Main IC RP

Location: Bowerstone Gate

Right before he left the sight of the bar, Senor Fred noticed a huge gathering of people walk towards the bar.  "Hmmm... It seems like Senorita Hathaway have fans of her own, I bet they all came to try that Angel's Eyelash of hers..."  The skeletal hero walked on.  He reached a horse rental shop and dinged the counter bell.  "Hello Amigos... I, the Legendary Hero Senor Fred have come with a request to purchase a fine steed worthy of my adventures!"  He called out to the empty office.  He waited for a while and noticed the pitchfork holder on the wall is without pitchfork.  "I bet they're busy doing some very intense pitchfork work... oh and their torches are missing too...  Pitchforking in the dark?"  He asked himself as he placed a rare jewel on the counter.  The crimson opal left behind is worth 1 billion gold coins, enough for the absent stable-master to retire.  "I guess I'll just leave my payment here and help myself..."  The skeletal knight picked a pure white steed and equipped it with a glittering saddle.  "Off I go!  Hya!"  He made the horse dash into the gate and out to the wilderness beyond!
Astrids Bar:

Kyro had said what he wanted to and was heading to the bar one last time. He would be leaving Bowerstone soon, heading north to Fort Black. He still need one last trick up his sleeve. He took of his mask and put it back in his coat. He enjoyed wearing it. Oh well. He would have more fun over the next couple days. Speaking of which, he looked at the time. "Huh, i guess time slows down when your bored(XD)." He finally made it into the bar. He walked in to see a tired Astrid, who looked like she had a very long day. "Been almost a day huh? I need something from you." He said to her. @Alteras
Astrids Bar:

Kyro had said what he wanted to and was heading to the bar one last time. He would be leaving Bowerstone soon, heading north to Fort Black. He still need one last trick up his sleeve. He took of his mask and put it back in his coat. He enjoyed wearing it. Oh well. He would have more fun over the next couple days. Speaking of which, he looked at the time. "Huh, i guess time slows down when your bored(XD)." He finally made it into the bar. He walked in to see a tired Astrid, who looked like she had a very long day. "Been almost a day huh? I need something from you." He said to her. @Alteras

Location: Astrid's bar

Astrid sighed. "Not gonna try to walk through walls this time? What is your name by the way?"
Location: Astrid's bar

Astrid sighed. "Not gonna try to walk through walls this time? What is your name by the way?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Huh? I thought I said I needed a service, and no I don't always walk through walls." He signed "If you must know, just call me Black." Kyro walked over to the counter and laid down a large chuck of solid gold. "I hope this is enough, are you willing or not?"
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"Huh? I thought I said I needed a service, and no I don't always walk through walls." He signed "If you must know, just call me Black." Kyro walked over to the counter and laid down a large chuck of solid gold. "I hope this is enough, are you willing or not?"

Location: Astrid's bar

Astrid wiped off the counter and, once again, placed her hand on it, forming a magic circle. After a moment, she lifted her hand, confirm it's authenticity. As she took the gold into the backroom she said, "You shouldn't really be wasting such gold on a bartender. What can I do for you, 'Black?'"
Location: Astrid's bar

Astrid wiped off the counter and, once again, placed her hand on it, forming a magic circle. After a moment, she lifted her hand, confirm it's authenticity. As she took the gold into the backroom she said, "You shouldn't really be wasting such gold on a bartender. What can I do for you, 'Black?'"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyro chucked "Not really your problem what i do with my gold, or how i get it." Kyro pulled out 2 swords and laid them on the counter. They were rather dull swords, nothing too special. "I need the blade of these swords to catch on fire and stay on fire whenever I want, for at least an hour or 2." Kyro took a seat. "I don't care how you do it as long as it works."
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Kyro chucked "Not really your problem what i do with my gold, or how i get it." Kyro pulled out 2 swords and laid them on the counter. They were rather dull swords, nothing too special. "I need the blade of these swords to catch on fire and stay on fire whenever I want, for at least an hour or 2." Kyro took a seat. "I don't care how you do it as long as it works."

