Main IC RP

As soon as he heard the question, the skeletal knight turned to the leader of the band and whispered something in his ear.  The band stopped playing and then switched songs.

Senor Fred turned around and got into another action pose.  "Forgive me for not introducing myself, Senorita... I thought my trademark hairdo gave you a clue to who I am.  I am the Knight of Goodness, Defender of Love and Friendship!  I am... Senor Frederico Renaldo Carmillo Espada de Conception y Caballerio!"  The cool pose made the knight's cape fly around heroically.  "Also known as... Senor Fred!"  The odd knight threw gold and jewels into the air like confetti!  The band immediately stopped playing and got on all fours... picking up the tossed treasures.  "Ole!'

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Astrid was stunned. Frederico? Cabellerio?! That name hasn't been uttered since time of the Wandering Bards. She remembered brief mentions of the name in her books, but is he really the True Hero Frederico Cabellerio? She tried to get a feel of his aura. Not much of a presence, well, no evil intent could be felt. "Are you really him?"
"What the hell..."The bunny boy muttered. He was honestly suprised by these Strange events.  At least he fixed the liquor machine.

Location:Astrid's Bar

Jack Alistar 
"What the hell..."The bunny boy muttered. He was honestly suprised by these Strange events.  At least he fixed the liquor machine.

Location:Astrid's Bar

Jack Alistar 

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked inside and saw the bunny boy looking at them. She waved her in a fashion that said she might be fine. Probably, she thought to herself.
Jack Alistar

Location:Astrid's Bar

The boy waved his hand back awkwardly.  He bent back down to see if there were any more leaks from the dispenser.

"Nope...everything is good" he said while standing back and walking back out of the bar area.  Jack decided to walk outside to see what was happening. He opened the door and closed it from behind.

The bunny boy then leaned against the door.

"What's happening out here?" he asked the women.

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked inside and saw the bunny boy looking at them. She waved her in a fashion that said she might be fine. Probably, she thought to herself.
Jack Alistar

Location:Astrid's Bar

The boy waved his hand back awkwardly.  He bent back down to see if there were any more leaks from the dispenser.

"Nope...everything is good" he said while standing back and walking back out of the bar area.  Jack decided to walk outside to see what was happening. He opened the door and closed it from behind.

The bunny boy then leaned against the door.

"What's happening out here?" he asked the women.

Location: In front of Astrid's bar

Astrid just lifted her finger and pointed at the skeleton. "This undead is claiming to be Frederico, the hero from the bards' tales."
"That thing right there? I thought the skeleton guy was a decoration or something..." he said. He looked over to the skeleton man and raised his brow. "So...your alive know. ..weird .."

Location: In front of Astrid's bar

Astrid just lifted her finger and pointed at the skeleton. "This undead is claiming to be Frederico, the hero from the bards' tales."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Out of the window, Astrid saw Oliver and Amilia walking towards her bar. As they entered the bar, she said, "'Bout time you showed up. Thought your first priority was my beer. Looks like your boy finally grew up, Amilia." Astrid turned around and got her mixer and beer mugs together. She paused for moment. "I'll make you two something very special. There's some biscuits in the basket over there, just for you." Just then the little dragon flew in. "Don't forget the rules Ollie, don't damage my bar." She put away her beer mugs and instead brought out two champagne glasses. She placed the glasses before the two.

"This trick is best done without the usual flair." She turned around and walked into the backroom. She came back with a bottle of beer and a bottle of white wine, imported from the far south. She poured both of them on her wooden music box, causing the homunculi to play a pleasant song rarely ever played. Placing the two bottles before her most welcomed patrons, she said, "Most bartenders do this one at a time, or else it might spill, but pousse-café style for this cocktail is far too bland. Instead I give you a drink combined in the air, creating a wonderful union in this glass of the world. The Black Velvet!" She raised both of the bottles and tilted them at the same time. The two liquids collided midair but didn't spill out of the glass. Instead they mixed and formed a deep blackish brown hue. She did the same in the second glass. "Viola! Two Black Velvet, a drink made from the best of beer and the best of wine. Enjoy." She said with a flourish she reserved for big celebrations.

