Main IC RP

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Upon seeing Zlyana's shaky state, she moved forward to help. "Of course." Edilyn said, moving to take Zlyana's other arm over her own shoulders with a small grunt. "There we go. Hang in there Zlyana. Food's a coming." The silver haired girl said with a smile. The elder mage was perhaps not surprisingly light against her, although with Astrid helping that probably didn't mean much. Light as a twig it seemed. We better hurry before the poor woman blows away. She thought with a slight smirk, walking forwards. With both Astrid and Edilyn supporting her, it took time to get Zlyana to the mess hall, taking about ten minutes where it would usually only take 5 minutes to get there. They passed other people along the way. When at last they arrived, Edilyn helped place Zlyana at one of the many wooden tables, taking in the room as she did so. For a place as large as it was, Fort Black possessed a formidable mess hall, with large wooden arches holding up the ceiling and a number of windows lined the farside wall. The room was overall large, and there was a set of double doors persumedly leading to the kitchen at the right side of the room. Only a few other guild members were present, talking in hushed tones amongst themselves as they huddled at tables. No doubt they were talking about the failed mission. Edilyn sighed.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black Mess Hall

"Foooood-" cried Astrid as she placed Ziyana down. She began walking over to the kitchen and after a few minutes, brought back several plates of meat, vegetables, and fruits. She placed them down on the table and sat down with her mouth watering. "Ah~ we need drinks." She got up, walked back into the kitchen, and came back with three glasses of cold water. "Food!"

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro found no humor in what she had said. "When i said price i didn't mean money, but instead home about i provide you with test subject? Thousands of them." Kyro watch as the disgusting creature died. " I want you to create a specific fluid that will act as a virus, spreading to the weak. I will use this in infect thousands of people and you will get to see what happens to them. Any of that sound interesting?" Kyro put his hand to his chin as if he was thinking. "Or i could tear you apart limb from limb in till your a puddle of flesh and then see if you can regenerate. But i would prefer the first one." Kyro said in the most edgy voice he could make. He found his own humor amusing and stupid at the same time.

Lorei smirked lightly... then her eyes bent up in amusement.  She started a chuckle that gradually turned into a hysterical laughter that knocked her hair back.  Tears formed near her eyes and she wiped them casually.  "My, my... aren't you an interesting supervillain.  And I though I was sadistic!"  She laughed at his idea. "Why do you want to poison everyone?  Just for laughs?  Read too many edgy and emotional novels?"  She fixed the front of her hair... her fingers twirled a long lock in front of her ear.  "If I wanted to do that, I would have done it a long time ago, even without your help... I simply do not find watching random specimens dying as amusing... I rather strap them down one at a time to an operating table... and watch them plead for more face to face..."  She blushed intensely and her hips swayed from side to side in excitement.  Then Kyro got to the part of ripping her from limb to limb and she blushed even more intensely.  She ran in front of him and pushed his hands together with hers.  Her blushing face looking up at him... her different colored eyes looked quite masochistic.  "Ooh... that's why you came down here didn't you?  You wanted to punish me?  I've been a bad girl right?"  She spoke softly in his ear.  "You didn't have to  pretend to be a bumbling simpleton to have fun with me..."  She said playfully,  "perverted stalker-chan..."  She teased.
Location: Fort Black

Larei looked at the soldier before saying. "I am Mephisto's second. I will be following you to your location." Larei was completely lying but Mephisto would understand. Larei watched as the men handcuffed him and began to take him away. Just as they were walking away Amelia demanded to know what was happening. "Just as Mephisto says, don't bother this isn't your responsibility." He said to Amelia. 'But its mine?' he asked himself. Larei, Mephisto and the soldier all began to walk toward Bowerstone.

Location: Interrogation Room

After a long road to Bowerstone, Mephisto was brought in to an interrogation room. The soldiers told Larei to wait outside while they would investigate. After 30 minutes of interrogation, Mephisto was dragged out of the room by two soldiers. Mephisto looked at Larei and said. "Hey, pal... Tell the guys back at the Guild to make Gabriel into the Guildmaster." after which he was carried further, towards the nearby prison. A trooper walked out of the room and commented. "How unfortunate. We found him guilty. I believe capital punishment has been ordered, and Mr. Pheles will be executed for his actions. As for you..." he turned to Larei. "You are free to go, sir. Have a nice day. All Glory to Albion."

(This is the beginning of the end X_X)
Location: Interrogation Room

After a long road to Bowerstone, Mephisto was brought in to an interrogation room. The soldiers told Larei to wait outside while they would investigate. After 30 minutes of interrogation, Mephisto was dragged out of the room by two soldiers. Mephisto looked at Larei and said. "Hey, pal... Tell the guys back at the Guild to make Gabriel into the Guildmaster." after which he was carried further, towards the nearby prison. A trooper walked out of the room and commented. "How unfortunate. We found him guilty. I believe capital punishment has been ordered, and Mr. Pheles will be executed for his actions. As for you..." he turned to Larei. "You are free to go, sir. Have a nice day. All Glory to Albion."

