Main IC RP

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

Fiducia heard Mephisto object the possibility of turning her sister to be good. She sighed, heavily. Then, without any help, the white haired girl stood up. "Of course I heal quickly. I am a herald. Fiducia, Herald of Hope. I thought all mortals knew the legend." She smiled, looking at Edilyn peacefully. "Whatever. Would you show me the bath?" Then she looked at Mephisto. "Also, if anyone is a baka here, it's you, Mephisto. Everyone has good in them. You can't lose hope. That would be stupid. As long as I live, there is always Hope."

Location: Astrids Bar 

Tenebrae raised an eyebrow and her pointy ear twitched. "Calming Tonic? Your weird brewings take no effect on me. Stupid Mortal.", she said and sighed, laying her head on the counter. "No, there is nothing that can soothe my mind. Fiducia will have to die one day. Hope will die with her and a age of evil start." Tenebrae sighed. "Those are nice dreams, but I will have to work for them to come true."

Location: Bowerstone 

Akena listened, her shadow ready to attack. The man seemed to be unarmed. No direct threat, though she would keep her guard up. "I have something that you find useful? What is it that you seek and I appear to have?" The woman had a dagger ready and the shadow stood in a manner, ready to attack. The one she could escape with disappeared. She could recreate it if needed.

Location: Astrids Bar

Amilia blushed deeply about all the attention she got in the bar. This was more than she was used to and more than what was comfortable to her.

Still, she took a sip of the drink that seemed to be so special and it had indeed a unique taste. Amilia however was no big drinker and therefore put the glass down again. She would sip again at a later point. 

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto snickered and turned around to Fiducia, then kept repeating. "Baka, baka, baka, baka, baka..." and kept on and on, endlessly. Then, at one point he started shaking his head, as if showing dissaproval. Finally, he came to a stop and said. "My hopes for this world died at the same moment that William did. I'll--..." and suddenly frowned, realizing that the Guild's "golden age" was long over. "You do know I was in the Guild once before? I mean, before 100 years go when I joined again. In-fact, I joined as soon as William showed me the truth about this world, but then the tragedy took place and... and he died. And then the Guild without his leadership slowly fell apart, crumbling, that's when I left to be a Bard. We used to be spread all over Gael, and now we can barely manage to help Albion. I hope one day we can restore the teleporting rooms. All of the guild members could quickly travel to the destination of their contracts and back..." and once again, sighed, knowing there wasn't enough funds and manpower to do that. "The Guild's age is over, it always was since William kicked the bucket. But screw it - I owe him, so I'll keep doing what he asked me to do. That's why I came back."

Mephisto stood up and turned around. "Anyway, if you're interested - We're about to finish a huuuge contract that involves stopping a few bandits near Dark Forest and their boss: Woguran. If you feel like helping then come talk with me in 20 minutes in the courtyard." and then, with those words Mephisto vacated the room, leaving Fiducia and Edilyn alone.
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Jack Alistar

Near Astrid's bar-entering

He's been walked for hours.

He finally arrived at the town a hour ago and decided to go to the bar to relax. Jack walked into the bar and sat down by a table. A waitress soon came by and waited for him to order .

"Just water please."The boy said. The waitress nodded and went to get his drink.
Amelia's Location: Courtyard

Gabriel's Location: Fort Black's Hallways

Gabriel sighed and got up from the chair after he had written a letter. He left the room quickly and headed towards the courtyard. Amelia was there, laying in the grass while staring at the sky. Gabriel didn't approach her. She deserved some time alone some time, after all her mother was sick and she didn't know if she'd see her ever again. Her father left, leaving her in tranquility. Amelia kept staring at the sky. "I wonder if we're ever there someone out there?" She asked herself while looking at the stars. Gabriel walked towards the inside of Fort Black and searched for Eliphas. Amelia grabbed the pendant attached to the necklace and closed her eyes, relaxing.
Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

Fiducia heard Mephisto object the possibility of turning her sister to be good. She sighed, heavily. Then, without any help, the white haired girl stood up. "Of course I heal quickly. I am a herald. Fiducia, Herald of Hope. I thought all mortals knew the legend." She smiled, looking at Edilyn peacefully. "Whatever. Would you show me the bath?" Then she looked at Mephisto. "Also, if anyone is a baka here, it's you, Mephisto. Everyone has good in them. You can't lose hope. That would be stupid. As long as I live, there is always Hope."

Location: Astrids Bar 

Tenebrae raised an eyebrow and her pointy ear twitched. "Calming Tonic? Your weird brewings take no effect on me. Stupid Mortal.", she said and sighed, laying her head on the counter. "No, there is nothing that can soothe my mind. Fiducia will have to die one day. Hope will die with her and a age of evil start." Tenebrae sighed. "Those are nice dreams, but I will have to work for them to come true."

