Main IC RP

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto stared at Gabriel, then said. "The attack on Woguran didn't go well. Akena, the girl you gave directions to. She attacked them and we had to pull back, retreat. There's lots dead too." and sat down on one of the chairs. Mephisto started feeling depressed. Suddenly, bad things started happening to the Guild, like a curse, or a jinx that brings bad luck. "If only William was here..." Mephisto dreamed, then harshly sighed and looked at Gabriel again. "So what did you want?" he asked.

"I was going in the Capital to get supplies, but this clearly has more importance. Do you require me to do anything?" Gabriel asked, looking at him while taking off his helmet. He kept it under his arm, gazing at all the injured. How did it go so wrong? "What happened exactly?" He asked Mephisto, believing he was in the battle too.
"I was going in the Capital to get supplies, but this clearly has more importance. Do you require me to do anything?" Gabriel asked, looking at him while taking off his helmet. He kept it under his arm, gazing at all the injured. How did it go so wrong? "What happened exactly?" He asked Mephisto, believing he was in the battle too.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto groaned in annoyance, then quickly and angrily responded. "Exactly what I told you happened! Akena attacked the team that was meant to deal with Woguran." then sighed, calming down and more stoically saying "...And no, I don't need anything. Go to the Capital for supplies, or whatever..." and got up from his chair. Mephisto walked over to Astrid and said. "Thank you for the help, Astrid. I'll cover all costs of the potions." with a thankful, and respectful tone.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto groaned in annoyance, then quickly and angrily responded. "Exactly what I told you happened! Akena attacked the team that was meant to deal with Woguran." then sighed, calming down and more stoically saying "...And no, I don't need anything. Go to the Capital for supplies, or whatever..." and got up from his chair. Mephisto walked over to Astrid and said. "Thank you for the help, Astrid. I'll cover all costs of the potions." with a thankful, and respectful tone.


Astrid Hathaway

location: Fort Black

Astrid took another sip of her ale and looked over at Mephisto. "Don't worry about it. There's not much else I can do."

She got back up and walk outside and sat down. "Let me know if they get better." She just sat there, slowly taking it in.
Astrid Hathaway

location: Fort Black

Astrid took another sip of her ale and looked over at Mephisto. "Don't worry about it. There's not much else I can do."

She got back up and walk outside and sat down. "Let me know if they get better." She just sat there, slowly taking it in.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto nodded, and smiled for a moment. "Alright. I see." then straightened up and said. "Thank you. If you ever need help, with anything at all: You are welcome here." and with these words, he looked at the exit and headed to it. The injured were now under good care, and he still had documents to fill out.
Gabriel sighed and left, walking towards the gate calmly. Amelia was waiting there on a horse. "Let's go." Gabriel said, gesturing her to get moving. Amelia gave a light kick to the horse and it began galloping. Gabriel mounted on the horse and quickly moved the leather lash, lightly whipping the horse's neck as it began to follow Amelia. As they arrived at the Capital, Amelia immediately headed towards The Exorcistorum, to report to the higher-ups. Gabriel, instead, left his horse at the Capital's gate and quickly walked towards the Royal Palace, knocking on the big door.

Location: Dark Forest

Kyro finished destroying the last crystal. Dead bodies of the bandits around him. There was still the last crystal within the center, but he didn't care. The rest was up to Akena. Kyro took one of the horses from the camps, and headed to fort black. He didn't want them wondering where he was. He had originally had a plan for Woguran, but he had changed his mind. he would just lay low in the guild for sometime.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

"Ya, that would work. The regeneration potions would cause some pain, so they might hurt themselves." Astrid continued making her potions. She eventually ran out of bottled potions, and started using the vials she had on hand. After a few minutes, she began taking out her ingredients from her pouch and started performing Impromptu Brew. After several more minutes, she stopped. Nothing else I can do for now. She looked up to see Ziyana and Eddy continuing to help. She walked a few steps back, leaned on the wall, and took a sip of her ale. "So much for a day to relax."

