Main IC RP

Kyro smiled and almost burst into laughter. It was fun, too much fun. This girl truly entertained him.Though her story wasn't much, her magic was nothing he hadn't see before. Despite all that, She truly wasn't 'just average'. She was a character that enjoyed the glory of the story. She wanted the same thing that he did, Knowledge. To learn everyone's abilities. Not for the same reason, she was not trying to create chaos, she was trying to create something diff.....but maybe she wasn't. This brought a new perspective. Perhaps there ideals weren't that different. Kyro wanted to create a story so grand that it would never die and the people would never fade away. The light past him casting a shadow in front of him. Perhaps she was trying to create a story, he looked around the bar, Here for everyone.To find a home. NAW, what a foolish idea!

Kyro decide he would give her a show, as a way of saying thank you. She wouldn't understand anything that was happening, but none they less it would be a show that she would remember. That is until he fought for real. It was still dawn. "Hmmm If i had to describe it i would say.....Run." Kyro took a deep breath and focused. He dropped all ten decks on the floor around him. He wouldn't need all of them but the show is better with them all.

Kyro's eyes formed into cat eyes, and his veins stuck out. All 520 Cards burst out of their packs and spun around him. 5 or so cards flew under his feet and lifted him into the air spinning in a tornado. This caused a massive wind around him, shaking the whole building. knocking over glasses and potions. The cards spun so fast around him that and living thing would be torn into little bites of flesh. He looked at the women that had amused him for a moment and said "This is the ability that defines me." He created a shadow above him with his cards. Quickly pulling him and his cards into the shadow and he disappeared.

Hiding on a roof top of some building. As the sun rose over the building. He turned off Jesters End and pasted out. It won't be as long because he only used it for a second. He still hoped no one found him on the roof. passing out was the wors.........p....a...r...t........

"Pfft... Show off." Astrid said with a grin. She hadn't met such an interesting character since she came to Bowerstone. She was happy about the interaction with the man. No, that didn't feel right to say. No, she felt joyous because of the whole experience today! Or was it yesterday? She gave a hearty laugh, one she hadn't let out since the time of Ronald Sinclair.

"It doesn't matter at all." She spun around on one foot. Suddenly her legs gave way. Astrid caught herself on the counter. Trying to stand up she thought to herself, I need to fix my leaking problem. She took two steps and dropped her towel over the pool of the homunculus. She took another step and stumbled. Ah, I need to prepare Tiercel's potion. She steadied herself and reached for her flask. Once she touch it, she realized it was empty. I need some sleep. She propped herself up, only to fall back down, this time hitting the basket of biscuits. Huh, Ollie didn't even show up today. He would've had a la-

And like that she fell asleep. Her face smiled like a child's on Christmas Eve. She may have lost her fight, but she was delighted. That vengeful lady, the ghostly madam, and the odd man told her something. They told her that many more mysteries lie in the world for her to discover. But for now she slept under the blanket of warmth that rising sun brought.
Oliver smiled. He had never noticed how cute her giggle was. He let go of her, but still stood near her. "Sounds like a good idea to me. I could go for a nice cold mug." Really, the thought of having a cup of alcohol was enticing. If he was sticking around longer than usual, he would have to enjoy some more things. He began to walk towards the door, then paused. He turned around, and held his hand out to Amilia. "May I ask for your hand, princess?" He usually called the woman 'princess' during their flirting sessions, so he saw no reason for it to stop now. He rather liked the nickname for her.

@Princess Ami

(Sorry if it's a little too short.)

Amilia could have expected that he would never decline it. Some things never changed. But that was okay, if she went with him, she could tell him when he had enough. She did not like how much he usually drank, she liked the sober him way more. 

She took his hand and smiled. "Please don't drink too much, okay?", she whispered and made her way to the bar, hand in hand with her new lover.
Location: Fort Black's Surroundings

Amelia, after reading for about three hours the book, fell asleep. But then, in the middle of the night, she wakes up panting and sweating. In a hurry, she took her holy-water bombs, and her sword, looking around to see what was going on. Nothing was around, and she relaxed. She took her backpack and put on her cloak, walking outside the castle to take a stroll in the night. She walked past the Fort's gate and took out a communication crystal. "Dad, I am taking a stroll." She spoke into the crystal with a neutral tone, putting the crystal away as a spark of light swift away towards the Fort. Gabriel was sleeping, and the his crystal absorbed the spark. After she walked in the woods besides the Fort, she heard a loud and creepy noise. She looked around once again, placing her hand on her sword. Small sparkles of blue fire floated around her.  Then, suddenly, her vision went fuzzy for a moment, and there it was. A demon appeared after an explosion of fiery ice. Amelia unleashed her sword with a quick movement of her arm, pointing the blade at the Night-hunter. As the sword was drew, she burst in purple flames and she stared at the demon. "Back off, abomination of the Abyss!" She screamed, jumping on the creature and slashing her sword and stabbing the monster numerous times. The creature fell on the ground, almost tired and the demon's jaw dropped open. Amelia took one of the Holy-water bombs and threw it in the Hunter's mouth...Some seconds later, it exploded, and the demon's weak spot was revealed. Blue Light coming out of its back was visible, and almost projected a figure onto the clouds. She jumped onto the creature's back and stabbed the source of the light with her sword. A loud and high-pitched screech could be heard coming from the woods in Fort Black, and she had the only opportunity to defeat the demon. She stabbed the sword deeper into the demon's weak spot and stood proudly, "DEUS! DAEMONICUS PANDEMONIUM VINCERE HOC!" She screamed fiercely, drawing a cross in mid-air. The demon exploded, leaving behind only black dust. The sword fell on the ground, and Amelia too. She took the sword and put it back into the holster, sighing and sitting on the ground for a moment. She jumped on her feet and headed back to Fort Black, with her hood on her head. The cloak was covered in blood.

@Birdsie @Princess Ami 
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black

Amber eyes opened with a start, taking in the pitch black room fervently. "Mm?" Silver hair all askew, Edilyn blinked sleepily, wondering what had awoken her from her nice dream. It had been a happy memory, one of her and Illarion playing outide in the sunshine as, at least in her case, children. Father had been there, watching fondly as his two children played hide and seek. Edilyn heard her brother's deep voice call out to her in a playful tone, her giggling giving away her location easily. His laughter resonated within her as she slowly came to her senses, the dream dying away as soon as she opened her eyes. She made a face, frustrated that it had come to an end. Muttering a simple incantation under her breath, a ball of light manifested in her palm, glowing as the room she had gotten accustomed to over the last few months revealed itself in all its shadowy glory. Not seeing anything, she sighed, crushing the orb of light in hand and letting the darkness return. She stared upwards at the hidden ceiling, blinking slowly before turning on her side, all wrapped up in a comfy blanket. Not matter how hard she tried though, she couldn't fall back to sleep. A groan left her lips as she made that realization, before she sat up and turned on the lamp on the simple wooden desk on her left side. There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, one which she at first had trouble identifying in her sleepy state. Something's wrong. Edilyn thought to herself with a frown, Maybe she should investigate? Another sigh leaving her lips, Edilyn left the warmth of her bed and got dressed to do just that. Once changed, she opened the door. Nothing seemed amiss in the dim candle light. Maybe outside? She walked through the doors of Fort Black and came upon a startiling sight. A girl about her age stood outside, wearing a cloak covered in blood. "Oh gods. Are you alright?!" Edilyn exclaimed, running forwards.

