Main IC RP

Lorelei smirked slightly at Kyro's attempt at a joke.  "Keep it edgy..."  She said as she motioned her head to a mass covered by a black sheet.  "It's over there... everything you've asked for..."  She said as she sunk her face into her arms.  "You sure plan a lot, don'tcha..."  She said wile her face is over the table.  "Hope your plans don't bite you in the ass later on..."


Location: Lab-Bowerstone

Kyro walked past her. He wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, but she always seemed to do weird things. He walked over to the blanket and looked under it. "Perfect...." He said as he looked down at the ground. His eyes faded into a dark black. "You know, a long time ago I didn't plan any of my actions out. I just tried to become more powerful." He moved his hand above his head and stared at it. " But as time went on things changed, worlds died and all i wanted was a place to stay." He laughed and then lowered his hand. "I don't think I'm really that much different than back then......I still don't think through my plans.....or maybe.....she just thinks farther ahead." Kyro took off his mask and let the cards fall. You could see his face now. "This identity thing doesn't really matter you know? It's just for fun. To reply to your statement, my own plans might end up killing me, but as my own sister once said 'We all die someday'. And besides it wouldn't be a first." Kyro turned around and put his hand on the machine and moved it over to the corner where a shadow cast over the whole thing. He then focus on the object and slowly sunk into his shadow. Before he was gone he said "I hope you don't's been fun." Kyro then faded into his shadow and was gone.


Location: Fort Black

Larei was still on his knees against the wall. He couldn't tell how long he had been there, he just kept starring to the sky. Flashbacks of his past began to run through his memory. From the beginning. Larei stood before someone, he couldn't tell what he was saying but it wasn't good. There were so many people around him, they were all arguing about something. It was so fuzzy. He couldn't tell what they were saying. The man in front of him was of high nobility. He had so many jewels and ring. He wore a robe and a crown. What did he want? Why was he here? At some point the man motioned to move Larei out of the room. Men in armor ran over to him and took him away. He couldn't recognize anything. They threw him into a well kept room with a single window. Larei had learned this trick many times. He opened the window and took the rope he hid in his room. A simple tying of the rope to the wall and he was able to clime down. The building was massive. Built of bricks and it seemed to go endlessly into the sky. After a pretty long clime he was able to make it down, and he ran straight for the straw house's past the forest. Little did he know that would be his worst mistake ever. Larei started to focus again as the men gathered the bodies and took them away. The blood washing away. Larei looked down at the knife and threw it into the river.  He took a deep breath and stood up. "No" He said to himself. "This won't happen again, No! I won't let it. From here on out I will intervene. From here on out I WILL FIGHT! regardless of the outcome. If I do nothing than..." He looked as the men loaded up the last of the bodies and began leaving. "This happens. I won't let what happened to my people or even here today ever happen again.....ever." Larei turned to the guild doors and headed inside. There wasn't much time. He need to build a force of his own.


Location: Not yet to Fort Black but close

Kyoko had been slowly walking, because she had no other means to get anywhere, to Fort Black. When she past by the soldiers that had been heading back to Bowerstone. "Hmmm Looks like I'm perfectly on time" Kyoko took control of one of the soldiers and walked him over to the closest person that looked like they were in charge. "Commander, What do you think will happen when we get back to Bowerstone?" He asked. The soldier that Kyoko took control of was a young, but fit, man. With brown hair and blue eyes. He had his royal armor on but no helmet. He was a grunt soldier none the less. @IamNotLoki
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LOCATION: Astrid's Bar

When the rising sun had set fire to the night-sky, the lone mage had wandered into one of the many bars in Bowerstone. When he had approached the entrance to the bar, a quite unique-looking fellow had caught his eye - unfairly handsome he was, but the blade he held was more to his liking. It looked pricey as hell. But Vance knew who he could take things from, and that particular man was someone who he couldn't rob so easily.

However, as he had taken a seat inside the bar,  he found it difficult to stop thinking about how he had let him slip away. Especially with his current situation: he was low on funds this month and jobs seem to be going scarce. He refused to take low-paying ones, because the coin would stay for only moment and disappear the next. 

Covering his face with his hands, he uttered a frustrated groan. 

'The hell am I gonna do...?'

He let his fingers slide slowly down his face before reaching into his pocket to take out a single cigarette. 

"Hey Bar-Lady, ya know anyone who pays well?" Vance asked, before popping the cigar into his mouth and slowly chewing on it.

'Gotta start askin' around, I suppose. Nothin' in this bar seems good enough to steal.'


Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was eating a half loaf of bread and drinking a cup of milk. Yesterday was pure chaos. Did night even occur? Agh, whatever. At least Johnny took Clara back to the guard's post. She finished her cup of milk when a man with an unclean face walked in. She looked at him head to toe and decided that if he was asking for pay, he wouldn't be looking here. "Well, there's the usual Albion Army. You could also join the Guild of Heroes, although I'm not too sure how they're gonna work now that they follow the crown." She stood up and finished her bread. "Of course, if you want something more high paying, you'll need to give me a bit of information."

Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

As the sun rose above the mountains, the land of Gael came into view under the warming light, of course if there wasn't clouds the color of a reaper, gliding upon the lands. Selene headed back to her house to rest, seeing as none of her informants have warned of an army build up in Bowerstone. She gave her final orders. "Send scouts to Old Man's Crossing and a single squadron with them. I don't want to have our backs turned to the Trollkins. The rest of you, meet your family and friends. The rest of today will be spent training. That's all!" Her officers began to ran across the city.

As she walked through the city, many civilians came out to praise her. "For Fairfax!" "For Blanche!" Many of them cried. Even they knew a bloodless revolt is near impossible, let alone taking 500 prisoners. In the distance at the marble palace of the Council, messengers were running back and forth, posting new laws into the forums as the Council repealed years of bad laws forced upon by the crown. Selene smiled. Just like the days of Liam the Explorer, granted great praise for his accomplishments.

She reached her house and was greeted by her butler, Arthur. "Tea, Master Selene?" "Yes please. Make it green tea from the far east." "Very Well." As Arthur left to prepare tea, she sat at the study room and began to read through old texts.
Location: Mephisto's Old Office

Gabriel was alone in the room. He held a letter in his hands. His ex-wife died. He was sad since he did still care about her, but he didn't expect her to go so soon. He got up and sent a message to the guild members trough various pigeons. The message was: Please, be in the Main Hall as soon as possible. Gabriel waited patiently on a bench in the Main Hall for everyone to arrive.

@The Guild
Location: Mephisto's Old Office

Gabriel was alone in the room. He held a letter in his hands. His ex-wife died. He was sad since he did still care about her, but he didn't expect her to go so soon. He got up and sent a message to the guild members trough various pigeons. The message was: Please, be in the Main Hall as soon as possible. Gabriel waited patiently on a bench in the Main Hall for everyone to arrive.

@The Guild

Ash looked down and mumbled "I b-bet it'll bring th-them to joy..." She said as she coughed again but this one was enough to blow her hood off revealing her brown hair and eyes. "Ah crud..." She said as she leaned against the wall again not even attempting to move her hood back on. "I-I think I m-ma actually n-need a healer f-for this one..." she said with a small chuckle


Location: Inside Fort Black

As Larei walked into the Fort he heard there was a message to go meet at the Main Hall. Larei wasn't part of the guild but it might have some use. For now he need to find someone else. Larei walked around the Fort until he found the person he had walked in with. Ashlynn was inside one of the medical areas. She was being healed by one of the guilds healer. Larei walked in the room. "I ended up losing you, so I figured i would make sure your ok." Larei said as he took a seat at one of the chairs in the room. 

Location: Lab-Bowerstone

Kyro walked past her. He wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, but she always seemed to do weird things. He walked over to the blanket and looked under it. "Perfect...." He said as he looked down at the ground. His eyes faded into a dark black. "You know, a long time ago I didn't plan any of my actions out. I just tried to become more powerful." He moved his hand above his head and stared at it. " But as time went on things changed, worlds died and all i wanted was a place to stay." He laughed and then lowered his hand. "I don't think I'm really that much different than back then......I still don't think through my plans.....or maybe.....she just thinks farther ahead." Kyro took off his mask and let the cards fall. You could see his face now. "This identity thing doesn't really matter you know? It's just for fun. To reply to your statement, my own plans might end up killing me, but as my own sister once said 'We all die someday'. And besides it wouldn't be a first." Kyro turned around and put his hand on the machine and moved it over to the corner where a shadow cast over the whole thing. He then focus on the object and slowly sunk into his shadow. Before he was gone he said "I hope you don't's been fun." Kyro then faded into his shadow and was gone.


Location: Fort Black

Larei was still on his knees against the wall. He couldn't tell how long he had been there, he just kept starring to the sky. Flashbacks of his past began to run through his memory. From the beginning. Larei stood before someone, he couldn't tell what he was saying but it wasn't good. There were so many people around him, they were all arguing about something. It was so fuzzy. He couldn't tell what they were saying. The man in front of him was of high nobility. He had so many jewels and ring. He wore a robe and a crown. What did he want? Why was he here? At some point the man motioned to move Larei out of the room. Men in armor ran over to him and took him away. He couldn't recognize anything. They threw him into a well kept room with a single window. Larei had learned this trick many times. He opened the window and took the rope he hid in his room. A simple tying of the rope to the wall and he was able to clime down. The building was massive. Built of bricks and it seemed to go endlessly into the sky. After a pretty long clime he was able to make it down, and he ran straight for the straw house's past the forest. Little did he know that would be his worst mistake ever. Larei started to focus again as the men gathered the bodies and took them away. The blood washing away. Larei looked down at the knife and threw it into the river.  He took a deep breath and stood up. "No" He said to himself. "This won't happen again, No! I won't let it. From here on out I will intervene. From here on out I WILL FIGHT! regardless of the outcome. If I do nothing than..." He looked as the men loaded up the last of the bodies and began leaving. "This happens. I won't let what happened to my people or even here today ever happen again.....ever." Larei turned to the guild doors and headed inside. There wasn't much time. He need to build a force of his own.


