Main IC RP

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main Hall 

As Zlyana finished speaking, the silver haired girl crossed her arms in thought. Larei was certainly forward on some things, but he didn't seem like a bad guy. For being a man probably in his late twenties, he seemed like he had seen the horrors of the world and lived to tell about it. There was just that sort of vibe to him, experienced, tired, yet a wanderer. She pondered his suggestion. "All right then..." She said slowly. Edilyn considered asking him what abilities he possessed, given that he was definitely no ordinary wanderer, but thought better of it. That seemed like a private, almost inimate thing to ask someone. Instead, she said, "Well you seem like you've traveled alot. Where have you been, if you don't mind me asking?"


Location: Fort Black

"Hmmm." Larei thought for a bit. "I started from a kingdom in the east. Far east, toward the ocean. From there I travel through the Dark forest, I've also seen Oakvale, Great forest, Fairfax, and Bowerstone. Haven't been too far out of Albion but i can tell you if you head far west, through the great forest, you end up hitting a large village just at the mouth of River Carath. That village is the edge of the Wood elf kingdom. " Larei had been to several more place, but they seemed less relevant. "Oh also if you go really far north past fairfax you get into some weird places. Hmmm what else....." Larei pretend to scratch his chin as if he had a beard. "I guess i could also tell you the name of the kingdom I come from is called Leverila. It was pretty small, and far away so I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't heard of it." Larei didn't really make a reaction about his hometown. Despite everything that happened it made him want to cry, but for so many times he told people about where he was from, that just saying the name didn't do anything as long as he didn't think to hard about it.. Larei managed to not show much, but he was at a lost of words. He had gotten kind of distracted. And hoped at either of the girls had something that could continue the conversation. @Soulmuse
Location:  Near outskirts of Bowerstone, Elias' Infirmary

Phantom used her shadow magic to teleport to her destination efficiently, though she always hated teleportation. It was like throwing yourself face first into a meat grinder. A dark, dirty meat grinder the butcher uses constantly. Appropriate, considering there was a lot of blood on Phantom's hands at the end of the day, though knowing none of it being innocent blood helped her sleep. 

Feeling awful after the endeavor, she arrived at a tiny little abode that looked like it couldn't have more than a few rooms, but the inside was bigger than it appeared, though that was possibly due to the two fields on either side of it and a path of trees that led to a forest behind it. She always suspected that was due to some magic spell or something, and considering this was the disagreeable Apothecary Elias she knew and loathed she wouldn't have put it past him.  

She frowned as she approached the Infirmary. Despite there being no moonlight surrounding it, the inside looked well lit. It was some sort of light within the darkness of night. Made her as ill as their infirmary just thinking about it.

"Open th' hell up, Elias!" Phantom shouted while knocking indignantly, loudly, and rather annoyingly.

A small, bespectacled, baby-faced, rosy-cheeked, hazel-eyed, and platinum blonde-haired young-looking girl opened the door and greeted her with a smile. She adorned a bright, frilly, and sickeningly pink dress with an equally as frilly white apron and pink roses decorating said prissy blonde hair. She too, one could tell at first glance, used magic on her 'perfectly' curly locks of hair, but instead of adding unnatural melanin to it she drained her hair of it, which was why though her hair gleamed of polished pure ore on her scalp, her eyebrows and lashes were light-brown, like dirt. Ironic, in Phantoms opinion, though admittedly it matched her light skin more than the purple matched Phantom's. It was extremely difficult not to roll her eyes at the sight of her no matter which way she thought of her. She knew this girl was actually a woman nearing the third decade of her life, though she looked as if she stopped growing in the middle of her second, yet she dressed like the child she appeared to be and her effervescence was not one of an adult her age either. This pink abomination of a woman was the wife of the Apothecary, and her name was Rosalina, though she much preferred to just be called Rosie.

"Oh! Hello, Calliope!" Rosie chirped upon seeing her, smiling at her like Ellie used to. 

"Hey Rosie. How's my mom? Where's Elias at?" Phantom inquired, not really making eye-contact, but looking down to feign it anyway.

"He should be just about done giving her some supper!"  

"...'Kay, Thanks,"  Phantom walked inside, past Rosie, and into the main hall of the Infirmary.

Kenneth, a scruffy, scraggly bearded, tall and muscular orange-haired red mage who only seemed to own one red robe, occasionally volunteered to help some evenings, was in the middle of helping the Infirmary light their chandelier. It was a nice one, too. She heard that Elias' mother had carved it herself.  It had many places to place candles, so it illuminated the main hall well, and hung high from a long center rod and many chains since the ceiling was not that low, and Phantom knew if she was younger she would definitely want to swing from said chandelier. She was a stupid child like that.

"Hey, Ken," Phantom waved as she passed him, making her way to her Mother's room. 

"Hello Calliope, not getting into MORE trouble, I hope?" He joshed, smirking and winking to ensure she knew it was in jest.

"Always am. Can't help it, I'm trouble incarnate," Phantom slightly chuckled, waving to him from the side before entering the room.

She stepped into the candle-lit room her paralyzed Mother was cared for in, nearly crashing into the golden-haired man about to exit the room. He was also approaching the third decade of his life and it was easily enough noticeable in a good way, had a fairly handsome, and clean-shaven, face both because it was naturally how he looked and he was in excellent health.  Tall, but slightly lanky for his height, and because of that was quite a sight to see beside his short and childish lover since she was actually two years his elder. He wore a clean white coat to most likely match his small wife's apron, and their skin-tones almost matched if he wasn't a shade or so lighter than her. He had deep blue eyes, like the depths of the ocean, exactly like Phantoms. Except hers were deeper, obviously. This man was Elias, the Apothecary Ellie had left in charge of caring for her Mother.

"Hey, Doc," Phantom nonchalantly greeted him.

"Hello, Calliope!"  Elias greeted her heartily, like she'd imagine her Father did in her infancy.

"Can I get a moment with my Mom before I talk to you?" She asked as politely as she could, but still coming off as rushing him out the door if one paid attention to her emphasis of certain keywords.

"...Sure, was just on my way out, I'll be in the hall," He responded a bit sad, obviously picking up her cue with subtlety.

"'Kay," She responded, approaching her mother as he closed the door behind her.

"...Come closer, my little Calliope," Shanon beckoned her, a small smile forming from her lips.

"Hey, Ma," Phantom greeted, then added, "I ain't so 'little' anymore, c'mon, y'know that."

"Haha, I suppose you are right..." She half-heartedly apologized, "Perhaps this wretched place is starting to get to me... with that little brat baby-sitting me, it's no different from Aeliora's care at all."

"That "lil' brat" cooks you three square meals a day and her husband is currently the only reason you're not completely forsaken after you got yourself cursed, since hell all if I know how to take care of you now," Phantom corrected her in a rather stern tone to talk to one's Mother, unsure of whether she was defending Rosie because that was the truth, or because her Mother also saw some of Ellie in Rosie and Phantom didn't like the blatant disrespect to either woman.

Shanon was silent for a moment, eyeing Phantom for what seemed like she was suspicious of her during that second, but then quickly shook her head as if to perish whatever thought was in her mind, then nodded.

"You are right, I'm sorry, my child," She said, a little more whole-heartedly, but not entirely convincing Phantom if she was honest with herself.