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Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black

Amber eyes opened with a start, taking in the pitch black room fervently. "Mm?" Silver hair all askew, Edilyn blinked sleepily, wondering what had awoken her from her nice dream. It had been a happy memory, one of her and Illarion playing outide in the sunshine as, at least in her case, children. Father had been there, watching fondly as his two children played hide and seek. Edilyn heard her brother's deep voice call out to her in a playful tone, her giggling giving away her location easily. His laughter resonated within her as she slowly came to her senses, the dream dying away as soon as she opened her eyes. She made a face, frustrated that it had come to an end. Muttering a simple incantation under her breath, a ball of light manifested in her palm, glowing as the room she had gotten accustomed to over the last few months revealed itself in all its shadowy glory. Not seeing anything, she sighed, crushing the orb of light in hand and letting the darkness return. She stared upwards at the hidden ceiling, blinking slowly before turning on her side, all wrapped up in a comfy blanket. Not matter how hard she tried though, she couldn't fall back to sleep. A groan left her lips as she made that realization, before she sat up and turned on the lamp on the simple wooden desk on her left side. There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, one which she at first had trouble identifying in her sleepy state. Something's wrong. Edilyn thought to herself with a frown, Maybe she should investigate? Another sigh leaving her lips, Edilyn left the warmth of her bed and got dressed to do just that. Once changed, she opened the door. Nothing seemed amiss in the dim candle light. Maybe outside? She walked through the doors of Fort Black and came upon a startiling sight. A girl about her age stood outside, head covered by a bloodied cloak. "Oh gods. Are you alright?!" Edilyn exclaimed, running forwards.


Location: Fort Black's Gate

Amelia noticed the girl running at her, as she leaped backwards and unsheathed her sword, her whole body bursting in purple flames. "Stay back! Who are you?" She asks with an inquisitive and authoritarian tone. As her body was on fire, you could clearly see her whole body, and her suit. A badge was on her shoulder. She stood in a guard position and noticed that the girl was about the same age as her. Amelia sighs and holsters her sword once again, looking at the girl. "Sorry...just killed a class-7 demon some minutes ago. Still got adrenaline in my blood." She says scratching the back of her head with her left hand and smiling in that "Sorry-my-fault" way.
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black's Gate

No sooner than Edilyn had uttered the words, the girl in front of her leaped backwards and unsheathed a sword which was hidden beneath her cloak. Her whole body burst into purple flames, but beneath the licks of flames one could see what appeared to be a black battle suit. "back! Who are you?!" She demanded, looking menacing. Heart hammering in her chest, the silver haired girl put her hands out in what she hoped was a placating gesture. "S-sorry! I'm Edilyn. Edilyn Stone. I didn't mean to scare you..." The other girl merely looked at her, eyes seeming to stare into Edilyn's soul before she gave a sigh and her body relaxed as she sheathed her sword.  The girl suddenly looked sheepish, scratching the back of her head. "Sorry...just killed a class-7 demon some minutes ago. Still got adrenaline in my blood." She explained, with a smile.  Edilyn shook her head, offering a slight, relieved smile of her own even though in the inside she was reeling at the word demon. "It is no trouble." She began. "Sorry for rushing at you like that. I should've known better." She giggled nervously. "No wonder I'm an apprentice still." Now that she got a closer look at the other girl, she didn't see any injuries. It must have been the demon's blood then, she deduced. Clearing her throat, she continued. "I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you part of the Guild as well...?" 

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No sooner than Edilyn had uttered the words, the girl in front of her leaped backwards and unsheathed a sword which was hidden beneath her cloak. Her whole body burst into purple flames, but beneath the licks of flames one could see what appeared to be a black battle suit. "back! Who are you?!" She demanded, looking menacing. Heart hammering in her chest, the silver haired girl put her hands out in what she hoped was a placating gesture. "S-sorry! I'm Edilyn. Edilyn Stone. I didn't mean to scare you..." The other girl merely looked at her, eyes seeming to stare into Edilyn's soul before she gave a sigh and her body relaxed as she sheathed her sword.  The girl suddenly looked sheepish, scratching the back of her head. "Sorry...just killed a class-7 demon some minutes ago. Still got adrenaline in my blood." She explained, with a smile.  Edilyn shook her head, offering a slight, relieved smile of her own even though in the inside she was reeling at the word demon. "It is no trouble." She began. "Sorry for rushing at you like that. I should've known better." She giggled nervously. "No wonder I'm an apprentice still." Now that she got a closer look at the other girl, she didn't see any injuries. It must have been the demon's blood then, she deduced. Clearing her throat, she continued. "I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you part of the Guild as well...?" 


"My father's the great master." She explained quickly, brushing off some of the demon's remaining guts from her shoulder. She steadily resumed walking towards the gate, gesturing for the newly met girl to do so as well. "So...are you in the Guild since a long time?" Amelia asked curiously, looking at the girl with a curious spark in her eyes.
"My father's the great master." She explained quickly, brushing off some of the demon's remaining guts from her shoulder. She steadily resumed walking towards the gate, gesturing for the newly met girl to do so as well. "So...are you in the Guild since a long time?" Amelia asked curiously, looking at the girl with a curious spark in her eyes.

Amber eyes widened at the words. "Your father's the Great Master? It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss...?" Edilyn trailed off, waiting for the other girl to finish. She tried not to gag as the other girl wiped demon guts from her shoulder. When she gestured for Edilyn to follow her, the silver haired girl did. "So...are you in the Guild since a long time?" She asked, a curious note to her voice. Edilyn smiled. "Not long. I've only been here for a few months." She responded, before pausing. "I just hope to not be a burden." She finished, thinking of her brother. 
Graham Newberry

Location: Fort Black's Gate

"You might want to wake up, boy. We're getting close." An older man with a head of curly gray hair and a thick beard to match spoke out, driving his carriage up a small road towards Fort Black.

Graham opened his eyes, his hands clasped together over his stomach and his legs stretched out as best he could stretch them in the back of the wagon; he couldn't complain, as it was certainly better than traveling on foot. He hadn't really been asleep, as he couldn't afford to miss the sight he was about to see. Peeking through and around any opening he could find, he watched the passing surroundings and finally set his eyes upon the main point of interest: Fort Black itself. He had seen large places like this a few times, but traveling in the back of a small carriage straight up to the main entrance dwarfed Graham in his own mind. At the very least, he knew he wouldn't be the only one coming to see the fort today. "This is Fort Black, huh?" His words were low and muttered, thinking out loud.

"That's right. If y'didn't put stock in any fairytales, you best start believin' now." The old man chuckled after speaking, bringing the carriage to a slower pace.

He couldn't really tell the difference between spells or magic or any of the like, but Graham certainly felt like the air was different around this place. He was waiting to see some kind of fantastic creature or hulking armor at any moment, and the memories of his own childhood feelings came back to him all too suddenly. Either way, he was here now and had no intention (or possibility) of leaving any time soon. Stepping out of the back of the carriage as it came to a halt, he grabbed his few belongings and began to fasten his weapon's sheath to his waist. Slinging his coat over his shoulder, the young man stepped around to the front of the wagon to say a few words and head towards the gate. "Thank you for the ride, mister."

"I'll be leavin' in a few days, come find me before then if you plan to head back." The older man was tending to his horses and beginning to unload the wagon by now, with a couple of men Graham didn't recognize quickly coming over to help him.

Graham ensured that his hair was still tied back, smoothed down his shirt, and with that he was off towards the gate. He wasn't sure if anything was required of him to enter, but he had no way of preparing now and finding out when he got there was the current plan. He drew his mouth up into a small smile, somewhat anxious as to what he would find within the walls. Just as he was walking, he spotted two quaint-looking girls seemingly making their own ways to the gate; well, they looked quaint to him. 'They certainly look like they'd stand out in a crowd... I wonder what the crowds here are like.Taking a quick breath, he stepped over towards them and gave a quick wave with his free hand, hoping to get some sort of information about Fort Black.

