Main IC RP

Tiercel entered the bar without much emotion. His top and bottom lip was busted, dried blood growing brittle on his mouth. Hopefully it didn't scar. He already had enough of them marring his face. It made him look scary. Like some sort of monster. He wasn't scary. Was he? 

Shrugging off his dirty coat, he folded it over and sighed as he took a seat at the bar, leaning forward just a little, sore, battered. He waited for the bartender, not willing to interrupt her conversation. He was content just being here, however. He just needed to get his mind off of it all...
Amilia enjoyed the feeling of having him near. She had really missed him, it felt lonely without him. Mephisto rarely had the time for her. The near of her friend felt so good and relaxing, she actually sighed in relief. "Your very manly, with or without scars. But with the scars, you get even more manly." She purred at him patting her, almost like a cat. "We can train him together. There is hope, but we need to lower his self confidence by a lot. We need to crush him." 

Akena huffed. She had only old roots. She liked having a little supply. "Then I have none at the moment. Mine are all dried and stored since some time."

"That's fine. Just remember to get some in the forest. They have some good mushrooms growing in there." She placed her amulet on the counter and a tainted potion beside it. She focused for a bit and a miniature blue magic circle appeared from the wood. The potion changed colors a few time. But returned to its original form. "Agh, no good." She paused and saw Tiercel walk in. "Ahh, if you'll excuse me. Take care and don't be afraid to retreat." She removed the potions and took her amulet. She turned around and took two bottles with her.

Tiercel entered the bar without much emotion. His top and bottom lip was busted, dried blood growing brittle on his mouth. Hopefully it didn't scar. He already had enough of them marring his face. It made him look scary. Like some sort of monster. He wasn't scary. Was he? 

Shrugging off his dirty coat, he folded it over and sighed as he took a seat at the bar, leaning forward just a little, sore, battered. He waited for the bartender, not willing to interrupt her conversation. He was content just being here, however. He just needed to get his mind off of it all...

Astrid walked over with a bottle of healing in one hand and ale in the other. She placed them in front of him and brought out a napkin and a glass. She reached over to the basket of biscuits and moved it closer to him. "Evening Tiercel." She brought out her trusty mixer and did some flair bartending mixing the two drinks. "Bad day?" She said trying to brighten him up.
"That's fine. Just remember to get some in the forest. They have some good mushrooms growing in there." She placed her amulet on the counter and a tainted potion beside it. She focused for a bit and a miniature blue magic circle appeared from the wood. The potion changed colors a few time. But returned to its original form. "Agh, no good." She paused and saw Tiercel walk in. "Ahh, if you'll excuse me. Take care and don't be afraid to retreat." She removed the potions and took her amulet. She turned around and took two bottles with her.

Astrid walked over with a bottle of healing in one hand and ale in the other. She placed them in front of him and brought out a napkin and a glass. She reached over to the basket of biscuits and moved it closer to him. "Evening Tiercel." She brought out her trusty mixer and did some flair bartending mixing the two drinks. "Bad day?" She said trying to brighten him up.

"Evening Astrid," Tiercel leaned his hand on his palm, spirits lifting a little just from the kind interaction. It was ridiculous for him to get in these skirmishes so quickly after gtting out of the infirmary... Ah well, it was ALWAYS something, now wasn't it? He tried for a smile, but it hurt to draw his lips up, and so in the end he couldn't. "Better now..." He admitted and reached for a biscuit and set it on a napkin in from of him before he sighed a little, looking down a little ashamedly. 

"Just meeting my neighbors," his voice held a note of bitterness, before he washed it away. It was over. No need to get so angry. He told himself. 

"Did you make these? They smell... Just absolutely perfect." He couldn't deny the fact he was hungry now that there were these delicious looking biscuits here. 
Amilia enjoyed the feeling of having him near. She had really missed him, it felt lonely without him. Mephisto rarely had the time for her. The near of her friend felt so good and relaxing, she actually sighed in relief. "Your very manly, with or without scars. But with the scars, you get even more manly." She purred at him patting her, almost like a cat. "We can train him together. There is hope, but we need to lower his self confidence by a lot. We need to crush him." 