@Aura Of Twilight@Soulmuse

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

Sweat ran down her brow as she continued to heal, feeling the draining effects of the spell all too well. So far, Edilyn had aided the healers with the worse of the patients, but she was quickly running out of steam. There were simply too many of them. Knowing she could only go on so long, Edilyn reluctantly decided to take a break. As she walked in between the beds, she felt her heart clench at the moaning of the guild members. Having heard the words of Mephisto she now knew what had caused them so much pain. A girl named Akena had attacked them mercilessly, but for what or why Edilyn had no clue. All she knew was that it was horrible, but not nearly as bad as bandits attacking a village and killing most of the occupants. She wasn't innocent by any means, not with a brother like Illarion to talk to. Through letters Edilyn had learned just how bad her brother's job could be: messy and cruel, even though Illarion only took on the more noble of contracts. People were always injured or killed. It was simply a fact. And yet, seeing the effects of such an act before her eyes, Edilyn still couldn't understand how humanity could be so cruel. Hurting each other for what? Personal gain? Selfishness? To protect someone? Violence was a terrible beast, one that she had always hated with a passion. 

Edilyn was nearly to the door when someone grabbed her. She jumped in surprise, looking down. " me." The man was begging, tears running down his face. One of his legs was missing from the knee down, having been amputated by the healers not so long ago. He was no longer bleeding thankfully, but that obviously didn't ease the pain he felt. "I'm so sorry." Edilyn whispered, using her healing magic to knock the man temporarily unconscious, wanting to do something to ease his pain. Feeling heavy, she finally made her way out the door. She sat down next to Astrid, exhausted. Her eyelids felt heavy. Resisting the urge to close them, she gave the older girl a tired grin. "You did good work in there Astrid." 
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

Sweat ran down her brow as she continued to heal, feeling the draining effects of the spell all too well. So far, Edilyn had aided the healers with the worse of the patients, but she was quickly running out of steam. There were simply too many of them. Knowing she could only go on so long, Edilyn reluctantly decided to take a break. As she walked in between the beds, she felt her heart clench at the moaning of the guild members. Having heard the words of Mephisto she now knew what had caused them so much pain. A girl named Akena had attacked them mercilessly, but for what or why Edilyn had no clue. All she knew was that it was horrible, but not nearly as bad as bandits attacking a village and killing most of the occupants. She wasn't innocent by any means, not with a brother like Illarion to talk to. Through letters Edilyn had learned just how bad her brother's job could be: messy and cruel, even though Illarion only took on the more noble of contracts. People were always injured or killed. It was simply a fact. And yet, seeing the effects of such an act before her eyes, Edilyn still couldn't understand how humanity could be so cruel. Hurting each other for what? Personal gain? Selfishness? To protect someone? Violence was a terrible beast, one that she had always hated with a passion. 

Edilyn was nearly to the door when someone grabbed her. She jumped in surprise, looking down. " me." The man was begging, tears running down his face. One of his legs was missing from the knee down, having been amputated by the healers not so long ago. He was no longer bleeding thankfully, but that obviously didn't ease the pain he felt. "I'm so sorry." Edilyn whispered, using her healing magic to knock the man temporarily unconscious, wanting to do something to ease his pain. Feeling heavy, she finally made her way out the door. She sat down next to Astrid, exhausted. Her eyelids felt heavy. Resisting the urge to close them, she gave the older girl a tired grin. "You did good work in there Astrid." 

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Astrid watched as the tired girl took a seat beside her. "You too, Eddy," she said with a similar grin. Astrid looked down again, still processing what has happened. She mad at herself, for knowingly let a patron head into danger and let her harm other patrons. At the same time, she knew a bartender with a bit of magic couldn't change Akena's mind in the first place. So here I reside, attempting to salvage what is left from a tainted potion. She slowly stood up, walked a few steps forward, turned to face Eddy with an outstretch hand.

"Let's go get something to eat before we fall over of exhaustion." Astrid said with a tired smile.

