Main IC RP

Mephisto performed a heel-turn towards Gabriel's direction and smiled, then he noticed Amelia and his smile withered like a patch of flowers. "Nah, I'm over it." he ultimately decided, then approached in a very noble, graceful way, keeping the same smile on his face. Then he turned pale, smelling holy water that was somewhere in the vicinity. Mephisto compared Holy Water to a highly radioactive, unstable compound that could melt him any second upon contact. Mephisto stopped about 10 meters away from the two and tried not to look frightened of the exorcist that stood behind Gabriel. "W-Well?" he nervously asked, some drops of sweat coming down his forehead and cheeks. He could barely control his fear.

Amelia walked in front of Mephisto and looked up at him. "I...Uhh...Er, I am sorry for what happened before. I know you're a demon presence bothers you, but I really want to help my dad. You don't have to be scared of me, I won't harm you in any way. If you want, I can use a demon-skin bag to keep the holy-water bombs, if it annoys you!" She said cheerfully, showing him a thick layer of Night-hunter skin, all still soaked in blood and covered in black dust. Tar-coals still flew around it, eagerly looking at it to consume it. Gabriel smiled and patted her on the head, "You really are kind as your grandmother..." He whispered to himself, with a happy expression stamped on his face. But suddenly, Amelia remembered something. "DAD! I forgot to give you something!" She said, taking out something from her bag full of holy and not-so-holy artifacts. She took out a purple, radiating crystal. "I got this in the Dark Forest during the days of training!" She said, handing it to Gabriel with her left hand. Gabriel took it and it immediately started burning on his hand. "Oh hell! My hand!" He exclaimed, launching the crystal into his leather bag. But the crystal was somehow acid, and burned a hole trough the leather. "How could you handle that without harming yourself?" Gabriel asked in shock. Amelia looked confused, and gave a quick gaze to Mephisto. Maybe he had an explanation?
Astrid let out a laugh. She raised her and revealed her amulet. "This is my Philosopher's Stone. Well, not quite." She focused again and the glass cup spun into a smooth ball. Within ball was swirling dust and lines of six colors; Blue, Black, White, Red, Green, and Yellow. "Certainly the Great Wizards of Creation was gifted the Philosopher's Stone by the gods and had granted them such power, but the Heroic Band of Mages' Philosopher's Stone was derived from forging of their weapons: the Scepter of Strength, the Wand of Enchantment, the Tome of Knowledge, the Blade of Loyalty, the Cards of Fortune, and the Staff of Angelic Embrace." The ball spun and broke into a million pieces. "The church will speak of the grand journey the wanderer must take to gather all the pieces and recreate the stone." The million pieces floated down onto the table and miniature towns and forests and mountains formed out of it. "Alchemist from the far east beyond the Church's reach instead believe that the Stone is imbued in every magical object, and that the stone can only be obtained through the wellspring of knowledge the Deities of Old have hidden within our minds."

Location: Astrid's Bar

(Don't forget to post the locations, people X_X. It's gonna be confusing for people that want to jump in.)

Kanade seemed amused with her explantation and said. "That's not the only way. You can also use souls to create a Philosopher's Stone, but that... particular method is considered taboo, and will most likely get you arrested for dark magic." then decided to ask her the question that has been sitting at the back of his mind since he entered the bar. "Tell me, where do you stand on religion? Do you worship Gods? What do you think of them?" with a hint of clear disrespect towards the divines in his voice. Now was a good chance to ask her this, as she reached the point of the conversation where she mentioned the church. Kuro finished drinking his Catnip Wine and looked up at Kanade, to show him that soon is the time they set out towards the Guild. Kanade glanced at Kuro with the corner of his vision, perfectly understanding what his gaze meant. "Just a minute, Kuro. I'm enjoying this conversation." then looked back at Astrid, awaiting her answer to his previous religion-related inquiry.

Amelia walked in front of Mephisto and looked up at him. "I...Uhh...Er, I am sorry for what happened before. I know you're a demon presence bothers you, but I really want to help my dad. You don't have to be scared of me, I won't harm you in any way. If you want, I can use a demon-skin bag to keep the holy-water bombs, if it annoys you!" She said cheerfully, showing him a thick layer of Night-hunter skin, all still soaked in blood and covered in black dust. Tar-coals still flew around it, eagerly looking at it to consume it. Gabriel smiled and patted her on the head, "You really are kind as your grandmother..." He whispered to himself, with a happy expression stamped on his face. But suddenly, Amelia remembered something. "DAD! I forgot to give you something!" She said, taking out something from her bag full of holy and not-so-holy artifacts. She took out a purple, radiating crystal. "I got this in the Dark Forest during the days of training!" She said, handing it to Gabriel with her left hand. Gabriel took it and it immediately started burning on his hand. "Oh hell! My hand!" He exclaimed, launching the crystal into his leather bag. But the crystal was somehow acid, and burned a hole trough the leather. "How could you handle that without harming yourself?" Gabriel asked in shock. Amelia looked confused, and gave a quick gaze to Mephisto. Maybe he had an explanation?

Location: Fort Black

(Don't forget to post the locations, people X_X)

Mephisto watched as she gave him the crystal, and didn't seem to care. Mephisto shook his head and said. "That's not something I'll teach you." trying to, somewhat jealously hoard dark knowledge to himself, and somewhat to protect others. "Next time don't carelessly handle demonic artifacts. They're more alive than you think." and walked away to his office, in order to prepare for moving out to raid Woguran's camp. Mephisto had mixed feelings about the mission, but he would do what had to be done to ensure peace and well-being of the people.
Mephisto performed a heel-turn towards Gabriel's direction and smiled, then he noticed Amelia and his smile withered like a patch of flowers. "Nah, I'm over it." he ultimately decided, then approached in a very noble, graceful way, keeping the same smile on his face. Then he turned pale, smelling holy water that was somewhere in the vicinity. Mephisto compared Holy Water to a highly radioactive, unstable compound that could melt him any second upon contact. Mephisto stopped about 10 meters away from the two and tried not to look frightened of the exorcist that stood behind Gabriel. "W-Well?" he nervously asked, some drops of sweat coming down his forehead and cheeks. He could barely control his fear.

Gabriel, who was there with Mephisto, nodded to himself and prepared his horse and his leather bag with food and water for him and Amelia. Speaking of which, she entered the gate, after waving goodbye to the newly met girl. "I'm here, daa-...? What's happening?" She asked curiously, looking around as the blood on her cloak evaporated on the way to Fort Black. She looked at Mephisto and blushed in embarrassment, walking quickly over to Gabriel and looking up at him, smiling. "Where we going?" She asked, with a fake smile drew across her cheeks, while she scratched the back of her head. Gabriel looked down at her and patted her on the head, "We're going on a mission. Mephisto! Come here, please?" He exclaimed at him, looking over him with a demanding expression. Amelia blushed again and hid behind Gabriel. "Ugh," He groaned in a over-dramatic way, chuckling as Amelia hid behind him and smiled at Mephisto. "Please...she won't come out." He said with a smile on his face, staring at Mephisto.

