Main IC RP

Marcella Djinn of Destruction 

Dark forest Edge. 

As the locket open a pressure filled the air making it thick and hard to breath. A pinkish tinge filled the air. Several tiny bits of pink matter form together into... A tiny pink woman wearing loosely  fitting clothes that seemed otherworldly. 

"Ah finally...that prison was terrible." Marcella says seeming to stretch to and fro. 

She looks up at Virgil and the other being. 

"Thank you master..." She says to Virgil bowing at his feet my "how may I demonstrate this power for you?" She asks still bowed. She doesn't speak to grim but acknowledges her presence with a nod making no effort to contest what she said. 

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"You are about to open something, that could cause this world to end.", a dark voice spoke. Out of the nothingness, a figure in black armor, a mask of a skull on the face, but one eye showing, arose from the ground. "You are powerful. I feel that.", the being said. "Would you be interested to get another ally into your lines? My conditions are simple and fair. I get to kill the traitorous demon Mephisto Pheles.", Grim said. Her tone was bare of emotion, bare of anything at all. "You can count Grim, the harbinger of worlds destruction, in your lines." Surely, the demon would have heard her name. How could he not. If he was from the Netherlands, he had to know her. If he was living is this world, he had to know her as well.

Marcella Djinn of Destruction 

Dark forest Edge. 

As the locket open a pressure filled the air making it thick and hard to breath. A pinkish tinge filled the air. Several tiny bits of pink matter form together into... A tiny pink woman wearing loosely  fitting clothes that seemed otherworldly. 

"Ah finally...that prison was terrible." Marcella says seeming to stretch to and fro. 

She looks up at Virgil and the other being. 

"Thank you master..." She says to Virgil bowing at his feet my "how may I demonstrate this power for you?" She asks still bowed. She doesn't speak to grim but acknowledges her presence with a nod making no effort to contest what she said. 

Location: Dark Forest Entry

Vergil turned around after freeing Marcella, hearing both of the women speak. He looked at Grim, inspecting her and recognizing who she was. "Why do you want to kill my uncle?" he asked. Vergil was surely looking for more allies, that would mean being more powerful, however from the other side... Mephisto Pheles was the only family that Vergil had left. Losing him would be... most unfortunate, of course, there is a price for everything, and if there was a price to be returned for his death that was worthy of it, then Vergil would come to accept it and take profit from it. So far, having Grim as an ally would prove most useful to Vergil so he intended on accepting her offer, however he was still curious behind her reasoning, and perhaps due to being blood-related to Mephisto she could betray him. First, he needed it, he needed the reason. He ignored Marcella speaking behind him, as he had plans for everything prepared, including a moment where she is to demonstrate her abilities.
Location: Dark Forest Entry

Vergil turned around after freeing Marcella, hearing both of the women speak. He looked at Grim, inspecting her and recognizing who she was. "Why do you want to kill my uncle?" he asked. Vergil was surely looking for more allies, that would mean being more powerful, however from the other side... Mephisto Pheles was the only family that Vergil had left. Losing him would be... most unfortunate, of course, there is a price for everything, and if there was a price to be returned for his death that was worthy of it, then Vergil would come to accept it and take profit from it. So far, having Grim as an ally would prove most useful to Vergil so he intended on accepting her offer, however he was still curious behind her reasoning, and perhaps due to being blood-related to Mephisto she could betray him. First, he needed it, he needed the reason. He ignored Marcella speaking behind him, as he had plans for everything prepared, including a moment where she is to demonstrate her abilities.

Grim did not move, not while Marcella was freed and not afterwards. She listened to Vergil. "Because that scum is the one that once banished me, sealed me into neverending torture. My army was almost endless, the world was about to fall. But that demon ruined everything. He will pay. With his life. But not before i return every little inch of torture i had to endure in the nothingness i was sealed into." Grims voice was cold the whole time, free of any wrath. That made it even more dark. 

Marcella djinn of destruction 

dark forest entry 

Marcella waited patiently smirking slightly as she heard grim tell her new master her story. She stayed on her knees and restrained her aura pulling the pink tinge out and causing the pressure to fade. 

Her poture was perfect even in this bowed position. As she waited she shifted her eyes around gaining a bearing of her surroundings. This planet had forests and intelligent life, they were able to use magic, a good sign, and were apparently Violent, an even better sign. 

Her grin turned into a full blown smile.

this contract might actually prove to be fun...

she thought to herself as she waited.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid's face was still red. She took another sip of her ale and calmed down slightly. She turned around, picked up her bottle of Pyrotonic. She walked around the counter, up to the pile of rose petals. She popped open the bottle with a bit of rage and poured it all over the petals. It erupted in flames. She placed her hand on her face as the pile burnt into the smell of roses. Why... Every goddamn time... She looked back up and saw the petals disappear into flames, leaving nothing. Walking back to her place, she thought, Well, it was bound to happen one day.

Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene heard the people running to the northern gates. An officer came into the study room. "Trollkins at our gate." Selene stood up, "What are the scouts doing?!" She ran out of the house towards the gate. Another officer ran up beside her. "Trollkins passed Old Man's Crossing." "A bit late, don't you think? What happened out there?" "Sorry Madam, our forces had difficulty with the rain yesterday." Selene shook her head and continued

She arrived at the gates to see twenty one trollkins. Selene's best squad arrived closely behind her. "15 of us reporting for duty. We also have 30 archers and mages positioned along the walls." "Thank you Emily." Selene walked forward to address the Trollkin behind the gate. "I am Selene De Blanche, commander of the Fairfax army. Kyrule, King of Ur, what brings you and your men to Fairfax?"

Grim did not move, not while Marcella was freed and not afterwards. She listened to Vergil. "Because that scum is the one that once banished me, sealed me into neverending torture. My army was almost endless, the world was about to fall. But that demon ruined everything. He will pay. With his life. But not before i return every little inch of torture i had to endure in the nothingness i was sealed into." Grims voice was cold the whole time, free of any wrath. That made it even more dark. 

Marcella djinn of destruction 

dark forest entry 

Marcella waited patiently smirking slightly as she heard grim tell her new master her story. She stayed on her knees and restrained her aura pulling the pink tinge out and causing the pressure to fade. 

