Main IC RP

Location: Battlefield at Fort Black

Vergil stared at Ashe, then with a steady, confident march walked up to her, kneeling in front of her on just one knee, and put his pointing finger up against her mouth. "Shhh... tut-tut-tut... The grown-ups are talking now." Vergil commented with a stoic facial expression. Once again, Vergil shot up standing and looked at Lilith, slowly taking steps to her once again. He was wondering if he should tell her the truth, or play along with Mephisto's facade. He thought about the consequences of both choices, and decided telling her would be a risk to his own identity. He shook his head, then slowly and calmly told her. "Mephisto Pheles..." he paused. The next words very quickly came through his throat. "Is dead." he said, with no remorse in the voice. Little emotion, except for some tense disquietude in his tone. Vergil was well-aware that nobody around knew who he was, and the only actual benefit that came from this was that he could know a little more about the people he would fight in the future.

Vergil saw Gabriel's behaviour, and the exorcists, feeling a little bit tense, worried they might detect he is a Nephilim, or perhaps even think that he is a full-out demon. People didn't tend to be too intelligent nowadays. He didn't feel fear, as he could cut them into tiny little pieces, but if such a thing came to pass there would be, even if slight, a risk for his identity, and therefore for his goals that are to open the Vault. "Aren't you the new Guildmaster, now that Mephisto Pheles is dead? It's your duty to live and die for your Guild." and then, decided to use his fake name, and ensure everyone thinks that he has no connection to the Guild whatsoever. "Oh, where are my manners?!" he calmly asked himself. Vergil continued "I forgot them indeed. My name is... Nero Angelo." (Translates to Black Angel, so some may see it as that) "I came here to join the Guild, but this place seems pretty wrecked up. And I'm not sure if it's a good moment anyway."

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sighed and walked towards Aegis. "I have no clue about who she was...But if you want so badly to frame and finally destroy the Guild, execute me. Leave everyone alone. They did nothing." He exclaimed, dropping his sword on the ground and taking a deep breath, while looking at her. "The Guild had no connection whatsoever with...The Windrunner and I am willing to do anything you ask of me to avenge the king's death. Even if he framed Mephisto and got him killed." He said, avoiding Lilith's eyes for fear of what she could do. Amelia came in the area with a couple other exorcists and only saw blood and bodies everywhere. She looked back at once of them and the man quickly ran towards the battlefield, cutting a small slice into his hand and dropping some blood on the ground. He pronounced some words in a weird language and all the dead bodies, as if they were pulled by a magic force, all got in lines in "containers" made out of leaves. "This is all I can do." He said, walking back towards Amelia. Gabriel sighed once more and fell on his knees. He punched the ground fiercely and a small crater was left as he pulled his fist away. "Mephisto is dead...The King is dead...The Guild's reputation is ruined...AAAGH!" He shouted in anger, still punching the ground. "I am sorry, Aegis. I know how much you cared about the King." He said finally.

Lilith heard both of them. They were the third people to say that. But Lilith would not accept that. "No.", she calmly stated. "He is not. He maybe has fooled you, but he is not dead.", she explained. She really wanted to believe that too. "If my father was dead, i would know that." Tears started to run down from the little demons purple eyes. "How would he have died anyways! He was the bestest! You just want to fool us demon!", she shouted at Vergil. As a demon, she could sense that he was one as well. "Gabriel dont believe that demon! Papa is alive! He has to be! Who would want to kill him anyways? You know that everyone liked Papa!" Lilith started to fully cry. "He lives! He cannot be dead! If he was dead, the last thing he knew of me would be betrayal! THAT CANT BE TRUE!", she shouted. Then she looked around. "He will come out soon and tell you "Haha, i fooled you" and then he will make one of his jokes and puns and run around and say "Fantastic!" like he always does!", she shouted, crying. Then she broke to her knees. "You will all see..."
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sighed and walked towards Aegis. "I have no clue about who she was...But if you want so badly to frame and finally destroy the Guild, execute me. Leave everyone alone. They did nothing." He exclaimed, dropping his sword on the ground and taking a deep breath, while looking at her. "The Guild had no connection whatsoever with...The Windrunner and I am willing to do anything you ask of me to avenge the king's death. Even if he framed Mephisto and got him killed." He said, avoiding Lilith's eyes for fear of what she could do. Amelia came in the area with a couple other exorcists and only saw blood and bodies everywhere. She looked back at once of them and the man quickly ran towards the battlefield, cutting a small slice into his hand and dropping some blood on the ground. He pronounced some words in a weird language and all the dead bodies, as if they were pulled by a magic force, all got in lines in "containers" made out of leaves. "This is all I can do." He said, walking back towards Amelia. Gabriel sighed once more and fell on his knees. He punched the ground fiercely and a small crater was left as he pulled his fist away. "Mephisto is dead...The King is dead...The Guild's reputation is ruined...AAAGH!" He shouted in anger, still punching the ground. "I am sorry, Aegis. I know how much you cared about the King." He said finally.

Location: Battlefield at Fort Black

Vergil stared at Ashe, then with a steady, confident march walked up to her, kneeling in front of her on just one knee, and put his pointing finger up against her mouth. "Shhh... tut-tut-tut... The grown-ups are talking now." Vergil commented with a stoic facial expression. Once again, Vergil shot up standing and looked at Lilith, slowly taking steps to her once again. He was wondering if he should tell her the truth, or play along with Mephisto's facade. He thought about the consequences of both choices, and decided telling her would be a risk to his own identity. He shook his head, then slowly and calmly told her. "Mephisto Pheles..." he paused. The next words very quickly came through his throat. "Is dead." he said, with no remorse in the voice. Little emotion, except for some tense disquietude in his tone. Vergil was well-aware that nobody around knew who he was, and the only actual benefit that came from this was that he could know a little more about the people he would fight in the future.

Vergil saw Gabriel's behaviour, and the exorcists, feeling a little bit tense, worried they might detect he is a Nephilim, or perhaps even think that he is a full-out demon. People didn't tend to be too intelligent nowadays. He didn't feel fear, as he could cut them into tiny little pieces, but if such a thing came to pass there would be, even if slight, a risk for his identity, and therefore for his goals that are to open the Vault. "Aren't you the new Guildmaster, now that Mephisto Pheles is dead? It's your duty to live and die for your Guild." and then, decided to use his fake name, and ensure everyone thinks that he has no connection to the Guild whatsoever. "Oh, where are my manners?!" he calmly asked himself. Vergil continued "I forgot them indeed. My name is... Nero Angelo." (Translates to Black Angel, so some may see it as that) "I came here to join the Guild, but this place seems pretty wrecked up. And I'm not sure if it's a good moment anyway."