Edilyn and the other girl, who had introduced herself as Amelia took in the newcomer with different gazes. Edilyn noticed the other girl's apparent suspicion, but assumed it was a natural reaction for her. The silver haired girl smiled as she took the man before them in. It was difficult to tell his age, but he had a clean shaven face and dark green eyes. After he had spoken, Edilyn replied cheerfully, "Nice to meet you, Graham. I'm Edilyn. I'm only an apprentice here, so I'm just learning the ropes of the Guild and-"

Suddenly, she heard the heavy sound of hooves hitting the ground and turned with the other two to take in a surprising sight: A hulking figure in large silver armor atop an elegant stallion, perhaps a knight, carrying a clearly unconscious and injured girl in his arms. In a deep voice he demanded, "You , people. Quick, bring me to the demon, Mephisto Pheles. An old friend of his is nearly dying in my arms right now. Tell him, Antonidas, the Cavalryman of Light wants to talk to him." 

Edilyn was torn between doing as he asked and offering him her own help. Her hands began to glow an odd, raidiant light almost instinctively.  "I-it isn't much but I can help heal her, if you'll allow me. Amelia, could you go get the Guild Master?" She asked, taking one step forwards to the knight. 

Location: Fort Black's Gate

Graham couldn't help but notice the apparent suspicion the girl had, although he quickly shrugged it off to introduce himself. "I don't mean to intrude, my name is Graham. I'm not from around here." He turned his head to look back at the wagon from which he had arrived. "I've never been here, so I don't know if they'll just let me in. I was wondering if you knew anything about the Guild." He figured that was simple enough, and wandering around aimlessly would be a waste of time if he could just ask.

Just then, he heard the sound of rapid stampeding from a horse, and turned to see an incredible sight: a large figure, in hulking silver armor. Suddenly, Graham felt as if he had just transitioned into another world, all before he had even entered the walls of Fort Black. He didn't have any knowledge of the person that was mentioned, so all he did was turn back to the girls he had greeted to see what they said.

@Gabriel97 @Aura Of Twilight @Princess Ami

The knight looked at the mortals before him. They seemed to wait. Why did they wait? Did they not see the urgency? One woman did straightly ignore him and leave. He marked her in his head. THis woman would face a punishment, as soon as his master would feel better. 

One woman however reacted right. "You can just go get the demon. But hurry-", Antonidas stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw Mephisto. Quickly, the knight ran inside. He ran up to Mephisto, blocking the way to his office while having the Herald of Hope in his arms. "Demon, the herald is hurt! SHe is injured, she needs help. I knew no place to come. So i came here. Please, you must help us!" 
The knight looked at the mortals before him. They seemed to wait. Why did they wait? Did they not see the urgency? One woman did straightly ignore him and leave. He marked her in his head. THis woman would face a punishment, as soon as his master would feel better. 

One woman however reacted right. "You can just go get the demon. But hurry-", Antonidas stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw Mephisto. Quickly, the knight ran inside. He ran up to Mephisto, blocking the way to his office while having the Herald of Hope in his arms. "Demon, the herald is hurt! SHe is injured, she needs help. I knew no place to come. So i came here. Please, you must help us!" 

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto turned around as soon as he heard someone running behind him. He saw Fiducia being carried by a Knight, apparently called Antonidas. "Very well. I will help the Herald of Hope." and laid his hand on her forehead, then used Prestidigitation to stabilize her state, and ensure her injuries won't grow, in general slowing down her death. He motioned to a nearby healer, who ran up to them and pointed out. "This way, to the infirmary." leading the knight there. Mephisto followed.
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto turned around as soon as he heard someone running behind him. He saw Fiducia being carried by a Knight, apparently called Antonidas. "Very well. I will help the Herald of Hope." and laid his hand on her forehead, then used Prestidigitation to stabilize her state, and ensure her injuries won't grow, in general slowing down her death. He motioned to a nearby healer, who ran up to them and pointed out. "This way, to the infirmary." leading the knight there. Mephisto followed.

Antonidas lost no time to follow towards the infirmary, as the life of Fiducia was in danger. He brought her to a bed there and laid her down as gentle as possible. Her dress was soaked in her golden blood, the burn mark on her back shimmering in a golden sheen. 

Antonidas looked at her, then he nodded towards Mephisto. "Her power fades and i feel that i get unsummoned. I lay her life into your hands, she trusts you, so will I." Antonidas started to shimmer more, getting see through. "Take good care for her. She has a deep adoration of you in her heart." Then, the knight disappeared.
Location: Astrid's Bar

(Don't forget to post the locations, people X_X. It's gonna be confusing for people that want to jump in.)

Kanade seemed amused with her explantation and said. "That's not the only way. You can also use souls to create a Philosopher's Stone, but that... particular method is considered taboo, and will most likely get you arrested for dark magic." then decided to ask her the question that has been sitting at the back of his mind since he entered the bar. "Tell me, where do you stand on religion? Do you worship Gods? What do you think of them?" with a hint of clear disrespect towards the divines in his voice. Now was a good chance to ask her this, as she reached the point of the conversation where she mentioned the church. Kuro finished drinking his Catnip Wine and looked up at Kanade, to show him that soon is the time they set out towards the Guild. Kanade glanced at Kuro with the corner of his vision, perfectly understanding what his gaze meant. "Just a minute, Kuro. I'm enjoying this conversation." then looked back at Astrid, awaiting her answer to his previous religion-related inquiry.

Location: Fort Black

(Don't forget to post the locations, people X_X)

Mephisto watched as she gave him the crystal, and didn't seem to care. Mephisto shook his head and said. "That's not something I'll teach you." trying to, somewhat jealously hoard dark knowledge to himself, and somewhat to protect others. "Next time don't carelessly handle demonic artifacts. They're more alive than you think." and walked away to his office, in order to prepare for moving out to raid Woguran's camp. Mephisto had mixed feelings about the mission, but he would do what had to be done to ensure peace and well-being of the people.

Location: Astrid's Bar

(Sorry, was too engulfed in my response)

Astrid leaned back for a moment. The miniature set collapsed and the magic circles disappeared. With her right arm, she took a drink of water. "The church may act like the messengers of the One True God, otherwise their holy water wouldn't work, but they do not respect the other deities of existence. The Druids of the Long Forgotten believe in the power of the Earth, Nature, and the Sky working in unison, but they don't acknowledge the great Wars between Man, Heaven, and Hell. The alchemists and mages from the far east have proposed a religion of a multitude of gods, explaining our diversity in thought and form, but fail to realize the perfect balance needed to achieve their craft." She paused for another drink of water. "Gods have no say in my craft. They do not dictate the success of my potions, nor do they dictate the happiness of those who enter my bar. They may have created our world and guided our ancestors to peace, and for that I thank them, but man and his ingenuity alone has brought himself to where we are today." She took her towel and wiped off the mess, again. "I believe that the gods we worship are those who have achieved great power and ascended to the heavens, or fell to the depths of hell, the same as the Great Wizards of Creation. But what do I know, I am a mere Bartender using Alchemy to her advantage." She finished with a flourished bow.
Location: Fort Black

Graham's eyes shifted between the new figures that he had been surrounded with, and upon realizing what he had done (or rather, had not done) his anxious, somewhat excited mood seemed to slip away. He felt like a child, and even worse was the moment's possibility of falling into self-pity over that same feeling. He turned to look at the woman who had greeted him kindly, offering a small nod. Bundling up the end of the coat he was gripping in his hand and pulling up the strap by which his bag was hanging from his other shoulder, he took a deep breath and began to make his way through the gate. He needed to know about the Guild, but with the current situation he decided against prying too much from the one who had obviously expressed a desire to heal the injured person he had seen rushed into the fort.

