Main IC RP

Mikael, faster than they could even realize, took a stand in front of the gates. She looked as if she would just take all those soldiers on herself. That wasnt her plan though. "I do not know your name king, but i do know this. I, the Windrunner, will not let this happen. The guild of heroes is no military group and none may abuse the guild for their wants. Many years ago, King Tarveim of Albion tried same. And i was there. He died to my blade, just as thousands of his soldiers. I cannot believe you have never heard of that. That was the last time someone attempted to take over this guild. DO you really plan to so soon take the place of your ancestor?" Mikael had not fought alone that day back then, but the legend said she had. And she knew it did. Why not use that to her wellbeing?

Location: Fort Black

Adonis' previously confident smug turned into a nervous frown. "T-The Windrunner? What type of creature, demon, vile... spiritual heretic are you!?..." and suddenly, came to a realization. Adonis returned to his previous charismatic confidence and laughed at Mikael. "I get it now. You're trying to scare me with a little story. You think that I'm afraid of a girl, playing an ancient hero? I'll take you on myself..." and unsheathed his sword. He was absolutely confident that she was weak, so he got off his horse and approached Mikael, step, by slow step. With a smile on his face, thinking he's untouchable and cannot be harmed by her. Once he was 3 meters away, he dashed forward, slicing his blade vertically from the right, trying to cut Mikael apart. He wasn't even slightly aware what sort of power he was facing right now.

(I feel like Princess Purity will have to take the throne if you go too hard. Feel free to do so.)
Senor Fred

Location: Bandit Camp

The skeletal knight clapped dirt off his bony fingers and grinned triumphantly.  "The only thing sharper than an Espanian sword... is an Espanian swords-man!"  He laughed as the bandits retreated from the camp... they ran naked as their armor was sliced to pieces on the floor.  On each buttcheek, a mark of an "F" was made by a very sharp rapier.  "Let this be a lesson to all of you evil-doers!  Do NOT do evil in front of Senor Fred!  Or I will send you running away!"  He added.  

"Mmmm!!"  The hostages muffled through their mouth covers.  They were still inside the metal cage.

"Oh, I'm deeply sorry... I will release you at once!"  The skeletal figure raised his rapier and his hand blurred to invisibility.  Suddenly the cage broke apart.  The pieces of metal fell around the hostages as if they were made of candy.  Another flick of the wrist and the hostages suddenly found their handcuffs broken and their mouths freed.  

Senor Fred took out his Hello Kitty comb and brushed his hair in triumph.  "No need to thank me everyone... I'm just a wandering hero... with a thirst for Justice!"  He said in the most passionate flamenco pose.

"They took my wife!  And a whole bunch of others!  Please help my wife!"  The dryad man ran to Senor Fred and got on his hands and knees. 

"Ay Dios Mio!  How Terrible!  Muy Terrible!"  The hero covered his face.  "Fear not Papi Dryad... I will rescue your wife and the others!  Where have they gone?"

"They put her in a wagon along with some others, they headed towards Bowerstone!  Please save my wife!"  The Husband pleaded.  

"You have my word, Papi Dryad... I will bring back your precious wife to you!  Now, return to your children in the forest!  And all of you, run away before the bandits return!  I will save your frends with the help of my trusty steed!"  The skeleton whistled loudly.

In response, the white horse clip clopped lazily to Senor Fred as if from out of nowhere.

"Pedro, where where you at the fight Amigo?  I almost got killed!"  The skeleton said to his partner in crime as he got on the saddle.  "To Bowerstone!  Hi-ya!"
Location: Fort Black

Adonis' previously confident smug turned into a nervous frown. "T-The Windrunner? What type of creature, demon, vile... spiritual heretic are you!?..." and suddenly, came to a realization. Adonis returned to his previous charismatic confidence and laughed at Mikael. "I get it now. You're trying to scare me with a little story. You think that I'm afraid of a girl, playing an ancient hero? I'll take you on myself..." and unsheathed his sword. He was absolutely confident that she was weak, so he got off his horse and approached Mikael, step, by slow step. With a smile on his face, thinking he's untouchable and cannot be harmed by her. Once he was 3 meters away, he dashed forward, slicing his blade vertically from the right, trying to cut Mikael apart. He wasn't even slightly aware what sort of power he was facing right now.

(I feel like Princess Purity will have to take the throne if you go too hard. Feel free to do so.)

Location: Fort Black

"I'm sorry about that." Larei said in a serious way. He didn't expect to get a backstory of her. Most people don't tell you their story out of now where. He felt as if he owed her something in return. "I have also been running away, but for a different reason. I have traveled around most of the world. I don't really have a good reason though." Larei opened the door to the center building of the fort. When they were inside he noticed many people running to the court yard. "I wonder whar there doing?" Larei knew that they probably knew that the military was coming but why were they all going to the court yard? "Hmm I wonder if we should follow them." He said to Ashlynn.