"Still got no leads, but I'ma head to the local Guild, see if anyone knows anything about Ellie. Shoulda done that in the first place, but I don't know, maybe I didn't think of it before because a part of me didn't want to. They were the ones that didn't listen to Dad... and Dad was right, the leader of The Order of the Black Lotus had a kid, 'n they're back with a reformed group 'o misfits. Gonna wring all their necks til they tell me which one of them offed Dad n' made it look like an accident..."

Phantom always felt confident telling her Mother of her escapades, though she gathered a regular Mother would be beside herself if she heard some of the things Phantom told her Mother. 

"...Very well. Stay safe, my child," Shanon nodded, Phantom still unsure if this acceptance was because it wasn't like there was anything her Mother could do to stop her or her plans, or if her Mother simply didn't mind it... maybe even was encouraging it internally...

She knew if Ellie were here she'd be near tears trying to stop her, scooping Phantoms hands in her own. 

Every time she came here, she kept wanting to ask what had happened that day. What caused Ellie to leave. But she knew her Mother would just give her the same old answer when Ellie first disappeared...

"I am sorry, my child, but I haven't the faintest clue why she left."

Phantom didn't buy it. She didn't buy it for a moment. There was always a little bit of knowledge behind every claim of ignorance, just as there was always a glimmer of truth behind every jest and a hint of hurt behind every pardon.

"Welp. Stay safe, Ma, I'll be back in a day or two t' tell ya how it all went, or try to at least," She said, unsure why she added that last bit.

She walked out of the room and quietly closed the door behind her. 

"She's doing well, all things considered, We might be able to start experimenting with some ointments and potions soon as the crystals are done taking in some more starlight and the season changes to allow the persimmons to sprout," Elias reassured her, contentedly. 

"...Alright, do what you can, just don't make my Ma TOO much of a guinea pig," Phantom approved, trying not to let on how much she really trusted him to show. 

"...You stink of ale..." He added, not judgmentally, but concerned. 

"Yeah, well, you know, par for the course when yer drinkin'," She retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Calliope...You... You know you shouldn't--"

"Don't try to tell me how to live my life, Elias. It was a one time thing, and even if it wasn't, it's NOT YOUR CALL on whether I get to or not... Or should I bring out some gigantic cards noting the difference between adoration and abduction, since your lack of distinction between those is how you even landed your wife and this lifestyle in the first place... but hey, since they both start with an 'a' I can see how ANYONE would confuse the two, right?"  She snipped at him rather coldly, cutting him off before he could really start.

Elias' kind face was now showing a not-so-kind frown. 

"I am where I am because I made GOOD choices after I realized my wrongs. I did what I did because I felt I had no choice, and if I could have helped it I wouldn't have kidnapped anyone. Don't justify my past mistakes as an excuse to not listen to me NOW, Calliope. Drowning your sorrows in ale isn't going to bring Khalil OR Aeliora BACK, and this self-destruction is why she left!"

"...Partly...." Came Rosie's voice unexpectedly.

"...Excuse me...?" Phantom questioned, frowning as well.

"Ellie... Ellie left like she was in a hurry to go somewhere as well..."


"Dear..." Elias pleaded, but Rosie shook her head.

"Darling, I don't want to watch Calliope fall apart, we can't keep this from her anymore! Maybe if she knows this she'll find her and end this wild goose chase of hers!" Rosie, softhearted as Ellie, pleaded with her love to be reasonable.

"Keep WHAT??" She inquired, growing angry.

"Ellie said she had somewhere to go when she left Shanon in our care, something to do with her Mother, Amadora... She didn't say much more than that, but I'm sure she must have gone to her Mother's homeland, It sounded like it was urgent," Rosie informed her guiltily. 

"WHAT?!" Phantom gasped, her anger clearly rising.

Ellie had a mission?! Ellie left for more reason than Phantoms poor life choices?! What in God's thumbs did Ellie have to do in her Mother's homeland?! Amadoras DEAD, isn't she?!

"Stop. Ellie DID seem to leave for pressing matters, but for the most part she didn't want to watch you throw your life away in booze and dark magic," Elias interjected, Phantom was so livid with him she was about ten seconds from shoving her foot so far up his ass he would think he was experiencing a menstruation cycle.

"CHURL, I WILL SUCK YOUR SOUL THROUGH YOUR GODDAMN STILL BEATING HEART! I WANT TO KNOW WHERE SHE IS AND WHY SHE REALLY LEFT!" She barked at the Apothecary, never being this furious or rude with Elias before.

"She didn't tell us where she went... She knew it would be too burdensome to hide that from you....That's why she barely said anything to us... Just said that she was passing the Guild of Heroes' Fort Black to get to her Mother's homeland for an urgent matter... But that was years ago..." Rosie muttered, obviously being crushed by the weight of the conversation as much as Phantom was, making it impossible to stay mad at her.

So, she might get some information if she went to some of the older members... IF they can even recall her...

Damn Elias and Rosie...

Damn her stubbornness...

Damn Ellie... Why did she have to go...? If she was done with this urgent matter why didn't she COME BACK?

"OH... I see... Thanks.  I guess. I'm gone, I've got shit to do, obviously..." She excused herself, her sea of rage ebbed, but having enough of Elias for the night.

"You're going to have to do a lot of walking... Your powers only work on places you've been to before... You sure it's gonna be worth it?  You may not like what you find..." Kenneth warned her as she walked away from the lovebirds and towards the Infirmary's entrance, knowing she wouldn't heed his warning.

"Can't say I CARE," Phantom snapped back, unsure herself why she was taking out her frustration on him, "And I'LL be the judge of that. Oh, and tell ASS-anova that he should really get better courting tips than from the Greek God of the Underworld. Cox-comb's why we have winter."

Phantom decided she would head to the forest first and deal with the bandits, then head towards Fort Black to interrogate the Guild about Ellie. It was a shot in the dark and she half wanted to pick a God and pray  that an older member of the Guild of Heroes would recall SOMETHING about Ellie's passage through it...

How the hell do you find someone so far away with years and years of a head start...?
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[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Main Hall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana listened to the list of places that Larei had traveled, doing some quick mental comparisons to some of her own travels. Some of the locations he named were quite familiar, and she suppressed a giggle at his mention of weird places in the north. Her own home having been from the northern reaches of the kingdom, she could safely agree that some strange things existed there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“From having been born there, I can safely agree the North in a strange place.” She agreed. “Full of interesting monsters though. Reflexively, her left hand came up to grip the pendant hanging about her neck, the electrical charge of the metal sending pleasant tingles down her arms. “I’ve never heard of Leverilia, although I have not traveled the east as much as I have the rest of Albion.” She considered her next question for a moment, weighing her desire for knowledge against a stranger’s privacy. “If you are free sometime, I would love to ask you some questions about it, assuming you don’t mind?”[/SIZE]

@Swire @Aura Of Twilight
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[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Main Hall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana listened to the list of places that Larei had traveled, doing some quick mental comparisons to some of her own travels. Some of the locations he named were quite familiar, and she suppressed a giggle at his mention of weird places in the north. Her own home having been from the northern reaches of the kingdom, she could safely agree that some strange things existed there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“From having been born there, I can safely agree the North in a strange place.” She agreed. “Full of interesting monsters though. Reflexively, her left hand came up to grip the pendant hanging about her neck, the electrical charge of the metal sending pleasant tingles down her arms. “I’ve never heard of Leverilia, although I have not traveled the east as much as I have the rest of Albion.” She considered her next question for a moment, weighing her desire for knowledge against a stranger’s privacy. “If you are free sometime, I would love to ask you some questions about it, assuming you don’t mind?”[/SIZE]

@Swire @Aura Of Twilight

Location: Fort Black

Larei didn't lower his joyful expression. "Perhaps another time, I feel as though I should probably leave. I don't want to miss my show." Larei wished he could have stayed longer, but he need to make sure he made it in time. So he turned to Edilyn and said "I hope you find what you looking for." He wanted to add 'in all senses of what your looking for' he resist the urge to though. Then he turned to Ziyana "If we meet again in a time that is not filled with chaos, I would love to tell you about the places I've been." He smiled a great smile. But it was time to go. "Please do watch out." Larei said with a far more serious tone. His entire expression change to be serious. "I believe there is a storm coming." He then switched back to his normal expression. "You wouldn't want to get wet. Hehe" After than he turned around and began walking away. @Aura Of Twilight
Aegis Caliburn

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Aegis was surprised when she entered the War Room.  Captains and Advisors were caught in a heated debate as if the meeting has been going on for hours.