Her poture was perfect even in this bowed position. As she waited she shifted her eyes around gaining a bearing of her surroundings. This planet had forests and intelligent life, they were able to use magic, a good sign, and were apparently Violent, an even better sign. 

Her grin turned into a full blown smile.

this contract might actually prove to be fun...

she thought to herself as she waited.

Location: Dark Forest Entry

Vergil nodded. "Our next destination is north of the Guild, by half a kilometer. There, we will meet the Trollkin King. Meet me there in four hours from now." he said to Grim, looking and not caring for her hatred for his Uncle. An ally like this would prove useful in all sorts of ways. Vergil turned the corner of his sight towards Marcella, then said. "I have to collect more allies for the hunt." His next move was to hire Astrid, as an alchemist was useful to have around in case of injury or in need of buffs, while there were also multiple individuals in Bowerstone that could be hired, or convinced to help him. Anyone that could prove useful when hunting down the Scathia would be of great need, and variety was utterly important. One hundred archers were useless. They weren't just hunting down a dragon here. They were hunting a being that ate the biggest dragons in one to two bites, and was worshipped by the smaller ones as a living, walking God. This was not a quest to be taken lightly. Vergil needed the best available people in the highest possible numbers. He turned to Marcella and said. "You, come with me." and continued walking to Bowerstone. He had to orchestrate everything properly, else the Guild would discover what he's up to, and now that it was a part of the Kingdom... it could be even worse than just the Guild. Messing with a whole Kingdom wasn't a light thing either.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil walked into the bar spontaneously and sat by the oaken counter on one of the wooden chairs. He stared at Astrid momentarily. Vergil bluntly, and out of the blue asked Astrid. "What could an alchemist like you want? - Money? Ingredients? Fame? Power? Knowledge? What is the price for your servitude?" clearly seeking something else than alcohol this time. His eyes were different too, filled with something similar to focus, but remaining calm at the same time. Vergil planned to recruit Astrid into his efforts in taking the Vault of the Guild. His next potential hire was Kyro Scripts, or perhaps someone else of a similar power-level, however Kyro himself was sure to betray Vergil whenever it suited him, so Vergil would have to be ready if he did. He could still always ask Astrid for more potential mercenaries and their locations.

Location: Dark Forest Entry

Vergil nodded. "Our next destination is north of the Guild, by half a kilometer. There, we will meet the Trollkin King. Meet me there in four hours from now." he said to Grim, looking and not caring for her hatred for his Uncle. An ally like this would prove useful in all sorts of ways. Vergil turned the corner of his sight towards Marcella, then said. "I have to collect more allies for the hunt." His next move was to hire Astrid, as an alchemist was useful to have around in case of injury or in need of buffs, while there were also multiple individuals in Bowerstone that could be hired, or convinced to help him. Anyone that could prove useful when hunting down the Scathia would be of great need, and variety was utterly important. One hundred archers were useless. They weren't just hunting down a dragon here. They were hunting a being that ate the biggest dragons in one to two bites, and was worshipped by the smaller ones as a living, walking God. This was not a quest to be taken lightly. Vergil needed the best available people in the highest possible numbers. He turned to Marcella and said. "You, come with me." and continued walking to Bowerstone. He had to orchestrate everything properly, else the Guild would discover what he's up to, and now that it was a part of the Kingdom... it could be even worse than just the Guild. Messing with a whole Kingdom wasn't a light thing either.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil walked into the bar spontaneously and sat by the oaken counter on one of the wooden chairs. He stared at Astrid momentarily. Vergil bluntly, and out of the blue asked Astrid. "What could an alchemist like you want? - Money? Ingredients? Fame? Power? Knowledge? What is the price for your servitude?" clearly seeking something else than alcohol this time. His eyes were different too, filled with something similar to focus, but remaining calm at the same time. Vergil planned to recruit Astrid into his efforts in taking the Vault of the Guild. His next potential hire was Kyro Scripts, or perhaps someone else of a similar power-level, however Kyro himself was sure to betray Vergil whenever it suited him, so Vergil would have to be ready if he did. He could still always ask Astrid for more potential mercenaries and their locations.


Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked at Nero with a hint of caution. "Why do you need the services of an alchemist? There are magic users far more powerful than me. What are you after?" Her face showed slight tints of pink. She took a step to the right, hand ready on a vial of confusion. Her other hand was gripping the amulet, ready to summon magic from the counter if needed.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked at Nero with a hint of caution. "Why do you need the services of an alchemist? There are magic users far more powerful than me. What are you after?" Her face showed slight tints of pink. She took a step to the right, hand ready on a vial of confusion. Her other hand was gripping the amulet, ready to summon magic from the counter if needed.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil calmly answered each of the questions, one after another. "I need an alchemist to further the goals of me, and my companions. While we are all warriors, the services of someone that can offer us strength, healing and power like your potions are an invaluable help. There are indeed magic users far more powerful than you, but where do I find them? How do I pay them? Everything has it's level in this world, and some people are above me." then Vergil paused, hearing the last question. Vergil smiled, knowing that Astrid would be interested due to what he was about to say. "We are after the Scathia. An ancient creature of great might. It could eat dragons in a bite, and was worshipped by dragons itself. They sacrificed their own lives to the Scathia. Or rather the race of Scathia, until they died out thousands of years ago. One survived, and we're after it. It's meat can feed a nation for years. It can bring components and alchemical ingredients beyond that of your mind's imagination, and it's but a simple stop on our travel." Vergil put a lot of focus on the words that included alchemical components, gesticulating to draw more of Astrid's attention in a friendly way, hopefully convincing her to agree. "If you don't want to, I would be glad if you could at least point me to an alchemist as good as you."
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Chamber

He didn't even feel  the ground rushing to meet the back of his body, but he knew he must've been knocked out for a atleast a few good seconds. The harsh irritation in his nose was the reason why his brain awakened, and he did not wake up wonderfully. Vance moaned and rubbed the back of his head. He was aching, especially at the spinal area. He opened his eyes but saw nothing. At first he thought he didn't open them at all, but a flickering red light caught his attention. It was dim, but it grew brighter as his head gradually composed itself.

