you could say he was thinking about what to do. Vergil stood there for several seconds, still thinking what the outcomes of his choice could be at this point. He made the decision that without risk, he can't gain more power, or knowledge. Both of the words were like music to his ears, they were exactly what he wanted, and what he needed right now. "Then come." he said, and opened the locket that Marcella was in, although being prepared, or at least hoping he was prepared for anything. "Then come and show me this power." Vergil repeated calmly.
Location: Dark Forest Entry

In the vision of the terrible war, Vergil reconsidered doing what Marcella asked him for. "Power, and knowledge?" Vergil asked slowly, curiosity in his voice, albeit you could say he was thinking about what to do. Vergil stood there for several seconds, still thinking what the outcomes of his choice could be at this point. He made the decision that without risk, he can't gain more power, or knowledge. Both of the words were like music to his ears, they were exactly what he wanted, and what he needed right now. "Then come." he said, and opened the locket that Marcella was in, although being prepared, or at least hoping he was prepared for anything. "Then come and show me this power." Vergil repeated calmly.

"You are about to open something, that could cause this world to end.", a dark voice spoke. Out of the nothingness, a figure in black armor, a mask of a skull on the face, but one eye showing, arose from the ground. "You are powerful. I feel that.", the being said. "Would you be interested to get another ally into your lines? My conditions are simple and fair. I get to kill the traitorous demon Mephisto Pheles.", Grim said. Her tone was bare of emotion, bare of anything at all. "You can count Grim, the harbinger of worlds destruction, in your lines." Surely, the demon would have heard her name. How could he not. If he was from the Netherlands, he had to know her. If he was living is this world, he had to know her as well.
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