"My apologies,"  Aegis whispered to Captain Link who stood next to her.  "Was I late?"  She asked him.

"No... they just started a few moments ago.  It's just such a controversial topic that everyone seems to be very passionate about their point of view..."  Link sighed and crossed his arms.  Aegis watched the Captains, Strategists, and Advisors shout at each other from each side of the long table.  

"Listen, we don't know that the Guild of Heroes committed this act of terrorism!  If anything they could have been framed by a rival guild!  We have been allies with them for such a long time, why would they betray us now!?"  One of the Captains cried out.

"No.  Even if they WERE framed, we still need to regulate every guild to make sure this doesn't happen again.  I mean for King's sake, we don't even have information on the individual members of the guilds... they play around us as if we have no authority over them!  We can't just allow them to do whatever they want!"  An older captain grumbled.

"Precisely, I agree captain... this is why I suggested to his Highness that we should annex the guilds and force them to register themselves as official branches of the Albion military.  That way, we can regulate them and force them to bow down to his Highness,"  One of the advisers suggested. 

"Hmm... I don't like that option either, what will the people think of our kingdom?  If we do that, we'll be no better than the tyrannical rule of the old empire.  I think we should just cooperate with the guilds like always and solve these sorts of problems together.  Don't forget the man times the Guild of Heroes helped us in the past,"  A strategist proposed.

"Idiot!"  An advisor shouted from across the table.  "If not for us, they wouldn't be able to organize in the first place!  They owe us more than we owe them!  We need to control them as soon as possible, if not they can use this as a chance to overthrow the king!  Have you seen their leader Mephisto!?  He's a DEMON for king's sake!  Do you really think he's here for our people's best interest?"

"If William black was still alive... he would be very disappointed in all of you..."  an elderly advisor grumbled.

"Heh... don;t throw his name at us as if he's some sort of saint.  We have made sacrifices for our people as well!"  A Captain roared.

Link looked at Aegis with interested eyes.  "Say Captain Aegis... it's quite a heated conversation... what do you think?"  He asked.

Aegis yawned.  "Unfortunately, I'm not very interested in politics... the whole scene is just a bunch of old men trying to prove among themselves who's louder,"  She smiled as she spoke with her husky feminine voice.

"I see..."  Link returned his eyes to the arguing men in front of them.

"In any case... whatever they decide upon, I will continue to serve my king regardless.  If it means clashing fists with our former allies... so be it..."  Aegis leaned on the wall.
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black front gate

As the stallion and cart brought Astrid beyond the forest into a clearing before the gates of Fort Black, Astrid hopped off her horse and led it by the reins. The cart rattled here and there and the bottles clanked against each other. As she neared the gates, she gave a wave to the guards, and it opened. "I'm back and ready to sell!" She said as she guided her items into the courtyard.

Selene De Blanche

Location: Parlor Room, House of Blanche, Fairfax

Selene was sitting in a room near the entrance of the house. There was two large sofa chairs and a small break table made of intricately carved wood. Across from her sat a cloaked figure, a male that looked no more than 30. He was scruffy and unshaven. On his lap rested a pigeon.

"So what was so important that it needed to come by the winds?" "News of conflict in the Royal Palace." "How so?" "Rumor is that a single man broke into the palace and killed all the guards." Selene leaned forward. "The people of the crown are in an uproar." "Why don't they just resort to using the guild? They're basically part of the royal military." "That's the problem. The man who killed all the guards left the Guild of Heroes's Emblem." Selene sat there for a moment. She leaned back into her chair and crossed her arms. "Anyone can take a Guild's Emblem and leave it there. The crown should've figured this out by now." "Well, they're losing faith in the guild and its allegiances. They still fear the demon guild master." "Mesphisto Pheles? He's done more good than their own army ever has." "Word is that they'll try to enforce new laws on the guilds of Albion or assimilate them."

Selene furrowed her brows. We can't let that happen. That will just give the crown an inordinate amount of power. She softened her face and stood up. "Thank you once again for your information." The man stood up as well and nodded. He slowly walked out of the room into main lobby and out of the house. Selene returned to her balcony. How do I proceed? We better start improving our training regiment. I should also reach out to the guild to gain more information. Time to reconnect my information network. She walked into the study room to face her subordinate. "Care for another match of chess today?"

[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Main Hall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana listened to the list of places that Larei had traveled, doing some quick mental comparisons to some of her own travels. Some of the locations he named were quite familiar, and she suppressed a giggle at his mention of weird places in the north. Her own home having been from the northern reaches of the kingdom, she could safely agree that some strange things existed there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“From having been born there, I can safely agree the North in a strange place.” She agreed. “Full of interesting monsters though. Reflexively, her left hand came up to grip the pendant hanging about her neck, the electrical charge of the metal sending pleasant tingles down her arms. “I’ve never heard of Leverilia, although I have not traveled the east as much as I have the rest of Albion.” She considered her next question for a moment, weighing her desire for knowledge against a stranger’s privacy. “If you are free sometime, I would love to ask you some questions about it, assuming you don’t mind?”[/SIZE]

@Swire @Aura Of Twilight

Location: Fort Black

Larei didn't lower his joyful expression. "Perhaps another time, I feel as though I should probably leave. I don't want to miss my show." Larei wished he could have stayed longer, but he need to make sure he made it in time. So he turned to Edilyn and said "I hope you find what you looking for." He wanted to add 'in all senses of what your looking for' he resist the urge to though. Then he turned to Ziyana "If we meet again in a time that is not filled with chaos, I would love to tell you about the places I've been." He smiled a great smile. But it was time to go. "Please do watch out." Larei said with a far more serious tone. His entire expression change to be serious. "I believe there is a storm coming." He then switched back to his normal expression. "You wouldn't want to get wet. Hehe" After than he turned around and began walking away. @Aura Of Twilight

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main Hall

Edilyn resisted the urge to tell to him to wait, wanting to ask him more questions, but thought better of it. She wondered what "show" he was excatly talking about. A performance of some sort, maybe? It was hard to say. "I hope you find what your looking for." He said, looking in her direction. She nodded. "Thank you. As do I." She could tell he was holding something back, but decided not to question it. After replying to Zlyana, his tone suddenly became more serious. He was warning them of a storm? What could that mean? Before she could ask, he had already turned already turned around. "It was nice meeting you, Larei!" Edilyn said cheerfully with a wave. When he was out of earshot, her cheerful expression turned into one of a frown. She crossed her arms. "A storm..." She muttered. "What could he have meant by that?" She asked, turning to Zlyana. "Or am I just reading too much into it?" He had been an odd fellow to say the least, and his words had been ominous. Very ominous.  
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Aegis Caliburn

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Aegis was surprised when she entered the War Room.  Captains and Advisors were caught in a heated debate as if the meeting has been going on for hours.