Location: Bowerstone 

Akena listened, her shadow ready to attack. The man seemed to be unarmed. No direct threat, though she would keep her guard up. "I have something that you find useful? What is it that you seek and I appear to have?" The woman had a dagger ready and the shadow stood in a manner, ready to attack. The one she could escape with disappeared. She could recreate it if needed.

Location: Astrids Bar

Amilia blushed deeply about all the attention she got in the bar. This was more than she was used to and more than what was comfortable to her.

Still, she took a sip of the drink that seemed to be so special and it had indeed a unique taste. Amilia however was no big drinker and therefore put the glass down again. She would sip again at a later point. 

Jack Alistar

Near Astrid's bar-entering

He's been walked for hours.

He finally arrived at the town a hour ago and decided to go to the bar to relax. Jack walked into the bar and sat down by a table. A waitress soon came by and waited for him to order .

"Just water please."The boy said. The waitress nodded and went to get his drink.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was starting to get a bit weary of lady in black. It wasn't the kind of 'she might be trouble' worry, but more like 'maybe I shouldn't have given her beer.' "Well, if you want anything, just let me know." She said as she rounded the counter and reached for her pitcher of water. She took the basket of biscuits and moved it closer to the couple. With a nod, she returned to her work, not wanting to disturb the moment. After pouring a glass of water, she returned to the table and the bunny eared man. Placing it before him, she thought, Facial structure seems very different, a bit more flush. Aside from the bunny ears, he seems to have anatomically smaller eyes. Carries himself with an interesting disposition. She looked over to his blade and saw the interesting weaving of the hilt. Ah, he's from a place beyond the far east. "A mage once walked into this bar, saying he was a wanderer traveling from beyond the far east in search of knowledge only the church can give. He gave me that music box you hear. Now, the question is, what are you searching for?"
Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

Fiducia heard Mephisto object the possibility of turning her sister to be good. She sighed, heavily. Then, without any help, the white haired girl stood up. "Of course I heal quickly. I am a herald. Fiducia, Herald of Hope. I thought all mortals knew the legend." She smiled, looking at Edilyn peacefully. "Whatever. Would you show me the bath?" Then she looked at Mephisto. "Also, if anyone is a baka here, it's you, Mephisto. Everyone has good in them. You can't lose hope. That would be stupid. As long as I live, there is always Hope."

Location: Astrids Bar 

Tenebrae raised an eyebrow and her pointy ear twitched. "Calming Tonic? Your weird brewings take no effect on me. Stupid Mortal.", she said and sighed, laying her head on the counter. "No, there is nothing that can soothe my mind. Fiducia will have to die one day. Hope will die with her and a age of evil start." Tenebrae sighed. "Those are nice dreams, but I will have to work for them to come true."

Location: Bowerstone 

Akena listened, her shadow ready to attack. The man seemed to be unarmed. No direct threat, though she would keep her guard up. "I have something that you find useful? What is it that you seek and I appear to have?" The woman had a dagger ready and the shadow stood in a manner, ready to attack. The one she could escape with disappeared. She could recreate it if needed.

Location: Astrids Bar

Amilia blushed deeply about all the attention she got in the bar. This was more than she was used to and more than what was comfortable to her.

Still, she took a sip of the drink that seemed to be so special and it had indeed a unique taste. Amilia however was no big drinker and therefore put the glass down again. She would sip again at a later point. 

Kyro Script

Location: Bowerstone

"Your shadow ability. The application of it's uses, I have interest in" Kyro pulled out a couple cards and started making them float. Not in a aggressive way. Just passive. For some reason he enjoyed doing this. "Perhaps I should explain myself a little better. I don't know your beliefs, and more importantly I don't think they line up with mine. What matters is your purpose. What do you fight for, Why do you live? This question is different for everyone, but everyone has something. Be it money, power, revenge, immortality, or whatever. All of these life 'Goals' boil down to a conflict. A single moment when you can either succeeded or fail. Lets say you do succeed at whatever your trying to solve. At this point your conflict is over. What will you do after that?" Kyro didn't know what her purpose was, but he still would like an answer. "When you complete your conflict, what will you do?" 
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Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was starting to get a bit weary of lady in black. It wasn't the kind of 'she might be trouble' worry, but more like 'maybe I shouldn't have given her beer.' "Well, if you want anything, just let me know." She said as she rounded the counter and reached for her pitcher of water. She took the basket of biscuits and moved it closer to the couple. With a nod, she returned to her work, not wanting to disturb the moment. After pouring a glass of water, she returned to the table and the bunny eared man. Placing it before him, she thought, Facial structure seems very different, a bit more flush. Aside from the bunny ears, he seems to have anatomically smaller eyes. Carries himself with an interesting disposition. She looked over to his blade and saw the interesting weaving of the hilt. Ah, he's from a place beyond the far east. "A mage once walked into this bar, saying he was a wanderer traveling from beyond the far east in search of knowledge only the church can give. He gave me that music box you hear. Now, the question is, what are you searching for?"

