Main IC RP

Senor Fred

Location: Outskirts of Dark Woods

The undead wanderer, Senor Fred, clip clopped along in the woods looking for adventure.  The branches and leaves above gradually became thicker, and the the shade the created became more and more dense.  "Don't be scared Eduardo... no evil will harm you... as long as I am here..."  Frederico whispered to his horse.  Then the pair heard a soft sobbing sound and they both flinched.  "HOW DARE YOU JOSE!?  I was NOT scared... I was just startled..."  The skeleton looked to the direction of the crying voice with careful analysis.  He got off the horse and moved slowly to the clearing ahead where the sounds originated.  "Stay here Pedro..."  He told his horse.

There in the clearing, there two dryad children.  Saplings.  The girl is kneeling with her knees up, crying hopelessly.  The boy was also crying but was standing up.  They look like human children, except their hair are leaves and their skin is covered in thin bark.

The brave knight approached the children.  The boy looked at the undead creature and quickly ran between the skeleton and his sister.  "YOU!  It was you who took mommy and daddy!  Bring them back!" The boy's face was red with furious anger.  He kicked Senor Fred in the kneecap, causing him to fall on the grass.  The young sapling then straddled the skeleton and began pulling on his hair.  "You big stupid stupidhead!  Give us back our parents!"  The boy said as he pulled the glorious hair into a blue mess.

"NINO!  NINO!  PLEASE STOP!"  The skeleton tried fighting him off.  The girl dryad cried louder.  

"Bring back Mommy and Daddy, you monster!"  The boy dryad said as he continued his onslaught.

"Wait, Nino... I did not kidnap your parents... please let me go...  I will help you find them,"  The skeleton said as the boy stopped.

"LIAR!  You took them!  You are the monster in the woods!  The monster in the posters mommy warned us about!"  The kid sobbed.

"No, no... that Hombre in the poster is a skeleton who is cosplaying as me... I am the REAL Frederico Caballerio..."  The skeletal knight explained.  "I am a valiant knight of Justice, looking for people to help.  If you would let me up, I will be glad to help you find your mommy and daddy,"  Senor Fred added.

The boy pouted and got off the knight.  

"Gracias Amigo... no need to apologize... It was a misunderstanding..."  The gallant knight pulled out a comb with a hello kitty design on it... his combing hand blurred with lightning speed.  In a few seconds, his hair is back to its perfect condition.  The knight got on his knee to meet the boy's eye level.  "Now... tell me about what happened to your parents..."  

The horse clip clopped its way next to Senor Fred.  The girl stopped crying and looked at the horse with teary eyes.  "Horsey..."

"You can pet him if you want little senorita... I named him Juan.."  The Skeleton told the girl who got up and brushed herself off.

"How do I know you are really going to help us find our parents?  Royal Soldiers came here once... we told them about our parents, and they just ignored us!"  The boy explained. 

"I don't know what kind of knights your kingdom has... but I assure you children, I will make sure to return your parents to you..."  The skeleton pulled out a Spiderman comb from his pocket and gave it to the boy.  "That is my favorite comb... take good care of it because I want it back,"  The knight explained.  "Give that back to me when I give you back your parents... okay?"  

The boy looked at the comb and looked back at the grinning pale knight.

"Nino, grow up big and strong... and you can be a hero like me..."  The skeleton stood up and got his horse.  "Take care of your Hermanita okay?  I will return..."  The knight got on his horse and looked down on the forest children.  "Adios for now, Children!"  He rode off.  The kids watched him leave in both amazement and admiration.
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Location: Dark Woods (Near Woguran's Camp)

Baragar felt like he would never get used to being teleported.  The feeling of your body being pulled apart all over is quite nauseating.  When his vision returned he found himself in a quiet dark forest with lots of shady trees.  He felt right at home.  He looked around for the other Guildmates but failed in finding any.  Perhaps Mephisto teleported each of us in different locations to minimize the chance of being discovered.  Baragar thought as he hoisted himself up.  His bronze armor turning pitch black under the shade of the many branches above.  Wrapped around his shoulder is the only equipment he brought with him:  The Draconium Rope.  He made his way to the edge of the cliff and saw the Bandit camp below.  Campfires blazed intimidatingly as Baragar's armor reflected back the orange flames.  He looked around one more time for the others.  "I will ask them to surrender peacefully, if they refuse, I will let out a roar signalling an ambush... hopefully they surrender without fighting..."  The massive metal creature slid down the slope, kicking up dust as he did.  He clanked over to the camp.  Hostile eyes looked at him from every angle.

"Is this Woguran's Camp?"  He asked the men with his powerful metallic voice.  The men got up and held their weapons.  "My name is Baragar, I represent the Guild of Heroes,"  Baragar expained.  "I will politely ask you to put down your weapons... I do not wish to fight any of you!"
Akena shrugged. That guy had been weird. But who cared. She had a place to do, a fate to face, a enemy to slay. And she would not let anything delay that any further. And she would get to it now. She summoned her shadow wings and took off, the skulls in them screeching and screaming while she flew. 

She had a clear destination, the dark woods. And she would reach it, she would get there and kill her nemesis. While she flew, shr remembered everything he had done to her, mentally prepared for the confrontation.
Location: Fort Black

Belrek walked around Fort Black, he didn't know his way around and was trying to look for someone who could maybe tell him what to do. After all, he was just an apprentice who was supposed to train to become a warrior of the Guild.

Location: Dark Woods (Near Woguran's Camp)

Baragar felt like he would never get used to being teleported.  The feeling of your body being pulled apart all over is quite nauseating.  When his vision returned he found himself in a quiet dark forest with lots of shady trees.  He felt right at home.  He looked around for the other Guildmates but failed in finding any.  Perhaps Mephisto teleported each of us in different locations to minimize the chance of being discovered.  Baragar thought as he hoisted himself up.  His bronze armor turning pitch black under the shade of the many branches above.  Wrapped around his shoulder is the only equipment he brought with him:  The Draconium Rope.  He made his way to the edge of the cliff and saw the Bandit camp below.  Campfires blazed intimidatingly as Baragar's armor reflected back the orange flames.  He looked around one more time for the others.  "I will ask them to surrender peacefully, if they refuse, I will let out a roar signalling an ambush... hopefully they surrender without fighting..."  The massive metal creature slid down the slope, kicking up dust as he did.  He clanked over to the camp.  Hostile eyes looked at him from every angle.