"My apologies,"  Aegis whispered to Captain Link who stood next to her.  "Was I late?"  She asked him.

"No... they just started a few moments ago.  It's just such a controversial topic that everyone seems to be very passionate about their point of view..."  Link sighed and crossed his arms.  Aegis watched the Captains, Strategists, and Advisors shout at each other from each side of the long table.  

"Listen, we don't know that the Guild of Heroes committed this act of terrorism!  If anything they could have been framed by a rival guild!  We have been allies with them for such a long time, why would they betray us now!?"  One of the Captains cried out.

"No.  Even if they WERE framed, we still need to regulate every guild to make sure this doesn't happen again.  I mean for King's sake, we don't even have information on the individual members of the guilds... they play around us as if we have no authority over them!  We can't just allow them to do whatever they want!"  An older captain grumbled.

"Precisely, I agree captain... this is why I suggested to his Highness that we should annex the guilds and force them to register themselves as official branches of the Albion military.  That way, we can regulate them and force them to bow down to his Highness,"  One of the advisers suggested. 

"Hmm... I don't like that option either, what will the people think of our kingdom?  If we do that, we'll be no better than the tyrannical rule of the old empire.  I think we should just cooperate with the guilds like always and solve these sorts of problems together.  Don't forget the man times the Guild of Heroes helped us in the past,"  A strategist proposed.

"Idiot!"  An advisor shouted from across the table.  "If not for us, they wouldn't be able to organize in the first place!  They owe us more than we owe them!  We need to control them as soon as possible, if not they can use this as a chance to overthrow the king!  Have you seen their leader Mephisto!?  He's a DEMON for king's sake!  Do you really think he's here for our people's best interest?"

"If William black was still alive... he would be very disappointed in all of you..."  an elderly advisor grumbled.

"Heh... don;t throw his name at us as if he's some sort of saint.  We have made sacrifices for our people as well!"  A Captain roared.

Link looked at Aegis with interested eyes.  "Say Captain Aegis... it's quite a heated conversation... what do you think?"  He asked.

Aegis yawned.  "Unfortunately, I'm not very interested in politics... the whole scene is just a bunch of old men trying to prove among themselves who's louder,"  She smiled as she spoke with her husky feminine voice.

"I see..."  Link returned his eyes to the arguing men in front of them.

"In any case... whatever they decide upon, I will continue to serve my king regardless.  If it means clashing fists with our former allies... so be it..."  Aegis leaned on the wall.

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Suddenly, the large set of two, irony doors bursted open, as Adonis walked in with a determined, focused stride. It was quite a surprise for the people in the hall. Adonis made his way a bit closer to the table into the room, then loudly proclaimed. "I apologize for being late for the discussion. I hope I didn't miss anything important." exuding with confidence, yet not the cocky type. His voice was somewhat respectful and genuinely sorry, then Adonis sat down on his place and continued speaking, hoping everyone else silenced down. "As for the situation at hand. I entrust everyone in this room is aware of the status quo. It is most displeasing, however as the new ruler of Albion, due to my Father's recent death I believe I should be here to discuss with all of you." and paused, changing his tone to join in de facto argument.

With a self-confident tone he spoke. "As for my opinion, I believe we should find a diplomatic approach to the situation, invite Mr. Pheles into the Palace and question him about the event, with proper security measures, of course. After the questioning we would determine whether, or not the Guild of Heroes is guilty of terroristic crimes we are accusing them of. If we are unable to find out if the Guild is behind the accused crimes, we will continue our investigation. On top of that, if it is indeed guilty, I propose to annex it, as to avoid such... unfortunate incidents in the future." Adonis' voice dropped down, in a manner as if he was sure that this was the right choice, and that nobody would want to oppose it, simply because of how right it was. Despite that, he asked. "Does anyone wish to object, or ask questions about this choice?" and glared around the room.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black Courtyard

The fort seemed to lack the usual business. Astrid was slightly confused. Usually initiatives and adepts gather to her cart to buy potions like hotcakes, but there was almost no one around. She decided to go wander around, hoping to bump into someone. She walked over to the cart and pulled out a large tarp. Draping it over her potions, she disconnected the stallion from the cart and brought the horse to a stall. After that, she began to wander the halls, looking for Mephisto, Eddy, Ollie, anyone really.
Location: Royal Knight War Room

Suddenly, the large set of two, irony doors bursted open, as Adonis walked in with a determined, focused stride. It was quite a surprise for the people in the hall. Adonis made his way a bit closer to the table into the room, then loudly proclaimed. "I apologize for being late for the discussion. I hope I didn't miss anything important." exuding with confidence, yet not the cocky type. His voice was somewhat respectful and genuinely sorry, then Adonis sat down on his place and continued speaking, hoping everyone else silenced down. "As for the situation at hand. I entrust everyone in this room is aware of the status quo. It is most displeasing, however as the new ruler of Albion, due to my Father's recent death I believe I should be here to discuss with all of you." and paused, changing his tone to join in de facto argument.

With a self-confident tone he spoke. "As for my opinion, I believe we should find a diplomatic approach to the situation, invite Mr. Pheles into the Palace and question him about the event, with proper security measures, of course. After the questioning we would determine whether, or not the Guild of Heroes is guilty of terroristic crimes we are accusing them of. If we are unable to find out if the Guild is behind the accused crimes, we will continue our investigation. On top of that, if it is indeed guilty, I propose to annex it, as to avoid such... unfortunate incidents in the future." Adonis' voice dropped down, in a manner as if he was sure that this was the right choice, and that nobody would want to oppose it, simply because of how right it was. Despite that, he asked. "Does anyone wish to object, or ask questions about this choice?" and glared around the room.

As soon as the young monarch entered the war room, an overwhelming silence befell the room.

"Your Majesty..."  The men stopped their bickering and bowed.

Aegis demonstrated a military salute... so did the other captains.  "I'm still not used to prince Adonis being king..."  Link whispered to Aegis as he saluted.  Aegis said nothing in response.  She remembers being one of the prince's bodyguards before she was promoted captain.  She has a lot of respect for Adonis and his sister,

Once the king finished speaking many questions were raised.  "Your highness, that is a very clever course of action.  However, what if they decide to take this chance to revolt against us?  I suggest we make immediately bow down by force.  I know this is going to sound extreme, but maybe we should just force them to disband instead of annexing them.  Their very existence threatens the lives of our people!  The guilds should not have any authority over us!"  A hotheaded adviser explained.

"What kind of twig have you been smoking Advisor Dent?" A strategist rubbed his temple.  "Forcing every guild in the land to disband will just unite them against us... that's just too drastic of a suggestion!  If it were up to me Your Highness," The old man looked at Adonis.  "I would just leave the guild alone.  We have had no troubles with them before!  It was just a few soldiers.... we don't even know if the guilds were involved!  All of you are just acting out of fear!" 