@Princess Ami


Location: Fort Black, where the king is

Ash looked towards the king and his military. She tried to hold back a laugh but could not. "Adonis, how nice of you to drop by." She did not know the king personally, but had seen him on occasion when the Carion caravan went through Albion. "I am sorry to say that I will not be joining our little parade however... I escaped war once and I do not wish to join another..." She said as she removed her Hood and showed her brown hair and eyes. "And I do not believe you would like to go to war against the Car..." she did not get to finish her sentence before he launched at Mikael with his blade. "Woah...okay..." She said as she casted her shield onto Mikael. "You are protected, for now." As soon as the strike would hit the shield would disappear.
Location: Fort Black

Adonis' previously confident smug turned into a nervous frown. "T-The Windrunner? What type of creature, demon, vile... spiritual heretic are you!?..." and suddenly, came to a realization. Adonis returned to his previous charismatic confidence and laughed at Mikael. "I get it now. You're trying to scare me with a little story. You think that I'm afraid of a girl, playing an ancient hero? I'll take you on myself..." and unsheathed his sword. He was absolutely confident that she was weak, so he got off his horse and approached Mikael, step, by slow step. With a smile on his face, thinking he's untouchable and cannot be harmed by her. Once he was 3 meters away, he dashed forward, slicing his blade vertically from the right, trying to cut Mikael apart. He wasn't even slightly aware what sort of power he was facing right now.

(I feel like Princess Purity will have to take the throne if you go too hard. Feel free to do so.)

The moment he dashed, an immense wind suddenly just blew him back to his troops. Mikael had not even unsheated her sword. The wind was strong enough to even blow back a ogre. "Behold the power of the wind!", she shouted and the air below her started to make her hover a bit. "King of Albion, you are nothing but a squire. You and your armies are nothing but flies that wait to be squashed by me. Do you really want to initiate that fight? If you want a duell, you shall get one. But if you are too afraid, then you may just leave in shame." Mikael then turned around slightly to face Ash. "Your help is not needed. I see nothing but insects here. I dont need help to roast these."
Location: Fort Black

Adonis' previously confident smug turned into a nervous frown. "T-The Windrunner? What type of creature, demon, vile... spiritual heretic are you!?..." and suddenly, came to a realization. Adonis returned to his previous charismatic confidence and laughed at Mikael. "I get it now. You're trying to scare me with a little story. You think that I'm afraid of a girl, playing an ancient hero? I'll take you on myself..." and unsheathed his sword. He was absolutely confident that she was weak, so he got off his horse and approached Mikael, step, by slow step. With a smile on his face, thinking he's untouchable and cannot be harmed by her. Once he was 3 meters away, he dashed forward, slicing his blade vertically from the right, trying to cut Mikael apart. He wasn't even slightly aware what sort of power he was facing right now.

(I feel like Princess Purity will have to take the throne if you go too hard. Feel free to do so.)

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

Aegis and a few men from her division came to escort the King on his way to Fort Black.  She clenched her teeth as the young King seemed to accept the armored being's challenge.  "Your Highness, forgive me for interfering but please do not eng-" Before she could even finish, the King got of his horse and draw his blade.  "YOUR HIGHNESS!"  Aegis ran after him.  "You don't need to fight her, if you die, who will lead our kingdom?"  She said as she put on her giant magical gauntlets.  She smashed them together releasing blue sparks of electricity.  "back off wench!  Do not touch His Majesty!"


Kyrule King of Ur

The gates of  Bowerstone

Kyrule would listen to the human, nodding as he mentioned the Kings name, and again as he suggested he wait inside. 

Removing his cloak from his head Kyrule would slowly walk towards the captain. 

"You are brave..." He would say looking the man in his eyes. "I do understand, I will wait. where does one go for eating, drinking, and waiting here?" He would ask the captain, at this point he completly ignores the other guards. They were not of his kin, and as such were not subject to the same laws and beliefs, he had to keep reminding himself of this to keep from growing angry with them 

Hopefully the king will have courage as well. He thinks to himself as he memorized the captains scent for later be it for sport, or for honor, this brave man would cross blades with him soon. He could feel it in his very bones. 

Location: Fort Black

Speaking of the Devil. Adonis, the King of Albion and his troops arrived at the gates of the massive fort. There were hundreds, whole waves of troops. They could besiege and destroy the fortress in minutes. Adonis, suited in his golden armor and sat upon a beatiful, white steed drove up to the gate and yelled, with a voice of demand. "The King of Albion demands to speak with the one who governs you! In the name of Albion, I hereby proclaim my ownership of this fortress, and that all members of it's Guild are to become members of my military!" with threat in his tone. There was clearly a reason why he brought all these troops, and you could guess it.