(This is the beginning of the end X_X)

After Larei heard these words he almost unleashed ever bit of energy he had left to kill everyone in the room.......but he couldn't. Last time Larei lost his temper he killed his people, he didn't want to do that to Mephisto. After his people died he had heard the stories of Mephisto and believed him to be a hero, Mephisto was someone Larei had wished he could aspire to be. In confusion he watched as soldier took away Mephisto. Mephisto only walked with his head down. "It's a lie." Larei said to himself. Larei hated himself for not doing anything. As he turned around to walk away he decided he would stay till the end. He would watch Mephisto execution.
After Larei heard these words he almost unleashed ever bit of energy he had left to kill everyone in the room.......but he couldn't. Last time Larei lost his temper he killed his people, he didn't want to do that to Mephisto. After his people died he had heard the stories of Mephisto and believed him to be a hero, Mephisto was someone Larei had wished he could aspire to be. In confusion he watched as soldier took away Mephisto. Mephisto only walked with his head down. "It's a lie." Larei said to himself. Larei hated himself for not doing anything. As he turned around to walk away he decided he would stay till the end. He would watch Mephisto execution.

Location: Bowerstone City Center

The crows and flies gathered for a feast, flying above the huge guillotine. Mephisto was already in-place, tightly, rigidly locked and unable to move. Despite that, the demon had a sly smirk on his face, showing no fear at all. He was prepared for what was coming, fearless until the end. There would definitely be bards singing stories about this. One of the Heralds moved forward and read from a scroll. "Mephisto Pheles! Thy excellency, the King of Albion and his wise court finds you guilty of treachery, conspiracy, murder and heresy! The only suitable atonement and punishment... is death. May thy lord give mercy onto your soul! Mephisto Pheles, do you have any last words?" the Herald turned to him, taking a feather into his hands to write down anything Mephisto would have to say. "Well. I never thought it'd go down this way. I thought I'd rather go off... Oh, I dunno. Eaten by a giant, flying snake? Maybe crushed by a troll? Never expected it to end with a sharp blade at the back of my neck, while I lie down helpless. I came to accept it anyway. As for actual last words: I'd say your King is around as corrupt as my suit is colorful." to which the crowds all gasped in surprise and disbelief. How could one insult the King in such a manner? The Herald frowned and kicked Mephisto in the face, then ordered. "PULL THE LEVER!"

With these 3 words, the guillotine quickly fell to Mephisto's head, but before it was chopped off: He gave a brief smile and winked towards Larei, in a 'I got this.' way. The Guillotine chopped of Mephisto's head and a fountain of blood protruded from his neck. His head fell into a basket, as the Herald took Mephisto by his hair and rose the head into the air for all to see. "The heretic has died!" he yelled, to which the crowd responded in the same way, yelling and repeating the Herald's words. The whole execution was spectacular. A gathering of haters, people that disdained Mephisto Pheles thinking he was a corrupt demon that sought to control Albion. A mindless herd of lifestock that followed the King's words to every last letter. What foolishness.
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Lorei smirked lightly... then her eyes bent up in amusement.  She started a chuckle that gradually turned into a hysterical laughter that knocked her hair back.  Tears formed near her eyes and she wiped them casually.  "My, my... aren't you an interesting supervillain.  And I though I was sadistic!"  She laughed at his idea. "Why do you want to poison everyone?  Just for laughs?  Read too many edgy and emotional novels?"  She fixed the front of her hair... her fingers twirled a long lock in front of her ear.  "If I wanted to do that, I would have done it a long time ago, even without your help... I simply do not find watching random specimens dying as amusing... I rather strap them down one at a time to an operating table... and watch them plead for more face to face..."  She blushed intensely and her hips swayed from side to side in excitement.  Then Kyro got to the part of ripping her from limb to limb and she blushed even more intensely.  She ran in front of him and pushed his hands together with hers.  Her blushing face looking up at him... her different colored eyes looked quite masochistic.  "Ooh... that's why you came down here didn't you?  You wanted to punish me?  I've been a bad girl right?"  She spoke softly in his ear.  "You didn't have to  pretend to be a bumbling simpleton to have fun with me..."  She said playfully,  "perverted stalker-chan..."  She teased.

Location: Bowerstone

"Why? Your stupid mind......" at this moment she ran over to him. Kyro disgusted with her actions pulled out 5 cards and stabbed then into her arms and legs and one into her chest. He flung her across the room and pinned her to the wall. He didnt move an inch but the cards that were stuck into her flesh moved her. He brushed of the filth that had gotten on his cloths. "Disgusting little thing arnt you? You also seemed to be aroused by any kind of brutal imagery. And it seems you've been modified that way. Everyone thinks your this great scienist but your just manufactured filth. Why I want to do this isn't important. And I don't want to kill the people the virus infects I want them to become my puppets. Doing whatever I ask, then when I have no use for them anymore I want to rip their souls from them and turn them into mindless beasts that fight for me." Kyro began imagining his plan and started laugh. It was all too good. He looked back at the girl pinned to the wall. " I could black mail you, does that tickle your fancy?" Kyro looked around. "Or I could destroy your lab?" Kyro sighed "I'm not trying to make you my enemy, the opposite honestly. I've come here because you can do something I can't."
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Location: Bowerstone City Center