Lilith was still confused about what happened. That was until she heard what Aegis said. She ran over in an instant, her purple eyes glowing dangerously. But she had no intention to attack anyone. "What did you say? What is with Papa Mephisto? Where is he! I need to talk to him, so that he can forgive me and I can be a good daughter again!", she explained, her tone pleading. "Where is Papa Mephisto?"

Aegis stood up and looked at Lilith who claims to be Mephisto's daughter.  She then looked down to the floor... avoiding eye contact.  She grit her teeth and clenched her fists.  "He's..."  She couldn't finish it.  She couldn't say that Mephisto Pheles has been executed by the Royal Court.  He looked at Vergil with glaring eyes.  "Why did I give up?"  She repeated.  "I was asked to accompany the King to annex the Guild of Heroes... not destroy it.  My heart says to destroy everything here to avenge his death... but my duty says otherwise.  If I go beyond my duty and act on emotions, I will sully the previous King's name.  The nation of Albion goes before any personal Vendetta.  And I admit, I still loathe and hate all of you for killing our leader... but to lose the Guild and possibly lose my unit in the process of vengeance... is not ideal,"  She explained.  Vergil told the little girl about Mephisto's death... Aegis cringed at the man's callousness.

"So you are the Guildmaster after Mephisto Pheles aren't you?  I am Aegis Caliburn, captain of the Azure Strike Corps...  I do not wish to execute anyone.  You claimed that the person over there..."  She pointed at the Windrunner's corpse.  "Is acting on her own volition and does not represent the Guild.  The way I see it, the Guild helped us take down a threat trying to destroy us... you have my thanks,"

"But Captain!"  One of the soldier butted in.  "They shot magic at us!  They were resisting our arrival!"  The soldier insisted.  

"Carl, shut up..."  One of the soldiers said.  It was Isaiah Rosewood... the soldier who claimed to be a great admirer of Mephisto.  "You saw how outraged they were when Windrunner slaid our King... they even attempted to stop her attacks with a flash of light, they were just as outraged as us about the being's actions..."  

Aegis turned to face Gabriel.  "We brought some papers for you to sign... if you could please let us in.. we could try our best to work things out.  It's raining out here, I believe our soldiers would like shelter from this downpour as well..."  Aegis said weakly.
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Lilith heard both of them. They were the third people to say that. But Lilith would not accept that. "No.", she calmly stated. "He is not. He maybe has fooled you, but he is not dead.", she explained. She really wanted to believe that too. "If my father was dead, i would know that." Tears started to run down from the little demons purple eyes. "How would he have died anyways! He was the bestest! You just want to fool us demon!", she shouted at Vergil. As a demon, she could sense that he was one as well. "Gabriel dont believe that demon! Papa is alive! He has to be! Who would want to kill him anyways? You know that everyone liked Papa!" Lilith started to fully cry. "He lives! He cannot be dead! If he was dead, the last thing he knew of me would be betrayal! THAT CANT BE TRUE!", she shouted. Then she looked around. "He will come out soon and tell you "Haha, i fooled you" and then he will make one of his jokes and puns and run around and say "Fantastic!" like he always does!", she shouted, crying. Then she broke to her knees. "You will all see..."
Aegis stood up and looked at Lilith who claims to be Mephisto's daughter.  She then looked down to the floor... avoiding eye contact.  She grit her teeth and clenched her fists.  "He's..."  She couldn't finish it.  She couldn't say that Mephisto Pheles has been executed by the Royal Court.  He looked at Vergil with glaring eyes.  "Why did I give up?"  She repeated.  "I was asked to accompany the King to annex the Guild of Heroes... not destroy it.  My heart says to destroy everything here to avenge his death... but my duty says otherwise.  If I go beyond my duty and act on emotions, I will sully the previous King's name.  The nation of Albion goes before any personal Vendetta.  And I admit, I still loathe and hate all of you for killing our leader... but to lose the Guild and possibly lose my unit in the process of vengeance... is not ideal,"  She explained.  Vergil told the little girl about Mephisto's death... Aegis cringed at the man's callousness.

"So you are the Guildmaster after Mephisto Pheles aren't you?  I am Aegis Caliburn, captain of the Azure Strike Corps...  I do not wish to execute anyone.  You claimed that the person over there..."  She pointed at the Windrunner's corpse.  "Is acting on her own volition and does not represent the Guild.  The way I see it, the Guild helped us take down a threat trying to destroy us... you have my thanks,"

"But Captain!"  One of the soldier butted in.  "They shot magic at us!  They were resisting our arrival!"  The soldier insisted.  

"Carl, shut up..."  One of the soldiers said.  It was Isaiah Rosewood... the soldier who claimed to be a great admirer of Mephisto.  "You saw how outraged they were when Windrunner slain our King... they even attempted to stop her attacks with a flash of light, they were just as outraged as us about the being's actions..."  

Aegis turned to face Gabriel.  "We brought some papers for you to sign... if you could please let us in.. we could try our best to work things out.  It's raining out here, I believe our soldiers would like shelter from this downpour as well..."  Aegis said weakly.

Location: Battlefield outside of Fort Black

Vergil sighed, then said. "Foolish child. We always tell ourselves things like those because we want to have good lives. We want to have 'perfect' lives. We're all perfect beings, right?" managing to say it with a monotone, yet somehow sarcastic tone. He smirked and chuckled at his words, then returned to the previous stale expression and added "And you seem to have mistaken me. I am no demon." not even reacting to the fact she was crying. Vergil embraced his demonic side, and to him: Devil's Don't Cry. Vergil then heard Aegis' response to Gabriel. "Commendable." Vergil commented on Aegis' response, then explained why he thought so. "I would never put duty above personal matters." Vergil momentarily stopped, watching her talk to Gabriel. Meanwhile, as everyone was distracted with their own, personal matters, Vergil dissapeared into the shadows of the trees and forests around Fort Black, then slowly walked towards Bowerstone. He had to remember to be on time to meet Kyrule.

Location: Bowerstone - Astrid's Bar

Vergil made his way to Bowerstone and walked into Astrid's Bar, hearing that it was a popular place around here. He sat by the counter and looked at Astrid. "Heard this place was popular..." and paused. "Give me something strong." he demanded, looking at Astrid. His voice was monotone and stale, and his face nearly emotionless. Vergil wanted to see how regenerative his system really was by drinking something that would give him a good kick. Even though Vergil drank alcohol before, it was when he was younger and less... 'conditioned' shall I describe.

Aegis stood up and looked at Lilith who claims to be Mephisto's daughter.  She then looked down to the floor... avoiding eye contact.  She grit her teeth and clenched her fists.  "He's..."  She couldn't finish it.  She couldn't say that Mephisto Pheles has been executed by the Royal Court.  He looked at Vergil with glaring eyes.  "Why did I give up?"  She repeated.  "I was asked to accompany the King to annex the Guild of Heroes... not destroy it.  My heart says to destroy everything here to avenge his death... but my duty says otherwise.  If I go beyond my duty and act on emotions, I will sully the previous King's name.  The nation of Albion goes before any personal Vendetta.  And I admit, I still loathe and hate all of you for killing our leader... but to lose the Guild and possibly lose my unit in the process of vengeance... is not ideal,"  She explained.  Vergil told the little girl about Mephisto's death... Aegis cringed at the man's callousness.

