Main IC RP

LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area

He had to give him credit, that Senõr Fred sure could put up one heck of an interesting fight; with such a variety of combat-styles too. So different from what he's experienced from before. Does it seem that he finally took a liking to his knight? Not entirely. Just of his uniqueness and absolutely annoying happy attitude was a nice change from the stuck-up usual ones.

Vance clicked his tongue and reminded himself to concentrate on the battle below. He has no idea why a sudden warmth  rose in his chest just then.

"If only Lady Fortune fancied me back, I would be wealthier than the king himself." He retorted playfully. 

'Let's finish this round and get even more rich.' 

"Since I reckon you're dead and all, you wouldn't need to breathe so much -- right, Senõr?" 

Vance's floating head shuddered as he inhaled deeply, and in an airy voice came the spell of Breathless. It was subtle, the spell, but its affects were making the remaining abominations drop like flies. All that is living would need oxygen to survive. After the last beast had clawed at its neck and struggled to take in oxygen that wasn't there before slumping onto the floor, did he undo the spell. 

Considering that it was quite safe now, Vance slowly floated down to the floor near the skeleton knight. He suddenly felt a bit drained, but satisfied. 


"You might find your one night stand with Lady Fortune here, my friend!"  Senor Fred slash down a creature and listened to Vance's comment.

"Since I reckon you're dead and all, you wouldn't need to breathe so much -- right, Senõr?"   Vance asked.

"Dead?"  Senor Fred looked at Vance with a confused look.  "Amigo, it's rude to make jokes about that!  I know I might be a little aged... but swordsmen are like wine and cheese!  We get better with age!  I'm not dead yet, Amigo!"  The fencer simply took the question as if it was a joke.

The undead fighter was poking and stabbing a beast when he realized the monsters started writhing in agony.  Their breaths became short and labored... as if they were drowning.  He watched as every single creature died from suffocation.

"Not bad, Amigo, not bad..."  The skeleton clapped his hands... the body palms just made a clacking sound.  "Not as flashy as I imagined, but it's effective in a subtle sort of way..."  He walked to Vance and put a hand in his pocket.  He pulled out a handful of gold, jewels, and ancient jewelry from the Espanian Empire of centuries ago.  He placed them heartily in Vance's hands.  One of the jewels, a large blue gem, is actually a chaos emerald... a prized treasure of the Hedgehog people of the east.  Selling that gem alone can give someone fortunes to retire 5 lifetimes.

"There you go Amigo, Lady Fortune..."  

The skeleton paused and looked up.  He drew his blade and leaped past Vance...

He slashed down a spider-like creature that tried to attack Vance from the ceiling.  It let out a dying scream as its divided body parts fell to the floor.

The speaker system turned on again.  "I admit your use of an advanced spell to deny my creatures oxygen was pretty clever... I thought you wouldn't notice that some of my creations do not even need aerobic respiration to breathe!"  The woman laughed.  "I thought you were a necromancer... I didn't know that that undead creature was working on its own!  Interesting!  I wonder how that creature works!"  The woman said in regards to Senor Fred.

"I am not dead!  I am just... vintage!"  He replied to the speakers.  "Quickly, Amigo... let's get to the hostages!"  The skeleton ran towards a random direction.
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC

His fatigue had cancelled his Smoke Phantasm spell and he had landed onto the floor with a light thump. The exhaustion from the use of Breathless, made his body notice of the presence of the darkened circles underneath his eyes from usual lack of sleep. However, his body had gained a bit of energy after he laid his gaze on handful of treasures from Senõr Fred.  

Vance wanted the riches,  he truly did crave for it -- but he no longer had enough space to store it. 'I've stuck around with this bonehead for this long...I suppose I can trust him to hand it back to me when this is all over with...'

Before he could say something about it, the skeleton knight had suddenly drawn his blade and dashed to the side of him; fortunately he had caught the treasures before they had fallen into the mess of carcasses. 

The dying screech behind him had forced him to turn his head and he saw Senõr Fred standing over the squirming creature's multiple detached body parts. 

Vance's brows had risen in surprise. Not just in reaction to how the knight had saved him from possibly dying, but also because of how his currently most deadliest Aero spell missed such a beast. Before he could showcase a hint gratitude towards Senõr Fred, the feminine voice had returned; echoing across the hallway and bouncing off from the large mass of chimera corpses.  Coincidentally, she had managed to answer the question in his mind. 

'Not all of 'em, huh? Guess I was kinda wrong on how anything living needed oxygen to survive. But then again, these disguting beasts shouldn't be alive in the first place.'

"Ya aren't the only one who's curious on how he works, lady!" Vance yelled into the empty space. He didn't exactly mind on being mistaken for a necromancer -- in fact, if he hadn't discovered his affinity for elemental magic in his adolesence, he would've gravitated towards the dark arts.

Once more the skeleton knight rushed off towards who-knows-where, still strongly intent on saving those who were trapped in this place of horrors -- and Vance followed in suit, after he had forcibly stuffed the jewels into his coat pockets. He had placed the brightest of all the jewels in his breastpocket, where it gave the black fabric a light glow of blue.

"Hey...hey! Can ya quit with ya runnin' around? I reckon this isn't gonna get us anywhere!" 

'I want to leave. I need to leave. But not without that darn knight.'

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Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

 "Of course not." Mephisto chuckled, moving his tower in the place where his pawn used to be. "Dunno why you'd come to that assumption." He added, as he clearly had beforehand experience in 'saving-the-world.' Then, Mephisto suddenly spoke. "But my nephew is. For you see, 28 years ago, my brother decided to play the mortal game, as we demons call it. I'm playing it constantly for 700 years now. The mortal game is simple: you become a traitor to demonkind and live in peace with the mortal races of Terra." Mephisto sat back, relaxed and smiled. "Do you know what happened then?" He asked her, and without giving time to answer, he said it himself. "He had kids with a human! Long-story short, demon loyalists don't think fondly of mixing the genepool. They took him away and murdered his family, the end!" And clapped his hands , as if it was the.end.of a story. "But... one child survived that night. Now my nephew went insane. He's trying to access the eldritch horrors that me and Black locked away. Unfortunately for him, I have the only key. All I want from you is the permission to sit here until the end of time. Hopefully his healing factor isn't of demon origin and he won't live for an eter-" Mephisto stopped, sighing. "Who am I kidding? Of course he has a healing factor. Screw it! Maybe I can pretend to be your cat? I heard you like cats and no one will suspect a thing." Mephisto asked, not knowing that the rumours for Selene's cat appreciation weren't meant to get out.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Selene's face gained a bit of color. How does he know?!?!?! She coughed and recomposed herself. Moving her second knight forward, she said, "Certainly there must be away to protect the treasure without having to stay in hiding. You could move the vault, arm yourself with it's contents, anything than just lazying around in another person's house." She looked towards the door. "Do you, by chance, happen to know why there are twentyone trollkins headed south?" She leaned back and thought for a moment. "From what I understand, the Guild was just annexed into the Albion Army, but neither are in good condition to be executing a proper campaign. Fairfax is therefore the only remaining organized armed force in this part of Gael. Do you want me to mobilize my forces?" She looks inquisitively at Mephisto.
Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Selene's face gained a bit of color. How does he know?!?!?! She coughed and recomposed herself. Moving her second knight forward, she said, "Certainly there must be away to protect the treasure without having to stay in hiding. You could move the vault, arm yourself with it's contents, anything than just lazying around in another person's house." She looked towards the door. "Do you, by chance, happen to know why there are twentyone trollkins headed south?" She leaned back and thought for a moment. "From what I understand, the Guild was just annexed into the Albion Army, but neither are in good condition to be executing a proper campaign. Fairfax is therefore the only remaining organized armed force in this part of Gael. Do you want me to mobilize my forces?" She looks inquisitively at Mephisto.

