Main IC RP

Akena created a little shadow figure again. A woman's shade, training. Next to it stood a man. The woman stopped training and hugged the man. But suddenly, another figure came, ripped the two apart. The new one stabbed the male figure and then sliced at the female. The male one dissolved, the female however just broke down as if unconcious. The other one walked away and disappeared. "I'm the last black lotus and I will hunt him down", Akena bitterly said. 

Astrid dripped a few drops of the Tonic into the shot glass. Placing the glass on the table, she said "Be weary of the mistress of revenge. The dead can't give satisfaction." She pulled out series of mugs and prepared the beer for regulars that haven't come yet. "That shot is good for the soul, pour it into the milk or drink as is, either way is fine. It's probably not my position to be lecturing you, but I can't let a customer leave unhappy. It's on the house."
Amilia blushed surprisedly under such praise and then chuckled. She needed a  moment to remember how the two acted around each other and it made her happy that he had returned. He was, besides Mephisto, her second best friend. "Oh my, a prince from a fairy tale, in our guild?", she said, acting surprised. Then she smiled. "Oh no, it's just the handsome Dragon Knight." She got up, standing only a little higher than he was sitting. "My, your a giant as always. Cant you shrink a little? I feel so small!" She poutingly boxed his shoulder. "I'm glad you returned without too much bruises. I don't know what I would do without you, dear."

Oliver laughed, falling back slightly to give the illusion that she had done damage to him. He groaned in pain as he held his shoulder. "The pure maiden has wounded me! I need a doctor!" Oliver sprung back up into his sitting position, smirking at Amilia. "Sorry, but I can't help how much I grow. I swear, one of my great grandparents was a giant, with how tall my siblings and I are. Of course, you would make a great meal, for a giant such as myself. Small and tender." Chuckling, Oliver pulled back the sleeve of his shirt, pulling the cloth free from the glove on his hands. A red scar ran down his forearm, only just recently healed. "Thankfully, this is the worst I got. A new memory on my body. The pain didn't compare to how much I missed your kind expression, though." Pulling the sleeve back down, Oliver looked up at Ruthus hovering, watching the two of them. "So, did I miss anything while I was gone? I hate it when I go out and something big happens."

@Princess Ami
Baragar's helmet tilted up and followed the bird as it flew away.  It slowly turned and tilted down to see a small child standing on Baragar's massive shadow.  Baragar stood silent for a while before responding.  He didn't even notice that a ball has hit him just a few second earlier.  "No... problem..."  Baragar said, trying to sound as gentle as possible.  "I've seen you with Master Mephisto before... What's your name?"  He asked, barely moving a muscle.
Gabriel entered the outer field of Fort Black step by step, slowly and calmly. The garden was big, and nice. He took a deep breath and stared at the night sky, lifting the leather string of his small pouch and taking out his usual drink, taking a sip from it. A cold breeze went by and Gabriel shivered a bit. He was only wearing his armor which, even if it protected him, didn't keep him warm at all. Then, a pigeon flew over to Mephisto, with a letter in its mouth. "Deliver to Gabriel." Gabriel kept looking at the dark sky, smiling at the stars. He then swiftly got up, gasping. "OH MY FUCKING GOD I FORGOT TO RETURN HOME THREE WEEKS AGO FOR FUCKS SAKE THAT WHORE OF MY WIFE IS GOING TO KILL ME!" he screamed, running over to Mephisto in a huge hurry.

Astrid dripped a few drops of the Tonic into the shot glass. Placing the glass on the table, she said "Be weary of the mistress of revenge. The dead can't give satisfaction." She pulled out series of mugs and prepared the beer for regulars that haven't come yet. "That shot is good for the soul, pour it into the milk or drink as is, either way is fine. It's probably not my position to be lecturing you, but I can't let a customer leave unhappy. It's on the house."

Akena smelled at the shot. The small shadow woman climbed in. The shot actually reacted to the touch. It made clear, that the shadow was no illusion. When it touched the alcohol, it dissolved. "I never drank alcohol and don't intend to. It clouds the mind, ones most important weapon."