A wicked grin stretched across Oliver's face. "Trust me. Once I'm done with him, he'll be begging for mercy. If he's got resolve, maybe he can survive my training regimen. It'll break him before it makes him stronger, so he better be serious about wanting to be able to defeat the world." Reaching around Amilia, Oliver picked up the book she had been reading, flipping through a few pages. He wasn't someone who enjoyed reading too much, but when it came to things such as the beasts around the world or the stories of heroes, he was intrigued. He turned to a page talking about dragons and their other reptilian counterparts, and showed a picture of a pygmy dragon to Ruthus. A cheerful noise grumbled out of his pets throat, before it shut it's eyes and began to doze off. He then pulled the book back and skimmed through it. "I'm glad that I can be manly without the scars, though. I always end up getting a new one every adventure, so it's not like I really have to worry.

@Princess Ami
A wicked grin stretched across Oliver's face. "Trust me. Once I'm done with him, he'll be begging for mercy. If he's got resolve, maybe he can survive my training regimen. It'll break him before it makes him stronger, so he better be serious about wanting to be able to defeat the world." Reaching around Amilia, Oliver picked up the book she had been reading, flipping through a few pages. He wasn't someone who enjoyed reading too much, but when it came to things such as the beasts around the world or the stories of heroes, he was intrigued. He turned to a page talking about dragons and their other reptilian counterparts, and showed a picture of a pygmy dragon to Ruthus. A cheerful noise grumbled out of his pets throat, before it shut it's eyes and began to doze off. He then pulled the book back and skimmed through it. "I'm glad that I can be manly without the scars, though. I always end up getting a new one every adventure, so it's not like I really have to worry.

@Princess Ami

Amilia closed her eyes. She nearly dozed off as well, it was just so relaxing sitting on his lap, being snuggled up. She still heard him, but her brain was a little behind in working. And that was why she did what she did. "Your more than manly without scars, now let go of that topic." As she finished the sentence, she kissed him on the cheek. Slowly, very slowly she started to understand what she just did. She blushed wildly, but didn't speak. How would he react?
"Evening Astrid," Tiercel leaned his hand on his palm, spirits lifting a little just from the kind interaction. It was ridiculous for him to get in these skirmishes so quickly after gtting out of the infirmary... Ah well, it was ALWAYS something, now wasn't it? He tried for a smile, but it hurt to draw his lips up, and so in the end he couldn't. "Better now..." He admitted and reached for a biscuit and set it on a napkin in from of him before he sighed a little, looking down a little ashamedly. 

"Just meeting my neighbors," his voice held a note of bitterness, before he washed it away. It was over. No need to get so angry. He told himself. 

"Did you make these? They smell... Just absolutely perfect." He couldn't deny the fact he was hungry now that there were these delicious looking biscuits here. 

Astrid was about finished mixing the ale and healing potion together. With a single toss, she landed the potion of healing back on the rack. She reached under the counter and popped open a vial of regeneration. Two drops into the mixer and stir, she finished the quick cocktail. "Thank you very much. I heard that Olie was coming back today, so I went to Old Miss Anne's place to use her oven. Added a small does of pyrotonic from my private collection, so it should warm you up nicely." She poured the cocktail into the glass, cleared up the counter, placed both her hands on the counter. "One part ale, one part healing, and a dose of regen for Warrior Tiercel! Try not to drink it all at once, has quite a kick." She said with a smile.
Astrid was about finished mixing the ale and healing potion together. With a single toss, she landed the potion of healing back on the rack. She reached under the counter and popped open a vial of regeneration. Two drops into the mixer and stir, she finished the quick cocktail. "Thank you very much. I heard that Olie was coming back today, so I went to Old Miss Anne's place to use her oven. Added a small does of pyrotonic from my private collection, so it should warm you up nicely." She poured the cocktail into the glass, cleared up the counter, placed both her hands on the counter. "One part ale, one part healing, and a dose of regen for Warrior Tiercel! Try not to drink it all at once, has quite a kick." She said with a smile.

Tiercel watched her as he concocted what ever it was the smelled nearly as good as the biscuits because he accepted the glass with a "thank you," though even still, her warning didn't stop him from taking larger drinks from the glass. He wanted to feel that kick. He already began to feel better. 

"Oh yeah? Been gone for a while,"  He nodded a little, as he sat back slightly. Clearly, from how he acted most times he didn't seem like just a warrior. He knew nearly everyone- perhaps he wasn't the most liked, due to his stoicness.  Alas, warrior was the rank he had. Being hauled up in the infirmary all the time limited him. 

If his damned heart wasn't so rotten, perhaps he'd be out there more, helping and doing the things he had joined to do!