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Mephisto stared at Selene for a moment, then sighed deeply, shaking his head at her words with closed eyes, clearly in dissapointment. He composed his facial expression once again, and then said. "If there was any other option, trust me I would. I can't move the vault, because it's over a kilometer underground, and it's sealed by one of the most powerful magical spells known to the mortal world. Even Gods would have problems breaking it, if they tried. Arming myself with it's contents is a bad idea, but I can't tell you why, as it is a secret I promised to keep to William Black." then staring at the chessboard for a moment, planning his move. He gently picked up one of his knights, and moved him forward, then heard her question. "Of course I do. You think everything going on in Albion is a coincidence? They're obviously working for my nephew. Why? I have got not the slightest idea, but I can tell you this much: Soon, Fort Black will fall down into ruins. Then, Bowerstone. Oakvale and Fairfax are next... then the whole country. Vergil will make as many allies. Terrorize as many people. And destroy as much as he can to find, or lure me out to him. He knows I have the key. That's why I came here to ask you for help. Fairfax is the most likely to survive a military attack, defend itself from one, and it's in an advantageous position for me to flee from in case such a thing came to pass."

Then Mephisto further explained his point, composing his voice into a loud, quick tone. He clearly wanted to explain it to Selene quickly, but in a way she could understand. "Your forces are pointless. We're dealing with a group of terrorist-partisans here, not an army. And they're far stronger than any forces you can provide me with. I believe we're in a Zugzwang*, as whether your forces remain here, or move out, we are destined to lose anyway. It's simply too late." smiling to his simple relation to their game of chess, while at the same time making a point about real-life politics and military tactics. Mephisto was clearly very confident in what he was saying. "All you can hope to do is arm your men up, prepare the citizens and... pray to whatever Gods, impotent or not, you believe in, as what Vergil will do: Is slaughter everything in his path to lure me out to him. Although, if I do come out to him, the slaughter will only get worse when he gains access to the Vault. Zugzwang* indeed!"

*Zugzwang: German word for "compulsion to move." Zugzwang is a term used in chess when it's your turn to move a piece, but regardless of where you move, you will be at a disadvantage.
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC

His fatigue had cancelled his Smoke Phantasm spell and he had landed onto the floor with a light thump. The exhaustion from the use of Breathless, made his body notice of the presence of the darkened circles underneath his eyes from usual lack of sleep. However, his body had gained a bit of energy after he laid his gaze on handful of treasures from Senõr Fred.  

Vance wanted the riches,  he truly did crave for it -- but he no longer had enough space to store it. 'I've stuck around with this bonehead for this long...I suppose I can trust him to hand it back to me when this is all over with...'

Before he could say something about it, the skeleton knight had suddenly drawn his blade and dashed to the side of him; fortunately he had caught the treasures before they had fallen into the mess of carcasses. 

The dying screech behind him had forced him to turn his head and he saw Senõr Fred standing over the squirming creature's multiple detached body parts. 

Vance's brows had risen in surprise. Not just in reaction to how the knight had saved him from possibly dying, but also because of how his currently most deadliest Aero spell missed such a beast. Before he could showcase a hint gratitude towards Senõr Fred, the feminine voice had returned; echoing across the hallway and bouncing off from the large mass of chimera corpses.  Coincidentally, she had managed to answer the question in his mind. 

'Not all of 'em, huh? Guess I was kinda wrong on how anything living needed oxygen to survive. But then again, these disguting beasts shouldn't be alive in the first place.'

"Ya aren't the only one who's curious on how he works, lady!" Vance yelled into the empty space. He didn't exactly mind on being mistaken for a necromancer -- in fact, if he hadn't discovered his affinity for elemental magic in his adolesence, he would've gravitated towards the dark arts.

Once more the skeleton knight rushed off towards who-knows-where, still strongly intent on saving those who were trapped in this place of horrors -- and Vance followed in suit, after he had forcibly stuffed the jewels into his coat pockets. He had placed the brightest of all the jewels in his breastpocket, where it gave the black fabric a light glow of blue.

"Hey...hey! Can ya quit with ya runnin' around? I reckon this isn't gonna get us anywhere!" 

'I want to leave. I need to leave. But not without that darn knight.'


The two ended up in a large, octagonal chamber that led to another hallway full of opened cages.  In one of the central walls of the chamber were two huge steel doors.  The skeleton held out his arm as if to stop Vance from going further.  "Be careful amigo... I have played enough Devil May Cry to know what exactly this room is for!"  The valiant knight paused as he heard clapping sounds from the ceiling.  "My friend... we are about to be thrown into a boss battle... no... a Mini-Boss battle!  And just because I said mini but don't let that fool you... this might be a difficult fight for both of us!"  Senor Fred drew his sword.

The female voice let out a maniacal laughter.  "I don't know what nonsense you are babbling about, my skeletal guest!  But you are right... you are in for a treat!  But first let me tell you a story!"

"Okay..."  Senor Fred sat down and combed his hair.

"There once were these twin centaur girls... beautiful girls... even members of the Guild of Heroes!"  The woman went on as Fred nodded and combed his hair.  "One of the girls was simply the best archer... her bow and arrows can strike even the smallest leaf!  The other centaur was an excellent mage!  Her natural abilities rivals even the most powerful mages of her guild!"  The voice spoke on.  Fred took out an xbox controller and repeatedly pressed the start button.

"They were such beautiful specimens that I invited them both to help me with my research..."  She giggled.  "I promised to make them even better than they were!"  The woman went on.  "But they cried!  They said they rather die than to get separated from each other!  Could you believe that?"  The voice giggled.  "But you know what... I wanted them to know I cared about them... that I value their input..."  The steel doors started to heave open.