Oliver laughed, falling back slightly to give the illusion that she had done damage to him. He groaned in pain as he held his shoulder. "The pure maiden has wounded me! I need a doctor!" Oliver sprung back up into his sitting position, smirking at Amilia. "Sorry, but I can't help how much I grow. I swear, one of my great grandparents was a giant, with how tall my siblings and I are. Of course, you would make a great meal, for a giant such as myself. Small and tender." Chuckling, Oliver pulled back the sleeve of his shirt, pulling the cloth free from the glove on his hands. A red scar ran down his forearm, only just recently healed. "Thankfully, this is the worst I got. A new memory on my body. The pain didn't compare to how much I missed your kind expression, though." Pulling the sleeve back down, Oliver looked up at Ruthus hovering, watching the two of them. "So, did I miss anything while I was gone? I hate it when I go out and something big happens."

@Princess Ami

Amilia giggled and sat on his lap, being still way smaller. "Oh my, I don't think I taste that good. Also, we both know, we are equal in battle." She cuddled up a bit, resting her head on his chest. "I missed you, I really did." That was honest, she did miss him. He was her friend after all. "Each day I worried you wouldn't return. Each day I told myself that was stupid. I'm glad your back." This as well was honest. Then she giggled again. "And you know I like men with scars, they appear so mature and... manly." She giggled again. "Nothing big happened. I got an apprentice, it's do annoying, he thinks he can take on the world. And he sucks at fighting." 

Baragar's helmet tilted up and followed the bird as it flew away.  It slowly turned and tilted down to see a small child standing on Baragar's massive shadow.  Baragar stood silent for a while before responding.  He didn't even notice that a ball has hit him just a few second earlier.  "No... problem..."  Baragar said, trying to sound as gentle as possible.  "I've seen you with Master Mephisto before... What's your name?"  He asked, barely moving a muscle.

Lilith picked up her ball. "I'm Lilith. Daddy is my daddy. Or at least, he adopted me. I'm a mage of incredible power. I created this ball out of thin air. Just as the play ground over there." Proudly, she waved over at the playground. 
Gabriel entered the outer field of Fort Black step by step, slowly and calmly. The garden was big, and nice. He took a deep breath and stared at the night sky, lifting the leather string of his small pouch and taking out his usual drink, taking a sip from it. A cold breeze went by and Gabriel shivered a bit. He was only wearing his armor which, even if it protected him, didn't keep him warm at all. Then, a pigeon flew over to Mephisto, with a letter in its mouth. "Deliver to Gabriel." Gabriel kept looking at the dark sky, smiling at the stars. He then swiftly got up, gasping. "OH MY FUCKING GOD I FORGOT TO RETURN HOME THREE WEEKS AGO FOR FUCKS SAKE THAT WHORE OF MY WIFE IS GOING TO KILL ME!" he screamed, running over to Mephisto in a huge hurry.


Mephisto gave him the letter, and shrugged. "Try not to swear around the kids, would you? I swear, if you actually do something stupid like that again, I think I'll choose a new Great Master." then taking his umbrella in his hands and doing a little, funny dance. "See that? I'll force you to do that too." he spoke as he continued. Mephisto stopped dancing and said "Oh man, I'm so tired. I'll go have a cold bottle of beer in my office." and turned into a stone statue, teleporting to said location. The statue was smiling in chilly way.
Akena smelled at the shot. The small shadow woman climbed in. The shot actually reacted to the touch. It made clear, that the shadow was no illusion. When it touched the alcohol, it dissolved. "I never drank alcohol and don't intend to. It clouds the mind, ones most important weapon."

Amilia giggled and sat on his lap, being still way smaller. "Oh my, I don't think I taste that good. Also, we both know, we are equal in battle." She cuddled up a bit, resting her head on his chest. "I missed you, I really did." That was honest, she did miss him. He was her friend after all. "Each day I worried you wouldn't return. Each day I told myself that was stupid. I'm glad your back." This as well was honest. Then she giggled again. "And you know I like men with scars, they appear so mature and... manly." She giggled again. "Nothing big happened. I got an apprentice, it's do annoying, he thinks he can take on the world. And he sucks at fighting." 

Lilith picked up her ball. "I'm Lilith. Daddy is my daddy. Or at least, he adopted me. I'm a mage of incredible power. I created this ball out of thin air. Just as the play ground over there." Proudly, she waved over at the playground. 