"Is this Woguran's Camp?"  He asked the men with his powerful metallic voice.  The men got up and held their weapons.  "My name is Baragar, I represent the Guild of Heroes,"  Baragar expained.  "I will politely ask you to put down your weapons... I do not wish to fight any of you!"

Location: Dark Woods (Near Woguran's Camp)

All the Bandit turned their head at that large figure who had just shown himself in the front of the camp. His massive armor reflecting the light. "I do not wish to fight any of you" The man said. Looking around, the camp it was rather small. There were makeshift tents and no sign of anyone that looked like Woguran. There were several different fire's around a horn that seemed to have a jem at the opening where the sound would come out. This was at the center of the camp making it hard for anyone to reach. A man who seemed to be of higher authority, as the rest of the bandits stepped back when he walked up, walked over to the large man in armor. "Why do heroes like you always say that? We both know your not here to make peace." The man said in a sour tone. The strange man was small and wearing a long stripped coat. That of a wizard, though it was very clear that the man was most inexperienced. Baragar could defeat this man easily. Which would beg the question, why was he here. "And if this is his camp? What will you do? Your far out numbered. Your single handed going to take us all?" The man waved to one of his teammates to walk over towards the center. "You may be bulky but i doubt your powerful." The wizard said in a overly cocky tone. As it seemed all bandits were over confident.  @Princess Ami
Location: Dark Woods (Near Woguran's Camp)

All the Bandit turned their head at that large figure who had just shown himself in the front of the camp. His massive armor reflecting the light. "I do not wish to fight any of you" The man said. Looking around, the camp it was rather small. There were makeshift tents and no sign of anyone that looked like Woguran. There were several different fire's around a horn that seemed to have a jem at the opening where the sound would come out. This was at the center of the camp making it hard for anyone to reach. A man who seemed to be of higher authority, as the rest of the bandits stepped back when he walked up, walked over to the large man in armor. "Why do heroes like you always say that? We both know your not here to make peace." The man said in a sour tone. The strange man was small and wearing a long stripped coat. That of a wizard, though it was very clear that the man was most inexperienced. Baragar could defeat this man easily. Which would beg the question, why was he here. "And if this is his camp? What will you do? Your far out numbered. Your single handed going to take us all?" The man waved to one of his teammates to walk over towards the center. "You may be bulky but i doubt your powerful." The wizard said in a overly cocky tone. As it seemed all bandits were over confident.  @Princess Ami

Akena saw them. She recognized their figues from out of the sky. THis was her time. This was all she had ever lived for. This was her fate, her time. Repeating that in her mind, she dashed towards the ground at an immense speed. The wings were folded at her body. Shortly before she would crush to the ground, they spread again and slowed her down to land on the forest ground. 

Two long swords were at her hands and an aura of shadow came with her. "Bandits. Face your fate. This is the day. I am your death." She got into an agressive position, ready to fend off any attacker. "Gorge your hatred. Embrace your rage!", she muttered to herself. 
Akena saw them. She recognized their figues from out of the sky. THis was her time. This was all she had ever lived for. This was her fate, her time. Repeating that in her mind, she dashed towards the ground at an immense speed. The wings were folded at her body. Shortly before she would crush to the ground, they spread again and slowed her down to land on the forest ground. 

Two long swords were at her hands and an aura of shadow came with her. "Bandits. Face your fate. This is the day. I am your death." She got into an agressive position, ready to fend off any attacker. "Gorge your hatred. Embrace your rage!", she muttered to herself. 


Location: Dark Woods (Near Woguran's Camp)

Baragar felt like he would never get used to being teleported.  The feeling of your body being pulled apart all over is quite nauseating.  When his vision returned he found himself in a quiet dark forest with lots of shady trees.  He felt right at home.  He looked around for the other Guildmates but failed in finding any.  Perhaps Mephisto teleported each of us in different locations to minimize the chance of being discovered.  Baragar thought as he hoisted himself up.  His bronze armor turning pitch black under the shade of the many branches above.  Wrapped around his shoulder is the only equipment he brought with him:  The Draconium Rope.  He made his way to the edge of the cliff and saw the Bandit camp below.  Campfires blazed intimidatingly as Baragar's armor reflected back the orange flames.  He looked around one more time for the others.  "I will ask them to surrender peacefully, if they refuse, I will let out a roar signalling an ambush... hopefully they surrender without fighting..."  The massive metal creature slid down the slope, kicking up dust as he did.  He clanked over to the camp.  Hostile eyes looked at him from every angle.

"Is this Woguran's Camp?"  He asked the men with his powerful metallic voice.  The men got up and held their weapons.  "My name is Baragar, I represent the Guild of Heroes,"  Baragar expained.  "I will politely ask you to put down your weapons... I do not wish to fight any of you!"

