Main IC RP

Amilia followed him inside and looked at him calmly, buy with a sad expression. "Well...", she started and then stopped again, looking down and then back up. "What do you have to say?"

Oliver sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Alright, okay...look, I'm not the best at saying what's right. I'm more of a guy of action, always acting before thinking about what I'm saying. That's why I just..." Oliver held his hands apart in front of them, and then just clasped them together. " know? It happened. Can't go back and change it. In the past, we had only ever flirted with each other, and it never lead to anything. We would both go about our days doing what we needed to or wanted to. To be honest?" Oliver took a deep breath, shrugging his shoulders. "I had never been a flirt back at home. I barely talked to anyone relatively close to my age, unless they were my brother and sisters. I only started when I got here, after learning a few tricks from my brother." 

Groaning, Oliver ran his hands through his hair. "What I'm trying to say is, the whole kiss thing? I liked it. But I had no idea how to act. It happened, and it was like...I didn't want it to stop, you know?" Oliver's face began getting more red as he spoke. "It a fire. I had never kissed anyone before. Sure, the thought that one day I would kiss someone would happen, but I never expected that it would be Someone who I was so close with, who I worked with, who I shared a drink with, who lived where I lived! The whole thing was so sudden that I had no idea what to think!" Oliver began pacing around the room, waving his hands around. "It was so scary! Not that I didn't want it to happen! Sure, there was a part of me that knew the possibility was there, and, there was a part of me that wanted it to happen.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver turned and walked over in front of Amilia, looking down at her. He was wearing a slight smile, only just noticeable. He grabbed one of her hands, and held it in two of his. He brought her fingers up to his lips, and kissed them. His smile grew a little. "I'm the biggest idiot in the world, and probably the biggest asshole. I get drunk and get in fights and am merciless. But this alcoholic stupid asshole would have no problem being..." Oliver's face grew an even deeper red, and he looked down at the floor, at their two feet. "...your lover..."
It all happened so suddenly.  The sounds were a lot easier to process than what Baragar just witnessed.  First a loud bang... two small hands destroyed the ball in a blink of an eye.  Then the sound of a man's screams being suddenly silenced by the detachment of his head from his neck.  A fountain of crimson fluid erupted from the man's body as his torso slowly collapsed to the floor.  A heavy, hearty thud of his rib cage hitting the grass.

Baragar's eyes opened wide as some splatters of blood struck his newly polished armor.  His mind took it's time trying to piece together what just happened in that instant.  The massive armor-clad giant submitted to his feelings when he fell backwards, landing on his tail... eyes fixed on the blood covered girl in front of him.

This was not the first time Baragar has witnessed death, he has seen many villagers die, being eaten, skewered and burned to death by many monsters.  But he couldn't process what he is looking at right now.  She looks innocent and fragile enough... but she just killed a person without much thought.  Her glowing pink eyes made Baragar tremble a little with fear and confusion.

She approached the fallen giant with a letter.  Baragar moved instinctively backwards, trying to avoid the creature in front of him.  He filtered out all her words.  Her language seemed alien in his mind.  He let her letter fall on the grass in front of him.  He sat there silently, his tongue cannot say anything in the human language that could express what he's feeling at this moment.
Oliver sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Alright, okay...look, I'm not the best at saying what's right. I'm more of a guy of action, always acting before thinking about what I'm saying. That's why I just..." Oliver held his hands apart in front of them, and then just clasped them together. " know? It happened. Can't go back and change it. In the past, we had only ever flirted with each other, and it never lead to anything. We would both go about our days doing what we needed to or wanted to. To be honest?" Oliver took a deep breath, shrugging his shoulders. "I had never been a flirt back at home. I barely talked to anyone relatively close to my age, unless they were my brother and sisters. I only started when I got here, after learning a few tricks from my brother." 

Groaning, Oliver ran his hands through his hair. "What I'm trying to say is, the whole kiss thing? I liked it. But I had no idea how to act. It happened, and it was like...I didn't want it to stop, you know?" Oliver's face began getting more red as he spoke. "It a fire. I had never kissed anyone before. Sure, the thought that one day I would kiss someone would happen, but I never expected that it would be Someone who I was so close with, who I worked with, who I shared a drink with, who lived where I lived! The whole thing was so sudden that I had no idea what to think!" Oliver began pacing around the room, waving his hands around. "It was so scary! Not that I didn't want it to happen! Sure, there was a part of me that knew the possibility was there, and, there was a part of me that wanted it to happen.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver turned and walked over in front of Amilia, looking down at her. He was wearing a slight smile, only just noticeable. He grabbed one of her hands, and held it in two of his. He brought her fingers up to his lips, and kissed them. His smile grew a little. "I'm the biggest idiot in the world, and probably the biggest asshole. I get drunk and get in fights and am merciless. But this alcoholic stupid asshole would have no problem being..." Oliver's face grew an even deeper red, and he looked down at the floor, at their two feet. "...your lover..."