"Ah.. I see..."  Baragar nodded.  "So Guildmaster Mephisto is your Daddy,"  He knealt down to meet her in eye level.  From this angle she could see his glowing green eyes inside the armor.  "Your daddy is a great man,"  Baragar said, slightly shifting as to not touch the fragile looking girl.  "My name is Baragar, I'm very big don't you think so?"
Mephisto gave him the letter, and shrugged. "Try not to swear around the kids, would you? I swear, if you actually do something stupid like that again, I think I'll choose a new Great Master." then taking his umbrella in his hands and doing a little, funny dance. "See that? I'll force you to do that too." he spoke as he continued. Mephisto stopped dancing and said "Oh man, I'm so tired. I'll go have a cold bottle of beer in my office." and turned into a stone statue, teleporting to said location. The statue was smiling in chilly way.

Gabriel chuckled and took the letter with a quick motion of his hand, opening it and reading it completely. After he did, the letter burst into flames and disappeared. Gabriel sighed and walked over to his office, again. He knocked on the door, awaiting for Master Mephisto to respond to his knock. "Bad news sir..."
"Ah.. I see..."  Baragar nodded.  "So Guildmaster Mephisto is your Daddy,"  He knealt down to meet her in eye level.  From this angle she could see his glowing green eyes inside the armor.  "Your daddy is a great man,"  Baragar said, slightly shifting as to not touch the fragile looking girl.  "My name is Baragar, I'm very big don't you think so?"

Lilith nodded furiously. "He's the bestestest. But sometimes he's stupid.",  she said and then looked at the lizardman. "Yeah, your kinda a giant. Thats cool.", she said and held up the ball, not afraid at all. "Wanna play ball with me?"
Gabriel chuckled and took the letter with a quick motion of his hand, opening it and reading it completely. After he did, the letter burst into flames and disappeared. Gabriel sighed and walked over to his office, again. He knocked on the door, awaiting for Master Mephisto to respond to his knock. "Bad news sir..."

Mephisto opened up the door with Prestidigitation and revealed himself to Gabriel's eyes. He was lying down on the desk, as if it were a bed. He chugged down one bottle of beer after another, and yet, somehow even though merely minutes passed since when he actually entered his hedonistical practice, he already seemed a bit drunk. "Come in. I-I*Burp* really appreciate... your news, Gabriel. I-I appreciate, I appreciate them... And... I appreciate your help... to the-" Mephisto stopped and drank another sip of the beer. "I appreciate you, Ga*Buuuuuuurp*rieeel..." and continued to indulge in even more beer consumption. He dropped the last bottle he had to the floor and looked at the sky, blushing. "Feels so much better." he commented on his action, then tilted his head towards Gabriel. "William, is thaaat you~??? Am I deeeaaad~?!" in a funny, trembling voice, in a slow manner.

Then, suddenly Mephisto shook it off. Using magic, he cleaned most of the alcohol out of his system and got out. He immediately laughed and said "I love doing that!" and looked at Gabriel once again. "I love getting drunk and then cleaning myself out! It's so much fun! Anyway." he started, then jumped back over his desk, onto his chair. He lied back and placed his legs on the desk, whilst resting his hands on his belly. "Let's get to business. What's the bad news?"
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Lilith nodded furiously. "He's the bestestest. But sometimes he's stupid.",  she said and then looked at the lizardman. "Yeah, your kinda a giant. Thats cool.", she said and held up the ball, not afraid at all. "Wanna play ball with me?"

After Lilith's question, the giant metal being kneeled silently as if thinking of what to say next.  The metallic voice spoke through the metal helmet.  "I apologize, I would rather not... If I play ball with you, I might knock you down or hurt you by accident..."  Baragar shook his head.  "Maybe you can find a different playmate to play with?"  He said in a gentle echo.  Bargar was touched by the young girl's offer, he is used to children running away in fear just from his shadow.  But he believes that it could be dangerous if he accepts Lilith's offer.  
Akena smelled at the shot. The small shadow woman climbed in. The shot actually reacted to the touch. It made clear, that the shadow was no illusion. When it touched the alcohol, it dissolved. "I never drank alcohol and don't intend to. It clouds the mind, ones most important weapon."

Amilia giggled and sat on his lap, being still way smaller. "Oh my, I don't think I taste that good. Also, we both know, we are equal in battle." She cuddled up a bit, resting her head on his chest. "I missed you, I really did." That was honest, she did miss him. He was her friend after all. "Each day I worried you wouldn't return. Each day I told myself that was stupid. I'm glad your back." This as well was honest. Then she giggled again. "And you know I like men with scars, they appear so mature and... manly." She giggled again. "Nothing big happened. I got an apprentice, it's do annoying, he thinks he can take on the world. And he sucks at fighting." 