Four hooves clopped from the darkness and into the bright fluorescent light.  Out came a large centaur with two human torsoes... one just behind the other.  Their faces were covered with black leather... their beautiful mouths gaping open... letting some saliva spill on their bare chests.  Complicated black machinery and devices are attached to their bodies... injecting green fluid into their young bodies.  Their bodies shaked as if from some sort of medical high.  They were brain dead... the creature was now nothing more than a mindless creation to do the scientist's bidding.  The woman torso in front held a scythe while the woman behind her held a longbow.  

"Now, my pet... if you manage to kill these two... I will make you evolve into something prettier!

The creature unleashed a crazed laughter and  rushed to the heroic duo with great speeds!  bringing down a giant scythe upon Fred!
Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Mephisto stared at Selene for a moment, then sighed deeply, shaking his head at her words with closed eyes, clearly in dissapointment. He composed his facial expression once again, and then said. "If there was any other option, trust me I would. I can't move the vault, because it's over a kilometer underground, and it's sealed by one of the most powerful magical spells known to the mortal world. Even Gods would have problems breaking it, if they tried. Arming myself with it's contents is a bad idea, but I can't tell you why, as it is a secret I promised to keep to William Black." then staring at the chessboard for a moment, planning his move. He gently picked up one of his knights, and moved him forward, then heard her question. "Of course I do. You think everything going on in Albion is a coincidence? They're obviously working for my nephew. Why? I have got not the slightest idea, but I can tell you this much: Soon, Fort Black will fall down into ruins. Then, Bowerstone. Oakvale and Fairfax are next... then the whole country. Vergil will make as many allies. Terrorize as many people. And destroy as much as he can to find, or lure me out to him. He knows I have the key. That's why I came here to ask you for help. Fairfax is the most likely to survive a military attack, defend itself from one, and it's in an advantageous position for me to flee from in case such a thing came to pass."

Then Mephisto further explained his point, composing his voice into a loud, quick tone. He clearly wanted to explain it to Selene quickly, but in a way she could understand. "Your forces are pointless. We're dealing with a group of terrorist-partisans here, not an army. And they're far stronger than any forces you can provide me with. I believe we're in a Zugzwang*, as whether your forces remain here, or move out, we are destined to lose anyway. It's simply too late." smiling to his simple relation to their game of chess, while at the same time making a point about real-life politics and military tactics. Mephisto was clearly very confident in what he was saying. "All you can hope to do is arm your men up, prepare the citizens and... pray to whatever Gods, impotent or not, you believe in, as what Vergil will do: Is slaughter everything in his path to lure me out to him. Although, if I do come out to him, the slaughter will only get worse when he gains access to the Vault. Zugzwang* indeed!"

*Zugzwang: German word for "compulsion to move." Zugzwang is a term used in chess when it's your turn to move a piece, but regardless of where you move, you will be at a disadvantage.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

"Well then," Selene picked up her pawn and moved it forward past the two knights. "If we can't meet them on the battlefield, we can try to take apart their plan, starting with the trollkins. Fairfax has long fought them as the defenders of Gael from the Kingdom of Ur. I don't see any problems in engaging them while they're still here. Fairfax stands between them and Bowerstone." Arthur walked forward to refill the teacups. "If you say that your nephew is attempting to gather an army, perhaps you should too. Many of Fairfax still believes in the greatness of William Black and Mephisto Pheles."
Aegis Caiburn

Location: Palace training ground

Clad in only black shorts and a black tank top, a female dark elf warrior threw lightning fast punches at a canvas training dummy.  She was tired but her mind couldn't rest.  She kept repeating that same image over and over her head... Kings Albion's head rolling to the floor of Fort Black.  Sweat flew off her face as she gave the dummy a well placed uppercut... breaking the canvas and spilling tiny white balls all over the floor.  She panted and wiped her face with a towel.  "What are we going to do now?"  She said softly, staring at a window.  "My lady... I hope you rule this nation wisely..."  She said to herself as she moved on to a different dummy, devastating it with a flurry of punches.
Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

"Well then," Selene picked up her pawn and moved it forward past the two knights. "If we can't meet them on the battlefield, we can try to take apart their plan, starting with the trollkins. Fairfax has long fought them as the defenders of Gael from the Kingdom of Ur. I don't see any problems in engaging them while they're still here. Fairfax stands between them and Bowerstone." Arthur walked forward to refill the teacups. "If you say that your nephew is attempting to gather an army, perhaps you should too. Many of Fairfax still believes in the greatness of William Black and Mephisto Pheles."

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Mephisto smirked at her words, and said. "Those words cheered my spirit up, however, If even the slightest rumour of Mephisto Pheles being alive gets out of Fairfax... I believe the city is done for." moving his tower to the other side of the board, probably preparing to take down one of Selene's knights. "Vergil is a one-man army. He can defeat even me. He can defeat you. He could probably defeat the both of us together, if we had any form of disadvantage. No less with an army of his own. I agree, I should gather an army, but it can't be a normal one. It has to be unorthodox. Inhuman. Do you perhaps know any conjurers? I doubt it, but I'll see what I am able to do about an army. Is there a study anywhere that you can show me? I believe I'll have to study some of my old spelltomes." planning to find, or at least look for some conjuration spell that can summon powerful creatures for battle, or at least something similar of that sort.
Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Mephisto smirked at her words, and said. "Those words cheered my spirit up, however, If even the slightest rumour of Mephisto Pheles being alive gets out of Fairfax... I believe the city is done for." moving his tower to the other side of the board, probably preparing to take down one of Selene's knights. "Vergil is a one-man army. He can defeat even me. He can defeat you. He could probably defeat the both of us together, if we had any form of disadvantage. No less with an army of his own. I agree, I should gather an army, but it can't be a normal one. It has to be unorthodox. Inhuman. Do you perhaps know any conjurers? I doubt it, but I'll see what I am able to do about an army. Is there a study anywhere that you can show me? I believe I'll have to study some of my old spelltomes." planning to find, or at least look for some conjuration spell that can summon powerful creatures for battle, or at least something similar of that sort.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

"Of course, please follow me." Selene stood up and walked out of the parlor room into the main lobby. She climbed the stairs. "I will make sure that the name of Mephisto Pheles doesn't leave these walls." She opened the door to a spacious study room with walls lined with books and a balcony to the outside. "I will address the Trollkins and make plans to gather forces from across Gael if I can. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." Selene bowed and walked out.
Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

"Of course, please follow me." Selene stood up and walked out of the parlor room into the main lobby. She climbed the stairs. "I will make sure that the name of Mephisto Pheles doesn't leave these walls." She opened the door to a spacious study room with walls lined with books and a balcony to the outside. "I will address the Trollkins and make plans to gather forces from across Gael if I can. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." Selene bowed and walked out.