Location: Not yet to Fort Black but close

Kyoko had been slowly walking, because she had no other means to get anywhere, to Fort Black. When she past by the soldiers that had been heading back to Bowerstone. "Hmmm Looks like I'm perfectly on time" Kyoko took control of one of the soldiers and walked him over to the closest person that looked like they were in charge. "Commander, What do you think will happen when we get back to Bowerstone?" He asked. The soldier that Kyoko took control of was a young, but fit, man. With brown hair and blue eyes. He had his royal armor on but no helmet. He was a grunt soldier none the less. @IamNotLoki


Lorelei glanced at Kyro when he removed his mask.  "You wear a tacky mask just for fun?"  She giggled and she turned her chair around to face Kyro.  "You know, I'm starting to like you..."  She said as he watched him take the machine.  She looked down on the floor as if trying to think of the next things to say.  "But I'm probably disgusting to you, huh?  A patchwork girl with sick hobbies... a wretched soul living in the body of her own teacher..."  Her face softened with hints of self-hatred.  Silence filled the room again.

Random Soldier.

"Commander, What do you think will happen when we get back to Bowerstone?"  An un-helmeted soldier asked Isaiah Rosewood.  "Oh... uh... I'm no commander, you must be new..."  The knight put a hand on the back of his neck.  "I'm not sure what will happen really.  The King's body must have reached the council by now.  The funeral is probably being prepared,"  He sighed.  "A lot of heated political things will happen that's for sure... I'm not sure if Princess Daisy is qualified to lead Albion.  I mean she's a nice girl, bless her soul, but I don't think she has the leadership qualities the kingdom needs..."  Isaiah looked at the possessed soldier.  "In any case, we will show the the magical recording we took of the battle... we'll try our best to tell the council that the Windrunner does not work for the guild and that it was an independent agent that tried to attack us.  They may not believe it, but we'll try our best..."  
Senor Fred

Outskirts of Bowerstone

"Rapido Pedro! Rapido!  We're going to lose them!"  The skeletal knight urged his horse to catch up to a huge wagon being pulled by four horses.  The driver of the wagon glanced behind him... his eyes grew large when he saw the terrifying undead creature behind him... eyes glowing with blue flames.  The driver drew a crossbow from a box next to him and aimed it at the skeleton.  He fired a shot aimed for Senor Fred's skull, but it missed!  "Amigo, watch the hair please!"  The knight called out as his horse slowly caught up to the wagon.

The undead knight stood up on his running horse and drew his rapier... his heroic red cape blowing behind him as the horse ran.  The second bolt fired by the crossbow was sliced in half by the gallant hero's rapier.

"En Guardia!"  The skeleton performed a fencer's salute before leaping to the wagon's roof.  The driver tried to shoot the undead creature but the horses were startled and swerved to the left... crashing the wagon on a huge oak tree.  The Wagon's horses broke free and ran in random directions.  The driver flew into the dirt.

The skeleton approached the wagon and ,made a couple of fast strikes with his rapier.  In just a few seconds, the wagon broke into pieces, revealing a bunch of non-human citizens tied up inside.  One of them was a beautiful woman with leaves for hair.  "Mama Dryad!  I have found you!"  The skeleton released her from her bindings.  "T-thank you!  Where is my husband!?"  She cried out.  "Rest assured, senora, your husband is back at home with your kids!"  The hero bowed.

He then rushed to the driver who attempted to escape.  "Amigo, where did you plan to take these people?"  The hero asked as he loomed over the crawling man.  

"Undead scum... I wont tell you!"  The driver resisted.

Senor Fred took the scabbard of his rapier and slammed it down upon the man's bald head.

"Ow!"  He cried out.

Senor Fred repeated the action.


Senor Fred repeated the action.


Senor Fred repeated the action.


Senor Fred repeated the action.


Senor fred repeated the action.


Senor Fred repeated the action.


"Thank you Amigo..."  The skeleton raised the scabbard up and the man flinched... he put the scabbard back on his belt.

"Mister Knight, how can I ever repay you?"  The lovely dryad mother asked.  

"Hmmm... when the kids ask you to return something to me... tell them it's theirs to keep..."  The skeleton grinned before walking back to his horse.  "Safe travels, Senora!  Adios!"  He said before riding off to Bowerstone.