The crows and flies gathered for a feast, flying above the huge guillotine. Mephisto was already in-place, tightly, rigidly locked and unable to move. Despite that, the demon had a sly smirk on his face, showing no fear at all. He was prepared for what was coming, fearless until the end. There would definitely be bards singing stories about this. One of the Heralds moved forward and read from a scroll. "Mephisto Pheles! Thy excellency, the King of Albion and his wise court finds you guilty of treachery, conspiracy, murder and heresy! The only suitable atonement and punishment... is death. May thy lord give mercy onto your soul! Mephisto Pheles, do you have any last words?" the Herald turned to him, taking a feather into his hands to write down anything Mephisto would have to say. "Well. I never thought it'd go down this way. I thought I'd rather go off... Oh, I dunno. Eaten by a giant, flying snake? Maybe crushed by a troll? Never expected it to end with a sharp blade at the back of my neck, while I lie down helpless. I came to accept it anyway. As for actual last words: I'd say your King is around as corrupt as my suit is colorful." to which the crowds all gasped in surprise and disbelief. How could one insult the King in such a manner? The Herald frowned and kicked Mephisto in the face, then ordered. "PULL THE LEVER!"

With these 3 words, the guillotine quickly fell to Mephisto's head, but before it was chopped off: He gave a brief smile and winked towards Larei, in a 'I got this.' way. The Guillotine chopped of Mephisto's head and a fountain of blood protruded from his neck. His head fell into a basket, as the Herald took Mephisto by his hair and rose the head into the air for all to see. "The heretic has died!" he yelled, to which the crowd responded in the same way, yelling and repeating the Herald's words. The whole execution was spectacular. A gathering of haters, people that disdained Mephisto Pheles thinking he was a corrupt demon that sought to control Albion. A mindless herd of lifestock that followed the King's words to every last letter. What foolishness.

Larei watched as the blade fell. At that very moment it seemed as though time stopped and a wave of energy flew across the area. Larei watched as Mephisto looked at him with a smile. Larei had a couple theories but was skilled enough. Larei smiled "sneaky devil." He said. The crowed of people yelled in excitement, "Mephisto is dead! And the guild shall be part of the military!" Military soldier began to form as they would go to Fort Black and declare assimilation. Larei needed to get back to the fort and warn anyone that wants to leave the guild before they are under the control of the king. He yet again headed to the guild as fast as he could.

(You decide if the king will show up at the guild to declare assimilation.) 
Location: Bowerstone

"Why? Your stupid mind......" at this moment she ran over to him. Kyro disgusted with her actions pulled out 5 cards and stabbed then into her arms and legs and one into her chest. He flung her across the room and pinned her to the wall. He didnt move an inch but the cards that were stuck into her flesh moved her. He brushed of the filth that had gotten on his cloths. "Disgusting little thing arnt you? You also seemed to be aroused by any kind of brutal imagery. And it seems you've been modified that way. Everyone thinks your this great scienist but your just manufactured filth. Why I want to do this isn't important. And I don't want to kill the people the virus infects I want them to become my puppets. Doing whatever I ask, then when I have no use for them anymore I want to rip their souls from them and turn them into mindless beasts that fight for me." Kyro began imagining his plan and started laugh. It was all too good. He looked back at the girl pinned to the wall. " I could black mail you, does that tickle your fancy?" Kyro looked around. "Or I could destroy your lab?" Kyro sighed "I'm not trying to make you my enemy, the opposite honestly. I've come here because you can do something I can't."

Lorelei moaned with pleasure as the cards stabbed her arms and legs.  She bit her lip as she gets pinned on a wall.  She blew a lock of hair that was thrown in front of her face.  "My my... you know magic tricks... what a cute hobby..."  She smiled as she licked her lips.  "Disgusting?  What harsh words!  You definitely know how to treat a lady..."  She blushed excitedly.  "Keep this up and I might just fall in love..."  She said, drunk with pleasure.  "Blackmail?  Do you really think I would let you out of this laboratory alive?  This is your new home, slugger... if not, it can always be your grave..."  Lorelei laughed crazily as the coffin object's corners began to glow red.  "Hahaha stay here with me and be my new playmate!"  She laughed as red lasers burst through from the coffin and sliced the floor... heading towards Kyro.
Larei watched as the blade fell. At that very moment it seemed as though time stopped and a wave of energy flew across the area. Larei watched as Mephisto looked at him with a smile. Larei had a couple theories but was skilled enough. Larei smiled "sneaky devil." He said. The crowed of people yelled in excitement, "Mephisto is dead! And the guild shall be part of the military!" Military soldier began to form as they would go to Fort Black and declare assimilation. Larei needed to get back to the fort and warn anyone that wants to leave the guild before they are under the control of the king. He yet again headed to the guild as fast as he could.