"So you are the Guildmaster after Mephisto Pheles aren't you?  I am Aegis Caliburn, captain of the Azure Strike Corps...  I do not wish to execute anyone.  You claimed that the person over there..."  She pointed at the Windrunner's corpse.  "Is acting on her own volition and does not represent the Guild.  The way I see it, the Guild helped us take down a threat trying to destroy us... you have my thanks,"

"But Captain!"  One of the soldier butted in.  "They shot magic at us!  They were resisting our arrival!"  The soldier insisted.  

"Carl, shut up..."  One of the soldiers said.  It was Isaiah Rosewood... the soldier who claimed to be a great admirer of Mephisto.  "You saw how outraged they were when Windrunner slaid our King... they even attempted to stop her attacks with a flash of light, they were just as outraged as us about the being's actions..."  

Aegis turned to face Gabriel.  "We brought some papers for you to sign... if you could please let us in.. we could try our best to work things out.  It's raining out here, I believe our soldiers would like shelter from this downpour as well..."  Aegis said weakly.

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sighed once more and got up on his feet slowly. "Let your men in the main hall. About the papers...follow me." He said, walking inside the Fort towards Mephisto's old office. He walked in and sat down at the desk. The fire was slowly drying the soaked clothes on Gabriel. "So...What are the terms of this annexation?" He asked curiously, taking out a feather from the desk and looking at Aegis. Meanwhile, Amelia and the other exorcists did a check-up on the bodies and used magical spells to cleanup the blood. The Courtyard was good as new.
Location: under Fort Black

Kyro stood up from sitting next to the vault door and looked around. Quite a cool place. Lava pouring down from the sides with a massive dungeon all the way down. This is the kind of place he wanted to have in his house. He smiled as he looked around. "Nothing much left here though, other than the not dead Mephisto somewhere and the key that he 80% has. Though knowing Mephisto make that 50%." Kyro shadow stepped out of there and made his way to the top. It was much easier now that he knew where he was. He looked outside a the horror that was there and decide it was better to avoid that. For anyone that cares Kyro had 2 real options. Go to Bowerstone or go north. Both seemed at little downsided. There just wasn't much point. I mean after all samurai villain number 1 was pretty much doing his job for him. So he decided to go to Bowerstone and find out if his request was finished. It would take sometime so he head out right away.


Location: Bowerstone

Darkness form in the corners of reality. As massive amounts of energy pull together it begins to form. In the back of an alley, shadows pull together as the world begins to distort. After a moment it goes back to normal before a massive pulse a magic energy is released. To normal people this would be unnoticeable, but what it formed was the body of a girl. No one could interact with her but she was there. "Ahhh, finally. Another world to save from evil." Kyoko flouted through the alley and on to the street passing through any walls in her way. She walked into the street and looked as so many different people walked by. Who to pick who to pick........ Finally a girl with blue hair and green eyes, with relatively average everything else, walked by. Kyoko threw one of her knifes, with a chain attacted back to she sleeve, at the person. The knife stabbed directly through the persons center. The girl flinched and shook around before she lowered her head and the jumped up with energy. "Yeah! I got a body." The blue haired girl said. Kyoko has taken control of this person. "Hmmm now I just need to meet everyone!" She exclaimed jumping up and down. She walked over to the only bar she could find "So this is where I should go?". She walked into the bar and saw two people. The girl behind the bars was frantically trying to make potions. "I wonder what for?" Kyoko had her person walk over to the bar and sit down. "Hi, why are you so frantic?" She asked the girl. @Alteras
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sighed once more and got up on his feet slowly. "Let your men in the main hall. About the papers...follow me." He said, walking inside the Fort towards Mephisto's old office. He walked in and sat down at the desk. The fire was slowly drying the soaked clothes on Gabriel. "So...What are the terms of this annexation?" He asked curiously, taking out a feather from the desk and looking at Aegis. Meanwhile, Amelia and the other exorcists did a check-up on the bodies and used magical spells to cleanup the blood. The Courtyard was good as new.

Aegis followed the acting leader of the Guild to the office.  Before she went in, she motioned one of her men to bring a  small flat leather bag.  She nodded for the soldier to return to the main hall.  Aegis placed the bag on the desk and pulled out a folder from inside.  Inside the folder is a crisp white document filled with official stamps and signatures from some of the high ranking advisors.  "Please read it..." She slid the paper to Gabriel.

This document is a contract of annexation between the Guild of Heroes and Albion Kingdom.  In response to recent events, the Albion Court have decided to effectively absorb the private organization, Guild of Heroes, as a branch of it's state military.  The following laws are created to limit the organization's influence and power against the state:

Article1: The Guild will be subservient to the Royal Family and will act for the best interest of the Kingdom of Albion.  

Article2: The Guild will pay a 2% tax to the Kingdom for every commission it receives from contracts.  All contracts must be approved by an official representative of the Kingdom of Albion.  

Article3: The Guild is expected to work alongside other branches of the Albionian Military.  The Guild cannot interfere with the actions of other military branches unless given permission by the appropriate officials in the Royal Court.

Article4: The Guild cannot attack any members of the Royal Court unless given permission by an appropriate official.

Article5: Royal Officials have free reign to observe Guild activities and have free access to all of the Guild's properties.

Article6: All land the Guild has and all land the Guild conquers belongs to the Kingdom of Albion.

Article7:  In the case of a crime involving a Gild Member, the Kingdom will conduct an investigation.  The Guild is no longer in charge of Guild Related crimes and the issues will instead be directed to the Military Police Division.

Article8: All members of the guild must fill out an information sheet and reveal their true names and identities to the Kingdom of Albion.  Anyone who have aliases must make their names public.

Article9: Any new laws must be either voted for by the Albion Council and get a majority vote or directly implemented by the King.  

Signing this document will be an act of acknowledgement to both parties that these Laws will be enforced.  

Guildmaster Signature: ______________________________________

"Keep in mind, these Laws are quite conservative..."  Aegis sighed.  "They were made by the advisers before the death of the king..."  She looked at Gabriel's eyes.  "A lot of the advisers who thought up these laws really wanted to give you guys a lot of slack..."  She added.  "I don't believe this will remain the case.  When the council finds out the King has been beheaded on Guild soil, they will surely be united to sanction the Guild to oblivion..."  She looked at Gabriel with sincere eyes.  "I don't know if you remember, Lord Gabriel... but my Azure Strike Corps fought alongside you and some other Guild Members in taking down the Tarasque Crime Syndicate, a lot of my men are in good terms with the Guild... a lot of them were saved by the guild before.  You can see that my men would really like to see the Guild in it's previous glory again,"  She turned around to look at the fireplace.  

