Main IC RP

Location: Fort Black - Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Really f***ing deep, deep, deep, deeper than the deepest hole in the Underground

Mephisto was waiting at one of the lowest floors of the Underground, just in front of the entrance to the legendary vault. The road there was protected by hot lava, and the bridges that guarded the entrance could be rosen with simple levers at any moment. Finally, Vergil showed up. Mephisto stared at his Nephew and exclaimed. "So... you came?" and was met with no response, only silence. Vergil stared at Mephisto, then said. "I saw you dying. One of your tricks?" "You bet." Mephisto answered, chuckling and reaching for his trusty sword. Vergil observed his hand move and said. "Put that down. You don't stand a chance..."

Mephisto smirked and said. "Why?" Vergil's eyes met Mephisto's in a cold, disdainful gaze. They were like two different species of Birds staring at each other, wondering how life looked for the other. Vergil said. "I'm stronger... than you." reaching for the Yamato, and preparing it. "You know. I've never seen you before... Uncle. How about a kiss from your little nephew?" Vergil asked, then unsheathed the Yamato and pointed it at Mephisto whilst continuing. "Better yet, how about a kiss from this?" Mephisto didn't draw his sword. He simply waited. The two stared at each other with growing intensity, finally, but without movement Vergil asked. "Shall we dance?" to which Mephisto said. "After you."

Vergil rushed towards Mephisto, while the latter took out his blade from it's leathery sheath and started dodging Vergil's attacks. Vergil started off relatively easy, with quick, horizontal and vertical sword attacks, throwing in an additional stab there and there. He was just testing Mephisto's reaction speed, which he was really surprised by, as it was high. Mephisto ran back away from him, wanting to take a diplomatic approach. "Why do you lust for power so much?!" he inquired. Vergil left his combat position and straightened out. He stared at Mephisto and frowned momentarily, then returned to his stoic expression and explained his mindset. "Foolishness, Uncle, Foolishness..." rotating his head in decisive shakes, as if he was dissapointed by Mephisto's lack of understanding. "Might controls everything. Without power: You can't protect anyone. Let alone yourself." and then, used the fact they were both stationary to his advantage and used Blistering Swords. 8 Swords appeared next to Vergil, 4 on his right side and 4 on his left side, floating above each other, each one made out of blue, spectral magic. They shot towards Mephisto at high speed, however Mephisto jumped upwards performing a somersault mid-air and avoiding the blades, then landing on a large pillar. "We do not have to do this!" Mephisto yelled, to which Vergil responded by yelling back: "That's some weak dying words, Uncle!" and neared the pillar that Mephisto stood on. Vergil performed a basic Judgement Cut on it, causing it to collapse and fall. Mephisto jumped off, managing to fly above Vergil and several meters behind him. Vergil turned around and smirked. He knew he was fighting someone strong.

Once again, Vergil dashed towards his Uncle and released a quick, vicious flurry of attacks with the Yamato, these ones being much more controlled and clearly having some sort of combat style. Mephisto started counter attacking, trying to block, parry and dodge whenever he could, very slowly starting to control the encounter. To add to his own advantage, Mephisto used Polymorph, to literally, grow some more muscules. They both slashed their swords at the same time, entering a lock, however Vergil's Yamato was so sharp and durable it cut through Mephisto's saber, nearly decapitating his head, if he didn't crouch. Vergil kicked Mephisto back away, using the fact that Mephisto was crouched to his advantage.

Mephisto was sent back flying several meters, then Vergil pointed the Yamato towards his Uncle and loudly exclaimed. "I have won! Grant me the vault, now, or die!" with clear aggression in his voice. Mephisto laid down, watching the ceiling and suddenly bursted into laughter. He very slowly, clumsily got up and started clapping his hands together, as in applause. "Okay, but first..." Mephisto paused, snickering once again. "I have to congratulate you!" he stopped clapping and opened his hands to Vergil. Vergil was taken off-guard and in surprise asked: "Congratulate?" Mephisto slowly, steadily walked forward. "Yes! Congratulate. Your old man, Nero, my bro for life didn't even get this close! You're pretty ruthless." Vergil just stood there, unable to understand why his Uncle was so joyous about this event. Even in stead of that, Vergil said. "Right. Does that mean I can pass?" Mephisto nodded and said. "Yes, you may pass. Go on ahead, my child!" and gently motioned Vergil towards the Vault's gate.

Vergil walked to it, then steadily pulled it open... but it didn't even flinch. "What?" he exclaimed, pulling the gates apart with more strength, but to no avail. "WHAT?!" he asked again, continuing his attempts. "What the hell?!" he asked, then looked back at Mephisto. Mephisto held the key to the gate in his hand, then dropped it into the lava pits below, whilst saying. "Whoops. I dropped it!" as the key burnt into coal, then into ash, then into nothing. Vergil ran towards the lava pit, but not too close as the sulphur and dangerous volcanic acids were harmful to him. "No!" he yelled, kneeling next to it. "You goddamned... FOOL!" he yelled, swiping the Yamato at Mephisto whilst performing a Master Slash. The column of energy flew towards Mephisto, but before it hit, Mephisto said. "Ciao!" and turned into a stone figure, teleporting elsewhere. Vergil was left alone.

Location: Still in the Undergrounds, but less deeper.

Mephisto teleported to a higher level, then took out the real key from his pocket, sitting down and relaxing. "I think he really bought that." and laughing. "Throw the key to the Vault into lava? Oh, pah-leeze. William Black wouldn't forgive me." and laughing even more. "Well. Now I'm gonna take a nap. I wonder how Mikael's doing." closing his eyes and going to slumber.

Kyro Scripts

Location: Fort Black

Kyro stood in the center of the guild building. Around him were his cards stabbed into the ground in a pentagram. He sat in the center with his eyes closed. Far far far far far far far (really F****king far) below him, he could feel energy being released. Kyro was very skilled at telling 2 things. Someone's ability and when fighting was happening. The problem was his inablility to tell exactly what was down there and where they were. He decided the best approach to take is teliporting slowly down through the shadows. So he put on his mask and stepped into his shadow and teleported. He kept ending up in places he had no idea. Finally he could feel that they we fighting directly below him. He waited until  both of them stopped fighting and shadow stepped into a corner where they couldn't see him. He watched they talk back and forth for a bit before Mephisto dropped the key in the lava. For a split second he had a chance to save the key, but he didn't. A couple ideas came to mind. 1. Mephisto dropped the real key and could get back in some other way or 2. Mephisto didn't drop the real key at all. The second one seem more like because what if Mephisto needed to let someone else in. The other problem was who was this person. Kyro thought for a little bit before deciding that he felt like being stupid today. After Mephisto left Kyro stood up and walked into sight. He was still wearing his mask. "You seem to be having fun." Kyro said looking at Vergil. "I don't want to intrude or anything I just want to know about that vault."
Kyro Scripts

Location: Fort Black

Kyro stood in the center of the guild building. Around him were his cards stabbed into the ground in a pentagram. He sat in the center with his eyes closed. Far far far far far far far (really F****king far) below him, he could feel energy being released. Kyro was very skilled at telling 2 things. Someone's ability and when fighting was happening. The problem was his inablility to tell exactly what was down there and where they were. He decided the best approach to take is teliporting slowly down through the shadows. So he put on his mask and stepped into his shadow and teleported. He kept ending up in places he had no idea. Finally he could feel that they we fighting directly below him. He waited until  both of them stopped fighting and shadow stepped into a corner where they couldn't see him. He watched they talk back and forth for a bit before Mephisto dropped the key in the lava. For a split second he had a chance to save the key, but he didn't. A couple ideas came to mind. 1. Mephisto dropped the real key and could get back in some other way or 2. Mephisto didn't drop the real key at all. The second one seem more like because what if Mephisto needed to let someone else in. The other problem was who was this person. Kyro thought for a little bit before deciding that he felt like being stupid today. After Mephisto left Kyro stood up and walked into sight. He was still wearing his mask. "You seem to be having fun." Kyro said looking at Vergil. "I don't want to intrude or anything I just want to know about that vault."