"Thanks " he said . He sipped his water and pulled out his medical book. "I'm not looking for anything. I'm just exploring ."he turned to the next page on his book. 
"Thanks " he said . He sipped his water and pulled out his medical book. "I'm not looking for anything. I'm just exploring ."he turned to the next page on his book. 

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Well, if you need anything, let me know. I can make any drink you wish."  Astrid turned and returned to tend her counter. She ducked under and continued in her attempts to fix the leak from the yesterday.
Jack Alistar 

Location : Astrid's Bar

He nodded  and looked back over to the bar area . He notice the leak. Maybe I should offer help...just maybe" he thought.

He sighed and stood up from the chair and walked over to the bar. "Need some help? "

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Well, if you need anything, let me know. I can make any drink you wish."  Astrid turned and returned to tend her counter. She ducked under and continued in her attempts to fix the leak from the yesterday.
Jack Alistar 

Location : Astrid's Bar

He nodded  and looked back over to the bar area . He notice the leak. Maybe I should offer help...just maybe" he thought.

He sighed and stood up from the chair and walked over to the bar. "Need some help? "

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid popped her out of the side and looked at him a with smile of embarrassment. "That would nice." She returned under the counter and continued to work on the leak. Just small drops of alcohol was coming out, but enough to taint whatever potion she placed under.
Jack Alistar

Location:Astrid's Bar

"I worked at the bar once. I'm used to these problems and I can easily fix it " he hopped over to the other side.  

(Brb. Back to school)
Jack Alistar

Location:Astrid's Bar

"I worked at the bar once. I'm used to these problems and I can easily fix it " he hopped over to the other side.  

(Brb. Back to school)

Location: Astrid's Bar

(No worries.)

As the bunny eared man kneeled down next to her, Astrid pointed out where the leaking was. "There, there, and there." She said as she pointed them out. "Using alchemy would only stall the leak for a few months. I've tried a bit of pyrotonic in the past but that just warped my pipes even further. The blacksmith I usually go to is on hiatus. You have any ideas?"
Senor Fred

Location: Bowerstone (Alleyway near Astrid's bar)

There are many ways the dead could come back to life, all equally terrifying.  Sometimes a Lich would raise up and army of undead creatures to serve him, sometimes it's a voodoo shaman that does the raising, even rarer the the previous example is how sometimes people are brought back from the dead by being affected by a cursed artifact.  But sometimes, very very rarely, a corpse would dig itself up from its grave all on its own.  Usually brought back because of their own thirst for vengeance, these rare undead creatures are known as Revenants.  This is a story of one very peculiar revenant known as Frederico de Cabellero... also known as the legendary knight in shining armor, Senor Fred.

Bowerstone isn't a stranger to crime.  And tonight, a trio of thugs are busy having their way on an innocent young woman in a dark alley.  "P-Please... my father has money... let me go and I'll bring some for you,"  The blonde young lady begged.  The men overshadowed her and grinned drunkenly.  "She's a daddy's girl, guys... seems like she's a princess too..."  The middle sized one joked, he looked behind him for his friends' reactions.  The short one laughed and the big one simply chuckled.  The middle sized thug flipped open a pocketknife, it's blade reflected the moonlight.  He put the blade close to her neck as he felt up her skirt.  He licked his lips diabolically.  "Listen princess, we'll just play with you for a bit, and THEN we can ask daddy for money once we kidnap you, how about that?"  The three were so busy having fun that they didn't notice a silhouette of a HERO caught in the reflection of the pocketknife.

soon, the sound of flamenco music filled the air.

"Buenas Noches... Amigos!"  A hearty Latin voice called out from one of the rooftops.  "Let me tell you something, Ninos.... that is NOT how gentlemen should treat a beautiful senorita!"  The shadow flashed a dashing and stylish flamenco pose as the moon shone brightly behind him.

The leader of the trio of bandits grit his teeth in annoyance.  "You lookin' for trouble?  Who do you think you are, clown!?"  The thug called out to the shadow.