"I don't have any feelings for the Guild like my men, but I do want peace in my country again... If you sign this paper, I will do my best to help you from my side.  I will aid you in clearing Mephisto's name and restoring his innocence... you just need to trust me..."
Aegis followed the acting leader of the Guild to the office.  Before she went in, she motioned one of her men to bring a  small flat leather bag.  She nodded for the soldier to return to the main hall.  Aegis placed the bag on the desk and pulled out a folder from inside.  Inside the folder is a crisp white document filled with official stamps and signatures from some of the high ranking advisors.  "Please read it..." She slid the paper to Gabriel.

This document is a contract of annexation between the Guild of Heroes and Albion Kingdom.  In response to recent events, the Albion Court have decided to effectively absorb the private organization, Guild of Heroes, as a branch of it's state military.  The following laws are created to limit the organization's influence and power against the state:

Article1: The Guild will be subservient to the Royal Family and will act for the best interest of the Kingdom of Albion.  

Article2: The Guild will pay a 2% tax to the Kingdom for every commission it receives from contracts.  All contracts must be approved by an official representative of the Kingdom of Albion.  

Article3: The Guild is expected to work alongside other branches of the Albionian Military.  The Guild cannot interfere with the actions of other military branches unless given permission by the appropriate officials in the Royal Court.

Article4: The Guild cannot attack any members of the Royal Court unless given permission by an appropriate official.

Article5: Royal Officials have free reign to observe Guild activities and have free access to all of the Guild's properties.

Article6: All land the Guild has and all land the Guild conquers belongs to the Kingdom of Albion.

Article7:  In the case of a crime involving a Gild Member, the Kingdom will conduct an investigation.  The Guild is no longer in charge of Guild Related crimes and the issues will instead be directed to the Military Police Division.

Article8: All members of the guild must fill out an information sheet and reveal their true names and identities to the Kingdom of Albion.  Anyone who have aliases must make their names public.

Article9: Any new laws must be either voted for by the Albion Council and get a majority vote or directly implemented by the King.  

Signing this document will be an act of acknowledgement to both parties that these Laws will be enforced.  

Guildmaster Signature: ______________________________________

"Keep in mind, these Laws are quite conservative..."  Aegis sighed.  "They were made by the advisers before the death of the king..."  She looked at Gabriel's eyes.  "A lot of the advisers who thought up these laws really wanted to give you guys a lot of slack..."  She added.  "I don't believe this will remain the case.  When the council finds out the King has been beheaded on Guild soil, they will surely be united to sanction the Guild to oblivion..."  She looked at Gabriel with sincere eyes.  "I don't know if you remember, Lord Gabriel... but my Azure Strike Corps fought alongside you and some other Guild Members in taking down the Tarasque Crime Syndicate, a lot of my men are in good terms with the Guild... a lot of them were saved by the guild before.  You can see that my men would really like to see the Guild in it's previous glory again,"  She turned around to look at the fireplace.  

"I don't have any feelings for the Guild like my men, but I do want peace in my country again... If you sign this paper, I will do my best to help you from my side.  I will aid you in clearing Mephisto's name and restoring his innocence... you just need to trust me..."

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel looked at Aegis. "I will sign This, but article 7 has to go." He spoke clearly, shifting in his Seat to be more comfortable. He took a deep breath and looked at Aegis. "I am sorrt for your loss." He said neutrally, as his tone was low and dark.
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel looked at Aegis. "I will sign This, but article 7 has to go." He spoke clearly, shifting in his Seat to be more comfortable. He took a deep breath and looked at Aegis. "I am sorrt for your loss." He said neutrally, as his tone was low and dark.

"I am in no position to change any part of the document, I am a military officer not a state minister..."  She rubbed her temple.  "I believe it would be in your best interest to sign it... At this point, any action to appease the fears of the people is well worth it,"  She watched the flames in the fireplace.  "I will make sure this arrangement is temporary, you just need to go with the flow for a few months..."  She assured him.  "Once you sign it, my soldiers and I will return to the capital... hopefully the news of the King's death didn't bring the kingdom to chaos..."
"I am in no position to change any part of the document, I am a military officer not a state minister..."  She rubbed her temple.  "I believe it would be in your best interest to sign it... At this point, any action to appease the fears of the people is well worth it,"  She watched the flames in the fireplace.  "I will make sure this arrangement is temporary, you just need to go with the flow for a few months..."  She assured him.  "Once you sign it, my soldiers and I will return to the capital... hopefully the news of the King's death didn't bring the kingdom to chaos..."

Location: Mephisto's Office

Gabriel without any doubt, signed it quickly. He took a deep breath and looked at Aegis straight in her eyes. "also...why do you want to annex with us? Maybe you planned it. Kill Mephisto and conquer the Guild. But it is not in my interest...I believe I am a Captain now?" He spoke clearly, his tone getting curious at the end of his sentence.
Location: Mephisto's Office

Gabriel without any doubt, signed it quickly. He took a deep breath and looked at Aegis straight in her eyes. "also...why do you want to annex with us? Maybe you planned it. Kill Mephisto and conquer the Guild. But it is not in my interest...I believe I am a Captain now?" He spoke clearly, his tone getting curious at the end of his sentence.

Aegis smirked.  "Lord Gabriel, I never wanted to annex you... I just follow orders..."  She bowed.  "Yes, in rank you qualify as a Captain..."  She said as she carefully placed the document back in the bag.  "Thank you for your time, and I am sorry for any problems we have caused.  I assure you that the Azure Strike Division will try it's best to make your guild independent again,"  She said as she starts heading out the door.
"I am in no position to change any part of the document, I am a military officer not a state minister..."  She rubbed her temple.  "I believe it would be in your best interest to sign it... At this point, any action to appease the fears of the people is well worth it,"  She watched the flames in the fireplace.  "I will make sure this arrangement is temporary, you just need to go with the flow for a few months..."  She assured him.  "Once you sign it, my soldiers and I will return to the capital... hopefully the news of the King's death didn't bring the kingdom to chaos..."

Ash looked down and mumbled "I b-bet it'll bring th-them to joy..." She said as she coughed again but this one was enough to blow her hood off revealing her brown hair and eyes. "Ah crud..." She said as she leaned against the wall again not even attempting to move her hood back on. "I-I think I m-ma actually n-need a healer f-for this one..." she said with a small chuckle
Location: Fort Black

Suddenly, horses and carts showed up at the battlefield. The man in front jumped off his horse and said, "Gifts from Astrid's Bar." The men behind him jumped off as well and uncovered the carts to reveal Vats of potions. "Everything from high quality Healing to regeneration to Angel's Chalice and antidotes. About 250 bottles worth by Astrid's count." The men carried the vats and pots and bottles off into the medical places and started pouring it into bowls. "Astrid said that this does need to be paid. However she is willing to bargain a discount. Ask her yourself."