Amilia listened to him, her cheeks reddening. When he explained all the things that made him react the way he did, she rolled her eyes. Excuses. All of it. And Amilia cursed herself to be dumb to have expected something else. 

But his way of speech changed and she blushed even more than she already was. He took her hand and kissed it, why would he do that? And then he said it. The two words that changed the whole world for her. "...your lover...The words rung in her head, the woman unable to process them. Oh how she wanted to just say yes. But who guaranteed he didn't disappoint her again? Who said she didn't have to cry again. She looked into his eyes. Her thoughts raced. 

After what seemed like hours to her, but were mere seconds, she opened her mouth. "Your an idiot.", she whispered softly and very very softly and gently kissed the man on the cheek. She smiled. "But maybe you can be... my idiot..."
It all happened so suddenly.  The sounds were a lot easier to process than what Baragar just witnessed.  First a loud bang... two small hands destroyed the ball in a blink of an eye.  Then the sound of a man's screams being suddenly silenced by the detachment of his head from his neck.  A fountain of crimson fluid erupted from the man's body as his torso slowly collapsed to the floor.  A heavy, hearty thud of his rib cage hitting the grass.

Baragar's eyes opened wide as some splatters of blood struck his newly polished armor.  His mind took it's time trying to piece together what just happened in that instant.  The massive armor-clad giant submitted to his feelings when he fell backwards, landing on his tail... eyes fixed on the blood covered girl in front of him.

This was not the first time Baragar has witnessed death, he has seen many villagers die, being eaten, skewered and burned to death by many monsters.  But he couldn't process what he is looking at right now.  She looks innocent and fragile enough... but she just killed a person without much thought.  Her glowing pink eyes made Baragar tremble a little with fear and confusion.

She approached the fallen giant with a letter.  Baragar moved instinctively backwards, trying to avoid the creature in front of him.  He filtered out all her words.  Her language seemed alien in his mind.  He let her letter fall on the grass in front of him.  He sat there silently, his tongue cannot say anything in the human language that could express what he's feeling at this moment.

Eliphas ran out of the building, as he saw what happened. He walked up to Baragar, somewhat shocked himself and staring. "Why did she..." and stared at the letter at Baragar's feet. He kneeled next to the bigger man and stared at that devious envelope. He slowly reached out for it, and laid his hands on it. "We need to inform the Guildmaster." he exclaimed. Mephisto suddenly appeared next to Eliphas and asked "Inform about wh--" and saw a corpse in front of himself. "..." Mephisto didn't speak. He had no words. He ran up to the body and inspected it. "CALL FOR A HEALER, DAMN YOU!" he yelled at the two. Eliphas' breathing was funny, but he left the letter next to Baragar and shot up, then ran as fast as he could inside the castle to get a medic. Mephisto stared at the body of the dead member. "Who did this?" he inquired, changing his stare and turning to Baragar.
Eliphas ran out of the building, as he saw what happened. He walked up to Baragar, somewhat shocked himself and staring. "Why did she..." and stared at the letter at Baragar's feet. He kneeled next to the bigger man and stared at that devious envelope. He slowly reached out for it, and laid his hands on it. "We need to inform the Guildmaster." he exclaimed. Mephisto suddenly appeared next to Eliphas and asked "Inform about wh--" and saw a corpse in front of himself. "..." Mephisto didn't speak. He had no words. He ran up to the body and inspected it. "CALL FOR A HEALER, DAMN YOU!" he yelled at the two. Eliphas' breathing was funny, but he left the letter next to Baragar and shot up, then ran as fast as he could inside the castle to get a medic. Mephisto stared at the body of the dead member. "Who did this?" he inquired, changing his stare and turning to Baragar.

Baragar was still lost in his thoughts. He remembers the massacre all those years ago. Spears piercing scale... swords cutting open the necks of children.  A distant memory, but a memory made clear once more by the scent of fresh blood.  Figures moved around Baragar speaking to him in an alien language.  "Hu Deed Vis?"  The Guildmaster asked as Baragar's shellshocked mind tried to remember how to speak the human language again.  He nodded and hoisted himself in a half-drunk stance.  No words came from the helmet.  He visualized her pain, her emotion, her killing instinct.  It was violent, but confused.  Not unlike the monsters he have face before.  She was like them... wild and confused.  Baragar slowly turned his back on Mephisto and headed back to the castle.
Baragar was still lost in his thoughts. He remembers the massacre all those years ago. Spears piercing scale... swords cutting open the necks of children.  A distant memory, but a memory made clear once more by the scent of fresh blood.  Figures moved around Baragar speaking to him in an alien language.  "Hu Deed Vis?"  The Guildmaster asked as Baragar's shellshocked mind tried to remember how to speak the human language again.  He nodded and hoisted himself in a half-drunk stance.  No words came from the helmet.  He visualized her pain, her emotion, her killing instinct.  It was violent, but confused.  Not unlike the monsters he have face before.  She was like them... wild and confused.  Baragar slowly turned his back on Mephisto and headed back to the castle.