Lilith picked up her ball. "I'm Lilith. Daddy is my daddy. Or at least, he adopted me. I'm a mage of incredible power. I created this ball out of thin air. Just as the play ground over there." Proudly, she waved over at the playground. 

"Alcohol?" A face of confusion appeared over Astrid. She took a whiff of the shot. Even more confused, she held onto her amulet and grabbed the potion. Slowly the potion changed into a variety of different colors before turning into a golden brown hue. "Shit, there is alcohol in this one." She ducked under the counter to the rest of her potion stockpile and saw a small leak. "Agh, this whole batch is ruined." She rose up to face the woman. "I'm terribly sorry. It would've been a Calming Tonic derived specially from herbal tea, the smoke of great oak trees, and a touch of the stone, but it seems that it has been tainted." She took away the shot and began lining the counter to the left of the woman with the ruined batch, trying to save whatever she could. "The name is Astrid Hathaway. Most people just call me the bartender. If you ever want any drink next time, it'll be free." She lifted each bottle and each one turned into a shimmering display of colors as she tried to separate the good from the bad.
After Lilith's question, the giant metal being kneeled silently as if thinking of what to say next.  The metallic voice spoke through the metal helmet.  "I apologize, I would rather not... If I play ball with you, I might knock you down or hurt you by accident..."  Baragar shook his head.  "Maybe you can find a different playmate to play with?"  He said in a gentle echo.  Bargar was touched by the young girl's offer, he is used to children running away in fear just from his shadow.  But he believes that it could be dangerous if he accepts Lilith's offer.  

Lilith laughed heartily. "You couldn't hurt me if you tried, Lizzie!", she said and hopped around him happily. "I'm a mage, a good one at that. I can't fully control my power, but I won't be hurt easily." She help up the ball for him to take. "So you wanna or not, biggie?"
Mephisto opened up the door with Prestidigitation and revealed himself to Gabriel's eyes. He was lying down on the desk, as if it were a bed. He chugged down one bottle of beer after another, and yet, somehow even though merely minutes passed since when he actually entered his moment, he already seemed a bit drunk. "Come in. I-I*Burp* really appreciate... your news, Gabriel. I-I appreciate, I appreciate them... And... I appreciate your help... to the-" Mephisto stopped and drank another sip of the beer. "I appreciate you, Ga*Buuuuuuurp*rieeel..." and continued to indulge in even more beer consumption. He dropped the last bottle he had to the floor and looked at the sky, blushing. "Feels so much better." he commented on his action, then tilted his head towards Gabriel. "William, is thaaat you~??? Am I deeeaaad~?!" in a funny, trembling voice, in a slow manner.

Then, suddenly Mephisto shook it off. Using magic, he cleaned most of the alcohol out of his system and got out. He immediately laughed and said "I love doing that!" and looked at Gabriel once again. "I love getting drunk and then cleaning myself out! It's so much fun! Anyway." he started, then jumped back over his desk, onto his chair. He lied back and placed his legs on the desk, whilst resting his hands on his belly. "Let's get to business. What's the bad news?" He said taking a sip from his beer bottle.

" goes nothing..." He said, taking another deep breath, taking one more step forward. "The letter from was my wife leaving me. I don't really care about that. The problem daughter is going to be here in two days..." He said quickly and emotionlessly while looking at Mephisto, quite startled by what he had said before. Do I really resemble Sir Black? He asked himself in his mind, placing his hand on his chin and then looking back at Mephisto, with a curious spark in his eyes.
"Alcohol?" A face of confusion appeared over Astrid. She took a whiff of the shot. Even more confused, she held onto her amulet and grabbed the potion. Slowly the potion changed into a variety of different colors before turning into a golden brown hue. "Shit, there is alcohol in this one." She ducked under the counter to the rest of her potion stockpile and saw a small leak. "Agh, this whole batch is ruined." She rose up to face the woman. "I'm terribly sorry. It would've been a Calming Tonic derived specially from herbal tea, the smoke of great oak trees, and a touch of the stone, but it seems that it has been tainted." She took away the shot and began lining the counter to the left of the woman with the ruined batch, trying to save whatever she could. "The name is Astrid Hathaway. Most people just call me the bartender. If you ever want any drink next time, it'll be free." She lifted each bottle and each one turned into a shimmering display of colors as she tried to separate the good from the bad.