The shadow changed poses to a more dynamic action pose.  "Who am I?"  The shadow's drill shaped hairstyle caught the rays of the moon... sending a flash of light down upon the wicked men below.  "I am the seeker of truth..."  The shadow changed poses once more.  "I am the defender of innocence..."  The shadow once again changed his posed.  "I am... JUSTICE!"  The final pose brought down a giant flash of moonlight down on the battlefield... as if being lit up by a spotlight for flamenco dancers to perform.  The light also revealed the hero's skeletal face.  The skeleton paused awkwardly and turned around.  Visible behind him are a bunch of bards holding musical instruments.  One had long hair and an eye patch.  "How was that entrance amigos?"  He asked the band members who replied with a frightened thumbs up.  "Excellent, Perfecto, Gracias Maestro!"  The strange undead creature reached his hands down his pockets and puled out a clinking handful of gold jewelry bunched up together with rubies, sapphires, and emeralds.  "I loved your performance amigos, a bit on the copyright infringement side, but it really made me feel pumped..."  The skeleton placed the treasure in the hands of the band leader.  "I have no idea how you guys would split that up, but Gracias once again!"  The grinning skull spoke to the band.  As soon as his skeletal fingers touched the band member's palm, the guy flinched in fear and turned pale.  As soon as the hero turned back around to face the thugs, the band members ran away in fright.

The thugs all took out their knives... the big one grabbed the girl from the back and put a knife near her throat.  "You wanna play, Bozo?  Come down here and get shredded!"  The leader played around with his knife.

"Amigos..."  The skeletal knight drew his trusty rapier and placed the blade in front of it's skull, in a fencer's salute.  "If you do not run away now, I will show no mercy..."  The skull's eye socket revealed a blue flame that ignited with great passion.  "Prepare yourselves... En Guardia!"  The figure vanished for a split second and reappeared in front of the men.  "Tornado de Caballero!"  The hero shouted out his attack's name and spun around in a flurry of blue and red.  Slashing sounds are heard as the hero spun.  The men looked at Senor Fred's strange attack with confusion.  The skeletal hero ended his spins with a passionate flamenco pose... a red rose now caught between it's gumless teeth.  The men were confused, wondering what the hero just did.

Then suddenly, all of their clothes exploded and ripped apart even the big one's clothes ripped apart, despite holding the girl in front of him.  The girl remained untouched while the thugs realized they're standing buck naked in the moonlight.  "GAHHH!!!"  They shouted as they backed off from the hero... covering their private parts.  Heroically slashed into their buttocks are crimson lines that show the letter "F".  "In case you all don't know... the F stands for... Frederico!"  The hero changed poses once more and attempted to give the rose to the young woman.  The big thug however, tackled the hero knocking him on the floor.  What the thugs saw next frightened them to the bone.

The hero struggled to stand himself up.  "Amigo... it's bad manners to tackle your opponent when he is heroically posing..."  The voice didn't come from where the hero's head should be.  Instead it came near the floor.

"O-oh...oh my... oh my god!"  The leader turned pale in horror.

The hero stood silently... his headless shadow cast upon the frightened thugs.  The body picked up the skull and replaced it on it's neck.  As soon as he did so... he pulled out a bright red comb and began fixing his heroic hair.  "Amigos, Let me tell you... I hate it when people mess up my hair..."  The blue flames within the skull's eye sockets flared up more aggressively than before.

"u-u-u- UNDEAD!!!!"  The leader jumped backwards and pointed at the hero.  "H-he's the real deal Boss!  Let's SCRAM!"  The little thug yelled out as he ran after the leader.  The big one followed the rest on all fours.

"Cowards..." Senor Fred said as he fixed his hair.  He turned his attention to the blonde woman.  "No need to thank me, Senorita..."  He kissed her hand in a gesture of Chivalry.  As soon as the bony skull touched her pale skin, goosebumps emerged from all over her body and she shivered in fright.  She screamed loudly and rand away.

Senor Fred looked at her proudly.  "My my Senor Guapo... looks like you still got it!"  He made a clicking noise with his mouth.
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"I can suggest magic. I'm a professional at it and there's no side effects..that know of"

he kept that last part to himself. The white haired boy looked at the various of leaks . Each in different places. It didn't seem to terrible...he could easily fix this.
Senor Fred

Location: Bowerstone (Alleyway near Astrid's bar)

There are many ways the dead could come back to life, all equally terrifying.  Sometimes a Lich would raise up and army of undead creatures to serve him, sometimes it's a voodoo shaman that does the raising, even rarer the the previous example is how sometimes people are brought back from the dead by being affected by a cursed artifact.  But sometimes, very very rarely, a corpse would dig itself up from its grave all on its own.  Usually brought back because of their own thirst for vengeance, these rare undead creatures are known as Revenants.  This is a story of one very peculiar revenant known as Frederico de Cabelelrio... also known as the legendary knight in shining armor, Senor Fred.