"J-just a few soldiers!?"  An enraged captain rose from his seat, clearly it was his men that was slain last night.

Aegis grit her teeth.  "Enough!"  She spoke with a loud feminine voice.  All the attendants silenced themselves and looked at the dark skinned woman in snow white armor.  "The king has spoken... show respect!"  She can tell from the eyes of the other captains that her opinion wasn't valued in the war room.  First, she's a woman... some old fashioned veterans still think woman have no place in war.  Secondly, and more importantly. she's a Dark Elf.  It's been a long lived stereotype that all Dark Elves are born to be thieves and rogues... no Dark Elf can be trusted.
As soon as the young monarch entered the war room, an overwhelming silence befell the room.

"Your Majesty..."  The men stopped their bickering and bowed.

Aegis demonstrated a military salute... so did the other captains.  "I'm still not used to prince Adonis being king..."  Link whispered to Aegis as he saluted.  Aegis said nothing in response.  She remembers being one of the prince's bodyguards before she was promoted captain.  She has a lot of respect for Adonis and his sister,

Once the king finished speaking many questions were raised.  "Your highness, that is a very clever course of action.  However, what if they decide to take this chance to revolt against us?  I suggest we make immediately bow down by force.  I know this is going to sound extreme, but maybe we should just force them to disband instead of annexing them.  Their very existence threatens the lives of our people!  The guilds should not have any authority over us!"  A hotheaded adviser explained.

"What kind of twig have you been smoking Advisor Dent?" A strategist rubbed his temple.  "Forcing every guild in the land to disband will just unite them against us... that's just too drastic of a suggestion!  If it were up to me Your Highness," The old man looked at Adonis.  "I would just leave the guild alone.  We have had no troubles with them before!  It was just a few soldiers.... we don't even know if the guilds were involved!  All of you are just acting out of fear!" 

"J-just a few soldiers!?"  An enraged captain rose from his seat, clearly it was his men that was slain last night.

Aegis grit her teeth.  "Enough!"  She spoke with a loud feminine voice.  All the attendants silenced themselves and looked at the dark skinned woman in snow white armor.  "The king has spoken... show respect!"  She can tell from the eyes of the other captains that her opinion wasn't valued in the war room.  First, she's a woman... some old fashioned veterans still think woman have no place in war.  Secondly, and more importantly. she's a Dark Elf.  It's been a long lived stereotype that all Dark Elves are born to be thieves and rogues... no Dark Elf can be trusted.

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Suddenly, the large set of two, irony doors bursted open, as Adonis walked in with a determined, focused stride. It was quite a surprise for the people in the hall. Adonis made his way a bit closer to the table into the room, then loudly proclaimed. "I apologize for being late for the discussion. I hope I didn't miss anything important." exuding with confidence, yet not the cocky type. His voice was somewhat respectful and genuinely sorry, then Adonis sat down on his place and continued speaking, hoping everyone else silenced down. "As for the situation at hand. I entrust everyone in this room is aware of the status quo. It is most displeasing, however as the new ruler of Albion, due to my Father's recent death I believe I should be here to discuss with all of you." and paused, changing his tone to join in de facto argument.

With a self-confident tone he spoke. "As for my opinion, I believe we should find a diplomatic approach to the situation, invite Mr. Pheles into the Palace and question him about the event, with proper security measures, of course. After the questioning we would determine whether, or not the Guild of Heroes is guilty of terroristic crimes we are accusing them of. If we are unable to find out if the Guild is behind the accused crimes, we will continue our investigation. On top of that, if it is indeed guilty, I propose to annex it, as to avoid such... unfortunate incidents in the future." Adonis' voice dropped down, in a manner as if he was sure that this was the right choice, and that nobody would want to oppose it, simply because of how right it was. Despite that, he asked. "Does anyone wish to object, or ask questions about this choice?" and glared around the room.

The princess could not believe her ears. Disband the guild? Impossible!

Now she could not object the idea. She wasn't even in the war room. She wasn't even supposed to listen. But there was this little chimney in the room above the war room and if one crawled inside, they could listen to what was spoken in the room below. Daisy did this often, mostly because her father had been rather drastic sometimes and she always saw it her duty to get him to reality again. He could never withstand her puppy eyes and she used that against him. Actually, more for him, she protected him and his people from his temper. 

But her father was dead and she was still sad. That however was not of matter. Her personal sadness was of no interest compared with the trouble at hand. Her brother. She loved him, but she knew he could be like her father. And getting him to be more nice would be a highly difficult task. 

She knew he could not be mad at her and that was something she could use. She could be more direct, say what she thought and tell him her view. Maybe he would care. For now, she would keep listening. Not ladylike, but necessary. 
As soon as the young monarch entered the war room, an overwhelming silence befell the room.

"Your Majesty..."  The men stopped their bickering and bowed.

Aegis demonstrated a military salute... so did the other captains.  "I'm still not used to prince Adonis being king..."  Link whispered to Aegis as he saluted.  Aegis said nothing in response.  She remembers being one of the prince's bodyguards before she was promoted captain.  She has a lot of respect for Adonis and his sister,

Once the king finished speaking many questions were raised.  "Your highness, that is a very clever course of action.  However, what if they decide to take this chance to revolt against us?  I suggest we make immediately bow down by force.  I know this is going to sound extreme, but maybe we should just force them to disband instead of annexing them.  Their very existence threatens the lives of our people!  The guilds should not have any authority over us!"  A hotheaded adviser explained.

"What kind of twig have you been smoking Advisor Dent?" A strategist rubbed his temple.  "Forcing every guild in the land to disband will just unite them against us... that's just too drastic of a suggestion!  If it were up to me Your Highness," The old man looked at Adonis.  "I would just leave the guild alone.  We have had no troubles with them before!  It was just a few soldiers.... we don't even know if the guilds were involved!  All of you are just acting out of fear!" 

"J-just a few soldiers!?"  An enraged captain rose from his seat, clearly it was his men that was slain last night.

Aegis grit her teeth.  "Enough!"  She spoke with a loud feminine voice.  All the attendants silenced themselves and looked at the dark skinned woman in snow white armor.  "The king has spoken... show respect!"  She can tell from the eyes of the other captains that her opinion wasn't valued in the war room.  First, she's a woman... some old fashioned veterans still think woman have no place in war.  Secondly, and more importantly. she's a Dark Elf.  It's been a long lived stereotype that all Dark Elves are born to be thieves and rogues... no Dark Elf can be trusted.
The princess could not believe her ears. Disband the guild? Impossible!

Now she could not object the idea. She wasn't even in the war room. She wasn't even supposed to listen. But there was this little chimney in the room above the war room and if one crawled inside, they could listen to what was spoken in the room below. Daisy did this often, mostly because her father had been rather drastic sometimes and she always saw it her duty to get him to reality again. He could never withstand her puppy eyes and she used that against him. Actually, more for him, she protected him and his people from his temper. 

But her father was dead and she was still sad. That however was not of matter. Her personal sadness was of no interest compared with the trouble at hand. Her brother. She loved him, but she knew he could be like her father. And getting him to be more nice would be a highly difficult task. 

She knew he could not be mad at her and that was something she could use. She could be more direct, say what she thought and tell him her view. Maybe he would care. For now, she would keep listening. Not ladylike, but necessary. 