Location: House of Blanche - Fairfax

Mephisto nodded. He laid a book in front of himself, then sat down cross-legged on the floor. Using the dancing light spell, several candles appeared around him and lit themself on fire, as he used grasping hair to cover all sunlight from entering the room. He blew out all torches the same way, with the candles remaining the only light-source, although his eyes were flashing white amongst the darkness. Mephisto continued to study the book under these tranquile conditions, hoping to find an answer to their problem in it. It was a conjuration book, one that could summon creatures from other planes, or even the same plane to serve one. Ironically enough, Mephisto could be summoned the same way if someone knew his extraplanar name, and with the proper spells he could even be bound to someone's will, just like the demon that he is. "I got it." Mephisto responded, and continued his lecture.
Dilate Adamant

Location - Bowerstone

A woman clad in black armor and white hair appeared behind a young man wearing white armor.  He looks too young to be in the Albion military.  "Lieutenant Adamant..." The woman said softly as she got on one knee... hand touching the ground.  "Direct orders from the princess,"  She said as the boy glanced behind him.  "Assist the main units in capturing and arresting all of the previous king's officials..."  The woman said through her face-veil.  The boy turned around with surprise.  "She want to capture all of the officials?"  He repeated as the assassination corps member nodded and disappeared.  The boy looked at the horizon trying to think about why the princess would do such a thing.  "It's not for me to question... she must have a good reason..."  He said sternly as he walked towards the palace.

The screams of the officials echoed throughout Bowerstone's noble quarters.  None of the common people from the surrounding areas can hear the distressing calls of their previous king's advisors.  Knights charge into private homes, dragging whoever they find out into the street.

"Around that corner..."  Dilate pointed at a home near the corner of the street.  The knights under him nodded and broke the doors with their boots.  

"Sir, we found Minister Holland..."  A knight said as he squeezed the back of a middle aged man's neck and pushed him towards Dilate.  

The man spit on Dilate's boots.  "Ha!  The White Wolf!  What a disgrace!  You are nothing but that traitor Elucifer's lapdog!"  The minister was immediately kicked in the gut by a soldier.  "Y-you... you are a disgrace in the name of William Black..."  The man chuckled.

"Enough..."  A helmeted knight said right before he drew his sword.  "Silence your tongue, traitor!"  The knight said before he dropped down his blade to the back of the man's neck.  The blade struck a white armored arm of Dilate.  "We're ordered to arrest... not kill..."  Dilate said looking down at the man.  "Take him to jail..."  He said coldly while he thought about what he was doing.  Is this... what a hero does?

Dilate noticed a little girl cryng inside the man's house... the sight of her father getting kicked and oppressed drove her to a tantrum... only the arms of a scared mother held her back.  "Should we arrest them too, sir?"  The knight asked as they looked inside the house.

"No... we arrest the officials... nothing more..."  Dilate said before turning around to arrest more officials.
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area #2

When they had entered another chamber with another hallway filled with cages, Vance had nearly activated his phantasm spell when he noticed that the cages were open, but empty of any monsters. When the skeleton had halted him with a gesture, he had took a second to relax and wipe the sweat from his greasy brow. He was physically fit but strong magic can take a toll on one's body -- yet that still didn't mean he would not  use it. 

'I can probably use that spell one more time and that's it. Going in and out that form really tires me out...'

"Sorry, Senõr, don't think I heard of 'Devil May Cry' before," Vance had said through steady breaths, "But I reckon ya right. Unfortunately." 'This is probably the most fighting I've done in a single job -- and the first to be against inhuman creatures.' He grinned grimly at that thought. 'How long is this going to take...?'

Disturbing laughter had echoed in the chamber and after it followed story-telling. Vance couldn't not believe it. While the woman had spoke, the skeletal knight didn't at all seem bothered, since he had occupied himself with grooming and...whatever that other one was. A device of some sort. 

He had just stood there in utter disbelief and felt the exhaustion radiating from his body while the story of the two centaur girls progressed. Now his stomach was becoming a bother -- he was hungry.

"I swear, I've encountered some mean and crazy ladies in my life, but ya, " Vance had called out, while he blocked out the rumbling coming from his stomach, "take it to another level! Find a new hobby!" 

The loud creaking of moving steel doors had surprised him, but what came trotting out of it nauseated him; the centaur girls from the story, whom now are chimera of untangible sisterhood. Vance didn't have enough content in his stomach to barf, but if he did, he would've vomitted all over the floor. 'The longer I stay here and see these hellish abominations -- I'm gonna get sick.'

Just like the rest of the monsters in the laboratory, they came bullrushing towards them but the one at the front was more than ready to reap the skeleton knight who was still sitting on the floor. He knew that Senõr Fred would pounce to his feet and retaliate, but for this split second, he made the first move. 'Time to pay back the favour, I suppose.'

Vance was grateful for the surprise burst of adrenaline from his body, as he was able to cast two spells at the same time. With one arm he made a horizontal movement that released a wave of air that struck the scythe, deflecting the blow it would've done to the skeleton; and the other he used to snap a streak of black lightning towards the centaur.


Location: The Great Forest 

Far west within the Great Forest there was The Wood Elf Empire. This is where Val had started. A few weeks ago her necklace began to change color. This wasn't anything unexpected but it mean't that her best friend had woken up. When I put her into ice there were only a couple people that could let her out. Most likely Mephisto. Which of course, means Mephisto isn't dead. So many people believe those rumors? I just don't understand. Mephisto hasn't lived 700 years for nothing. Neither have I though. Val had traveled past most of the great forest and was just walking out past the line of the trees into a field. "700 years ago, I was standing here with no idea what would happen, I feel like I'm in the same place." That's Bowerstone on the far end of the horizon, but it can still be seen. Val still had to walk but she was fine with it. I have to walk almost everywhere. A little more won't hurt. She started heading toward Fort Black. Where her friend last was. Maybe I will see Mephisto, probably not if he's in hiding, and Mikael is probably with him too. Which means i will have to find them both. And she continued toward Fort Black.

(I'm trying to write this in both first person and 3rd. Idk how it will work but just a heads up)
Location: Bowerstone

Kyro left the machine there but kept the vial. He might need it, but he didn't intend to use it. So the last thing to do was to make a truce. Kyro shadow stepped to where he thought his Vergil would be and what do you know. "Everyone loves that bar..." Kyro waited to Vergil walked out of the bar. He didn't put his mask on or anything. Vergil probably knew who he was and like he said before it was just for fun. He like messing with people. When Vigil did finally walk out of the bar, Kyro was leaning up against the wall. "Hello, I believe I could use your help, or maybe you could use mine. Honestly I have no idea what your doing but I don't mind helping you anyway. I don't have anything better to do." he said looking at his deck of cards.