The moment he dashed, an immense wind suddenly just blew him back to his troops. Mikael had not even unsheated her sword. The wind was strong enough to even blow back a ogre. "Behold the power of the wind!", she shouted and the air below her started to make her hover a bit. "King of Albion, you are nothing but a squire. You and your armies are nothing but flies that wait to be squashed by me. Do you really want to initiate that fight? If you want a duell, you shall get one. But if you are too afraid, then you may just leave in shame." Mikael then turned around slightly to face Ash. "Your help is not needed. I see nothing but insects here. I dont need help to roast these."

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel saw the fight. He unsheathed his sword quickly and pointed it at the King. "You have no right to assimilate the Guild! It is eternal property of William Black, even in death! Your father's predecessor's predecessor signed a deal. That deal clearly stated that THE KINGDOM and THE GUILD will NOT INTERFERE WITH EACH OTHER until MORALITY and JUSTICE are IGNORED!" He said, as he then drew a flaming pentagram in the air, then shouting proudly these words: "tharm di marfedelom!". Hundreds, even thousands of magical slices flew all across the King but not directly hitting him. They just flew past him, on purpose. He didn't want to hurt the king, but just scare him off.
@Princess Ami


Location: Fort Black, where the king is

Ash looked towards the king and his military. She tried to hold back a laugh but could not. "Adonis, how nice of you to drop by." She did not know the king personally, but had seen him on occasion when the Carion caravan went through Albion. "I am sorry to say that I will not be joining our little parade however... I escaped war once and I do not wish to join another..." She said as she removed her Hood and showed her brown hair and eyes. "And I do not believe you would like to go to war against the Car..." she did not get to finish her sentence before he launched at Mikael with his blade. "Woah...okay..." She said as she casted her shield onto Mikael. "You are protected, for now." As soon as the strike would hit the shield would disappear.

The moment he dashed, an immense wind suddenly just blew him back to his troops. Mikael had not even unsheated her sword. The wind was strong enough to even blow back a ogre. "Behold the power of the wind!", she shouted and the air below her started to make her hover a bit. "King of Albion, you are nothing but a squire. You and your armies are nothing but flies that wait to be squashed by me. Do you really want to initiate that fight? If you want a duell, you shall get one. But if you are too afraid, then you may just leave in shame." Mikael then turned around slightly to face Ash. "Your help is not needed. I see nothing but insects here. I dont need help to roast these."
Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

Aegis and a few men from her division came to escort the King on his way to Fort Black.  She clenched her teeth as the young King seemed to accept the armored being's challenge.  "Your Highness, forgive me for interfering but please do not eng-" Before she could even finish, the King got of his horse and draw his blade.  "YOUR HIGHNESS!"  Aegis ran after him.  "You don't need to fight her, if you die, who will lead our kingdom?"  She said as she put on her giant magical gauntlets.  She smashed them together releasing blue sparks of electricity.  "back off wench!  Do not touch His Majesty!"
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel saw the fight. He unsheathed his sword quickly and pointed it at the King. "You have no right to assimilate the Guild! It is eternal property of William Black, even in death! Your father's predecessor's predecessor signed a deal. That deal clearly stated that THE KINGDOM and THE GUILD will NOT INTERFERE WITH EACH OTHER until MORALITY and JUSTICE are IGNORED!" He said, as he then drew a flaming pentagram in the air, then shouting proudly these words: "tharm di marfedelom!". Hundreds, even thousands of magical slices flew all across the King but not directly hitting him. They just flew past him, on purpose. He didn't want to hurt the king, but just scare him off.

Location: Fort Black

Adonis bulky armor slew down the fall as he fell back half-way to his horse, and on his back. He stared at Mikael and said. "Your treacherous tricks... your denial... they're unforgivable." refering to Ashlynn's refusal to join him, and Mikael's attack. Adonis slowly got up from the ground and used the King of Swords spell. A golden portal, wide and tall appeared behind Adonis and sharp, golden swords peaked out of it. "Die!" he demanded, as he pointed his wrist towards Ashlynn and Mikael. The swords flew towards both of them at high speed. Adonis was hoping, no, he was very confident this would finish them off, so he kept his sword low, thinking he'd win. He didn't care about what Aegis said, he entered a trance of victory-hunger driven blindness. Too arrogant to see that he wouldn't win this fight. The shrapnel from Gabriel's attacks flew near the King, however some of his Royal Mages casted a protective shield around him, to protect him from the attacks even though they wouldn't hit.

(Yeah, it's not like I want to kill him off, or something... NOT AT ALL...)


Kyrule King of Ur

The gates of  Bowerstone

Kyrule would listen to the human, nodding as he mentioned the Kings name, and again as he suggested he wait inside. 

Removing his cloak from his head Kyrule would slowly walk towards the captain. 