Location: Astrid's bar

Astrid picked up one of the swords and examined them. "Shouldn't you be doing this at a blacksmith's?" She placed them back on the table and pulled out her amulet. With her other hand, she touched the sword. "Sturdy swords. Perhaps a mage would serve you better."
Location: Astrid's bar

Astrid picked up one of the swords and examined them. "Shouldn't you be doing this at a blacksmith's?" She placed them back on the table and pulled out her amulet. With her other hand, she touched the sword. "Sturdy swords. Perhaps a mage would serve you better."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyro sign AGAIN! he seemed to do this alot. "Well truth be told your not wrong, but I would specifically need a Magical Black smith, Which there don't seem to be any around as far as i asked, same goes with mage, Though if you have a mage that would do it please let me know i will take the gold back and go to them. There are plenty of ways alchemy can do similar things that mages can. Depends on your skill level though, can you do it or not?"
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Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyro sign AGAIN! he seemed to do this alot. "Well truth be told your not wrong, but I would specifically need a Magical Black smith, Which there don't seem to be any around as far as i asked, same goes with mage, Though if you have a mage that would do it please let me know i will take the gold back and go to them. There are plenty of ways alchemy can do similar this that mages can. Depends on your skill level though, can you do it or not?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid touched the counter. She searched through her memories, attempting to find a sword that does what Black asked. She opened her eyes. An illusion of the sword she found rose above the two swords. It had a small slot with a vial of liquid near the hilt of the sword. "There was once an engineer who devised this. The idea was to break the liquid and let it soak the sword and give it it's properties. Will that do?"
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid touched the counter. She searched through her memories, attempting to find a sword that does what Black asked. She opened her eyes. An illusion of the sword she found rose above the two swords. It had a small slot with a vial of liquid near the hilt of the sword. "There was once an engineer who devised this. The idea was to break the liquid and let it soak the sword and give it it's properties. Will that do?"

Location: Astrid Bar

Kyro looked at the hologram, 'neat trick' he thought. "As long as it burns from the blade, Its fine. If you require me let me know." Kyro sat back laying over multiple seats next to the bar. "Oh and if i could get a drink that would be cool too." Kyro smiled. "This place isn't so bad you know?"
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 Kyro looked at the hologram, 'neat trick' he thought. "As long as it burns from the blade, Its fine. If you require me let me know." Kyro sat back laying over multiple seats next to the bar. "Oh and if i could get a drink that would be cool too." Kyro smiled. "This place isn't so bad you know?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid placed a mug of beer. She got to work, using alchemist's touch to warp and bend the sword. She took down bottles of pyrotonic and melded the sword. "It'll take about an hour each. I can give you vials of pyrotonic, but it would only last for about 15-30 minutes each."
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid placed a mug of beer. She got to work, using alchemist's touch to warp and bend the sword. She took down bottles of pyrotonic and melded the sword. "It'll take about an hour each. I can give you vials of pyrotonic, but it would only last for about 15-30 minutes each."

Location: Astrid's bar

"Perfect. Though I might need a good amount of bottles." Kyro yawned. despite it being noon he was tried. Ruff day i guess. Using jesters end probably took some energy out of him. Kyro watched as the hologram disappeared and Astrid went to work "You know I used to want to be a Illusionist? old dreams die hard I guess." He was still laying back enjoying his beer. Though he never really like bear, he didn't hate it either.
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Location: Astrid's bar

"Perfect. Though I might need a good amount of bottles." Kyro yawned. despite it being noon he was tried. Ruff day i guess. Using jesters end probably took some energy out of him. Kyro watched as the hologram disappeared and Astrid went to work "You know I used to want to be a Illusionist? old dreams die hard I guess." He was still laying back enjoying his bear. Though he never really like bear, he didn't hate it either.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid had the slot melted out. She began crafting a batch of pyrotonic with the large vat. "The swords are done, just gotta let it sit. You can go ahead and take them, don't want them melting my bar."
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid had the slot melted out. She began crafting a batch of pyrotonic with the large vat. "The swords are done, just gotta let it sit. You can go ahead and take them, don't want them melting my bar."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyro levitated the swords in the air. "Can I touch them? Better question, will i get burned by them? And how long are the potions going to take, I have nothing better to do, so i will just stay here till your finished."Kyro just spun the swords in the air. 
Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyro levitated the swords in the air. "Can I touch them? Better question, will i get burned by them? And how long are the potions going to take, I have nothing better to do, so i will just stay here till your finished."Kyro just spun the swords in the air. 