Location: Bowerstone

Vergil's suspicions arose when he saw the same person from before. "None of your business." He responded. Vergil didn't mind telling his allies he is after the Guild, or a Vault specifically, as if was not that much incredible, but Kyro already know there was something special behind the Vault, and the only thing that Vergil feared was betrayal. "Actually..." Vergil stopped walking. "I may have a use for you yet." Turning around to face the Script. "I need you to find Mephisto Pheles. Are you capable of doing that, or are you a waste of my time?" Vergil inquired, pushing Kyro into an anwser, planning to milk as much of his servitude as he could before leaving only dry bones behind and betraying Kyro before he can do it himself. Only one person could have the key, and thus the Vault. It was Vergil's destiny to access it as the son of Nero Angelo. No one could get in his way. Nevertheless, Vergil coldly stared at Kyro, awaiting for an anwser to his question. Knowing where Mephisto is would be a tremendous boost in Vergil's progress, but he didn't expect much from Kyro. Still: Vergil knew not to let a chance to just swoop by, and thus he would try it anyway.
Location: Bowerstone

Vergil's suspicions arose when he saw the same person from before. "None of your business." He responded. Vergil didn't mind telling his allies he is after the Guild, or a Vault specifically, as if was not that much incredible, but Kyro already know there was something special behind the Vault, and the only thing that Vergil feared was betrayal. "Actually..." Vergil stopped walking. "I may have a use for you yet." Turning around to face the Script. "I need you to find Mephisto Pheles. Are you capable of doing that, or are you a waste of my time?" Vergil inquired, pushing Kyro into an anwser, planning to milk as much of his servitude as he could before leaving only dry bones behind and betraying Kyro before he can do it himself. Only one person could have the key, and thus the Vault. It was Vergil's destiny to access it as the son of Nero Angelo. No one could get in his way. Nevertheless, Vergil coldly stared at Kyro, awaiting for an anwser to his question. Knowing where Mephisto is would be a tremendous boost in Vergil's progress, but he didn't expect much from Kyro. Still: Vergil knew not to let a chance to just swoop by, and thus he would try it anyway.

Kyro Script

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro stood up from the wall. I would seem he is similar to me, thats the same thing I would say. Then again, people like us don't like each other. Kyro look Vergil straight in the eyes with a look of void as his eyes turned black. "I'm not a dog, I don't play fetch. I said I would help you not do your dirty work. I will try this one more time. Do you know what I want? I promise it's not the same thing you want. I don't want power, wealth, land or anything by that matter. I want chaos, disorder and to watch the world burn." This was the true. Little do these peasants that exist in this world know, but they feed on conflict. Without they will die, and everything will fade away. "I don't care how it gets there or who does it." Unlike Vergil I have a sense that i'm not the center of the world. "But I will not be some worthless pet sent on a mission to do find a run away cat. If you truly don't have enough pride to trust someone who isn't a mindless zombie then I guess you also don't need this." Kyro held up the virus. Vergil doesn't know what this is, but if used right this could harvest enough souls to maybe even break that seal. Maybe with...I don't know. The population of Bowestone's souls. Kyro put the vial back in his coat. "But you don't get to know what that is. So lets try this again....You might need my help. Your turn." Kyro's eyes were still black as night. He point his hand toward Vergil, as he wait for Vergil's response. (Again theses are his thoughts, but there not in quotes. Hope it works ok.)
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LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area #2

When they had entered another chamber with another hallway filled with cages, Vance had nearly activated his phantasm spell when he noticed that the cages were open, but empty of any monsters. When the skeleton had halted him with a gesture, he had took a second to relax and wipe the sweat from his greasy brow. He was physically fit but strong magic can take a toll on one's body -- yet that still didn't mean he would not  use it. 

'I can probably use that spell one more time and that's it. Going in and out that form really tires me out...'

"Sorry, Senõr, don't think I heard of 'Devil May Cry' before," Vance had said through steady breaths, "But I reckon ya right. Unfortunately." 'This is probably the most fighting I've done in a single job -- and the first to be against inhuman creatures.' He grinned grimly at that thought. 'How long is this going to take...?'

Disturbing laughter had echoed in the chamber and after it followed story-telling. Vance couldn't not believe it. While the woman had spoke, the skeletal knight didn't at all seem bothered, since he had occupied himself with grooming and...whatever that other one was. A device of some sort. 

He had just stood there in utter disbelief and felt the exhaustion radiating from his body while the story of the two centaur girls progressed. Now his stomach was becoming a bother -- he was hungry.

"I swear, I've encountered some mean and crazy ladies in my life, but ya, " Vance had called out, while he blocked out the rumbling coming from his stomach, "take it to another level! Find a new hobby!" 

The loud creaking of moving steel doors had surprised him, but what came trotting out of it nauseated him; the centaur girls from the story, whom now are chimera of untangible sisterhood. Vance didn't have enough content in his stomach to barf, but if he did, he would've vomitted all over the floor. 'The longer I stay here and see these hellish abominations -- I'm gonna get sick.'

Just like the rest of the monsters in the laboratory, they came bullrushing towards them but the one at the front was more than ready to reap the skeleton knight who was still sitting on the floor. He knew that Senõr Fred would pounce to his feet and retaliate, but for this split second, he made the first move. 'Time to pay back the favour, I suppose.'

Vance was grateful for the surprise burst of adrenaline from his body, as he was able to cast two spells at the same time. With one arm he made a horizontal movement that released a wave of air that struck the scythe, deflecting the blow it would've done to the skeleton; and the other he used to snap a streak of black lightning towards the centaur.


The scythe wielder created a magical barrier around itself that bounced back the black electricity in random places.  The scythe was brought down uninterrupted, but Senor Fred rolled and dodged the attack.  "This one is going to be tough, Amigo... but we have to rescue the hostages!"  Senor Fred said as he prepared a dash attack towards the creature,  He noticed the back torso load it's huge longbow and aimed the point at Vance.  "Look out!"  Senor Fred said to his partner as the scythe holder forced him to lock weapons.  "This is bad!  Look out Amigo!"  The arrow was released... the huge metal bolt flew quickly towards Vance! 

"It will take more than black bolts to destroy my 'Artemis'... do you really want to save those worthless non-humans so bad?  They're not even human!"  The voice said through the loudspeakers.  "Just give up and run away! AHAHAHAHA!"
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area #2

He had silently cursed when Wind Slice and Dark Bolt proved ineffective against the abomination, due to their ability to  conjure an anti-magic barrier. 'The one at the front can do that darn skill, but I don't think the girl with the bow could...' He had thought as he ducked to avoid the rebounded lightning bolt.

Vance could hear the harsh hiss of clashing metal and a deep thrum of a bowstring being released. Senõr Fred's warning rang in his ears, but he didn't react fast enough to dodge unscathed. The metal bolt's head easily ate through his trench coat sleeve, and created a deep wound on his the flesh of his upperarm. He bit down so hard on his tongue that he could taste blood. It's been so long since he'd been hit by something that took a chunk of skin off. 

Vance landed on his side as he clutched at the blood-soaked sleeve of his coat. 

"Ya know lady in the speakers, can ya just shut up and quit makin' noise!?" He hissed towards the speakers, the anger in his tone mainly originating from the pain on his upperarm. 