Location: Dark Forest(Close to Woguran's Camp)

The bandits had been minding their own business when suddenly, what they believed to be a shadow demon fell from the sky. "Commander, what do we do?" One of bandits yelled to a small wizard who seem rather inexperience. The wizard was unaware of who this person was. But he had strict orders to pull the alarm if anyone showed up. "Activate the alarm." He said as one of the men ran over to the horn in the center. But upon further notice, the camp seemed almost the same but something was missing. This wasn't the same camp that Baragar was at. Akena wouldn't know this. Akena had only pick whatever camp she saw first. But by paying attention is was easy to tell that Woguran wasn't here. And that the camp was far to small to have held all the member of the Brass fist Bandits. The rather weak bandits pulled out their weapons and ran at her as one of the men ran to the horn in the center of the camp. (I won't post anymore without @IamNotLoki.)
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The bandits had been minding their own business when suddenly, what they believed to be a shadow demon fell from the sky. "Commander, what do we do?" One of bandits yelled to a small wizard who seem rather inexperience. The wizard was unaware of who this person was. But he had strict orders to pull the alarm if anyone showed up. "Activate the alarm." He said as one of the men ran over to the horn in the center. But upon further notice, the camp seemed almost the same but something was missing. This wasn't the same camp that Baragar was at. Akena wouldn't know this. Akena had only pick whatever camp she saw first. But by paying attention is was easy to tell that Woguran wasn't here. And that the camp was far to small to have held all the member of the Brass fist Bandits. The rather weak bandits pulled out their weapons and ran at her as one of the men ran tot he horn in the center of the camp. (I won't post anymore without @IamNotLoki.)

The giant armored creature listened to the bandit's words in silence.  He watched the man stand on his shadow and confirm that it really was Woguran's camp.  Baragar stepped forward one step and watched the men flinch slightly at his movements.  "I ask all of you to surrender peacefully to the Guild of Heroes.  Be reasonable men and pay for your crimes... If you refuse to use reason, you are no different from wild animals... and I will treat you appropriately..."  Baragar loomed over the men with his giant shadow.  "There is no need for any of you to get hurt... surrender and lay down your arms,"

Suddenly the sound of wings breaking the air boomed above Baragar, causing him to look up.  "It's... that girl from before..."  He said as his green eyes followed her path.  

"Bandits. Face your fate. This is the day. I am your death."

Baragar stood silently as the alarms were triggered.  He glanced at the guild member's in the trees and bushes above... they took the alarm as the signal to attack.  The slid down the cliffs and dashed passed Baragar, clashing blades with some bandits at the gate's entrace.  Baragar sighed and stared down at one of the bandits.  He easily pulled away the man's sword and turned it into a metal pretzel.
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The giant armored creature listened to the bandit's words in silence.  He watched the man stand on his shadow and confirm that it really was Woguran's camp.  Baragar stepped forward one step and watched the men flinch slightly at his movements.  "I ask all of you to surrender peacefully to the Guild of Heroes.  Be reasonable men and pay for your crimes... If you refuse to use reason, you are no different from wild animals... and I will treat you appropriately..."  Baragar loomed over the men with his giant shadow.  "There is no need for any of you to get hurt... surrender and lay down your arms,"

Suddenly the sound of wings breaking the air boomed above Baragar, causing him to look up.  "It's... that girl from before..."  He said as his green eyes followed her path.  

"Bandits. Face your fate. This is the day. I am your death."

Baragar stood silently as the alarms were triggered.  He glanced at the guild member's in the trees and bushes above... they took the alarm as the signal to attack.  The slid down the cliffs and dashed passed Baragar, clashing blades with some bandits at the gate's entrace.  Baragar sighed and stared down at one of the bandits.  He easily pulled away the man's sword and turned it into a metal pretzel.

Akena saw them. She recognized their figues from out of the sky. THis was her time. This was all she had ever lived for. This was her fate, her time. Repeating that in her mind, she dashed towards the ground at an immense speed. The wings were folded at her body. Shortly before she would crush to the ground, they spread again and slowed her down to land on the forest ground. 

Two long swords were at her hands and an aura of shadow came with her. "Bandits. Face your fate. This is the day. I am your death." She got into an agressive position, ready to fend off any attacker. "Gorge your hatred. Embrace your rage!", she muttered to herself. 

Location: Dark Forest

The man where Akena was at had tripped the alarm. Red magic lines formed from one camp to another. To make what looked like a total of 6 camps, around a central area. The center of the circle was deep into the forest. Where the trees were very high. They looked like they touched the sky and you couldn't see the top. The bandits at both camps attacked the intruders. But would no doubt be out matched.
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Location: Dark Forest

The man where Akena was at had tripped the alarm. Red magic lines formed from one camp to another. To make what looked like a total of 6 camps, around a central area. The center of the circle was deep into the forest. Where the trees were very high. They looked like they touched the sky and you couldn't see the top. The bandits at both camps attacked the intruders. But would no doubt be out matched.

The giant armored creature listened to the bandit's words in silence.  He watched the man stand on his shadow and confirm that it really was Woguran's camp.  Baragar stepped forward one step and watched the men flinch slightly at his movements.  "I ask all of you to surrender peacefully to the Guild of Heroes.  Be reasonable men and pay for your crimes... If you refuse to use reason, you are no different from wild animals... and I will treat you appropriately..."  Baragar loomed over the men with his giant shadow.  "There is no need for any of you to get hurt... surrender and lay down your arms,"

Suddenly the sound of wings breaking the air boomed above Baragar, causing him to look up.  "It's... that girl from before..."  He said as his green eyes followed her path.  

"Bandits. Face your fate. This is the day. I am your death."

Baragar stood silently as the alarms were triggered.  He glanced at the guild member's in the trees and bushes above... they took the alarm as the signal to attack.  The slid down the cliffs and dashed passed Baragar, clashing blades with some bandits at the gate's entrace.  Baragar sighed and stared down at one of the bandits.  He easily pulled away the man's sword and turned it into a metal pretzel.

Akena knew the bandits had no Chance. She slashed at a few halfheartedly. But those minions were not her target. She looked at Baragar and went over to him. "Warrior of the guild. Withdraw your forces. Those bandits are my quest, my fate. I may kill them, none else."
Akena knew the bandits had no Chance. She slashed at a few halfheartedly. But those minions were not her target. She looked at Baragar and went over to him. "Warrior of the guild. Withdraw your forces. Those bandits are my quest, my fate. I may kill them, none else."