Akena shrugged. "Akena is my name. Akena Akuma." The woman looked at the hectically moving woman. "Well, I'm done with my milk and I want to go to the dark forest as soon as possible. My fate waits there. How much do I owe you?" She took out a purse with money, and not little of that.
Lilith laughed heartily. "You couldn't hurt me if you tried, Lizzie!", she said and hopped around him happily. "I'm a mage, a good one at that. I can't fully control my power, but I won't be hurt easily." She help up the ball for him to take. "So you wanna or not, biggie?"

"Lizzie?"  Baragar scratched his head thinking about the odd nickname.  "Oh you think I'm a..."  He shook his head as he heard the common misconception again.  Then he looked at the bright colored ball being held up by the little girl.  He felt sorry for her... there are almost no other kids around to play with.  He picked up the ball and stood up... stretching out his massive shadow.  He took a few steps back and threw the ball gently back at Lilith.  "Please just stay as far from me as possible, I don't want to hurt you accidentally..."
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"Lizzie?"  Baragar scratched his head thinking about the odd nickname.  "Oh you think I'm a..."  He shook his head as the common misconception again.  Then he looked at the bright colored ball being held up by the little girl.  He felt sorry for her... there are almost no other kids around to play with.  He picked up the ball and stood up... stretching out his massive shadow.  He took a few steps back and threw the ball gently back at Lilith.  "Please just stay as far from me as possible, I don't want to hurt you accidentally..."

Lilith catched the ball and smiled. "See? This is fun. We have fun. You seem like you need that. You seem like you barely have fun like this." She threw it to him. She happily laughed as she waited for him to throw it again. 
" goes nothing..." He said, taking another deep breath, taking one more step forward. "The letter from was my wife leaving me. I don't really care about that. The problem daughter is going to be here in two days..." He said quickly and emotionlessly while looking at Mephisto, quite startled by what he had said before. Do I really resemble Sir Black? He asked himself in his mind, placing his hand on his chin and then looking back at Mephisto, with a curious spark in his eyes.

"Lizzie?"  Baragar scratched his head thinking about the odd nickname.  "Oh you think I'm a..."  He shook his head as the common misconception again.  Then he looked at the bright colored ball being held up by the little girl.  He felt sorry for her... there are almost no other kids around to play with.  He picked up the ball and stood up... stretching out his massive shadow.  He took a few steps back and threw the ball gently back at Lilith.  "Please just stay as far from me as possible, I don't want to hurt you accidentally..."

Lilith laughed heartily. "You couldn't hurt me if you tried, Lizzie!", she said and hopped around him happily. "I'm a mage, a good one at that. I can't fully control my power, but I won't be hurt easily." She help up the ball for him to take. "So you wanna or not, biggie?"

Oliver laughed, falling back slightly to give the illusion that she had done damage to him. He groaned in pain as he held his shoulder. "The pure maiden has wounded me! I need a doctor!" Oliver sprung back up into his sitting position, smirking at Amilia. "Sorry, but I can't help how much I grow. I swear, one of my great grandparents was a giant, with how tall my siblings and I are. Of course, you would make a great meal, for a giant such as myself. Small and tender." Chuckling, Oliver pulled back the sleeve of his shirt, pulling the cloth free from the glove on his hands. A red scar ran down his forearm, only just recently healed. "Thankfully, this is the worst I got. A new memory on my body. The pain didn't compare to how much I missed your kind expression, though." Pulling the sleeve back down, Oliver looked up at Ruthus hovering, watching the two of them. "So, did I miss anything while I was gone? I hate it when I go out and something big happens."

@Princess Ami

Mephisto took another sip of beer, closing his eyes and listening. He spat the beer out at Gabriel's face as soon as he heard the word 'Daughter.' "I'm an Uncle???" in sudden realization. He put the bottle down and jumped out the window. Mephisto took his umbrella in his right hand and opened it, drastically slowing down the speed he fell with. Mephisto landed safely on the ground, with and audibly hitting the ground, however it barely affected him.