@Gabriel97@IamNotLoki@anyone else still there

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was more or less done brewing the batches of potion. Her patrons were carrying it towards Fort Black. She stopped and wiped off her sweat. "That should be enough." She looked up to see a man walk in. Astrid took a sip of her Stamina potion and said, "Welcome to my bar. Something with a kick you say?" She turned around and took a bottle off the shelf. She poured it into the mixer and it lit on fire. She took a bottle of vodka from underneath her counter and poured it in as well. She then began to mix it with a toss and a throw around herself. Stopping and pouring it into a wine glass, she said, "Pyrotonic mixed with vodka from the far north. The fire shouldn't hurt you." She placed it on a coaster and handed it to the man.

She then looked over to the girl. "Sorry miss, I was preparing batches of potions for those who just fought at Fort Black. What can I get you?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

The opening was successful. The troops took over the guard towers and raided the supply depots. The enemy was cornered to the barracks and quickly surrendered. Selene walked toward the Gates as men dragged their prisoners to the jail cells. An officer ran up to Selene and walked with her. "How is it Johnathan?" "Quite well, we're still counting, but it looks like we've suffered no deaths and only 15 injuries. The enemy has suffered around 45 injuries and no deaths. We have captured about 500 troops. The rest have fled the city and headed toward Bowerstone." "How many?" "About 100 or so. Do we open fire on them?" "No, I don't want to give away my archers' positions just yet." "Very well."

Selene climbed up the stairs and stood on the arch over the Gates. She marveled in the night of the City of Fairfax. The streets glistened with people walking around. Chimneys let out smoke. The Council Building shined under the rising moon. Selene smiled. And a loud voice, she commanded everyone's attention. "People of Fairfax." Everyone on the streets stopped and turned to face her, slowly realizing what has happened. "Fairfax is once again free!" People slowly began to cheer. "But we must continue to arm ourselves, just as our ancestors have. Take arms, for we must prepare for a battle against Albion for the days to come. For Fairfax!" The civilians and militiamen cheered "For Fairfax."

Selene climbed down. "Johnathan, send scouts south and have them tell us when the crown approaches. Send your best men there as well. We'll plan an ambush right when they enter the valley." Johnathan saluted and headed off. A force of 50 mages and soldiers headed down the mountain. Another officer approached. "Commander Selene, we have gained another 1000 volunteers." "Thank you Claire. Have them equipped and well fed." The officer left as well while Selene headed to the Barracks to prepare her own squadron.

Now begins the hard part. Holding this freedom. First thing first, set up an effective communication system.
Location: Fort Black

Suddenly, horses and carts showed up at the battlefield. The man in front jumped off his horse and said, "Gifts from Astrid's Bar." The men behind him jumped off as well and uncovered the carts to reveal Vats of potions. "Everything from high quality Healing to regeneration to Angel's Chalice and antidotes. About 250 bottles worth by Astrid's count." The men carried the vats and pots and bottles off into the medical places and started pouring it into bowls. "Astrid said that this does need to be paid. However she is willing to bargain a discount. Ask her yourself."

@Gabriel97@IamNotLoki@anyone else still there

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was more or less done brewing the batches of potion. Her patrons were carrying it towards Fort Black. She stopped and wiped off her sweat. "That should be enough." She looked up to see a man walk in. Astrid took a sip of her Stamina potion and said, "Welcome to my bar. Something with a kick you say?" She turned around and took a bottle off the shelf. She poured it into the mixer and it lit on fire. She took a bottle of vodka from underneath her counter and poured it in as well. She then began to mix it with a toss and a throw around herself. Stopping and pouring it into a wine glass, she said, "Pyrotonic mixed with vodka from the far north. The fire shouldn't hurt you." She placed it on a coaster and handed it to the man.

She then looked over to the girl. "Sorry miss, I was preparing batches of potions for those who just fought at Fort Black. What can I get you?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

The opening was successful. The troops took over the guard towers and raided the supply depots. The enemy was cornered to the barracks and quickly surrendered. Selene walked toward the Gates as men dragged their prisoners to the jail cells. An officer ran up to Selene and walked with her. "How is it Johnathan?" "Quite well, we're still counting, but it looks like we've suffered no deaths and only 15 injuries. The enemy has suffered around 45 injuries and no deaths. We have captured about 500 troops. The rest have fled the city and headed toward Bowerstone." "How many?" "About 100 or so. Do we open fire on them?" "No, I don't want to give away my archers' positions just yet." "Very well."

Selene climbed up the stairs and stood on the arch over the Gates. She marveled in the night of the City of Fairfax. The streets glistened with people walking around. Chimneys let out smoke. The Council Building shined under the rising moon. Selene smiled. And a loud voice, she commanded everyone's attention. "People of Fairfax." Everyone on the streets stopped and turned to face her, slowly realizing what has happened. "Fairfax is once again free!" People slowly began to cheer. "But we must continue to arm ourselves, just as our ancestors have. Take arms, for we must prepare for a battle against Albion for the days to come. For Fairfax!" The civilians and militiamen cheered "For Fairfax."

Selene climbed down. "Johnathan, send scouts south and have them tell us when the crown approaches. Send your best men there as well. We'll plan an ambush right when they enter the valley." Johnathan saluted and headed off. A force of 50 mages and soldiers headed down the mountain. Another officer approached. "Commander Selene, we have gained another 1000 volunteers." "Thank you Claire. Have them equipped and well fed." The officer left as well while Selene headed to the Barracks to prepare her own squadron.

Now begins the hard part. Holding this freedom. First thing first, set up an effective communication system.

Vergil stared at the menacing glass before him, then placed his hand next to it and tightly grabbed it. Vergil rose the glass to his face and quickly drank all of it, with one go. He didn't seem too overpowered by the drink, but it clearly had an effect. "How much?" he asked afterwards, placing the vine glass back at it's place on the counter. Vergil reached for a sack of gold and laid it next to the empty wine glass. "Nevermind. I think I'll spend some time here. A refill then, is all I ask for." 
Vergil stared at the menacing glass before him, then placed his hand next to it and tightly grabbed it. Vergil rose the glass to his face and quickly drank all of it, with one go. He didn't seem too overpowered by the drink, but it clearly had an effect. "How much?" he asked afterwards, placing the vine glass back at it's place on the counter. Vergil reached for a sack of gold and laid it next to the empty wine glass. "Nevermind. I think I'll spend some time here. A refill then, is all I ask for." 