Baragar watched the chaos around him and thought about that infamous day.  The words of Akena sounded like a foreign language to him as the opposing sides clashed swords.  It took a while for him to assemble his reply.  "These are not my forces.  I hold no authority over Guildmaster's men.  They will only end their mission when Lord Mephisto commands them to retreat.  It's the same case for myself".  Baragar walked towards the gate of one of the camps and pulled back his fist.  With a single punch he caused the metal doors to fly backwards into the space within.  "You mistake me for a high ranking officer... I am but a step above an apprentice..." Baragar said as he trudged through one of the camps.
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Location: Astrid's Bar

--One of the most intoxicating smells Phantom can recall was the smell of roses. She had heard that her Father's first wife, Ellie's mother, had planted the rose garden behind their humble cottage in her youth. Her Father had no heart to get rid of them.  This suited her younger self just fine, for she quickly grew enchanted by them the more she touched and smelled them.  Their soft petals were like healing magic to her fingers... Ellie used to make-up bed-time stories about roses to tell her at night even...

"Do you like the pretty rose, Callie?" Phantom heard her sister ask her younger self with a gentle smile gracing her face, slowly stirring a mixture teasingly with a spoon.

Phantom remembered, it was near her birthday, and Ellie had a surprise for her: She was to turn one of her Mother's red roses PURPLE for her, and put it in a jar Ellie painted purple for her. Not that Ellie needed more purple items, she had a whole wardrobe of purple clothing. It hit her: Purple was Phantom's favorite color because of Ellie, Ellie always wore purple.

"Yeah!" She heard her younger self giggle, "I love flowers! I want it pretty n' purple!" 

"Alright," Ellie chuckled, and started stirring a little faster, getting ready to pour the mixture on the rose.

One second was like one eternity to a child, however, and young Phantom couldn't contain herself any longer.

"I WANNA SMELL IT AGAIN!" She chirped and chortled, shoving her head right on top of the rose as Ellie poured the pigmented potion on her hair instead of its petals. 

"Callie! NO!" Ellie cried, immediately ceasing the mixture from pouring further, but being far too late: Phantoms hair was now as purple as an Amethyst. 

"What's going on here!?" Her mother shouted, then added, gasping, upon looking at her, "What happened with your hair, my child?!"

"Oh," She recalled nonchalantly reacting after getting a good whiff of the rose, and lifting her head to see her new hair, "It's purple now... I LIKE IT! THANK YOU, ELLIE!! BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!" 

"Ste-- Mo-- Shanon, I-it was an accident, I swear! I only wanted to dye the rose, not her hair! I-I can try to reverse it!" She heard Ellie stumble and choke, clearly on the verge of tears...

Why was she about to cry? Wait, Did her Mother glare at Ellie when she had tried to call her 'Stepmother' or 'Mother'...?

Without hesitation and completely uncalled for, Shanon struck Ellie down to the ground. Phantom remembered the echo of the back of her Mother's hand striking Ellie's cheek seemingly could be heard from across the land. It was clear her mother was glaring now, and looking like an old banshee because of the wrinkles it was causing along her face.

"You'd BETTER! Look at her! She looks completely ridiculous! I can't believe this, Aeliora! If Khalil were here he would be as furious with you as I AM!" Shanon continued yelling, almost justifying striking Ellie in her own eyes.

"Daddy wouldn't have hit Ellie..." She remembered thinking to herself. --

Phantom awoke from her half-sleep, half-haze. It was just a dream. Just a dream that wouldn't goddamn let the past stay where it should.

She found herself lifting her heavy head from their makeshift bed in her arms on the counter of Astrid's Bar, and almost not quite sure how she got there.

She looked down to see a half-empty mug of ale in front of her, a few empty mugs beside it, and it all become clear.  She had a rough night, and just needed a drink to forget who she was after another unfruitful night her most recent assignment brought her. Looks like it did the opposite of her desired effect. 

"Ugh, this was a stupid idea to start, why in the seven levels of Hell did I think it wasn't...?" She begrudgingly thought to herself while furiously rubbing her temples in a circular motion. 

Many a time did she hear men tell extraordinary tales of liquor being the solution to their problems. Phantom knew all about having problems, which is what led her here. It was clear now that if any of them had an idea in their moronic heads it would die of loneliness. 

Not only did her head feel like it weighed the same as a horse, but her mouth and throat were as dry as a desert, so, the booze neither left forgotten things forgotten nor did it didn't even satiate her thirst.

"Well, doesn't that just get my damn Goose?" She internally complained, frowning while staring at her mug of useless liquid.

The more she sobered up the less she had to massage her temples, until she was finally coherent enough to try to get the bar-keepers attention with her whining:

"Hey, Bar-keep, Can I get a glass of water over here?" She half-asked, half sighed exasperatingly, adding afterwards, "And do you have any food to serve here? I'm so hungry my gluttonous stomach thinks my throat's been cut..."
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Location: Astrid's Bar

"Give me a moment." Astrid was in the middle of preparing a stamina potion. If these two nights told me anything, a lot more is about to come. She popped the last of her ingredients into the vat and closed the lid, letting it sit.

She turned around and reached for her pitcher and glass. She lifted the pitcher high above her and let the water flow far down into the glass. Not a drop spilt.  She smiled toward herself.

She placed the glass on the counter before the girl. The girl was an interesting sight to see. Astrid guessed she was from the far south, based on her skin color. "Here ya go, one glass of water. As for food... I can get you some bread or some fruits? Sorry, I'm just a chemist bartender."

As she started walking toward her backroom, she said, "There are better ways to wash away the sorrows of the world than a mug of beer, ya know. And to recover from a bad drink."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Phantom gulped her glass of water down as if it was air she was breathing after holding her breath as soon as the glass was placed before her. 

"That's good shit," She thought to herself as she wiped her chin from the excess drips that escaped her mouth. 

The ice cold water help put moisture back into her throat, but she was still a little off from the vile drinks, and she almost half wanted to ask how long she'd been there, though she suspected it wasn't THAT long as she did not feel all that rested and a few drinks couldn't possibly get her THAT wasted... could they...?