Lorelei glanced at Kyro when he removed his mask.  "You wear a tacky mask just for fun?"  She giggled and she turned her chair around to face Kyro.  "You know, I'm starting to like you..."  She said as he watched him take the machine.  She looked down on the floor as if trying to think of the next things to say.  "But I'm probably disgusting to you, huh?  A patchwork girl with sick hobbies... a wretched soul living in the body of her own teacher..."  Her face softened with hints of self-hatred.  Silence filled the room again.

Random Soldier.

"Commander, What do you think will happen when we get back to Bowerstone?"  An un-helmeted soldier asked Isaiah Rosewood.  "Oh... uh... I'm no commander, you must be new..."  The knight put a hand on the back of his neck.  "I'm not sure what will happen really.  The King's body must have reached the council by now.  The funeral is probably being prepared,"  He sighed.  "A lot of heated political things will happen that's for sure... I'm not sure if Princess Daisy is qualified to lead Albion.  I mean she's a nice girl, bless her soul, but I don't think she has the leadership qualities the kingdom needs..."  Isaiah looked at the possessed soldier.  "In any case, we will show the the magical recording we took of the battle... we'll try our best to tell the council that the Windrunner does not work for the guild and that it was an independent agent that tried to attack us.  They may not believe it, but we'll try our best..."  


Location: Bowerstone- abandon area

When Kyro finished his shadowstep he was inside of an abandon factory. The factory was empty and no one was around. Broken parts could be seen everywhere. He was sitting in the center. "Welp.." He said holding the vial in his hand. "I guess I should continue on."


Location: Between Bowerstone and Fort Black

Kyoko started laughing. She didn't make the person she was controlling laugh. She herself just laughed. She thought it was funny. After she was finished being embarrassed and laughing, she continued to control the soldier. "Of course, I'm sorry, I am new. It's just you looked like you were a Commander and with everything that just happened I wasn't sure who was who anymore. Anyway I'm sure that the Princess will be a great ruler. I have faith. And I'm sure the council will believe us....but who knows i guess." She made him looked around. "I should probably go back to where i was. Thank you for your input. I was just worried." Kyoko made the soldier go back to where he was. After she stopped controlling him, the soldier just kept walk as if nothing happened. Kyoko however turn around and began heading toward Fort Black.

Location: Inside Fort Black

As Larei walked into the Fort he heard there was a message to go meet at the Main Hall. Larei wasn't part of the guild but it might have some use. For now he need to find someone else. Larei walked around the Fort until he found the person he had walked in with. Ashlynn was inside one of the medical areas. She was being healed by one of the guilds healer. Larei walked in the room. "I ended up losing you, so I figured i would make sure your ok." Larei said as he took a seat at one of the chairs in the room. 

"Heh... thanks..." Ashlynn said with a small cough. "You know... I am usually the one doing the healing..." she said with a small laugh. Her robe was off and hanging to dry from the stains seeming to fall off. She was in a cloth shirt that seemed to have been stitched over many times and pants that were browned but looked to fit her.
Location: Guildmaster's Office

Phantom, after returning the now healed soldiers she had  teleported to Elias' Infirmary, had slightly waved goodbye to the figure, saddened that she didn't get their name, but it's not like she was eager to give out her name, either. She's hated giving out her name for quite sometime now. She did hope, one day, they would meet again... under different circumstances.

"So, they're beyond this door...?" She thought, for the first time in a long time insecure about herself and what to do.

Phantom opened the door and poked her head in after taking a deep breath.

"...Hello...? I-I... I was told the new Guildmaster was in here...?" She asked, scanning the vicinity as she peeked in.


Location: Waterfall Village

A metal hand pressed on a tree as Baragar trudged up a forest hill.  Light from the sun beamed down through the leaves, making spots of white light on Baragar's armor.  He walked against a small stream that led up to a huge waterfall.  At the base of this waterfall is a small village made up of villagers living outside the city... a simple rural community.  A little girl peaked out from a doorway and met Baragar's eyes.  She looked super surprised at first, but her face brightened to an excited grin.  She retreated back to her hut.  "Mama, Papa!  Big metal doggy is back!"  She squeeled inside the house.  There was sounds of laughter and conversations inside the house, Baragar simply waited outside.

A man wearing simple clothing stepped out with his young daughter, wearing small pigtails, riding on his shoulders.  "Whoa Mimi is right!  Baragar, what are you doing back here?  Didn't you join the Guild of Heroes?"  The man asked as she put Mimi down on the ground.  She immediately ran to the giant creature with open arms... She hugged his huge leg.  "Baragaww, did you eat yet?" She titled her head, her small pigtails bouncing.  A metal hand ruffled her hair.  A woman peaked out from inside the hut.. she appears to be peeling potatoes.  "Come in, Baragar, I'm making beef stew..."  The woman smiled, her hair blonde... her eyes soothing blue.