@Princess Ami@Refaulted

Location: Astrids Bar

Amilia blushed deeply about all the attention she got in the bar. This was more than she was used to and more than what was comfortable to her.

Still, she took a sip of the drink that seemed to be so special and it had indeed a unique taste. Amilia however was no big drinker and therefore put the glass down again. She would sip again at a later point. 

Oliver watched Astrid create the drinks, clapping his hands as he watched, laughing. He loved watching her mix and match things, intrigued by all the combinations she knew how to make, and whenevr he saw her make something he never tried before for someone else, he would order it as soon as he finished the cup he had. On more than one occasion, he vaguely remembered Astrid shaking him awake, after passing out at the bar counter. and sending him off to his room to sleep off the drunkenness. 

As she handed him his drink, Oliver took a quick sip of it, letting the liquid run over his tongue before swallowing. He beamed, and took another large swig before placing his cup down. He let out a satisfied sigh, smiling. "No worries, Astrid. I'll make sure to be careful with how much I take in. And if I get out of hand, I'm sure princess here will keep me in check." He placed an arm around Amilia, laughing. Oliver then lifted his glass up to his shoulder where Ruthus perched. The dragon let it's thin tongue snake out to try the beverage, and sat there for a little bit enjoying the taste. He then let out a happy squeal, and stuck his tongue in for another taste. Oliver took another sip, this one smaller than the one before. "So..." Oliver turned in his seat to Amilia, a smirk displayed on his lips. ", I'm guessing I should go a little easier on you during our sparring, huh? I don't think I could live with myself if I were to put a mark on that pretty little face if it wasn't through love." Oliver gently pinched his lover's cheek, chuckling.

@Princess Ami @Alteras
(I'm a little bored and i figured i would have some fun :)  . Nothing is very Important to the story, im just writing, just enjoy.)

Location: Bowerstone

Larei was terribly bored. He had just finished his lunch. "Hmmm." he looked over at the bar that seemed very popular. "Maybe next time."

He walked through the town. He walked passed the house's with large, 4 stories high, and decorative art paintings. They had gates around them with "No trespassing." He walked by a city park with a old fountain, Flowers that had bloomed earlier that summer. He continued walking, pasted the middle class, the house's that seemed so average. One day he might stay there. He walked past the poor, the families with torn houses, that barely supported themselves. He walked past an alley way where some bandits were beating up someone for there cloths. 'there will always be evil." He thought to himself. 

When he finally made it to the Abandon part of the city he looked around. There was a large building, the walls had been torn off. He stepped into the house to see old furniture that had faded away. Plants and moss had grown inside the house. He walked up the steps to the second floor. There was bed that had been ripped open. Animals were using it for their home. He looked up, you could see the light shining through the cracks in the roof where it had given way. It was a very beautiful sight.  The birds flew over as the warmth of the sun fell upon his skin. He walked back downstairs, past the broken mirror on the wall. To the back door. There was a small area to sit. Next to a dried up fountain he closed his eyes. He remember all the pain he had felt, but look there was good. Sitting on the bench beside him were birds eating whatever they could find. They seemed to be somewhat tame. Not like pets, but they were used to people feeding them. And so he looked to the sky, all around him were buildings, factories, house, or just apartment. It reminded him, that without the horror there wouldn't be beauty.This place was the peak of natural, is was relaxing. To just sit here at the broken fountain, that had been forgot, But at what cost? These were someones home, their work place. Now it is left here as a memory fading away. He sat there for sometime, just admiring, the stories he would never know. "This place is larger than just one bar or fort. It was a city, with thousands of lives that each had their own story. Their story might not be as painful as his, but no matter how hard he tried he would never know them all. No, not even close, he might know 1 persons story. Let alone thousands. He decided to stay for a couple more hours, as a the stories that will never be heard.
Location: In front of Astrid's bar

Astrid just lifted her finger and pointed at the skeleton. "This undead is claiming to be Frederico, the hero from the bards' tales."