Location: Fort Black

The forge located in the many chambers of the Fort Black basement level is usually open to all guild members who need to make some advanced repairs on their weapons and armor.  However, tonight, the entrance has been sealed and the room has been occupied by a lone giant.  Baragar stood next to the flames of the forge... his torso usually covered with bronze armor is exposed... revealing only a dark, muscular figure... a silhouette in front of the flames.  His armor is being heated in the flames, softened to the appropriate hardness.  Without using any tongs or gloves, Baragar simply pulls out the sheet of bronze from the flames with his bare claws... the flames having no effect on his hands whatsoever.  He picked up a hammer and started striking the dented chestplate back into place.  He poured cold water on the metal and began to polish it back into shape.  Baragar removed his helmet and placed it in the flames as well.  The red flames are reflected in his emerald, reptilian eyes.  On his back... two shapes... figures of an ancient heritage sealed within his armor... for none to see.  He restrains the appendages... forcing them closed.  He promised himself he would never open them again... they are symbols of his inner storm... a relentless, beastly rage that he constantly drowns in reason and understanding.  They were his curse... the reason his kind were hunted down.  He continued to reinforce and repair the metal as his heart lingered within an overwhelming abyss of loneliness.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Astrid watched as the tired girl took a seat beside her. "You too, Eddy," she said with a similar grin. Astrid looked down again, still processing what has happened. She mad at herself, for knowingly let a patron head into danger and let her harm other patrons. At the same time, she knew a bartender with a bit of magic couldn't change Akena's mind in the first place. So here I reside, attempting to salvage what is left from a tainted potion. She slowly stood up, walked a few steps forward, turned to face Eddy with an outstretch hand.

"Let's go get something to eat before we fall over of exhaustion." Astrid said with a tired smile.

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Trying to wipe off the blood on her hands on her leggings, the silver haired girl took the woman's outstretched hand with a smile. "Gladly." She said, trying to ignore the sense of dizziness she felt upon standing up. I'm not gonna fall over this time. Edilyn inwardly promised herself, especially since there was no Fiducia to help her this time. She walked a few feet forwards before a thought occured to her. "But what about Zlyana? I'm sure she's just dying to eat something after this experience." She said with a tired giggle. 

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[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Infirmary[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana hid a wince when she took in the injured. She was no stranger to death, and had, in truth, seen worse injuries in her life, had inflicted worse injuries. None the less, the wounded and dying in the room took her aback. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Taking a deep breath, Ziyana had to take a moment to consider how best to help. She was no healer, and knew little enough of potions. Unlike Edilyn, her magic was almost purely destructive in nature, leaving her little capability for healing. The only thing she was really able to do was numb the pain, a little. Steeling herself, Ziyana closed her eyes to focus on the low level of electricity surrounding her body.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Moving from wounded to wounded, Ziyana did her best to bandage the less severe wounds, while running her hands across the more serious injuries, letting the static energy numb those wounds she could. She was nearly through the entire group, when Edilyn stepped away. Ziyana could understand why, the constant low level burn of magic was starting to exhaust her, and the blueish runes on her arms were starting to show, but she refused to stop working, not until everything was done.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]When at last her limited work was done, Ziyana slumped back against the wall, her arms shaking, and her stomach tightened into a knot from hunger. Glancing down at her arms, she winced; the runes where almost glowing from the continuous exertion. Shaking her head, Ziyana moved back towards Astrid and Edilyn, in time to hear mention of food. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]“Food….yes...please….” Internally, Ziyana cringed at how pathetic she sounded. It was a major effort of will to suppress at least most of her shaking, never mind speak coherently.[/SIZE]


@Alteras @Aura Of Twilight

[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Infirmary[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana hid a wince when she took in the injured. She was no stranger to death, and had, in truth, seen worse injuries in her life, had inflicted worse injuries. None the less, the wounded and dying in the room took her aback. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Taking a deep breath, Ziyana had to take a moment to consider how best to help. She was no healer, and knew little enough of potions. Unlike Edilyn, her magic was almost purely destructive in nature, leaving her little capability for healing. The only thing she was really able to do was numb the pain, a little. Steeling herself, Ziyana closed her eyes to focus on the low level of electricity surrounding her body.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Moving from wounded to wounded, Ziyana did her best to bandage the less severe wounds, while running her hands across the more serious injuries, letting the static energy numb those wounds she could. She was nearly through the entire group, when Edilyn stepped away. Ziyana could understand why, the constant low level burn of magic was starting to exhaust her, and the blueish runes on her arms were starting to show, but she refused to stop working, not until everything was done.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]When at last her limited work was done, Ziyana slumped back against the wall, her arms shaking, and her stomach tightened into a knot from hunger. Glancing down at her arms, she winced; the runes where almost glowing from the continuous exertion. Shaking her head, Ziyana moved back towards Astrid and Edilyn, in time to hear mention of food. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Food….yes...please….” Internally, Ziyana cringed at how pathetic she sounded. It was a major effort of will to suppress at least most of her shaking, never mind speak coherently.[/SIZE]

@Alteras @Aura Of Twilight

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Trying to wipe off the blood on her hands on her leggings, the silver haired girl took the woman's outstretched hand with a smile. "Gladly." She said, trying to ignore the sense of dizziness she felt upon standing up. I'm not gonna fall over this time. Edilyn inwardly promised herself, especially since there was no Fiducia to help her this time. She walked a few feet forwards before a thought occured to her. "But what about Zlyana? I'm sure she's just dying to eat something after this experience." She said with a tired giggle. 


Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Astrid moved forward while taking another sip of her ale. After looping Ziyana's arm over her shoulder and wrapping her own arm around Ziyana's waist, she began to walk forward. "Haha, Let's go eat." She looked over to Eddy, bidding her to help. "I may be a Master of the Bar Brawl, but I can't carry everything." She said with an exhausted smile. She decided to let regrets come after the food.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Astrid moved forward while taking another sip of her ale. After looping Ziyana's arm over her shoulder and wrapping her own arm around Ziyana's waist, she began to walk forward. "Haha, Let's go eat." She looked over to Eddy, bidding her to help. "I may be a Master of the Bar Brawl, but I can't carry everything." She said with an exhausted smile. She decided to let regrets come after the food.

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Upon seeing Zlyana's shaky state, she moved forward to help. "Of course." Edilyn said, moving to take Zlyana's other arm over her own shoulders with a small grunt. "There we go. Hang in there Zlyana. Food's a coming." The silver haired girl said with a smile. The elder mage was perhaps not surprisingly light against her, although with Astrid helping that probably didn't mean much. Light as a twig it seemed. We better hurry before the poor woman blows away. She thought with a slight smirk, walking forwards. With both Astrid and Edilyn supporting her, it took time to get Zlyana to the mess hall, taking about ten minutes where it would usually only take 5 minutes to get there. They passed other people along the way. When at last they arrived, Edilyn helped place Zlyana at one of the many wooden tables, taking in the room as she did so. For a place as large as it was, Fort Black possessed a formidable mess hall, with large wooden arches holding up the ceiling and a number of windows lined the farside wall. The room was overall large, and there was a set of double doors persumedly leading to the kitchen at the right side of the room. Only a few other guild members were present, talking in hushed tones amongst themselves as they huddled at tables. No doubt they were talking about the failed mission. Edilyn sighed.

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro had been heading to the guild when he decided to find a place to stay for the night. After asking around he heard about a major presentation that would be taking place. He figured he could learn from this. So he waited till morning and went to the presentation. What interested him was that the presentation had been about science and not magic. As he listened an idea sprung within his head. The presentation had been on the basics of human emotions and interactions with other people. This was a subject that he himself new a lot about. To take control of someone would be the most powerful ability to exist. As he watch this person explain information he began to notice something. Only a couple of times, she would slip up and reveal information that she shouldn't know. He also heard people around him say that this person has been hiding something. That they had been doing human experiments. When the presentation was over, the person giving the speak, quickly ran away before he had a chance to ask her anything. So he decided to stalk her until she reached her home. When she had made it home he put on his mask and shadow stepped inside. He had lost her for some reason. As he looked around he noticed that there was an entrance to the lower level and it had been left open. He walked down the stairs to a huge laboratory. At this moment he had flash backs of what the bar tender had said. "So you made her huh?" He spotted the girl in the corner. Up till now he had been very careful to make sure she didn't notice him but now......"So your the famous Lorelei Scylla, I presume?" @IamNotLoki

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro had been heading to the guild when he decided to find a place to stay for the night. After asking around he heard about a major presentation that would be taking place. He figured he could learn from this. So he waited till morning and went to the presentation. What interested him was that the presentation had been about science and not magic. As he listened an idea sprung within his head. The presentation had been on the basics of human emotions and interactions with other people. This was a subject that he himself new a lot about. To take control of someone would be the most powerful ability to exist. As he watch this person explain information he began to notice something. Only a couple of times, she would slip up and reveal information that she shouldn't know. He also heard people around him say that this person has been hiding something. That they had been doing human experiments. When the presentation was over, the person giving the speak, quickly ran away before he had a chance to ask her anything. So he decided to stalk her until she reached her home. When she had made it home he put on his mask and shadow stepped inside. He had lost her for some reason. As he looked around he noticed that there was an entrance to the lower level and it had been left open. He walked down the stairs to a huge laboratory. At this moment he had flash backs of what the bar tender had said. "So you made her huh?" He spotted the girl in the corner. Up till now he had been very careful to make sure she didn't notice him but now......"So your the famous Lorelei Scylla, I presume?" @IamNotLoki