Baragar followed the family inside the house.  The daughter kept making faces on his reflective armor.  "So, Baragar, what are you doing back here?"  The man asked.  "I... I just wanted some peace and quiet... a lot of things happened with the Guild..."  Baragar watched mimi play with he spoon.  "Oh?"  The man asked.  "What happened?"  He asked.  Baragar was silent.  "You're free to stay with us as long as you need... we owe you for helping us with that manticore problem after all! Mimi also loves playing with you!"  The man smiled and pat Baragar's shoulder.  Mimi alslo patted his shoulder in mimicry of the dad.

"Baragar, you came to see her didn't you?"  The wife said as she washed the potatoes.  

Baragar nodded.  "I... I need her advice..."  He said quietly.

The wife turned around to face Baragar.  "Just make sure you come back before dinner, okay?"  She said with kind eyes.

Baragar climbed up the hill behind the family's house and stopped at a small shrine at the top,  He kneeled down in front of it and bowed.  "Master... I harmed people again... I'm sorry..."  He said to the grave in front of him. "I thought if I became like a human, I would be accepted... I was wrong.  I keep hiding my true identity for their sakes... but I feel so constrained.  So lonely..."  He sighed as the grave did not offer any reply.  "Master... tell me what I should do..."  He said to the stone shrine.  "Should I go back to the Guild... or should I go back to helping others on my own?  A lot is on my mind..."  
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"Heh... thanks..." Ashlynn said with a small cough. "You know... I am usually the one doing the healing..." she said with a small laugh. Her robe was off and hanging to dry from the stains seeming to fall off. She was in a cloth shirt that seemed to have been stitched over many times and pants that were browned but looked to fit her.


Location: Fort Black

"You heal? All I saw was some light that destroyed those swords." Larei smiled. "I have much respect for any kind of healer. I don't usually need them however, my abilities make it so I don't almost ever need healing. How does your healing work? Do you heal one person or multiple people?"
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Aegis Caliburn

Location: Albion Palace.

As what's left of King Adonis' escort party marched back to the capital, they were met with heavy silence.  A huge pyre was erected at the center of the Royal Courtyard.  A huge gathering of people watched as the flames engulfed a flag covered body of their young king.  Royal knights separated the general public from the inner circle of the courtyard... the Albion Court.  The silence was broken by the hooves of the marching unit's horses and the clanking of their armor.  The people looked up at Aegis as she rode on... a little dark elf girl pointed at Aegis in admiration... her mother pulled her back to the crowd.  Aegis sighed ad led her troops to the entrance of the war room.  She couldn't see the princess anywhere in the crowd... she thought this was a good thing.

After the cremation ceremony, the many advisors and strategists of the court gathered in the war room.  Some of their faces are covered with tears... others with angry brows.  Aegis stood in the middle of the room as the people stared at her with anticipation.

"Captain, you have a report for us about what happened?"  One of the officials asked.

"Yes..."  Aegis pulled out a crystal sphere and a document signed by Guildmaster Gabriel.

"A vision sphere... play it! Show us what's in it!"  One of them called out.  A mage has been summoned by the court to operate that vision sphere.  An image has been projected on the ceiling as the mage operated the magical device.

The council watched in horror as the King rushed to attack an armored person multiple times.  They saw how Aegis tried her bets to defend the king... but he just kept on going.  In response, the armored entity made the king's head roll off his shoulders.

The entire room gasped with outrage.

Aegis was not affected by the video... she saw the real thing happen live... the previous vision carved out a trauma in her that couldn't be replaced by video images.  The council then watched the fight between Aegis and Mikaels... they saw how the guild attempted to stop Mikaels with flashes of light... but to no avail.  The councilmen watched as Aegis and the armored entity clashed in a cataclysmic battle of pure brutality.  Then finally, they saw how a little girl with wolf ears got behind the armored entity and simply killed it.

There was silence in the room for a few moments.  "THE GUILD KILLED OUR KING!"  One of the people yelled out.  "No!  You idiot!  They helped save Captain Aegis!"  Another called out.  Soon the room erupted in hot, fiery arguments.  On one of the seats, a man with an eyepatch and a purple cape simple smiled patiently as the room turned to chaos.

"ENOUGH!"  Aegisroared as the men looked at her.  "If the guild of heroes didn't kill that entity, our men would have died... that is a fact..."  She explained and slid the document towards the men.  "They agreed to be annexed by the military... they will serve us from now on..." Aegis said as the men looked at the paper. 

The men spoke with each other and nodded in agreement.  "Alright,"  one said.  "Well done, Captain... your bravery and actions are highly commendable by the Kingdom..."  the man said as Aegis bowed.  

"If that is all you need from me, I will take my leave... my men need rest..." Aegis explained.