And then the smell nearly made him pass out again. Gasping, he covered his nose in a vain effort to block out the smell of corpses and feces. Above him, he swore he could've heard the skeleton knight's voice, but his senses became muddled due to the dizzying stench of the room. 

'Ah, shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.' 

A roar in the darkness shook his entire body and only for a split second did he make eye-contact with the glowing eyes in the shadows, before his lips moved on their own to cast the spell of Smoke Phantasm. It was a common reaction to close your eyes when you're expecting to be hit by something, and that's what Vance had done when the beast leapt towards him -- and passed through him. 

When he opened his eyes, he couldn't see the beast's bulk unless the ray of the red light flashed against it. He sighed in relief and quickly glided to the ceiling, aiming for the opening to where he had fallen. 

"Tough luck, ya shadowy lug. I've got a life to live that isn't yours to take." Vance chortled.

'This hatch better not close. But then again, I can just pass through it. It better not be resistant to magic then. Hope this the entire walls of this whole darn chamber isn't.'


Senor Fred

The hatch suddenly opened.  "Look out below!"  A  heroic voice called out from above.  Vance was suddenly knocked down by the heavy armored body of the skeleton knight.  "Gracias for breaking my fall, mi Amigo..."  Frederico took out a My Little Pony Hair comb from his pocket and fixed his fabulous hair.  The blue flames in his eye sockets filled the room with a dim blue light.  As soon as he fixed his hair... the light reflected on his drill hair filled the room with a bright sparkly light.

The creature was repulsed by the sudden flash of light and instinctively covered it's eyes with it's claws.  What stood before them was a freakish composite creature made up of several monster parts.  The head looked like it came from a giant alligator, the body had a huge turtle shell.  It had around 8 legs that had freakish variations in sizes... only four of the legs seemed to be developed enough to be used practically.  Some of the legs look very similar to human arms.  It's tail swayed back and forth... there was a huge drill-like appendage at the end.  Wet fluids drooled from its mouth to the floor below.  It seems to be shaking uncontrollably... its eyes revealed pain from simply existing.

The duo found themselves in a large cage surrounded by thick iron bars.  Littered all over the floor where corpses of various animals and non-human beings.  Fecal matter also littered the area around the freakish chimera.

The monster let out a booming roar... revealing it's tongue made up of humanoid hands bound together.  

"Do not be scared, Senor Vance...  I assure you... I will protect you from this beast!"  The skeleton seemed to be shaking in fear.  "Vile creature!  Do not taunt my sidekick!"  The heroic Fred drew his trusty rapier.
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Location: Dark Forest Entry

Vergil nodded. "Our next destination is north of the Guild, by half a kilometer. There, we will meet the Trollkin King. Meet me there in four hours from now." he said to Grim, looking and not caring for her hatred for his Uncle. An ally like this would prove useful in all sorts of ways. Vergil turned the corner of his sight towards Marcella, then said. "I have to collect more allies for the hunt." His next move was to hire Astrid, as an alchemist was useful to have around in case of injury or in need of buffs, while there were also multiple individuals in Bowerstone that could be hired, or convinced to help him. Anyone that could prove useful when hunting down the Scathia would be of great need, and variety was utterly important. One hundred archers were useless. They weren't just hunting down a dragon here. They were hunting a being that ate the biggest dragons in one to two bites, and was worshipped by the smaller ones as a living, walking God. This was not a quest to be taken lightly. Vergil needed the best available people in the highest possible numbers. He turned to Marcella and said. "You, come with me." and continued walking to Bowerstone. He had to orchestrate everything properly, else the Guild would discover what he's up to, and now that it was a part of the Kingdom... it could be even worse than just the Guild. Messing with a whole Kingdom wasn't a light thing either.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil walked into the bar spontaneously and sat by the oaken counter on one of the wooden chairs. He stared at Astrid momentarily. Vergil bluntly, and out of the blue asked Astrid. "What could an alchemist like you want? - Money? Ingredients? Fame? Power? Knowledge? What is the price for your servitude?" clearly seeking something else than alcohol this time. His eyes were different too, filled with something similar to focus, but remaining calm at the same time. Vergil planned to recruit Astrid into his efforts in taking the Vault of the Guild. His next potential hire was Kyro Scripts, or perhaps someone else of a similar power-level, however Kyro himself was sure to betray Vergil whenever it suited him, so Vergil would have to be ready if he did. He could still always ask Astrid for more potential mercenaries and their locations.


Marcella djinn of destruction 

astrids bar/Bowerstone 

Marcella followed Virgil wthout a word into the pub standing behind him as he spoke to the bartender, he saw the woman go on the defensive a bit and smiled. She was 

Watching the woman carefully and sensing her intentions. She kept herself ready but couldn't help but stifle a chuckle as her master danced around his plans, he was a wise one to keep his true intentions hidden for now. She didn't know what those intentions were, but she knew he was hiding something. 

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Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil calmly answered each of the questions, one after another. "I need an alchemist to further the goals of me, and my companions. While we are all warriors, the services of someone that can offer us strength, healing and power like your potions are an invaluable help. There are indeed magic users far more powerful than you, but where do I find them? How do I pay them? Everything has it's level in this world, and some people are above me." then Vergil paused, hearing the last question. Vergil smiled, knowing that Astrid would be interested due to what he was about to say. "We are after the Scathia. An ancient creature of great might. It could eat dragons in a bite, and was worshipped by dragons itself. They sacrificed their own lives to the Scathia. Or rather the race of Scathia, until they died out thousands of years ago. One survived, and we're after it. It's meat can feed a nation for years. It can bring components and alchemical ingredients beyond that of your mind's imagination, and it's but a simple stop on our travel." Vergil put a lot of focus on the words that included alchemical components, gesticulating to draw more of Astrid's attention in a friendly way, hopefully convincing her to agree. "If you don't want to, I would be glad if you could at least point me to an alchemist as good as you."