@Aura Of Twilight
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Antonidas lost no time to follow towards the infirmary, as the life of Fiducia was in danger. He brought her to a bed there and laid her down as gentle as possible. Her dress was soaked in her golden blood, the burn mark on her back shimmering in a golden sheen. 

Antonidas looked at her, then he nodded towards Mephisto. "Her power fades and i feel that i get unsummoned. I lay her life into your hands, she trusts you, so will I." Antonidas started to shimmer more, getting see through. "Take good care for her. She has a deep adoration of you in her heart." Then, the knight disappeared.

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto nodded and said. "I will Antonidas. You have my word." and with those words, the knight faded away. Mephisto looked at the healers and said. "Do your best to heal her." as they surrounded her and gently placed their hands just above her body by a few centimeters at most, then the hands start eminating warm, calming and sympathetic yellow rays of healing magic, delivering it all across Fiducia's body. The amount of healers and their undoubtful experience in the arts of magical healing would definitely be enough to bring a badly injured human soldier back to full health and stamina in a few seconds, so Mephisto was sure it would work quite well with Fiducia too. Mephisto smiled, took his hat off, then took a boquet of flowers from it and laid it on the desk near Fiducia's bed. He then took out a book about gorillas from his hat and started reading, as he put the hat back on. All that was left to do was to wait for the healers to return Fiducia to her state.

Location: Astrid's Bar

(Sorry, was too engulfed in my response)

Astrid leaned back for a moment. The miniature set collapsed and the magic circles disappeared. With her right arm, she took a drink of water. "The church may act like the messengers of the One True God, otherwise their holy water wouldn't work, but they do not respect the other deities of existence. The Druids of the Long Forgotten believe in the power of the Earth, Nature, and the Sky working in unison, but they don't acknowledge the great Wars between Man, Heaven, and Hell. The alchemists and mages from the far east have proposed a religion of a multitude of gods, explaining our diversity in thought and form, but fail to realize the perfect balance needed to achieve their craft." She paused for another drink of water. "Gods have no say in my craft. They do not dictate the success of my potions, nor do they dictate the happiness of those who enter my bar. They may have created our world and guided our ancestors to peace, and for that I thank them, but man and his ingenuity alone has brought himself to where we are today." She took her towel and wiped off the mess, again. "I believe that the gods we worship are those who have achieved great power and ascended to the heavens, or fell to the depths of hell, the same as the Great Wizards of Creation. But what do I know, I am a mere Bartender using Alchemy to her advantage." She finished with a flourished bow.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade nodded and said. "Well, then I genuinely find you intelligent and I suppose... honorable enough to consider a friend." then took out the book he took from the Fortress of the Inquisiton. "Take a look at this." and opened the book on page 152 and turned it to Astrid, to allow her to read it. Both of the pages were filled to the brim with different, painful and rather brutal torture tactics designed to deal pain and get information out of someone. He scrolled the pages, one by one, after another. They were also torture tactics, with each one getting more creative and brutal than the last one. He took the book back to himself and said. "What you just read is a basic guide for an Inquisitor of the 'Holy' Order of Kurneus." with a lot of spite and contempt in his voice when he said the word 'Holy' as if he held a deep hatred towards the said order. "Truth is that the nowadays priests and religions stepped away from their true goal. Imagine all of what you've read happening to you constantly for 8 years. Then imagine you're talking to someone who lived through that." implying that he indeed did once face the torture tactics. "A basic guide for an Inquisitor. Don't you think it should be a book about spreading love, peace and trying to eliminate heresy in the most diplomatic way possible? Well, I suppose that's what religious people consider "diplomacy."" and frowned.

Kanade moved his arms to the mug he drank his beer from, and said. "They sure gave me a lasting memory, and I gave them their last memories when I broke free." then drank the rest of the beer in one, long chug. He felt a sharp burn in his throat and smiled, feeling energized by it. "Another one." he requested, then laid the payment for Astrid on the counter.
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Edilyn Stone

Location Fort Black

Despite the words and actions of the Guild Master, Edilyn couldn't help but be worried about the injured girl herself. It wasn't in her nature to not help someone when they obviously still needed it. She wasn't sure how everyone was so calm about knight carrying a near death injured girl. As she watched the knight and healer head to the infirmary, she made the decision to follow. "Please...let me help somehow." She told the healer as the knight walked away. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Then she opened them, determination clear in her gaze. It would take a lot of energy, but she WOULD help this girl. Muttering the spell under her breath, her hands began to glow. Then she touched the wound of the girl, apparently named Fiduclia, ignoring how the golden blood felt warm against her fingertips. She wondered why this girl had different colored blood, but decided to not worry about it as she needed to concentrate. The magic pulsed in her hands, leaving her fingers tips to enter the body of Fiduclia. Edilyn could feel the drain already, but she wasn't about to give up. 

@Princess Ami
Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto nodded and said. "I will Antonidas. You have my word." and with those words, the knight faded away. Mephisto looked at the healers and said. "Do your best to heal her." as they surrounded her and gently placed their hands just above her body by a few centimeters at most, then the hands start eminating warm, calming and sympathetic yellow rays of healing magic, delivering it all across Fiducia's body. The amount of healers and their undoubtful experience in the arts of magical healing would definitely be enough to bring a badly injured human soldier back to full health and stamina in a few seconds, so Mephisto was sure it would work quite well with Fiducia too. Mephisto smiled, took his hat off, then took a boquet of flowers from it and laid it on the desk near Fiducia's bed. He then took out a book about gorillas from his hat and started reading, as he put the hat back on. All that was left to do was to wait for the healers to return Fiducia to her state.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade nodded and said. "Well, then I genuinely find you intelligent and I suppose... honorable to consider a friend." then took out the book he took from the Fortress of the Inquisiton. "Take a look at this." and opened the book on page 152 and turned it to Astrid, to allow her to read it. Both of the pages were filled to the brim with different, painful and rather brutal torture tactics designed to deal pain and get information out of someone. He scrolled the pages, one by one, after another. They were also torture tactics, with each one getting more creative and brutal than the last one. He took the book back to himself and said. "What you just read is a basic guide for an Inquisitor of the 'Holy' Order of Kurneus." with a lot of spite and contempt in his voice when he said the word 'Holy' as if he held a deep hatred towards the said order. "Truth is that the nowadays priests and religions stepped away from their true goal. Imagine all of what you've read happening to you constantly for 8 years. Then imagine you're talking to someone who lived through that." implying that he indeed did once face the torture tactics. "A basic guide for an Inquisitor. Don't you think it should be a book about spreading love, peace and trying to eliminate heresy in the most diplomatic way possible? Well, I suppose that's what religious people consider "diplomacy."" and frowned.