@Aura Of Twilight | @Gabriel97
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Location: Astrid's Bar

The door of the building opened up, as two figures walked in. One was tall, a male... human? The other figure was a cat, however a bigger one. It had horns and two tails, which gave it a weird, very spiritual appearance and brought much suspicion onto it, but not many paid attention, instead trying to enjoy the conditions that they are under in the bar. Kanade and Kuro walked up to the counter, and Kanade sat on a chair. He kept looking through the pub. He noticed the owner, Astrid talking to Kyro and asked her. "Do you have catnip wine for the little guy?" looking at Kuro, then added. "As for me, I'll take a normal beer." and started looking through his pouch to find some money, some of the coins still had blood on them, but trying to wash them was pointless. The blood was already soaked in, too soaked in to clean them. "How much will it be?" he asked. Kanade didn't even care that much, though it would be his first time trying alcohol.

Graham Newberry

Location: Fort Black's Gate

"You might want to wake up, boy. We're getting close." An older man with a head of curly gray hair and a thick beard to match spoke out, driving his carriage up a small road towards Fort Black.

Graham opened his eyes, his hands clasped together over his stomach and his legs stretched out as best he could stretch them in the back of the wagon; he couldn't complain, as it was certainly better than traveling on foot. He hadn't really been asleep, as he couldn't afford to miss the sight he was about to see. Peeking through and around any opening he could find, he watched the passing surroundings and finally set his eyes upon the main point of interest: Fort Black itself. He had seen large places like this a few times, but traveling in the back of a small carriage straight up to the main entrance dwarfed Graham in his own mind. At the very least, he knew he wouldn't be the only one coming to see the fort today. "This is Fort Black, huh?" His words were low and muttered, thinking out loud.

"That's right. If y'didn't put stock in any fairytales, you best start believin' now." The old man chuckled after speaking, bringing the carriage to a slower pace.

He couldn't really tell the difference between spells or magic or any of the like, but Graham certainly felt like the air was different around this place. He was waiting to see some kind of fantastic creature or hulking armor at any moment, and the memories of his own childhood feelings came back to him all too suddenly. Either way, he was here now and had no intention (or possibility) of leaving any time soon. Stepping out of the back of the carriage as it came to a halt, he grabbed his few belongings and began to fasten his weapon's sheath to his waist. Slinging his coat over his shoulder, the young man stepped around to the front of the wagon to say a few words and head towards the gate. "Thank you for the ride, mister."

"I'll be leavin' in a few days, come find me before then if you plan to head back." The older man was tending to his horses and beginning to unload the wagon by now, with a couple of men Graham didn't recognize quickly coming over to help him.

Graham ensured that his hair was still tied back, smoothed down his shirt, and with that he was off towards the gate. He wasn't sure if anything was required of him to enter, but he had no way of preparing now and finding out when he got there was the current plan. He drew his mouth up into a small smile, somewhat anxious as to what he would find within the walls. Just as he was walking, he spotted two quaint-looking girls seemingly making their own ways to the gate; well, they looked quaint to him. 'They certainly look like they'd stand out in a crowd... I wonder what the crowds here are like.Taking a quick breath, he stepped over towards them and gave a quick wave with his free hand, hoping to get some sort of information about Fort Black.

@Aura Of Twilight | @Gabriel97

Amelia noticed the man waving at them. "Oh, hey. You are?" She asked with her eyebrow raised and a pretty suspicious tone, as she stares into his soul and scans every little movement. "It's Amelia, by the way. Nice to meet you." She then whispered to the girl besides her, smiling and patting her on the back before walking towards the man. "Need help?"
Location: Astrid's Bar

The door of the building opened up, as two figures walked in. One was tall, a male... human? The other figure was a cat, however a bigger one. It had horns and two tails, which gave it a weird, very spiritual appearance and brought much suspicion onto it, but not many paid attention, instead trying to enjoy the conditions that they are under in the bar. Kanade and Kuro walked up to the counter, and Kanade sat on a chair. He kept looking through the pub. He noticed the owner, Astrid talking to Kyro and asked her. "Do you have catnip wine for the little guy?" looking at Kuro, then added. "As for me, I'll take a normal beer." and started looking through his pouch to find some money, some of the coins still had blood on them, but trying to wash them was pointless. The blood was already soaked in, too soaked in to clean them. "How much will it be?" he asked. Kanade didn't even care that much, though it would be his first time trying alcohol.


Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid had more or less gotten out of her exhaustion with the help of a strength and stamina potion. She cleaned up all the broken glass and had already prepared Tiercel's potion, sitting at the corner of the counter. She was attempting to recreate odd man's form to understand his final trick, but with her only success being the body. She didn't know enough about him to make a full recreation like she did with Mephisto. Thankfully this one didn't need as much magic and concentration to maintain.

Around five minutes later, the strange duo walked into the bar. When spoken to, she broke her concentration and the mini man dissolved into a puddle of calming tonic, gin, and base substance. She looked up and gave the two a smile. "Catnip wine... ah! If you'll give me three minutes or so." She grabbed a mug and poured some beer into it. Turning around and picking up a coaster, she walked before the male and presented him his beer. "One normal beer. Hmmm..." A quick search of his face and Astrid got a feeling that it was his first alcohol. A small smile appeared. "This one'll be 10 coins." She faced the cat. "I'll be right back!"

She left the bar and crossed the street into her neighbor's house. After about a minute, she returned running with two bottles in her hands. She entered the bar and slam the door shut. Stray cats could be seen outside the window walking toward the bar. A moment's breather and she walked back to the counter and prepared a glass bowl. Pouring out the two bottles into it, she placed it in front of the cat. "A bowl of Catnip Wine. That'll be 15 coins."
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid had more or less gotten out of her exhaustion with the help of a strength and stamina potion. She cleaned up all the broken glass and had already prepared Tiercel's potion, sitting at the corner of the counter. She was attempting to recreate odd man's form to understand his final trick, but with her only success being the body. She didn't know enough about him to make a full recreation like she did with Mephisto. Thankfully this one didn't need as much magic and concentration to maintain.

Around five minutes later, the strange duo walked into the bar. When spoken to, she broke her concentration and the mini man dissolved into a puddle of calming tonic, gin, and base substance. She looked up and gave the two a smile. "Catnip wine... ah! If you'll give me three minutes or so." She grabbed a mug and poured some beer into it. Turning around and picking up a coaster, she walked before the male and presented him his beer. "One normal beer. Hmmm..." A quick search of his face and Astrid got a feeling that it was his first alcohol. A small smile appeared. "This one'll be 10 coins." She faced the cat. "I'll be right back!"

She left the bar and crossed the street into her neighbor's house. After about a minute, she returned running with two bottles in her hands. She entered the bar and slam the door shut. Stray cats could be seen outside the window walking toward the bar. A moment's breather and she walked back to the counter and prepared a glass bowl. Pouring out the two bottles into it, she placed it in front of the cat. "A bowl of Catnip Wine. That'll be 15 coins."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade nodded, then took out a small pouch from a bag on his back. He held the pouch up in his hand, looking through with one hand. Finally, he laid exactly 25 coins on the counter, however several of them were engulfed and covered in blood. The smell of it could be felt from some distance away, but it was already soaked in and nothing could be really done about them, unless someone used some sort of magical cleaning product. Kanade put the pouch with gold back in his money and stared at his mug.