"You are brave..." He would say looking the man in his eyes. "I do understand, I will wait. where does one go for eating, drinking, and waiting here?" He would ask the captain, at this point he completly ignores the other guards. They were not of his kin, and as such were not subject to the same laws and beliefs, he had to keep reminding himself of this to keep from growing angry with them 

Hopefully the king will have courage as well. He thinks to himself as he memorized the captains scent for later be it for sport, or for honor, this brave man would cross blades with him soon. He could feel it in his very bones. 

Location: Bowerstone

Hearing Kyrule's compliment, the Guard Captain slightly cooled off, easing. He felt more calm when he saw that the larger creature didn't have much intent to hurt. The Captain pointed to Astrid's Bar and said. "You can find the best drinks there. Astrid's Bar." then towards several shops with food. "The best meat, fruit, vegetables and bread in Bowerstone you'll find on the market. You can wait near the palace itself, or go to an inn."
Location: Fort Black

Adonis bulky armor slew down the fall as he fell back half-way to his horse, and on his back. He stared at Mikael and said. "Your treacherous tricks... your denial... they're unforgivable." refering to Ashlynn's refusal to join him, and Mikael's attack. Adonis slowly got up from the ground and used the King of Swords spell. A golden portal, wide and tall appeared behind Adonis and sharp, golden swords peaked out of it. "Die!" he demanded, as he pointed his wrist towards Ashlynn and Mikael. The swords flew towards both of them at high speed. Adonis was hoping, no, he was very confident this would finish them off, so he kept his sword low, thinking he'd win. He didn't care about what Aegis said, he entered a trance of victory-hunger driven blindness. Too arrogant to see that he wouldn't win this fight. The shrapnel from Gabriel's attacks flew near the King, however some of his Royal Mages casted a protective shield around him, to protect him from the attacks even though they wouldn't hit.

(Yeah, it's not like I want to kill him off, or something... NOT AT ALL...)

Location: Bowerstone

Hearing Kyrule's compliment, the Guard Captain slightly cooled off, easing. He felt more calm when he saw that the larger creature didn't have much intent to hurt. The Captain pointed to Astrid's Bar and said. "You can find the best drinks there. Astrid's Bar." then towards several shops with food. "The best meat, fruit, vegetables and bread in Bowerstone you'll find on the market. You can wait near the palace itself, or go to an inn."


Location: Fort Black

Ashe stabbed her staff into the ground as it grew brighter and brighter. An orb appeared infront of her as the swords flew straight at her. She did not seem fazed or disturbed as she opened her eyes with determination in them as they seemed to glow brown. She then yelled "Shikal Ming!!!" As the orb of light pulsed towards the oncoming blades. As the light passed through them the blades seem t o have dissapated. Of course, the light dissapeared but only after the blades were gone. Ash dropped to the ground a bit overwhelmed and exhausted. "Heh... dont mess.. with me... and my profession..." She giggled a bit as she rested on one knee. the large ball of light took a lot out of her.
Location: Fort Black

Adonis' previously confident smug turned into a nervous frown. "T-The Windrunner? What type of creature, demon, vile... spiritual heretic are you!?..." and suddenly, came to a realization. Adonis returned to his previous charismatic confidence and laughed at Mikael. "I get it now. You're trying to scare me with a little story. You think that I'm afraid of a girl, playing an ancient hero? I'll take you on myself..." and unsheathed his sword. He was absolutely confident that she was weak, so he got off his horse and approached Mikael, step, by slow step. With a smile on his face, thinking he's untouchable and cannot be harmed by her. Once he was 3 meters away, he dashed forward, slicing his blade vertically from the right, trying to cut Mikael apart. He wasn't even slightly aware what sort of power he was facing right now.

(I feel like Princess Purity will have to take the throne if you go too hard. Feel free to do so.)

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel saw the fight. He unsheathed his sword quickly and pointed it at the King. "You have no right to assimilate the Guild! It is eternal property of William Black, even in death! Your father's predecessor's predecessor signed a deal. That deal clearly stated that THE KINGDOM and THE GUILD will NOT INTERFERE WITH EACH OTHER until MORALITY and JUSTICE are IGNORED!" He said, as he then drew a flaming pentagram in the air, then shouting proudly these words: "tharm di marfedelom!". Hundreds, even thousands of magical slices flew all across the King but not directly hitting him. They just flew past him, on purpose. He didn't want to hurt the king, but just scare him off.

@Princess Ami


Location: Fort Black, where the king is

Ash looked towards the king and his military. She tried to hold back a laugh but could not. "Adonis, how nice of you to drop by." She did not know the king personally, but had seen him on occasion when the Carion caravan went through Albion. "I am sorry to say that I will not be joining our little parade however... I escaped war once and I do not wish to join another..." She said as she removed her Hood and showed her brown hair and eyes. "And I do not believe you would like to go to war against the Car..." she did not get to finish her sentence before he launched at Mikael with his blade. "Woah...okay..." She said as she casted her shield onto Mikael. "You are protected, for now." As soon as the strike would hit the shield would disappear.