Kanade moved his arms to the mug he drank his beer from, and said. "They sure gave me a lasting memory, and I gave them their last memories when I broke free." then drank the rest of the beer in one, long chug. He felt a sharp burn in his throat and smiled, feeling energized by it. "Another one." he requested, then laid the payment for Astrid on the counter.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid smiled. She accepted the coin and put it in her pouch. Taking up his mug and refilling it she said, "I cannot pass judgement upon another being the same way a bartender cannot choose their customers. I may not be able to know even a fraction of your pain nor would I be able to understand the inquisition's methods." She placed the refilled mug before the Kanade. She also took out a small vial from under the counter and placed it next to the mug. With a whisper she said, "Some of my younger customers like theirs with a drop of honey." She leaned back. "But I am honored to be considered a friend by a person who have felt what many would never dare to dream. The only thing I can say is 'Welcome to my bar, where one can let the sorrows of the world seep away with their drink if they let it.'"
Tenebrae took her drink and sipped on it silently. She was no person to talk a lot and she sure enough was no person to actually START a conversation. She just listened to the funny blabbering that the two mortals did, one seeming to be a demon, but who cared. Tenebrae didnt. She took out her most precious belonging. Lucifer, the Mourning Star. She hovered her hand over the flaming blade, feeling its magic. It sent her into a rush, it made her want to use it. But it costed so much. No, she could not use it here. 

Akena slowly arose. She had been in the bar the whole time, it however appeared, nobody had noticed her. Akena did not care, she simply left the bar. She had paid, she had drunken, she was done here. 


Edilyn Stone

Location Fort Black

Despite the words and actions of the Guild Master, Edilyn couldn't help but be worried about the injured girl herself. It wasn't in her nature to not help someone when they obviously still needed it. She wasn't sure how everyone was so calm about knight carrying a near death injured girl. As she watched the knight and healer head to the infirmary, she made the decision to follow. "Please...let me help somehow." She told the healer as the knight walked away. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Then she opened them, determination clear in her gaze. It would take a lot of energy, but she WOULD help this girl. Muttering the spell under her breath, her hands began to glow. Then she touched the wound of the girl, apparently named Fiduclia, ignoring how the golden blood felt warm against her fingertips. She wondered why this girl had different colored blood, but decided to not worry about it as she needed to concentrate. The magic pulsed in her hands, leaving her fingers tips to enter the body of Fiduclia. Edilyn could feel the drain already, but she wasn't about to give up. 

@Princess Ami

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto nodded and said. "I will Antonidas. You have my word." and with those words, the knight faded away. Mephisto looked at the healers and said. "Do your best to heal her." as they surrounded her and gently placed their hands just above her body by a few centimeters at most, then the hands start eminating warm, calming and sympathetic yellow rays of healing magic, delivering it all across Fiducia's body. The amount of healers and their undoubtful experience in the arts of magical healing would definitely be enough to bring a badly injured human soldier back to full health and stamina in a few seconds, so Mephisto was sure it would work quite well with Fiducia too. Mephisto smiled, took his hat off, then took a boquet of flowers from it and laid it on the desk near Fiducia's bed. He then took out a book about gorillas from his hat and started reading, as he put the hat back on. All that was left to do was to wait for the healers to return Fiducia to her state.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade nodded and said. "Well, then I genuinely find you intelligent and I suppose... honorable enough to consider a friend." then took out the book he took from the Fortress of the Inquisiton. "Take a look at this." and opened the book on page 152 and turned it to Astrid, to allow her to read it. Both of the pages were filled to the brim with different, painful and rather brutal torture tactics designed to deal pain and get information out of someone. He scrolled the pages, one by one, after another. They were also torture tactics, with each one getting more creative and brutal than the last one. He took the book back to himself and said. "What you just read is a basic guide for an Inquisitor of the 'Holy' Order of Kurneus." with a lot of spite and contempt in his voice when he said the word 'Holy' as if he held a deep hatred towards the said order. "Truth is that the nowadays priests and religions stepped away from their true goal. Imagine all of what you've read happening to you constantly for 8 years. Then imagine you're talking to someone who lived through that." implying that he indeed did once face the torture tactics. "A basic guide for an Inquisitor. Don't you think it should be a book about spreading love, peace and trying to eliminate heresy in the most diplomatic way possible? Well, I suppose that's what religious people consider "diplomacy."" and frowned.

Kanade moved his arms to the mug he drank his beer from, and said. "They sure gave me a lasting memory, and I gave them their last memories when I broke free." then drank the rest of the beer in one, long chug. He felt a sharp burn in his throat and smiled, feeling energized by it. "Another one." he requested, then laid the payment for Astrid on the counter.

Fiducia´s body was not a normal one and that made it heal way quicker than any other. It did not take long time, until her eyes opened slowly. She looked around, confused where she was. She then recognized the place. "Am... Am i at the guild?", she weakly muttered. SHe then tried to get up, but couldnt. "Where... Where is Mephisto Pheles? What happened? I was fighting Tenebrae..."
Edilyn Stone

Location Fort Black

Despite the words and actions of the Guild Master, Edilyn couldn't help but be worried about the injured girl herself. It wasn't in her nature to not help someone when they obviously still needed it. She wasn't sure how everyone was so calm about knight carrying a near death injured girl. As she watched the knight and healer head to the infirmary, she made the decision to follow. "Please...let me help somehow." She told the healer as the knight walked away. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Then she opened them, determination clear in her gaze. It would take a lot of energy, but she WOULD help this girl. Muttering the spell under her breath, her hands began to glow. Then she touched the wound of the girl, apparently named Fiduclia, ignoring how the golden blood felt warm against her fingertips. She wondered why this girl had different colored blood, but decided to not worry about it as she needed to concentrate. The magic pulsed in her hands, leaving her fingers tips to enter the body of Fiduclia. Edilyn could feel the drain already, but she wasn't about to give up. 

@Princess Ami
Tenebrae took her drink and sipped on it silently. She was no person to talk a lot and she sure enough was no person to actually START a conversation. She just listened to the funny blabbering that the two mortals did, one seeming to be a demon, but who cared. Tenebrae didnt. She took out her most precious belonging. Lucifer, the Mourning Star. She hovered her hand over the flaming blade, feeling its magic. It sent her into a rush, it made her want to use it. But it costed so much. No, she could not use it here. 

Akena slowly arose. She had been in the bar the whole time, it however appeared, nobody had noticed her. Akena did not care, she simply left the bar. She had paid, she had drunken, she was done here. 


Fiducia´s body was not a normal one and that made it heal way quicker than any other. It did not take long time, until her eyes opened slowly. She looked around, confused where she was. She then recognized the place. "Am... Am i at the guild?", she weakly muttered. SHe then tried to get up, but couldnt. "Where... Where is Mephisto Pheles? What happened? I was fighting Tenebrae..."

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto's lecture was interrupted by Edilyn who helped the other healers cure Fiducia. Mephisto didn't think much of it, but her action clearly built some trust for her in Mephisto's eyes. She was ready to help, even when not asked for it. That was true heroism, according to both Mephisto and to William Black, at least from what Mephisto knew. He left the book on the desk and keenly observed her healing spell, in clear amusement. He seemed to be... enjoying the sight of people helping each other just for the sake of doing it. Mephisto would definitely reward Edilyn later for being so altruistic and helpful towards the Guild, perhaps he'd consider promoting her, or giving her a magical item, or book as a reward.