"I was hoping to leave for Fairfax tomorrow... finally found a case..." He rubbed his bruised shoulder and rolled it a little. "Snow is going to make for a rough flight," he took another large drink of ale, almost wishing he could take another biscuit on the road for that trip. He took a bite of the one he had no. It was so good!
Astrid was about finished mixing the ale and healing potion together. With a single toss, she landed the potion of healing back on the rack. She reached under the counter and popped open a vial of regeneration. Two drops into the mixer and stir, she finished the quick cocktail. "Thank you very much. I heard that Olie was coming back today, so I went to Old Miss Anne's place to use her oven. Added a small does of pyrotonic from my private collection, so it should warm you up nicely." She poured the cocktail into the glass, cleared up the counter, placed both her hands on the counter. "One part ale, one part healing, and a dose of regen for Warrior Tiercel! Try not to drink it all at once, has quite a kick." She said with a smile.

"Evening Astrid," Tiercel leaned his hand on his palm, spirits lifting a little just from the kind interaction. It was ridiculous for him to get in these skirmishes so quickly after gtting out of the infirmary... Ah well, it was ALWAYS something, now wasn't it? He tried for a smile, but it hurt to draw his lips up, and so in the end he couldn't. "Better now..." He admitted and reached for a biscuit and set it on a napkin in from of him before he sighed a little, looking down a little ashamedly. 

"Just meeting my neighbors," his voice held a note of bitterness, before he washed it away. It was over. No need to get so angry. He told himself. 

"Did you make these? They smell... Just absolutely perfect." He couldn't deny the fact he was hungry now that there were these delicious looking biscuits here. 

The door swung open again. A woman's shade entered. Her hair was blonde, almost white. She wore a long, black dress, appearing like a dancers one. Her skin was pale and beautiful and her body was as well. Only one thing disturbed. Her eyes were deep black and empty, they were simply dead. 

Her movements were fluid. Her whole walking appeared like a small, fragile dance of ballet. She approached the bar. No, she approached Tiercel. "Hello there...", she purrsed, her voice a song, beautiful and tempting as her appearance. Where was she from? Who knew. What was she? Who knew. But she appeared to be very eager to flirt with the warrior. 
The door swung open again. A woman's shade entered. Her hair was blonde, almost white. She wore a long, black dress, appearing like a dancers one. Her skin was pale and beautiful and her body was as well. Only one thing disturbed. Her eyes were deep black and empty, they were simply dead. 

Her movements were fluid. Her whole walking appeared like a small, fragile dance of ballet. She approached the bar. No, she approached Tiercel. "Hello there...", she purrsed, her voice a song, beautiful and tempting as her appearance. Where was she from? Who knew. What was she? Who knew. But she appeared to be very eager to flirt with the warrior. 

Tiercel glanced over, having still kneading the front of his shoulder with his fingers. His muscles were so tight. Being sick often did that to you.  Still his physical condition was excellent. He wouldn't slack off on something so important- he still had to be useful to the guild! Or else why would they need him at all? 

He looked over to the woman. Something didn't seem right- even more so if she was walking up to him. Besides, he wasn't really in the mood to flirt with strangers. And with his scarred face he hardly believed that she was just that in to him enough to come out of no where and approach him. Suspicion crossed his expression for brief moment before he smoothed it over, he looked over from the bar and dipped his head to her politely before he returned his attention to the counter and Astrid. 

Whatever she was trying to doTiercel didn't want anything to do with it. He wasn't an idiot. 

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Amilia closed her eyes. She nearly dozed off as well, it was just so relaxing sitting on his lap, being snuggled up. She still heard him, but her brain was a little behind in working. And that was why she did what she did. "Your more than manly without scars, now let go of that topic." As she finished the sentence, she kissed him on the cheek. Slowly, very slowly she started to understand what she just did. She blushed wildly, but didn't speak. How would he react?

Oliver was about to apologize to Amilia, as he was pursuing the whole 'manly' thing a bit too much. Of course, having grown up as someone deemed to be useless and with no potential, he struggled with not proving himself to be the best. That was one of the reasons he had left to join the Guild of Heroes in the first place, was so he could have his skill noticed by others, who didn't know about him having been weak before. So, obviously, him being 'manly' or 'strong' was an important thing to him. 