The woman wearing a lab coat flinched as Kyro spoke.  She didn't turn around.  "It seems we have a suprise visitor, senpai," Lorelei said with a hint of crazed excitement.  She turned around and her excited smile turned to a bored pout.  "Oh, it's just a silly human," she said as she puffed her cheeks.  "I have no need for humans..."  She said turning back around.  "I suppose you need something from me?  Are you lost?"  She said as she attached a machine to a bunny rabibit's back.      The coffin like creature watched the stranger with a blank face.
The woman wearing a lab coat flinched as Kyro spoke.  She didn't turn around.  "It seems we have a suprise visitor, senpai," Lorelei said with a hint of crazed excitement.  She turned around and her excited smile turned to a bored pout.  "Oh, it's just a silly human," she said as she puffed her cheeks.  "I have no need for humans..."  She said turning back around.  "I suppose you need something from me?  Are you lost?"  She said as she attached a machine to a bunny rabibit's back.      The coffin like creature watched the stranger with a blank face.

Location: Bowerstone

"Of course I want something, but no I'm not lost. I know exactly who you are and most of what you can do." Kyro had considered forcing her to do what he want but decide that might backfire. So he would try reason and then use force. " let's say I have a job for you. What would be your price?" 
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Upon seeing Zlyana's shaky state, she moved forward to help. "Of course." Edilyn said, moving to take Zlyana's other arm over her own shoulders with a small grunt. "There we go. Hang in there Zlyana. Food's a coming." The silver haired girl said with a smile. The elder mage was perhaps not surprisingly light against her, although with Astrid helping that probably didn't mean much. Light as a twig it seemed. We better hurry before the poor woman blows away. She thought with a slight smirk, walking forwards. With both Astrid and Edilyn supporting her, it took time to get Zlyana to the mess hall, taking about ten minutes where it would usually only take 5 minutes to get there. They passed other people along the way. When at last they arrived, Edilyn helped place Zlyana at one of the many wooden tables, taking in the room as she did so. For a place as large as it was, Fort Black possessed a formidable mess hall, with large wooden arches holding up the ceiling and a number of windows lined the farside wall. The room was overall large, and there was a set of double doors persumedly leading to the kitchen at the right side of the room. Only a few other guild members were present, talking in hushed tones amongst themselves as they huddled at tables. No doubt they were talking about the failed mission. Edilyn sighed.

Amelia Ferrus

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Amelia, while Gabriel was getting supplies, mounted once again on her horse and came back to Fort Black. She had been told at the Head Quarters that another demon resided into the Fort's forest. She got off the horse and ran inside Fort Black's Infirmary to first heal her wounds from the last fight. She entered and saw many, many injured people and Edilyn all in the Infirmary. "Wh-what happened here?" She asked in shock, while she checked her bag to make sure she had everything she needed. She walked up to the closet and took out some bandages, cotton pellets and purified water, laying them on the table. She took off her cloak and took some cotton, soaking it in water to start cleaning her wounds. "Ugh..!" She groaned, as the wounds still did hurt,

Location: Fort black

Larei had just returned from Fairfax. After he left Fairfax he went to Bowerstone. He had intended to try to talk some sense into the king but it was too late. When he arrived at the royal palace military men were already leaving toward Fort Black. These men weren't to kill Mephisto, just to bring him to the capital. "So the king really is going to blame the guild?" After that Larei gave himself as much speed boost as he could and headed to Fort Black again. He would be much faster than the men. And now we have caught up to the present. Larei ran down the halls of the fort. Past the injured men, and the lunch area. When he finally made it to Mephisto's room he burst through the door! and by that i mean he open it very slowly. When he walked in, Mephisto was still at his desk and still doing papers. Mephisto didn't know Larei, but without a doubt Larei knew Mephisto and his story. "My name is Larei, and as you know the king believes that you are guilty, or at least wants to be able to make that call. When those solders come to get you, what will you do?"  @Birdsie