Location: Astrid's Bar

She added more ingredients to the vat. "What I'm making now will only amount to about 6 bottles of pyrotonic. Each one can fill about 20-30 vials give our take. So it should take about an hour and a half. Also, it's a flaming piece of metal, of course you're gonna get burned!"
Location: Astrid's Bar

She added more ingredients to the vat. "What I'm making now will only amount to about 6 bottles of pyrotonic. Each one can fill about 20-30 vials give our take. So it should take about an hour and a half. Also, it's a flaming piece of metal, of course you're gonna get burned!"

Location: Astrid's Bar

"well, then I guess I'm just going to keep spinning it in the air then. It would be a little hard for me to carry it otherwise." Kyro finished his beer and just kept spinning the sword in the air. Laying on his back. He was really bored i guess. Kind of brings back memories. "Well, simply tell me when you are finished, I will be doing this until your finished. After that you won't have to worry about me for a long time."
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Location: Bowerstone Gate

Right before he left the sight of the bar, Senor Fred noticed a huge gathering of people walk towards the bar.  "Hmmm... It seems like Senorita Hathaway have fans of her own, I bet they all came to try that Angel's Eyelash of hers..."  The skeletal hero walked on.  He reached a horse rental shop and dinged the counter bell.  "Hello Amigos... I, the Legendary Hero Senor Fred have come with a request to purchase a fine steed worthy of my adventures!"  He called out to the empty office.  He waited for a while and noticed the pitchfork holder on the wall is without pitchfork.  "I bet they're busy doing some very intense pitchfork work... oh and their torches are missing too...  Pitchforking in the dark?"  He asked himself as he placed a rare jewel on the counter.  The crimson opal left behind is worth 1 billion gold coins, enough for the absent stable-master to retire.  "I guess I'll just leave my payment here and help myself..."  The skeletal knight picked a pure white steed and equipped it with a glittering saddle.  "Off I go!  Hya!"  He made the horse dash into the gate and out to the wilderness beyond!

A solitary figure moved its way forward towards the gates, cloak white as the purest of milk. Upon seeing the skeletal rider, Harron Suu would appear to be quite confused, as the skeleton would be coming from the city riding a living horse. And of course, the hair. The giant pile of blue hair, shaped into a spiraling pompador that sat atop the skeletons head. "By the golden saint, the hell is going on?" he said aloud.

A solitary figure moved its way forward towards the gates, cloak white as the purest of milk. Upon seeing the skeletal rider, Harron Suu would appear to be quite confused, as the skeleton would be coming from the city riding a living horse. And of course, the hair. The giant pile of blue hair, shaped into a spiraling pompador that sat atop the skeletons head. "By the golden saint, the hell is going on?" he said aloud.


Senor Fred

Location: Outskirts of Bowerstone (near Gate)

Coming from the opposite direction of the gates, Senor Fred clopped along with a proud chest.  He noticed a figure below him with a cape as white as the purest milk.  "Buenos Dias, Amigo... I must say, that is some glorious armor you're wearing!  Simply fabulous!"  The Hero flashed an intense Flamenco pose as the horse clopped along on its own.  There was an awkward silence as the horse clip clopped past the finely armored warrior.  "Well, good luck in the town, amigo! Adios!"  Senor Fred kept his flamenco pose as the horse walked slowly to a random direction.
The cave in the mountains opened again. Days had passed since the undead elven woman had closed it. But no elf left it. The cave was mantled in a sticky black substance. The whole surface of the rock was covered. It almost appeared as if the substance was breathing. The cave was dark, no light was disturbing its beauty. The daylight revealed the first few meters, but the cave was deep, deep enough to not see through. 

The cave had not opened itself, obviously. It was a wanderer, who was lost and needed shelter. He had seen that the stone that blocked his way was heavy, but not heavy enough to kep him from moving it. The cave weirded him out a bit, as it was covered in that weird substance, but he was tired and needed the cave to rest in it. Taking together all the braveness he had in his heart, he stepped in. The substance was sticky and he could not move the leg that was sticked in it. He tried his best, just to nearly fall and step in with a second foot. This was not good. He wanted to scream or to call for held. But there was something that kept him from doing so. A strange feeling. He felt something creep up his leg... 

The wanderer looked down, finding the substance spreading and covering his legs whole by now. But it still climbed on and he knew it would be bad if the substance would cover him. He would suffocate or even worse. Then he saw it. Two red eyes stared at him from the dark depths of the cave. Then they disappeared. The ground before him glowed red and a shade arose. The shade wore a black coat and a hood. A white mask was placed in the shades face, but a green human eye could be seen. It manifested to a womans body in a leathry armor. THe slime did not seem to affect her at all. She had two weird looking objects attached to her hips, one at each side. They looked a bit like crossbows, but without any kind of string or similar. 