Then, Mephisto yelled, as loud as he could, in a happy, proclamatory voice, to deliver the news to everyone that could hear his message. "Everyone! I'm an Uncle! Wow! Fantastic!" and felt happy to know that he would meet a new member of the family. Mephisto, then began to do a little victory dance.
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Mephisto took another sip of beer, closing his eyes and listening. He spat the beer out at Gabriel's face as soon as he heard the word 'Daughter.' "I'm an Uncle???" in sudden realization. He put the bottle down and jumped out the window. Mephisto took his umbrella in his right hand and opened it, drastically slowing down the speed he fell with. Mephisto landed safely on the ground, with and audibly hitting the ground, however it barely affected him.

Then, Mephisto yelled, as loud as he could, in a happy, proclamatory voice, to deliver the news to everyone that could hear his message. "Everyone! I'm an Uncle! Yeeeaaah! Score! Yupeeeh!" and felt happy to know that he would meet a new member of the family. Mephisto, then began to do a little victory dance.

Gabriel looked confused, but smiled brightly. He looked outside the window and coughed. "I hope she is alright..." He uttered to himself, jumping out of the window too and landing in an extremely badass way, smiling at himself and then walking off towards the gate, where his daughter should come at any moment. He didn't trust his ex-wife at all, so he though she could be here even before two days.
Akena shrugged. "Akena is my name. Akena Akuma." The woman looked at the hectically moving woman. "Well, I'm done with my milk and I want to go to the dark forest as soon as possible. My fate waits there. How much do I owe you?" She took out a purse with money, and not little of that.

Astrid paused for a moment. Leaning over the shimmering potions, she tilted her head and smiled. "6 coins will do. Good luck in the forest. Don't forget, next time is free." She stretched her arm and opened her palm while separating the bottles into two sides. "Oh and one more thing, I have a rule where if customers bring in ingredients, I refund a quarter of the previous purchase."
Lilith catched the ball and smiled. "See? This is fun. We have fun. You seem like you need that. You seem like you barely have fun like this." She threw it to him. She happily laughed as she waited for him to throw it again. 

Baragar caught the ball.  "This... isn't so bad..."  He said to himself.  Just about when he was going to throw it back.  He heard the familiar voice echoing throughout the entire castle.  

"Everyone! I'm an Uncle! Yeeeaaah! Score! Yupeeeh!"

Baragar looked at the direction the exclamation.  Then looked back at Lilith, throwing back the ball.  "Looks like you're gonna have a cousin..."  Baragar said as he looked at Lilith.
Baragar caught the ball.  "This... isn't so bad..."  He said to himself.  Just about when he was going to throw it back.  He heard the familiar voice echoing throughout the entire castle.  

"Everyone! I'm an Uncle! Yeeeaaah! Score! Yupeeeh!"

Baragar looked at the direction the exclamation.  Then looked back at Lilith, throwing back the ball.  "Looks like you're gonna have a cousin..."  Baragar said as he looked at Lilith.

Lilith pouted. "That sounds like Daddy isn't satisfied with having me. That idiot.", she muttered and opened her arms, motivating Baragar to throw the ball to her. 

Astrid paused for a moment. Leaning over the shimmering potions, she tilted her head and smiled. "6 coins will do. Good luck in the forest. Don't forget, next time is free." She stretched her arm and opened her palm while separating the bottles into two sides. "Oh and one more thing, I have a rule where if customers bring in ingredients, I refund a quarter of the previous purchase."

Akena raised an eyebrow. "What would an ingredient be?" She looked down at her belt, where she had multiple herbs and roots. "I don't need a refund, though." She took out ten coins and handed them to the bartender. "Keep the rest." Huh? Tip? That wasn't her style at all...
Amilia giggled and sat on his lap, being still way smaller. "Oh my, I don't think I taste that good. Also, we both know, we are equal in battle." She cuddled up a bit, resting her head on his chest. "I missed you, I really did." That was honest, she did miss him. He was her friend after all. "Each day I worried you wouldn't return. Each day I told myself that was stupid. I'm glad your back." This as well was honest. Then she giggled again. "And you know I like men with scars, they appear so mature and... manly." She giggled again. "Nothing big happened. I got an apprentice, it's do annoying, he thinks he can take on the world. And he sucks at fighting." 