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was ever more cautious. Rarely does a man walk into her bar to offer her such high level ingredients. She's read in the past about these legendary creatures in books merchants would sell. "My patrons usually offer me gold for providing potions. Rarely are they able to bring back ingredients worth the potions they request." He probably heard of my lust for the drink of the gods. I could probably agree to this, but I would prefer to stay in the safety of my bar. "I will give you 100 bottles of any potion, that is guaranteed, for I am a bartender. But I must know if you can even face such a creature before I give you my next great works." She spun the vial in her hand. "I can get you a mercenary to aid you, but I must know what your intentions truly are. Why do you want the Scathia?"
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Ashlynn sighed. She trusted Larei a bit, so maybe she could tell him. "Okay... Larei... Have you ever heard of the Carion?" She asked him as she ran her hand through her brunette hair. "and do you know how their government and society work?"

(Srry for short reply. Busy.)


Location: Fort Black

Larei thought about where he had been. The name sounded familiar, but why he didn't know.  He assumed that he hadn't traveled there yet. Most of the place's he traveled to he found on his own. That mean't a lot of just walking in random direction. So he didn't ask people where he should go or what kingdom he was in. "hmmm, I don't think I have. I can only assume your from there? And I don't know almost anything about government, let alone how it work." He smiled when he said that even though it was very true. 


Location: Fort Black

Finally Kyoko had arrived at Fort Black. After the longest and most boring walk ever, she made it. She phased through the was of the fort to make it into the center. "Now here come the hard part." Kyoko let herself fall through the ground. If you really think about it she's flying all of the time. She's not effected by gravity so it's just like she's in space. Well expect she controls where she wants to go. She didn't have any kind of tracking ability but she did have alot of time. When she found the dungeon she followed it back and forth. She saw a huge labyrinth of tunnels back and forth. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't find what she was looking for. After about 3 hours she found what she wanted. Just above where the zombies were, laying down was a wood elf. "I found you!" She screeched, of course he couldn't hear her. So she flew back up to the top of the guild and found a person she like. A guild member that seemed powerful enough to handle herself. she had blue eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing full silver armor with the guilds symbol on it. After taking control of her Kyoko could tell that she had a basic fire attack from her sword and that was it. "Cool, I will call you Clara, as all my pets are call." She laughed. She didn't consider anyone she took control of as pets, she liked to think of them as people with lives, and she was always thankful to control them, but it was just her way of interacting with the world. She took this nice person and walked them to the secret entrance. Then she walked this person through the labyrinth, guided by her it wasn't to hard. With the expectation of killing a few zombie she made she way to...Mephisto. Who was still asleep. She honestly sat there for a second wondering if she should wake him up. She decide it was better not to and she turn awa......"WAKE UP!' she screamed at Mephisto. @Birdsie
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was ever more cautious. Rarely does a man walk into her bar to offer her such high level ingredients. She's read in the past about these legendary creatures in books merchants would sell. "My patrons usually offer me gold for providing potions. Rarely are they able to bring back ingredients worth the potions they request." He probably heard of my lust for the drink of the gods. I could probably agree to this, but I would prefer to stay in the safety of my bar. "I will give you 100 bottles of any potion, that is guaranteed, for I am a bartender. But I must know if you can even face such a creature before I give you my next great works." She spun the vial in her hand. "I can get you a mercenary to aid you, but I must know what your intentions truly are. Why do you want the Scathia?"

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was ever more cautious. Rarely does a man walk into her bar to offer her such high level ingredients. She's read in the past about these legendary creatures in books merchants would sell. "My patrons usually offer me gold for providing potions. Rarely are they able to bring back ingredients worth the potions they request." He probably heard of my lust for the drink of the gods. I could probably agree to this, but I would prefer to stay in the safety of my bar. "I will give you 100 bottles of any potion, that is guaranteed, for I am a bartender. But I must know if you can even face such a creature before I give you my next great works." She spun the vial in her hand. "I can get you a mercenary to aid you, but I must know what your intentions truly are. Why do you want the Scathia?"

Marcella djinn of destruction 

astrids bar/Bowerstone 

Marcella followed Virgil wthout a word into the pub standing behind him as he spoke to the bartender, he saw the woman go on the defensive a bit and smiled. She was 

Watching the woman carefully and sensing her intentions. She kept herself ready but couldn't help but stifle a chuckle as her master danced around his plans, he was a wise one to keep his true intentions hidden for now. She didn't know what those intentions were, but she knew he was hiding something. 


Location: Astrid's Bar

"I need the Scathia dead, to feed the Trollkin that I made a pact with." Vergil technically told her the truth, however not the full extent of it. "My real name is Vergil Alighieri Aurelius. Nero Angelo was my father's old name." and then turned to Marcella momentarily, seeing that she was still behind him. He flashed her with a sly smile. He looked back at Astrid with a normal facial expression and spoke. She wanted his true intentions, so he would reveal them to her. "I want the Trollkin, and several other individuals to help me break into the Vault, deep under Fort Black. They say infinite amounts of artifacts, relics and enchanted items of great power are there. Possibly even ingredients for the Drink of the Gods." he tried to convince her into helping him with the last few words, knowing she wanted to brew the ultimate potion, the Drink of the Gods, and knowing that the Vault might just have the ingredients.


Location: Fort Black

Larei thought about where he had been. The name sounded familiar, but why he didn't know.  He assumed that he hadn't traveled there yet. Most of the place's he traveled to he found on his own. That mean't a lot of just walking in random direction. So he didn't ask people where he should go or what kingdom he was in. "hmmm, I don't think I have. I can only assume your from there? And I don't know almost anything about government, let alone how it work." He smiled when he said that even though it was very true. 


Location: Fort Black

Finally Kyoko had arrived at Fort Black. After the longest and most boring walk ever, she made it. She phased through the was of the fort to make it into the center. "Now here come the hard part." Kyoko let herself fall through the ground. If you really think about it she's flying all of the time. She's not effected by gravity so it's just like she's in space. Well expect she controls where she wants to go. She didn't have any kind of tracking ability but she did have alot of time. When she found the dungeon she followed it back and forth. She saw a huge labyrinth of tunnels back and forth. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't find what she was looking for. After about 3 hours she found what she wanted. Just above where the zombies were, laying down was a wood elf. "I found you!" She screeched, of course he couldn't hear her. So she flew back up to the top of the guild and found a person she like. A guild member that seemed powerful enough to handle herself. she had blue eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing full silver armor with the guilds symbol on it. After taking control of her Kyoko could tell that she had a basic fire attack from her sword and that was it. "Cool, I will call you Clara, as all my pets are call." She laughed. She didn't consider anyone she took control of as pets, she liked to think of them as people with lives, and she was always thankful to control them, but it was just her way of interacting with the world. She took this nice person and walked them to the secret entrance. Then she walked this person through the labyrinth, guided by her it wasn't to hard. With the expectation of killing a few zombie she made she way to...Mephisto. Who was still asleep. She honestly sat there for a second wondering if she should wake him up. She decide it was better not to and she turn awa......"WAKE UP!' she screamed at Mephisto.