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"That will be 45 gold coins. Each refill is 2 gold." Astrid said as she began to make another drink of it. Her supplies were pretty much spent, and she was hoping that she could get ingredients from the guild and army. I hope that Eddy and Ziya aren't mad at me.
Location: Fort Black

Suddenly, horses and carts showed up at the battlefield. The man in front jumped off his horse and said, "Gifts from Astrid's Bar." The men behind him jumped off as well and uncovered the carts to reveal Vats of potions. "Everything from high quality Healing to regeneration to Angel's Chalice and antidotes. About 250 bottles worth by Astrid's count." The men carried the vats and pots and bottles off into the medical places and started pouring it into bowls. "Astrid said that this does need to be paid. However she is willing to bargain a discount. Ask her yourself."

@Gabriel97@IamNotLoki@anyone else still there

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was more or less done brewing the batches of potion. Her patrons were carrying it towards Fort Black. She stopped and wiped off her sweat. "That should be enough." She looked up to see a man walk in. Astrid took a sip of her Stamina potion and said, "Welcome to my bar. Something with a kick you say?" She turned around and took a bottle off the shelf. She poured it into the mixer and it lit on fire. She took a bottle of vodka from underneath her counter and poured it in as well. She then began to mix it with a toss and a throw around herself. Stopping and pouring it into a wine glass, she said, "Pyrotonic mixed with vodka from the far north. The fire shouldn't hurt you." She placed it on a coaster and handed it to the man.

She then looked over to the girl. "Sorry miss, I was preparing batches of potions for those who just fought at Fort Black. What can I get you?"


Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

The opening was successful. The troops took over the guard towers and raided the supply depots. The enemy was cornered to the barracks and quickly surrendered. Selene walked toward the Gates as men dragged their prisoners to the jail cells. An officer ran up to Selene and walked with her. "How is it Johnathan?" "Quite well, we're still counting, but it looks like we've suffered no deaths and only 15 injuries. The enemy has suffered around 45 injuries and no deaths. We have captured about 500 troops. The rest have fled the city and headed toward Bowerstone." "How many?" "About 100 or so. Do we open fire on them?" "No, I don't want to give away my archers' positions just yet." "Very well."

Selene climbed up the stairs and stood on the arch over the Gates. She marveled in the night of the City of Fairfax. The streets glistened with people walking around. Chimneys let out smoke. The Council Building shined under the rising moon. Selene smiled. And a loud voice, she commanded everyone's attention. "People of Fairfax." Everyone on the streets stopped and turned to face her, slowly realizing what has happened. "Fairfax is once again free!" People slowly began to cheer. "But we must continue to arm ourselves, just as our ancestors have. Take arms, for we must prepare for a battle against Albion for the days to come. For Fairfax!" The civilians and militiamen cheered "For Fairfax."

Selene climbed down. "Johnathan, send scouts south and have them tell us when the crown approaches. Send your best men there as well. We'll plan an ambush right when they enter the valley." Johnathan saluted and headed off. A force of 50 mages and soldiers headed down the mountain. Another officer approached. "Commander Selene, we have gained another 1000 volunteers." "Thank you Claire. Have them equipped and well fed." The officer left as well while Selene headed to the Barracks to prepare her own squadron.

Now begins the hard part. Holding this freedom. First thing first, set up an effective communication system.

Location: Astrid's bar

"Did something happen at For Black?" She asked tilting her head. "Oh, ummmmmm I will have......Whatever you think is good. But nothing super expensive." Kyoko looked at both the people before her, she knew from looking at them that she couldn't control either of them, but it was fine she didn't want to but.... "I'm glad to meet you my name is Clara." She said. @Birdsie
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"That will be 45 gold coins. Each refill is 2 gold." Astrid said as she began to make another drink of it. Her supplies were pretty much spent, and she was hoping that she could get ingredients from the guild and army. I hope that Eddy and Ziya aren't mad at me.

Location: Astrid's bar

"Did something happen at For Black?" She asked tilting her head. "Oh, ummmmmm I will have......Whatever you think is good. But nothing super expensive." Kyoko looked at both the people before her, she knew from looking at them that she couldn't control either of them, but it was fine she didn't want to but.... "I'm glad to met you my name is Clara." She said. @Birdsie

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil turned to Clara, then gave her his fake name. "Nero." as he took the sack of gold on the counter and then laid 4 coins, each worth 10 gold on the counter, then laid one coin worth 5 gold and one coin worth 2 gold as payment for Astrid's drinks. He didn't lay it back onto his belt, because as he said: He planned to spend some time in the Bar. He didn't ask, or say anything on his own to either Clara or Astrid, until he decided to respond to Clara's question. "Yup. The King was killed, a lot of fighting, and a huge battle took place. Countless people dead, or injured. The Guild is getting annexed by the Kingdom." with incredible tranquility in his voice. He didn't seem either stoked, surprised, or worried about the event at all. Not even a little nervous. Vergil continued on, silent and cool, waiting for his refill from Astrid. He suddenly spoke out of the blue, saying. "Albion, perhaps Gael is screwed. Once I'm done with what I'm doing I'm likely to move east." As he spoke, Vergil not once even turned his head to face either Clara, or Astrid. He looked lost in his thoughts, but calm.
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Location: Astrid's bar

"Did something happen at For Black?" She asked tilting her head. "Oh, ummmmmm I will have......Whatever you think is good. But nothing super expensive." Kyoko looked at both the people before her, she knew from looking at them that she couldn't control either of them, but it was fine she didn't want to but.... "I'm glad to met you my name is Clara." She said. @Birdsie

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil turned to Clara, then gave her his fake name. "Nero." as he took the sack of gold on the counter and then laid 4 coins, each worth 10 gold on the counter, then laid one coin worth 5 gold and one coin worth 2 gold as payment for Astrid's drinks. He didn't lay it back onto his belt, because as he said: He planned to spend some time in the Bar. He didn't ask, or say anything on his own to either Clara or Astrid, until he decided to respond to Clara's question. "Yup. The King was killed, a lot of fighting, and a huge battle took place. Countless people dead, or injured. The Guild is getting annexed by the Kingdom." with incredible tranquility in his voice. He didn't seem either stoked, surprised, or worried about the event at all. Not even a little nervous. Vergil continued on, silent and cool, waiting for his refill from Astrid. He suddenly spoke out of the blue, saying. "Albion, perhaps Gael is screwed. Once I'm done with what I'm doing I'm likely to move east."