However, before he could speak, he felt soft lips peck his cheek, and he froze in place. He hadn'e been expecting the gesture, and from the looks of it, Amilia had not been intending it consciously. He just looked at her, at how her face was growing a darker shade of red by the second, and he felt his cheek, confused at what had happened. When he pulled his hand away, the tingle was still there, so he just stared dumbfounded at her. After a few moments, he coughed into his hand, and looked over to her. "I, uh...I know we flirt with each other a lot, but that was a totally new level, Amilia. I mean, not that it was bad! I just...I wasn't expecting it! You just caught me off guard with it! That's what it is." Oliver was losing his bravado, all because of a peck on the cheek. The two usually teased each other, but was that a little far? They had known each other for a while now, so he wasn't surprised that she was trying something more dangerous like that. That just meant he had to step up his game as well.

Grabbing her chin, Oliver leaned in close to Amilia, his smirk back on his face. "Come on, doll. If you're going to kiss me, don't just give me a little thing like that. I've been gone for a few months now, and you're making me feel cheated." He was close enough that their noses were practically touching. He was sure Amilia would back down with this. Sure, he had thought of her as more than a friend at times, but nothing special ever happened between them. Their flirting was a way for Oliver to keep any romantic feelings controlled. Now, though, things had heated up, but he was back in control of the situation.

@Princess Ami
Oliver was about to apologize to Amilia, as he was pursuing the whole 'manly' thing a bit too much. Of course, having grown up as someone deemed to be useless and with no potential, he struggled with not proving himself to be the best. That was one of the reasons he had left to join the Guild of Heroes in the first place, was so he could have his skill noticed by others, who didn't know about him having been weak before. So, obviously, him being 'manly' or 'strong' was an important thing to him. 

However, before he could speak, he felt soft lips peck his cheek, and he froze in place. He hadn'e been expecting the gesture, and from the looks of it, Amilia had not been intending it consciously. He just looked at her, at how her face was growing a darker shade of red by the second, and he felt his cheek, confused at what had happened. When he pulled his hand away, the tingle was still there, so he just stared dumbfounded at her. After a few moments, he coughed into his hand, and looked over to her. "I, uh...I know we flirt with each other a lot, but that was a totally new level, Amilia. I mean, not that it was bad! I just...I wasn't expecting it! You just caught me off guard with it! That's what it is." Oliver was losing his bravado, all because of a peck on the cheek. The two usually teased each other, but was that a little far? They had known each other for a while now, so he wasn't surprised that she was trying something more dangerous like that. That just meant he had to step up his game as well.

Grabbing her chin, Oliver leaned in close to Amilia, his smirk back on his face. "Come on, doll. If you're going to kiss me, don't just give me a little thing like that. I've been gone for a few months now, and you're making me feel cheated." He was close enough that their noses were practically touching. He was sure Amilia would back down with this. Sure, he had thought of her as more than a friend at times, but nothing special ever happened between them. Their flirting was a way for Oliver to keep any romantic feelings controlled. Now, though, things had heated up, but he was back in control of the situation.

@Princess Ami

Amilia blushed and blushed, it was getting into a whole new skin color. She wanted to speak, to cry, to yell. But she stayed silent. And she could feel that he was just as dumbfounded of her action as she was. She wanted to explain it, but she couldn't. She had no idea why she had done that. She did not regret that, though. It felt good. And she felt like she could do it again. 

That was until he grabbed her chin and neared her like that. His words ringed in her head and his breath felt warm on her skin. What was happening here? Was this right? Was it wrong? Did it matter? She felt like she didn't care. And she decided that she would let it happen. She neared him as well, their foreheads as well touching. "Then take what you want...", she whispered softly and her eyes searched his.
Mephisto took another sip of beer, closing his eyes and listening. He spat the beer out at Gabriel's face as soon as he heard the word 'Daughter.' "I'm an Uncle???" in sudden realization. He put the bottle down and jumped out the window. Mephisto took his umbrella in his right hand and opened it, drastically slowing down the speed he fell with. Mephisto landed safely on the ground, with and audibly hitting the ground, however it barely affected him.

Then, Mephisto yelled, as loud as he could, in a happy, proclamatory voice, to deliver the news to everyone that could hear his message. "Everyone! I'm an Uncle! Wow! Fantastic!" and felt happy to know that he would meet a new member of the family. Mephisto, then began to do a little victory dance.