Elucifer Lyserg

Elucifer sat in the war room as he watched his fellow Captain speak.  "I see..."  He said rubbing his chin with his thumb.  "That's what happened..." He said softly so that no-one else could hear.  He looked down on the other Captain at the center of the room.  "What a pathetic excuse for a captain... can't even protect the King..."  She grinned.  "But you know what, I should really thank you.... Aegis the Slumrat..."  He said to himself as he watched the debate unfold.
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LOCATION: Astrid's Bar

When she had mentioned the Albion military, a heartstring went taut. It triggered some form of regret and irritation to come and dampen his mood even further - but he didn't dare to show it clearly. Instead his chewing slowed but his visage remained neutral. 

"Oh, ya right! Should've given you more details about myself before actually askin' such a thing." Vance chortled and shook his head. 

"But those suggestions ya just said -- not the kind of jobs I'll love to have. Being bossed around by stuck-up knights all the time, how can anyone enjoy that?"

He knew who would.

"As for the Guild of Heroes...Bar-lady, I reckon those are the folks who're takin' all the good jobs away."

Vance shifted in his seat and suddenly drummed his fingers against the counter.

"Well now, I'm a mage - I don't exactly focus on flashy and in-your-face kinda magic, I prefer subtleness. And what I can do... lets just say I can get rid of someone or even something that's been botherin' ya in any way for a good price." 

He glanced to the side for a moment before looking back at her again. 

"That's all I can tell ya for my type of profession. I got one more but I don't think ya would like to hear about it. Nothin' gruesome, just unethical in a way."

LOCATION: Astrid's Bar

When she had mentioned the Albion military, a heartstring went taut. It triggered some form of regret and irritation to come and dampen his mood even further - but he didn't dare to show it clearly. Instead his chewing slowed but his visage remained neutral. 

"Oh, ya right! Should've given you more details about myself before actually askin' such a thing." Vance chortled and shook his head. 

"But those suggestions ya just said -- not the kind of jobs I'll love to have. Being bossed around by stuck-up knights all the time, how can anyone enjoy that?"

He knew who would.

"As for the Guild of Heroes...Bar-lady, I reckon those are the folks who're takin' all the good jobs away."

Vance shifted in his seat and suddenly drummed his fingers against the counter.

"Well now, I'm a mage - I don't exactly focus on flashy and in-your-face kinda magic, I prefer subtleness. And what I can do... lets just say I can get rid of someone or even something that's been botherin' ya in any way for a good price." 

He glanced to the side for a moment before looking back at her again. 

"That's all I can tell ya for my type of profession. I got one more but I don't think ya would like to hear about it. Nothin' gruesome, just unethical in a way."


Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid picked up the next glass and continued to wipe it clean. "If that's the case, mercenary work is always available. I met a few people a while back that seem like they would want that." She placed her glass and picked up the third glass. "There are rumors of a bandit lord in the dark forest. You might be able to snag a gem or a chest from him." She paused and looked at the wall, the place where the girl in black walked through a few days ago. "I've been hearing rumors of a shady organization looking to experiment on non-humans. You might be able to find work there, or perhaps a request to stop them. If anyone looking for a killer comes by, I'll let you know."
Jack Alistar

Location:Woodland area

Jack layed his head against the redwood tree. Not very comfortable , but at least it's not a rock. Jack furrowed his brows at the sound of creatures who lived here. Their unbelievably loud. It almost seemed that they were trying to keep him from sleeping.

"God...just a few minutes " he groaned.  But, the owl that was perched above kept hooting. 

"Fine...I didn't need sleep anyways " the boy muttered as he slowly stood up. 
He liked the attitude of this bar-lady; straight to the point. Also the fact that she seemed to be accustomed to the ways and work of a bunch of rowdy criminals - like him.

He closed one eye and looked at his reflection in the glass she was cleaning. Either the glass itself was dirty, or he looked like a mess. 'Nothing out of the usual.'

"Yeah -- don't worry about gettin' back to me on that Merc business, bar-lady. But that bandit lord snippet is more up my alley than that weird organisation. Rather steer clear of the folks, ya see. Might end up as one of their creepy experiments, " Vance paused before grinning. "Hold on a sec, I'm a human, so they wouldn't do that to me anyway."

Before he slipped off the bar seat, he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck.

"Can ya tell me where this dark forest is? I reckon there's alot of dark forests in this darn continent." 

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid picked up the next glass and continued to wipe it clean. "If that's the case, mercenary work is always available. I met a few people a while back that seem like they would want that." She placed her glass and picked up the third glass. "There are rumors of a bandit lord in the dark forest. You might be able to snag a gem or a chest from him." She paused and looked at the wall, the place where the girl in black walked through a few days ago. "I've been hearing rumors of a shady organization looking to experiment on non-humans. You might be able to find work there, or perhaps a request to stop them. If anyone looking for a killer comes by, I'll let you know."