One of the musicians equipped a magnifier on their eyes and analyzed a pink jewel.  Another one picked up an unusual coin and bit it.  "T-this is an authentic Espanian Dubloon!"  The guy who bit the coin exclaimed.  "N-No way... a blood emerald... w-were rich!  We don't have to work ever again!"  The other guy hugged the gem happily.  The last musician took his guitar and smashed it on the floor in celebration.  They all gathered their loot and ran away.

"Hmmm... that's a lot of excitement for such common loot..."  The grinning skeleton watched the men leave.  "They must never tried going in a dungeon raid before..."  

Senor Fred returned his attention to Astrid.  "It seems Senorita, that you have heard of the songs and stories about my adventures.  I assure you those stories are very true,"  Senor Fred made a pose that covered his face with a fanned hand.  "I also understand that you doubt my authenticity.  It's not your fault, a lot of fans are cosplaying as me.  You should have seen instagram.  Some pretty young girls tried their best to capture my looks... unfortunately for them... my hair is many times better than any wig..."  The glorious hair sparkled as if to take cue from his words.  "I can assure you that my glorious drill is no wig, you may feel it if you want..."  The skull explained.  He glanced at the bunny boy that came over from the bar.

"Buenas Noches Nino... I know I am very decorated, but I am not a decoration..."
One of the musicians equipped a magnifier on their eyes and analyzed a pink jewel.  Another one picked up an unusual coin and bit it.  "T-this is an authentic Espanian Dubloon!"  The guy who bit the coin exclaimed.  "N-No way... a blood emerald... w-were rich!  We don't have to work ever again!"  The other guy hugged the gem happily.  The last musician took his guitar and smashed it on the floor in celebration.  They all gathered their loot and ran away.

"Hmmm... that's a lot of excitement for such common loot..."  The grinning skeleton watched the men leave.  "They must never tried going in a dungeon raid before..."  

Senor Fred returned his attention to Astrid.  "It seems Senorita, that you have heard of the songs and stories about my adventures.  I assure you those stories are very true,"  Senor Fred made a pose that covered his face with a fanned hand.  "I also understand that you doubt my authenticity.  It's not your fault, a lot of fans are cosplaying as me.  You should have seen instagram.  Some pretty young girls tried their best to capture my looks... unfortunately for them... my hair is many times better than any wig..."  The glorious hair sparkled as if to take cue from his words.  "I can assure you that my glorious drill is no wig, you may feel it if you want..."  The skull explained.  He glanced at the bunny boy that came over from the bar.

"Buenas Noches Nino... I know I am very decorated, but I am not a decoration..."

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Instagram? Cosplay? Astrid shook her head. Well he was known for saying weird things during his time. I think he once said 'comet-con' then proceeded to laugh, if those children's tale are actually real... She relaxed some more. "I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender. I'd like to confirm a few more things abo-" She paused to hear some more screams about 'The Undead are rising!' "Well, let us first go back into the bar and hopefully not spook my other patrons."

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Instagram? Cosplay? Astrid shook her head. Well he was known for saying weird things during his time. I think he once said 'comet-con' then proceeded to laugh, if those children's tale are actually real... She relaxed some more. "I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender. I'd like to confirm a few more things abo-" She paused to hear some more screams about 'The Undead are rising!' "Well, let us first go back into the bar and hopefully not spook my other patrons."