Then Mephisto heard Fiducia's voice and said. "Yes, you are at the Guild. And I'm right here. It appears you've lost the fight pretty badly." he commented, as he approached her bed.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid smiled. She accepted the coin and put it in her pouch. Taking up his mug and refilling it she said, "I cannot pass judgement upon another being the same way a bartender cannot choose their customers. I may not be able to know even a fraction of your pain nor would I be able to understand the inquisition's methods." She placed the refilled mug before the Kanade. She also took out a small vial from under the counter and placed it next to the mug. With a whisper she said, "Some of my younger customers like theirs with a drop of honey." She leaned back. "But I am honored to be considered a friend by a person who have felt what many would never dare to dream. The only thing I can say is 'Welcome to my bar, where one can let the sorrows of the world seep away with their drink if they let it.'"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade looked at Astrid, then nodded and said. "Well. It's easy to imagine, but not pleasant. Basically put all of the stuff in that book for around... 20 hours daily, with breaks for food, water and washing, sometimes even to regenerate. As you know 20 hours daily is quite a lot. There's 365 days in a year. Multiply that by 8, because that's how long I was tortured and then you get 2920. That translates to 70080 hours. Minus the breaks and hours for rest and we have 58400 hours of constant, relentless torture. The same torture you've seen in that book." clearly being good at sciences and mathematics. Kanade learned all that thanks to his Nephilism and to the generous libraries of the Inquisition, that he used to train himself over the last few years, then left. "Though I guess you can add a shock factor, because the whole thing started when I was eight and finished when I was 16. I've trained for 4 years, which makes me 20 right now. That means that at least a third of my life so far has been literal tortures." whilst taking the mug of beer and adding the honey to it. "Thank you." he commented on her kind behaviour and took a sip of the beer.

Kanade smiled and asked. "Anyway. Do you know what direction to go to the Guild of Heroes? I have a... particular reason to visit them, and it's not initiation. We want to move out as soon as possible, isn't that right?" Kanade stared at Kuro. The 2-tailed cat stared back and intelligently nodded, clearly being driven by an understanding mind that could comprehend human words. It jumped on Kanade's lap and Kanade gently scratched Kuro's head near the horns, while taking another sip of the beer.
Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto's lecture was interrupted by Edilyn who helped the other healers cure Fiducia. Mephisto didn't think much of it, but her action clearly built some trust for her in Mephisto's eyes. She was ready to help, even when not asked for it. That was true heroism, according to both Mephisto and to William Black, at least from what Mephisto knew. He left the book on the desk and keenly observed her healing spell, in clear amusement. He seemed to be... enjoying the sight of people helping each other just for the sake of doing it. Mephisto would definitely reward Edilyn later for being so altruistic and helpful towards the Guild, perhaps he'd consider promoting her, or giving her a magical item, or book as a reward.

Then Mephisto heard Fiducia's voice and said. "Yes, you are at the Guild. And I'm right here. It appears you've lost the fight pretty badly." he commented, as he approached her bed.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade looked at Astrid, then nodded and said. "Well. It's easy to imagine, but not pleasant. Basically put all of the stuff in that book for around... 20 hours daily, with breaks for food, water and washing, sometimes even to regenerate. As you know 20 hours daily is quite a lot. There's 365 days in a year. Multiply that by 8, because that's how long I was tortured and then you get 2920. That translates to 70080 hours. Minus the breaks and hours for rest and we have 58400 hours of constant, relentless torture. The same torture you've seen in that book." clearly being good at sciences and mathematics. Kanade learned all that thanks to his Nephilism and to the generous libraries of the Inquisition, that he used to train himself over the last few years, then left. "Though I guess you can add a shock factor, because the whole thing started when I was eight and finished when I was 16. I've trained for 4 years, which makes me 20 right now. That means that at least a third of my life so far has been literal tortures." whilst taking the mug of beer and adding the honey to it. "Thank you." he commented on her kind behaviour and took a sip of the beer.

Kanade smiled and asked. "Anyway. Do you know what direction to go to the Guild of Heroes? I have a... particular reason to visit them, and it's not initiation. We want to move out as soon as possible, isn't that right?" Kanade stared at Kuro. The 2-tailed cat stared back and intelligently nodded, clearly being driven by an understanding mind that could comprehend human words. It jumped on Kanade's lap and Kanade gently scratched Kuro's head near the horns, while taking another sip of the beer.

Tenebrae took her drink and sipped on it silently. She was no person to talk a lot and she sure enough was no person to actually START a conversation. She just listened to the funny blabbering that the two mortals did, one seeming to be a demon, but who cared. Tenebrae didnt. She took out her most precious belonging. Lucifer, the Mourning Star. She hovered her hand over the flaming blade, feeling its magic. It sent her into a rush, it made her want to use it. But it costed so much. No, she could not use it here. 

Akena slowly arose. She had been in the bar the whole time, it however appeared, nobody had noticed her. Akena did not care, she simply left the bar. She had paid, she had drunken, she was done here. 


Fiducia´s body was not a normal one and that made it heal way quicker than any other. It did not take long time, until her eyes opened slowly. She looked around, confused where she was. She then recognized the place. "Am... Am i at the guild?", she weakly muttered. SHe then tried to get up, but couldnt. "Where... Where is Mephisto Pheles? What happened? I was fighting Tenebrae..."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid pointed to her potion rack. "Fort Black is an hour's horse ride to the north." She saw the door close and looked around. Looks like Akena left. Hope she'll be fine. She glanced at the other woman. "Need anything madam?"
Tenebrae took her drink and sipped on it silently. She was no person to talk a lot and she sure enough was no person to actually START a conversation. She just listened to the funny blabbering that the two mortals did, one seeming to be a demon, but who cared. Tenebrae didnt. She took out her most precious belonging. Lucifer, the Mourning Star. She hovered her hand over the flaming blade, feeling its magic. It sent her into a rush, it made her want to use it. But it costed so much. No, she could not use it here. 

Akena slowly arose. She had been in the bar the whole time, it however appeared, nobody had noticed her. Akena did not care, she simply left the bar. She had paid, she had drunken, she was done here. 


Fiducia´s body was not a normal one and that made it heal way quicker than any other. It did not take long time, until her eyes opened slowly. She looked around, confused where she was. She then recognized the place. "Am... Am i at the guild?", she weakly muttered. SHe then tried to get up, but couldnt. "Where... Where is Mephisto Pheles? What happened? I was fighting Tenebrae..."

Location: BowerStone 

Kyro watched as the shadow girl he had learned about last night walked out of the store. He did not know her name, the bartender hadn't said it. He figured this would be a good time to start. Though he had no intention of letting her know is identity. "Knowledge is power." as the bartender from the previous night had said. He took out his plain white mask, With a blood stain on the right half. He walked behind the women so she couldn't notice him right away. He kept following her until there weren't as many people around and said "Pleasure to meet you, you control shadows do you not? Where are you going?" he asked despite knowing the answer.
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Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid pointed to her potion rack. "Fort Black is an hour's horse ride to the north." She saw the door close and looked around. Looks like Akena left. Hope she'll be fine. She glanced at the other woman. "Need anything madam?"

Location: Astrid's Bar, about to leave towards Fort Black.

Kanade took a sip of the beer whilst listening to Astrid's explantation and nodded. Kanade nodded to her, then mentioned. "Thank you for helping." and took the last sip of the beer. He left the mug on the counter, as Kuro jumped off of his lap. Then Kanade said. "I'll make sure to come again, and if I ever find the recipe for the Drink of the Gods I'll make sure to share it with you." as he got up from his seat and began to vacate the bar. "Wait, where's my manners?" he stopped and turned back to Astrid. "A good bartender deserves a tip, don't they?" and took the same pouch from before in his hands. He took out golden coins from it and laid around 10 on the counter. He needed to save at least some money for future expenses, but being nice to random people would help him stay motivated. Kanade and Kuro then walked out through the same door they entered with. 