Fia didn't actively try to keep to herself, but it had become a habit to try and avoid loud noises. At first, this had been a success; she didn't exactly find hidden spots but they were obscure and out of the way. Now finding a place of quiet was as difficult as wrestling a bear; long, drawn out and fruitless. The half-elf had hoped that distancing herself from the group would find her at least a place of quiet, and for a while it had and much to Fia's joy she was finally able to start reading again. Half an hour had passed her by as she intently read a small, leather-bound book with golden letters adorned on its front that read A guide of rare and common creatures. She had almost retreated into a small bubble of her own creation until a familiar voice yelled out to the right of her, proclaiming that the voice's origin would be an uncle.

Fia jumped, snapping her book shut, and she glanced around eventually finding the source of the disturbance to be Mephisto, the Guildmaster. If it had been any other individual, Fia might have kindly reminded them to be quieter, but the half-elf merely let out a frustrated sigh and rolled her eyes. Standing, Fia shot Mephisto a glance before she decided it would be a better idea to head indoors than stay outside. She slung her shortbow over her right shoulder and began to walk back in doors.
Amilia blushed and blushed, it was getting into a whole new skin color. She wanted to speak, to cry, to yell. But she stayed silent. And she could feel that he was just as dumbfounded of her action as she was. She wanted to explain it, but she couldn't. She had no idea why she had done that. She did not regret that, though. It felt good. And she felt like she could do it again. 

That was until he grabbed her chin and neared her like that. His words ringed in her head and his breath felt warm on her skin. What was happening here? Was this right? Was it wrong? Did it matter? She felt like she didn't care. And she decided that she would let it happen. She neared him as well, their foreheads as well touching. "Then take what you want...", she whispered softly and her eyes searched his.

Amilia blushed and blushed, it was getting into a whole new skin color. She wanted to speak, to cry, to yell. But she stayed silent. And she could feel that he was just as dumbfounded of her action as she was. She wanted to explain it, but she couldn't. She had no idea why she had done that. She did not regret that, though. It felt good. And she felt like she could do it again. 

That was until he grabbed her chin and neared her like that. His words ringed in her head and his breath felt warm on her skin. What was happening here? Was this right? Was it wrong? Did it matter? She felt like she didn't care. And she decided that she would let it happen. She neared him as well, their foreheads as well touching. "Then take what you want...", she whispered softly and her eyes searched his.

Oliver looked into Amilia's eyes, searching for something that told him she was just messing with him, or that she really just didn't care about what he did. But he couldn't find anything, nothing that gave him a hint as to what she was thinking. Their friendship had never felt like this before. Was this even friendship anymore? At this point, it felt they had long crossed that border. She was challenging him to cross that last line. If he stopped now, nothing would change. It may be a bit awkward between them for a small amount of time, but it would fade. But if he didn't...

Oliver let go of Amilia's chin, leaning back and looking down at her. Then, with speed natural to a Dragon Knight, he grabbed her head in between his hands and brought their lips together. He had no idea what he was doing, but he had done something that he had not thought of before. His heart felt like it stopped, and then began again, ringing loud in his ears. He held her in that kiss for three seconds, but those three seconds felt like three hours. When he let go, he had a surprised look on his face, amazed he had done that. He was speechless, just looking at Amilia now, still holding her face in his hands.

@Princess Ami
Tiercel glanced over, having still kneading the front of his shoulder with his fingers. His muscles were so tight. Being sick often did that to you.  Still his physical condition was excellent. He wouldn't slack off on something so important- he still had to be useful to the guild! Or else why would they need him at all? 

He looked over to the woman. Something didn't seem right- even more so if she was walking up to him. Besides, he wasn't really in the mood to flirt with strangers. And with his scarred face he hardly believed that she was just that in to him enough to come out of no where and approach him. Suspicion crossed his expression for brief moment before he smoothed it over, he looked over from the bar and dipped his head to her politely before he returned his attention to the counter and Astrid. 

Whatever she was trying to doTiercel didn't want anything to do with it. He wasn't an idiot. 

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The woman seemed a bit taken aback. But she did not seem to care much. She simply shrugged and turned to the bar. "Hello, bartender! I would like one glass of fresh human blood, or, if you don't have that, which I have the impression might be the case, just a cocktail of your choice." 

Oliver looked into Amilia's eyes, searching for something that told him she was just messing with him, or that she really just didn't care about what he did. But he couldn't find anything, nothing that gave him a hint as to what she was thinking. Their friendship had never felt like this before. Was this even friendship anymore? At this point, it felt they had long crossed that border. She was challenging him to cross that last line. If he stopped now, nothing would change. It may be a bit awkward between them for a small amount of time, but it would fade. But if he didn't...