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Hearing the advisor's offer of usage of force was met with a short chuckle from Adonis, who very quickly and simply answered. "I trust the Guild. They've been here for hundreds of years, cooperating with the government. A sudden betrayal is unexpected and just as unlikely. The Guild has merely one, major fortress to the north. We could lay a siege and destroy the whole Guild in a day if we wished to do so. They are outnumbered, outmatched and would be in a bad position." then heard another man speaking, speaking about the Guilds uniting, to which Adonis replied. "All of the Guilds in Albion can hardly match our military. They're just rag-tag militiants, with junk equipment and average training. Not to mention how badly outnumbered the Guilds are." and finally stopped. The flame wars started in the room, and Adonis sighed, sitting back. As Aegis' loud yell reached through the room, Adonis turned his head to the Dark Elf woman, very much surprised how effectivelly she put out everyone and silenced them. He looked back to the rest of the room, and sat in a slightly relaxed way.

"I wish to remind you that I value the advice all of you offer to me, a young King, and I will give much thought to the course of action if the Guild of Heroes is proven to be innocent. But I also wish to remind you: I will not arrest, endanger, or punish anyone that I do not deem deserving of it. And I don't deem innocent people deserving of it. I do not know if the Guild is innocent or not, therefore I will not do anything drastic with it until I we discover if it is really behind the last days'... grim events. "
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black Courtyard

The fort seemed to lack the usual business. Astrid was slightly confused. Usually initiatives and adepts gather to her cart to buy potions like hotcakes, but there was almost no one around. She decided to go wander around, hoping to bump into someone. She walked over to the cart and pulled out a large tarp. Draping it over her potions, she disconnected the stallion from the cart and brought the horse to a stall. After that, she began to wander the halls, looking for Mephisto, Eddy, Ollie, anyone really.


Location: Fort Black

Baragar arrived back at Fort Black with with a group of Guild Members who took on the challenge of arresting the bandit Woguran and his men.  The look of despair and disappointment are on their faces.  Some carried carts of their injured allies.  Some carts carried just bodies.  The men were beaten not by Woguran's men... but the emotionally unstable Akena.  There was no glory for the guild today, and Baragar felt somewhat responsible.  Why should he though?  He was not their leader.... he did not command them to fight with their lives.   He separated from the party and stood at Mephisto's door hoping to talk to him to put himself at ease.  He glanced at a potionmaker roaming the halls.  He bowed in her direction... his armor battered and dented from his most recent battle..
Location: Royal Knight War Room

Hearing the advisor's offer of usage of force was met with a short chuckle from Adonis, who very quickly and simply answered. "I trust the Guild. They've been here for hundreds of years, cooperating with the government. A sudden betrayal is unexpected and just as unlikely. The Guild has merely one, major fortress to the north. We could lay a siege and destroy the whole Guild in a day if we wished to do so. They are outnumbered, outmatched and would be in a bad position." then heard another man speaking, speaking about the Guilds uniting, to which Adonis replied. "All of the Guilds in Albion can hardly match our military. They're just rag-tag militiants, with junk equipment and average training. Not to mention how badly outnumbered the Guilds are." and finally stopped. The flame wars started in the room, and Adonis sighed, sitting back. As Aegis' loud yell reached through the room, Adonis turned his head to the Dark Elf woman, very much surprised how effectivelly she put out everyone and silenced them. He looked back to the rest of the room, and sat in a slightly relaxed way.

"I wish to remind you that I value the advice all of you offer to me, a young King, and I will give much thought to the course of action if the Guild of Heroes is proven to be innocent. But I also wish to remind you: I will not arrest, endanger, or punish anyone that I do not deem deserving of it. And I don't deem innocent people deserving of it. I do not know if the Guild is innocent or not, therefore I will not do anything drastic with it until I we discover if it is really behind the last days'... grim events. "

"My apologies my King..."  the previous adviser bowed in respect. 

"Your Highness, if we do invite the demon guild leader here, I suggest having a captain or two with you just in case he attempts to harm you,"  A veteran captain bowed.  "Maybe assign a squadron to serve as your bodyguard unit.... also maybe it will be important to also assign a squadron to escort Mr. Pheles here..."  he continued.

Aegis crossed her arm and leaned back on the wall.  She watched as the meeting went on.  It's hard to believe the young man she served as a bodyguard is now king of her nation.  She looked up at a little chimney in the room... she can see telltale dust emanate from the separations.  She chuckled lightly, knowing that the young princess is probably listening in to the conversation again.  
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black Courtyard

The fort seemed to lack the usual business. Astrid was slightly confused. Usually initiatives and adepts gather to her cart to buy potions like hotcakes, but there was almost no one around. She decided to go wander around, hoping to bump into someone. She walked over to the cart and pulled out a large tarp. Draping it over her potions, she disconnected the stallion from the cart and brought the horse to a stall. After that, she began to wander the halls, looking for Mephisto, Eddy, Ollie, anyone really.


Location: Fort Black

Baragar arrived back at Fort Black with with a group of Guild Members who took on the challenge of arresting the bandit Woguran and his men.  The look of despair and disappointment are on their faces.  Some carried carts of their injured allies.  Some carts carried just bodies.  The men were beaten not by Woguran's men... but the emotionally unstable Akena.  There was no glory for the guild today, and Baragar felt somewhat responsible.  Why should he though?  He was not their leader.... he did not command them to fight with their lives.   He separated from the party and stood at Mephisto's door hoping to talk to him to put himself at ease.  He glanced at a potionmaker roaming the halls.  He bowed in her direction... his armor battered and dented from his most recent battle..

Mephisto was in his office, writing letters, sorting through newly arrived contracts and doing finances. The usual, everyday administrative things that Mephisto does to ensure that the Guild can work properly. Then he stared through the window, to see carts of injured members arrive. "Dear..." he paused, then ran towards the door and opened it to see Baragar on the other side. "Baragar!" he called out instantenously. His face was scared, sickly and clearly worried. You could see stress and anxiety. "What happened?! How many injured?! How many are lost?!" Mephisto exclaimingly inquired. Then he made a few steps towards the nearest courtyard door and stopped in the middle. He turned to Baragar and stared. His glare was demanding definite answers, and was full of stress, like a sea in the storm.
Mephisto was in his office, writing letters, sorting through newly arrived contracts and doing finances. The usual, everyday administrative things that Mephisto does to ensure that the Guild can work properly. Then he stared through the window, to see carts of injured members arrive. "Dear..." he paused, then ran towards the door and opened it to see Baragar on the other side. "Baragar!" he called out instantenously. His face was scared, sickly and clearly worried. You could see stress and anxiety. "What happened?! How many injured?! How many are lost?!" Mephisto exclaimingly inquired. Then he made a few steps towards the nearest courtyard door and stopped in the middle. He turned to Baragar and stared. His glare was demanding definite answers, and was full of stress, like a sea in the storm.

Baragar bowed in front of Mephisto.  "10 injured, 4 deaths..."  Baragar said simply as he bowed.  "8 of the 10 injured members were injured by the young girl who visited us the other day, Akena.  all of the deaths were caused by her as well.  Our party wasn't prepared for her arrival... it caught us off guard,"  Baragar said with a metallic voice.  "I apologize... I should have eliminated their leader sooner, before any of our members were killed..."  the beast apologized and finished his report.  "We were forced to retreat because of all the injuries to our men, I'm terribly sorry,"
"My apologies my King..."  the previous adviser bowed in respect. 