He picked it up with one hand and brought it closer to his face, clearly hesitant to drink. He took a firm smell of the alcohol and finally, leaned in to take a good sip. Kanade felt the burn in his throat and immediately, although not too hastily stopped pouring the beer into his throat. He laid the mug at the counter again, to drink more later. Meanwhile, Kuro was gently licking the Catnip Wine, drinking and enjoying it's refined taste. Kanade smiled and said. "People around town say there's lots of pubs and inns, but then they tell you about one that's different from them all. A lot of rumours crossing the town, but the most interesting ones are about it's owner. They say she's an alchemist, or that she's as beatiful as an angel, or that heroes often visit her bar. I see all of those rumours are true after all... but there's one rumour in particular that got my attention..." and took another, this time, deeper sip of the beer. He felt the hop in his throat, and clearly enjoyed it. "They say she's looking to create the Drink of the Gods. I've got no idea what that means, but it sounds interesting. What is the Drink of the Gods?" he asked Astrid.
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Tenebrae & Fiducia 

Location: Tenebra: Astrids Bar, Fiducia: Fort Blacks Gate

The battle was truly intense. Tenebrae raised her sword. Hykratii shot down, aiming towards the head of the Heralds opponent. The strike found a sudden stop, as a blade, silver as the moon itself, blocked its path.  Sparks flew through the air when the two swords met. No time to rest, as the silvery blade Gypesnnia made a quick movement towards the oppoents body. then, it shot forth, aiming for Tenebraes torso. 

The battle was taking place in a height, so inhumanly much above the ground, the little mortals could most likely not even see the effects of what happened. The opponent of the dark Herald was nobody but her own sister. Tenebrae parried the strike with ease, Hykratii simply swung down in a half circle, making the blade miss her target. The counter attack was fast, as the blade delivered a quick cut to Fiducas side. Golden blood started to run out of the wound. Fiduca however backed off. Her healing sadly did not work for herself, that made it hard to regenerate the wound in the heat of battle. Fiduca knew she could not win. 

Fiduca shot towards the ground with massive speed, her sister following up close. Fire bolts missed her only closely. One, however, hit its target, burning a big ugly mark into the white haired girls back. Then, the two arrived at the ground. In the moment they would land, a silvery light was waiting on the ground already. The light soon formed a knight in a silver armor, who was riding a horse. The knight catched Fiducia and bolted away, fast like the wind. Tenebrae looked after the two with a loud hiss. She escaped again. 

Fiduca got carried by her patron, Antonidas. He bolted through the woods, like a silver arrow, flying towards its target. It did not really look that good for the herald of hope, her condition was bad. Antonidas knew that, and he knew only one place where he could go with his master. He rode like it was his life that was bound to it, which was kinda the case. Quickly, he had reached his destination. The gate of Fort Black had not changed at all. Antonidas got down of his horse, the silver armor sparkling as if it was pure starlight. Quickly, he approached the people at the gate, carrying his master bridal style in his arms. She had lost a lot of blood, the cut in her side was deep. Fiducia was nearly passing out. "You, people. Quick, bring me to the demon, Mephisto Pheles. An old friend of his is nearly dying in my arms right now. Tell him, Antonidas, the Cavalryman of Light wants to talk to him." 

@Aura Of Twilight  @Gabriel97 @Kenjinx

Whilst all that happened, the other sibling did not remain without action. Tenebrae flew across the lands, unsteady what to do. Her sister could easily pass from the injuries she had suffered. Tenebrae was currently flying over a street. She saw a bar. Yes, she had seen that before. Tenebrae decicded to give that bar a visit. First, because she was thirsty, second, because she had never visited this place before. The herald of darkness landed, looking at the bar from outside. Why not. She opened the door, looked inside. "A drink!", the girl demanded. Her armor and persona glowed with a evil and creepy aura. "Fast, if possible." Hykratii rested at her side, giving her more of a creepy presence than she already had.

@Birdsie @Alteras
Location: Fort Black's Gate

Graham couldn't help but notice the apparent suspicion the girl had, although he quickly shrugged it off to introduce himself. "I don't mean to intrude, my name is Graham. I'm not from around here." He turned his head to look back at the wagon from which he had arrived. "I've never been here, so I don't know if they'll just let me in. I was wondering if you knew anything about the Guild." He figured that was simple enough, and wandering around aimlessly would be a waste of time if he could just ask.

Just then, he heard the sound of rapid stampeding from a horse, and turned to see an incredible sight: a large figure, in hulking silver armor. Suddenly, Graham felt as if he had just transitioned into another world, all before he had even entered the walls of Fort Black. He didn't have any knowledge of the person that was mentioned, so all he did was turn back to the girls he had greeted to see what they said.

@Gabriel97 @Aura Of Twilight @Princess Ami
Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade nodded, then took out a small pouch from a bag on his back. He held the pouch up in his hand, looking through with one hand. Finally, he laid exactly 25 coins on the counter, however several of them were engulfed and covered in blood. Kanade put the pouch with gold back in his money and stared at his mug. He picked it up with one hand and brought it closer to his face, clearly hesitant to drink. He took a firm smell of the alcohol and finally, leaned in to take a good sip. Kanade felt the burn in his throat and immediately, although not too hastily stopped pouring the beer into his throat. He laid the mug at the counter again, to drink more later. Meanwhile, Kuro was gently licking the Catnip Wine, drinking and enjoying it's refined taste. Kanade smiled and said. "People around town say there's lots of pubs and inns, but then they tell you about one that's different from them all. A lot of rumours crossing the town, but the most interesting ones are about it's owner. They say she's an alchemist, or that she's as beatiful as an angel, or that heroes often visit her bar. I see all of those rumours are true after all... but there's one rumour in particular that got my attention..." and took another, this time, deeper sip of the beer. He felt the hop in his throat, and clearly enjoyed it. "They say she's looking to create the Drink of the Gods. I've got no idea what that means, but it sounds interesting. What is the Drink of the Gods?" he asked Astrid.

Tenebrae & Fiducia 

Location: Tenebra: Astrids Bar, Fiducia: Fort Blacks Gate

The battle was truly intense. Tenebrae raised her sword. Hykratii shot down, aiming towards the head of the Heralds opponent. The strike found a sudden stop, as a blade, silver as the moon itself, blocked its path.  Sparks flew through the air when the two swords met. No time to rest, as the silvery blade Gypesnnia made a quick movement towards the oppoents body. then, it shot forth, aiming for Tenebraes torso. 

The battle was taking place in a height, so inhumanly much above the ground, the little mortals could most likely not even see the effects of what happened. The opponent of the dark Herald was nobody but her own sister. Tenebrae parried the strike with ease, Hykratii simply swung down in a half circle, making the blade miss her target. The counter attack was fast, as the blade delivered a quick cut to Fiducas side. Golden blood started to run out of the wound. Fiduca however backed off. Her healing sadly did not work for herself, that made it hard to regenerate the wound in the heat of battle. Fiduca knew she could not win. 

Fiduca shot towards the ground with massive speed, her sister following up close. Fire bolts missed her only closely. One, however, hit its target, burning a big ugly mark into the white haired girls back. Then, the two arrived at the ground. In the moment they would land, a silvery light was waiting on the ground already. The light soon formed a knight in a silver armor, who was riding a horse. The knight catched Fiducia and bolted away, fast like the wind. Tenebrae looked after the two with a loud hiss. She escaped again. 

Fiduca got carried by her patron, Antonidas. He bolted through the woods, like a silver arrow, flying towards its target. It did not really look that good for the herald of hope, her condition was bad. Antonidas knew that, and he knew only one place where he could go with his master. He rode like it was his life that was bound to it, which was kinda the case. Quickly, he had reached his destination. The gate of Fort Black had not changed at all. Antonidas got down of his horse, the silver armor sparkling as if it was pure starlight. Quickly, he approached the people at the gate, carrying his master bridal style in his arms. She had lost a lot of blood, the cut in her side was deep. Fiducia was nearly passing out. "You, people. Quick, bring me to the demon, Mephisto Pheles. An old friend of his is nearly dying in my arms right now. Tell him, Antonidas, the Cavalryman of Light wants to talk to him." 