The door to the bar slammed open and A familiar skeletal figure came in riding a white horse.  "And, that... senorita... is want I want to ask you about!"  The horse started chewing on the upholstery.  "Senorita... can you tell me more about that shady organization?"  The skeletal figure grinned and looked at Vance.  "Oh hello there, common patron of this establishment, enjoying a drink I see?"  Senor Fred as He clip clopped to the counter.  "I'm willing to pay for information, senorita!"
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He liked the attitude of this bar-lady; straight to the point. Also the fact that she seemed to be accustomed to the ways and work of a bunch of rowdy criminals - like him.

He closed one eye and looked at his reflection in the glass she was cleaning. Either the glass itself was dirty, or he looked like a mess. 'Nothing out of the usual.'

"Yeah -- don't worry about gettin' back to me on that Merc business, bar-lady. But that bandit lord snippet is more up my alley than that weird organisation. Rather steer clear of the folks, ya see. Might end up as one of their creepy experiments, " Vance paused before grinning. "Hold on a sec, I'm a human, so they wouldn't do that to me anyway."

Before he slipped off the bar seat, he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck.

"Can ya tell me where this dark forest is? I reckon there's alot of dark forests in this darn continent." 


The door to the bar slammed open and A familiar skeletal figure came in riding a white horse.  "And, that... senorita... is want I want to ask you about!"  The horse started chewing on the upholstery.  "Senorita... can you tell me more about that shady organization?"  The skeletal figure grinned and looked at Vance.  "Oh hello there, common patron of this establishment, enjoying a drink I see?"  Senor Fred as He clip clopped to the counter.  "I'm willing to pay for information, senorita!"

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"It's to the south of here." She says as she pointed toward one of the walls. At that moment, she heard the door slam open and watched as Senor Frederico walked into the bar. A bit of confusion was visible on her face. "But-but-The sun-Why arent you-" She turned to look outside the window, The streets were grayed by the dark clouds above the city. "Oh... What would you like to know?"


LOCATION: Outside of Astrid's Bar, heading to the Dark Forest

The shrill slam of the bar door had made him jump slightly, and nearly miss out the directions that the bar-lady had given him. Fortunately, he had still heard it. Vance didn't need to turn aound to see whoever had come in since they had already approached the counter. Upon seeing the armoured skeletal frame with no skin, including he took a couple of steps back towards the exit.

"Ri-right, right. Thanks bar-lady, I'll be on my way then!" He said hastily, plastering a sheepish grin on his face before rushing outside. 'That armour...why the hell would a knight bother to come to a bar for information like that? Thought they had their own bloody informants.'

When he reached the outside, the townscape was enveloped in grayscale due to the sun being blocked out by the dark clouds. Vance spat out the nearly finished cigarette he was chewing on and dug his hands deep into his coat's pocket. 

"South of Bowerstone, gotcha." He murmured to himself.

He uttered his most beloved spell 'Smoke Phantasm', and his entire body dissolved into vapour. The quickest way to travel to destinations was in this form. Vance glanced at the darkening sky above and clicked his tongue (it made no noise, though). He had to hurry or the winds would begin to become a bother to him.

He glided with ease towards the Dark Forest, as he allowed his mind wander on the loot that the bandit lord must have.
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"It's to the south of here." She says as she pointed toward one of the walls. At that moment, she heard the door slam open and watched as Senor Frederico walked into the bar. A bit of confusion was visible on her face. "But-but-The sun-Why arent you-" She turned to look outside the window, The streets were grayed by the dark clouds above the city. "Oh... What would you like to know?"

Senor Fred

Location: Astrid's Bar

Senor Fred pulled out an Elmo comb and started brushing his luxurious drill hair.  "I happened to rescue some non-humans from the bandits in the forest..."  He said as the horse started eating some of Vance's leftovers.  "Some of them were being delivered here by carriage, I happened to intercept them before they reach their destination,"  He explained as the horse chewed Vance's food.  "I interrogated the driver and he says they were going to deliver these people to a place known as the ARC,"  Senor Fred put his comb away.  "What does ARC stand for, senorita?  Is it some sort of edgy biblical reference?"  The undead creature asked.  "In any case, I want to learn where this ARC is... they probably still have kidnapped citizens!  We must go and investigate!"  The skeleton urged.
Senor Fred