Location: Fort black

Larei had just returned from Fairfax. After he left Fairfax he went to Bowerstone. He had intended to try to talk some sense into the king but it was too late. When he arrived at the royal palace military men were already leaving toward Fort Black. These men weren't to kill Mephisto, just to bring him to the capital. "So the king really is going to blame the guild?" After that Larei gave himself as much speed boost as he could and headed to Fort Black again. He would be much faster than the men. And now we have caught up to the present. Larei ran down the halls of the fort. Past the injured men, and the lunch area. When he finally made it to Mephisto's room he burst through the door! and by that i mean he open it very slowly. When he walked in, Mephisto was still at his desk and still doing papers. Mephisto didn't know Larei, but without a doubt Larei knew Mephisto and his story. "My name is Larei, and as you know the king believes that you are guilty, or at least wants to be able to make that call. When those solders come to get you, what will you do?"  @Birdsie

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto was staring out the window, then turned to Laeri upon hearing his voice. "I'll give up. It is in no intention of mine to shed blood of the innocent. If the stars will it: I will pass on." seemingly not surprised about the arrival of the soldiers, or about everything that Larei said. "My destiny was long forseen, and the sentence is long overdue anyway. I will die in His name, and I am grateful I can die in such a way." he claimed, then sat down at his desk. Meanwhile, several of the soldiers bursted into his office. "Mephisto Pheles, you are placed under arrest by the Kingdom of Albion! Give up, or-" but the soldier stopped when Mephisto stood up and gave them his hands, to be handcuffed. They were surprised with his obedience yet they took him in. "Hey. What's your name?" He asked Larei, whilst the soldiers cuffed him up.
Location: Bowerstone

"Of course I want something, but no I'm not lost. I know exactly who you are and most of what you can do." Kyro had considered forcing her to do what he want but decide that might backfire. So he would try reason and then use force. " let's say I have a job for you. What would be your price?" 

The scientist watched her experiment closely as the small machine pumped green fluid into the rabbit's veins.  She adjusted her glasses as the animal writhed in pain.  Foam emerged from its mouth... its eyes rolled back as its whole body twitched.  Finally it lay still... its heartbeat stopped.  Lorelei sighed and sunk her face in her arms.  She then rested her cheek on her palm pinching a green lock of her hair with another hand.  "My price huh?  How unbearably insulting!  Do you think I need money?  You don't think the Kingdom of Albion pays me enough?  If anything fame and fortune is really all I have... I was born with those,"  She said laxly as if disappointed.  "Senpai,"  She spoke to the coffin like object, floating next to her.  "Did I remember to feed my pets? If I forgot, maybe they'll like the fresh taste of human flesh?  I can't really experiment on him... and it's not really worth it to cut him up.  But he did see our secret lab... if anything he'll make a great snack for my babies..."  She smiled jokingly.  She turned around and took off her red-framed glasses.  "Ooh... what's with the mask, darling?  I'm not sure if its edgy... or kinky..."  She joked.
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto was staring out the window, then turned to Laeri upon hearing his voice. "I'll give up. It is in no intention of mine to shed blood of the innocent. If the stars will it: I will pass on." seemingly not surprised about the arrival of the soldiers, or about everything that Larei said. "My destiny was long forseen, and the sentence is long overdue anyway. I will die in His name, and I am grateful I can die in such a way." he claimed, then sat down at his desk. Meanwhile, several of the soldiers bursted into his office. "Mephisto Pheles, you are placed under arrest by the Kingdom of Albion! Give up, or-" but the soldier stopped when Mephisto stood up and gave them his hands, to be handcuffed. They were surprised with his obedience yet they took him in. "Hey. What's your name?" He asked Larei, whilst the soldiers cuffed him up.

Location: Fort Black 

After healing her multiple wounds, Amelia headed towards Mephisto's office. As she saw the guards arresting Mephisto, she gasped quietly. "I demand to know the accusations!" She said, grabbing the handle of her sword tightly. She had to tell father but her owl was not there. She was alone and she had to help Mephisto, even if he was one of the strongest demons. "I won't repeat myself!" She exclaimed with an authoritarian tone, tightening the grip on her sword.
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Location: Fort Black 

After healing her multiple wounds, Amelia headed towards Mephisto's office. As she saw the guards arresting Mephisto, she gasped quietly. "I demand to know the accusations!" She said, grabbing the handle of her sword tightly. She had to tell father but her owl was not there. She was alone and she had to help Mephisto, even if he was one of the strongest demons. "I won't repeat myself!" She exclaimed with an authoritarian tone, tightening the grip of her sword.