@Aura Of Twilight  @Gabriel97 @Kenjinx

Whilst all that happened, the other sibling did not remain without action. Tenebrae flew across the lands, unsteady what to do. Her sister could easily pass from the injuries she had suffered. Tenebrae was currently flying over a street. She saw a bar. Yes, she had seen that before. Tenebrae decicded to give that bar a visit. First, because she was thirsty, second, because she had never visited this place before. The herald of darkness landed, looking at the bar from outside. Why not. She opened the door, looked inside. "A drink!", the girl demanded. Her armor and persona glowed with a evil and creepy aura. "Fast, if possible." Hykratii rested at her side, giving her more of a creepy presence than she already had.

@Birdsie @Alteras

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid let out a grin. "I am honored to be thought of as such." She placed her right arm across her waist and the other behind her and bowed. "I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender." Standing back up, she turned took her towel and wiped off the puddle left from her creation. "I am known within the city as the Bartender. The Drink of the Gods is an alche-" Just then, a girl in black walked in. Astrid smiled. Evil and creepy aura, sure, but she's asking for drink. No hostilities yet. "Coming right up madam! Will beer be fine?" She asked as she picked up a mug.
Tenebrae & Fiducia 

Location: Tenebra: Astrids Bar, Fiducia: Fort Blacks Gate

The battle was truly intense. Tenebrae raised her sword. Hykratii shot down, aiming towards the head of the Heralds opponent. The strike found a sudden stop, as a blade, silver as the moon itself, blocked its path.  Sparks flew through the air when the two swords met. No time to rest, as the silvery blade Gypesnnia made a quick movement towards the oppoents body. then, it shot forth, aiming for Tenebraes torso. 

The battle was taking place in a height, so inhumanly much above the ground, the little mortals could most likely not even see the effects of what happened. The opponent of the dark Herald was nobody but her own sister. Tenebrae parried the strike with ease, Hykratii simply swung down in a half circle, making the blade miss her target. The counter attack was fast, as the blade delivered a quick cut to Fiducas side. Golden blood started to run out of the wound. Fiduca however backed off. Her healing sadly did not work for herself, that made it hard to regenerate the wound in the heat of battle. Fiduca knew she could not win. 

Fiduca shot towards the ground with massive speed, her sister following up close. Fire bolts missed her only closely. One, however, hit its target, burning a big ugly mark into the white haired girls back. Then, the two arrived at the ground. In the moment they would land, a silvery light was waiting on the ground already. The light soon formed a knight in a silver armor, who was riding a horse. The knight catched Fiducia and bolted away, fast like the wind. Tenebrae looked after the two with a loud hiss. She escaped again. 

Fiduca got carried by her patron, Antonidas. He bolted through the woods, like a silver arrow, flying towards its target. It did not really look that good for the herald of hope, her condition was bad. Antonidas knew that, and he knew only one place where he could go with his master. He rode like it was his life that was bound to it, which was kinda the case. Quickly, he had reached his destination. The gate of Fort Black had not changed at all. Antonidas got down of his horse, the silver armor sparkling as if it was pure starlight. Quickly, he approached the people at the gate, carrying his master bridal style in his arms. She had lost a lot of blood, the cut in her side was deep. Fiducia was nearly passing out. "You, people. Quick, bring me to the demon, Mephisto Pheles. An old friend of his is nearly dying in my arms right now. Tell him, Antonidas, the Cavalryman of Light wants to talk to him." 

@Aura Of Twilight  @Gabriel97 @Kenjinx

Whilst all that happened, the other sibling did not remain without action. Tenebrae flew across the lands, unsteady what to do. Her sister could easily pass from the injuries she had suffered. Tenebrae was currently flying over a street. She saw a bar. Yes, she had seen that before. Tenebrae decicded to give that bar a visit. First, because she was thirsty, second, because she had never visited this place before. The herald of darkness landed, looking at the bar from outside. Why not. She opened the door, looked inside. "A drink!", the girl demanded. Her armor and persona glowed with a evil and creepy aura. "Fast, if possible." Hykratii rested at her side, giving her more of a creepy presence than she already had.

@Birdsie @Alteras

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid let out a grin. "I am honored to be thought of as such." She placed her right arm across her waist and the other behind her and bowed. "I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender." Standing back up, she turned took her towel and wiped off the puddle left from her creation. "I am known within the city as the Bartender. The Drink of the Gods is an alche-" Just then, a girl in black walked in. Astrid smiled. Evil and creepy aura, sure, but she's asking for drink. No hostilities yet. "Coming right up madam! Will beer be fine?" She asked as she picked up a mug.

Kanade and Kuro stared at the pale-skinned woman without an eye. He immediately recognized her hair-color and aura. Kanade returned to his drink and drank another sip of beer, then turned his head back to Tenebrae, smiling. 'Just like me...' he thought, recognizing that she was clearly some sort of demon. "Not even gonna mask yourself, eh?" he asked, fully turning to Tenebrae. "No worries, I'm just like you. So is my friend here." looking at Kuro. He was referring to the fact that Kanade was an Advanced Nephilim, with a half-demonic body and nearly fully demonic soul, whilst Kuro was indeed a demonic cat, a rather cute one no less. "Your presence here is so soothing. Almost like a splash of fresh water straight into my face, after a hard day of work." seeing Tenebrae as a being similar to him, and he was aware that Demons don't in-fact hurt each other, and he knew that he would be seen as a Demon, not Nephilim. One couldn't sense that Kanade was a Nephilim, instead they sensed an outright Demon instead, because of the particular type of soul he had. Kuro didn't seem bothered by the events happening, however he continued to drink his Catnip Wine.

Then Kanade turned back to Astrid and said. "Pleasure to meet you, Astrid. Kanade Quarrel, and this is Kuro." (Kanade means "melody" or "to play an instrument.".) then took another sip of his beer, clearly getting more used to the taste and having a better system than humans. "Believe it or not, but my parents insisted I became a bard, so they named me this way. Although, you can call me Kan, or K, if you want. Feel free to make other nicknames, if you feel this way." then Kuro telepathically communed with Kanade, telling him: 'She's not a demon. She's a herald.' to which Kanade also responded telepathically. 'I noticed, and I couldn't care less. She won't be looking for a fight here, rather for a drink. There's only been two Heralds ever seen according to the tome, one angelic and the other demonic. She can be either, or none. Again, I couldn't care less. If she wants to fight we can always comply with her request, or politely leave.' and took the last sip of his beer, emptying the mug. He slid it over to Astrid and asked her. "A refill, if I may?"
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid let out a grin. "I am honored to be thought of as such." She placed her right arm across her waist and the other behind her and bowed. "I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender." Standing back up, she turned took her towel and wiped off the puddle left from her creation. "I am known within the city as the Bartender. The Drink of the Gods is an alche-" Just then, a girl in black walked in. Astrid smiled. Evil and creepy aura, sure, but she's asking for drink. No hostilities yet. "Coming right up madam! Will beer be fine?" She asked as she picked up a mug.