The swords suddenly got interrupted by a sudden wall of wind that was in front of the Fort. "Face the wind!", was what Mikael commented. She laid a hand at her sword. "You asked for it. You shall now behold the power of the Windrunner." Drawing the legendary sword she turned around to face the guildsmen. "Do not interfere. It would be dishonoring and without any value, even counter productive."

With that, she approached Adonis.

Location: Fort Black

From up above, a silhouette grew bigger and bigger as it made it's way down to the ground.  The Royal knight's eyes grew wide open as they saw the terror that was about to strike them.  Like a meteor, the hulking metal mass known as Baragar slammed down on a unit of soldiers sending them flying.  His immense weight created a huge crater on the ground.  His eyes green with vengeance.  The remaining soldiers looked at the monster with eyes filled with absolute terror.  "W-we... can't fight that!  Retreat and protect His Highness!"  They said as they ran away from Baragar, who easily caught up to them with blinding speeds.  Knocking them down to the floor.  "These people... killed my family... and now... they're doing it again..."  The giant's metallic whisper echoed.  "I will not let you harm my new family!"  He roared sending demoralizing fear in the hearts of most soldiers.
The swords suddenly got interrupted by a sudden wall of wind that was in front of the Fort. "Face the wind!", was what Mikael commented. She laid a hand at her sword. "You asked for it. You shall now behold the power of the Windrunner." Drawing the legendary sword she turned around to face the guildsmen. "Do not interfere. It would be dishonoring and without any value, even counter productive."

With that, she approached Adonis.


Location: Fort Black

From up above, a silhouette grew bigger and bigger as it made it's way down to the ground.  The Royal knight's eyes grew wide open as they saw the terror that was about to strike them.  Like a meteor, the hulking metal mass known as Baragar slammed down on a unit of soldiers sending them flying.  His immense weight created a huge crater on the ground.  His eyes green with vengeance.  The remaining soldiers looked at the monster with eyes filled with absolute terror.  "W-we... can't fight that!  Retreat and protect His Highness!"  They said as they ran away from Baragar, who easily caught up to them with blinding speeds.  Knocking them down to the floor.  "These people... killed my family... and now... they're doing it again..."  The giant's metallic whisper echoed.  "I will not let you harm my new family!"  He roared sending demoralizing fear in the hearts of most soldiers.

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sheathed his sword once again and smirked. "I already like that girl." He spoke to himself, as he looked at Baragar. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was the final showdown...?

The Kingdom vs. The Guild, a battle that Gabriel feared would happen. It finally did and Gabriel was ready, but someone else wanted to take on the fight herself. She spoke about honor and Gabriel, being a man that absolutely puts honor above all else, could not interfere with what she wanted.
Location: Fort Black

Adonis bulky armor slew down the fall as he fell back half-way to his horse, and on his back. He stared at Mikael and said. "Your treacherous tricks... your denial... they're unforgivable." refering to Ashlynn's refusal to join him, and Mikael's attack. Adonis slowly got up from the ground and used the King of Swords spell. A golden portal, wide and tall appeared behind Adonis and sharp, golden swords peaked out of it. "Die!" he demanded, as he pointed his wrist towards Ashlynn and Mikael. The swords flew towards both of them at high speed. Adonis was hoping, no, he was very confident this would finish them off, so he kept his sword low, thinking he'd win. He didn't care about what Aegis said, he entered a trance of victory-hunger driven blindness. Too arrogant to see that he wouldn't win this fight. The shrapnel from Gabriel's attacks flew near the King, however some of his Royal Mages casted a protective shield around him, to protect him from the attacks even though they wouldn't hit.

(Yeah, it's not like I want to kill him off, or something... NOT AT ALL...)

Location: Bowerstone

Hearing Kyrule's compliment, the Guard Captain slightly cooled off, easing. He felt more calm when he saw that the larger creature didn't have much intent to hurt. The Captain pointed to Astrid's Bar and said. "You can find the best drinks there. Astrid's Bar." then towards several shops with food. "The best meat, fruit, vegetables and bread in Bowerstone you'll find on the market. You can wait near the palace itself, or go to an inn."

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

"Sir!  Get behind me!  You are being unreasonable!"  Aegis got between Adonis and the Windrunner once more.  "Stand down!  An attack on the King is an attack on Albion!"  The knight fiercely defended her King.  "Your Mejesty, retreat to the rear please... I am willing to die for you if it means to keep you safe!"  She said as she gathered electricity in her fists.  She then heard the cries of some soldiers in the rear.  A huge metal creature started pummeling down the soldiers one after the other.  It seems the rear wasn't safe either.