(You decide if the king will show up at the guild to declare assimilation.) 

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel and Amelia were both in Mephisto's office. Gabriel was informed of everything and he couldn't stay and do nothing. He sent an emergency owl to ALL Guild Members, to have them ALL in the Court Yard at once. The message said:

"Every member of The Guild of Heroes shall meet in the Courtyard. You all have 1 hour. Interrupt every contract and stop anything you're doing. This is an emergency."

Amelia stood there, contemplating Mephisto's Library. Gabriel got up and walked towards the courtyard as fast as he could.
Lorelei moaned with pleasure as the cards stabbed her arms and legs.  She bit her lip as she gets pinned on a wall.  She blew a lock of hair that was thrown in front of her face.  "My my... you know magic tricks... what a cute hobby..."  She smiled as she licked her lips.  "Disgusting?  What harsh words!  You definitely know how to treat a lady..."  She blushed excitedly.  "Keep this up and I might just fall in love..."  She said, drunk with pleasure.  "Blackmail?  Do you really think I would let you out of this laboratory alive?  This is your new home, slugger... if not, it can always be your grave..."  Lorelei laughed crazily as the coffin object's corners began to glow red.  "Hahaha stay here with me and be my new playmate!"  She laughed as red lasers burst through from the coffin and sliced the floor... heading towards Kyro.

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro watched as the coffin broke open and fired the lasers at him. "How boring." He moved some cards in front of him as a shield. The lasers hit the cards but the cards didn't move or change at all. "These aren't made of plastic you know? And no you can't keep me in here." Kyro moved about 30 cards to the coffin and ripped it apart. Metal, glass, anything that it was made of was like butter. After the lasers were destroyed he pulled the cards back into his coat, except for the 5 that were still pinning Loreolei to the wall. "I have no interest in you if your not going to help me, but i won't kill you either." Kyro laughed "You would probably love that, but you would also be useless to me dead. I won't even blackmail you, why? Because i don't have time." Kyro moved his tone to a more annoyed voice. "Are you going to help me or not, i don't have time to fight you." Kyro's eyes could be seen from his mask, they were pure black. He never understood why they changed color, it had something to do with Jesters end but he never looked into it. He looked directly at the tool pinned to the wall. With a gaze that alone showed he didn't feel emotions anymore, he was cold inside. 
Location: Bowerstone

Kyro watched as the coffin broke open and fired the lasers at him. "How boring." He moved some cards in front of him as a shield. The lasers hit the cards but the cards didn't move or change at all. "These aren't made of plastic you know? And no you can't keep me in here." Kyro moved about 30 cards to the coffin and ripped it apart. Metal, glass, anything that it was made of was like butter. After the lasers were destroyed he pulled the cards back into his coat, except for the 5 that were still pinning Loreolei to the wall. "I have no interest in you if your not going to help me, but i won't kill you either." Kyro laughed "You would probably love that, but you would also be useless to me dead. I won't even blackmail you, why? Because i don't have time." Kyro moved his tone to a more annoyed voice. "Are you going to help me or not, i don't have time to fight you." Kyro's eyes could be seen from his mask, they were pure black. He never understood why they changed color, it had something to do with Jesters end but he never looked into it. He looked directly at the tool pinned to the wall. With a gaze that alone showed he didn't feel emotions anymore, he was cold inside. 

"Senpai, you're scaring him off!"  Lorelei pouted at the coffin-shaped device.  "Master, he is threatening you... I just thought you wanted me to eliminate him..."  The coffin shaped thing floated and said in a female voice.  "Senpai, we shouldn't laser beam our guests... our pets prefer their steak rare, not well done!"  She joked.  "No time for me?  Won't kill me?"  Lorelei said disappointingly.  "Why did you get so cold all of a sudden... Mr.... uh..."  She blushed in embarrassment.  "You devil you... you didn't even tell me your name,"  She grinned happily as she stayed on the wall, not even trying to get away.  "So edgy and mysterious, why don't you loosen up and join me for tea?"  She motioned the coffin to prepare tea.  "You must forgive senpai... She's still in development..."  Lorelei blew her hair back.  "Why don't you pick these things off of me and we can start over..."
"Senpai, you're scaring him off!"  Lorelei pouted at the coffin-shaped device.  "Master, he is threatening you... I just thought you wanted me to eliminate him..."  The coffin shaped thing floated and said in a female voice.  "Senpai, we shouldn't laser beam our guests... our pets prefer their steak rare, not well done!"  She joked.  "No time for me?  Won't kill me?"  Lorelei said disappointingly.  "Why did you get so cold all of a sudden... Mr.... uh..."  She blushed in embarrassment.  "You devil you... you didn't even tell me your name,"  She grinned happily as she stayed on the wall, not even trying to get away.  "So edgy and mysterious, why don't you loosen up and join me for tea?"  She motioned the coffin to prepare tea.  "You must forgive senpai... She's still in development..."  Lorelei blew her hair back.  "Why don't you pick these things off of me and we can start over..."