"Dammit all, was hoping that wasn't the case," She let her half-sigh slip, but she couldn't say she was surprised as a bar and tavern were two completely different things, but she decided to take Astrid up on her offer for the minimal food anyway and nodded, adding, "Yeah, I'll take half a loaf and some berries, if ya got any."

When Phantom heard Astrid a small part of her completely agreed... and thought that probably would have been exactly what Ellie would have said to her were she here.

Ellie... Phantom shuddered for a moment to think how Ellie would react to seeing her like this; Half-wasted like some shameless puterelle. Probably cry an ocean.

Not wanting to admit the bar-keep was right, she tried to give Astrid the sass she had been so accustomed to, but instead heard herself slur, "Ya damn right there are...! Fuck me, If I wanted to feel as bad on the outside as I do on the inside via liquid, I'da just fuckin' jumped offa goddamn clif into'th damn ocean n' let that'a been th' end of it! Fuckin' liars sayin' this shit's th' answer t'all life's woes... Not drinkin' this crap again... No 'ffense... 'r maybe plenty o' 'ffense...ha...!" 

Yeah, Calliope. Jump. Jump right into that ocean of Ellie's tears.
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Location: Fort Black

Graham, having witnessed the events in the courtyard (as well as the general hustle and bustle about the fort which he wasn't accustomed to) found himself simply gawking. He was still standing to the side, on his own, and the man who had brought him here had probably long settled by now. Taking a deep breath, he adjusted the bag that was hanging from his shoulder and began to walk into the courtyard. From what he could gather, this specific spot was where most of the Guild activity was located and therefore was likely his best bet. Stepping over to a rather large building, he once again took a deep breath and (at the risk of making himself seem like a fool) let out a sentence loud enough for anyone in the general vicinity to hear.

"Is there anyone I can speak to about the Guild?" He cleared his throat after yelling, putting on a polite smile for any bystanders who may have given him strange looks.

Then, he waited. He thought the strange man who he saw would appear out of nowhere again, or maybe the hulking man in armor who was here one minute and gone the next due to what Graham assumed was magic. He didn't mind who, he just hoped that someone would find their way to his loud voice and answer his questions. If not, he would just try again somewhere else. After all, he was here and this was his main objective.

@Birdsie (or anyone else that has the desire to reply)

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid came out the backroom with fruits and a stick of bread. She listened to the girl's words as she placed them in front of her. She reached back and took down a general antidote potion. With her other hand she grabbed another glass. Pouring it into the glass, she said, "Here's an antidote. It'll cure your drunkenness better than water can."

(sorry for the delay)

Location: Astrid's Bar

"...Thanks," Phantom managed to finally say after a moment or two of staring at the food.

It couldn't really be described that she ate like a pig, since she practically wolfed down her food not too unlike a duck, given there was little to no actual chewing between it being shoved into her mouth and sliding down her throat and pigs actually chew their food. 

It was enough to quiet her sting of hunger, so Phantom didn't complain. 

She also gulped down the antidote, though she hesitated at first, feeling a little cheap tonight and not exactly wanting to pay more. She could afford it, however, so down the hatch it went like the soul-extracting liquid, water, bread, and fruits before it. 

In moments, her mind was clear... Well, more clear than it was before at least. 

Phantom shook her head like a wet dog, and it was almost visible how the shudder continued down her neck to the base of her spine. 

"Jesus christ, I'll never get used to that tingly feeling no matter how many times I've drank that mess!" She near sputtered, the antidotes taste still lingering in her mouth a little. 

Phantom stretched her upper body a little from her stool, but before she got up from her seat to take out the coin purse out of her satchel and discuss payment, first things first: She has a couple questions that she may or may not have asked in her drunken stupor.

"Hey, so, before we settle my debt here... And, sorry if I asked this totally drunk before, but... You've... You get a lot patrons, I'm sure... You seen a kinda light-haired girl go through here? She's in her early twenties... Likes to wear purple, like, uh... well, my hair...  Her name's Aeliora Audion...? I'm kinda looking for her... but if you've got any kind of helpful information about... er... bad guys, I guess I'd call them... could you let me know...? I usually don't drink, but I've heard coming to bars and stuff is a great way to hear the latest news...among other things that led me to try said beer sold in bars..."  Phantom stumbled through her questions, feeling extremely awkward and fighting a frown.

"Yeah, dipshit, ask the bar-keep about her patrons so you can kill them if they killed your Dad or hurt your Mom... That's the SMART thing to do..." She criticized herself internally, justifying her action by claiming she had little choice.  

((It's alright! ))

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid leaned back for a moment and crossed her arms. She thought for a moment and replied, "Don't remember that name. If I see her, I'll let you know. The local guild post might have some information. In any case, don't be afraid to ask for information. My policy is I give as long as you have something I can take. The name is Astrid Hathaway, by the way. Beer is 15, a coin for each refill and water. The antidote is on the house." She began clearing the glass from the counter. 

Astrid paused for a moment. "There is a group of bandits in the dark forest, led by someone named Woguran. Word is that they took down the Order of the Black Lotus years ago and the daughter of the order is back for revenge. Oh and I can always serve you other beverages instead." She returned to her work.

"If you're down on money, bring me fresh ingredients next time and I'll refund a quarter of this payment." Astrid said with a smile.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Phantom felt a bit stupid for not checking the guild, but figured if they could identify her as Khalil the Red's daughter it was probably for the best she didn't check it... Though, would anyone there have recalled seeing Ellie if they did? Enough to post a notice about it...?

She was Khalil's daughter, as well, so that WAS a possibility... But how would they react to one of the most benign mage's' daughter being a freelance assassin that kills for clues to his murder that no one even believes was a murder...?

Either way, and for whatever reason, it was pretty fuckin' retarded of her to not think of checking the closest guild first, whether she had no interest to join or not.

Her face went red with embarrassment from her sheer stupidity. 