Location: Fort Black - Undergrounds

Mephisto yelled when he woke up, with a scream. "AAAGH! DON'T TAKE MY EYES!" and saw a guildmember, however his true magical vision provided him with the ability to see what was really going on. The Guildmember was being possessed. Mephisto calmed down, then lied back down, however with open eyes. "You scared the hell out of me. What sort of spirit are you?" Mephisto inquired, rarely seeing ghosts possessing someone. They either lacked the power, or will, however Kyoko, whatever she was: was different than most ghosts he had seen in his long, looong lifespan. A unique entity, but Mephisto didn't care. All people, beings, and forms of intelligence were equal to him, and should act in a way that allowed all life to thrive freely, but this wasn't always possible. All Mephisto knew about Kyoko is that she would have killed him if she was dangerous, so he didn't take her as a threat.
Location: Astrid's Bar

"I need the Scathia dead, to feed the Trollkin that I made a pact with." Vergil technically told her the truth, however not the full extent of it. "My real name is Vergil Alighieri Aurelius. Nero Angelo was my father's old name." and then turned to Marcella momentarily, seeing that she was still behind him. He flashed her with a sly smile. He looked back at Astrid with a normal facial expression and spoke. She wanted his true intentions, so he would reveal them to her. "I want the Trollkin, and several other individuals to help me break into the Vault, deep under Fort Black. They say infinite amounts of artifacts, relics and enchanted items of great power are there. Possibly even ingredients for the Drink of the Gods." he tried to convince her into helping him with the last few words, knowing she wanted to brew the ultimate potion, the Drink of the Gods, and knowing that the Vault might just have the ingredients.

Location: Fort Black - Undergrounds

Mephisto yelled when he woke up, with a scream. "AAAGH! DON'T TAKE MY EYES!" and saw a guildmember, however his true magical vision provided him with the ability to see what was really going on. The Guildmember was being possessed. Mephisto calmed down, then lied back down, however with open eyes. "You scared the hell out of me. What sort of spirit are you?" Mephisto inquired, rarely seeing ghosts possessing someone. They either lacked the power, or will, however Kyoko, whatever she was: was different than most ghosts he had seen in his long, looong lifespan. A unique entity, but Mephisto didn't care. All people, beings, and forms of intelligence were equal to him, and should act in a way that allowed all life to thrive freely, but this wasn't always possible. All Mephisto knew about Kyoko is that she would have killed him if she was dangerous, so he didn't take her as a threat.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid gritted her teeth. In its current state, Fort Black will fall because of Albion's politics. Should the trollkins manage to make their way here, they would surely destroy the guild. She stopped spinning her vial and took a sip of her ale. "Having the ingredients to make the Drink of the Gods is one thing, knowing how to make it is another." She believed that the Drink of the Gods doesn't exist, and is actually a name given to the most powerful of potions. It was a ludicrous idea, one that defies the dogma of magic and alchemy, but the only reasonable one considering no two records of the drink described it similarly. She felt conflicted inside. In the past, she clung onto the idea that achieving the drink would help her find her parents, but much thought and research led to that conclusion, that it simply doesn't exist. No potion could help her find her parents. Astrid resolved herself to that years ago. And yet, here stood a man saying that she can obtain the drink of the gods. She began to draw plans, schemes, ideas on how to get the ingredients and still keep the guild alive. After much thought, she exhaled. "You shouldn't have told me your intentions. I will draft you 100 bottles of any potion, and I will obtain the Scathia as payment, but I will not aid you any further."
Location: Astrid's Bar

"I need the Scathia dead, to feed the Trollkin that I made a pact with." Vergil technically told her the truth, however not the full extent of it. "My real name is Vergil Alighieri Aurelius. Nero Angelo was my father's old name." and then turned to Marcella momentarily, seeing that she was still behind him. He flashed her with a sly smile. He looked back at Astrid with a normal facial expression and spoke. She wanted his true intentions, so he would reveal them to her. "I want the Trollkin, and several other individuals to help me break into the Vault, deep under Fort Black. They say infinite amounts of artifacts, relics and enchanted items of great power are there. Possibly even ingredients for the Drink of the Gods." he tried to convince her into helping him with the last few words, knowing she wanted to brew the ultimate potion, the Drink of the Gods, and knowing that the Vault might just have the ingredients.

Location: Fort Black - Undergrounds

Mephisto yelled when he woke up, with a scream. "AAAGH! DON'T TAKE MY EYES!" and saw a guildmember, however his true magical vision provided him with the ability to see what was really going on. The Guildmember was being possessed. Mephisto calmed down, then lied back down, however with open eyes. "You scared the hell out of me. What sort of spirit are you?" Mephisto inquired, rarely seeing ghosts possessing someone. They either lacked the power, or will, however Kyoko, whatever she was: was different than most ghosts he had seen in his long, looong lifespan. A unique entity, but Mephisto didn't care. All people, beings, and forms of intelligence were equal to him, and should act in a way that allowed all life to thrive freely, but this wasn't always possible. All Mephisto knew about Kyoko is that she would have killed him if she was dangerous, so he didn't take her as a threat.