The thing covered his mouth with a gloved finger, a metal claw attached to its top. "Shht...", it made in a voice that sent shivers down his spine. Then her realized the black slime, that now covered up to his chin. The last bits followed, and the more it covered, the more he could feel how his own mind got pressed back, taken over by something new, evil. Something that had to obey the woman in front of him. Then, he saw it front to his eyes and everything went black.

The black slime started to transform, started to become a male copy of what stood in front of him. "I am at your service, Mistress Grim.", it said, bowing slightly. The slime that was left in the cave had no further effect on the being. The woman however laughed. "It has begun. The demon thought he could seal me away, but this stupid scientist has set me free again. My time has come. The world will know the name of evil... Grim."

(yay, cool new villian...)
Location: Astrid's Bar

"well, then I guess I'm just going to keep spinning it in the air then. It would be a little hard for me to carry it otherwise." Kyro finished his beer and just kept spinning the sword in the air. Laying on his back. He was really bored i guess. Kind of brings back memories. "Well, simply tell me when you are finished, I will be doing this until your finished. After that you won't have to worry about me for a long time."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid finished up potion brewing. She leaned back and wiped off her sweat. "Six bottles of Pyrotonic. About 20-30 vials each." She said as she ladled each scoop into a bottle. She turned around and placed it on the table. "I better not see the city in flames in a few days time."
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid finished up potion brewing. She leaned back and wiped off her sweat. "Six bottles of Pyrotonic. About 20-30 vials each." She said as she ladled each scoop into a bottle. She turned around and placed it on the table. "I better not see the city in flames in a few days time."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyro stopped Spinning the swords in the air and put the in there shealth and was careful not to touch the hot melt. He grabbed the potions and smiled. "Nah, that comes later, haha." Kyro walked out of the bar and headed to get a horse. He would head to the guild first and then wait for night.... Kyro grabbed a horse and headed north. He would be there in soon. "Mephisto we finally get to meet."(In like 30mins i will post again.)
Senor Fred

Location: Random Woods near Bowerstone.

Senor Fred clip clopped along the Bowerstone woods.  He strummed a random Spanish guitar he picked up and started singing the most unlikely song:

After the song, the chivarous skeleton wiped a single tear from underneath it's eye socket.  The horse whinnied.  "Shhh shh shhh..." Frederico stroked the horse's head to calm it down.  "Its okay Pedro... I liked that movie too..."  The skeleton whispered in the horse's ear.

The pair clopped along and saw a weird poster on one of the trees.

"WANTED: Roaming Undead Soldier"

Underneath the text is an etching of a skeleton with fabulous drill-like hair.  Underneath the picture is another line of text.

"REWARD: 5,000 gold coins.  WARNING: Confront only at your own risk!"

Senor Fred placed a bony finger underneath his chin in thought.  "That skeleton..."  He paused.  "Has the most magnificent taste in hairstyle... don't you think, Paco?"  He asked the horse which only responded in a neigh.
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Belrek walked around Bowerstone for a bit before he spotted a bar and decided to go inside. He usually wasn't too keen on the idea of bars but he had decided that he could no longer wander alone and had to meet new people. Belrek walked in and looked around, finally sitting towards the end of a table.
Location: Fort Black

Kyro had made it to Fort Black. He wasn't sure if Mephisto was there but either way was fine. He walked up to the gate and stepped through his shadow to get through the door. He continued to walk toward the center part of the fort. He found a man standing in front of a large door. Probably a guard. He walked up to the guard and said "Ummmm excuse me, can you take me to Mephisto please?" "Who are you?" asked the guard. "I am someone who must speak with Mephisto about the guild." The guard looked at Kyro for a moment and decided it was fine. Mephisto was strong enough to defend himself. The guard took him inside a central room. "Wait here." said the guard, and he walked into another room. @Birdsie
Belrek walked around Bowerstone for a bit before he spotted a bar and decided to go inside. He usually wasn't too keen on the idea of bars but he had decided that he could no longer wander alone and had to meet new people. Belrek walked in and looked around, finally sitting towards the end of a table.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid walked over to the man. A lot of new faces lately. "Welcome to my bar. What can I get you?"

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