Kanade looked at Kuro and asked. "Care for a flight?" lowering next to the demonic cat and taking it in his hands. Kuro meowed happily. Kanade walked through the streets, in order not to disturb the local populace and as soon as he reached the outskirts of Bowerstone, he sprouted two wings from his back and flew above the forests, towards the Guild. Fortunately, he was sober enough to fly, as the alcohol in his organism barely affected him due to his increased immunity against such things.
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

It seemed like several hours passed as Edilyn preformed the healing spell, when in reality it was only a few minutes. She could feel the drain tax quite heavily on her body already. Damn it she needed to build her endurance...Lost in her musings, it took the silver haired girl a moment to realize her self proclaimed patient had already opened her eyes. "Whoa!" She exclaimed, surprised that the girl had awoken so soon. "How are you already-" She was interupted when the girl spoke weakly, asking if she was at the guild. Edilyn nodded, pushing the girl gently back down when she tried to rise. Before Edilyn could respond to Fiducia's question however, the Guild Master appeared, making her jump despite how tired she felt. "O-oh Guild Master..." She said, turning towards him. 

@Princess Ami @Birdsie
Kyro watched as the shadow girl he had learned about last night walked out of the store. He did not know her name, the bartender hadn't said it. He figured this would be a good time to start. Though he had no intention of letting her know is identity. "Knowledge is power." as the bartender from the previous night had said. He took out his plain white mask, With a blood stain on the right half. He walked behind the women so she couldn't notice him right away. He kept following her until there weren't as many people around and said "Pleasure to meet you, you control shadows do you not? Where are you going?" he asked despite knowing the answer.

Akena had noticed someone following her. It was easy, as the shadows around her made her see a lot more than the average human. She already had a dagger in her hand. "Who are you and what is your buisness with me?" She created a shadow right behind him, ready to attack and a second one a little away from him, ready to be swapped with and escape. "Why should i give you any knowlegde about me? Why should i not stab you and take your belongings?"

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto's lecture was interrupted by Edilyn who helped the other healers cure Fiducia. Mephisto didn't think much of it, but her action clearly built some trust for her in Mephisto's eyes. She was ready to help, even when not asked for it. That was true heroism, according to both Mephisto and to William Black, at least from what Mephisto knew. He left the book on the desk and keenly observed her healing spell, in clear amusement. He seemed to be... enjoying the sight of people helping each other just for the sake of doing it. Mephisto would definitely reward Edilyn later for being so altruistic and helpful towards the Guild, perhaps he'd consider promoting her, or giving her a magical item, or book as a reward.

Then Mephisto heard Fiducia's voice and said. "Yes, you are at the Guild. And I'm right here. It appears you've lost the fight pretty badly." he commented, as he approached her bed.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade looked at Astrid, then nodded and said. "Well. It's easy to imagine, but not pleasant. Basically put all of the stuff in that book for around... 20 hours daily, with breaks for food, water and washing, sometimes even to regenerate. As you know 20 hours daily is quite a lot. There's 365 days in a year. Multiply that by 8, because that's how long I was tortured and then you get 2920. That translates to 70080 hours. Minus the breaks and hours for rest and we have 58400 hours of constant, relentless torture. The same torture you've seen in that book." clearly being good at sciences and mathematics. Kanade learned all that thanks to his Nephilism and to the generous libraries of the Inquisition, that he used to train himself over the last few years, then left. "Though I guess you can add a shock factor, because the whole thing started when I was eight and finished when I was 16. I've trained for 4 years, which makes me 20 right now. That means that at least a third of my life so far has been literal tortures." whilst taking the mug of beer and adding the honey to it. "Thank you." he commented on her kind behaviour and took a sip of the beer.

Kanade smiled and asked. "Anyway. Do you know what direction to go to the Guild of Heroes? I have a... particular reason to visit them, and it's not initiation. We want to move out as soon as possible, isn't that right?" Kanade stared at Kuro. The 2-tailed cat stared back and intelligently nodded, clearly being driven by an understanding mind that could comprehend human words. It jumped on Kanade's lap and Kanade gently scratched Kuro's head near the horns, while taking another sip of the beer.

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

It seemed like several hours passed as Edilyn preformed the healing spell, when in reality it was only a few minutes. She could feel the drain tax quite heavily on her body already. Damn it she needed to build her endurance...Lost in her musings, it took the silver haired girl a moment to realize her self proclaimed patient had already opened her eyes. "Whoa!" She exclaimed, surprised that the girl had awoken so soon. "How are you already-" She was interupted when the girl spoke weakly, asking if she was at the guild. Edilyn nodded, pushing the girl gently back down when she tried to rise. Before Edilyn could respond to Fiducia's question however, the Guild Master appeared, making her jump despite how tired she felt. "O-oh Guild Master..." She said, turning towards him. 

@Princess Ami @Birdsie

Fiducia heared the demons voice and it was so soothing to know he was there. Her light in the darkness, the one that always gave her hope. "I seem to have lost...", she muttered and looked around. "But i tell you Mephisto... There is good in her. Like you, she can be turned to be on our side... Like you..." Fiducia smiled dreamily. She was still weak. "She is my sister after all... She is the herald of Doom, i know... But... I cannot believe there is no hope for her." Fiducia tried to arise again, failed again and sighed. "Oh my..." She looked down herself, saw her stained clothing. "I will need a bath... And... Something to wash my clothes in." Then, suddenly, she grabbed to her side. She felt the hilt of her trusted blade, relaxing a bit. "Oh i already thought i lost you, Gypsennia..."
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid pointed to her potion rack. "Fort Black is an hour's horse ride to the north." She saw the door close and looked around. Looks like Akena left. Hope she'll be fine. She glanced at the other woman. "Need anything madam?"

Tenebrae put the powerful blade away again. "No, nothing. I just want to relax after a hard day. I almost had her, my sister i mean, but she got away again. So frustrating. How can one bring death and destruction if she always is there to annoy you?"
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

It seemed like several hours passed as Edilyn preformed the healing spell, when in reality it was only a few minutes. She could feel the drain tax quite heavily on her body already. Damn it she needed to build her endurance...Lost in her musings, it took the silver haired girl a moment to realize her self proclaimed patient had already opened her eyes. "Whoa!" She exclaimed, surprised that the girl had awoken so soon. "How are you already-" She was interupted when the girl spoke weakly, asking if she was at the guild. Edilyn nodded, pushing the girl gently back down when she tried to rise. Before Edilyn could respond to Fiducia's question however, the Guild Master appeared, making her jump despite how tired she felt. "O-oh Guild Master..." She said, turning towards him. 

@Princess Ami @Birdsie
Akena had noticed someone following her. It was easy, as the shadows around her made her see a lot more than the average human. She already had a dagger in her hand. "Who are you and what is your buisness with me?" She created a shadow right behind him, ready to attack and a second one a little away from him, ready to be swapped with and escape. "Why should i give you any knowlegde about me? Why should i not stab you and take your belongings?"