Kyrule King of Ur 

Bowerstone/Astrids bar.

Kyrule nods once more and walks past the captain and the rest of his guards. Without waiting for them he places a hand on the gate and pushes the heavy wood and stone door open with a loud creek sound, but not a peep uttered from him. 

"May the mother protect you..." He mutters to them as he continues down the road. 

The signs on the buildings were written in human tounge, though he could speak and understand it, he had yet to learn the reading and writing part. So he followed his nose making his way to what smelled the best. 

Sure enough this eventually led him to the bar. As he stepped in he would scan the eyes of the patrons before taking a seat at the bar itself and waiting patiently for someone to come to serve him. 

Human customs are so strange...

he thinks to himself as he waits.


Location: Fort Black

Ashe stabbed her staff into the ground as it grew brighter and brighter. An orb appeared infront of her as the swords flew straight at her. She did not seem fazed or disturbed as she opened her eyes with determination in them as they seemed to glow brown. She then yelled "Shikal Ming!!!" As the orb of light pulsed towards the oncoming blades. As the light passed through them the blades seem t o have dissapated. Of course, the light dissapeared but only after the blades were gone. Ash dropped to the ground a bit overwhelmed and exhausted. "Heh... dont mess.. with me... and my profession..." She giggled a bit as she rested on one knee. the large ball of light took a lot out of her.

The swords suddenly got interrupted by a sudden wall of wind that was in front of the Fort. "Face the wind!", was what Mikael commented. She laid a hand at her sword. "You asked for it. You shall now behold the power of the Windrunner." Drawing the legendary sword she turned around to face the guildsmen. "Do not interfere. It would be dishonoring and without any value, even counter productive."

With that, she approached Adonis.

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel sheathed his sword once again and smirked. "I already like that girl." He spoke to himself, as he looked at Baragar. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was the final showdown...?

The Kingdom vs. The Guild, a battle that Gabriel feared would happen. It finally did and Gabriel was ready, but someone else wanted to take on the fight herself. She spoke about honor and Gabriel, being a man that absolutely puts honor above all else, could not interfere with what she wanted.

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

"Sir!  Get behind me!  You are being unreasonable!"  Aegis got between Adonis and the Windrunner once more.  "Stand down!  An attack on the King is an attack on Albion!"  The knight fiercely defended her King.  "Your Mejesty, retreat to the rear please... I am willing to die for you if it means to keep you safe!"  She said as she gathered electricity in her fists.  She then heard the cries of some soldiers in the rear.  A huge metal creature started pummeling down the soldiers one after the other.  It seems the rear wasn't safe either.

Location: Fort Black

He ignored all of Aegis' words. Adonis watched all of the chaos. This was the point of no retreat.  His own swords flew at him and nearly broke the magical shield, leaving it nearly powerless. All of the attacks diminished his own and he was left with only Aegis and himself in the front, due to someone taking out his troops in the back. "I will not... fall to some MONGRELS!" he yelled, then ran forward furiously slashing his sword at Mikael. He was desperate to do anything to her. He left himself defenseless.

Adonis' soldiers started retreating in fear, thinking that the King left all of his senses at home.

Location: Fort Black

Larei watch as chaos began to unfold in front of him. He had decide however that he would not intervene. It wasn't his place, he was only there to warn those who wanted to leave the guild before hand. He had kind of failed to do so. And there wasn't much point anymore. He considered fighting but that wouldn't help the situation any at all. So he would simply watch and see how things played out.

@IamNotLoki @Birdsie @Princess Ami @The Unamed Beast

(At one point you were posting faster than i could read XD)
Location: Fort Black

He ignored all of Aegis' words. Adonis watched all of the chaos. This was the point of no retreat.  His own swords flew at him and nearly broke the magical shield, leaving it nearly powerless. All of the attacks diminished his own and he was left with only Aegis and himself in the front, due to someone taking out his troops in the back. "I will not... fall to some MONGRELS!" he yelled, then ran forward furiously slashing his sword at Mikael. He was desperate to do anything to her. He left himself defenseless.

Adonis' soldiers started retreating in fear, thinking that the King left all of his senses at home.

Mikael moved faster than the wind when she took a quick step to the side, letting her sword strike down to his, disarming him. Then, quickly, she struck at his throat, but stopped her sword immediatly before it could hurt him. "This has found an end king. You can retreat and live or you can just die." She looked at Aegis. "Its his decision. Make a move and i will make it yours. But you wont choose life then."

Ash looked up from her exhausted state. "That was the largest one I had ever done..." She said exhausted as she attempted to stand up but fell back to one knee. "Kitonu ji hua mest... " She said in Carion tounge. As she slowly stood up with the help of her staff. "Maybe I should train more..." She said with a sigh to herself as she made her way to the wall. She had done the light like that on purpose. She wanted to protect and not harm.