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro moved his hand and the cards flew black over to him. Loreolei fell to the ground. "You my call me Black and there's not a hole lot to start over from, I want you to do something for me, no laser or tea required." Kyro looked over at the coffin thing. "I have no care for you inventions that are not of my request." Kyro leaned up against the wall. It was the closet thing to sitting down that he was going to do. "I will tell you specifically what I want if your willing to help me." Kyro's eyes had gone back to normal and he looked at her with a 'whats it going to be' look.
Location: Bowerstone

Kyro moved his hand and the cards flew black over to him. Loreolei fell to the ground. "You my call me Black and there's not a hole lot to start over from, I want you to do something for me, no laser or tea required." Kyro looked over at the coffin thing. "I have no care for you inventions that are not of my request." Kyro leaned up against the wall. It was the closet thing to sitting down that he was going to do. "I will tell you specifically what I want if your willing to help me." Kyro's eyes had gone back to normal and he looked at her with a 'whats it going to be' look.

Lorelei squealed cutely as the cards opened up fresh wounds in her arms and legs.  She watched as the wounds quickly closed themselves.  She dusted herself off and moved in front of Kyro.  Bending down and looking up at him with curious eyes.  "Mr.... Black..."  He said as she looked at the holes of the mask.  "Hmm..."  She placed a finger on her chin and smiled.  "You want a vial of mind control serum?  Unfortunately I only have one vial left,"  She hopped back.  "It takes a long time to make even a drop and it's not really effective 100% of the time... do you really want it?"  She turned around and picked up a purple liquid in a glass tube.  She turned back around to face Mr. Black and shook the vial playfully.  "Don't tell me you're just going to use this on a girl you like... Mr. Pervert Stalker Black..."  She pulled away the vial jokingly.  "If this is uncapped, it immediately becomes a gas as soon as it comes in contact with oxygen... it spreads quickly but with this much left, it will only affect some targets for a small amount of time..."  She sighed.  "If you don't want to waste it, use it on me... "  She closed her eyes and blushed.

"Anyways.."  She poked a finger at his chest.  "I require compensation for this,"  She grinned.  "I'll give you three choices... you can choose any of these to do for me..."  She raised the pinky of her other hand.  "I lost an experiment and I'm sure she misses her mommy... its an elf that smells like death and demon blood... you can bring her back here,"   She put a finger on her cheek and looked up at the ceiling raising the ring finger of her other hand.  "OR, you can bring me this guy named 'Baragar' from the Guild of Heroes... I really, really want his autograph so bring him back here alive?"  She moved up and spoke near his ear as she raised the third finger.  "OR... you can just take off your mask for me..."  She whispered.
Lorelei squealed cutely as the cards opened up fresh wounds in her arms and legs.  She watched as the wounds quickly closed themselves.  She dusted herself off and moved in front of Kyro.  Bending down and looking up at him with curious eyes.  "Mr.... Black..."  He said as she looked at the holes of the mask.  "Hmm..."  She placed a finger on her chin and smiled.  "You want a vial of mind control serum?  Unfortunately I only have one vial left,"  She hopped back.  "It takes a long time to make even a drop and it's not really effective 100% of the time... do you really want it?"  She turned around and picked up a purple liquid in a glass tube.  She turned back around to face Mr. Black and shook the vial playfully.  "Don't tell me you're just going to use this on a girl you like... Mr. Pervert Stalker Black..."  She pulled away the vial jokingly.  "If this is uncapped, it immediately becomes a gas as soon as it comes in contact with oxygen... it spreads quickly but with this much left, it will only affect some targets for a small amount of time..."  She sighed.  "If you don't want to waste it, use it on me... "  She closed her eyes and blushed.

"Anyways.."  She poked a finger at his chest.  "I require compensation for this,"  She grinned.  "I'll give you three choices... you can choose any of these to do for me..."  She raised the pinky of her other hand.  "I lost an experiment and I'm sure she misses her mommy... its an elf that smells like death and demon blood... you can bring her back here,"   She put a finger on her cheek and looked up at the ceiling raising the ring finger of her other hand.  "OR, you can bring me this guy named 'Baragar' from the Guild of Heroes... I really, really want his autograph so bring him back here alive?"  She moved up and spoke near his ear as she raised the third finger.  "OR... you can just take off your mask for me..."  She whispered.