Kyrule King of Ur 

Fort black.

Clearly words would not reach the warrior woman.   The roar of "stop" echoes through the air and kyrule's earlier smirk faded. 


THE GREY MARCH BEGINS AT NEXT MOON,IF YOU WILL NOT HELP MY PEOPLE GET WHAT WE NEED, THEN WE SHALL TAKE IT." He would say in a booming voice sounding similar to thunder

After his words Kyrule would toss his cloak to the ground and spit on it, a trollkin action stating disgust. He turns and with an angry grunt begins heading north. And to think I was going to ask such fools for help...parhaps I am the fool...

he would think to himself, as he left the humans to their battle. 

Let them kill one will simply make the march easier. 

as he thinks this his wicked grin returned, 

"we shall all eat well..."he says to no one in particular but with a pleased sounding rumble. 



Location: Fort Black - Underground

Vergil got up, sheathing the Yamato and then saw Kyro standing there. Vergil folded his arms, staring at Kyro and smirked. "Do you take me for an idiot? Why would I tell you what's in the Vault? All you should know is that it's my goal, and I'm ready to kill anyone who stands in my way to get it." then slowly walked towards the exit. "Don't bother with the door. It has the strongest magical seal in the world, placed by William Black himself. No way around it. Not magic, not lockpicks, not brute force. Only one key existed, and that foolish clown smeltered it to ashes. My quest for the Vault's powers will cease... for today. A new key shall be made." then headed towards the exit with all haste. There was no more time to lose sitting in that godforsaken chamber of secrets. 

And left the chamber, slowly climbing upwards through the dungeons until he was back on the surface. Once he climbed out, he was near Fort Black. On a secret exit from the Fort, the same one that he used to enter it earlier. As he left, he saw a mighty humanoid marching through, speaking about food. And what they need? Did his tribe, or perhaps even species need some sort of food? "Eat well?" Vergil asked, hearing Kyrule's words. He paused, crossing his arms and taking support of a tree, backing up against it in a calm, relaxed position. He didn't fear Kyrule at all, not a single nerve pulled. "Why, you don't want to eat humans. They're too boney, but perhaps I can provide you with a substitute? If you want to eat that is - Correct me, If I'm wrong." Vergil offered, opening his eyes and looking at Kyrule, scanning the mighty Trollkin with his eyes. Vergil smiled, as he continued "What if I told you, that I know a particular creature that if killed, could feed a whole nation for months- no, for years to come? And If I understand the situation correctly: You come from one such nation. Probably of your race." and taking a deep breath, he examined Kyrule's posture, then after a momentary pause, he finished his offer to the Trollkin. "Such strong, rigid muscules you have. I bet all of you could kill the creature easily... It's called a... Scathia." and a grin painting on Vergil's face. He was certain that Kyrule wouldn't throw this offer away.
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Location: Fort Black - Underground

Vergil got up, sheathing the Yamato and then saw Kyro standing there. Vergil folded his arms, staring at Kyro and smirked. "Do you take me for an idiot? Why would I tell you what's in the Vault? All you should know is that it's my goal, and I'm ready to kill anyone who stands in my way to get it." then slowly walked towards the exit. "Don't bother with the door. It has the strongest magical seal in the world, placed by William Black himself. No way around it. Not magic, not lockpicks, not brute force. Only one key existed, and that foolish clown smeltered it to ashes. My quest for the Vault's powers will cease... for today. A new key shall be made." then headed towards the exit with all haste. There was no more time to lose sitting in that godforsaken chamber of secrets. 

And left the chamber, slowly climbing upwards through the dungeons until he was back on the surface. Once he climbed out, he was near Fort Black. On a secret exit from the Fort, the same one that he used to enter it earlier. As he left, he saw a mighty humanoid marching through, speaking about food. And what they need? Did his tribe, or perhaps even species need some sort of food? "Eat well?" Vergil asked, hearing Kyrule's words. He paused, crossing his arms and taking support of a tree, backing up against it in a calm, relaxed position. He didn't fear Kyrule at all, not a single nerve pulled. "Why, you don't want to eat humans. They're too boney, but perhaps I can provide you with a substitute? If you want to eat that is - Correct me, If I'm wrong." Vergil offered, opening his eyes and looking at Kyrule, scanning the mighty Trollkin with his eyes. Vergil smiled, as he continued "What if I told you, that I know a particular creature that if killed, could feed a whole nation for months- no, for years to come? And If I understand the situation correctly: You come from one such nation. Probably of your race." and taking a deep breath, he examined Kyrule's posture, then after a momentary pause, he finished his offer to the Trollkin. "Such strong, rigid muscules you have. I bet all of you could kill the creature easily... It's called a... Scathia." and a grin painting on Vergil's face. He was certain that Kyrule wouldn't throw this offer away.

Kyro scripts

Location: Under Fort Black

"How boring, he just walked away." Kyro said to no one in particular. Kyro walked over to the vault and put his hand in the door. "I can feel the shadows in the inside of the vault, but whenever I try to teleport I can't." This really annoyed Kyro. He thought about what Vergil said. "Hmmm only one key huh?" That means that Mephisto himself can't get in. And thus the key is still around. He turned to the exit. "Is he stupid? Making another key is pointless, the original is still around." Kyro sighed "I really don't care that much, I'm almost certain I know what's in there, but I don't know why he would want it." Kyro sat down waiting next to the vault. He need to plan his next move.  Vergil is going to be the useless villain that every world has, he powerful but tries to defeat everyone alone. Before Vigil dies or losses Kyro would need to be there. "Villains never change. Maybe it's time to go back to Bowerstone for some fun." Kyro didn't move yet he just stayed next to the vault in case Mephisto came back. Not to fight him or anything though.


Location: outside Fort Black

Larei had become slightly annoyed. He saw the blood lust of the wind runner and could tell that the general would probably die. He wouldn't let that happen. If she was going to die he would stop....but it wasn't his place. Larei didn't know what to do. He kept waiting. He wasn't suppose to take sides but perhaps the death of thousands of people for the sake of one person blood lust.....that was wrong! But for some reason he still didn't move. He just watched has more people began to get involved making it more complicated. He felt like he should act but he also didn't want to make it worst. Larei just sat there as his mind went in a spiral of emotions trying to decide what to do. Or what would push him to his edge.

@Princess Ami @IamNotLoki


Location: Fort Black - Underground

Vergil got up, sheathing the Yamato and then saw Kyro standing there. Vergil folded his arms, staring at Kyro and smirked. "Do you take me for an idiot? Why would I tell you what's in the Vault? All you should know is that it's my goal, and I'm ready to kill anyone who stands in my way to get it." then slowly walked towards the exit. "Don't bother with the door. It has the strongest magical seal in the world, placed by William Black himself. No way around it. Not magic, not lockpicks, not brute force. Only one key existed, and that foolish clown smeltered it to ashes. My quest for the Vault's powers will cease... for today. A new key shall be made." then headed towards the exit with all haste. There was no more time to lose sitting in that godforsaken chamber of secrets. 