Location: Astrid's Bar

Senor Fred pulled out an Elmo comb and started brushing his luxurious drill hair.  "I happened to rescue some non-humans from the bandits in the forest..."  He said as the horse started eating some of Vance's leftovers.  "Some of them were being delivered here by carriage, I happened to intercept them before they reach their destination,"  He explained as the horse chewed Vance's food.  "I interrogated the driver and he says they were going to deliver these people to a place known as the ARC,"  Senor Fred put his comb away.  "What does ARC stand for, senorita?  Is it some sort of edgy biblical reference?"  The undead creature asked.  "In any case, I want to learn where this ARC is... they probably still have kidnapped citizens!  We must go and investigate!"  The skeleton urged.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked at the comb and sighed. "I wished I knew. Most of the rumors come from local bandits whole stay around town. So it seems like it is somewhere in Bowerstone." She placed down the glass and stored them away. Man knocked on the door and waved. Astrid waved back and pointed toward the other side of the bar. The man disappeared. "Looks like my new stock of alcohol arrived. I wish I knew more, it seems to be hurting business."
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked at the comb and sighed. "I wished I knew. Most of the rumors come from local bandits whole stay around town. So it seems like it is somewhere in Bowerstone." She placed down the glass and stored them away. Man knocked on the door and waved. Astrid waved back and pointed toward the other side of the bar. The man disappeared. "Looks like my new stock of alcohol arrived. I wish I knew more, it seems to be hurting business."

"Ay Dios Mio... How unfortunate!  You don't know anything about this at all?"  The skeletal knight slumped his shoulders in disappointment.  He then looked at Astrid.  "You know Senorita, I can't help but think how lonely you are here in this bar..."  The skeleton asked.  "You know, I know I'm too good looking for you... and that I am far more sexy... but I'm willing to settle down with you if it means making you happy..."  The chivalrous knight sensed confusion in Astrid's eyes and held out a finger to interfere her.  "Do not think of it as chaining me down... senorita... everyone deserves to be happy.  I know what you wanted to ask me all this time... and you know I cannot let a fan down..."  The skeleton threw roses all over the bar.  "The answer is yes, Senorita... I will marry you!"  The Skeleton laughed heartily as the rose petals fell all over the place.  "Well, I will if I survive the mission to save those kidnapped people... wish me luck!"

(I did it @Birdsie >:D)

                                                 J O B L E S S                 (Mainly due to weather rp difficulties)

The wind had picked up remarkably in such a short span of seconds, and in his Phantasm form he couldn't compete against it. Groaning like a child, he let himself be pushed back into Bowerstone and coincidentally near the bar he had just left.

'What the absolute hell is this? It's like mother nature doesn't want me to get paid. If this is karma I'm gonna...well...' Vanc thought irritably to himself. Floating by the window of the bar, he stayed in his smoke form a for moment, attempting to finish that thought. Unfortunately he couldn'nt even finish what he would've done if it was karma playing on him, and that fouled his mood for the worse.

Uncasting the spell, he returned to his flesh and bone vessel. He hastily fished out another cigarette and shoved it into his mouth, before lighting it with his finger using a Ignitus spell. 'I ain't gonna walk all the way to the Dark Forest. Could be even a waste of my time when I could be doin' somethin' else...' Vance glared up at the sky and said nothing. His eyes portrayed his hatred to the current weather.

After he exhaled a swirl of smoke, he entered the bar once more, looking frustrated and wind-haggard. 

And the first thing he saw was the same skeletal knight and his quite stupid horse, littering the counter with roses before heading towards his direction (the exit). Vance just side-stepped out of the way with his lips tightened into a straight line, waiting for him to leave.

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Location: Fort Black

"You heal? All I saw was some light that destroyed those swords." Larei smiled. "I have much respect for any kind of healer. I don't usually need them however, my abilities make it so I don't almost ever need healing. How does your healing work? Do you heal one person or multiple people?"

"I practice Life magic..." She said as she sat up, now having her wounds healed. "I can heal broken bones and such, but have not learned to heal myself..." she said with a bit of embarrassment "But I am trying to learn."
"Ay Dios Mio... How unfortunate!  You don't know anything about this at all?"  The skeletal knight slumped his shoulders in disappointment.  He then looked at Astrid.  "You know Senorita, I can't help but think how lonely you are here in this bar..."  The skeleton asked.  "You know, I know I'm too good looking for you... and that I am far more sexy... but I'm willing to settle down with you if it means making you happy..."  The chivalrous knight sensed confusion in Astrid's eyes and held out a finger to interfere her.  "Do not think of it as chaining me down... senorita... everyone deserves to be happy.  I know what you wanted to ask me all this time... and you know I cannot let a fan down..."  The skeleton threw roses all over the bar.  "The answer is yes, Senorita... I will marry you!"  The Skeleton laughed heartily as the rose petals fell all over the place.  "Well, I will if I survive the mission to save those kidnapped people... wish me luck!"

(I did it @Birdsie >:D)

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"what?" Astrid just stared at the crazed skeleton laugh in a pile of petals... She slowly began to process what he said as she took a sip of her ale. "Senor Frederico Callaberio, as much as I appreciate your nature, I do not believe that you are speaking with a sound mind. You seem to have misunderstood me or mistaken me for someone else, but unfortunately, I do not love you." Her hands tightened to a fist as she looked down at her flask of ale. "Now clean up the petals and LEAVE!" She said with a red face mixed with anger and embarrassment.

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