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro pushed her away so she was farther back. "I have personal space you know, and i don't want some stupid mind control potion what i want is..(SECRET)...." Kyro thought for a bit. "It is going to take you a very long time to create but then again maybe that's too hard for you." Kyro laughed "If you do this correctly then you won't need me to bring you Baragar or that girl, because they will come to you. As for the third one." Kyro took of his mask but what was under it wasn't his face. It was a bunch of cards covering his face like a mask. He then put the mask on again and began to laugh. He didn't know why but he found that really funny. "This mask is just a normal mask and anyone could break it so i keep cards underneath, in case someone breaks the mask." Kyro stopped laughing "I suppose i could HELP move Baragar to a place where you could attack him, but....." He looked that he with somewhat cryptic eyes "Your a walking corpse already." He then returned to his normal state. "Can you do it?"
Location: Bowerstone

A figure watched from the roofs as Mephisto was executed. The figure had a blue cloak and an O-Katana at it's side. It was no one other than Vergil Aurelius. "Now there's nothing standing in my way. With the old man gone - That corrupt, little royal scumbag will want his Guild..." and turned away, then walked to the other edge of the building. Vergil apparated downwards to street-level, then continued thinking. 'It doesn't matter. I've already won. I'll just take my time, but meanwhile... Maybe I should deal with Kyro? He could be a nuisance later, but also an ally... No. No one will stand in my way to achieve power. I don't intend to share it.' and made his way towards the Guild, step after step...


Location: Fort Black

Mephisto used an illusion spell to fake his execution, then teleported to Fort Black. He polymorphed into a small mouse and made his way through the castle walls towards where Mikael Shimatea was frozen. He would need her help in this hard situation. The little mouse entered the room, as Mephisto turned back into himself. However this time, he wore the same outfit he wore when he was still merely a Warrior-to-Adept in the Guild. Mephisto looked around the dark room, unable to see anything and used Dancing Lights to summon a torch to himself. He, once again looked around and saw the ice that Mikael was frozen in. "Here we go." he exclaimed, then walked up to it and put the torch close, in hopes of unfreezing his old, Samurai friend. "Come on, girl... get out of the ice..." he muttered to himself. Then he remembered: There was a certain spell to unfreeze her. Mephisto stood back and counted to three. "Einz... zwei... drei!" and casted the unfreezing spell onto the solid ice.


@Princess Ami
Location: Bowerstone

A figure watched from the roofs as Mephisto was executed. The figure had a blue cloak and an O-Katana at it's side. It was no one other than Vergil Aurelius. "Now there's nothing standing in my way. With the old man gone - That corrupt, little royal scumbag will want his Guild..." and turned away, then walked to the other edge of the building. Vergil apparated downwards to street-level, then continued thinking. 'It doesn't matter. I've already won. I'll just take my time, but meanwhile... Maybe I should deal with Kyro? He could be a nuisance later, but also an ally... No. No one will stand in my way to achieve power. I don't intend to share it.' and made his way towards the Guild, step after step...


Location: Fort Black

Mephisto used an illusion spell to fake his execution, then teleported to Fort Black. He polymorphed into a small mouse and made his way through the castle walls towards where Mikael Shimatea was frozen. He would need her help in this hard situation. The little mouse entered the room, as Mephisto turned back into himself. However this time, he wore the same outfit he wore when he was still merely a Warrior-to-Adept in the Guild. Mephisto looked around the dark room, unable to see anything and used Dancing Lights to summon a torch to himself. He, once again looked around and saw the ice that Mikael was frozen in. "Here we go." he exclaimed, then walked up to it and put the torch close, in hopes of unfreezing his old, Samurai friend. "Come on, girl... get out of the ice..." he muttered to himself. Then he remembered: There was a certain spell to unfreeze her. Mephisto stood back and counted to three. "Einz... zwei... drei!" and casted the unfreezing spell onto the solid ice.

@Princess Ami

Mikael had her eyes closed. She had closed them when she felt the coldness of the ice starting to cover her. It was easier to hold out then. The coldness was really hard to bear, but she knew she had to. And after all, she had been through worse. She could remember that one incident with her arm... The thought let the big scar straight across the top part of it hurt badly. It almost looked like she had her whole arm cut off and reattached.  That wasnt even that wrong...

The coldness quickly covered her. She wondered if she would be able to think a little while frozen. Would she be able to... Her thoughts appruptly stopped at how cold it was. She could think about nothing but that coldness... Until it felt warm again. Why was that? She could see Mephisto in front of her, wearing that adept uniform.  Nothing had changed. But... was that a cobweb in the corner? That hadnt been there before. "What is wrong Mephisto?", Mikael inquired, feeling that her legs were unsteady. She did not wear her helmet, it was in a chest next to the block of ice that she was about to be. Or had been? She wanted to take a step closer to him, but her legs denied to work as they were supposed to. And she fell, feeling mightless, right into the demons arms. "D-Dont think i did that on purpose, demon. I just stumbled.", she muttered. A little blush crossed her face.
Mikael had her eyes closed. She had closed them when she felt the coldness of the ice starting to cover her. It was easier to hold out then. The coldness was really hard to bear, but she knew she had to. And after all, she had been through worse. She could remember that one incident with her arm... The thought let the big scar straight across the top part of it hurt badly. It almost looked like she had her whole arm cut off and reattached.  That wasnt even that wrong...