"L-local guild, right... That probably would be a superb place to get more clues..." She started shyly, then cleared her throat, "Thanks, bar-- Er, Astrid. Nice name, Astrid Hathaway. Got a good ring to it, and sounds reliable, no wonder you've got constant business..."

"Unlike goddamn CALLIOPE, what the hell, mom?" She thought about her own name. 

She took out the allotted amount of coins from her purse, and carefully slid them towards Astrid on the counter.

"I appreciate that, much obliged," She thanked her once again as she paid her due, actually realizing if Astrid had made her pay for the antidote she might not have been able to pay the damned and disagreeable Apothecary as much as she'd like for taking care of her mother, and after a moment of thought added, "Whatever I know the guild probably knows more about, honestly, but I do have word to spread 'bout a decent healer who isn't well known because he's not associated with any guild or organization, like me: Down the way from here, not too terribly far, but not quite a stone's throw either, is a tiny infirmary run by a trustworthy Apothecary named Elias and his wife, Rosie.  Anyone coming here in need of an infirmary could get right as rain real quick in his care... even the magically cursed he can help..."

She looked down for a moment and was still, finishing the payment, wishing she didn't know that from first-hand experience. 

There wasn't time to pity her unfortunate life, as she had plenty to do as is:

"Woguran, huh..? Hmmmm... I see," She hadn't heard this name before, but the organization's name was another story. 

The Order of the Black Lotus was something her Father talked about to her Mother when he thought they were alone plenty of times. In fact, it was the lack of coincidence that he had kept mentioning them so much shortly before his death that was why her Mother investigated it further and got herself paralyzed. Specifically mentioning  how they WEREN'T fully done disbanding them... 

No one believed anyone killed Khalil because he helped disband it and that was 'first-hand proof they were done', but it looks like her Mother's intuition was right... The guild owes her Father a goddamn apology... 

If this daughter, Woguran, had been behind her Father's death she was gonna pay... in suffering.

"Be paying that merry little band of thieves a visit after I check in on Mom, and by visit I mean my draining powers are going to pay their life-forces a visit if they don't tell me where Woguran is," She confirmed to herself. 

"Ingredients, eh? You scratched my back so I guess I'll scratch yours. I'll be back within a fortnight or so, Antidote ones are pretty easy to find, I'm sure said Mr. Apothecary has some in his field," She chuckled, picturing his tiny wife trying to chase her off picking her herbs and still taking some anyway.

She put away her coin purse in her satchel, got up from her stool, turned her back to Astrid and the counter, and headed towards the exit, then stopped a few paces from the doorway.

"A-and, I-- uh... People call me... Er, I'm called Amethyst," She finally introduced herself, not exactly forgetting to or trying to be rude, but she did not want her real name or alias to keep her from coming back to the establishment, as she now intended to despite not being into drinking.

Raising an arm and slightly waving it once, letting her body say "Goodbye" to those behind her instead of her words, she exited the bar, the sudden wind from the fresh breeze of the dusk made her hand-sewn stole billow 'heroically' for a moment as she departed.
(I Guess i will post something although i can't do much with Woguran until someone comes to him.)


Location: Bowerstone

Kyro stood above 17 dead body. He looked down upon them as there blood flowed across the floor. "Uhhh. At least i changed my cloths, because there all bloody now." Kyro looked at the emblem on the corpse's. They were guards.....of the royal palace. He had killed the kings men. He quickly changed his cloths and dropped the shield with the guild's emblem next to the corpse's. "Hmmmm what am i missing?" Kyro thought as he walked back through his steps in his mind. He had come to Bowerstone, the snuck into the palace, killed the guards. "Oh yeah!" Kyro shadow stepped out so no one would find him. He took off his mask and found his horse again. Looking back he thought, 'There are mages within the kings men that will be able to recreate the scene of murder, I had a mask on so they won't know who i was. They will however have enough evidence to figure out that the guild DIDN'T kill those men. What it will accomplish is that the king will realize that the guild could turn on him and there's little to nothing he could do about it. The guild is stronger than the king, the guild isn't evil so nothing has happened yet, but it will put fear in the kings eyes.' "Haha........" Kyro grabbed what he had stored on the horse and started walking. "Well I made a promise to Akena that I would be there so I better show up. This horse won't be fast enough." Kyro opened 4 packs of cards and made a sphere around him. The sphere, with him inside, lifted into the air and faster than any horse could run, he flew toward the Dark Forest. He thought this trick was pretty cool. He can make the cards move faster than he could so why not use them for transportation? Kyro moved around the sky, headed for the forest.


Location: Dark Forest (Middle of the Circle)

Woguran stood high in the trees with his men. "Sir, we have received word that camp 4 was attack and has almost completely been overtaken." One of the solders said to him. "It matters not. Those camps held our weakest members, they were mean't to fall." Woguran replied in a deep voice. He was standing on a massive structure that was at the tops of the trees, but it was hidden well enough that you couldn't find it. Like a tree house. "Soon they will arrive here and try to fight us, but we will have the advantage." Wogruan held his hand out. "I can feel the storm brewing." Woguran looked to the man beside him. "Have you secured everything of 'value'?" He asked. "Yes, sir. Everything and everyone that you asked has been moved to......" Woguran had a sharp look. "Sorry, sir. I know we aren't suppose to tell you. But why wouldn't you want us to tell you that?" The man asked. "I have my reason." Woguran replied as he looked up at the sheet of leaves the formed above the forest. He would wait here for them, for her, to come. 

@IamNotLoki @Princess Ami
(I Guess i will post something although i can't do much with Woguran until someone comes to him.)