Location: Fort Black

One of the soldiers drew his sword and pointed it at Amelia from far away, proclaiming. "Step back. We have orders from the King himself. Any attempt at interference will result in capital punishment!" as the others took Mephisto past Amelia and down towards the courtyard. Mephisto didn't seem to even struggle against them, or ask any questions. He was as calm as the sky in a clean day. He looked at Amelia, briefly stopping. "Don't bother." he commented on her behaviour, then walked off with the soldiers.
Location: Fort Black

One of the soldiers drew his sword and pointed it at Amelia from far away, proclaiming. "Step back. We have orders from the King himself. Any attempt at interference will result in capital punishment!" as the others took Mephisto past Amelia and down towards the courtyard. Mephisto didn't seem to even struggle against them, or ask any questions. He was as calm as the sky in a clean day. He looked at Amelia, briefly stopping. "Don't bother." he commented on her behaviour, then walked off with the soldiers.

Location: Fort Black

"S-sir yes sir..." She muttered, letting go of her sword and walking towards the Great Hall, where supposedly everyone else was. She walked in and took a seat at one of the many tables, taking out a book and reading. She didn't want to talk to anybody. Her father would be really mad right now, if he only knew.
Location: Fort Black 

After healing her multiple wounds, Amelia headed towards Mephisto's office. As she saw the guards arresting Mephisto, she gasped quietly. "I demand to know the accusations!" She said, grabbing the handle of her sword tightly. She had to tell father but her owl was not there. She was alone and she had to help Mephisto, even if he was one of the strongest demons. "I won't repeat myself!" She exclaimed with an authoritarian tone, tightening the grip on her sword.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto was staring out the window, then turned to Laeri upon hearing his voice. "I'll give up. It is in no intention of mine to shed blood of the innocent. If the stars will it: I will pass on." seemingly not surprised about the arrival of the soldiers, or about everything that Larei said. "My destiny was long forseen, and the sentence is long overdue anyway. I will die in His name, and I am grateful I can die in such a way." he claimed, then sat down at his desk. Meanwhile, several of the soldiers bursted into his office. "Mephisto Pheles, you are placed under arrest by the Kingdom of Albion! Give up, or-" but the soldier stopped when Mephisto stood up and gave them his hands, to be handcuffed. They were surprised with his obedience yet they took him in. "Hey. What's your name?" He asked Larei, whilst the soldiers cuffed him up.

Location: Fort Black

Larei looked at the soldier before saying. "I am Mephisto's second. I will be following you to your location." Larei was completely lying but Mephisto would understand. Larei watched as the men handcuffed him and began to take him away. Just as they were walking away Amelia demanded to know what was happening. "Just as Mephisto says, don't bother this isn't your responsibility." He said to Amelia. 'But its mine?' he asked himself. Larei, Mephisto and the soldier all began to walk toward Bowerstone.
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The scientist watched her experiment closely as the small machine pumped green fluid into the rabbit's veins.  She adjusted her glasses as the animal writhed in pain.  Foam emerged from its mouth... its eyes rolled back as its whole body twitched.  Finally it lay still... its heartbeat stopped.  Lorelei sighed and sunk her face in her arms.  She then rested her cheek on her palm pinching a green lock of her hair with another hand.  "My price huh?  How unbearably insulting!  Do you think I need money?  You don't think the Kingdom of Albion pays me enough?  If anything fame and fortune is really all I have... I was born with those,"  She said laxly as if disappointed.  "Senpai,"  She spoke to the coffin like object, floating next to her.  "Did I remember to feed my pets? If I forgot, maybe they'll like the fresh taste of human flesh?  I can't really experiment on him... and it's not really worth it to cut him up.  But he did see our secret lab... if anything he'll make a great snack for my babies..."  She smiled jokingly.  She turned around and took off her red-framed glasses.  "Ooh... what's with the mask, darling?  I'm not sure if its edgy... or kinky..."  She joked.

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro found no humor in what she had said. "When i said price i didn't mean money, but instead home about i provide you with test subject? Thousands of them." Kyro watch as the disgusting creature died. " I want you to create a specific fluid that will act as a virus, spreading to the weak. I will use this in infect thousands of people and you will get to see what happens to them. Any of that sound interesting?" Kyro put his hand to his chin as if he was thinking. "Or i could tear you apart limb from limb in till your a puddle of flesh and then see if you can regenerate. But i would prefer the first one." Kyro said in the most edgy voice he could make. He found his own humor amusing and stupid at the same time.
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