"Your Highness, if we do invite the demon guild leader here, I suggest having a captain or two with you just in case he attempts to harm you,"  A veteran captain bowed.  "Maybe assign a squadron to serve as your bodyguard unit.... also maybe it will be important to also assign a squadron to escort Mr. Pheles here..."  he continued.

Aegis crossed her arm and leaned back on the wall.  She watched as the meeting went on.  It's hard to believe the young man she served as a bodyguard is now king of her nation.  She looked up at a little chimney in the room... she can see telltale dust emanate from the separations.  She chuckled lightly, knowing that the young princess is probably listening in to the conversation again.  

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Hearing the advisor's offer of usage of force was met with a short chuckle from Adonis, who very quickly and simply answered. "I trust the Guild. They've been here for hundreds of years, cooperating with the government. A sudden betrayal is unexpected and just as unlikely. The Guild has merely one, major fortress to the north. We could lay a siege and destroy the whole Guild in a day if we wished to do so. They are outnumbered, outmatched and would be in a bad position." then heard another man speaking, speaking about the Guilds uniting, to which Adonis replied. "All of the Guilds in Albion can hardly match our military. They're just rag-tag militiants, with junk equipment and average training. Not to mention how badly outnumbered the Guilds are." and finally stopped. The flame wars started in the room, and Adonis sighed, sitting back. As Aegis' loud yell reached through the room, Adonis turned his head to the Dark Elf woman, very much surprised how effectivelly she put out everyone and silenced them. He looked back to the rest of the room, and sat in a slightly relaxed way.

"I wish to remind you that I value the advice all of you offer to me, a young King, and I will give much thought to the course of action if the Guild of Heroes is proven to be innocent. But I also wish to remind you: I will not arrest, endanger, or punish anyone that I do not deem deserving of it. And I don't deem innocent people deserving of it. I do not know if the Guild is innocent or not, therefore I will not do anything drastic with it until I we discover if it is really behind the last days'... grim events. "

The princess listened. That was wise of her brother and she was gladly hearing his words. SHe was about to crawl out of the chimney when she heard a crack. And another. What was that? Those cracks sounded like wood... Or stone? Hm. She tried to crawl out again. A louder crack. What was that.

The princess looked around in the chimney. Was that a dent in the ground? Then it happened. With a even louder noise, the chimney collapsed under her and she fell all the way down, straight onto the table of the warroom. She looked around. Stones had dented the tables and barely missed her a few times. She however had cut her self a few times on the sharp broken bricks and the landing had hurt her. "Ouch...", she muttered and then realized where she was. "Uhm..."

Then, she suddenly darted up, jumping to a stand next to her brother. "Brother! Did you see that? This chimney collapsed out of nowwhere! Am i that fat? Im not, right? This is a violation, you should punish whoever built it, not hard, but still! We cant accept our castle being badly built and collapsing randomly!"
"My apologies my King..."  the previous adviser bowed in respect. 

"Your Highness, if we do invite the demon guild leader here, I suggest having a captain or two with you just in case he attempts to harm you,"  A veteran captain bowed.  "Maybe assign a squadron to serve as your bodyguard unit.... also maybe it will be important to also assign a squadron to escort Mr. Pheles here..."  he continued.

Aegis crossed her arm and leaned back on the wall.  She watched as the meeting went on.  It's hard to believe the young man she served as a bodyguard is now king of her nation.  She looked up at a little chimney in the room... she can see telltale dust emanate from the separations.  She chuckled lightly, knowing that the young princess is probably listening in to the conversation again.  
The princess listened. That was wise of her brother and she was gladly hearing his words. SHe was about to crawl out of the chimney when she heard a crack. And another. What was that? Those cracks sounded like wood... Or stone? Hm. She tried to crawl out again. A louder crack. What was that.

The princess looked around in the chimney. Was that a dent in the ground? Then it happened. With a even louder noise, the chimney collapsed under her and she fell all the way down, straight onto the table of the warroom. She looked around. Stones had dented the tables and barely missed her a few times. She however had cut her self a few times on the sharp broken bricks and the landing had hurt her. "Ouch...", she muttered and then realized where she was. "Uhm..."

Then, she suddenly darted up, jumping to a stand next to her brother. "Brother! Did you see that? This chimney collapsed out of nowwhere! Am i that fat? Im not, right? This is a violation, you should punish whoever built it, not hard, but still! We cant accept our castle being badly built and collapsing randomly!"

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Adonis heard their continous talk and said. "That's precisely the plan. I'm not a fool not to have bodyguards with me. I will send information to our troops to move out after the meeting is over..., in-fact I'll write the order now." and paused briefly, then Adonis inquired. "Is there anything else to discuss?" slowly scanning the room with his eyes, trying to see if any of the advisors, captains, strategists and personnel present had anything that they deem worth pointing out. He started writing on a sheet of paper using a feather and ink, then he heard cracks from above. Adonis looked up, only to see his Sister falling from the sky onto a table. He saw what she did, and her terrible attempts at explaining herself. Adonis held the feather in his hand too tightly, breaking it in half. Then, Adonis yelled loudly, in anger. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAISYYY!!!" and stared at his sister. He took a deep breath, relaxing once again. Then looked up. "Well. I'll have to call for someone to fix this..."
The princess listened. That was wise of her brother and she was gladly hearing his words. SHe was about to crawl out of the chimney when she heard a crack. And another. What was that? Those cracks sounded like wood... Or stone? Hm. She tried to crawl out again. A louder crack. What was that.

The princess looked around in the chimney. Was that a dent in the ground? Then it happened. With a even louder noise, the chimney collapsed under her and she fell all the way down, straight onto the table of the warroom. She looked around. Stones had dented the tables and barely missed her a few times. She however had cut her self a few times on the sharp broken bricks and the landing had hurt her. "Ouch...", she muttered and then realized where she was. "Uhm..."

Then, she suddenly darted up, jumping to a stand next to her brother. "Brother! Did you see that? This chimney collapsed out of nowwhere! Am i that fat? Im not, right? This is a violation, you should punish whoever built it, not hard, but still! We cant accept our castle being badly built and collapsing randomly!"

As soon as the chimney fell Aegis felt tense and ran a few steps towards the direction of the chimney.  "Princess!"  She called out.  "Are... you okay?"  She asked, worried about the young girl's safety.

"Your grace!"  The other captains were startled by the sudden sound of metal crashing down.  Some of the captains and advisers placed their heads in their palms in frustration.  "When did our kingdom become a playground for children..."  one of the advisers whispered treasonous poison to another.  "these children will bring down all the hard work of their predecessors... it's quite unfortunate..."  some of the men, old servants of the current king's grandparents, used this commotion to vent out their frustration.

Aegis heard some of the whispers and grit her teeth.  "Treasonous scum..."  She whispered to herself.

"We'll take that as a sign to dismiss this meeting,"  one of the advisers announced in reference to the princesses' arrival.  "Thank you for coming, your Majesty...  Long Live Albion!"

"Long Live Albion!"  The others chanted... some almost half heartedly.  They all packed their things and headed for the exits.