Location: Astrid's Bar

"It is a pleasure to meet you Senorita Hathaway,"  The knight bowed slightly.  "As much as I would love to talk more, the hero heart within me is giving me the urge to help the townspeople being terrorized by the undead..."  Senor Fred turned his skull to face the screaming outside.  "But If you really need me, It cannot be helped.  It is impossible for me to resist a request from a beautiful Senorita such as yourself... If you have a piece of paper, I can give you my autograph with the lightning speed of my swordfighting wrist..."  The skeleton followed behind Astrid.
Location: Astrid's Bar

"It is a pleasure to meet you Senorita Hathaway,"  The knight bowed slightly.  "As much as I would love to talk more, the hero heart within me is giving me the urge to help the townspeople being terrorized by the undead..."  Senor Fred turned his skull to face the screaming outside.  "But If you really need me, It cannot be helped.  It is impossible for me to resist a request from a beautiful Senorita such as yourself... If you have a piece of paper, I can give you my autograph with the lightning speed of my swordfighting wrist..."  The skeleton followed behind Astrid.

Location: Astrid's Bar

As they entered the bar, it seems the the music box of homunculi have switched songs.

Astrid hanged her cloak and walked toward her counter. "Well, I guess that's one way to prove it." As she rounded her counter, she knocked the side of it twice. "Right here would do. In this wood." She began to start reaching for her bottles, when she realized What does an undead drink?!
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"This music... it is nice..."  The knight snapped his fingers to the beat.  "I feel like Humphrey Bogart in some Film Noir scene... simply perfecto..."  he added as he was led to a bar counter.  He listened to Astrid request the autograph on the wood.  "As an admirer of good woodcrafting techniques, I would normally decline the request to vandalize this perfect piece of furniture... however since you claim to be a very big fan... I will do it, just for your smile..."  The fencer unleashed his legendary rapier from his hilt.  He aimed down upon the surface of the counter.  "En Gardia!  Firma!" The skeleton's hands blurred and disappeared as it slashed in such great speeds.  wood chips flew in the air as he carved his signature into the wood.  "And... there.. we.. go..."  The hero said as he placed the finishing strokes.


"That signature actually made your counter more beautiful... I bet you will get a lot more customers now that the great Senor Fred has signed his autograph on this counter!"  The hero said proudly.
Location: Astrids Bar

Tenebrae eyed the undead sceptically. "Hey, you! The undead with the weird hair! WHo are you? I rise guys like you everyday, so, why are you different? Have i accidentally summoned you? Or dont you have to do anything with me at all?"

"This music... it is nice..."  The knight snapped his fingers to the beat.  "I feel like Humphrey Bogart in some Film Noir scene... simply perfecto..."  he added as he was led to a bar counter.  He listened to Astrid request the autograph on the wood.  "As an admirer of good woodcrafting techniques, I would normally decline the request to vandalize this perfect piece of furniture... however since you claim to be a very big fan... I will do it, just for your smile..."  The fencer unleashed his legendary rapier from his hilt.  He aimed down upon the surface of the counter.  "En Gardia!  Firma!" The skeleton's hands blurred and disappeared as it slashed in such great speeds.  wood chips flew in the air as he carved his signature into the wood.  "And... there.. we.. go..."  The hero said as he placed the finishing strokes.


"That signature actually made your counter more beautiful... I bet you will get a lot more customers now that the great Senor Fred has signed his autograph on this counter!"  The hero said proudly.

Location: Astrid's Bar

As they entered the bar, it seems the the music box of homunculi have switched songs.

Astrid hanged her cloak and walked toward her counter. "Well, I guess that's one way to prove it." As she rounded her counter, she knocked the side of it twice. "Right here would do. In this wood." She began to start reaching for her bottles, when she realized What does an undead drink?!

(its short, but its a post, right?)
"This music... it is nice..."  The knight snapped his fingers to the beat.  "I feel like Humphrey Bogart in some Film Noir scene... simply perfecto..."  he added as he was led to a bar counter.  He listened to Astrid request the autograph on the wood.  "As an admirer of good woodcrafting techniques, I would normally decline the request to vandalize this perfect piece of furniture... however since you claim to be a very big fan... I will do it, just for your smile..."  The fencer unleashed his legendary rapier from his hilt.  He aimed down upon the surface of the counter.  "En Gardia!  Firma!" The skeleton's hands blurred and disappeared as it slashed in such great speeds.  wood chips flew in the air as he carved his signature into the wood.  "And... there.. we.. go..."  The hero said as he placed the finishing strokes.