Location: Bowerstone

Kyro stood above 17 dead body. He looked down upon them as there blood flowed across the floor. "Uhhh. At least i changed my cloths, because there all bloody now." Kyro looked at the emblem on the corpse's. They were guards.....of the royal palace. He had killed the kings men. He quickly changed his cloths and dropped the shield with the guild's emblem next to the corpse's. "Hmmmm what am i missing?" Kyro thought as he walked back through his steps in his mind. He had come to Bowerstone, the snuck into the palace, killed the guards. "Oh yeah!" Kyro shadow stepped out so no one would find him. He took off his mask and found his horse again. Looking back he thought, 'There are mages within the kings men that will be able to recreate the scene of murder, I had a mask on so they won't know who i was. They will however have enough evidence to figure out that the guild DIDN'T kill those men. What it will accomplish is that the king will realize that the guild could turn on him and there's little to nothing he could do about it. The guild is stronger than the king, the guild isn't evil so nothing has happened yet, but it will put fear in the kings eyes.' "Haha........" Kyro grabbed what he had stored on the horse and started walking. "Well I made a promise to Akena that I would be there so I better show up. This horse won't be fast enough." Kyro opened 4 packs of cards and made a sphere around him. The sphere, with him inside, lifted into the air and faster than any horse could run, he flew toward the Dark Forest. He thought this trick was pretty cool. He can make the cards move faster than he could so why not use them for transportation? Kyro moved around the sky, headed for the forest.


Location: Dark Forest (Middle of the Circle)

Woguran stood high in the trees with his men. "Sir, we have received word that camp 4 was attack and has almost completely been overtaken." One of the solders said to him. "It matters not. Those camps held our weakest members, they were mean't to fall." Woguran replied in a deep voice. He was standing on a massive structure that was at the tops of the trees, but it was hidden well enough that you couldn't find it. Like a tree house. "Soon they will arrive here and try to fight us, but we will have the advantage." Wogruan held his hand out. "I can feel the storm brewing." Woguran looked to the man beside him. "Have you secured everything of 'value'?" He asked. "Yes, sir. Everything and everyone that you asked has been moved to......" Woguran had a sharp look. "Sorry, sir. I know we aren't suppose to tell you. But why wouldn't you want us to tell you that?" The man asked. "I have my reason." Woguran replied as he looked up at the sheet of leaves the formed above the forest. He would wait here for them, for her, to come. 

@IamNotLoki @Princess Ami

Metal gauntlets gripped the tunics of two bandits and pulled them together.  The soldier's helmets smashed against each other causing both to faint.  "I hate fighting..."  Baragar grumbled as he headed to the opposite gate of the camp.  He got on all fours and hardened the muscles in his legs.  Focusing on the back gate of the camp, he suddenly bolted forward and tackled the gate with all his mass and speed.  The huge metal doors bent and buckled from the immense force... their hinges cracked and popped off, sending the doors flying back to the forest beyond.  

Dust and debris flew in the air as Baragar regained his stance.  Bandits from the central forest got pinned down by the heavy metal doors of the outer camp.  The remaining bandits looked at the giant metal creature with fear-filled eyes.  Baragar's chest heaved up and he pulled back his armored claws.  He Lets out a bestial roar that echoed throughout the forest... a sound that sent chills up the spines of the bandits.

"M-M-Monster!  Retreat to the center!"  One of the bandits said as he ran back to the shadows of the trees.  The other followed him.  Baragars' green eyes locked on to the center of the forest... with a burst animalistic speed he dashed withing the trees, hoping to catch his target:  Woguran.
Metal gauntlets gripped the tunics of two bandits and pulled them together.  The soldier's helmets smashed against each other causing both to faint.  "I hate fighting..."  Baragar grumbled as he headed to the opposite gate of the camp.  He got on all fours and hardened the muscles in his legs.  Focusing on the back gate of the camp, he suddenly bolted forward and tackled the gate with all his mass and speed.  The huge metal doors bent and buckled from the immense force... their hinges cracked and popped off, sending the doors flying back to the forest beyond.  

Dust and debris flew in the air as Baragar regained his stance.  Bandits from the central forest got pinned down by the heavy metal doors of the outer camp.  The remaining bandits looked at the giant metal creature with fear-filled eyes.  Baragar's chest heaved up and he pulled back his armored claws.  He Lets out a bestial roar that echoed throughout the forest... a sound that sent chills up the spines of the bandits.

"M-M-Monster!  Retreat to the center!"  One of the bandits said as he ran back to the shadows of the trees.  The other followed him.  Baragars' green eyes locked on to the center of the forest... with a burst animalistic speed he dashed withing the trees, hoping to catch his target:  Woguran.


Location: Dark Forest (Center)

Woguran stood on the massive structure looking down at the ground. He watched as the bandits fled. A large being in brass armor had found it's way to the center. "Sir, is that there leader?" A bandit asked him "No, just a grunt. But he is a worthy fight." Woguran walked to the edge of the structure as though to jump off. "Sir, your not going to fight him are you?" The man seemed worried. "Of course I am, the plan hasn't change. Fall when i give the signal." And with that Woguran jumped off the side. He landed on the ground a little ways away so the beast wouldn't see him fall from above. Walking toward him he could see the massive figure. A man, beast, what was he? When he was close enough to the man he yelled. "Whether you are a beast or a man, I shall fight you! Creature! What is your name?!" Woguran walked close enough so both could see each other. It was difficult to see anyone in the dark woods. He pulled out his axe from his back and stabbed it into the ground in front of him, waiting for a response.


Location: Fort black

Larei had been walking around for quite sometime now after enjoying the nature back at Bowerstone. He had headed north to the fort. Somehow he had walked into the fort and the main hall without getting noticed. "Man I'm unlucky, where am I?" He walked through the main hall to see a girl. 'Someone is better than no one i guess.' He thought. "Ummm excuse me, I'm kind......lost. Where are we?" He asked the girl. (I hope this works, if not just roll with it?)

Edilyn's in the main hall of the guild, just hanging out and waiting for Fiducia to finish her shower.