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed. "It is just as he said" She poured out her mixer into another glass and handed it to the man. She turned to the girl while grabbing a clean mixer and a mug. She prepared to make a beer. "I am Astrid Hathaway." She poured out the beer into the mug and handed it to her. "15 coins. The east is an interesting place. Their culture is very different than ours. I've met quite a few people from that region. They make an interesting brew of alcohol, Rice Wine, Sake, and a different tasting set of vodka and beer based on herbs and rice. It isn't to our tastes tho, but they make great dishes out of it."
Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil turned to Clara, then gave her his fake name. "Nero." as he took the sack of gold on the counter and then laid 4 coins, each worth 10 gold on the counter, then laid one coin worth 5 gold and one coin worth 2 gold as payment for Astrid's drinks. He didn't lay it back onto his belt, because as he said: He planned to spend some time in the Bar. He didn't ask, or say anything on his own to either Clara or Astrid, until he decided to respond to Clara's question. "Yup. The King was killed, a lot of fighting, and a huge battle took place. Countless people dead, or injured. The Guild is getting annexed by the Kingdom." with incredible tranquility in his voice. He didn't seem either stoked, surprised, or worried about the event at all. Not even a little nervous. Vergil continued on, silent and cool, waiting for his refill from Astrid. He suddenly spoke out of the blue, saying. "Albion, perhaps Gael is screwed. Once I'm done with what I'm doing I'm likely to move east." As he spoke, Vergil not once even turned his head to face either Clara, or Astrid. He looked lost in his thoughts, but calm.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed. "It is just as he said" She poured out her mixer into another glass and handed it to the man. She turned to the girl while grabbing a clean mixer and a mug. She prepared to make a beer. "I am Astrid Hathaway." She poured out the beer into the mug and handed it to her. "15 coins. The east is an interesting place. Their culture is very different than ours. I've met quite a few people from that region. They make an interesting brew of alcohol, Rice Wine, Sake, and a different tasting set of vodka and beer based on herbs and rice. It isn't to our tastes tho, but they make great dishes out of it."

Location: Astrid's bar

Kyoko didn't really over react to what he said, through she made a distressed face. "That's horrible, it's sad to think we must fight for any cause at all. It's really nice to meet you Nero and Astrid." She smiled. "But i wouldn't say that Albion is done. The guild being annexed is probably a good thing. If it is in the name of stopping bloodshed then any cause is worth it." She cheerfully. "Also i haven't been to the east but if there is Sake and food maybe i should go there." 
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid sighed. "It is just as he said" She poured out her mixer into another glass and handed it to the man. She turned to the girl while grabbing a clean mixer and a mug. She prepared to make a beer. "I am Astrid Hathaway." She poured out the beer into the mug and handed it to her. "15 coins. The east is an interesting place. Their culture is very different than ours. I've met quite a few people from that region. They make an interesting brew of alcohol, Rice Wine, Sake, and a different tasting set of vodka and beer based on herbs and rice. It isn't to our tastes tho, but they make great dishes out of it."
Location: Astrid's bar

Kyoko didn't really over react to what he said, through she made a distressed face. "That's horrible, it's sad to think we must fight for any cause at all. It's really nice to meet you Nero and Astrid." She smiled. "But i wouldn't say that Albion is done. The guild being annexed is probably a good thing. If it is in the name of stopping bloodshed then any cause is worth it." She cheerfully. "Also i haven't been to the east but if there is Sake and food maybe i should go there." 

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil nodded, then said. "I know." taking his drink from Astrid and quickly taking it in, also in one go. "I've been to the East. I grew up there." He laid the emptied glass on the counter and gently pushed it in Astrid's direction. "The magic and technology are far ahead of the one here. So are fighting techniques, military and a lot of other things. However their culture and language greatly differ from Albionian, so the east has a certain magnetism to it, that pushes away most people, and only curious souls will find place for themselves there." Vergil looked at his glass once again, realizing he got a little talkative and said. "Another." briefly looking at Astrid, to signify he wanted a refill. He took out another two coins from the sack and laid it on the counter, for his refill. He heard Kyoko's reaction and smiled cynically. "Albion isn't done for because of the Guild. There's other reasons." and chuckled shortly, before returning to his normal expression.
Location: Astrid's bar

Kyoko didn't really over react to what he said, through she made a distressed face. "That's horrible, it's sad to think we must fight for any cause at all. It's really nice to meet you Nero and Astrid." She smiled. "But i wouldn't say that Albion is done. The guild being annexed is probably a good thing. If it is in the name of stopping bloodshed then any cause is worth it." She cheerfully. "Also i haven't been to the east but if there is Sake and food maybe i should go there." 

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil nodded, then said. "I know." taking his drink from Astrid and quickly taking it in, also in one go. "I've been to the East. I grew up there." He laid the emptied glass on the counter and gently pushed it in Astrid's direction. "The magic and technology are far ahead of the one here. So are fighting techniques, military and a lot of other things. However their culture and language greatly differ from Albionian, so the east has a certain magnetism to it, that pushes away most people, and only curious souls will find place for themselves there." Vergil looked at his glass once again, realizing he got a little talkative and said. "Another." briefly looking at Astrid, to signify he wanted a refill. He took out another two coins from the sack and laid it on the counter, for his refill. He heard Kyoko's reaction and smiled cynically. "Albion isn't done for because of the Guild. There's other reasons." and chuckled shortly, before returning to his normal expression.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"That is a bad way to think about causes." Astrid said as she poured out more for Nero. "Certainly bloodshed is bad, but to simply lay down your freedom and well being to political motives for the goal of peace and security is not peace or security at all. It is a revolution waiting to happen. It's why Fairfax is constantly revolting, they view the king's rule as an affront to their freedom." She took the coins and placed it in her pouch. "Well, there isn't a King in Albion anymore. Albion won't fall to the guild, but rather outside forces looking to take advantage of the situation."
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"That is a bad way to think about causes." Astrid said as she poured out more for Nero. "Certainly bloodshed is bad, but to simply lay down your freedom and well being to political motives for the goal of peace and security is not peace or security at all. It is a revolution waiting to happen. It's why Fairfax is constantly revolting, they view the king's rule as an affront to their freedom." She took the coins and placed it in her pouch. "Well, there isn't a King in Albion anymore. Albion won't fall to the guild, but rather outside forces looking to take advantage of the situation."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil nodded, then said. "I know." taking his drink from Astrid and quickly taking it in, also in one go. "I've been to the East. I grew up there." He laid the emptied glass on the counter and gently pushed it in Astrid's direction. "The magic and technology are far ahead of the one here. So are fighting techniques, military and a lot of other things. However their culture and language greatly differ from Albionian, so the east has a certain magnetism to it, that pushes away most people, and only curious souls will find place for themselves there." Vergil looked at his glass once again, realizing he got a little talkative and said. "Another." briefly looking at Astrid, to signify he wanted a refill. He took out another two coins from the sack and laid it on the counter, for his refill. He heard Kyoko's reaction and smiled cynically. "Albion isn't done for because of the Guild. There's other reasons." and chuckled shortly, before returning to his normal expression.