"That signature actually made your counter more beautiful... I bet you will get a lot more customers now that the great Senor Fred has signed his autograph on this counter!"  The hero said proudly.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid amazed, knelt down and touched the engraving. Even with several high tier potions of Princess's Grace, I wouldn't be able to achieve that speed and precision. "... even the depth of the engraving is leveled..." She looked up at the skeleton. "How..." She was far too stunned to be able to respond to the lady in black on his behalf.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid amazed, knelt down and touched the engraving. Even with several high tier potions of Princess's Grace, I wouldn't be able to achieve that speed and precision. "... even the depth of the engraving is leveled..." She looked up at the skeleton. "How..." She was far too stunned to be able to respond to the lady in black on his behalf.

The skeleton turned it's skull to the lady in black as she rambled on about the undead.  He bowed down and whispered to Astrid's ear. "Senorita, I know you're trying to manage an honest business, but I believe that the Senora over there is drunk.  She's having some sort of delusion that she's some sort of Lich....  Maybe have someone escort her back home?  I really do not want to see an intoxicated woman get taken advantage of by aspiring romantics..."  The skeleton whispered.  He stood up straight again.  "If that is all you need from me, I will be on my way...."  He bowed.  "I believe the people outside need my help... the undead are quite difficult to deal with for anyone without hair as glorious as mine..."  The hero was about to leave when the trio of musicians entered the bar.  They were now wearing luxurious clothes and glittering jewelry.  

"Three Angels crowns please!"  The said happily as they fanned themselves with cash.
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The skeleton turned it's skill to the lady in black as she rambled on about the undead.  He bowed down and whispered to Astrid's ear. "Senorita, I know you're trying to manage an honest business, but I believe that the Senora over there is drunk.  She's having some sort of delusion that she's some sort of Lich....  Maybe have someone escort her back home?  I really do not want to see an intoxicated woman get taken advantage of by aspiring romantics..."  The skeleton whispered.  He stood up straight again.  "If that is all you need from me, I will be on my way...."  He bowed.  "I believe the people outside need my help... the undead are quite difficult to deal with for anyone without hair as glorious as mine..."  The hero was about to leave when the trio of musicians entered the bar.  They were now wearing luxurious clothes and glittering jewelry.  

"Three Angels crowns please!"  The said happily as they fanned themselves with cash.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid chuckled. "I'm pretty sure she'll be fine. These guild members here can take care of her." She gestured to Oliver and Amilia. She stood up and continued, "If anything happens, I'll be here to stop it." Just then the musicians entered the bar. With a sigh, she said, "They're called Angel's Chalice." She said as she moved her vats to reveal a small bottle, a golden amber with the white particles inside.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid chuckled. "I'm pretty sure she'll be fine. These guild members here can take care of her." She gestured to Oliver and Amilia. She stood up and continued, "If anything happens, I'll be here to stop it." Just then the musicians entered the bar. With a sigh, she said, "They're called Angel's Chalice." She said as she moved her vats to reveal a small bottle, a golden amber with the white particles inside.

One of the musicians slapped his own forehead.  "You bumbling dolt, it's Angel's Chalice!  Chalice!"  He argued with his bandmate.  "You two should act more formally, people will think were just common peasants!"  The leader watched Astrid make the drink.  He then looked at the skeleton behind him.  "O-oh it's... it's still here..."  He said with  a hint of fright and terror.  "Um... and one more angel's chalice for our good friend over there!"  The leader with the eyepatch thumbed at the skeleton.

"I really, really should be helping the townspeople. but if you insist.  Gracias Maestro..."  The knight sat next to the band leader and watched Astrid.  He looked at the guild members.