The coldness quickly covered her. She wondered if she would be able to think a little while frozen. Would she be able to... Her thoughts appruptly stopped at how cold it was. She could think about nothing but that coldness... Until it felt warm again. Why was that? She could see Mephisto in front of her, wearing that adept uniform.  Nothing had changed. But... was that a cobweb in the corner? That hadnt been there before. "What is wrong Mephisto?", Mikael inquired, feeling that her legs were unsteady. She did not wear her helmet, it was in a chest next to the block of ice that she was about to be. Or had been? She wanted to take a step closer to him, but her legs denied to work as they were supposed to. And she fell, feeling mightless, right into the demons arms. "D-Dont think i did that on purpose, demon. I just stumbled.", she muttered. A little blush crossed her face.

Location: Fort Black - Secret Room - Underground

Mephisto cackled. "Right. You should show a little respect to the Guildmaster. Or... well, ex-Guildmaster. I'm only wearing this outfit for old times' sake." Mephisto helped Mikael stand up on her own, straightening her out and then said. "Around 600 years passed. I lost count, really. Anyway. I need your help. I was framed for murder. Albion is about to annex the Guild. And there's some power-hungry brat that wants to access the vault." and summoned two torches, one for Mikael, one for himself. He gave her one of them, then headed towards the exit of the room. He opened the old, wooden doors and walked out into a dark corridor that was a part of an underground dungeon, that was once still active when William was around. "We need to protect the vault and stop that spoiled, half-assed King from carrying on with his insolent policy. As for me: I guess it's too late. We won't rid me of charges. I guess it's about time I retired... but first, we need to save the day."

"You in, or not?" Mephisto turned around, smiling at Mikael excitedly in anticipation for her answer. He was already suspecting the answer, but why spoil the fun?
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Location: Fort Black - Secret Room - Underground

Mephisto cackled. "Right. You should show a little respect to the Guildmaster. Or... well, ex-Guildmaster. I'm only wearing this outfit for old times' sake." Mephisto helped Mikael stand up on her own, straightening her out and then said. "Around 600 years passed. I lost count, really. Anyway. I need your help. I was framed for murder. Albion is about to annex the Guild. And there's some power-hungry brat that wants to access the vault." and summoned two torches, one for Mikael, one for himself. He gave her one of them, then headed towards the exit of the room. He opened the old, wooden doors and walked out into a dark corridor that was a part of an underground dungeon, that was once still active when William was around. "We need to protect the vault and stop that spoiled, half-assed King from carrying on with his insolent policy. As for me: I guess it's too late. We won't rid me of charges. I guess it's about time I retired."

Mikael listened closely. She gave Mephisto a thankful nod when he helped her stand and then followed, holding the torch. "600 years... I should not even live anymore. Yet i am standing here." She needed a moment to get the fact straight in her mind. It was a hard thing to believe. Then, after that moment, she got her mind to what was happening, to what she had been awakened for. 

"That kingdom is less of a problem. Or at least it is, if my name is still a little known... I mean... If someone remembers me... And they hear that the Windrunner has returned to support the guilds lines... They cant take over the guild that easily. They could not attack us too, i am still a strong fighter and able to fend off an army completely alone. Have done that before as we both know."
Mikael listened closely. She gave Mephisto a thankful nod when he helped her stand and then followed, holding the torch. "600 years... I should not even live anymore. Yet i am standing here." She needed a moment to get the fact straight in her mind. It was a hard thing to believe. Then, after that moment, she got her mind to what was happening, to what she had been awakened for. 

"That kingdom is less of a problem. Or at least it is, if my name is still a little known... I mean... If someone remembers me... And they hear that the Windrunner has returned to support the guilds lines... They cant take over the guild that easily. They could not attack us too, i am still a strong fighter and able to fend off an army completely alone. Have done that before as we both know."

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto made his way through the corridors, speaking to Mikael at the same time. "That's why I woke you up. Your skills are needed." and walked up the stairs. He stopped briefly and turned around. "Where do you want to go first? The vault, or... I mean. We need to plan our next move, don't we?" he explained. Emphasizing on planning their next move, Mephisto added. "Just how I planned retiring from my career as Guildmaster by faking an execution. And it went well! I just have one last job to take care of."
Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto made his way through the corridors, speaking to Mikael at the same time. "That's why I woke you up. Your skills are needed." and walked up the stairs. He stopped briefly and turned around. "Where do you want to go first? The vault, or... I mean. We need to plan our next move, don't we?" he explained. Emphasizing on planning their next move, Mephisto added. "Just how I planned retiring from my career as Guildmaster by faking an execution. And it went well! I just have one last job to take care of."

Mikael nodded. "Yes, we do have to plan.", she muttered. Then, suddenly, she turned around and faster than the eye could see, darted backwards. She came back a split second later, her beloved weapon and helmet at their used places. The katana was at her back, the helmet on her head (obviously). Her voice now sounded like a males one, the figure just supporting that image. 

"I could never forget my beloved equiment.", she muttered. She sometimes spoke to her equipment. "Well. FOr the planning. You will have to give me every bit of information on both threats that you can. Then we can try to work something out. Also, we need to do this in the guild, but without getting the guild into this, at least at first."
Mikael nodded. "Yes, we do have to plan.", she muttered. Then, suddenly, she turned around and faster than the eye could see, darted backwards. She came back a split second later, her beloved weapon and helmet at their used places. The katana was at her back, the helmet on her head (obviously). Her voice now sounded like a males one, the figure just supporting that image. 