Location: Fort Black

Kyoko laughed when Mephisto woke up with a jump. "Haha I'm a friend, I won't.....'Take you eyes...out?' What kind of Dream were you having?" Kyoko made Clara put her sword down and sat next to Mephisto. Her legs crossed in a pretzel. "And what a horrible place to sleep in. Aren't you the leader." She looked around at the walls of the dungeon. "And they make you sleep here?" Kyoko pretty much knew why he was here but was making a fun joke.  "I have come here to make friends/ ally with you." She went to a more serious face. "I'm almost sure something with be coming back here and I want to help you." She smiled again and tilted her head. 
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid gritted her teeth. In its current state, Fort Black will fall because of Albion's politics. Should the trollkins manage to make their way here, they would surely destroy the guild. She stopped spinning her vial and took a sip of her ale. "Having the ingredients to make the Drink of the Gods is one thing, knowing how to make it is another." She believed that the Drink of the Gods doesn't exist, and is actually a name given to the most powerful of potions. It was a ludicrous idea, one that defies the dogma of magic and alchemy, but the only reasonable one considering no two records of the drink described it similarly. She felt conflicted inside. In the past, she clung onto the idea that achieving the drink would help her find her parents, but much thought and research led to that conclusion, that it simply doesn't exist. No potion could help her find her parents. Astrid resolved herself to that years ago. And yet, here stood a man saying that she can obtain the drink of the gods. She began to draw plans, schemes, ideas on how to get the ingredients and still keep the guild alive. After much thought, she exhaled. "You shouldn't have told me your intentions. I will draft you 100 bottles of any potion, and I will obtain the Scathia as payment, but I will not aid you any further."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil nodded. "That's good enough. Prepare 46 Strengthening Potions, and the rest will be Healing potions. How much time will that take to make, assuming you don't have the potions at hand?" Vergil inquired. This was about as much help as he expected to get from Astrid. The next target of his travel is to go to the destined meeting location to reunite with Kyrule and the rest of the Trollkin, then wait for Grim and assume that that's all needed to take down the Scathia, but only after distributing Astrid's potions to them all. A bunch of the best Trollkin warriors of Ur should manage to be a challenge to Scathia by themselves, but along with Grim, Marcella and the strengthening and healing potions provided by Astrid, their victory was assured, with the slight possibility of losses in life.


Location: Fort Black

Kyoko laughed when Mephisto woke up with a jump. "Haha I'm a friend, I won't.....'Take you eyes...out?' What kind of Dream were you having?" Kyoko made Clara put her sword down and sat next to Mephisto. Her legs crossed in a pretzel. "And what a horrible place to sleep in. Aren't you the leader." She looked around at the walls of the dungeon. "And they make you sleep here?" Kyoko pretty much knew why he was here but was making a fun joke.  "I have come here to make friends/ ally with you." She went to a more serious face. "I'm almost sure something with be coming back here and I want to help you." She smiled again and tilted her head. 

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto said. "I had a dream where I was in a land where they take your eyes out for no reason. What a terrible, yet simplistic nightmare." Mephisto heard her question, then laughed momentarily. He looked at Clara, and asked. "Hang on, you don't know? I was executed several days ago. Mephisto Pheles... is dead. I am Johann Faust! The travelling bard!" using Polymorph to change his form into a Wood Elf with purple hair, however a different face. Mephisto summoned a lute to himself and played a short tune. "I am taking my leave. Let Gabriel be Guildmaster. Call it: Retirement. I plan to go out to the world soon, but first I planned to take a nap down here while the battle above takes place. It's time for Mephisto Pheles to fade away, and become a memory like his master. Even I want some rest."
Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil nodded. "That's good enough. Prepare 46 Strengthening Potions, and the rest will be Healing potions. How much time will that take to make, assuming you don't have the potions at hand?" Vergil inquired. This was about as much help as he expected to get from Astrid. The next target of his travel is to go to the destined meeting location to reunite with Kyrule and the rest of the Trollkin, then wait for Grim and assume that that's all needed to take down the Scathia, but only after distributing Astrid's potions to them all. A bunch of the best Trollkin warriors of Ur should manage to be a challenge to Scathia by themselves, but along with Grim, Marcella and the strengthening and healing potions provided by Astrid, their victory was assured, with the slight possibility of losses in life.

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto said. "I had a dream where I was in a land where they take your eyes out for no reason. What a terrible, yet simplistic nightmare." Mephisto heard her question, then laughed momentarily. He looked at Clara, and asked. "Hang on, you don't know? I was executed several days ago. Mephisto Pheles... is dead. I am Johann Faust! The travelling bard!" using Polymorph to change his form into a Wood Elf with purple hair, however a different face. Mephisto summoned a lute to himself and played a short tune. "I am taking my leave. Let Gabriel be Guildmaster. Call it: Retirement. I plan to go out to the world soon, but first I planned to take a nap down here while the battle above takes place. It's time for Mephisto Pheles to fade away, and become a memory like his master. Even I want some rest."

Location: Fort Black- underground

Clara's face turned completely shocked as he did his little act. ".....Your right...Mephisto is dead. But not because of that execution." Kyoko knew why he was hiding down here but she didn't know that he planned to just "Your just running away. I get you need a break. But do you think that your enemy is just going to walk in one at a time and fight you? Mephisto that's why I'm here, because I know you can't take them alone. I personally don't know what's going to be there but I do know you can't beat it alone. Here I was expecting a grand plan and all your going to do is wait...." Kyoko couldn't contain her rage. Here was his great heroine of the story saying 'I don't want to'!?!? Everywhere she had been, everytime she lived through, she watched as evil gave up and faded away, but good? What kind of world is this? 'Kill the hero?' Everyone is a villain? Should she try to switch sides to end the conflict? Was Kyro going evil to throw her off or something? No...probably not. She stood up and started yelling "Your just going to let them win!? It's that what Black did? Just give up?! WHAT WRONG WITH YOU!?" She screamed. "Huh uh uh" she caught her breath and sat back down. "How many people believe in you? How many people would you let down if you failed? Maybe your not a true hero....but even a hero doesn't just give up..." if Kyoko could cry she probably would have but instead she just looked at the ground.
Location: Fort Black- underground

Clara's face turned completely shocked as he did his little act. ".....Your right...Mephisto is dead. But not because of that execution." Kyoko knew why he was hiding down here but she didn't know that he planned to just "Your just running away. I get you need a break. But do you think that your enemy is just going to walk in one at a time and fight you? Mephisto that's why I'm here, because I know you can't take them alone. I personally don't know what's going to be there but I do know you can't beat it alone. Here I was expecting a grand plan and all your going to do is wait...." Kyoko couldn't contain her rage. Here was his great heroine of the story saying 'I don't want to'!?!? Everywhere she had been, everytime she lived through, she watched as evil gave up and faded away, but good? What kind of world is this? 'Kill the hero?' Everyone is a villain? Should she try to switch sides to end the conflict? Was Kyro going evil to throw her off or something? No...probably not. She stood up and started yelling "Your just going to let them win!? It's that what Black did? Just give up?! WHAT WRONG WITH YOU!?" She screamed. "Huh uh uh" she caught her breath and sat back down. "How many people believe in you? How many people would you let down if you failed? Maybe your not a true hero....but even a hero doesn't just give up..." if Kyoko could cry she probably would have but instead she just looked at the ground.