"I remember when I was part of a guild... good times.  What guild do they belong in, if you don't mind me asking, Senorita?"
One of the musicians slapped his own forehead.  "You bumbling dolt, it's Angel's Chalice!  Chalice!"  He argued with his bandmate.  "You two should act more formally, people will think were just common peasants!"  The leader watched Astrid make the drink.  He then looked at the skeleton behind him.  "O-oh it's... it's still here..."  He said with  a hint of fright and terror.  "Um... and one more angel's chalice for our good friend over there!"  The leader with the eyepatch thumbed at the skeleton.

"I really, really should be helping the townspeople. but if you insist.  Gracias Maestro..."  The knight sat next to the band leader and watched Astrid.  He looked at the guild members.

"I remember when I was part of a guild... good times.  What guild do they belong in, if you don't mind me asking, Senorita?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid continued to pour the drink in three, now four cups. Well, Angel's Chalice does contain a fair bit of holy water, good to see if Frederico here is truly the hero or an imitator. She thought as she finished the concoctions. "Four Angel's Chalice." Placing the glasses before them, she looked over to the two guild members, still deep within their own world. "They belong to The Guild of Heroes, formed by William Black, the most powerful organization in the lands." I hope the townspeople doesn't come back here with pitchforks and torches...
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid continued to pour the drink in three, now four cups. Well, Angel's Chalice does contain a fair bit of holy water, good to see if Frederico here is truly the hero or an imitator. She thought as she finished the concoctions. "Four Angel's Chalice." Placing the glasses before them, she looked over to the two guild members, still deep within their own world. "They belong to The Guild of Heroes, formed by William Black, the most powerful organization in the lands." I hope the townspeople doesn't come back here with pitchforks and torches...

"Guild of heroes huh... William Black..."  The skeleton watched the glass being slid towards him.  His companions toasted to their good fortune and laughed heartily.  "Must be a new Guild huh?  I have never heard of this... William Black.  I must be living under a rock,"  The skeleton picked up the glass.  "I do have to declare Senorita, I don't always drink beer.... but when I do... I drink Dos Equis..."  The Latin accent of the skeleton was made more interesting with that line. "Cheers..."  The skeleton tilted his head up and dropped the beverage down its gaping jaws.  The beverage spilled all over his neckerchief and dripped down his spinal cord and rib bones.  "O-Oh... dear..."  The skeleton appears to be blushing.  He stood up and noticed the bottom of his pants are stained.  The fluid seeped all the way down to the bottom of his pants.  "AH!  DON'T LOOK!"  He covered the wet stain with his hands.  The band members laughed and cheered.  "What drink was that, Senorita!?  It LITERALLY WENT THROUGH ME!"
"Guild of heroes huh... William Black..."  The skeleton watched the glass being slid towards him.  His companions toasted to their good fortune and laughed heartily.  "Must be a new Guild huh?  I have never heard of this... William Black.  I must be living under a rock,"  The skeleton picked up the glass.  "I do have to declare Senorita, I don't always drink beer.... but when I do... I drink Dos Equis..."  The Latin accent of the skeleton was made more interesting with that line. "Cheers..."  The skeleton tilted his head up and dropped the beverage down its gaping jaws.  The beverage spilled all over his neckerchief and dripped down his spinal cord and rib bones.  "O-Oh... dear..."  The skeleton appears to be blushing.  He stood up and noticed the bottom of his pants are stained.  The fluid seeped all the way down to the bottom of his pants.  "AH!  DON'T LOOK!"  He covered the wet stain with his hands.  The band members laughed and cheered.  "What drink was that, Senorita!?  It LITERALLY WENT THROUGH ME!"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was already reaching for her bottle of pyrotonic. Kinda expected this to happen. In anycase, doesn't look like the holy water reacted to him. He actually is Senor Frederico Callaberio. She took a swap of pyrotonic and blew the flames toward Senor Fred, evaporating the liquid the spilled through him. He doesn't seem to realize that he's an undead. I guess I'll play along. "Perhaps I mixed a bit more alcohol than normal." She said with a half-trying smile.
Tenebrae looked at the two. "You dare not to answer me, skeleton?" Her voice sounded like from the depths of the Netherlands itself. She started to hover a bit, which made her unintimmidating height a bit more... well... to be taken serious. Tenebrae muttered some words, "Agmina in inmortuis, resurget!" Then, suddenly, through the bars ground, a skeletal knight arose, weilding a spear. "See? I arise guys like you all the time."
Tenebrae looked at the two. "You dare not to answer me, skeleton?" Her voice sounded like from the depths of the Netherlands itself. She started to hover a bit, which made her unintimmidating height a bit more... well... to be taken serious. Tenebrae muttered some words, "Agmina in inmortuis, resurget!" Then, suddenly, through the bars ground, a skeletal knight arose, weilding a spear. "See? I arise guys like you all the time."