Bowerstone isn't a stranger to crime.  And tonight, a trio of thugs are busy having their way on an innocent young womanin a dark alley.  "P-Please... my father has money... let me go and I'll bring some for you,"  The blonde young lady begged.  The men overshadowed her and grinned drunkenly.  "She's a daddy's girl, guys... seems like she's a princess too..."  The middle sized one joked, he looked behind him for his friends' reactions.  The short one laughed and the big one simply chuckled.  The middle sized thug flipped open a pocketknife, it's blade reflected the moonlight.  He put the blade close to her neck as he felt up her skirt.  He licked his lips diabolically.  "Listen princess, we'll just play with you for a bit, and THEN we can ask daddy for money once we kidnap you, how about that?"  The three were so busy having fun that they didn't notice a silhouette of a HERO caught in the reflection of the pocketknife.

soon, the sound of flamenco music filled the air.

"Buenas Noches... Amigos!"  A hearty Latin voice called out from one of the rooftops.  "Let me tell you something, Ninos.... that is NOT how gentlemen should treat a beautiful senorita!"  The shadow flashed a dashing and stylish flamenco pose as the moon shone brightly behind him.

The leader of the trio of bandits grit his teeth in annoyance.  "You lookin' for trouble?  Who do you think you are, clown!?"  The thug called out to the shadow.

The shadow changed poses to a more dynamic action pose.  "Who am I?"  The shadow's drill shaped hairstyle caught the rays of the moon... sending a flash of light down upon the wicked men below.  "I am the seeker of truth..."  The shadow changed poses once more.  "I am the defender of innocence..."  The shadow once again changed his posed.  "I am... JUSTICE!"  The final pose brought down a giant flash of moonlight down on the battlefield... as if being lit up by a spotlight for flamenco dancers to perform.  The light also revealed the hero's skeletal face.  The skeleton paused awkwardly and turned around.  Visible behind him are a bunch of bards holding musical instruments.  One had long hair and an eye patch.  "How was that entrance amigos?"  He asked the band members who replied with a frightened thumbs up.  "Excellent, Perfecto, Gracias Maestro!"  The strange undead creature reached his hands down his pockets and puled out a clinking handful of gold jewels bunched up together with rubies, sapphires, and emeralds.  "I loved your performance amigos, a bit on the copyright infringement side, but it really made me feel pumped..."  The skeleton placed the treasure in the hands of the band leader.  "I have no idea how you guys would split that up, but Gracias once again!"  The grinning skull spoke to the band.  As soon as his skeletal fingers touched the band member's palm, the guy flinched in fear and turned pale.  As soon as the hero turned back around to face the thugs, the band members ran away in fright.

The thugs all took out their knives... the big one grabbed the girl from the back and put a knife near her throat.  "You wanna play, Bozo?  Come down here and get shredded!"  The leader played around with his knife.

"Amigos..."  The skeletal knight drew his trusty rapier and placed the blade in front of it's skull, in a fencer's salute.  "If you do not run away now, I will show no mercy..."  The skull's eye socket revealed a blue flame that ignited with great passion.  "Prepare yourselves... En Guardia!"  The figure vanished for a split second and reappeared in front of the men.  "Tornado de Caballero!"  The hero shouted out his attack's name and spun around in a flurry of blue and red.  Slashing sounds are heard as the hero spun.  The men looked at Senor Fred's strange attack with confusion.  The skeletal hero ended his spins with a passionate flamenco pose... a red rose now caught between it's gumless teeth.  The men were confused, wondering what the hero just did.

Then suddenly, all of their clothes exploded and ripped apart even the big one's clothes ripped apart, despite holding the girl in front of him.  The girl remained untouched while the thugs realized they're standing buck naked in the moonlight.  "GAHHH!!!"  They shouted as they backed off from the hero... covering their private parts.  Heroically slashed into their buttocks are crimson lines that show the letter "F".  "In case you all don't know... the F stands for... Frederico!"  The hero changed poses once more and attempted to give the rose to the young woman.  The big thug however, tackled the hero knocking him on the floor.  What the thugs saw next frightened them to the bone.

The hero struggled to stand himself up.  "Amigo... it's bad manners to tackle your opponent when he is heroically posing..."  The voice didn't come from where the hero's head should be.  Instead it came near the floor.

"O-oh...oh my... oh my god!"  The leader turned pale in horror.