Mephisto grabbed the letter that laid on the ground and stared at it, whilst Eliphas came back with a Medic. Mephisto was shocked with the letter's contents. He held his mouth closed with his hand and was shaking. Mephisto got back and turned into a stone statue, dissapearing and teleporting away. It collapsed soon after, whilst the Medic started doing his work. Eliphas looked at Baragar and said "I think this was a lesson to all of us." then looked back at the massacred body of the now surely decased member of the Guild. The healer was trying his best, but just couldn't revive the person...
A lonely carrier pigeon reached over the horizon, above the forest trees. Fresh breeze of air followed it's flight, as it went onward. The pigeon spotted it's target, a lonely, open window in one of the most secure towers inside of the keep. The pigeon landed safely on a small railing near the window and hopped inside Mephisto's office. The demon's tears dropped to the floor, then soaked into the carpet as he read Lilith's message. The little bird drew attention to itself by making a short 'coo' sound. Mephisto turned his head around to the little bird and walked up to it. He untied the letter from it's foot and took it in his hands, then the pigeon flew away.

Mephisto sat on his chair, but not as relaxed as always. He was in grief, you could say. Mephisto opened up the envelope and read it. His eyes passed through the white sheet, line after line, then he decided. "This will need manpower." and took an empty sheet of paper and started writing. He walked down to the courtyard and hung the message on the bulletin board. "All members of the Guild, excluding Initiates are to assemble in the courtyard today, at noon. - Mephisto Pheles." and so, he left back to his room, to get some sleep.
Lorelei Scylla rested her cheeks in her palms as she watched a huge screen in front of her.  Faces of Fia, Tierciel, and the bartender blurred in and out of the frame while a female voice spoke over the video.  The footage is shot live from the point of view of Timiriel's eyes.  Scylla took the liberty to implant camera-like devices in the young elf-girl's eyes.  Basically everything the corpse slave sees, she sees as well.

Lorelei sighed wispfully as she played with her surgical knife.  "What is my little plaything doing?"  She said as her palm pushed her cheek up.  The coffin like creature floated next to Lorelei.

"Why do you still keep that one alive, Master?"  The object asked.

Lorelei paused for a moment to think.  "Senpai... she reminds me of me when I was young... I still enjoy the cute tears on her face when I play with her..."  Lorelei grinned playfully.  The coffin-thing stayed silent.

Lorelei brought a magic device shaped like a cylinder near her mouth.  "Timiriel, I miss you~"  She said softly through the device.  Just as she did this, a device implanted in Timiriel's inner ear vibrated... delivering the message directly to her brain.  "Time to go home... your free time is over..."  Scylla said, gently whispering on the device.

Lorelei shivered in excitement.  "I-I can't wait to cut her up again... her body is so interesting!"
Lorelei Scylla rested her cheeks in her palms as she watched a huge screen in front of her.  Faces of Fia, Tierciel, and the bartender blurred in and out of the frame while a female voice spoke over the video.  The footage is shot live from the point of view of Timiriel's eyes.  Scylla took the liberty to implant camera-like devices in the young elf-girl's eyes.  Basically everything the corpse slave sees, she sees as well.

Lorelei sighed wispfully as she played with her surgical knife.  "What is my little plaything doing?"  She said as her palm pushed her cheek up.  The coffin like creature floated next to Lorelei.

"Why do you still keep that one alive, Master?"  The object asked.

Lorelei paused for a moment to think.  "Senpai... she reminds me of me when I was young... I still enjoy the cute tears on her face when I play with her..."  Lorelei grinned playfully.  The coffin-thing stayed silent.

Lorelei brought a magic device shaped like a cylinder near her mouth.  "Timiriel, I miss you~"  She said softly through the device.  Just as she did this, a device implanted in Timiriel's inner ear vibrated... delivering the message directly to her brain.  "Time to go home... your free time is over..."  Scylla said, gently whispering on the device.

Lorelei shivered in excitement.  "I-I can't wait to cut her up again... her body is so interesting!"

Timiriel suddenly got pale. Well... more pale than usual. She heard her voice. Her master. Her master that always hurt her, brought that delightful pain to her, that she loved to bring as well. Scylla was her great idol, being able to bring death and pain so constantly to so many. 

"Time to go home..." Timiriel suddenly got see-through, like a ghost. She simply crossed the bar, the wall and the house, walking towards her destination. She walked through everything in her way as if it was an illusion. Or as if she was one. She hadn't paid, but she didn't care. She didn't have money anyways. 