Fiducia heared the demons voice and it was so soothing to know he was there. Her light in the darkness, the one that always gave her hope. "I seem to have lost...", she muttered and looked around. "But i tell you Mephisto... There is good in her. Like you, she can be turned to be on our side... Like you..." Fiducia smiled dreamily. She was still weak. "She is my sister after all... She is the herald of Doom, i know... But... I cannot believe there is no hope for her." Fiducia tried to arise again, failed again and sighed. "Oh my..." She looked down herself, saw her stained clothing. "I will need a bath... And... Something to wash my clothes in." Then, suddenly, she grabbed to her side. She felt the hilt of her trusted blade, relaxing a bit. "Oh i already thought i lost you, Gypsennia..."

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto turned to Edilyn momentarily and said. "As for you? Your skills will definitely be useful, and your efforts will not go unrewarded." and smiled. Then Mephisto tipped his hat to Edilyn and said. "Mephisto Pheles, Guildmaster. We have met once before, as you may know, but never formally." Mephisto heard Fiducia's voice and said. "Baka! Don't be stupid! William managed to show me the truth because I was young. We won't be able to do anything, but if William was here..." and deeply sighed, somewhat in admiration for the said hero. "Alright. A bath and a cleaning of your clothes. There's bathrooms in the rooms, so I guess you can take one." and ordered Edilyn. "Show Fiducia to the rooms when she's able to walk, would you?"
Tenebrae put the powerful blade away again. "No, nothing. I just want to relax after a hard day. I almost had her, my sister i mean, but she got away again. So frustrating. How can one bring death and destruction if she always is there to annoy you?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid stood there. She was use to listening to common thieves and bandits complaining about a failed heist, but 'death and destruction?' A lot of weird and different customers lately. She relaxed and accepted Kanade's tip. "Perhaps a dose of Calming Tonic would soothe your mind."
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Akena had noticed someone following her. It was easy, as the shadows around her made her see a lot more than the average human. She already had a dagger in her hand. "Who are you and what is your buisness with me?" She created a shadow right behind him, ready to attack and a second one a little away from him, ready to be swapped with and escape. "Why should i give you any knowlegde about me? Why should i not stab you and take your belongings?"

Fiducia heared the demons voice and it was so soothing to know he was there. Her light in the darkness, the one that always gave her hope. "I seem to have lost...", she muttered and looked around. "But i tell you Mephisto... There is good in her. Like you, she can be turned to be on our side... Like you..." Fiducia smiled dreamily. She was still weak. "She is my sister after all... She is the herald of Doom, i know... But... I cannot believe there is no hope for her." Fiducia tried to arise again, failed again and sighed. "Oh my..." She looked down herself, saw her stained clothing. "I will need a bath... And... Something to wash my clothes in." Then, suddenly, she grabbed to her side. She felt the hilt of her trusted blade, relaxing a bit. "Oh i already thought i lost you, Gypsennia..."

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro raised his hands in the air to show he wasn't going to fight. "You probably could if you wanted to, believe it or not I'm pretty weak." Kyro lets down his hands and bowed to the women. "I don't have any personal belongings, so you would be killing me for the cloths on my back. If you would like, you may call me Black." Since he was wearing a mask he would simply make a fake name. "What I do know is that you have something that I would find useful." Kyro had no intention of forcing this person to help him, but he had a feeling that he wouldn't need to. "I only want to know what you want, and nothing more. If I must die for it I suppose its worth it." Kyro closed his eyes and waited for the first thing he heard, would it be words or knifes? He didn't know and that was the beauty.
Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto turned to Edilyn momentarily and said. "As for you? Your skills will definitely be useful, and your efforts will not go unrewarded." and smiled. Then Mephisto tipped his hat to Edilyn and said. "Mephisto Pheles, Guildmaster. We have met once before, as you may know, but never formally." Mephisto heard Fiducia's voice and said. "Baka! Don't be stupid! William managed to show me the truth because I was young. We won't be able to do anything, but if William was here..." and deeply sighed, somewhat in admiration for the said hero. "Alright. A bath and a cleaning of your clothes. There's bathrooms in the rooms, so I guess you can take one." and ordered Edilyn. "Show Fiducia to the rooms when she's able to walk, would you?"

Akena had noticed someone following her. It was easy, as the shadows around her made her see a lot more than the average human. She already had a dagger in her hand. "Who are you and what is your buisness with me?" She created a shadow right behind him, ready to attack and a second one a little away from him, ready to be swapped with and escape. "Why should i give you any knowlegde about me? Why should i not stab you and take your belongings?"

Fiducia heared the demons voice and it was so soothing to know he was there. Her light in the darkness, the one that always gave her hope. "I seem to have lost...", she muttered and looked around. "But i tell you Mephisto... There is good in her. Like you, she can be turned to be on our side... Like you..." Fiducia smiled dreamily. She was still weak. "She is my sister after all... She is the herald of Doom, i know... But... I cannot believe there is no hope for her." Fiducia tried to arise again, failed again and sighed. "Oh my..." She looked down herself, saw her stained clothing. "I will need a bath... And... Something to wash my clothes in." Then, suddenly, she grabbed to her side. She felt the hilt of her trusted blade, relaxing a bit. "Oh i already thought i lost you, Gypsennia..."

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

"My efforts...?" Edilyn began, heat rushing to her cheeks at his praise. "It was nothing, sir. Seriously. I just felt like I needed to help somehow." She paused, looking down at the girl with a small, but tired smile. "I know you stabilized her, but I was just worried all the same. You took quite the beating it looks like." She said, addressing Fiducia. "From your..sister..." She trailed off, wondering about how two siblings could fight so. It made her think of her and Illarion...She frowned slightly, saddened, but shook it off. Now was not the time to mope.  At Mephisto's order she nodded. "Yes sir. I would be happy to once she's ready. It seems you heal quite quickly Fiducia." She noted. 
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Amilia could have expected that he would never decline it. Some things never changed. But that was okay, if she went with him, she could tell him when he had enough. She did not like how much he usually drank, she liked the sober him way more. 

She took his hand and smiled. "Please don't drink too much, okay?", she whispered and made her way to the bar, hand in hand with her new lover.

Oliver followed Amilia, letting the small woman pull him along. "Sure, sure. I won't drink...too much. Of course, I have a reason to celebrate now, right?" Laughing, he watched the back of her head as they meandered down the hallways, still a little bit in cloud nine. He hoped he didn't screw this whole thing up. 

When they reached the bar, Oliver waved to Astrid, a goofy smile on his face. "Hey, Astrid! Grab me and Amilia the best stuff you got!" Giggling, it just dawned on Oliver that he was missing something. He let out a high-pitched whistle, one that echoed through the halls. Oliver patiently waited, drumming his fingers, and he picked up the faint sound of wingbeats. A few seconds later, Ruthus flew into the bar, circling in the air for a few moments before swooping down and landing on Oliver's back, latching his claws into the shoulderpad of his armor. Smiling, Oliver rubbed Ruthus's neck before turning his attention back to Amilia. "You know, Ruthus likes you. The only person aside from me, Mephisto, and my grandfather. It's rare for a Pygmy Dragon to have multiple relationships with humans."