Location: Dark Forest (Center)

Woguran stood on the massive structure looking down at the ground. He watched as the bandits fled. A large being in brass armor had found it's way to the center. "Sir, is that there leader?" A bandit asked him "No, just a grunt. But he is a worthy fight." Woguran walked to the edge of the structure as though to jump off. "Sir, your not going to fight him are you?" The man seemed worried. "Of course I am, the plan hasn't change. Fall when i give the signal." And with that Woguran jumped off the side. He landed on the ground a little ways away so the beast wouldn't see him fall from above. Walking toward him he could see the massive figure. A man, beast, what was he? When he was close enough to the man he yelled. "Whether you are a beast or a man, I shall fight you! Creature! What is your name?!" Woguran walked close enough so both could see each other. It was difficult to see anyone in the dark woods. He pulled out his axe from his back and stabbed it into the ground in front of him, waiting for a response.


Location: Fort black

Larei had been walking around for quite sometime now after enjoying the nature back at Bowerstone. He had headed north to the fort. Somehow he had walked into the fort and the main hall without getting noticed. "Man I'm unlucky, where am I?" He walked through the main hall to see a girl. 'Someone is better than no one i guess.' He thought. "Ummm excuse me, I'm kind......lost. Where are we?" He asked the girl. (I hope this works, if not just roll with it?)

"Whether you are a beast or a man, I shall fight you! Creature! What is your name?!"

The taunting challenge echoed through the trees of the dark forest.  It was followed by a chilling silence.  Then from a distance, sounds of metal boots striking the forest floor gradually got louder and louder.  Clank... clank... clank... CLANK!

Two glowing green eyes stared at the bandit leader... the silhouette that is their body overshadowed the man by about a foot or two.  

"My name is Baragar... I am a warrior of the Guild of Heroes,"  The shadow said with a metallic deepness.  "A contract has been made with us to deal with your crimes... In the best interest of your personal well being... I suggest you put down your weapon, call off your men, and surrender to us..."

Bargar knew he was overextended, the rest of the guild's assault team stayed at the outer camp fighting and capturing the bandits.  Although strategically unsound, Baragar thought that rushing to the center alone is a risk worth taking.  He did not want to give the bandit leader the time to retreat.  And he believes that even if he loses the fight here, the rest of the guild's fighters will arrive shortly after to finish the job.

"Do not attempt to fight me, if you force me to... I will have no choice but to break every bone in your body..."  The massive silhouette said as the green eyes glew in the darkness.  White mist of vapor emerged in front of Baragar's helmet.  The night has gotten quite cold. 
"Whether you are a beast or a man, I shall fight you! Creature! What is your name?!"

The taunting challenge echoed through the trees of the dark forest.  It was followed by a chilling silence.  Then from a distance, sounds of metal boots striking the forest floor gradually got louder and louder.  Clank... clank... clank... CLANK!

Two glowing green eyes stared at the bandit leader... the silhouette that is their body overshadowed the man by about a foot or two.  

"My name is Baragar... I am a warrior of the Guild of Heroes,"  The shadow said with a metallic deepness.  "A contract has been made with us to deal with your crimes... In the best interest of your personal well being... I suggest you put down your weapon, call off your men, and surrender to us..."

Bargar knew he was overextended, the rest of the guild's assault team stayed at the outer camp fighting and capturing the bandits.  Although strategically unsound, Baragar thought that rushing to the center alone is a risk worth taking.  He did not want to give the bandit leader the time to retreat.  And he believes that even if he loses the fight here, the rest of the guild's fighters will arrive shortly after to finish the job.

"Do not attempt to fight me, if you force me to... I will have no choice but to break every bone in your body..."  The massive silhouette said as the green eyes glew in the darkness.  White mist of vapor emerged in front of Baragar's helmet.  The night has gotten quite cold. 


Location: Dark Forest (center)

"Pleasure to meet you. My name is Woguran, but you probably already assumed that." Woguran pulled his axe from the ground. "In what world would I back down? Do not say thing you do not mean warrior. I know why you are here. This fight is simple an side dish. I have much more planned for your men. For now LET US FIGHT!" Woguran slammed his axe into the ground. A massive shock wave shattered the ground, leaving the terrain uneven and jagged. Making anyone not expecting it lose their balance. Woguran then spun the axe around and fired 3 ice shards at Baragar before lunging at him with his axe pointed directly at Baragar's face.

Cooldown: Ice

Bloodknife: 2/15

(For your and my convenience i will show this.) 

Location: Dark Forest (center)

"Pleasure to meet you. My name is Woguran, but you probably already assumed that." Woguran pulled his axe from the ground. "In what world would I back down? Do not say thing you do not mean warrior. I know why you are here. This fight is simple an side dish. I have much more planned for your men. For now LET US FIGHT!" Woguran slammed his axe into the ground. A massive shock wave shattered the ground, leaving the terrain uneven and jagged. Making anyone not expecting it lose their balance. Woguran then spun the axe around and fired 3 ice shards at Baragar before lunging at him with his axe pointed directly at Baragar's face.

Cooldown: Ice

Bloodknife: 2/15

(For your and my convenience i will show this.) 

 The shockwave from the ground almost knocked Baragar down, instinctively, the massive armored creature got on all fours and maintained his balance.  The stance made him harder to hit, causing 2 of the shards to miss.  One of the shards struck Baragar's shoulder plate... to very little effect.  The creature broke off the frost from phis shoulder plate as quickly as possible before blocking the axe with his forearm.  The axe dented the metal but the flesh underneath proved to be much, much harder than the armor above it.  

Baragar unfurled his rope from his other shoulder let it loose on the floor.  With beastly speeds, he swung the massive, heavy rope with his free arm... He used the rope as a whip to knock back his attacker.  The massive rope is quite heavy and takes the strength of a monster to lift.  Getting struck by it at this distance can prove fatal to some opponents.

"You are swift, bandit..."  The metallic voice spoke.  "But I'm naturally stronger... Give up now and save yourself the trouble!"  The rope struck the ground causing an even greater shockwave than the axe.  The impact was so great in fact that some rocks broke in half.

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