Kanade and Kuro stared at the pale-skinned woman without an eye. He immediately recognized her hair-color and aura. Kanade returned to his drink and drank another sip of beer, then turned his head back to Tenebrae, smiling. 'Just like me...' he thought, recognizing that she was clearly some sort of demon. "Not even gonna mask yourself, eh?" he asked, fully turning to Tenebrae. "No worries, I'm just like you. So is my friend here." looking at Kuro. He was referring to the fact that Kanade was an Advanced Nephilim, with a half-demonic body and nearly fully demonic soul, whilst Kuro was indeed a demonic cat, a rather cute one no less. "Your presence here is so soothing. Almost like a splash of fresh water straight into my face, after a hard day of work." seeing Tenebrae as a being similar to him, and he was aware that Demons don't in-fact hurt each other, and he knew that he would be seen as a Demon, not Nephilim. One couldn't sense that Kanade was a Nephilim, instead they sensed an outright Demon instead, because of the particular type of soul he had. Kuro didn't seem bothered by the events happening, however he continued to drink his Catnip Wine.

Then Kanade turned back to Astrid and said. "Pleasure to meet you, Astrid. Kanade Quarrel, and this is Kuro." (Kanade means "melody" or "to play an instrument.".) then took another sip of his beer, clearly getting more used to the taste and having a better system than humans. "Believe it or not, but my parents insisted I became a bard, so they named me this way. Although, you can call me Kan, or K, if you want. Feel free to make other nicknames, if you feel this way." then Kuro telepathically communed with Kanade, telling him: 'She's not a demon. She's a herald.' to which Kanade also responded telepathically. 'I noticed, and I couldn't care less. She won't be looking for a fight here, rather for a drink. There's only been two Heralds ever seen according to the tome, one angelic and the other demonic. She can be either, or none. Again, I couldn't care less. If she wants to fight we can always comply with her request, or politely leave.' and took the last sip of his beer, emptying the mug. He slid it over to Astrid and asked her. "A refill, if I may?"

Tenebrae was suprised by the welcoming reactions of the people in the bar. That was not something she had often. But she soon understood that she got mistaken for a demon, which made her a little angry. Not, "im gonna kill you all" angry, more "Baka, dont confuse me with a demon", angry. And that was nearly what she said in fact. "Idiot! I am no mere demon! I am Tenebrae, Herald of Doom, Bringer of Death and Destruction.", she said, her voice sounding like a whole orchestra. Then, the herald turned to Astrid, and with a normal voice for a girl looking her age, she said "Yes, Beer is just fine." She took a place at the bar and looked at the two, patting the hilt of her sword slightly. "You did good today, Hykratii. Thanks."
Amelia noticed the man waving at them. "Oh, hey. You are?" She asked with her eyebrow raised and a pretty suspicious tone, as she stares into his soul and scans every little movement. "It's Amelia, by the way. Nice to meet you." She then whispered to the girl besides her, smiling and patting her on the back before walking towards the man. "Need help?"

Tenebrae & Fiducia 

Location: Tenebra: Astrids Bar, Fiducia: Fort Blacks Gate

The battle was truly intense. Tenebrae raised her sword. Hykratii shot down, aiming towards the head of the Heralds opponent. The strike found a sudden stop, as a blade, silver as the moon itself, blocked its path.  Sparks flew through the air when the two swords met. No time to rest, as the silvery blade Gypesnnia made a quick movement towards the oppoents body. then, it shot forth, aiming for Tenebraes torso. 

The battle was taking place in a height, so inhumanly much above the ground, the little mortals could most likely not even see the effects of what happened. The opponent of the dark Herald was nobody but her own sister. Tenebrae parried the strike with ease, Hykratii simply swung down in a half circle, making the blade miss her target. The counter attack was fast, as the blade delivered a quick cut to Fiducas side. Golden blood started to run out of the wound. Fiduca however backed off. Her healing sadly did not work for herself, that made it hard to regenerate the wound in the heat of battle. Fiduca knew she could not win. 

Fiduca shot towards the ground with massive speed, her sister following up close. Fire bolts missed her only closely. One, however, hit its target, burning a big ugly mark into the white haired girls back. Then, the two arrived at the ground. In the moment they would land, a silvery light was waiting on the ground already. The light soon formed a knight in a silver armor, who was riding a horse. The knight catched Fiducia and bolted away, fast like the wind. Tenebrae looked after the two with a loud hiss. She escaped again. 

Fiduca got carried by her patron, Antonidas. He bolted through the woods, like a silver arrow, flying towards its target. It did not really look that good for the herald of hope, her condition was bad. Antonidas knew that, and he knew only one place where he could go with his master. He rode like it was his life that was bound to it, which was kinda the case. Quickly, he had reached his destination. The gate of Fort Black had not changed at all. Antonidas got down of his horse, the silver armor sparkling as if it was pure starlight. Quickly, he approached the people at the gate, carrying his master bridal style in his arms. She had lost a lot of blood, the cut in her side was deep. Fiducia was nearly passing out. "You, people. Quick, bring me to the demon, Mephisto Pheles. An old friend of his is nearly dying in my arms right now. Tell him, Antonidas, the Cavalryman of Light wants to talk to him." 

@Aura Of Twilight  @Gabriel97 @Kenjinx

Whilst all that happened, the other sibling did not remain without action. Tenebrae flew across the lands, unsteady what to do. Her sister could easily pass from the injuries she had suffered. Tenebrae was currently flying over a street. She saw a bar. Yes, she had seen that before. Tenebrae decicded to give that bar a visit. First, because she was thirsty, second, because she had never visited this place before. The herald of darkness landed, looking at the bar from outside. Why not. She opened the door, looked inside. "A drink!", the girl demanded. Her armor and persona glowed with a evil and creepy aura. "Fast, if possible." Hykratii rested at her side, giving her more of a creepy presence than she already had.

@Birdsie @Alteras

Location: Fort Black's Gate

Graham couldn't help but notice the apparent suspicion the girl had, although he quickly shrugged it off to introduce himself. "I don't mean to intrude, my name is Graham. I'm not from around here." He turned his head to look back at the wagon from which he had arrived. "I've never been here, so I don't know if they'll just let me in. I was wondering if you knew anything about the Guild." He figured that was simple enough, and wandering around aimlessly would be a waste of time if he could just ask.

Just then, he heard the sound of rapid stampeding from a horse, and turned to see an incredible sight: a large figure, in hulking silver armor. Suddenly, Graham felt as if he had just transitioned into another world, all before he had even entered the walls of Fort Black. He didn't have any knowledge of the person that was mentioned, so all he did was turn back to the girls he had greeted to see what they said.

@Gabriel97 @Aura Of Twilight @Princess Ami

Edilyn and the other girl, who had introduced herself as Amelia took in the newcomer with different gazes. Edilyn noticed the other girl's apparent suspicion, but assumed it was a natural reaction for her. The silver haired girl smiled as she took the man before them in. It was difficult to tell his age, but he had a clean shaven face and dark green eyes. After he had spoken, Edilyn replied cheerfully, "Nice to meet you, Graham. I'm Edilyn. I'm only an apprentice here, so I'm just learning the ropes of the Guild and-"

Suddenly, she heard the heavy sound of hooves hitting the ground and turned with the other two to take in a surprising sight: A hulking figure in large silver armor atop an elegant stallion, perhaps a knight, carrying a clearly unconscious and injured girl in his arms. In a deep voice he demanded, "You , people. Quick, bring me to the demon, Mephisto Pheles. An old friend of his is nearly dying in my arms right now. Tell him, Antonidas, the Cavalryman of Light wants to talk to him." 