@Princess Ami @Alteras
Location: Astrid's Bar

Out of the window, Astrid saw Oliver and Amilia walking towards her bar. As they entered the bar, she said, "'Bout time you showed up. Thought your first priority was my beer. Looks like your boy finally grew up, Amilia." Astrid turned around and got her mixer and beer mugs together. She paused for moment. "I'll make you two something very special. There's some biscuits in the basket over there, just for you." Just then the little dragon flew in. "Don't forget the rules Ollie, don't damage my bar." She put away her beer mugs and instead brought out two champagne glasses. She placed the glasses before the two.

"This trick is best done without the usual flair." She turned around and walked into the backroom. She came back with a bottle of beer and a bottle of white wine, imported from the far south. She poured both of them on her wooden music box, causing the homunculi to play a pleasant song rarely ever played. Placing the two bottles before her most welcomed patrons, she said, "Most bartenders do this one at a time, or else it might spill, but pousse-café style for this cocktail is far too bland. Instead I give you a drink combined in the air, creating a wonderful union in this glass of the world. The Black Velvet!" She raised both of the bottles and tilted them at the same time. The two liquids collided midair but didn't spill out of the glass. Instead they mixed and formed a deep blackish brown hue. She did the same in the second glass. "Viola! Two Black Velvet, a drink made from the best of beer and the best of wine. Enjoy." She said with a flourish she reserved for big celebrations.

@Princess Ami@Refaulted
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Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto turned to Edilyn momentarily and said. "As for you? Your skills will definitely be useful, and your efforts will not go unrewarded." and smiled. Then Mephisto tipped his hat to Edilyn and said. "Mephisto Pheles, Guildmaster. We have met once before, as you may know, but never formally." Mephisto heard Fiducia's voice and said. "Baka! Don't be stupid! William managed to show me the truth because I was young. We won't be able to do anything, but if William was here..." and deeply sighed, somewhat in admiration for the said hero. "Alright. A bath and a cleaning of your clothes. There's bathrooms in the rooms, so I guess you can take one." and ordered Edilyn. "Show Fiducia to the rooms when she's able to walk, would you?"

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

"My efforts...?" Edilyn began, heat rushing to her cheeks at his praise. "It was nothing, sir. Seriously. I just felt like I needed to help somehow." She paused, looking down at the girl with a small, but tired smile. "I know you stabilized her, but I was just worried all the same. You took quite the beating it looks like." She said, addressing Fiducia. "From your..sister..." She trailed off, wondering about how two siblings could fight so. It made her think of her and Illarion...She frowned slightly, saddened, but shook it off. Now was not the time to mope.  At Mephisto's order she nodded. "Yes sir. I would be happy to once she's ready. It seems you heal quite quickly Fiducia." She noted. 

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

Fiducia heard Mephisto object the possibility of turning her sister to be good. She sighed, heavily. Then, without any help, the white haired girl stood up. "Of course I heal quickly. I am a herald. Fiducia, Herald of Hope. I thought all mortals knew the legend." She smiled, looking at Edilyn peacefully. "Whatever. Would you show me the bath?" Then she looked at Mephisto. "Also, if anyone is a baka here, it's you, Mephisto. Everyone has good in them. You can't lose hope. That would be stupid. As long as I live, there is always Hope."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid stood there. She was use to listening to common thieves and bandits complaining about a failed heist, but 'death and destruction?' A lot of weird and different customers lately. She relaxed and accepted Kanade's tip. "Perhaps a dose of Calming Tonic would soothe your mind."

Location: Astrids Bar 

Tenebrae raised an eyebrow and her pointy ear twitched. "Calming Tonic? Your weird brewings take no effect on me. Stupid Mortal.", she said and sighed, laying her head on the counter. "No, there is nothing that can soothe my mind. Fiducia will have to die one day. Hope will die with her and a age of evil start." Tenebrae sighed. "Those are nice dreams, but I will have to work for them to come true."

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro raised his hands in the air to show he wasn't going to fight. "You probably could if you wanted to, believe it or not I'm pretty weak." Kyro lets down his hands and bowed to the women. "I don't have any personal belongings, so you would be killing me for the cloths on my back. If you would like, you may call me Black." Since he was wearing a mask he would simply make a fake name. "What I do know is that you have something that I would find useful." Kyro had no intention of forcing this person to help him, but he had a feeling that he wouldn't need to. "I only want to know what you want, and nothing more. If I must die for it I suppose its worth it." Kyro closed his eyes and waited for the first thing he heard, would it be words or knifes? He didn't know and that was the beauty.

Location: Bowerstone 

Akena listened, her shadow ready to attack. The man seemed to be unarmed. No direct threat, though she would keep her guard up. "I have something that you find useful? What is it that you seek and I appear to have?" The woman had a dagger ready and the shadow stood in a manner, ready to attack. The one she could escape with disappeared. She could recreate it if needed.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Out of the window, Astrid saw Oliver and Amilia walking towards her bar. As they entered the bar, she said, "'Bout time you showed up. Thought your first priority was my beer. Looks like your boy finally grew up, Amilia." Astrid turned around and got her mixer and beer mugs together. She paused for moment. "I'll make you two something very special. There's some biscuits in the basket over there, just for you." Just then the little dragon flew in. "Don't forget the rules Ollie, don't damage my bar." She put away her beer mugs and instead brought out two champagne glasses. She placed the glasses before the two.

"This trick is best done without the usual flair." She turned around and walked into the backroom. She came back with a bottle of beer and a bottle of white wine, imported from the far south. She poured both of them on her wooden music box, causing the homunculi to play a pleasant song rarely ever played. Placing the two bottles before her most welcomed patrons, she said, "Most bartenders do this one at a time, or else it might spill, but pousse-café style for this cocktail is far too bland. Instead I give you a drink combined in the air, creating a wonderful union in this glass of the world. The Black Velvet!" She raised both of the bottles and tilted them at the same time. The two liquids collided midair but didn't spill out of the glass. Instead they mixed and formed a deep blackish brown hue. She did the same in the second glass. "Viola! Two Black Velvet, a drink made from the best of beer and the best of wine. Enjoy." She said with a flourish she reserved for big celebrations.

@Princess Ami@Refaulted

Oliver followed Amilia, letting the small woman pull him along. "Sure, sure. I won't drink...too much. Of course, I have a reason to celebrate now, right?" Laughing, he watched the back of her head as they meandered down the hallways, still a little bit in cloud nine. He hoped he didn't screw this whole thing up. 

When they reached the bar, Oliver waved to Astrid, a goofy smile on his face. "Hey, Astrid! Grab me and Amilia the best stuff you got!" Giggling, it just dawned on Oliver that he was missing something. He let out a high-pitched whistle, one that echoed through the halls. Oliver patiently waited, drumming his fingers, and he picked up the faint sound of wingbeats. A few seconds later, Ruthus flew into the bar, circling in the air for a few moments before swooping down and landing on Oliver's back, latching his claws into the shoulderpad of his armor. Smiling, Oliver rubbed Ruthus's neck before turning his attention back to Amilia. "You know, Ruthus likes you. The only person aside from me, Mephisto, and my grandfather. It's rare for a Pygmy Dragon to have multiple relationships with humans."

@Princess Ami @Alteras

Location: Astrids Bar

Amilia blushed deeply about all the attention she got in the bar. This was more than she was used to and more than what was comfortable to her.

Still, she took a sip of the drink that seemed to be so special and it had indeed a unique taste. Amilia however was no big drinker and therefore put the glass down again. She would sip again at a later point. 

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