The hero stood silently... his headless shadow cast upon the frightened thugs.  The body picked up the skull and replaced it on it's neck.  As soon as he did so... he pulled out a bright red comb and began fixing his heroic hair.  "Amigos, Let me tell you... I hate it when people mess up my hair..."  The blue flames within the skull's eye sockets flared up more aggressively than before.

"u-u-u- UNDEAD!!!!"  The leader jumped backwards and pointed at the hero.  "H-he's the real deal Boss!  Let's SCRAM!"  The little thug yelled out as he ran after the leader.  The big one followed the rest on all fours.

"Cowards..." Senor Fred said as he fixed his hair.  He turned his attention to the blonde woman.  "No need to thank me, Senorita..."  He kissed her hand in a gensture of Chivalry.  As soon as the bony skull touched her pale skin, goosebumps emerged from all over her body and she shivered in fright.  She screamed loudly and rand away.

Senor Fred looked at her proudly.  "My my Senor Guapo... looks like you still got it!"  He made a clicking noise with his mouth.

"I can suggest magic. I'm a professional at it and there's no side effects..that know of"

he kept that last part to himself. The white haired boy looked at the various of leaks . Each in different places. It didn't seem to terrible...he could easily fix this.

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Eh..." Astrid was cautious. She knew that it would probably work but she didn't know if her nice oak counter would react to it. It is my magic circle and Tome book. Eh, what the heck, anything goes wrong, a bit of Mage's Wisdom could always fix it. "Sure, that might work?" A loud scream was heard outside of the bar. Astrid instantly stood up. "Agh, looks like Carista's Crew is at it again." She turned to face the bunny eared man, "If you'll excuse." She put on her cloak and took several vials of poison and confusion. She walked to the door and face the rest of the room. "I'll be back, Ollie, you're in charge!" She left the bar and walked a bit until she turned into an alley. In her left hand, she carried vials between her fingers. Her right hand was hidden within the cloak, touching the dagger she carried just in case. She saw a large figure. "HEY! Carista has no territory in this pa-" She noticed what could only be described as fabulous hair. "What the..." She trailed off.
Location: Astrid's Bar

"Eh..." Astrid was cautious. She knew that it would probably work but she didn't know if her nice oak counter would react to it. It is my magic circle and Tome book. Eh, what the heck, anything goes wrong, a bit of Mage's Wisdom could always fix it. "Sure, that might work?" A loud scream was heard outside of the bar. Astrid instantly stood up. "Agh, looks like Carista's Crew is at it again." She turned to face the bunny eared man, "If you'll excuse." She put on her cloak and took several vials of poison and confusion. She walked to the door and face the rest of the room. "I'll be back, Ollie, you're in charge!" She left the bar and walked a bit until she turned into an alley. In her left hand, she carried vials between her fingers. Her right hand was hidden within the cloak, touching the dagger she carried just in case. She saw a large figure. "HEY! Carista has no territory in this pa-" She noticed what could only be described as fabulous hair. "What the..." She trailed off.

Location: Front of Astrid's Bar

"Undead!  Undead!  Someone help!"  The cries of the thugs and the young woman echoed throughout the silent cobblestone streets of old Bowerstone.  In the distance their footsteps are heard running frantically looking for someone to confront the undead monster they encountered.  There were reasons why people would treat the Undead with more hostility than other creatures such as Lizardmen and Orcs.  HIstorically, people encountered undead creatures in hoardes, summoned by evil Liches to attack villages.  In a more mundane explanation, the undead represent something all creatures are afraid of... death itself.  

Senor Fred looked in the direction of the screams.  "Hmmm... this town seems to be under attack by undead creatures...  maybe I should help them..."  He thought to himself.  Light coming from Astrid's bar caught Senor Fred's glowing eyes.  They then stared at the shadowy silhouette of Astrid herself, engulfed by warm light.  "Buenas Noches Senorita,"  Senor Fred bowed.  "If my Roleplaying Games are accurate, bars and taverns are an excellent source of information..."  The skeletal figure straightened itself out and pulled out a red comb.  "Have you seen... undead monsters around here?"  He said as he brushed his heroic drill-hair.  
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Location: Front of Astrid's Bar

"Undead!  Undead!  Someone help!"  The cries of the thugs and the young woman echoed throughout the silent cobblestone streets of old Bowerstone.  In the distance their footsteps are heard running frantically looking for someone to confront the undead monster they encountered.  There were reasons why people would treat the Undead with more hostility than other creatures such as Lizardmen and Orcs.  HIstorically, people encountered undead creatures in hoardes, summoned by evil Liches to attack villages.  In a more mundane explanation, the undead represent something all creatures are afraid of... death itself.  