And left the chamber, slowly climbing upwards through the dungeons until he was back on the surface. Once he climbed out, he was near Fort Black. On a secret exit from the Fort, the same one that he used to enter it earlier. As he left, he saw a mighty humanoid marching through, speaking about food. And what they need? Did his tribe, or perhaps even species need some sort of food? "Eat well?" Vergil asked, hearing Kyrule's words. He paused, crossing his arms and taking support of a tree, backing up against it in a calm, relaxed position. He didn't fear Kyrule at all, not a single nerve pulled. "Why, you don't want to eat humans. They're too boney, but perhaps I can provide you with a substitute? If you want to eat that is - Correct me, If I'm wrong." Vergil offered, opening his eyes and looking at Kyrule, scanning the mighty Trollkin with his eyes. Vergil smiled, as he continued "What if I told you, that I know a particular creature that if killed, could feed a whole nation for months- no, for years to come? And If I understand the situation correctly: You come from one such nation. Probably of your race." and taking a deep breath, he examined Kyrule's posture, then after a momentary pause, he finished his offer to the Trollkin. "Such strong, rigid muscules you have. I bet all of you could kill the creature easily... It's called a... Scathia." and a grin painting on Vergil's face. He was certain that Kyrule wouldn't throw this offer away.

Kyrule King of Ur 

The side of Fort Black.

kyrule paused for a moment listening to this mans offer, nodding once at the mans speaking of his country, and again at the mention of his stature and physique. 

"This Scathia, where does it dwell?" He asks flatly. This man was not like other humans he had met, he showed no fear, be it due to foolishness or courage he could not tell. 

While he was sure that this man has other motives for telling him this, he had no quarrel with him, and he seemed more reasonable than the foolish ones spilling the blood of the one man who could've saved them. 

"And what is it you want for this beast?" As He asks the second question he arches a hairless eyebrow. 


Kyrule King of Ur 

The side of Fort Black.

kyrule paused for a moment listening to this mans offer, nodding once at the mans speaking of his country, and again at the mention of his stature and physique. 

"This Scathia, where does it dwell?" He asks flatly. This man was not like other humans he had met, he showed no fear, be it due to foolishness or courage he could not tell. 

While he was sure that this man has other motives for telling him this, he had no quarrel with him, and he seemed more reasonable than the foolish ones spilling the blood of the one man who could've saved them. 

"And what is it you want for this beast?" As He asks the second question he arches a hairless eyebrow. 

Location: Side of Fort Black

Vergil said. "I have an offer. I will tell you where the beast resides, if you promise to become my ally. I believe we could gain much from working together." and momentarily smiled, then returning to his normal, stoic expression. He approached Kyrule, standing a few steps away from him and more precisely said. "First, you should gather as many of your strongest as you can. Even the two of us won't defeat the beast alone. It is as big as, perhaps even bigger than a tall mountain! The Scathia covers the sun's rays when it flies over." Vergil took a deep, calm breath and added. "Once you are prepared, meet me here. I will wait for your arrival."
Location: Fort Black

Phantom wasn't sure if she was having the BEST day of her life or possibly living the LAST day of her life, but that Dragon was the greatest thing she'd ever seen and it was epic. You know, despite the fact it could totally kill her.

Everything was happening so quickly it was hard for her to keep up, but people were shouting at each other, the two figures were now fully engaged in combat, war cries and pleas for peace wailed across the area, polluting the very air.

Then it dawned on her: She HAD to pick a side. 

If she didn't, either victor may not help her since she did not aid them. But what if she choose wrong? Then the victor would most likely kill her for helping the opponent... 

"GODDAMMIT,"  She cursed at herself, fully aware of her predicament, "What the hell do I do?!"

"You can try to save them. You can try to save both sides of this,"  Came a thought, seemingly out of nowhere, and unlike other thoughts she had previously had.

Save them?


Did she secretly have a death wish!?

Well, she kinda did, but she always thought she'd just poison herself one day, not die a horrible, bloody death via tornados and Dragons, BUT OK...

The Dragon started spewing lightning like an angered Greek God, and to her surprise the greenhorn who had tried to grab her earlier was almost beside her, witnessing the fight, hapless, looking like a moron with just a cutlass. Was he for real?!

"MOVE, KNAVE! GET OUT THE WAY!" She barked at him, shoving him aside from a nasty bit of thunder crossfire from the battle. 

This was a bloodbath, but somehow that thought made a good point... But how? How does she save them with no healers and no neutral grou--


"That's it!" She cheered to herself at her idea.

Immediately she started grabbing any survivors of the attacks and started teleporting them to his infirmary. She unfortunately got caught in a little but of crossfire from the Dragon's attacks, and it singed her back and a little bit of her ponytail.  It didn't matter to her, she kept grabbing as much people as she could. She warned them it wasn't a pleasant experience and to try not to vomit their innards, but most ended up doing so on Elias' front step anyways.

Heh. Serves him right.

"CALLIOPE?!" He shouted, startled, as he opened the door.

"CAN YOU HELP THEM!?" She pleaded, "PLEASE!?"

"WHATS GOING ON?! Who are these people!? Are you hurt?!" He bombarded her, most likely noticing her singed hair.


"Y-yes, y-yes, bring them in!" He opened the door, Rosie seeing the sight and gasping, but then quickly running off to get bandages and ointments for the wounded.

"ALRIGHT YOU KNAVES, YOU BETTER LET THIS MAN HEAL YOU AND SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT IT, OR I'LL KILL YA ALL MYSELF! THAT AIN'T THE ONLY DRAGON TO WORRY ABOUT!" She shouted at the soldiers she saved, hoping this kept them from fighting in the Infirmary. 

Phantom teleported back to the Guild, trying to search for more people she could save from the madness.

@Princess Ami @IamNotLoki @Kenjinx and all in the area~
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Kyrule King of Ur

the side of fort black.

Kyrule seemed to ponder the offer for a while. After a few minutes of silent contemplation, a big menacing grin spread across his face. 

"The beast will fall." He says matter of factly holding a tightly clenched fist out to him in the trollkin Warriors greeting

"you are the first human I've met who seems to have the capability of thought. I will bring the baloth hunters... They are the 20 best hunters in the lands of Ur. They will heed my call, we shall return to this spot in a quarter moons time."

His grin would falter for a bit.

"Is this beast known for fire?" 

He had heard rumors of the scathia, being both massive and powerful but only since he arrived in the human territories. Only a few things make it past the mountains, and rumors are not one of them. 


Kyrule King of Ur

the side of fort black.

Kyrule seemed to ponder the offer for a while. After a few minutes of silent contemplation, a big menacing grin spread across his face. 

"The beast will fall." He says matter of factly holding a tightly clenched fist out to him in the trollkin Warriors greeting

"you are the first human I've met who seems to have the capability of thought. I will bring the baloth hunters... They are the 20 best hunters in the lands of Ur. They will heed my call, we shall return to this spot in a quarter moons time."

His grin would falter for a bit.

"Is this beast known for fire?" 

He had heard rumors of the scathia, being both massive and powerful but only since he arrived in the human territories. Only a few things make it past the mountains, and rumors are not one of them. 