Oliver let go of Amilia's chin, leaning back and looking down at her. Then, with speed natural to a Dragon Knight, he grabbed her head in between his hands and brought their lips together. He had no idea what he was doing, but he had done something that he had not thought of before. His heart felt like it stopped, and then began again, ringing loud in his ears. He held her in that kiss for three seconds, but those three seconds felt like three hours. When he let go, he had a surprised look on his face, amazed he had done that. He was speechless, just looking at Amilia now, still holding her face in his hands.

@Princess Ami

Amilia felt him kiss her. His soft lips felt like they should have been kissing her since so long time. Her skin was burning where he touched her chin. She could not believe it was happening. 

After what felt like an eternity, they parted. Her eyes had been closed. She slowly blinked and her vision was blurry. She could just dreamily stare at him, her mouth slightly opened. "T...that...", she muttered, unable to form a sentence. She closed her mouth. 
Tiercel watched her as he concocted what ever it was the smelled nearly as good as the biscuits because he accepted the glass with a "thank you," though even still, her warning didn't stop him from taking larger drinks from the glass. He wanted to feel that kick. He already began to feel better. 

"Oh yeah? Been gone for a while,"  He nodded a little, as he sat back slightly. Clearly, from how he acted most times he didn't seem like just a warrior. He knew nearly everyone- perhaps he wasn't the most liked, due to his stoicness.  Alas, warrior was the rank he had. Being hauled up in the infirmary all the time limited him. 

If his damned heart wasn't so rotten, perhaps he'd be out there more, helping and doing the things he had joined to do!

"I was hoping to leave for Fairfax tomorrow... finally found a case..." He rubbed his bruised shoulder and rolled it a little. "Snow is going to make for a rough flight," he took another large drink of ale, almost wishing he could take another biscuit on the road for that trip. He took a bite of the one he had no. It was so good!

The woman seemed a bit taken aback. But she did not seem to care much. She simply shrugged and turned to the bar. "Hello, bartender! I would like one glass of fresh human blood, or, if you don't have that, which I have the impression might be the case, just a cocktail of your choice." 

Amilia felt him kiss her. His soft lips felt like they should have been kissing her since so long time. Her skin was burning where he touched her chin. She could not believe it was happening. 

After what felt like an eternity, they parted. Her eyes had been closed. She slowly blinked and her vision was blurry. She could just dreamily stare at him, her mouth slightly opened. "T...that...", she muttered, unable to form a sentence. She closed her mouth. 

Astrid relaxed a bit. She was more concerned about Tiercel's injuries, but the regeneration and healing seems to be doing their work. She was still on guard, slowly watch the woman's movements. She was ready to intervene to help Tiercel. Thankfully the woman finally decided to order a drink. Astrid has had many different and weird requests over the years, but human's blood definitely topped the list. "I'm sorry madam, I don't make drinks out of blood, alchemy or not. It ruins the taste and can taint the effects of the intended potion. I can get you a Bloody Mary with a dose of healing and pyrotonic. I've been told that healing and pyrotonic served in metal cup tastes like blood."
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Astrid was relaxed a bit. She was more concerned about Tiercel's injuries, but the regeneration and healing seems to be doing their work. She was still on guard, slowly watch the woman's movements. She was ready to intervene to help Tiercel, thankfully the woman finally decided to order a drink. Astrid has had many different and weird requests over the years, but human's blood definitely topped the list. "I'm sorry madam, I don't make drinks out of blood, alchemy or not. It ruins the taste and can taint the effects of the intended potion. I can get you a Bloody Mary with a dose of healing and pyrotonic. I've been told that healing and pyrotonic served in metal cup tastes like blood."

The woman gave her a grin, showing large, demonic fangs. They were partly red from a snack she had taken before coming. Her task was to find new possible victims and this one would have been good, but the warrior was surely superior to her in combat, so she refrained from trying more. 

"I don't think the sensation of drinking blood can be simulated for me, dear. But thanks for the idea. Now, I think I'll take something with a little more... spring in the step, if you get me. A Cuba libre, maybe? Also, is there music? I would love to dance..."
The woman gave her a grin, showing large, demonic fangs. They were partly red from a snack she had taken before coming. Her task was to find new possible victims and this one would have been good, but the warrior was surely superior to her in combat, so she refrained from trying more. 

"I don't think the sensation of drinking blood can be simulated for me, dear. But thanks for the idea. Now, I think I'll take something with a little more... spring in the step, if you get me. A Cuba libre, maybe? Also, is there music? I would love to dance..."