She crossed the laboratory and came to a stop right in front of Scylla. "Master..", she muttered, smiling. Her attire had become a long, black wedding dress. She had no idea why she chose that. It seemed good to her. 
Timiriel suddenly got pale. Well... more pale than usual. She heard her voice. Her master. Her master that always hurt her, brought that delightful pain to her, that she loved to bring as well. Scylla was her great idol, being able to bring death and pain so constantly to so many. 

"Time to go home..." Timiriel suddenly got see-through, like a ghost. She simply crossed the bar, the wall and the house, walking towards her destination. She walked through everything in her way as if it was an illusion. Or as if she was one. She hadn't paid, but she didn't care. She didn't have money anyways. 

She crossed the laboratory and came to a stop right in front of Scylla. "Master..", she muttered, smiling. Her attire had become a long, black wedding dress. She had no idea why she chose that. It seemed good to her. 

Astrid just stood there. I think I need sleep. She cleaned up cups left behind and went ahead and flipped the sign to "Closed." "Feel free to take your time. I'll still serve you drinks if you want some." She said as she took a bottle of red wine, poured a cup, and took a seat next to Tiercel.
Timiriel suddenly got pale. Well... more pale than usual. She heard her voice. Her master. Her master that always hurt her, brought that delightful pain to her, that she loved to bring as well. Scylla was her great idol, being able to bring death and pain so constantly to so many. 

"Time to go home..." Timiriel suddenly got see-through, like a ghost. She simply crossed the bar, the wall and the house, walking towards her destination. She walked through everything in her way as if it was an illusion. Or as if she was one. She hadn't paid, but she didn't care. She didn't have money anyways. 

She crossed the laboratory and came to a stop right in front of Scylla. "Master..", she muttered, smiling. Her attire had become a long, black wedding dress. She had no idea why she chose that. It seemed good to her. 

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The screen blurred with speed lines and transitioned to a familiar dark room lined with cages.  Scylla could see that Timiriel is approaching just like she commanded.  The screen finally shows her own white lab coat.  Her back turned towards the screen.  Scylla turned around to face her current favorite creation.  “Welcome home, my pet…”  She said warmly as she walked towards the elf.  “Dancing again?”  Scylla stroked her masterpiece’s cheek gently.  She then tilted her chin up to force the smaller woman to look into her eyes.  “But, what did I tell you about using your powers in front of others without my permission?”  Scylla pouted playfully.  “I told you not to use them unless you’re going to kill all the witnesses right? You know that I’m very well respected in the kingdom and I don’t want people to know about my research right?  People just don’t understand us, okay?”  Scylla said in a playful, reprimanding tone… as if talking to a child.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Your actions made me a bit jealous… I dont like it when you dance in front of others.  Can you remind me who you love most?”  Scylla stroked the little elf’s chin with her index finger.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The screen blurred with speed lines and transitioned to a familiar dark room lined with cages.  Scylla could see that Timiriel is approaching just like she commanded.  The screen finally shows her own white lab coat.  Her back turned towards the screen.  Scylla turned around to face her current favorite creation.  “Welcome home, my pet…”  She said warmly as she walked towards the elf.  “Dancing again?”  Scylla stroked her masterpiece’s cheek gently.  She then tilted her chin up to force the smaller woman to look into her eyes.  “But, what did I tell you about using your powers in front of others without my permission?”  Scylla pouted playfully.  “I told you not to use them unless you’re going to kill all the witnesses right? You know that I’m very well respected in the kingdom and I don’t want people to know about my research right?  People just don’t understand us, okay?”  Scylla said in a playful, reprimanding tone… as if talking to a child.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Your actions made me a bit jealous… I dont like it when you dance in front of others.  Can you remind me who you love most?”  Scylla stroked the little elf’s chin with her index finger.[/SIZE]

Timiriel did not falter, not move, not even blink under the woman's touch. She adored her, not feared her. Yes she did scream and squirm whenever she got tortured, but both of the women knew, she did that because she knew Scylla loved it and she wanted to make her master happy. 

She did feel a little bad. Her dress was something that was okay, sure, but her going away with her ghost ability was probably a bad move. "I was scared I would be held at the place, as I couldn't pay. I wanted to come to you as soon as possible...", she purred back and looked to the ground. "Still, I'm sorry." The dancer made cute puppy eyes, the black showing a sad tone. 

Then, she looked up again. "Its you, master, I love you the most!", she said. The elf began to dance and while she did, fluent movements, a own style which she had invented just for her master and which she knee Scylla loved the most, she sang the song that she had made for her master and that she always sang when dancing for her.
Timiriel did not falter, not move, not even blink under the woman's touch. She adored her, not feared her. Yes she did scream and squirm whenever she got tortured, but both of the women knew, she did that because she knew Scylla loved it and she wanted to make her master happy. 