Location: Side of Fort Black

Vergil nodded. "It's got more than just fire." Vergil responded to Kyrule, then Vergil performed an acrobatic jump high into the air, performing a somersault mid-air and landing on a steady branch of a tree. Vergil sat on it cross-legged, closing his eyes, and clearly planning to wait this way until Kyrule was back. Inside, Vergil was rather happy and satisfied with what he did. The Trollkin would prove to be valuable allies in the future, and he could use them to further his cause to incredible extent. Vergil already had a plan how to access the Vault, but it'd be long, complex and hard to accomplish. A plan nontheless.
Location: Outside of Fort Black

Ashe was trying to heal a wound on her leg she had gotten earlier that day. I am not going to go into details but it had something to do with a random beast she had encountered. She was sitting against the wall to the Fort on the outer edge of it and was using her healing touch to heal her leg. She was alone at the moment and did not see anyone for that instant so she began cussing in the Carion language. "Cisho kiu nai muy hu gert fi"
Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

Aegis did not flinch at her spells.  Neither did her inspired soldiers.  Most of the royal soldiers willed were of the King's personal guard... wearing gold armor and white capes.  Now the majority of the soldiers were white... wearing bright blue capes.  Men and Women hand selected by Aegis herself... trained to combat even the strongest armies.  She knew them all by name.  The bright light in the sky blinded the soldiers temporarily but did not make them flinch.  They knew that this was their moment.  They knew that if they fall here, they will die valiantly... they will die wearing the the colors of their division on their backs... under the fierce Leadership of the Maiden of Lightning herself... Aegis Caliburn.  Even if they fall they will live forever as symbols... the blue capes on their backs will be honored by the Albion people everywhere.

Aegis grinned as Mikaels summoned wind soldiers.  "Psh... would you look at that?  She doesn't trust her comrades enough to let them fight with her... I thought the Guild was about brotherhood and self sacrifice?  I'm tired of people like you thinking the weak are useless... thinking that if those with very little power banded together, they will still be no match for your 'superior powers'"  Aegis spit out blood and smashed her knuckles together.  "You will see what us... 'mere mortals' can do if we fight together..."  She held out a hand in front of her... creating a huge shield of electricity that blocked the wind from reaching her men.  The shield was buffed tremendously by the mage's spells... not even one gust made any cuts on the soldiers.  

Aegis stood heroically, her blue cape flying in the wind as the rain poured down.  "You think this is magic surrounding me... mere stats and buffs given to me by mages..."  She grinned as she walked confidently towards Mikaels.  "No... What's surrounding me is the hopes and dreams of my soldiers... their hope for peace and prosperity for our kingdom...  You may strike us down here, but no matter how many you kill... our hopes and dreams will inspire others... and they WILL KNOCK YOU OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE!"

With that, Aegis punched a wind soldier with all her might.  "CHAIN LIGHTNING!"  A flurry of blue electric currents flew from wind soldier to wind soldier... decimating a huge chunk of the summoned forces. "Magnetize!"  Aegis pointed at Mikaels... causing her to feel armor to fold and buckle together. "DIVINE PUNISHMENT!"  Aegis struck the ground while Mikaels was magnetized... making a giant bolt of lightning to come crashing down on her location. 

The soldiers of wind dissolved when they got hit. But seconds later, they reappeared. There was no use in killing them at all. Mikael just laughed, backing up again and letting her army do the work. She watched in bliss as the soldiers fought, but could not keep their opponents down. 

But she started to feel so incredibly weak all of a sudden... what was happening?

A little earlier

Lilith had watched the whole scenario in horror. She had actually planned to come back home after having run away a month ago. But... What was happening here? People clashed and armies came, a king died and everything escalated. And there was this one warrior, fighting the whole army, but she seemed to think it was in the guilds need? Was she mad? CLearly, sure, but... Lilith could not believe her eyes. She could not accept this. 

Lilith waited for a good moment to teleport behind the warrior. Then, slowly, she laid a hand at the womans shoulder and started her ritual. Lilith had rarely used Syphon Soul, but this time, she had to. She could redeem herself to the guild, make up for her betrayal. The little girl was confident this would solve all problems. 

Back to Mikael

Mikael quickly turned around. A small girl with wolf ears and a tail, wearing a weird robe and glowing with dark magic had touched her. But Mikael could not resist, she could not fight the girl. She was stunned, paralyzed. The girl looked at Mikael full of disgust. "You dirtied the name of Papa, you dirtied the name of the guild and you get my friends in danger. Die. Just die.", the girl calmly but strongly spoke. Mikael broke to her knees. The army of wind disappeared, she dropped her sword. That could not be! Beaten by a little girl? The world around her started to get dark and in her last thoughts, Mikael realized what she had done. The world faded of her vision and Mikael said what would be her last words. "I am sorry... William..." Then, the glorious hero, the famous Windrunner, collapsed on the floor. Her soul had left her body. She was dead. Lilith looked at her work. She was not happy. This was not a day to be happy at all.

@Gabriel97 @Swire @The Unamed Beast @Birdsie @Aura Of Twilight @Minako (hope i forgot nobody)
The soldiers of wind dissolved when they got hit. But seconds later, they reappeared. There was no use in killing them at all. Mikael just laughed, backing up again and letting her army do the work. She watched in bliss as the soldiers fought, but could not keep their opponents down. 

But she started to feel so incredibly weak all of a sudden... what was happening?

A little earlier

Lilith had watched the whole scenario in horror. She had actually planned to come back home after having run away a month ago. But... What was happening here? People clashed and armies came, a king died and everything escalated. And there was this one warrior, fighting the whole army, but she seemed to think it was in the guilds need? Was she mad? CLearly, sure, but... Lilith could not believe her eyes. She could not accept this. 

Lilith waited for a good moment to teleport behind the warrior. Then, slowly, she laid a hand at the womans shoulder and started her ritual. Lilith had rarely used Syphon Soul, but this time, she had to. She could redeem herself to the guild, make up for her betrayal. The little girl was confident this would solve all problems. 

Back to Mikael

Mikael quickly turned around. A small girl with wolf ears and a tail, wearing a weird robe and glowing with dark magic had touched her. But Mikael could not resist, she could not fight the girl. She was stunned, paralyzed. The girl looked at Mikael full of disgust. "You dirtied the name of Papa, you dirtied the name of the guild and you get my friends in danger. Die. Just die.", the girl calmly but strongly spoke. Mikael broke to her knees. The army of wind disappeared, she dropped her sword. That could not be! Beaten by a little girl? The world around her started to get dark and in her last thoughts, Mikael realized what she had done. The world faded of her vision and Mikael said what would be her last words. "I am sorry... William..." Then, the glorious hero, the famous Windrunner, collapsed on the floor. Her soul had left her body. She was dead. Lilith looked at her work. She was not happy. This was not a day to be happy at all.

@Gabriel97 @Swire @The Unamed Beast @Birdsie @Aura Of Twilight @Minako (hope i forgot nobody)

The downpour weakened to a depressing drizzle.  Puddles of water and blood were scattered all over the once sacred land of William Black.  The Knights loosened their grip on their weapons in both confusion and sadness.

"They... killed one of their own..."  Aegis grit her teeth and felt immense hate.  Then she felt extreme sadness.  How did it end up like this... so many bodies of soldiers and guild members littered the ground.  They came here to annex the Guild of Heroes... instead it ended up as a miniature civil war.  Her pale blue hair covered her eyes as her knees buckled.  She got on one knee as if to bow down to the Guild Members in front of her... it wasn't that of course... she was merely exhausted and the buffs have worn off.  She motioned one of the healers to come to her.  "Tell our healers to heal the injured... all of the injured..."  She said, referring to the injured of the other side as well.