Groaning, he struggled to get back onto his feet.

For his retaliation, he removed his hand from his wound and ignited it. The flame was bloody from his sustenance, and the Katar strapped to his wrist began to glow red hot. 

Vance gritted his teeth before releasing the fireball in an horizontal arc, forcing it hone towards his attacker. As it flew, it continued to expand in size and fierceness, gradually becoming half the size of Senõr Fred. 



Location: Fort Black

When Val made it to Fort Black there were several guards at the gate. Their security probably got tighter since the guild was annexed. "May I help you Ms?" One of the guards asked. "Yes My name Valence Vercy, I am here to meet an old friend." The guards looked shock. "Of course, you are always welcome here, Should I let the guild master know your here?". I don't really know the guild master personally, since Mephisto is gone. "No that's not need. I'm just here for a visit." The guilds opened the gate and Val headed to the back entrance where Mikael was last left. She had to walk down through the dungeon, but some simple zombie's weren't a problem. I'm still surprised this place hasn't fallen in on itself. Its really old. hmm it should be around here somewhere. Val ran her fingers across the side of the wall until she found the key slot. It was a secret entrance and only the necklace could open it, or if your Mephisto who can teleport. Well and if your on the inside, maybe i should have made it more secure. She slipped the gem into the slot and the wall opened. Inside was the Ice that was used to freeze Mikael. The ice had been broken open. "Not like i expect much else, but it at least confirms that she is free. Now how to find her and Mephisto. I suppose I could go to Bowerstone and ask around. If not...Oakville? No, probably....Fairfax? It's in the north, that a good spot. Well lets worry about that after Bowerstone. Val left the Dungeon and grabbed a horse and headed toward Bowerstone. 
Kyro Script

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro stood up from the wall. I would seem he is similar to me, thats the same thing I would say. Then again, people like us don't like each other. Kyro look Vergil straight in the eyes with a look of void as his eyes turned black. "I'm not a dog, I don't play fetch. I said I would help you not do your dirty work. I will try this one more time. Do you know what I want? I promise it's not the same thing you want. I don't want power, wealth, land or anything by that matter. I want chaos, disorder and to watch the world burn." This was the true. Little do these peasants that exist in this world know, but they feed on conflict. Without they will die, and everything will fade away. "I don't care how it gets there or who does it." Unlike Vergil I have a sense that i'm not the center of the world. "But I will not be some worthless pet sent on a mission to do find a run away cat. If you truly don't have enough pride to trust someone who isn't a mindless zombie then I guess you also don't need this." Kyro held up the virus. Vergil doesn't know what this is, but if used right this could harvest enough souls to maybe even break that seal. Maybe with...I don't know. The population of Bowestone's souls. Kyro put the vial back in his coat. "But you don't get to know what that is. So lets try this again....You might need my help. Your turn." Kyro's eyes were still black as night. He point his hand toward Vergil, as he wait for Vergil's response. (Again theses are his thoughts, but there not in quotes. Hope it works ok.)

Location: Bowerstone

Vergil shook his head. "I don't need anyone's help. I don't need that petty poison of yours, and I sure as hell don't need you." turning away from Kyro and preparing to walk away, Vergil spoke his last words with his back turned. "As soon as I find Mephisto Pheles and take that key away from him, I will become God..." Vergil paused in suspense, then continued. "Hmph. What am I saying? I'll be above Gods, and I don't intend to share that gift with anyone." and walked away with that exact thought in mind. His directive was to gain power. Vergil used Apparate and teleported to a nearby roof, then parkouring his way over the city to the other end, along with the use of apparate every now and then.
LOCATION: Bowerstone - ARC: Specimen Containment Area #2

He had silently cursed when Wind Slice and Dark Bolt proved ineffective against the abomination, due to their ability to  conjure an anti-magic barrier. 'The one at the front can do that darn skill, but I don't think the girl with the bow could...' He had thought as he ducked to avoid the rebounded lightning bolt.

Vance could hear the harsh hiss of clashing metal and a deep thrum of a bowstring being released. Senõr Fred's warning rang in his ears, but he didn't react fast enough to dodge unscathed. The metal bolt's head easily ate through his trench coat sleeve, and created a deep wound on his the flesh of his upperarm. He bit down so hard on his tongue that he could taste blood. It's been so long since he'd been hit by something that took a chunk of skin off. 

Vance landed on his side as he clutched at the blood-soaked sleeve of his coat. 

"Ya know lady in the speakers, can ya just shut up and quit makin' noise!?" He hissed towards the speakers, the anger in his tone mainly originating from the pain on his upperarm. 

Groaning, he struggled to get back onto his feet.

For his retaliation, he removed his hand from his wound and ignited it. The flame was bloody from his sustenance, and the Katar strapped to his wrist began to glow red hot. 

Vance gritted his teeth before releasing the fireball in an horizontal arc, forcing it hone towards his attacker. As it flew, it continued to expand in size and fierceness, gradually becoming half the size of Senõr Fred. 



The skeletal knight clashed blades with the scythe wielder while the archer ripped out a metal bolt directly from her back... she seems to produce the bolts naturally from her own body.   With a hellish scream... the melee side of the creature pushed Senor Fred away with a great sweep of the scythe.  The archer was about to load the bolt into her massive longbow.  The Heroic Fred watched as Vance prepared to shoot a fireball at the monster and realized that the attack might get blocked again.  He took this chance to run back up to the scythe-wielder and stabbed her waist shallowly with the point of his rapier.  She screamed demonically at the attack... the horse body rose up like a wild stallion.  The growing fireball struck the bottom of the horse body... setting the beast on fire!

"Great teamwork!"  The skeletal knight gave Vance a thumbs up.  He then produced something from his pocket that was worth more that any jewel in this moment and threw it at Vance.  It looked like a well wrapped silver object... it looked like a cylindrical metal pillow.

"Open it... that is called a Burrito in my home country... go ahead and eat it!  It's like drinking a bunch of mana potions!"  The skeleton said as he dodged the beast's wild scythe attacks.

The monster began gallopping at high speeds around the perimeter of the chamber... quickly putting out the flames.  Senor Fred took the opportinuty to attack and successfully sliced off one of the scythewielder's hands.  It screamed in feral pain.  The green fluid started flowing faster into the monster's veins... in response... the mouth's of the women got into an ecstatic grin... their tongues sticking out as if in great pleasure.  The monster started galloping again... this time in faster speeds.  The scythe attacks are more reckless now as only one hand controls it.

"Lets finish this, Senor Vance!"
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Location: Bowerstone

Vergil shook his head. "I don't need anyone's help. I don't need that petty poison of yours, and I sure as hell don't need you." turning away from Kyro and preparing to walk away, Vergil spoke his last words with his back turned. "As soon as I find Mephisto Pheles and take that key away from him, I will become God..." Vergil paused in suspense, then continued. "Hmph. What am I saying? I'll be above Gods, and I don't intend to share that gift with anyone." and walked away with that exact thought in mind. His directive was to gain power. Vergil used Apparate and teleported to a nearby roof, then parkouring his way over the city to the other end, along with the use of apparate every now and then.