She did feel a little bad. Her dress was something that was okay, sure, but her going away with her ghost ability was probably a bad move. "I was scared I would be held at the place, as I couldn't pay. I wanted to come to you as soon as possible...", she purred back and looked to the ground. "Still, I'm sorry." The dancer made cute puppy eyes, the black showing a sad tone. 

Then, she looked up again. "Its you, master, I love you the most!", she said. The elf began to dance and while she did, fluent movements, a own style which she had invented just for her master and which she knee Scylla loved the most, she sang the song that she had made for her master and that she always sang when dancing for her.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Its you, master, I love you the most!" The elf girl said endearingly.  Her devotion was rewarded by Scylla’s smile.  The coffin-like object simply observed the two, floating silently as if just a mere fixture of the environment.  Scylla let go of the girl’s chin as she began to sing.  She showed Scylla her dance, an expression of her emotions.  Scylla remembered how she first met the girl, confused and scared.  The first slice of her skin… the first drop of blood from her porcelain flesh.  She marvelled at how the girl transformed from a dull daughter of an elf couple… into the beautiful work of art she is today.  Even her dance is way more beautiful and impactful than what she used to do.  Scylla sat with her legs crossed as she enjoyed the performace.  She focused on her pale flesh, unable to resist slicing it open.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]When the girl finished, Scylla clapped her hands.  “Simply beautiful, Timiriel,”  She said sweetly.  She walked up to the girl and stroked her hair.  “You really are fascinating...:”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scylla waved a syringe in front of her pet.  She knows how much the girl wanted to be dissected.  The syringe contained an unmistakably green fluid.  A chemical that paralyzes the victim but allows them to feel everything done to them.  Timiriel’s favorite.  She waited, knowing the elf girl will start pleading and begging to be put under the knife.[/SIZE]
Amilia listened to him, her cheeks reddening. When he explained all the things that made him react the way he did, she rolled her eyes. Excuses. All of it. And Amilia cursed herself to be dumb to have expected something else. 

But his way of speech changed and she blushed even more than she already was. He took her hand and kissed it, why would he do that? And then he said it. The two words that changed the whole world for her. "...your lover...The words rung in her head, the woman unable to process them. Oh how she wanted to just say yes. But who guaranteed he didn't disappoint her again? Who said she didn't have to cry again. She looked into his eyes. Her thoughts raced. 

After what seemed like hours to her, but were mere seconds, she opened her mouth. "Your an idiot.", she whispered softly and very very softly and gently kissed the man on the cheek. She smiled. "But maybe you can be... my idiot..."

Oliver smiled, and laughed, wrapping an arm around Amilia and pulling her into a hug. "I'll try not to be too stupid. But I can't guarantee I won't do a few dumb things." Oliver kissed the top of her head, relieved that the issue had been fixed. Well, not completely fixed. He needed to get Amilia to understand he was serious, which would take some time. He wasn't sure how long, and he knew that by attempting to get her to trust his word, he would have to put off going on missions for some time.

After holding Amilia in his arms for some time, he loosened his grip, but still had a hand gently placed on her arm. That was another thing. Oliver would have to get better at being gentle. He was a ruffian and a troublemaker, so transitioning would take some time. He didn't let this all bother him, though. He beamed down at Amilia. "Amilia, I..." His words caught in his throat. Saying it was still a little tough to say. It made him blush and scared to say the words. Instead, he leaned down and planted another kiss on her lips. It felt no different than the first. The spark was still there, and when he pulled his head away, he felt the buzz on his lips. 

@Princess Ami
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Its you, master, I love you the most!" The elf girl said endearingly.  Her devotion was rewarded by Scylla’s smile.  The coffin-like object simply observed the two, floating silently as if just a mere fixture of the environment.  Scylla let go of the girl’s chin as she began to sing.  She showed Scylla her dance, an expression of her emotions.  Scylla remembered how she first met the girl, confused and scared.  The first slice of her skin… the first drop of blood from her porcelain flesh.  She marvelled at how the girl transformed from a dull daughter of an elf couple… into the beautiful work of art she is today.  Even her dance is way more beautiful and impactful than what she used to do.  Scylla sat with her legs crossed as she enjoyed the performace.  She focused on her pale flesh, unable to resist slicing it open.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]When the girl finished, Scylla clapped her hands.  “Simply beautiful, Timiriel,”  She said sweetly.  She walked up to the girl and stroked her hair.  “You really are fascinating...:”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scylla waved a syringe in front of her pet.  She knows how much the girl wanted to be dissected.  The syringe contained an unmistakably green fluid.  A chemical that paralyzes the victim but allows them to feel everything done to them.  Timiriel’s favorite.  She waited, knowing the elf girl will start pleading and begging to be put under the knife.[/SIZE]

Timiriel was indescribably happy at the appreciation she got from her master. She loved her so much! At first, she had hated the woman. But the more her body transformed, the more she got to a demon... she hated her more. Until she died. End of the story. Or was it? No. Life had again flowed through her, as Scylla refused to be done. And with the live came the love. And praise. And song and dance. Timiriel was  so incredibly thankful. 