Edilyn was torn between doing as he asked and offering him her own help. Her hands began to glow an odd, raidiant light almost instinctively.  "I-it isn't much but I can help heal her, if you'll allow me. Amelia, could you go get the Guild Master?" She asked, taking one step forwards to the knight. 
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Tenebrae was suprised by the welcoming reactions of the people in the bar. That was not something she had often. But she soon understood that she got mistaken for a demon, which made her a little angry. Not, "im gonna kill you all" angry, more "Baka, dont confuse me with a demon", angry. And that was nearly what she said in fact. "Idiot! I am no mere demon! I am Tenebrae, Herald of Doom, Bringer of Death and Destruction.", she said, her voice sounding like a whole orchestra. Then, the herald turned to Astrid, and with a normal voice for a girl looking her age, she said "Yes, Beer is just fine." She took a place at the bar and looked at the two, patting the hilt of her sword slightly. "You did good today, Hykratii. Thanks."

Kanade and Kuro stared at the pale-skinned woman without an eye. He immediately recognized her hair-color and aura. Kanade returned to his drink and drank another sip of beer, then turned his head back to Tenebrae, smiling. 'Just like me...' he thought, recognizing that she was clearly some sort of demon. "Not even gonna mask yourself, eh?" he asked, fully turning to Tenebrae. "No worries, I'm just like you. So is my friend here." looking at Kuro. He was referring to the fact that Kanade was an Advanced Nephilim, with a half-demonic body and nearly fully demonic soul, whilst Kuro was indeed a demonic cat, a rather cute one no less. "Your presence here is so soothing. Almost like a splash of fresh water straight into my face, after a hard day of work." seeing Tenebrae as a being similar to him, and he was aware that Demons don't in-fact hurt each other, and he knew that he would be seen as a Demon, not Nephilim. One couldn't sense that Kanade was a Nephilim, instead they sensed an outright Demon instead, because of the particular type of soul he had. Kuro didn't seem bothered by the events happening, however he continued to drink his Catnip Wine.

Then Kanade turned back to Astrid and said. "Pleasure to meet you, Astrid. Kanade Quarrel, and this is Kuro." (Kanade means "melody" or "to play an instrument.".) then took another sip of his beer, clearly getting more used to the taste and having a better system than humans. "Believe it or not, but my parents insisted I became a bard, so they named me this way. Although, you can call me Kan, or K, if you want. Feel free to make other nicknames, if you feel this way." then Kuro telepathically communed with Kanade, telling him: 'She's not a demon. She's a herald.' to which Kanade also responded telepathically. 'I noticed, and I couldn't care less. She won't be looking for a fight here, rather for a drink. There's only been two Heralds ever seen according to the tome, one angelic and the other demonic. She can be either, or none. Again, I couldn't care less. If she wants to fight we can always comply with her request, or politely leave.' and took the last sip of his beer, emptying the mug. He slid it over to Astrid and asked her. "A refill, if I may?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

(better hope you have unicode or else this isn't gonna come through well)

"Very well madam." Astrid also took Kanade's mug and filled it up. "10 coins for the beer. Refills are 1." She said as she handed them back. She turned around, grabbed her mixer and took a scoop of base substance from the vat. Placing her hand on the table and gripping the amulet, two magic circles appeared form the wood. Pouring the base substance onto it, she grabbed her bottle of pyrotonic, held a mouthful in her jaws, and exhaled onto the liquid.

"The Drink of the Gods is an alchemist's most coveted potion." The flames engulfed the liquid and left a dull golden chalice in its place. "Many alchemist would spend their who lives chasing after this mythical drink. The tablets left from the Great Wizards of Creation described it as a gift from the heavens to the most worthy, ascending them to a deity." The chalice began to spin, slowly different colors appeared and as it slowed down, gems could be seen embedded into it. "The tombs of the Heroic Band of Mages depicted a potion created by man to cure all suffering." The chalice spun once more and morphed into a lavishly decorated glass with arcane symbols across it. On one side in large was the symbol 死 and on the other side 生. "More recent texts describe the Drink of the Gods as an immortality potion, or rather a potion of longevity."
Location: Bowerstone

After a couple hours Kyro began to regain consciousness. He struggled to open his eyes, he truly hated how weak he felt. A blur of color swirled around his vision as he tried to focus on a fixed point. After a couple of minutes his vision stopped spinning and he was able to form a concrete picture. As he tried to stand up he realized that he could barely feel his legs. He had a horrible headache. "Just like a hang over." Though he never had one before, but he knew enough about it.  As Kyro scanned the area he noticed his cards scattered everywhere a crossed the rooftop. He had forgotten to put them bad in their pack before he pasted out. "I think i had a little to much fun." He said as he stood up. He focused on the cards and all 540 came to him and formed within their packs. He then put them in his coat pocket. Wiping the sweat off his head he walked over to the edge of the rooftop and jumped off.

In middle of his fall he had some cards under his feel that slowed his fall and he land on the ground perfectly fine. 

Kyro had gathered a map of the surround area and he was ready to begin. "Ha.... I can't rely on fate to find who I want. But I also can't go back into the bar. So i will wait. And so Kyro sat within a shadow healing, just waiting.
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Tenebrae was suprised by the welcoming reactions of the people in the bar. That was not something she had often. But she soon understood that she got mistaken for a demon, which made her a little angry. Not, "im gonna kill you all" angry, more "Baka, dont confuse me with a demon", angry. And that was nearly what she said in fact. "Idiot! I am no mere demon! I am Tenebrae, Herald of Doom, Bringer of Death and Destruction.", she said, her voice sounding like a whole orchestra. Then, the herald turned to Astrid, and with a normal voice for a girl looking her age, she said "Yes, Beer is just fine." She took a place at the bar and looked at the two, patting the hilt of her sword slightly. "You did good today, Hykratii. Thanks."
Location: Astrid's Bar

(better hope you have unicode or else this isn't gonna come through well)

"Very well madam." Astrid also took Kanade's mug and filled it up. "10 coins for the beer. Refills are 1." She said as she handed them back. She turned around, grabbed her mixer and took a scoop of base substance from the vat. Placing her hand on the table and gripping the amulet, two magic circles appeared form the wood. Pouring the base substance onto it, she grabbed her bottle of pyrotonic, held a mouthful in her jaws, and exhaled onto the liquid.

"The Drink of the Gods is an alchemist's most coveted potion." The flames engulfed the liquid and left a dull golden chalice in its place. "Many alchemist would spend their who lives chasing after this mythical drink. The tablets left from the Great Wizards of Creation described it as a gift from the heavens to the most worthy, ascending them to a deity." The chalice began to spin, slowly different colors appeared and as it slowed down, gems could be seen embedded into it. "The tombs of the Heroic Band of Mages depicted a potion created by man to cure all suffering." The chalice spun once more and morphed into a lavishly decorated glass with arcane symbols across it. On one side in large was the symbol 死 and on the other side 生. "More recent texts describe the Drink of the Gods as an immortality potion, or rather a potion of longevity."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade stared at Tenebrae as she became enraged in the belief that the people of the bar misunderstood what type of entity she was. He turned back to the front, where Astrid stood and took on a relaxed, then paid for his refill. He started listening to her story about the Drink of the Gods and was clearly intrigued. The word that clearly caught his interest, as his eyes opened up and he rose his head a bit up was the word 'to cure all suffering.' and smiled afterwards. "Cure all suffering?" and shook his head, clearly disagreeing with that notion. "It can't cure the past, can it?" and his eyelids flinched when he realized she had no idea what he was talking about. "Oh, right. You don't have an idea what I'm talking about. Anyway, have you heard of the Philosopher's Stones? They are potent tools related to immortality, souls and alchemy; however there is always going to be a price for power." refering to what he read in the library of the Inquisitors. The amount of arcane knowledge that was not permitted to normal humans inside was... insane. "Maybe with a philosopher's stone you could finally make the drink?" as he took the first sip of his refill.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto stood in the middle of the courtyard, with several members of the guild having assembled before him. He was giving a small speech. "Greetings, darlings~! It's yo' uncle Pheles! Today I have assembled you here in a very particular task that requires the attention of the whole Guild. This is a very big contract that will bring us back to the light! We have been contracted to deal, and sterilize a bandit camp near Dark Forest that belongs to some Woguran guy. He's the bandit leader. Now, now! I know Dark Forest is a scary place, but there's nothing to be afraid of, as we will use teleportation to get there! Quite handy, however I advise that if someone has a weak stomach they tell me before we begin! We will move out in approximately 30 minutes. Are there any questions?" but everyone kept quiet, in anticipation of the fight in front of them. Mephisto disliked doing heroic work by fighting, as it directly went against William's beatiful and heroic teachings, therefore also contradicting his legacy, but you couldn't exactly use diplomacy to deal with Bandits and that was a part of the contract. Sure, they might surrender, but there would be lots of casualties by that point. Mephisto had to make sure they lost as little men as possible. Death wasn't an option, but Woguran was a powerful opponent.