(Couldnt think of anything else to move her story along atm.)
Mikael moved faster than the wind when she took a quick step to the side, letting her sword strike down to his, disarming him. Then, quickly, she struck at his throat, but stopped her sword immediatly before it could hurt him. "This has found an end king. You can retreat and live or you can just die." She looked at Aegis. "Its his decision. Make a move and i will make it yours. But you wont choose life then."


Adonis was left under Mikael's sword. He frowned, blood seeping from his nose then said. "I won't fall to a stupid piece of worthless scum like you. Pretending to be a legend! William Black was a lying dog!" and summoned the swords once again. The portal shot out multiple blades towards Mikael.

(Just finish him. I'm tired of RPing as Gilgamesh X_X.)
Adonis was left under Mikael's sword. He frowned, blood seeping from his nose then said. "I won't fall to a stupid piece of worthless scum like you. Pretending to be a legend! William Black was a lying dog!" and summoned the swords once again. The portal shot out multiple blades towards Mikael.

(Just finish him. I'm tired of RPing as Gilgamesh X_X.)

Mikael simply deflected the sword with her wall of wind again. Her blade still rested at the kings throat. "You choose to die, then." Her sword made one quick move and the kings head rolled off his neck. "Sadly. But you left no choice." Then, she grabbed the head of him and with the wind underneath her flew up, so every soldier could see. "This is your king. He chose to die by the windrunners blade, as his ancestor did as well. You, soldiers, are free to run. Those who want to stay will find death as well."
Mikael simply deflected the sword with her wall of wind again. Her blade still rested at the kings throat. "You choose to die, then." Her sword made one quick move and the kings head rolled off his neck. "Sadly. But you left no choice." Then, she grabbed the head of him and with the wind underneath her flew up, so every soldier could see. "This is your king. He chose to die by the windrunners blade, as his ancestor did as well. You, soldiers, are free to run. Those who want to stay will find death as well."


Location: Fort Black

Larei had been watching everything up till now but decided that what had just happened was too far. He used his lighting to blink over to Mikael. "Was that really needed? How many people's life have you just changed. Corrupt or not now the figure head of Albion is got. Revolutions could start up! who will rule the kingdom?" Larei had almost gotten angry. This was the type of interference that made him annoyed. "Who are you that you believe you have the right to kill any king?" Larei watched as the Kings men had been struck with fear. He waved his hand, pointing at them. "Look at what you have done."

Location: Fort Black

Larei had been watching everything up till now but decided that what had just happened was too far. He used his lighting to blink over to Mikael. "Was that really needed? How many people's life have you just changed. Corrupt or not now the figure head of Albion is got. Revolutions could start up! who will rule the kingdom?" Larei had almost gotten angry. This was the type of interference that made him annoyed. "Who are you that you believe you have the right to kill any king?" Larei watched as the Kings men had been struck with fear. He waved his hand, pointing at them. "Look at what you have done."

Mikael was unimpressed, her helmet boredly turned towards the figure next to her. "I dont need to justify my actions in front of anyone. I dont care who you are, what you are and what you want from me, but get lost. I have been called to end this king by the guildmaster Mephisto Pheles and that is what i did. Nothing more, nothing less." Mikael threw the head front to the first row of soldiers and started to near the ground again, landing on the guilds wall. She looked around. "Who is the guildmaster that has replaced Mephisto Pheles?"

Mikael was unimpressed, her helmet boredly turned towards the figure next to her. "I dont need to justify my actions in front of anyone. I dont care who you are, what you are and what you want from me, but get lost. I have been called to end this king by the guildmaster Mephisto Pheles and that is what i did. Nothing more, nothing less." Mikael threw the head front to the first row of soldiers and started to near the ground again, landing on the guilds wall. She looked around. "Who is the guildmaster that has replaced Mephisto Pheles?"



Location: Fort Black

Larei had been unamused. "I don't believe I said i wanted anything from you. But you aren't a 'good guy'. You border line evil at that. Killing a leader and saying you follow the will of Mephisto." Larei had always looked up to Mephisto and what he fought for and this person was not even close to that. "You don't even have the right to say his name." Larei wasn't going to fight her. Because it was what he believed in. Another death wasn't needed. So he simply turned around and kept his pride with him. He wasn't part of the guild so he didn't care to answer her question. He watched as the men feared and mourned the death of their leader. 
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Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

Selene was walking through the streets toward the large marble building at the end of the road. The building was beautiful, decorated with the gold and silver of the mountains. Inside, housed the most distinguished members of Fairfax, governing the laws that ignore the king's rule. She stopped and turned to face a small cat store to her right. She saw the store owner waving at her through the cages inside. Walking into the cramped store filled with the sounds of cats, her face lit up. "Evening Selene." "Hello Auntie Claire. How are the cats today?" She said with a child like smile. "Quite well, your friend came running in all of a sudden." Selene's face fell and she wore a serious face. She walked into the back room and sat down across another cloaked man.