The green syringe caught her eye. She knew it too well. It was the same, little liquid that she had always felt, that made paralyzation bold through her body, that made her feel weak, yet so incredibly... alive. And with it usually came the pain. It made her see colors. Green. More green. Basically 50 shades of green. "Please master...", Timiriel whispered in anticipation.
Oliver smiled, and laughed, wrapping an arm around Amilia and pulling her into a hug. "I'll try not to be too stupid. But I can't guarantee I won't do a few dumb things." Oliver kissed the top of her head, relieved that the issue had been fixed. Well, not completely fixed. He needed to get Amilia to understand he was serious, which would take some time. He wasn't sure how long, and he knew that by attempting to get her to trust his word, he would have to put off going on missions for some time.

After holding Amilia in his arms for some time, he loosened his grip, but still had a hand gently placed on her arm. That was another thing. Oliver would have to get better at being gentle. He was a ruffian and a troublemaker, so transitioning would take some time. He didn't let this all bother him, though. He beamed down at Amilia. "Amilia, I..." His words caught in his throat. Saying it was still a little tough to say. It made him blush and scared to say the words. Instead, he leaned down and planted another kiss on her lips. It felt no different than the first. The spark was still there, and when he pulled his head away, he felt the buzz on his lips. 

@Princess Ami

Amilia looked into his eyes, as she got squeezed in the tight embrace. Her air left her longues. He was such a rough person. She kinda liked it, yes, but she would have still liked to... well... be treated a bit like a princess. It was a stupid fantasy, sure... but... still. 

She wanted to reply to him, but had no air. How could she, it had just left her. And she was too... well, hugged, to breathe in new. Only when he released her, she breathed in heavily. It was just a second until he kissed her again and she returned it, of course. 

Then she giggled even more than she had before. "We should..." she kissed his cheek. "Grab a drink."
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Please master,” The little elf begged, just like Scylla predicted.  However, her pleads weren’t satisfying enough for the twisted mind of the scientist.  “Hmm?  Please what?”  She said with teasing eyes.  “Oh you want this?”  She said waving the glowing green liquid around.  “Sorry sweetie, this is my last vial… and I was going to use this on that Owlbear we brought in...:”  She said with mocking playfulness.  “Besides, you were kind of a bad girl today…”  He added.  She pushed the syringe up with her thumb letting a bit of green fluid shoot up teasingly.  “Oops!”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Please master,” The little elf begged, just like Scylla predicted.  However, her pleads weren’t satisfying enough for the twisted mind of the scientist.  “Hmm?  Please what?”  She said with teasing eyes.  “Oh you want this?”  She said waving the glowing green liquid around.  “Sorry sweetie, this is my last vial… and I was going to use this on that Owlbear we brought in...:”  She said with mocking playfulness.  “Besides, you were kind of a bad girl today…”  He added.  She pushed the syringe up with her thumb letting a bit of green fluid shoot up teasingly.  “Oops!”[/SIZE]

Timiriel followed the syringe with her eyes. Or she would have done so, if she had Irises. Her head however, moved accordingly. "M...master?" The tone was almost heartbroken. "I... I thought I was your masterpiece... I thought... you... loved me...", she said, black tears running down her perfect white cheeks. They left a little black line, as if she had worn mascara. 

She turned around crying into her hands. "Master doesnt love me. Any owlbear gets more attention than me...", she cried. It was half teasing, half real jealousy. "I wish i would have never been brought to life... As now, im dying a thousand deaths!"
Timiriel followed the syringe with her eyes. Or she would have done so, if she had Irises. Her head however, moved accordingly. "M...master?" The tone was almost heartbroken. "I... I thought I was your masterpiece... I thought... you... loved me...", she said, black tears running down her perfect white cheeks. They left a little black line, as if she had worn mascara. 

She turned around crying into her hands. "Master doesnt love me. Any owlbear gets more attention than me...", she cried. It was half teasing, half real jealousy. "I wish i would have never been brought to life... As now, im dying a thousand deaths!"