She hoisted herself up and faced the Guild Members.  "We can all agree that a terrible atrocity has been committed by that person..."  She pointed at the armor of Mikaels.  "Is she a member of your clan, or is she not?"  She asked Gabriel.  She gave the Guild Members the opportunity to start again.  If they deny Mikael's membership in the guild, she might be able to brush off the death of their king as an attack by a third party... not an attack from the Guild.  This way they will be able to communicate without having everyone arrested for treason.  "If she is acting as a representative of the Guild, I will have no choice but but to obey the law and arrest all of you for conspiracy to commit Regicide..."  She looked at them with tired eyes.  She tried putting away her personal attachment to the king... she tried to be as cold and official as she could... but a single drop ran down her cheek... it wasn't rain.
Ashe did not even look up. The war that had raged on had tired her out, as well as her leg being injured. She had not had the correct training to work on her own injuries as she had always focused on healing others. Blood drizzled down her robes from injuries sustained during the battle. Her hood covered her eyes as water soaked her robes and her face. She had taken part in something she had not wanted to do in the first place, a war. Although injured, she refused the help of the healers. "I... I am fine..." She said although the rain and the blood made it seem like she was sitting in a puddle of pure blood. She hoped the Gaurd member that seemed to be in control did not notice who she was, else she may be a claim of victory. Her magic was strong, as the entire Carion's race was strong in magic. A brown eye would just make the victory even sweeter. "I... I am completely fine... n-no need to remove my hood... ya oafs..." She said with a small chuckle to show she was jokingly calling them oafs.

So she sat, hoping that she would not be discovered by this head gaurd, mainly any of them, while she attempted to heal herself. Although, She did see the betrayal on Mikael. That caused her to not want to be seen even more. "Cinsa Koru kita, Cantu..." She mumbled under her breath. The true meaning of her words meant "May she rest in peace, Cantu." It was said so quietly the knights did not hear it.

@Gabriel97 @Swire @Princess Ami @Birdsie @Aura Of Twilight @Minako @IamNotLoki
Location: Fort Black

Graham watched as the battle became even more violent, with countless displays of magic that he couldn't even begin to explain. Dragons raging around, thunder and lightning, and to top it all off even more people had entered with desperate pleas. His eyes quickly shifted focus from the ensuing battle to the person that had punched him earlier, and he was met with a shove while expecting another strike. Any questions he had were quickly answered by the lightning that barely missed him had it not been for the shove, although the person was once again off before Graham could express anything in words. From the looks of it, she was trying to gather up the wounded and was making use of what he assumed was teleportation like the kind that he had witnessed prior. Rather than interrupting, he simply clutched the leather strap of his bag tightly and waited. For what, he didn't know; but the chances of making it through such a battlefield weren't high in his mind and it seemed like there would possibly be at least one other person willing to help him.

"This is a mess..." He spoke to himself with quiet words, finally able to hear himself think over the now milder rain. Graham hoped the battle was over, and it did seem like it, but he was smart enough to simply remain where he was after picking himself up off the ground that he had been shoved onto.

He couldn't clearly make out what they were saying, but it sounded to Graham like there were possible negotiations or something similar going on. After checking his surroundings and making sure that he wouldn't be struck down by lightning, he stepped out towards where the wounded were being picked up and started searching. He couldn't quite tell who was alive and who was dead most of the time, but he tried nonetheless. Finally, he was able to assist one of the wounded soldiers (whose affiliation he currently could not tell) and slowly moved over to where other people were. He didn't know any names to call out, or places to go. Aside from the one girl who had just possibly saved his hide, the only person Graham knew right now was the man currently leaning on his shoulder.

@Minako  (Also anyone else in the area, of course.)
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Location: Fort Black

Larei had watched everything in confusion. He didn't know what to think. Should he have done something? How did everything happen so fast? One moment he was walking into the guild and the next he was staring at what looked like his dead kingdom. Unwanted images ran through his mind. "It's was raining then too." He saw the death of his entire past, the death he brought forth in rage. Was this no different? He looked at the fallen hero. He had intended to save her before she died. He wanted to save anyone before they died. Why did someone so great have to die for a worthless cause. Why was anyone dead?! Did a single DEATH NEED TO HAPPEN?!? Larei didn't know right from wrong very well, but this....this was wrong. This was deaths for the sage of blood shed. He began to feel the same emotions he felt long ago. What was the point of fighting? What was the point of trying? Gaining power? Struggle to survive? What did anyone get out of this? Out of life in general. Who cares if your the most powerful person in the world, so what? You can control people. Great so you've worked you whole life to become the strongest person so you can control other people. It's not worth it. There is no point. Larei pulled out a knife before him. He had tried to kill himself many times before. He raised the knife to his neck and pictured his family before everything went wrong. His life before this. He dropped the knife, watching it fall to the ground, like his strength, it failed him again. He couldn't. For him living meant keeping alive everything he had fought for. Maybe...just maybe that's worth living for. Larei dropped to his knees and leaded up against the wall. Confused and sad he just sat there not knowing what to do.
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Kyrule King of Ur

side of fort black/the lands of Ur

Kyrule nodded once more. 

So the beast brought fire,that ment it was a threat,and possibly a worthy death.

he began on his way north thinking of ways to deal with the flames, and eventually settling on Soaked wool cloaks. It wasn't fool proof, but it was a tactic he had used before to buy himself a few seconds of flame resistance and it had worked wonders then.

The air pressure suddenly dropped along with the sounds of battle causing his smirk to widen.

"feast well hound...we will soon send you a banquet worthy of your godly appetite." 

Still smiling he begins the long road to his homelands.


it was many days before Kyrule reached the Gates of Ur. Several trollkin stood at the gates clad in their Meteo plate armor.  

They each inclined their heads as he passed. Upon entering his cavernous kingdom three of his concubines approached two with child, and one holding her youngling on her hip. 

"Did humans give food?" The one with the baby on her hip asked. 


"No...their King was claimed by the hound." He responded pausing in front of the women. Many other trollkin had begun to gather to hear their king.


"so we March?" One of the gathered asked excitedly followed by grunts and jeers of excitement, the noise cut short when Kyrule raises his hand. 


"I HAVE MET WITH A HUMAN WHO CLAIMS HE CAN FEED ALL OF OUR PEOPLE FOR A YEAR." Kyrule booms so that the whole cavern will hear him. 



The cavern fills with roars of approval, the sound so deep and loud, that it rumbled the very mountains. A grin spread across his face as he watched his Kin revel in the thought of war. 


"WHEN WE MARCH THE EARTH ITSELF WILL TREMBLE...WE WILL DEVOUR THEIR WARRIORS, GRIND THEIR MONUMENTS INTO DUST,THEIR WOMAN AND CHILDREN WILL BECOME OURS, NO TWO STONES WILL STAND ATOP ONE ANOTHER." As He shouts his war chants his kin stomp their foot with each promise the foundations of the mountain groaned and rumbled with the force of a small earthquake. 

"BUT FIRST WE WILL FEAST ON THEIR BEAST OF LEGEND, WHERE ARE MY BALOTH BREAKERS?" As he shouted several large trollkin makes and two females adorned in pelts and tribal markings step forward. 


With that he turned and began walking deeper into his keep stoping briefly to tell one of the Baloth breakers

"Tonok fetch the water chests and place a wool cloak in them for each of us...have Argula help you count." 

As he walked deeper towards his personal chambers he waved to young trollkin to him. 

"Any word from the scouts on Magdil?" He would ask them in a soft voice.

"nope, Magdil not found...still searching for hound?" The trollkin says. Kyrule simply nods and steps into his chambers.

"send the new concubines, I will need company before the hunt." He orders and the trollkin nods happily and sets off to find those who have proven to sire strong children... 

(a little taste of the trollkin culture for those who are interested) 






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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid tossed another garlic bulb and several more roots into the vat. She closed the lid and opened the vat next to it and repeated the same process. Her patrons either left or were helping to bring her more ingredients. She had her amulet out and was pausing every few minutes to take a drink of her stamina potion. "Done! Another batch of High Quality Regeneration Potions. This should cover about 30 bottles worth. Get this to Fort Black and the Army Barracks as quickly as you can!" One of her patrons grabbed the entire vat or red liquid and brought it out of the bar. Another person came through the door carrying an empty one. "Old miss Anne said you can use this!" "Thanks Lewis, set it right here. I'll make batch of Healing. Claire, can you get me that extra chests from the backroom?" The subsequent person came back from the backroom with another box of fruits. "Set that on the counter, I need to begin the Angel's Chalice process the moment the vat of antidote and stamina is done."