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto heard through her screams, and was then angered himself. "WHY DO YOU THINK I'M LYING DOWN HERE? MY SOCIOPATHIC NEPHEW WANTS THE KEY TO THE VAULT, AND I CAN'T TELL ANYONE WHAT'S INSIDE! IF HE GAINS ACCESS YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO THE WORLD!" after taking a few deep breaths, he clenched his fists and stared at her, breathing in anger, trying to calm down, his eyes momentarily turned into a pale black color and forth into normal ones. "Apologies for the outburst. How unprofessional of me." Mephisto took out the key from his pocket and stared at it. "I can't let anyone have this. True, the Vault contains immense power, but also danger. It wasn't locked away for no reason at all. And I don't want to end up like my mentor." Mephisto paused. "Black didn't die a natural death. We've encountered something sinister. The Vault must stay locked."

"What's your, plan, so to speak? That you come down here, and ask me to go out there, to these maniacs, and fight them? Is that your plan? End the world? I'd rather change my appearance and travel the world as a Bard, this way everyone will be safe."
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Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto heard through her screams, and was then angered himself. "WHY DO YOU THINK I'M LYING DOWN HERE? MY SOCIOPATHIC NEPHEW WANTS THE KEY TO THE VAULT, AND I CAN'T TELL ANYONE WHAT'S INSIDE! IF HE GAINS ACCESS YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO THE WORLD!" after taking a few deep breaths, he clenched his fists and stared at her, breathing in anger, trying to calm down, his eyes momentarily turned into a pale black color and forth into normal ones. "Apologies for the outburst. How unprofessional of me." Mephisto took out the key from his pocket and stared at it. "I can't let anyone have this. True, the Vault contains immense power, but also danger. It wasn't locked away for no reason at all. And I don't want to end up like my mentor." Mephisto paused. "Black didn't die a natural death. We've encountered something sinister. The Vault must stay locked."

"What's your, plan, so to speak? That you come down here, and ask me to go out there, to these maniacs, and fight them? Is that your plan? End the world? I'd rather change my appearance and travel the world as a Bard, this way everyone will be safe."

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Clara breathed out a huge breath. "I'm sorry too, your an inspiration to people and leaving isn't what they need." She looked back up a Mephisto. "If you run away they will just find you, or even make some other kind of key. I do think you have to fight them, I think you have to beat them. Well that's why i came here anyway, to help you. Right now I don't think you have enough power to beat them......I was going to help you. I didn't think you plan was to just hide away though. If that's the case then why haven't you left? What were you doing here anyway? I wouldn't say napping is the best use of your time when you could be running with that key as far away as possible."
Location: Fort Black - Underground

Clara breathed out a huge breath. "I'm sorry too, your an inspiration to people and leaving isn't what they need." She looked back up a Mephisto. "If you run away they will just find you, or even make some other kind of key. I do think you have to fight them, I think you have to beat them. Well that's why i came here anyway, to help you. Right now I don't think you have enough power to beat them......I was going to help you. I didn't think you plan was to just hide away though. If that's the case then why haven't you left? What were you doing here anyway? I wouldn't say napping is the best use of your time when you could be running with that key as far away as possible."

Mephisto Pheles, disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto used Polymorph and changed his appearance. His hair turned into a pale silver, somewhat gray color. It became longer. His skin turned old, and his elven ears dissapeared, making him a human. His clothes were replaced with a brown robe, similar to that of a monk. "How's this?" he asked, with his previous voice. Mephisto coughed twice, then once again said. "How's this?" with an elderly man's voice. His eye color changed to a faint brown, then the old man put his key on a keychain. "There is only one. No copies can be made. Not to worry." The Old Man once again said. "From this day onward, I am Johann Faust." and chuckled, touching his chin. Mephisto's hand seemed dissapointed to find no beard there, and in the same Mephisto grew said beard. It was merely a goatee. Johann touched the beard with his hand once again, then started playing with the individual hair strings, putting them neatly into place.
Mephisto Pheles, disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto used Polymorph and changed his appearance. His hair turned into a pale silver, somewhat gray color. It became longer. His skin turned old, and his elven ears dissapeared, making him a human. His clothes were replaced with a brown robe, similar to that of a monk. "How's this?" he asked, with his previous voice. Mephisto coughed twice, then once again said. "How's this?" with an elderly man's voice. His eye color changed to a faint brown, then the old man put his key on a keychain. "There is only one. No copies can be made. Not to worry." The Old Man once again said. "From this day onward, I am Johann Faust." and chuckled, touching his chin. Mephisto's hand seemed dissapointed to find no beard there, and in the same Mephisto grew said beard. It was merely a goatee. Johann touched the beard with his hand once again, then started playing with the individual hair strings, putting them neatly into place.

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Clara smiled "If you like it then it's fine." She said shaking her head. "I'm still worried though. Youe nephew isn't stupid." She just sat there and thought about it. "I will be able to come back here at anytime. If you need me, please don't hesitate. I will be here instantly. I have also been to Bowerstone." She figured he would be leaving soon. "If you give me something powerful that I can control next to the vault I will be it's guardian." Clara laughed "I don't know if you have anything like that but...." She put her hand on her face like she had a beard too. "Oh one more thing I think it's important to ask this, but if you were you nephew, What would you do?"  
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Location: Fort Black - Underground

Clara smiled "If you like it then it's fine." She said shaking her head. "I'm still worried though. You nephew isn't stupid." She just sat there and thought about it. "I will be able to come back here at anytime. If you need please don't hesitate. I will be here instantly. I have also been to Bowerstone." She figured he would be leaving soon. "If you give me something powerful that I can control next to the vault I will be it's guardian." Clara laughed "I don't know if you have anything like that but...." She put her hand on her face like she had a beard too. "Oh one more thing I think it's important to ask this, but if you were you nephew, What would you do?"  