"Our country's doomed..."  one of the advisors whispered as he left the room. 
Baragar bowed in front of Mephisto.  "10 injured, 4 deaths..."  Baragar said simply as he bowed.  "8 of the 10 injured members were injured by the young girl who visited us the other day, Akena.  all of the deaths were caused by her as well.  Our party wasn't prepared for her arrival... it caught us off guard,"  Baragar said with a metallic voice.  "I apologize... I should have eliminated their leader sooner, before any of our members were killed..."  the beast apologized and finished his report.  "We were forced to retreat because of all the injuries to our men, I'm terribly sorry,"

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto frowned deeply, then said. "I knew that girl is bad business ever since she came here... I won't let her get away with this..." to himself. He turned back to Baragar, now with a more angered look and asked him. "But at least their deaths weren't in vain? Tell me that the contract was completed! There is no silver lining to the deaths of our brothers and sisters, but there may be at least a brighter side to look at... Oh, who am I kidding? There's nothing good about this. There weren't this many deaths in the Guild ever since the time we went hunting Great Desert Worms..." then deeply sighed. All of their efforts were indeed in vain... weren't they?
Last edited by a moderator:
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

Astrid saw the large beastmaster bow towards her. Baragar, she thought his name was, looked damaged and hurt. She began walking towards him when the door before him opened to Mephisto. She hastened her pace, trying to catch any words that were being said. "10 injured, 4 deaths" and the name "Akena" were all that she could hear as she walked up to them. She was already reaching for her vials of healing on her belt. As she walked up to the two, she held out her potion in her right hand and said, "Which way?" In hopes of trying to aid in any way she could.

As soon as the chimney fell Aegis felt tense and ran a few steps towards the direction of the chimney.  "Princess!"  She called out.  "Are... you okay?"  She asked, worried about the young girl's safety.

"Your grace!"  The other captains were startled by the sudden sound of metal crashing down.  Some of the captains and advisers placed their heads in their palms in frustration.  "When did our kingdom become a playground for children..."  one of the advisers whispered treasonous poison to another.  "these children will bring down all the hard work of their predecessors... it's quite unfortunate..."  some of the men, old servants of the current king's grandparents, used this commotion to vent out their frustration.

Aegis heard some of the whispers and grit her teeth.  "Treasonous scum..."  She whispered to herself.

"We'll take that as a sign to dismiss this meeting,"  one of the advisers announced in reference to the princesses' arrival.  "Thank you for coming, your Majesty...  Long Live Albion!"

"Long Live Albion!"  The others chanted... some almost half heartedly.  They all packed their things and headed for the exits.

"Our country's doomed..."  one of the advisors whispered as he left the room. 

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Adonis heard their continous talk and said. "That's precisely the plan. I'm not a fool not to have bodyguards with me. I will send information to our troops to move out after the meeting is over..., in-fact I'll write the order now." and paused briefly, then Adonis inquired. "Is there anything else to discuss?" slowly scanning the room with his eyes, trying to see if any of the advisors, captains, strategists and personnel present had anything that they deem worth pointing out. He started writing on a sheet of paper using a feather and ink, then he heard cracks from above. Adonis looked up, only to see his Sister falling from the sky onto a table. He saw what she did, and her terrible attempts at explaining herself. Adonis held the feather in his hand too tightly, breaking it in half. Then, Adonis yelled loudly, in anger. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAISYYY!!!" and stared at his sister. He took a deep breath, relaxing once again. Then looked up. "Well. I'll have to call for someone to fix this..."

The princess got startled by her brothers sudden yelling and hid behind his chair. "I-Im sorry...", she muttered. Then, she came forth again.

Aegis asked for her health and DAisy just nodded. "Yes, yes im fine." SHe looked at her brother guility, looking into his eyes with a innocent, sad and guilty look. It was adorable. "im so sorry, Adonis...", she muttered when everyone had left. "I... i always listened when father was here, i protected him from too hasty moves. And i was kinda... scared you would be like him, your so much like father. So wise, but too harsh and spontanous at times... I wanted to help you..."
As soon as the chimney fell Aegis felt tense and ran a few steps towards the direction of the chimney.  "Princess!"  She called out.  "Are... you okay?"  She asked, worried about the young girl's safety.

"Your grace!"  The other captains were startled by the sudden sound of metal crashing down.  Some of the captains and advisers placed their heads in their palms in frustration.  "When did our kingdom become a playground for children..."  one of the advisers whispered treasonous poison to another.  "these children will bring down all the hard work of their predecessors... it's quite unfortunate..."  some of the men, old servants of the current king's grandparents, used this commotion to vent out their frustration.

Aegis heard some of the whispers and grit her teeth.  "Treasonous scum..."  She whispered to herself.

"We'll take that as a sign to dismiss this meeting,"  one of the advisers announced in reference to the princesses' arrival.  "Thank you for coming, your Majesty...  Long Live Albion!"

"Long Live Albion!"  The others chanted... some almost half heartedly.  They all packed their things and headed for the exits.

"Our country's doomed..."  one of the advisors whispered as he left the room. 

The princess got startled by her brothers sudden yelling and hid behind his chair. "I-Im sorry...", she muttered. Then, she came forth again.

Aegis asked for her health and DAisy just nodded. "Yes, yes im fine." SHe looked at her brother guility, looking into his eyes with a innocent, sad and guilty look. It was adorable. "im so sorry, Adonis...", she muttered when everyone had left. "I... i always listened when father was here, i protected him from too hasty moves. And i was kinda... scared you would be like him, your so much like father. So wise, but too harsh and spontanous at times... I wanted to help you..."

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Adonis sighed, taking support of the desk with his hands. He stared forward, then smiled. He took the Royal Seal and placed it on the arrest warrant he was going to send to the army. Once again, Adonis sighed and turned to Daisy. "What do you have to say to me?" he asked her, expecting an explantation for her behaviour. Adonis steamed off, hearing her words and reminding himself that his sister is still young and unaware of how the world works. Adonis got up from his chair and said. "Now. I will have to go take care of the arrest warrant. I believe it's only proper I ask someone to fix this... on the way here." looking up at the destroyed roof. With these words, Adonis left the room
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto frowned deeply, then said. "I knew that girl is bad business ever since she came here... I won't let her get away with this..." to himself. He turned back to Baragar, now with a more angered look and asked him. "But at least their deaths weren't in vain? Tell me that the contract was completed! There is no silver lining to the deaths of our brothers and sisters, but there may be at least a brighter side to look at... Oh, who am I kidding? There's nothing good about this. There weren't this many deaths in the Guild ever since the time we went hunting Great Desert Worms..." then deeply sighed. All of their efforts were indeed in vain... weren't they?

Baragar's helmet looked at the floor and he stood there silently.  He couldn't find the words in the human language to respond to Mephisto.  His green eyes looked at Mephisto's eyes and his fists clenched slightly.  There was absolute silence.  The words of the potionmaker simply breezed through Baragar... he was in a state of utter speechlessness.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

Astrid saw the large beastmaster bow towards her. Baragar, she thought his name was, looked damaged and hurt. She began walking towards him when the door before him opened to Mephisto. She hastened her pace, trying to catch any words that were being said. "10 injured, 4 deaths" and the name "Akena" were all that she could hear as she walked up to them. She was already reaching for her vials of healing on her belt. As she walked up to the two, she held out her potion in her right hand and said, "Which way?" In hopes of trying to aid in any way she could.


Location: Fort Black

Mephisto saw and heard Astrid, then said. "In the courtyard, although everyone should soon be moved to the infirmary. I will pay you back for all of the help..." and indeed, he himself headed towards the Infirmary to visit the injured. Mephisto didn't say another word to Baragar, but not out of hatred or blame, rather because he was sad, even in grief after what happened.


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