"Very well madam." Astrid walked back to where Akena's cup of milk stood and ducked under the counter. She came back with a wooden block with glass side embedded, a gift from a passing mage a few years ago. She placed it a seat away from Tiercel, then turned around and started to make a Cuba Libre. Around halfway through her routine flair, she took a large stroke, letting some rum spill onto the box. The rum seeped into the block and the wood retracted into a box with glass windows. Inside a band of wooden homunculi formed and began playing a song. Meanwhile Astrid maintained her conversation with Tiercel. "Fairfax you say, what's the mission?"
"Very well madam." Astrid walked back to where Akena's cup of milk stood and ducked under the counter. She came back with a wooden block with glass side embedded, a gift from a passing mage a few years ago. She placed it a seat away from Tiercel, then turned around and started to make a Cuba Libre. Around halfway through her routine flair, she took a large stroke, letting some rum spill onto the box. The rum seeped into the block and the wood retracted into a box with glass windows. Inside a band of wooden homunculi formed and began playing a song. Meanwhile Astrid maintained her conversation with Tiercel. "Fairfax you say, what's the mission?"

The woman listened to the music for a little and then nodded, getting up. With a bright smile, a real one and one of joy, she looked at the winged man. "Last chance to dance with me, birdie.", she said as she started to dance a little, showing that she sure enough was one of a great dancer. While moving to the music, her dress changed to a longer one suiting the swing style of dance she was doing. 
Amilia felt him kiss her. His soft lips felt like they should have been kissing her since so long time. Her skin was burning where he touched her chin. She could not believe it was happening. 

After what felt like an eternity, they parted. Her eyes had been closed. She slowly blinked and her vision was blurry. She could just dreamily stare at him, her mouth slightly opened. "T...that...", she muttered, unable to form a sentence. She closed her mouth. 

Oliver was in the same boat as Amilia, the realization of what he had done still registering in his mind. He touched his lips with his fingertips, unsure of how to act now. Things had escalated to heights he didn't mean to reach, and now they sat there on the floor of the library, her in his lap, both of them having just kissed each other. 

After a few seconds, Oliver shook himself out of his stupor. "Th-that was just because you were trying to make me kiss you! I...I didn' didn't...we...I...I don't know why this all just happened." Rubbing his temples, Oliver tried to make sense of the situation. "Okay, okay...let me try to understand why we just kissed. That was way more sudden than I...well, I didn't expect it." Falling back, he splayed himself out on the floor, his arms covering his eyes as he tried to wrap his head around why they had just done that. "Man, I'm too sober for all of this..." If he were drunk, he was sure he would be able to handle the situation a little better, by being more confident in his motives, but he had only acted in the heat of the moment. Now he the sober him had to figure out what to do now.

@Princess Ami
Lilith catched the ball and smiled. "See? This is fun. We have fun. You seem like you need that. You seem like you barely have fun like this." She threw it to him. She happily laughed as she waited for him to throw it again. 

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Baragar caught the ball and held it with both hands.  He looked at Lilith and tossed the ball gently back at her.  He thought about what to say next, but nothing came to mind.  “So… did the Guild find you a mentor yet?”  The giant armored creature asked as he tried his best to entertain her.  He wasn’t much of a talker, and playing with children isn't exactly his strong suit.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Baragar caught the ball and held it with both hands.  He looked at Lilith and tossed the ball gently back at her.  He thought about what to say next, but nothing came to mind.  “So… did the Guild find you a mentor yet?”  The giant armored creature asked as he tried his best to entertain her.  He wasn’t much of a talker, and playing with children isn't exactly his strong suit.[/SIZE]

Lilith catched the ball happily. "Daddy is a little like a mentor, but other than that, no." She threw the ball again, this time aiming higher, so he could catch it better. 

Oliver was in the same boat as Amilia, the realization of what he had done still registering in his mind. He touched his lips with his fingertips, unsure of how to act now. Things had escalated to heights he didn't mean to reach, and now they sat there on the floor of the library, her in his lap, both of them having just kissed each other. 