Location: Bowerstone

"I figured a response such as that, welp I guess I only have one other option." Kyro shadow stepped from the ally next to him to another shadow and continued to do this until he was near a place where he could buy horse's. God these are so useful, there like 10 gold and as long as you return it to one of the other horse stations around Albion you don't have to buy the full horse. Kyro got on a horse and headed to Fairfax. It's time to join the only other side in this war.


Location: Fairfax, Bowerstone

Kyoko had finally made it to Fairfax after a stupidly long walk. Come to think about it she really should have just turned mortal and taken a horse. Oh wait then she could die...Yeah thats why i don't ever do that. Kyoko was standing in the middle of Fairfax. "This is a good place." She then closed her eyes and focused on Bowerstone. Within an instant she was there. Right next to the bar. I need to have a little meeting with the 'queen'. I will wait a bit before then. Don't want to rush things. She thought as she smiled and jumped.
Elucifer Lyserg

Location- Bowerstone Square

That evening after all the officials were gathered, arrested, and placed in mock trials, the remaining officials solemnly walked up a wooden platform.  A crowd of people gathered around the wooden platform as if they were waiting for an announcement.  

Elucifer watched from the rooftops with a devilish grin as his hired announcer walked up the stage behind the officials.  Each of the men's hands are tied together by thick ropes.

"Attention!  People of Albion!"  The announcer looked very passionate and flamboyant... definitely the perfect man for the job.  "Behold the men standing before you today!"  The man continued as the people looked up at the officials... wondering what they were doing up there... wondering why their arms were bound together.

"You look up to these men as your leaders!  Wise and noble men that help guide the King in government and political decisions!  They have served the Kings of Albion as well as it's people in the past... I admit, they have done a lot of good in society.  But alas, these men have been seduced!  Their ambitions for power and influence have clouded their judgement and driven them to treachery!"  The crowd gasped.

"We have entrusted our nation and our lives to this men... but they have betrayed our trust!  They have conspired together and poisoned our King!"  The announcer looked at his audience and felt their rage and disgust!  The started hissing and booing the officials!

"They have also used a poison to cloud our more recent King's judgement!  Leading to his death!"  The crowd continued their outraged gasps.

"And now... they almost succeeded in assassinating our new Queen!  How despicable!"  The announcer roused the crowd.

"These men... these filthy... traitors... have broken all ties with Albion... and sold their souls to the ungrateful rebels of Fairfax!  They have used their positions to feed intelligence to that witch... Blanche!"  The crowd began throwing vegetables at their once respected officials.  The look of dread and helplessness are marked in their faces.

"Daddy!  Daddy!"  The girl from before tried to reach out to her father as the Execution Knight placed a noose around his neck.  "Daddy!  Don't let them hurt daddy!"  The girl cried as her mother kneeled and turned in front of her... silencing her with a scared embrace.

"Albion will now be free of their conniving influence!  The new Queen will rule our lands without their poisonous words!  Peace and Prosperity will reign once again in Albion!"  The announcer stretched out his arms dramatically as the Executor pulled the lever.  A dozen feet floated above the ground... a dozen breaths silenced.  The crowd cheered!

"DADDY!!! DADDY!!!!!"  The girl's helpless cries were drowned by the crowd's overwhelming applause.

Dilate... tasked to patrol the crowd... simply watched the girl with great guilt and regret.  Is this really... Justice?
Location: Bowerstone Square

Gabriel looked around and realized nobody had come to the meeting. How pitiful. The guild was dead and he was responsible for its departure. He walked towards the gate and mounted on a horse, starting to gallop towards Bowerstone Square. At the very moment he arrived, dozens of bodies were hanging from nooses, the crowd was cheering and a little girl was crying. Gabriel dismounted and quickly ran over to the girl. He knelt down and looked at her. "What happened?" He asked worriedly, smiling tenderly at the little girl to comfort her a little bit.

The wind was weak at the gate of Fort Black. The massacre that had happened here still weighed down everything. A slight chill made its way over what was a battle field so little time ago. It was almost as if the wind cried, cried for what happened, cried for the dead. And cried for how it lost the Windrunner, its incarnation. 

But did it? Mikaels soul was drained from her body, the human that was once the Windrunner had died that day. But she was not only the human. No, she was only half a human. The wind was part of her, she had always said that. The wind had no soul and needed no soul to live. And that was, why the chill that crossed the former battlefield manifested into a figure. Mikael. Not the Mikael everyone had known, but what had lurked inside her. Not the Windrunner. She was not that anymore. She was something stronger, something more dangerous. She was the Winddemon. And as that, she would take revenge in those traitors tat betrayed her human form. She would take revenge from the Kingdom of Albion, that had become nothing but self-loving brats. She would destroy those threats to justice, she would not accept what they were doing. Part for part, she would tear them apart. And she already knew how. 

The woman dissolved into thin air and started her journey. With the wind, she made her way towards Albion. She had an idea what she would do. In Albion, she reappeared, but not in her intimidating normal form. No, she took the form of a small girl. Her body consisted of air in its whole appearance and she could form it how she wanted. Rumors found her ear, rumors about the advisors of the king imprisoned. That would be her first stop. She would kill the advisors, she would make it look as if a person of the kingdom did so.

She made her way into a small sideway, where her appearance changed to that of a tall, goodlooking and really sexy  woman with blonde hair. Like that, she would walk towards the main jail. As she had expected, it was guarded. A single, heavily armed guard stood in front of the gate and secured that nobody would get in. She laughed to herself. As if. Knowing of how she could get to him, she swayed her hips as seductively as she could. Then, front to the soldier, she made a pleading face. "Uhm, excuse me Mr. Guard... I know very well how nobody may get inside... But my brother is inside there and is about to be executed tomorrow... They wont let me talk to him... cant i get a last word with him? Id be in your dept and do anything to make up for it, really..." Those words along with her appearance and her innocent, yet seductive face made the guards sense leave. "Hum... I guess... Maybe i could let you in..", he said with a dirty grin. "When you get out, you will have to talk to me again and i will tell you details of my reward." She nodded. Then, knowing what he wanted, she went inside. He would see. He would get what he deserved.