Oliver looked down at Amilia's head rested against his chest, and felt the urge to run his hands through her hair. But he suppressed the feeling, and instead just patted her head lightly with his hand, as to not harm her in any way. "I'm a little surprised at the fact you had the thought I wouldn't return. I'm not someone who can be so easily beaten, as I'm sure you know." Oliver lightly flicked her forehead, smiling. "You shouldn't be so worried about me. I can handle my own. You worry about yourself. And are you saying that without my scars I'm not so manly? If that's the case, I would have to always wear the Red Wave Armor, so I can fix my broken pride." Oliver took a quick glance over Amilia's body, in no way meaning any indecent acts. Instead, he compared her to when he had first met her, which felt like forever ago at this point. "Of course, then I think I would be scaring all the initiates and apprentices, and I think Mephisto wouldn't like that too much."

Ruthus landed down beside the pair, folding in his wings and putting his front claws on Oliver's back. Reaching his head over the Knight's shoulder, the dragon looked at the human that was leaning against it's master, and a forked tongue snaked out to quickly lick the top of Amilia's head, before he jumped down and made his way to the chair Amilia had been reading in, and laid down on the seat, watching the interaction intently. "So, this there no hope for him? You know, if you need me to, I can let him train with me. You know, do some sparring, physical workouts. Maybe then it will be more enjoyable to teach him, once he knows some basics."

@Princess Ami
Lilith pouted. "That sounds like Daddy isn't satisfied with having me. That idiot.", she muttered and opened her arms, motivating Baragar to throw the ball to her. 

Akena raised an eyebrow. "What would an ingredient be?" She looked down at her belt, where she had multiple herbs and roots. "I don't need a refund, though." She took out ten coins and handed them to the bartender. "Keep the rest." Huh? Tip? That wasn't her style at all...

Astrid accepted the coins. "Thank you very much." She slowed down her speed as she started placing the good potions on the rack behind her. "I will accept practically anything as ingredients as long as their fresh and untouched. Anything from ripe berries to well harvested roots. Animals work as well, but has to be a clean kill and from the wild, otherwise it's no good for alchemy." She paused and leaned forward for a whisper. "The best are the young, animal and plant. They give a chemist the most room to work with and a nicer taste. Don't let the others know." She smiled as she withdrew and returned to her stock of tainted potions.
Oliver looked down at Amilia's head rested against his chest, and felt the urge to run his hands through her hair. But he suppressed the feeling, and instead just patted her head lightly with his hand, as to not harm her in any way. "I'm a little surprised at the fact you had the thought I wouldn't return. I'm not someone who can be so easily beaten, as I'm sure you know." Oliver lightly flicked her forehead, smiling. "You shouldn't be so worried about me. I can handle my own. You worry about yourself. And are you saying that without my scars I'm not so manly? If that's the case, I would have to always wear the Red Wave Armor, so I can fix my broken pride." Oliver took a quick glance over Amilia's body, in no way meaning any indecent acts. Instead, he compared her to when he had first met her, which felt like forever ago at this point. "Of course, then I think I would be scaring all the initiates and apprentices, and I think Mephisto wouldn't like that too much."

Ruthus landed down beside the pair, folding in his wings and putting his front claws on Oliver's back. Reaching his head over the Knight's shoulder, the dragon looked at the human that was leaning against it's master, and a forked tongue snaked out to quickly lick the top of Amilia's head, before he jumped down and made his way to the chair Amilia had been reading in, and laid down on the seat, watching the interaction intently. "So, this there no hope for him? You know, if you need me to, I can let him train with me. You know, do some sparring, physical workouts. Maybe then it will be more enjoyable to teach him, once he knows some basics."

@Princess Ami

Amilia enjoyed the feeling of having him near. She had really missed him, it felt lonely without him. Mephisto rarely had the time for her. The near of her friend felt so good and relaxing, she actually sighed in relief. "Your very manly, with or without scars. But with the scars, you get even more manly." She purred at him patting her, almost like a cat. "We can train him together. There is hope, but we need to lower his self confidence by a lot. We need to crush him." 

Astrid accepted the coins. "Thank you very much." She slowed down her speed as she started placing the good potions on the rack behind her. "I will accept practically anything as ingredients as long as their fresh and untouched. Anything from ripe berries to well harvested roots. Animals work as well, but has to be a clean kill and from the wild, otherwise it's no good for alchemy." She paused and leaned forward for a whisper. "The best are the young, animal and plant. They give a chemist the most room to work with and a nicer taste. Don't let the others know." She smiled as she withdrew and returned to her stock of tainted potions.

Akena huffed. She had only old roots. She liked having a little supply. "Then I have none at the moment. Mine are all dried and stored since some time."

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