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scylla watched Timiriel cry black tears and sighed gently.  She used her left hand to tilt the elf’s chin up she stared into her blank eyes.  Her right hand hovered right behind Timiriel’s neck, still holding the syringe.  Scylla looked down at Timiriel lovingly, analyzing all of her facial features.  Almost perfect,  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The coffin-like device watched the two women get very close to each other.  It watched as Scylla moved her face down to Timiriel’s lips… kissing them passionately.  At the same time, the needle pierced Timiriel’s spinal cord… releasing the green fluid directly into her nerves.  Shocks of pain should be flowing throughout the young elf’s body.  Her small frame felt limp in Scylla’s arms.  “There…”  Scylla said as she pulled her lips away from Timiriel’s.  “Better?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scylla watched Timiriel cry black tears and sighed gently.  She used her left hand to tilt the elf’s chin up she stared into her blank eyes.  Her right hand hovered right behind Timiriel’s neck, still holding the syringe.  Scylla looked down at Timiriel lovingly, analyzing all of her facial features.  Almost perfect,  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The coffin-like device watched the two women get very close to each other.  It watched as Scylla moved her face down to Timiriel’s lips… kissing them passionately.  At the same time, the needle pierced Timiriel’s spinal cord… releasing the green fluid directly into her nerves.  Shocks of pain should be flowing throughout the young elf’s body.  Her small frame felt limp in Scylla’s arms.  “There…”  Scylla said as she pulled her lips away from Timiriel’s.  “Better?”[/SIZE]

Timirel felt like in a dream. Master was kissing her. She had imagined that so many times. And it felt even better than the elf had ever imagined. Passionately, she returned the kiss, until she felt the syringe enter her neck. Pain flodded her and a small squeak escaped her. Still, only love was visible in her black eyes. If she had Irises, they would have a heart shape. 

"I love you so much master... Punish me for being bad today.. ", she whispered. She could still speak, even though she was paralyzed. That meant she could as well still scream. And, the best thing. She couldn't die. It wasn't possible. She could be knocked out, but that needed a whole lot of pain and torture. And she would've enjoyed every last bit. Receiving pain was just as exciting as bringing it. But only if Scylla was the pains cause. 
Timirel felt like in a dream. Master was kissing her. She had imagined that so many times. And it felt even better than the elf had ever imagined. Passionately, she returned the kiss, until she felt the syringe enter her neck. Pain flodded her and a small squeak escaped her. Still, only love was visible in her black eyes. If she had Irises, they would have a heart shape. 

"I love you so much master... Punish me for being bad today.. ", she whispered. She could still speak, even though she was paralyzed. That meant she could as well still scream. And, the best thing. She couldn't die. It wasn't possible. She could be knocked out, but that needed a whole lot of pain and torture. And she would've enjoyed every last bit. Receiving pain was just as exciting as bringing it. But only if Scylla was the pains cause. 

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Punish me for being bad today…” Scylla listened with utmost care to every whisper her lovely test subject uttered out.  “Silly Timmy,”  Scylla whispered in her ear.  “I’m not punishing you… this is how I express my love…”  Scylla smiled lustfully.  “Now…”  She placed Timiriel’s body on the cold autopsy table and turned around. The chemical in Timiriel’s nerves multiplied the feeling of coldness of the table on her skin. She faced Timiriel again, revealing a little white box.  “I’m sorry for not fixing it sooner… but here’s my birthday present for you…”  Scylla opened the box in front of Timiriel… revealing two beautiful blue eyes.  “I… used to have eyes like these… back in my old body…”  She said, softly stroking her test subject’s hair.  “What do you think?”  She asked.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Punish me for being bad today…” Scylla listened with utmost care to every whisper her lovely test subject uttered out.  “Silly Timmy,”  Scylla whispered in her ear.  “I’m not punishing you… this is how I express my love…”  Scylla smiled lustfully.  “Now…”  She placed Timiriel’s body on the cold autopsy table and turned around. The chemical in Timiriel’s nerves multiplied the feeling of coldness of the table on her skin. She faced Timiriel again, revealing a little white box.  “I’m sorry for not fixing it sooner… but here’s my birthday present for you…”  Scylla opened the box in front of Timiriel… revealing two beautiful blue eyes.  “I… used to have eyes like these… back in my old body…”  She said, softly stroking her test subject’s hair.  “What do you think?”  She asked.[/SIZE]

Timiriel squeaked again, the coldness feeling like a million stitches into her skin. Wonderful, pain bringing stitches. And then, she heard it. A present... only for her... Scylla was so unbelievably caring and loving. "For... for me?", she muttered. 

When the eyes were revealed, she could not believe her... Yeah. You get it. "For... for me? But... That would... ruin it...", she muttered. It was incredibly wonderful and so nice of her. But... Timiriel actually liked her eyeless body. It showed who she belonged to. It showed that she was not just one of those stupid elves, but an actually individual person, that was with her master. And she wanted to tell all that to Scylla. But she couldn't. It would hurt her. She couldn't.

"I mean... Those are wonderful. Id be honored to have them  within my body." Her voice was shaken and she lied pretty obviously. And her face was sad. This was as well pain. But a different one. A impleasent one. 
Timiriel squeaked again, the coldness feeling like a million stitches into her skin. Wonderful, pain bringing stitches. And then, she heard it. A present... only for her... Scylla was so unbelievably caring and loving. "For... for me?", she muttered. 