"I could never forget my beloved equiment.", she muttered. She sometimes spoke to her equipment. "Well. FOr the planning. You will have to give me every bit of information on both threats that you can. Then we can try to work something out. Also, we need to do this in the guild, but without getting the guild into this, at least at first."

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto nodded to her words, and started explaining the situation best he could, providing Mikael with the most information he could remember. "Very well. Several days ago someone assassinated a few members of the military. They left behind a banner of the Guild, and I was suspected of doing it. They brought me in, and the corrupt ruler ordered me to be executed. I escaped with a clever, magical trick, but still: They want to annex the Guild. As for the other threat: There's... well... I guess I figured out who's behind it. When I was getting... 'cut' I saw my own nephew. He was observing the execution. I think it might have something to do with this. I think he might be behind everything, and he might want to access the vault." and finally, took a deep breath. "I've got a bad feeling about this all." and then remembered that Mikael didn't know he had a nephew, or even a brother. "Oh, and yes - I have a nephew."
Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto nodded to her words, and started explaining the situation best he could, providing Mikael with the most information he could remember. "Very well. Several days ago someone assassinated a few members of the military. They left behind a banner of the Guild, and I was suspected of doing it. They brought me in, and the corrupt ruler ordered me to be executed. I escaped with a clever, magical trick, but still: They want to annex the Guild. As for the other threat: There's... well... I guess I figured out who's behind it. When I was getting... 'cut' I saw my own nephew. He was observing the execution. I think it might have something to do with this. I think he might be behind everything, and he might want to access the vault." and finally, took a deep breath. "I've got a bad feeling about this all." and then remembered that Mikael didn't know he had a nephew, or even a brother. "Oh, and yes - I have a nephew."

Mikael listened and was a little confused over all of that. She did not know in what world she had ended up, she did not know anything at all. But she knew that Mephisto need her help. The guild needed her help. Centuries ago, she had left the guild when it needed her. Deep inside her, it stung her that she had fled the responsibility of being the guildmaster. But it was the right choice back the, she was sure. Now, she had to prove that. She had to prove that her calm mind and rational jugdement were still there, were still capable of this situation. And not at last she had to prove her fighting worth. 

"I understand.", she simply stated. "Then your nephew is the root of evil. What about the king. Can one talk sense into him? Or has he to be controlled in another way? Political pressure, revolution, what is his weak point?"
Location: Bowerstone

Kyro pushed her away so she was farther back. "I have personal space you know, and i don't want some stupid mind control potion what i want is..(SECRET)...." Kyro thought for a bit. "It is going to take you a very long time to create but then again maybe that's too hard for you." Kyro laughed "If you do this correctly then you won't need me to bring you Baragar or that girl, because they will come to you. As for the third one." Kyro took of his mask but what was under it wasn't his face. It was a bunch of cards covering his face like a mask. He then put the mask on again and began to laugh. He didn't know why but he found that really funny. "This mask is just a normal mask and anyone could break it so i keep cards underneath, in case someone breaks the mask." Kyro stopped laughing "I suppose i could HELP move Baragar to a place where you could attack him, but....." He looked that he with somewhat cryptic eyes "Your a walking corpse already." He then returned to his normal state. "Can you do it?"

Lorelei pouted as she was pushed back,  she watched in anticipation as he took off his mask... Only to be majorly let down.  "You're so edgy and mysterious that it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth.  Repeating magic tricks will bore your audience yknow,". She sighed.  "I can do it, I think it will take 24 hours... Depending if my shipment arrives or not,". She turned back around to clean up her table.  "You can leave now, your dark and edgy aura is making my lab look like a cemetery ,"
Mikael listened and was a little confused over all of that. She did not know in what world she had ended up, she did not know anything at all. But she knew that Mephisto need her help. The guild needed her help. Centuries ago, she had left the guild when it needed her. Deep inside her, it stung her that she had fled the responsibility of being the guildmaster. But it was the right choice back the, she was sure. Now, she had to prove that. She had to prove that her calm mind and rational jugdement were still there, were still capable of this situation. And not at last she had to prove her fighting worth. 

"I understand.", she simply stated. "Then your nephew is the root of evil. What about the king. Can one talk sense into him? Or has he to be controlled in another way? Political pressure, revolution, what is his weak point?"

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto nodded and grinned. "Political pressure is impossible to apply. The crowd follows him blindly, like a flock, a flock of sheep! Unless you want to impose trade sanctions." Mephisto laughed at his own remark, then went into a half-serious, half-amused state. "Well. He`s untouchable, really. Unless we allow ourselves for dirty tricks, like a revolution, or assassination..." then Mephisto thought about what he said, and a second after reluctantly added. "That wouldn't be good for our image, though." And stood back, supporting himself on a wall and waiting for Mikael's choice.
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