Location: Astrid's bar

"Well yes, your right. Just doing things for the sake of "Freedom" is wrong, but laying down your life for a cause you believe is right, well that's what everyone does right? After all do you think when the king died he said 'Wow my cause was completely wrong.'?" Kyoko watched as Astrid pour the drink, and waited for hers. "See i don't believe in the idea of evil, and though that might seem crazy, I would ask you, what if someone thought your ideals were evil? Then who is evil. I also don't believe there is such thing as a wrong cause, I have seen too many people fight for cause they believed were right, when i thought they were wrong." Kyoko put her finger to her lip and thought. "This may be my personal opinion but i don't think Albion has too much to worry about. There is always some form of conflict going on, someone always wants an edge on someone else, but no matter how bad it will get......." Kyoko smiled "The pendulum will always swing back around." 
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"That is a bad way to think about causes." Astrid said as she poured out more for Nero. "Certainly bloodshed is bad, but to simply lay down your freedom and well being to political motives for the goal of peace and security is not peace or security at all. It is a revolution waiting to happen. It's why Fairfax is constantly revolting, they view the king's rule as an affront to their freedom." She took the coins and placed it in her pouch. "Well, there isn't a King in Albion anymore. Albion won't fall to the guild, but rather outside forces looking to take advantage of the situation."


Location: Astrid's bar

"Well yes, your right. Just doing things for the sake of "Freedom" is wrong, but laying down your life for a cause you believe is right, well that's what everyone does right? After all do you think when the king died he said 'Wow my cause was completely wrong.'?" Kyoko watched as Astrid pour the drink, and waited for hers. "See i don't believe in the idea of evil, and though that might seem crazy, I would ask you, what if someone thought your ideals were evil? Then who is evil. I also don't believe there is such thing as a wrong cause, I have seen too many people fight for cause they believed were right, when i thought they were wrong." Kyoko put her finger to her lip and thought. "This may be my personal opinion but i don't think Albion has too much to worry about. There is always some form of conflict going on, someone always wants an edge on someone else, but no matter how bad it will get......." Kyoko smiled "The pendulum will always swing back around." 

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil listened to their arguments, then responded to Kyoko's speech about the idea of evil, saying. "People do evil things because they're either sociopaths, not caring about others, or the moral compass. They can be psychopaths, who simply don't see anything wrong with what they're doing, no matter how evil it is. Then there's just people that are too blinded to see that they're doing evil. If you see someone as evil, that doesn't mean they're evil either, but they aren't justified either. Evil is a manner of speech used to describe anything that goes against the standard rules of morality." Vergil knew somewhat about this, as he was a Sociopath himself, and was actually well-aware of it. He heard her last words, feeling like they were directed at him. He briefly turned his head to Kyoko, then said. "Swing back around? Tell that to William Black. He's turning in his grave."

Location: Astrid's bar

"Well yes, your right. Just doing things for the sake of "Freedom" is wrong, but laying down your life for a cause you believe is right, well that's what everyone does right? After all do you think when the king died he said 'Wow my cause was completely wrong.'?" Kyoko watched as Astrid pour the drink, and waited for hers. "See i don't believe in the idea of evil, and though that might seem crazy, I would ask you, what if someone thought your ideals were evil? Then who is evil. I also don't believe there is such thing as a wrong cause, I have seen too many people fight for cause they believed were right, when i thought they were wrong." Kyoko put her finger to her lip and thought. "This may be my personal opinion but i don't think Albion has too much to worry about. There is always some form of conflict going on, someone always wants an edge on someone else, but no matter how bad it will get......." Kyoko smiled "The pendulum will always swing back around." 

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil listened to their arguments, then responded to Kyoko's speech about the idea of evil, saying. "People do evil things because they're either sociopaths, not caring about others, or the moral compass. They can be psychopaths, who simply don't see anything wrong with what they're doing, no matter how evil it is. Then there's just people that are too blinded to see that they're doing evil. If you see someone as evil, that doesn't mean they're evil either, but they aren't justified either. Evil is a manner of speech used to describe anything that goes against the standard rules of morality." Vergil knew somewhat about this, as he was a Sociopath himself, and was actually well-aware of it. He heard her last words, feeling like they were directed at him. He briefly turned his head to Kyoko, then said. "Swing back around? Tell that to William Black. He's turning in his grave."

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid poured out another mug of beer. "1 for refills." She took a sip of her stamina potion. "It always comes down to what you are taught. Haha..." She placed down her potion. "Do you truly believe the solution to everything is one without bloodshed? You cannot justify a cause through bloodshed, but you can't justify the end of a cause to avoid bloodshed."
Location: Fort Black

Phantom ran up to the victorious figure that had won the skirmish and waited for them to be finished  with their speech and speaking with a child who didn't seem at all like a child.

Her heart sank when she had heard the Guild-master was dead.

"Goddammit, now who can help me??" She wondered to herself as the figure presented the girl with a contract. 

Where was she going to get any information now?

She patiently stood in front of this armored figure and waited to speak with them, though she wished she would hurry and have time to talk to her sooner, in all the chaos of helping others she had forgotten to get healed by the Apothecary herself.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid poured out another mug of beer. "1 for refills." She took a sip of her stamina potion. "It always comes down to what you are taught. Haha..." She placed down her potion. "Do you truly believe the solution to everything is one without bloodshed? You cannot justify a cause through bloodshed, but you can't justify the end of a cause to avoid bloodshed."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil listened to their arguments, then responded to Kyoko's speech about the idea of evil, saying. "People do evil things because they're either sociopaths, not caring about others, or the moral compass. They can be psychopaths, who simply don't see anything wrong with what they're doing, no matter how evil it is. Then there's just people that are too blinded to see that they're doing evil. If you see someone as evil, that doesn't mean they're evil either, but they aren't justified either. Evil is a manner of speech used to describe anything that goes against the standard rules of morality." Vergil knew somewhat about this, as he was a Sociopath himself, and was actually well-aware of it. He heard her last words, feeling like they were directed at him. He briefly turned his head to Kyoko, then said. "Swing back around? Tell that to William Black. He's turning in his grave."


Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyoko looked at Nero. "Everyone dies, even those who should live forever shall one day die. Even if there stories aren't told. If a tree fall in the forest and no one is there to hear it, the tree still makes a sound. Black may have died but that doesn't mean that what he fought for is gone. The very idea that the guild exists today shows that. About the evil part I would say that moral codes are an illusion. Someone who believes they are a Sociopath doesn't wake up one day and say 'Oh I'm going to be evil just because..' they do it for a reason, their morals are different. Sure there's a general moral code, but no one said that was right." Kyoko took a sip of her drink and watched as the beer settled. Then she looked to Astrid. "I believe that bloodshed has its place. Sometimes people must die for a cause to be considered important. But meaningless bloodshed is not welcome. That of course is only my opinion." She put down 1 gold on the counter after finishing her drink and smiled "Refill please." 

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