Inside, she did not care for the prisoners. Yet. No, she made her way towards the one that was responsible for torture. She knocked onto his door gently. "Hello? Mr. Executioner?" A handsome man opened the door and looked at her. his eyes showed surprise, but in a good way. "Oh, hello!", he said and waved for her to come in. "What can i do for such a beautiful lady?" She giggled a bit, to please him and entered. "Uhm, oh well. I have a few questions.", she said. He nodded, showing her to go on. And so she did. "As executioner, are you the one who does the questioning beforehand too?", she asked and he nodded. "Yes, all those stupid criminals must face me and endure much torture if they stay silent or even lie.", she explained proudly. She nodded. "Okay... then... I heard the advisors were here, is that true?" He nodded again.  "Yes, apperantly they have betrayed the royal family. They will suffer and surely be executed. I never saw the princess that mad. Well, i didnt actually see her anyways, but you get it." She nodded again."So you didnt question them yet?" "No.", he simply stated. "Thats all...", Mikael said. Suddenly, she had her Kama in her hand and his throat was cut before he could make a noise. She stuffed his corpse into a wardrobe. "Okay, next step.", she muttered and took on his form. Then, she got out, walking up to the next guard she found. "Hey, where are the advisors?", she said. He looked confused at her question, but just showed towards a hallway. Mikael, as the executioner, nodded and made her way towards that hallway. Then, she got towards a guard. "Hey. Get me the advisors in a cell together. All. And then leave them. I dont want to be disturbed." The guard, again confused, nodded and ordered a few others. The order of the handsome torturer quickly got fulfilled. 

Mikael grinned inside her. That was all going pretty well. She entered the cell, closed the door. The advisors all were bound and could not speak, being gagged. The executioner cracked his knuckles, before going to work, cutting of the limbs of each and just letting them bleed out. When he was done, he ordered the guards to leave the hallway. They asked why, but got no answer. It smelled fishy. But he ordered again, more harsh. They obeyed, but surely one was going to tell a superior soon. Quickly when all were gone, Mikael brought the corpse of the executioner inside the cell as well. Nice. Now, she transformed back to the blonde. Leaving the prison, she walked towards her soldier and he grinned. "Well, how was it?", he asked. She shrugged. "Im sad he is going to be killed, but it feels good to say goodbye.", she said. He nodded. "Well, first part of my payback is that we will have a date, my dear.", he said. She nodded. "Sure, if thats what you want..." "Okay. im done here in an hour. Meet me at the brigde at the cities entrance. And dont you dare not to come." She nodded again. 

An hour later, she was at the brigde. The guard came and he was dressed way more casual. He greeted politely, kissing her hand. "Oh my...", she giggled. "Can i ask a question?", she quickly added. The guard nodded. "Who are your superiors? Do you even have any? You surely are important." He grinned satisfiedly. "There are a few. First, there is Dilate Adamant. He is my direct superior. And above him is Elucifer Lyserg. Above him is the queen." The woman nodded. "Interesting." Her eyes got seductive. "i know something we can do in that brush over there..." The man got a bit red, but then grinned. "Oh, what a bad girl..." She pulled him towards the vegetation and then inside. A few weird noises could be heard. Then the man, weirdly in armor again, left the brush. But something red was flowing out of the bush as well. "Now to that Dilate...", the man said.

A little later, Mikael, disguised as the man who, how she found out, was named Conner O`Haily, was in the barracks. She, or he, had said that some important information were to be given to Dilate or Elucifer.

This is going to be 3 at once so yea!


Location: Bowerstone

When Val finally made it to Bowerstone, she started walking around asking people about Windrunner.  No luck huh? It's not too surprising,that most people don't know her name. Mikael has been gone for sometime. Some people were saying she was in a battle at Fort Black. The guild did seem pretty thin. Almost like most of it's members left. "huhh Black would be so sad it he saw this." To think 650 years later, the guild is fading away again. Without Mephisto, no maybe even with him, There just aren't enough people that remember what the guild fought for. Maybe after I find Mephisto and Mikael, I will join the guild. It will be like old times. How long ago was that? Val continued to walk through the streets. She found sick people that were homeless and she couldn't help but heal them. I know my wisdom wisp wants be to say on track but I can heal these people too. It only takes a second. "Thank you, Ms. You are very kind." Val laughed a bit. "No, really I do this all the time." After most of the day had gone by and she had only healed people she sat down. Well, I may have wasted a little too much time. So if I wanted to find them I could meet the Queen, but she probably doesn't know where they are. Also I have heard some bad stories about the government. Honestly, What is happening to the once great Albion. Other countries are thriving and inventing new technology combined with spells. Albion on the other hand is just fighting itself. I'm exhausted and I still have work to do. I am in the shopping district so, might as well pick up something to keep me awake. Val stood up and walked into the nearest shop. There was kind looking girl on the other end of the counter. It was a nice looking restaurant, with tables and stools. She sat down on the other end of the counter. "Hello there, I hope your not too busy." She does look like she's making a lot of potions. "I just want something really quick and I will let you go back. Unless it's really important, then I can find somewhere else..." Val made a very kind smile. @Alteras


Location: Bowerstone- Palace 

Kyoko phased through the walls of the palace. Based on what the soldier earlier told me I can tell 2 things. One would be that there is not longer a king. So queen purity is ruling, unless she gets married. That will probably be forced by the tradition at some point. The other thing is that queen purity doesn't have the strength to rule. She is easily bent to peoples will. Which isn't surprising she is very kind. We would get along great. I love that idea, but it will probably never happen. Anyway back to my main point, considering that where ever you go you can hear rumors about the council members having betrayed the queen. It's very likely that someone else is pulling the strings. That person is all I need to find. Kyoko found the princess and waited/staked her for a long time. This must be the guy. He has visited her three times a day and it's pretty obvious he is the only behind the strings. The princess referred to him as Elucifer. He also seemed to have spies that meet with him. Ok this should be easy. I will wait for one of his 'minions' to report back to him. Then I will take control of them. Kyoko waited but before that....I have a really bad feeling. Something may be coming here. I think it's probably better to wait and see what happens. If 'Elucifer' doesn't die, then I will talk to him. I don't want to be found out. @IamNotLoki


Location: Fairfax

Kyro made his way past the entrance. I have been here once before. It wasn't a for anything big, just to get a layout of the land. Back when I first came to Albion. It has changed quite a bit. Look at all the soldiers. Every single person that walks in and out has to give there name and it is recorded. Selene, being the mastermind of course. Ask anyone about the name Fairfax and she's the one they remember. "My name is Kyro Script." "And very quickly what are your thought on Fairfax and it's independence?" Wow that's some original questions, REALLY not being obvious at all. "I have no opinion, I could care less either way." After recording some information the soldiers let Kyro go into Fairfax. I just have to ask around a little and...After asking around Kyro found the location of the Blanche's household. He walked up to a guard, "Excuse me, If you don't mind I would like to speak with miss Blanche. It is very important." No one here knows who I am. I guess that's a good thing and a bad thing. Lets hope their not all like Vergil and lets see if their smart. HAHA Kyoko thinks she knows how to out play me?! She thinks I'm just going to pick the opposite side of her? Well I think she's wrong, and I intend to prove it. @Alteras
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