Astrid made several more batches of potions. She no longer cared who was the good or the bad in this pitiful battle. All she cared was that people that she knew were dying. "Another batch of holy water, a gift from the church!" "Pour it into here, and this batch will be done." She lifted the lid of the Vat of Angel's Chalice that she had begun last night. As the man poured it in, she gripped her amulet and closed her eyes. The liquid began to swirl into a golden color before settling into a translucent white with swirls of color inside. "Be careful with this one. There's only enough for five bottles. Use it only on the most serious," she said as the man picked up the vat and walked out of the door.

Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene entered the war room just as other officers and captains were beginning a debate. The guards by the door stood at attention and the others quickly followed suit. "At ease." They relaxed and took their seats. "So where do we stand right now, Johnathan?" "We were able to gather a force of 1,000 as our first response." One of the other officers spoke up. "It's a very small number to start another battle with." "It doesn't need to be, Celeste. It's more than enough for the opening strike." A third person spoke up. "So what is the plan, Selene?" Selene raised her hand and a map of the city was placed onto the table. "We know where the King's men are positioned. We will take over those key positions and force them out of the city." "And those who remain?" "Offer them mercy. I want a clean start on this opening." The officers talked between themselves. "I don't want to waste any lives, friend or foe. Remember, our forces aren't like Albion's, recruited from god knows where. Our forces are our friends, our neighbors, our family. That is all, begin the operation at late afternoon."

Everyone began standing up and walking out. A few of the officers stayed. Just as Selene began to take leave as well, one of the officers walked up beside her and said, "King Kyrule of Ur was spotted headed back up north from Bowerstone. Should we take action?" Selene faced the officer and opened her folder. Inside, red and white mists swirled into a characters that outlined a path. "I don't think we should be concerned, Clarence. Historically, the path they've taken is quite a bit away from Fairfax. Keep a few scouts in the mountains just in case though." The Officer named Clarence and the others saluted. Selene returned the salute and relaxed and headed out of the room behind them.

Let's hope they won't be able to respond to this quickly enough. The killing of Mephisto and King Aldonis would certainly shock them. And if there was a battle at Fort Black, neither the Albion army nor the Guild of Heroes would be able to respond. Although the presence of King Kyrule is slightly disturbing to the people of Gael. Let's get this out of the way as fast as possible so that we won't be in a tight place if the Trollkins attack.
Location: Fort Black

Ashe looked up slightly as to not reveal her eyes or hair from under her hood. "I... I do not know if she was...." Ashe said as she coughed some blood onto the ground next to her. "I... I do not believe she was... O-only thinking she was doing the r-right thing..." She said as she layede back against the wall of the fort and still refusing to be healed by the healers. "I have not joined myself, bu- *cough* but as far as I know... sh-he wasn't a part of the g-guild..." she said with heavy breaths. None of her wounds were fatal but she refused for them to be healed none the less. "P-please stop insisting... I-I am fine.." She says as she coughs up some blood.

Location: Fort Black

Ashe looked up slightly as to not reveal her eyes or hair from under her hood. "I... I do not know if she was...." Ashe said as she coughed some blood onto the ground next to her. "I... I do not believe she was... O-only thinking she was doing the r-right thing..." She said as she layede back against the wall of the fort and still refusing to be healed by the healers. "I have not joined myself, bu- *cough* but as far as I know... sh-he wasn't a part of the g-guild..." she said with heavy breaths. None of her wounds were fatal but she refused for them to be healed none the less. "P-please stop insisting... I-I am fine.." She says as she coughs up some blood.


The dark elf Captain glanced at a girl near the wall of the castle refusing any aid from the Royal healers.  She walked to her and looked down at her with tired eyes.  "You're coughing blood... if you know what's best for you, just accept the healing..."  Her eyes softened.  "...please..."  She said with a more softer tone.  "I am sorry if I threatened all of you!"  She shouted out to everyone.  "I will not apologize for avenging the King... but I realized that you all do not want to shed blood either.  Like me, you all just want to go back to our alliance... I never wanted this to happen.  I wanted this guild to keep operating fighting alongside the kingdom of Albion..."  Aegis explained as she got on her knee.  She removed  her gauntlets and moved a glowing palm near Ashe casting a healing spell.  "To me, even if you are hostile towards us, you are still citizens of Albion... you are our people... I want to protect you just as much as I want to protect my soldiers!" Aegis told everyone.  "I know how much Mephisto means to all of you, I believed his innocence myself... but you can't do everything on your own..."  Aegis stared at Gabriel.  "Join us... together we'll find out what really happened and restore your Guild's innocence!"
The dark elf Captain glanced at a girl near the wall of the castle refusing any aid from the Royal healers.  She walked to her and looked down at her with tired eyes.  "You're coughing blood... if you know what's best for you, just accept the healing..."  Her eyes softened.  "...please..."  She said with a more softer tone.  "I am sorry if I threatened all of you!"  She shouted out to everyone.  "I will not apologize for avenging the King... but I realized that you all do not want to shed blood either.  Like me, you all just want to go back to our alliance... I never wanted this to happen.  I wanted this guild to keep operating fighting alongside the kingdom of Albion..."  Aegis explained as she got on her knee.  She removed  her gauntlets and moved a glowing palm near Ashe casting a healing spell.  "To me, even if you are hostile towards us, you are still citizens of Albion... you are our people... I want to protect you just as much as I want to protect my soldiers!" Aegis told everyone.  "I know how much Mephisto means to all of you, I believed his innocence myself... but you can't do everything on your own..."  Aegis stared at Gabriel.  "Join us... together we'll find out what really happened and restore your Guild's innocence!"

Before Aegis placed her hand near Ashes body she grabbed her arm. "I am t-telling you... I-I am fine..." She said and instead of using her healing magic she used her other hand to pull her hood down. "B-believe me... I know what hell it is to go through this... I-I have been through worse..." She said as she let go of her hood in time to cough some more blood. "I... I'll survive... I have this long... ya oaf..." she chuckled at that. That seemed to be her go to joke. "I am not part of this guild nor am I p-part of this alliance you have. Nor did I know of it... *Cough* b-but I know about people..." she laughed weakly at that. "and that king... he did not really care who he hurt... a-as long as he got what h-he wanted..." She slumped back onto the wall. "H-he put innocent lives.. at risk... just because... Mikeal w-wouldnt let him p-pass...." she coughed to the side again. "I am not saying Mikeal was in th-the right... but neither was the king..." she put her head back onto the wall and let go of Aegis's arm. "I... I can heal myself... I think..."
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Kyrule King of Ur

side of fort black/the lands of Ur

Kyrule nodded once more. 

So the beast brought fire,that ment it was a threat,and possibly a worthy death.

he began on his way north thinking of ways to deal with the flames, and eventually settling on Soaked wool cloaks. It wasn't fool proof, but it was a tactic he had used before to buy himself a few seconds of flame resistance and it had worked wonders then.

The air pressure suddenly dropped along with the sounds of battle causing his smirk to widen.

"feast well hound...we will soon send you a banquet worthy of your godly appetite." 

Still smiling he begins the long road to his homelands.


it was many days before Kyrule reached the Gates of Ur. Several trollkin stood at the gates clad in their Meteo plate armor.  

They each inclined their heads as he passed. Upon entering his cavernous kingdom three of his concubines approached two with child, and one holding her youngling on her hip. 

"Did humans give food?" The one with the baby on her hip asked. 