@Kenjinx @Aura Of Twilight @Princess Ami @Gabriel97
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto stood in the middle of the courtyard, with several members of the guild having assembled before him. He was giving a small speech. "Greetings, darlings~! It's yo' uncle Pheles! Today I have assembled you here in a very particular task that requires the attention of the whole Guild. This is a very big contract that will bring us back to the light! We have been contracted to deal, and sterilize a bandit camp near Dark Forest that belongs to some Woguran guy. He's the bandit leader. Now, now! I know Dark Forest is a scary place, but there's nothing to be afraid of, as we will use teleportation to get there! Quite handy, however I advise that if someone has a weak stomach they tell me before we begin! We will move out in approximately 30 minutes. Are there any questions?" but everyone kept quiet, in anticipation of the fight in front of them. Mephisto disliked doing heroic work by fighting, as it directly went against William's beatiful and heroic teachings, therefore also contradicting his legacy, but you couldn't exactly use diplomacy to deal with Bandits and that was a part of the contract. Sure, they might surrender, but there would be lots of casualties by that point. Mephisto had to make sure they lost as little men as possible. Death wasn't an option, but Woguran was a powerful opponent.

@Kenjinx @Aura Of Twilight @Princess Ami @Gabriel97

Gabriel, who was there with Mephisto, nodded to himself and prepared his horse and his leather bag with food and water for him and Amelia. Speaking of which, she entered the gate, after waving goodbye to the newly met girl. "I'm here, daa-...? What's happening?" She asked curiously, looking around as the blood on her cloak evaporated on the way to Fort Black. She looked at Mephisto and blushed in embarrassment, walking quickly over to Gabriel and looking up at him, smiling. "Where we going?" She asked, with a fake smile drew across her cheeks, while she scratched the back of her head. Gabriel looked down at her and patted her on the head, "We're going on a mission. Mephisto! Come here, please?" He exclaimed at him, looking over him with a demanding expression. Amelia blushed again and hid behind Gabriel. "Ugh," He groaned in a over-dramatic way, chuckling as Amelia hid behind him and smiled at Mephisto. "Please...she won't come out." He said with a smile on his face, staring at Mephisto.
Gabriel, who was there with Mephisto, nodded to himself and prepared his horse and his leather bag with food and water for him and Amelia. Speaking of which, she entered the gate, after waving goodbye to the newly met girl. "I'm here, daa-...? What's happening?" She asked curiously, looking around as the blood on her cloak evaporated on the way to Fort Black. She looked at Mephisto and blushed in embarrassment, walking quickly over to Gabriel and looking up at him, smiling. "Where we going?" She asked, with a fake smile drew across her cheeks, while she scratched the back of her head. Gabriel looked down at her and patted her on the head, "We're going on a mission. Mephisto! Come here, please?" He exclaimed at him, looking over him with a demanding expression. Amelia blushed again and hid behind Gabriel. "Ugh," He groaned in a over-dramatic way, chuckling as Amelia hid behind him and smiled at Mephisto. "Please...she won't come out." He said with a smile on his face, staring at Mephisto.

Mephisto performed a heel-turn towards Gabriel's direction and smiled, then he noticed Amelia and his smile withered like a patch of flowers. "Nah, I'm over it." he ultimately decided, then approached in a very noble, graceful way, keeping the same smile on his face. Then he turned pale, smelling holy water that was somewhere in the vicinity. Mephisto compared Holy Water to a highly radioactive, unstable compound that could melt him any second upon contact. Mephisto stopped about 10 meters away from the two and tried not to look frightened of the exorcist that stood behind Gabriel. "W-Well?" he nervously asked, some drops of sweat coming down his forehead and cheeks. He could barely control his fear.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Kanade stared at Tenebrae as she became enraged in the belief that the people of the bar misunderstood what type of entity she was. He turned back to the front, where Astrid stood and took on a relaxed, then paid for his refill. He started listening to her story about the Drink of the Gods and was clearly intrigued. The word that clearly caught his interest, as his eyes opened up and he rose his head a bit up was the word 'to cure all suffering.' and smiled afterwards. "Cure all suffering?" and shook his head, clearly disagreeing with that notion. "It can't cure the past, can it?" and his eyelids flinched when he realized she had no idea what he was talking about. "Oh, right. You don't have an idea what I'm talking about. Anyway, have you heard of the Philosopher's Stones? They are potent tools related to immortality, souls and alchemy; however there is always going to be a price for power." refering to what he read in the library of the Inquisitors. The amount of arcane knowledge that was not permitted to normal humans inside was... insane. "Maybe with a philosopher's stone you could finally make the drink?" as he took the first sip of his refill.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto stood in the middle of the courtyard, with several members of the guild having assembled before him. He was giving a small speech. "Greetings, darlings~! It's yo' uncle Pheles! Today I have assembled you here in a very particular task that requires the attention of the whole Guild. This is a very big contract that will bring us back to the light! We have been contracted to deal, and sterilize a bandit camp near Dark Forest that belongs to some Woguran guy. He's the bandit leader. Now, now! I know Dark Forest is a scary place, but there's nothing to be afraid of, as we will use teleportation to get there! Quite handy, however I advise that if someone has a weak stomach they tell me before we begin! We will move out in approximately 30 minutes. Are there any questions?" but everyone kept quiet, in anticipation of the fight in front of them. Mephisto disliked doing heroic work by fighting, as it directly went against William's beatiful and heroic teachings, therefore also contradicting his legacy, but you couldn't exactly use diplomacy to deal with Bandits and that was a part of the contract. Sure, they might surrender, but there would be lots of casualties by that point. Mephisto had to make sure they lost as little men as possible. Death wasn't an option, but Woguran was a powerful opponent.

@Kenjinx @Aura Of Twilight @Princess Ami @Gabriel97

Astrid let out a laugh. She raised her and revealed her amulet. "This is my Philosopher's Stone. Well, not quite." She focused again and the glass cup spun into a smooth ball. Within ball was swirling dust and lines of six colors; Blue, Black, White, Red, Green, and Yellow. "Certainly the Great Wizards of Creation was gifted the Philosopher's Stone by the gods and had granted them such power, but the Heroic Band of Mages' Philosopher's Stone was derived from forging of their weapons: the Scepter of Strength, the Wand of Enchantment, the Tome of Knowledge, the Blade of Loyalty, the Cards of Fortune, and the Staff of Angelic Embrace." The ball spun and broke into a million pieces. "The church will speak of the grand journey the wanderer must take to gather all the pieces and recreate the stone." The million pieces floated down onto the table and miniature towns and forests and mountains formed out of it. "Alchemist from the far east beyond the Church's reach instead believe that the Stone is imbued in every magical object, and that the stone can only be obtained through the wellspring of knowledge the Deities of Old have hidden within our minds."

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