"Ay Ay Ay... I-I have never been so embarrassed in my life.."  The skeleton knight said as his pants dried.  "Forgive me for spilling the drink all over your bar Senorita, the taste of that drink is very delicate... as if I am tasting a cup of air!  I don't taste any alcohol at all.  Maybe that is why it's called Angel's Wing!"  The knight was about to sit back down when the girl in black from before suddenly summoned an undead soldier.  "Holy Santa Maria!"  The knight suddenly jolted up and drew his rapier.  "Senorita Hathaway, get behind me!  She really is a Lich!"  The hero waved his cape between Astrid and the woman in black.  The musicians left behind the payment for the drinks and ran frantically out of the bar.  "UNDEAD! UNDEAD, HELP!!!!"  The called outside in panic.  "You have shown your true form, Diablo!  Prepare to be slain by Senor Fred!"  The knight placed the blade in front of his eyes in a duelist's salute.  "En Guardia!"
"Ay Ay Ay... I-I have never been so embarrassed in my life.."  The skeleton knight said as his pants dried.  "Forgive me for spilling the drink all over your bar Senorita, the taste of that drink is very delicate... as if I am tasting a cup of air!  I don't taste any alcohol at all.  Maybe that is why it's called Angel's Wing!"  The knight was about to sit back down when the girl in black from before suddenly summoned an undead soldier.  "Holy Santa Maria!"  The knight suddenly jolted up and drew his rapier.  "Senorita Hathaway, get behind me!  She really is a Lich!"  The hero waved his cape between Astrid and the woman in black.  The musicians left behind the payment for the drinks and ran frantically out of the bar.  "UNDEAD! UNDEAD, HELP!!!!"  The called outside in panic.  "You have shown your true form, Diablo!  Prepare to be slain by Senor Fred!"  The knight placed the blade in front of his eyes in a duelist's salute.  "En Guardia!"

Tenebrae sighed. "I am no lich, i am a Herald. And your weapon cannot even hurt me, stupid mortal. I could get to kill you now, but i just wanna have my drink." Tenebrae sat down again and sipped at her drink.
"Ay Ay Ay... I-I have never been so embarrassed in my life.."  The skeleton knight said as his pants dried.  "Forgive me for spilling the drink all over your bar Senorita, the taste of that drink is very delicate... as if I am tasting a cup of air!  I don't taste any alcohol at all.  Maybe that is why it's called Angel's Wing!"  The knight was about to sit back down when the girl in black from before suddenly summoned an undead soldier.  "Holy Santa Maria!"  The knight suddenly jolted up and drew his rapier.  "Senorita Hathaway, get behind me!  She really is a Lich!"  The hero waved his cape between Astrid and the woman in black.  The musicians left behind the payment for the drinks and ran frantically out of the bar.  "UNDEAD! UNDEAD, HELP!!!!"  The called outside in panic.  "You have shown your true form, Diablo!  Prepare to be slain by Senor Fred!"  The knight placed the blade in front of his eyes in a duelist's salute.  "En Guardia!"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was instantly alarmed. In one single motion, she grabbed her two potions of Calming Tonic and her amulet. Just as she was about to tell the two to back down, the lady in black calmly retreated. A sigh of relief, she said, "The townspeople will definitely be coming here with pitchforks and torches now..." She put on her cloak and began dragging out potions from under the counter in preparation.

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