"No...their King was claimed by the hound." He responded pausing in front of the women. Many other trollkin had begun to gather to hear their king.


"so we March?" One of the gathered asked excitedly followed by grunts and jeers of excitement, the noise cut short when Kyrule raises his hand. 


"I HAVE MET WITH A HUMAN WHO CLAIMS HE CAN FEED ALL OF OUR PEOPLE FOR A YEAR." Kyrule booms so that the whole cavern will hear him. 



The cavern fills with roars of approval, the sound so deep and loud, that it rumbled the very mountains. A grin spread across his face as he watched his Kin revel in the thought of war. 


"WHEN WE MARCH THE EARTH ITSELF WILL TREMBLE...WE WILL DEVOUR THEIR WARRIORS, GRIND THEIR MONUMENTS INTO DUST,THEIR WOMAN AND CHILDREN WILL BECOME OURS, NO TWO STONES WILL STAND ATOP ONE ANOTHER." As He shouts his war chants his kin stomp their foot with each promise the foundations of the mountain groaned and rumbled with the force of a small earthquake. 

"BUT FIRST WE WILL FEAST ON THEIR BEAST OF LEGEND, WHERE ARE MY BALOTH BREAKERS?" As he shouted several large trollkin makes and two females adorned in pelts and tribal markings step forward. 


With that he turned and began walking deeper into his keep stoping briefly to tell one of the Baloth breakers

"Tonok fetch the water chests and place a wool cloak in them for each of us...have Argula help you count." 

As he walked deeper towards his personal chambers he waved to young trollkin to him. 

"Any word from the scouts on Magdil?" He would ask them in a soft voice.

"nope, Magdil not found...still searching for hound?" The trollkin says. Kyrule simply nods and steps into his chambers.

"send the new concubines, I will need company before the hunt." He orders and the trollkin nods happily and sets off to find those who have proven to sire strong children... 

(a little taste of the trollkin culture for those who are interested) 







Before Aegis placed her hand near Ashes body she grabbed her arm. "I am t-telling you... I-I am fine..." She said and instead of using her healing magic she used her other hand to pull her hood down. "B-believe me... I know what hell it is to go through this... I-I have been through worse..." She said as she let go of her hood in time to cough some more blood. "I... I'll survive... I have this long... ya oaf..." she chuckled at that. That seemed to be her go to joke. "I am not part of this guild nor am I p-part of this alliance you have. Nor did I know of it... *Cough* b-but I know about people..." she laughed weakly at that. "and that king... he did not really care who he hurt... a-as long as he got what h-he wanted..." She slumped back onto the wall. "H-he put innocent lives.. at risk... just because... Mikeal w-wouldnt let him p-pass...." she coughed to the side again. "I am not saying Mikeal was in th-the right... but neither was the king..." she put her head back onto the wall and let go of Aegis's arm. "I... I can heal myself... I think..."

The dark elf Captain glanced at a girl near the wall of the castle refusing any aid from the Royal healers.  She walked to her and looked down at her with tired eyes.  "You're coughing blood... if you know what's best for you, just accept the healing..."  Her eyes softened.  "...please..."  She said with a more softer tone.  "I am sorry if I threatened all of you!"  She shouted out to everyone.  "I will not apologize for avenging the King... but I realized that you all do not want to shed blood either.  Like me, you all just want to go back to our alliance... I never wanted this to happen.  I wanted this guild to keep operating fighting alongside the kingdom of Albion..."  Aegis explained as she got on her knee.  She removed  her gauntlets and moved a glowing palm near Ashe casting a healing spell.  "To me, even if you are hostile towards us, you are still citizens of Albion... you are our people... I want to protect you just as much as I want to protect my soldiers!" Aegis told everyone.  "I know how much Mephisto means to all of you, I believed his innocence myself... but you can't do everything on your own..."  Aegis stared at Gabriel.  "Join us... together we'll find out what really happened and restore your Guild's innocence!"

Vergil was still sitting on a tree, on a huge oak to be precise. Then he heard something unexpected in the distance. The Guild and the Kingdom's soldiers both ceased their fire, stopped fighting and started taking care of each other's injured. "Mysterious, bizzare and contradicting..." He quietly commented, seeing the turmoil of battle turn into a healing-fest.

 Vergil took the advantage of no one knowing him and approached.

"What a senseless death..." He said, kneeling next to the corpse of a dead soldier. "And your valiant efforts went in vain too. Your comrades made peace with the enemy." He added and paused. Vergil extended the pointing and middle finger, closing the soldier's eyes, as he could not do it due to his state of death. "Farewell, warrior." He finished, shooting up on his legs once again. He approached Aegis and the rest, then with a voice of disapproval commented on her actions. "You'll really give up, after so many lost their lives in an attempt to win this for you?" Vergil inquired out of the blue.
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Vergil was still sitting on a tree, on a huge oak to be precise. Then he heard something unexpected in the distance. The Guild and the Kingdom's soldiers both ceased their fire, stopped fighting and started taking care of each other's injured. "Mysterious, bizzare and contradicting..." He quietly commented, seeing the turmoil of battle turn into a healing-fest.

 Vergil took the advantage of no one knowing him and approached.

"What a senseless death..." He said, kneeling next to the corpse of a dead soldier. "And tour valiant efforts went in vain too. Your comrades made peace with the enemy." He added and paused. Vergil extended the pointing and middle finger, closing the soldier's eyes, as he could not do it due to his state of death. "Farewell, warrior." He finished, shooting up on his legs once again. He approached Aegis and the rest, then with a voice of disapproval commented on her actions. "You'll really give up, after so many lost their lives in an attempt to win this for you?" Vergil inquired out of the blue.

It was not visible due to her hood, but Ashe was glaring at the man that had come by to criticize the stopping of the small war. "Wh-who are you to say when one has had enough fighting...." she said as she spit some blood onto the ground. She was too weak to stand up and move her arms, but she was too tired and weak to do so. "Y-you don't h-have any say in a f-fight you did n-not take part in..." she said weakly.
The dark elf Captain glanced at a girl near the wall of the castle refusing any aid from the Royal healers.  She walked to her and looked down at her with tired eyes.  "You're coughing blood... if you know what's best for you, just accept the healing..."  Her eyes softened.  "...please..."  She said with a more softer tone.  "I am sorry if I threatened all of you!"  She shouted out to everyone.  "I will not apologize for avenging the King... but I realized that you all do not want to shed blood either.  Like me, you all just want to go back to our alliance... I never wanted this to happen.  I wanted this guild to keep operating fighting alongside the kingdom of Albion..."  Aegis explained as she got on her knee.  She removed  her gauntlets and moved a glowing palm near Ashe casting a healing spell.  "To me, even if you are hostile towards us, you are still citizens of Albion... you are our people... I want to protect you just as much as I want to protect my soldiers!" Aegis told everyone.  "I know how much Mephisto means to all of you, I believed his innocence myself... but you can't do everything on your own..."  Aegis stared at Gabriel.  "Join us... together we'll find out what really happened and restore your Guild's innocence!"

Vergil was still sitting on a tree, on a huge oak to be precise. Then he heard something unexpected in the distance. The Guild and the Kingdom's soldiers both ceased their fire, stopped fighting and started taking care of each other's injured. "Mysterious, bizzare and contradicting..." He quietly commented, seeing the turmoil of battle turn into a healing-fest.

 Vergil took the advantage of no one knowing him and approached.

"What a senseless death..." He said, kneeling next to the corpse of a dead soldier. "And your valiant efforts went in vain too. Your comrades made peace with the enemy." He added and paused. Vergil extended the pointing and middle finger, closing the soldier's eyes, as he could not do it due to his state of death. "Farewell, warrior." He finished, shooting up on his legs once again. He approached Aegis and the rest, then with a voice of disapproval commented on her actions. "You'll really give up, after so many lost their lives in an attempt to win this for you?" Vergil inquired out of the blue.