After a few seconds, Oliver shook himself out of his stupor. "Th-that was just because you were trying to make me kiss you! I...I didn' didn't...we...I...I don't know why this all just happened." Rubbing his temples, Oliver tried to make sense of the situation. "Okay, okay...let me try to understand why we just kissed. That was way more sudden than I...well, I didn't expect it." Falling back, he splayed himself out on the floor, his arms covering his eyes as he tried to wrap his head around why they had just done that. "Man, I'm too sober for all of this..." If he were drunk, he was sure he would be able to handle the situation a little better, by being more confident in his motives, but he had only acted in the heat of the moment. Now he the sober him had to figure out what to do now.

@Princess Ami

Amilia stared at him. Her eyes were big, being deep as the ocean like that. Her stare was more than just hurt. It was almost heartbroken. They had just kissed, it had felt so right, so much like heaven. And now he was giving her that? Was he serious? 

The small woman got up from his lap. Tears gushed into her eyes, but she held them back. "Your such an asshole!", she yelled at him. Insulting was totally not her usual, as one could tell. After yelling at him, she turned around. The tears won and she started crying as she ran off to her room. When she reached it, she threw herself on the bed.
Lilith catched the ball happily. "Daddy is a little like a mentor, but other than that, no." She threw the ball again, this time aiming higher, so he could catch it better. 

Amilia stared at him. Her eyes were big, being deep as the ocean like that. Her stare was more than just hurt. It was almost heartbroken. They had just kissed, it had felt so right, so much like heaven. And now he was giving her that? Was he serious? 

The small woman got up from his lap. Tears gushed into her eyes, but she held them back. "Your such an asshole!", she yelled at him. Insulting was totally not her usual, as one could tell. After yelling at him, she turned around. The tears won and she started crying as she ran off to her room. When she reached it, she threw herself on the bed.

Mephisto's victory dance was interrupted by the vision of a crying Amilia, that ran past him into the castle. He stared at Amilia in a confused expression, then turned into stone, teleporting to her room's doors and leaving a stone statue behind where he stood, that collapsed soon after, into dust that was left on the ground. He knocked on her doors 3 times, in a steady, but loud way. Then Mephisto asked. "Is everything okay?" with a worried voice. Amilia was a friend, an adept and a member of the Guild. It only felt right that Mephisto tried to aid someone he considered family.

(I love how Lilith and Baragar are just playing with a ball while all of this is happening.)
Mephisto's victory dance was interrupted by the vision of a crying Amilia, that ran past him into the castle. He stared at Amilia in a confused expression, then turned into stone, teleporting to her room's doors and leaving a stone statue behind where he stood, that collapsed soon after, into dust that was left on the ground. He knocked on her doors 3 times, in a steady, but loud way. Then Mephisto asked. "Is everything okay?" with a worried voice. Amilia was a friend, an adept and a member of the Guild. It only felt right that Mephisto tried to aid someone he considered family.

(I love how Lilith and Baragar are just playing with a ball while all of this is happening.)

Amilia kept crying, but through her tears, she managed to get three words out  even though those were hardly understandable. "Leave me alone!", she shouted, not even caring or realizing who it was. Her tone showed that she wanted all but not to be alone, but her pride could not tolerate asking for help. 
Amilia kept crying, but through her tears, she managed to get three words out  even though those were hardly understandable. "Leave me alone!", she shouted, not even caring or realizing who it was. Her tone showed that she wanted all but not to be alone, but her pride could not tolerate asking for help. 

Mephisto wasn't very pleased with the reaction, but he didn't even know what happened to her that would cause this. Nevertheless, Mephisto wanted to help in some way, but not in one that would go against her request of being left alone. Then, he had an idea. Something that might cheer her up. But he was hesitant, what if it didn't work and he made a fool out of himself? Bah. Whatever! He was foolish enough as it was. Mephisto knocked on the door several times, took on a happy, cheerful tone and loudly said. "Hello! We are here to inquire about your spoons!" in hopes of making her laugh.
Mephisto wasn't very pleased with the reaction, but he didn't even know what happened to her that would cause this. Nevertheless, Mephisto wanted to help in some way, but not in one that would go against her request of being left alone. Then, he had an idea. Something that might cheer her up. But he was hesitant, what if it didn't work and he made a fool out of himself? Bah. Whatever! He was foolish enough as it was. Mephisto knocked on the door several times, took on a happy, cheerful tone and loudly said. "Hello! We are here to inquire about your spoons!" in hopes of making her laugh.

Amilia couldnt help it and she had to laugh a little bit. She laughed without stopping to cry, standing up and slowly heading to the door. She opened to door, wrapped her arms around Mephisto, burried her face in his shoulder and cried something about Oliver being an asshole.

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