When the eyes were revealed, she could not believe her... Yeah. You get it. "For... for me? But... That would... ruin it...", she muttered. It was incredibly wonderful and so nice of her. But... Timiriel actually liked her eyeless body. It showed who she belonged to. It showed that she was not just one of those stupid elves, but an actually individual person, that was with her master. And she wanted to tell all that to Scylla. But she couldn't. It would hurt her. She couldn't.

"I mean... Those are wonderful. Id be honored to have them  within my body." Her voice was shaken and she lied pretty obviously. And her face was sad. This was as well pain. But a different one. A impleasent one. 

Scylla began the operation.  As soon as she removed the blank eyes, the visual feed displayed on the screen faded into static.  She placed the eyes, covered in black fluid, on a surgical tray.  She looked into the void of her sockets and shivered in ecstasy.  She gently inserted the blue eyes, carefully attaching the nerves again to the eye's neural tissue.  The screen behind Scylla started to display a footage of Scylla's face looking down on Timiriel.  "There you go... this way people won't be turned away from your beautiful dancing..."  Scylla said as the chemical effects of the green fluid started to wore off.  "They have better cameras in them too... so I can see what you're seeing better..."  Scylla stroked her subject's cheek.

"Master, they need you upstairs..."  the coffin device spoke as Scylla flinched.  

"Okay, I'll be there..."  She said turning away from Timiriel.  Official scientist business.  Scylla was still employed by the Research institute after all.  She pressed a button and all the cages retreated into the walls.  "Timmy... behave yourself while I'm gone, okay?"  Scylla said as she finished washing her bloody hands.  She headed for the stair leading up to the main building above.
Scylla began the operation.  As soon as she removed the blank eyes, the visual feed displayed on the screen faded into static.  She placed the eyes, covered in black fluid, on a surgical tray.  She looked into the void of her sockets and shivered in ecstasy.  She gently inserted the blue eyes, carefully attaching the nerves again to the eye's neural tissue.  The screen behind Scylla started to display a footage of Scylla's face looking down on Timiriel.  "There you go... this way people won't be turned away from your beautiful dancing..."  Scylla said as the chemical effects of the green fluid started to wore off.  "They have better cameras in them too... so I can see what you're seeing better..."  Scylla stroked her subject's cheek.

"Master, they need you upstairs..."  the coffin device spoke as Scylla flinched.  

"Okay, I'll be there..."  She said turning away from Timiriel.  Official scientist business.  Scylla was still employed by the Research institute after all.  She pressed a button and all the cages retreated into the walls.  "Timmy... behave yourself while I'm gone, okay?"  Scylla said as she finished washing her bloody hands.  She headed for the stair leading up to the main building above.

Timiriel was able to get up and looked at her new eyes. They were truly beautiful. But... They looked so normal. Timiriel did not want to be normal. No, this eyes were not a status quo to be kept. The woman slowly looked around and found Scyllas tools. A plan formed in her mind. 

A little bit later, Timiriel realized the flaw of her plan. She had gotten rid of the blue eyes, sure... But... She should have done it one by one. Now, she had no eyes at all. And without them, putting her old black ones in was a little hard. 

Eyelessly and crying bitterly, red and black tears staining her face, Timiriel sat there and waited for her master.
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scylla sunk her face in her palm in boredom as she listened to the Lead Researcher of the Alchemical Branch lecture about his team’s recent findings.  From what she could gather, they have found a recipe for potions that raised the lifespan of mice by 2 days.  They were excited, claiming that they were only a few steps away from creating the elixir for eternal life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Dr. Scylla yawned and looked at the man with utmost boredom.  Greg Lupin, Director of the Artifact Research Branch took notice of Scylla and cringed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]After the lecture was over, the idealistic young man approached Dr. Scylla.  “Doctor Scylla…”  He said as she started to walk away. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scylla turned and smiled at him.  Her stitches seem to cause him to cringe.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I noticed that you were not very excited for Dr. Granite’s research,  I found your antics very rude.  Remember that you are a scientist of the king, you must always behave as such!”  The man adjusted his spectacles.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Oh… sorry Dr. Lupin… I was working too late last night…”  She gave him a cute smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The male scientist flinched.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Dr. Scylla, your father was an outstanding man.  I have always looked up to his intellect and dignity.  I wish you could emulate your father’s behavior.  Your attitude is the only thing holding you back from being as brilliant as he was!”  Dr. Lupin lectured.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Dr. Lupin, you seem to know my father quite well,”  Scylla said sarcastically, her blood boiling in anger.  “But please, don’t compare me to my father…”  She bowed politely before taking a few more steps.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Dr. Scylla, there are rumors among us that say you are hiding some of your research from the institute, I just want to let you know that dishonesty is--”  Lupin was cut off by Scylla’s glare.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Sorry…”  Lupin said out of fear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I’m not hiding anything…”  Scylla grinned, as she walked away.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“They’re on to me…”  She said to herself as she entered her lair.[/SIZE]

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