Lilith was still confused about what happened. That was until she heard what Aegis said. She ran over in an instant, her purple eyes glowing dangerously. But she had no intention to attack anyone. "What did you say? What is with Papa Mephisto? Where is he! I need to talk to him, so that he can forgive me and I can be a good daughter again!", she explained, her tone pleading. "Where is Papa Mephisto?"
Lilith was still confused about what happened. That was until she heard what Aegis said. She ran over in an instant, her purple eyes glowing dangerously. But she had no intention to attack anyone. "What did you say? What is with Papa Mephisto? Where is he! I need to talk to him, so that he can forgive me and I can be a good daughter again!", she explained, her tone pleading. "Where is Papa Mephisto?"

Ashe heard this name and remembered it from earlier. Not knowing that Mephisto was still alive, she made a motion with her head that seemed like she put it down. She just let the blood come from her wounds because she was not wanting to be the one to break any news to anyone. Although she was hoping no one would be rough on the murderous girl.
The downpour weakened to a depressing drizzle.  Puddles of water and blood were scattered all over the once sacred land of William Black.  The Knights loosened their grip on their weapons in both confusion and sadness.

"They... killed one of their own..."  Aegis grit her teeth and felt immense hate.  Then she felt extreme sadness.  How did it end up like this... so many bodies of soldiers and guild members littered the ground.  They came here to annex the Guild of Heroes... instead it ended up as a miniature civil war.  Her pale blue hair covered her eyes as her knees buckled.  She got on one knee as if to bow down to the Guild Members in front of her... it wasn't that of course... she was merely exhausted and the buffs have worn off.  She motioned one of the healers to come to her.  "Tell our healers to heal the injured... all of the injured..."  She said, referring to the injured of the other side as well.

She hoisted herself up and faced the Guild Members.  "We can all agree that a terrible atrocity has been committed by that person..."  She pointed at the armor of Mikaels.  "Is she a member of your clan, or is she not?"  She asked Gabriel.  She gave the Guild Members the opportunity to start again.  If they deny Mikael's membership in the guild, she might be able to brush off the death of their king as an attack by a third party... not an attack from the Guild.  This way they will be able to communicate without having everyone arrested for treason.  "If she is acting as a representative of the Guild, I will have no choice but but to obey the law and arrest all of you for conspiracy to commit Regicide..."  She looked at them with tired eyes.  She tried putting away her personal attachment to the king... she tried to be as cold and official as she could... but a single drop ran down her cheek... it wasn't rain.

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sighed and walked towards Aegis. "I have no clue about who she was...But if you want so badly to frame and finally destroy the Guild, execute me. Leave everyone alone. They did nothing." He exclaimed, dropping his sword on the ground and taking a deep breath, while looking at her. "The Guild had no connection whatsoever with...The Windrunner and I am willing to do anything you ask of me to avenge the king's death. Even if he framed Mephisto and got him killed." He said, avoiding Lilith's eyes for fear of what she could do. Amelia came in the area with a couple other exorcists and only saw blood and bodies everywhere. She looked back at once of them and the man quickly ran towards the battlefield, cutting a small slice into his hand and dropping some blood on the ground. He pronounced some words in a weird language and all the dead bodies, as if they were pulled by a magic force, all got in lines in "containers" made out of leaves. "This is all I can do." He said, walking back towards Amelia. Gabriel sighed once more and fell on his knees. He punched the ground fiercely and a small crater was left as he pulled his fist away. "Mephisto is dead...The King is dead...The Guild's reputation is ruined...AAAGH!" He shouted in anger, still punching the ground. "I am sorry, Aegis. I know how much you cared about the King." He said finally.
It was not visible due to her hood, but Ashe was glaring at the man that had come by to criticize the stopping of the small war. "Wh-who are you to say when one has had enough fighting...." she said as she spit some blood onto the ground. She was too weak to stand up and move her arms, but she was too tired and weak to do so. "Y-you don't h-have any say in a f-fight you did n-not take part in..." she said weakly.
Lilith was still confused about what happened. That was until she heard what Aegis said. She ran over in an instant, her purple eyes glowing dangerously. But she had no intention to attack anyone. "What did you say? What is with Papa Mephisto? Where is he! I need to talk to him, so that he can forgive me and I can be a good daughter again!", she explained, her tone pleading. "Where is Papa Mephisto?"
Ashe heard this name and remembered it from earlier. Not knowing that Mephisto was still alive, she made a motion with her head that seemed like she put it down. She just let the blood come from her wounds because she was not wanting to be the one to break any news to anyone. Although she was hoping no one would be rough on the murderous girl.
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sighed and walked towards Aegis. "I have no clue about who she was...But if you want so badly to frame and finally destroy the Guild, execute me. Leave everyone alone. They did nothing." He exclaimed, dropping his sword on the ground and taking a deep breath, while looking at her. "The Guild had no connection whatsoever with...The Windrunner and I am willing to do anything you ask of me to avenge the king's death. Even if he framed Mephisto and got him killed." He said, avoiding Lilith's eyes for fear of what she could do. Amelia came in the area with a couple other exorcists and only saw blood and bodies everywhere. She looked back at once of them and the man quickly ran towards the battlefield, cutting a small slice into his hand and dropping some blood on the ground. He pronounced some words in a weird language and all the dead bodies, as if they were pulled by a magic force, all got in lines in "containers" made out of leaves. "This is all I can do." He said, walking back towards Amelia. Gabriel sighed once more and fell on his knees. He punched the ground fiercely and a small crater was left as he pulled his fist away. "Mephisto is dead...The King is dead...The Guild's reputation is ruined...AAAGH!" He shouted in anger, still punching the ground. "I am sorry, Aegis. I know how much you cared about the King." He said finally.

Location: Battlefield at Fort Black

Vergil stared at Ashe, then with a steady, confident march walked up to her, kneeling in front of her on just one knee, and put his pointing finger up against her mouth. "Shhh... tut-tut-tut... The grown-ups are talking now." Vergil commented with a stoic facial expression. Once again, Vergil shot up standing and looked at Lilith, slowly taking steps to her once again. He was wondering if he should tell her the truth, or play along with Mephisto's facade. He thought about the consequences of both choices, and decided telling her would be a risk to his own identity. He shook his head, then slowly and calmly told her. "Mephisto Pheles..." he paused. The next words very quickly came through his throat. "Is dead." he said, with no remorse in the voice. Little emotion, except for some tense disquietude in his tone. Vergil was well-aware that nobody around knew who he was, and the only actual benefit that came from this was that he could know a little more about the people he would fight in the future.

Vergil saw Gabriel's behaviour, and the exorcists, feeling a little bit tense, worried they might detect he is a Nephilim, or perhaps even think that he is a full-out demon. People didn't tend to be too intelligent nowadays. He didn't feel fear, as he could cut them into tiny little pieces, but if such a thing came to pass there would be, even if slight, a risk for his identity, and therefore for his goals that are to open the Vault. "Aren't you the new Guildmaster, now that Mephisto Pheles is dead? It's your duty to live and die for your Guild." and then, decided to use his fake name, and ensure everyone thinks that he has no connection to the Guild whatsoever. "Oh, where are my manners?!" he calmly asked himself. Vergil continued "I forgot them indeed. My name is... Nero Angelo." (Translates to Black Angel, so some may see it as that) "I came here to join the Guild, but this place seems pretty wrecked up. And I'm not sure if it's a good moment anyway."

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