Senor Fred looked in the direction of the screams.  "Hmmm... this town seems to be under attack by undead creatures...  maybe I should help them..."  He thought to himself.  Light coming from Astrid's bar caught Senor Fred's glowing eyes.  They then stared at the shadowy silhouette of Astrid herself, engulfed by warm light.  "Buenas Noches Senorita,"  Senor Fred bowed.  "If my Roleplaying Games are accurate, bars and taverns are an excellent source of information..."  The skeletal figure straightened itself out and pulled out a red comb.  "Have you seen... undead monsters around here?"  He said as he brushed his heroic drill-hair.  

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Astrid stared at the large figure. Slowly she processed the skeletal figure. In the distance she could hear the screams of "Undead!" She had seen them before, during her quests with the guild. She's also seen them when she was 14. A horde struck the part of the city and Ronald Sinclair had her send potions of healing to the frontline.

But that was a long time ago. The straw that broke the camel's back. She muttered "undead." Her face went pale and her hand weakened. Her vials hit the ground and shattered. She fainted and began to fall backwards. A lot of weird and different customers lately, the only thought her mind could piece together.
Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Astrid stared at the large figure. Slowly she processed the skeletal figure. In the distance she could hear the screams of "Undead!" She had seen them before, during her quests with the guild. She's also seen them when she was 14. A horde struck the part of the city and Ronald Sinclair had her send potions of healing to the frontline.

But that was a long time ago. The straw that broke the camel's back. She muttered "undead." Her face went pale and her hand weakened. Her vials hit the ground and shattered. She fainted and began to fall backwards. A lot of weird and different customers lately, the only thought her mind could piece together.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Senor Fred's eyes burned passionately as he dashed behind the woman.  As graceful as a saint, he got on one knee and gently caught her in his skeletal arms.  "Damn you Frederico!  Why must you be so HANDSOME!!!"  He yelled out to the ceiling.  He saw the others in the bar and looked at them.  "Amigos!  A little help here, Por Pavor?!"  He cried out to them, still holding Astrid in his arms.  "Being beautiful  is a curse... women fainting left and right... If only I had the looks of a humbler man!"  He exclaimed.  
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Location: Fort Black

Baragar felt the cold water of the bath fountain strike his hard armor.  The crusted blood from the earlier incident has been washed away by the flowing water.  Baragar turned the water off and wiped his armor with cloth.  He picked up a letter on one of the bath benches and read it.  It was a summons.  Mephisto requests all guild members to go to the courtyard and prepare for a mission. Baragar wiped himself dry and headed towards the said courtyard.  The warm breeze drying his bronze armor immediately.  
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto was waiting for the arrival of the rest of the Guild Members, then once again explained. "I will explain one last time before we teleport to our destination! Our target is a bandit camp near Dark Forest. We are to wipe out anyone inside if they don't give up. Spare anyone who surrenders or survives, but I want to remind you it won't be easy. Woguran will not respond kindly to diplomacy!" and entered within the ranks of the Guildsmen, he prepared to teleport them all to the location of the contract. "Is everyone ready to move out?" he asked, one last time and clearly wouldn't repeat himself.

@IamNotLoki @Princess Ami @Aura Of Twilight @Gabriel97
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto was waiting for the arrival of the rest of the Guild Members, then once again explained. "I will explain one last time before we teleport to our destination! Our target is a bandit camp near Dark Forest. We are to wipe out anyone inside if they don't give up. Spare anyone who surrenders or survives, but I want to remind you it won't be easy. Woguran will not respond kindly to diplomacy!" and entered within the ranks of the Guildsmen, he prepared to teleport them all to the location of the contract. "Is everyone ready to move out?" he asked, one last time and clearly wouldn't repeat himself.

@IamNotLoki @Princess Ami @Aura Of Twilight @Gabriel97

Location: Fort Black

Baragar looked at the others in the courtyard and assembled his thoughts.  Although he rarely fought human enemies, Baragar knew that humans are the hardest creatures to counter in battle.  Unlike wild animals and beasts, humans and human-like creatures demonstrate deadly intellect and varying strategies when it comes to fighting.  Baragar wish he had time to prepare himself for the bandits, but he assumes that if he just used his superior strength and speed against their enemies, they will still have a hard time. At least he brought his handy Draconium rope with him.  In any case, Baragar ran through every possible thing to say to the bandits to urge them to surrender peacefully.  He looked at Maphisto and bowed slightly.  