"Evening Lady Blanche." Selene crossed her legs. "It's only noon, what are you doing here?" "More news from Bowerstone." Selene began to stand up. "Mephisto was executed." Selene paused and stared at him with horror. She sat back down. "So they really want to gain the power of the guild." "Indeed, an army could be seen led by King Adonis toward Fort Black." "I must leave. Thank you for the information." "The King is dead." She stood up again and paused for a solid minute. "The king. dead. The king of Albion. dead. Now's the time." Selene ran out of the store and towards the marble building.

Selene entered the council building and headed toward the Council Floor. She bursted through the doors and interrupted a council during a proposition. "Lady Blanche! Please have some respect for the laws that you yourself proposed." She walked to the floor and stood beside the councilman.

"Sorry Councilman Yern. I would like to use my full authority as Commander of the Resistance Army at this time." She turned to face Council. "People of Fairfax, I bring to you news from Bowerstone. Mephisto Pheles of the Guild of Heroes has been executed." Murmurs could be heard resonating up the walls. "That can't be possible!" "Why would they convict him!?" shouts started pouring down of criticism from the seats.

"I understand the near impossibility of Mephisto being killed easily by a guillotine, but regardless, we must act now!" "For what?! That childish king would merely come back!"

"King Aldonis of Albion has been killed attempting to take Fort Black." The chamber silenced. Many started looking between each other. "I ask the Council of Fairfax to grant me the power to begin another battle against the crown!" Selene turned and walked out of the chamber and sat down. The guards closed the doors. Inside, voices could be heard debating this authorization. The doors opened and the Councilman named Yern walked forward. "Commander Selene De Blanche of the Fairfax Resistance, Please enter the floor." Selene walked forward and faced the council.

"The Council of Fairfax hereby authorizes another Battle against the Crown, led by Selene De Blanche. Gather your forces and state your operation time!" Selene grinned. "I, Selene De Blanche of the House of Blanche, shall answer the call to arms. We begin at sunset!" She walked out of the Council Chamber and headed straight for the Resistance Officer Post. "We shall begin another battle against the crown at Sunset! Be ready. Have the rouges sabotage the enemy supplies."
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Location: Fort Black

Gabriel and Amelia were both in Mephisto's office. Gabriel was informed of everything and he couldn't stay and do nothing. He sent an emergency owl to ALL Guild Members, to have them ALL in the Court Yard at once. The message said:

"Every member of The Guild of Heroes shall meet in the Courtyard. You all have 1 hour. Interrupt every contract and stop anything you're doing. This is an emergency.". 

Amelia stood there, contemplating Mephisto's Library. Gabriel got up and walked towards the courtyard as fast as he could.


Location: Fort Black

Speaking of the Devil. Adonis, the King of Albion and his troops arrived at the gates of the massive fort. There were hundreds, whole waves of troops. They could besiege and destroy the fortress in minutes. Adonis, suited in his golden armor and sat upon a beatiful, white steed drove up to the gate and yelled, with a voice of demand. "The King of Albion demands to speak with the one who governs you! In the name of Albion, I hereby proclaim my ownership of this fortress, and that all members of it's Guild are to become members of my military!" with threat in his tone. There was clearly a reason why he brought all these troops, and you could guess it.



Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Mess Hall

Edilyn had been having a nice meal with her friends, discussing a variety of topics, when out of nowhere an owl flew into the room, landing on the table in front of her. A piece of paper was in its mouth. A letter. Silence engulfed the room as everyone ceased talking. This wasn't good. With slightly shaky hands, Edilyn pulled the letter from thee animal's mouth and read it aloud, her amber eyes widening in surprise. An emergency? Edilyn wondered what could be going on. Could it have anything to do with the failed mission? Abruptly, she stood, looking at everyone in the room, including those not at the table. "Everyone, we need to move out. Now." Gesturing at Astrid and Zlyana, she headed out of the room into the courtyard. A bunch of other guild members were there, talking loudly amongst themselves, as well as the Grand Master, Gabriel. The older man looked worse for wear. Before she could ask what was wrong, the sound of hundreds of hooves suddenly filled the courtyard, coming from the direction of the gate. Edilyn turned in that direction, schock filling her. There stood hundreds of soldiers at the ready, a regal looking man in expensive looking armor standing at the helm. He then spoke, his voice loud and commanding. He, the king (and he was rather young Edilyn noted), was demanding that the Guild become a part of the Albionian military. Silence followed his words, the only sounds audible being the clinking of armor and the whining of the horses. Then, all of the sudden, chaos irrupted as an unknown person in special armor appeared and attacked the king, killing him within moments.

 She gripped her tome, waiting to see what would happen next with bated breath. 

@Alteras @Soulmuse
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