Mephisto Pheles, disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto heard her words, then said. "You can control William's corpse. It will give them a good scare." and laughed at what he said. "But... seriously - don't do that. It's disrespectful, not right and... Just don't do that. Besides, you don't know where the old man is, do you?" and once again chuckled. "But no, I don't have anything like that. You need to find yourself a new vessel, unless..." Mephisto quickly shifted into a great, muscular woman, similar to Clara, however with much more strength. "So uncomfortable." Mephisto said, with a female voice then blushed. Mephisto used the Stone Brother power and created a stone figure out of his body, then teleported just next to it, shifting back into Johann Faust. "Here, unless you can't control stone statues." Mephisto offered. "And this way I'll be able to see what's going on too."

Mephisto started leaving, whilst answering to her last question. "Oh, I'd go insane. That boy lost his mind long ago. He's ruthlessly after power... kids these days." Mephisto said, in a wise elderly tone, then chuckled once again. Being an old person was actually really funny, he could make the 'During my days' jokes whenever he wanted. "Anyway. There's not a single shed of humanity left in him, after his family died. He embraced his demonic side, abandoned his human-half and left it to rot somewhere in hell. Only his mother or brother could possibly affect him in the slightest, but they're either there." and Mephisto used his finger to point upwards. "Or down there." pointing downwards. He was referring to the possible afterlives for mortals of Terra. Netherworld and Heaven. "I'd place my bet on the former, but right now? He's collecting allies, making deals, growing in power. He's expecting to see me here with the key, but he won't."

Location: Fort Black

Larei thought about where he had been. The name sounded familiar, but why he didn't know.  He assumed that he hadn't traveled there yet. Most of the place's he traveled to he found on his own. That mean't a lot of just walking in random direction. So he didn't ask people where he should go or what kingdom he was in. "hmmm, I don't think I have. I can only assume your from there? And I don't know almost anything about government, let alone how it work." He smiled when he said that even though it was very true. 

Ashlynn sighed. "Alright... The Carion are not originally from this world. We are from another dimension but brought here when summoning was first attempted. She said with another sigh. "Basically our government runs on eye color and it would be weird to explain it to you so i am just going to say this... Blue is at the bottom, Green is in the middle, and Yellow is at the top." she said and waited for a remark on her eyes.
Mephisto Pheles, disguised as Johann Faust

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto heard her words, then said. "You can control William's corpse. It will give them a good scare." and laughed at what he said. "But... seriously - don't do that. It's disrespectful, not right and... Just don't do that. Besides, you don't know where the old man is, do you?" and once again chuckled. "But no, I don't have anything like that. You need to find yourself a new vessel, unless..." Mephisto quickly shifted into a great, muscular woman, similar to Clara, however with much more strength. "So uncomfortable." Mephisto said, with a female voice then blushed. Mephisto used the Stone Brother power and created a stone figure out of his body, then teleported just next to it, shifting back into Johann Faust. "Here, unless you can't control stone statues." Mephisto offered. "And this way I'll be able to see what's going on too."

Mephisto started leaving, whilst answering to her last question. "Oh, I'd go insane. That boy lost his mind long ago. He's ruthlessly after power... kids these days." Mephisto said, in a wise elderly tone, then chuckled once again. Being an old person was actually really funny, he could make the 'During my days' jokes whenever he wanted. "Anyway. There's not a single shed of humanity left in him, after his family died. He embraced his demonic side, abandoned his human-half and left it to rot somewhere in hell. Only his mother or brother could possibly affect him in the slightest, but they're either there." and Mephisto used his finger to point upwards. "Or down there." pointing downwards. He was referring to the possible afterlives for mortals of Terra. Netherworld and Heaven. "I'd place my bet on the former, but right now? He's collecting allies, making deals, growing in power. He's expecting to see me here with the key, but he won't."

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Kyoko laughed "If William's corpse still had his powers then yes i would, naw I'm joking that would be horrible. ...Oh and uhhh... Disrespectful...yea....totally NOT going to do that......." Kyoko laughed even harder. But then focused long enough to reply as Mephisto created a stone figure. "Haha, unconformable? Welcome to my world..." She threw one of her knifes at it. The stone women slowly began to move, after a couple of seconds she was able to control it no problem. "As long as the stone figure doesn't go away we're fine." She moved the stone figure over and took the women's sword. The poor girl wouldn't have a sword but she would be ok. Kyoko was controlling both the girl and the stone girl. She put a knife without a chain into the stone girl and had it walk down to the entrance of the vault. Controlling Clara she said, "Hehe I think his plan might be a little better than that, but if you want some philosophy then I would tell you this. Everyone has a reason to do what they believe is right, and that might sound stupid but it's true. Every single person has life's and a history. They have a purpose that they believe is more important than yours." The truth was they Kyro didn't understand that, and he has reasons to. Part of of that was her fault. Most of it was just because he could accept what was before him. Truth is.... "Your nephew won't win, I promise. Try...When we do win, try not to judge him to hard." She smiled and wink. There are plenty of people that are evil but no one that is pure should die. "Oh I forgot...Ummm..." She was going to say something about the windrunner but decided it was better not to. "Good luck." She said turning away.
Ashlynn sighed. "Alright... The Carion are not originally from this world. We are from another dimension but brought here when summoning was first attempted. She said with another sigh. "Basically our government runs on eye color and it would be weird to explain it to you so i am just going to say this... Blue is at the bottom, Green is in the middle, and Yellow is at the top." she said and waited for a remark on her eyes.

Location: Fort Black 

"Hmmm" Larei said turning to a mirror. "So, what about red eye color? haha" He said smiling. But then returned to a serious tone. "So your judged based on genetics huh? Well your not far from it unfortunately. Here we judge people based on genetics and power. You will however have more freedom here." That was the sad truth or at least the truth he learned. "Well now that you've run away what will you do?"

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