"I am ready Guildmaster..."  The deep metallic voice stated gently, awaiting the response of the other party members.
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Location: Astrid's Bar

Senor Fred's eyes burned passionately as he dashed behind the woman.  As graceful as a saint, he got on one knee and gently caught her in his skeletal arms.  "Damn you Frederico!  Why must you be so HANDSOME!!!"  He yelled out to the ceiling.  He saw the others in the bar and looked at them.  "Amigos!  A little help here, Por Pavor?!"  He cried out to them, still holding Astrid in his arms.  "Being beautiful  is a curse... women fainting left and right... If only I had the looks of a humbler man!"  He exclaimed.  

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

The faint scent of Astrid's potions wafted in the air. Slowly, Astrid regain consciousness, recognizing her own concoctions. She opened her mouth, "Wha~?" She noticed the touch of someone supporting her through her cloak and dress shirt. She readjusted her glasses and looked up to see a skull with a drill hair. "What the-" Her first instinct to stand up. She took a few steps, faced the figure, and instinctively reached for her vials on her low hanging belt. Bringing it up before her she said with a weak and slightly afraid voice, "Wha- Wha- What do you want from me undead?!"
Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

The faint scent of Astrid's potions wafted in the air. Slowly, Astrid regain consciousness, recognizing her own concoctions. She opened her mouth, "Wha~?" She noticed the touch of someone supporting her through her cloak and dress shirt. She readjusted her glasses and looked up to see a skull with a drill hair. "What the-" Her first instinct to stand up. She took a few steps, faced the figure, and instinctively reached for her vials on her low hanging belt. Bringing it up before her she said with a weak and slightly afraid voice, "Wha- Wha- What do you want from me undead?!"

Senor Fred

Location: Astrid's Bar

The skeletal figure got up and struck a heroic flamenco pose.  "Senorita, I apologize for making you faint with my good looks..."  The knight did a quick twirl and a rose appeared between his teeth.  "Your fall must have made you hallucinate... but I assure you... you are safe..."  The hero took out the rose and placed it in her hand.

The band from before returned with their instruments just outside Astrid's bar.  Their greed for treasure seemed to trump their own fear of the undead.  they started to play a slower tune.

"Ah Maestro... you are a genius..."  The skeletal hero praised the brave bard.

He put a bony hand in his pocket and pulled out more jewels and gems... he inserted some of the treasure in the player's chest pockets.   
Senor Fred

Location: Astrid's Bar

The skeletal figure got up and struck a heroic flamenco pose.  "Senorita, I apologize for making you faint with my good looks..."  The knight did a quick twirl and a rose appeared between his teeth.  "Your fall must have made you hallucinate... but I assure you... you are safe..."  The hero took out the rose and placed it in her hand.

The band from before returned with their instruments just outside Astrid's bar.  Their greed for treasure seemed to trump their own fear of the undead.  they started to play a slower tune.

"Ah Maestro... you are a genius..."  The skeletal hero praised the brave bard.

He put a bony hand in his pocket and pulled out more jewels and gems... he inserted some of the treasure in the player's chest pockets.   

Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Astrid just stood there. Her face could not be described in words, but to aid the readers, here is the best emotion this poor playwright could make:


Astrid lowered her arms. "Wait... are you not...?" She shook her head and continued to stare at the skeleton in fabulous armor. She took up her position again, determined to not be tricked. "Who are you?!"
Location: Fort Black

Graham had entered through the gate by now, careful not to wander too far past where he saw other ordinary-looking people. Still, he eventually spotted what looked to be a courtyard, and upon closer inspection a group of people. He could make out at least some of what was being said, by the one who was loud enough to address the others. "That must be them..." The hulking being in armor that was standing out in the courtyard confirmed the thought in his own head, and he zoned out. His immediate surroundings slipped from his mind, and he instead focused on the sight before him. He decided that he'd worry about talking to them later, whatever was going on must have been important.
Location: In front of Astrid's Bar

Astrid just stood there. Her face could not be described in words, but to aid the readers, here is the best emotion this poor playwright could make:


Astrid lowered her arms. "Wait... are you not...?" She shook her head and continued to stare at the skeleton in fabulous armor. She took up her position again, determined to not be tricked. "Who are you?!"

As soon as he heard the question, the skeletal knight turned to the leader of the band and whispered something in his ear.  The band stopped playing and then switched songs.

Senor Fred turned around and got into another action pose.  "Forgive me for not introducing myself, Senorita... I thought my trademark hairdo gave you a clue to who I am.  I am the Knight of Goodness, Defender of Love and Friendship!  I am... Senor Frederico Renaldo Carmillo Espada de Conception y Caballerio!"  The cool pose made the knight's cape fly around heroically.  "Also known as... Senor Fred!"  The odd knight threw gold and jewels into the air like confetti!  The band immediately stopped playing and got on all fours... picking up the tossed treasures.  "Ole!'

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