Main IC RP

Eliphas nodded, confirming what she said. "Precisely. To restore the spirit, balance is required. If one goes too out of balance, the spirit will fall, and with it the others." he propelled himself forward in the swing and said "You have had enough balance to maintain your power and abilities for now, but it might just be that your spirit, or soul are very strong. Whenever a mage wishes to conjure powers, all of the circles need to activate. The body sends a sign to the mind, which sends a sign to the soul, which draws power from the spirit to cast a spell. In order to ensure the spell won't backfire, won't kill the mage, or if it will simply work, one needs balance. The more balance there is, the better results. You can't control your powers, that doesn't mean you lack balance. It means you might rely on the souls of other people too much." and explained what he meant.

Eliphas stopped for a moment and looked at Lilith. "Your spirit must be weak, so you use magic to absorb the souls of dead people, and therfore consume whatever spirit was leftover in them to create a spirit of your own, to cast your own magic. You get hurt when you cast spells without souls, right? That's more proof for my thesis. Without the spirit, the soul has nothing to cast a spell out of, so instead the soul has to drain parts of your mind, soul and body. To restore your spirit, I can't exactly help you. That's something you have to do on your own, but I can show you how to." and got up from the swing. He looked up at one of the trees and pointed to it. There was a small, white bird on it. One of the birds that Mephisto summoned previously. "See that bird? It has perfect balance, because unlike us - It does not feel the need to go out of it's nature. It's spirit, soul, body and mind are at their own maximum, because it maintains absolute balance all by itself, without any help. The mortal races like humans, or elves traded their balance for incredible intelligence, and we have to maintain it by artificial means. Sometimes it maintains itself, sometimes you have to meditate, sometimes you need to stop casting magic to restore it."

Eliphas kept looking at her and smiled. "Try meditation, it helps me develop my own powers. When I am in balance my power grows with each second. This way, you will maintain a balance of your own and develop your power. If you don't know how, I can teach you that too."

"You're a great teacher. I think I understood something from all of that." Gabriel said, approaching the playground with a smile stamped on his face. He knelt down besides Eliphas, dropping down his right leg to get on his level. "Why don't you show me something? To see if you're a good fighter." Gabriel muttered in his ear, getting up and taking off his glove, revealing a blue pentagram. His hand burst in blue flames, same for his eyes. He clenched his hand in a fist, pointing his finger in the air. He thrust his fist in the air and a thick, huge blue fireball went out of his hand, exploding up in the air with a loud noise. He smirked, looking at him. "So? Will you show me?" He said in a challenging manner, bowing his head and then bowing completely, his nose almost touching the ground. "I would like to have a taste of what you can do."
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Lilith shrugged. "Dunno." She did not like the sound of what he said. It sounded yo her like she couldn't control her magic because she was weak. She didn't want to be weak. "I like consuming others. And even if a spell works that I cast without draining someone, it hurts, it consumes me. I can feel how my body and soul get drained by it. But if I cast a spell without doing so, if it works or not, I'm fine. So maybe my magic just consumes anything and I have to care to not consume myself? Maybe that's the price of my immense power?" 
"You're a great teacher. I think I understood something from all of that." Gabriel said, approaching the playground with a smile stamped on his face. He knelt down besides Eliphas, dropping down his right leg to get on his level. "Why don't you show me something? To see if you're a good fighter." Gabriel muttered in his ear, getting up and taking off his glove, revealing a blue pentagram. His hand burst in blue flames, same for his eyes. He clenched his hand in a fist, pointing his finger in the air. He thrust his fist in the air and a thick, huge blue fireball went out of his hand, exploding up in the air with a loud noise. He smirked, looking at him. "So? Will you show me?" He said in a challenging manner, bowing his head and then bowing completely, his nose almost touching the ground. "I would like to have a taste of what you can do."

Eliphas said "It's because your spirit is... badly damaged. I am sure you will restore it's life by balancing yourself, but that's for you to find out." and as soon as he was done talking, Gabriel came along with his smirk. Eliphas predicted what he'd say and smiled. "Picking on the new guy, hm?" he decisively asked. "I'll let the cards decide." taking out the 22 Major Arcana Tarot cards form his pocket. He shuffled them in his hands for several seconds, staring at Gabriel with a sly smirk and confident eyes. The as the cards were shuffled, Eliphas stopped and took out just one, with a quick and swift movement of his hand. "This card will decide if I choose to fight you." and turned it around to himself. The card that he held in his hand read: 'The Sun.' Eliphas smiled showing the card to the two, then said "I'll take you up on that offer with pleasure." and got up. "Do I fight weaponless, or do I get something? Not like it will make a difference, though." cracking his joints and walking over to Gabriel in anticipation.

Baragar followed Mephisto up to a certain point.  "I'll catch up with you... hold on... I have to pick up what I left behind at the waterfall..."  Baragar bowed as he ran to the falls.  He pushed within the water and entered a large cave within.  The entrance of the cave is zigzaged with the steel rope.  Any large creature that stumbled upon the cave would have been trapped by the ropes.

Baragar checked his pack to see if his secret weapon was still there.  He opened the wooden box, it revealed what seemed to be a banana shaped green scale.  It was a scale of a large dragon, it emitted a scent that would have acted as a lure in case the mission would have gone south.  Baragar deactivated his rope trap and placed the supplied back in his bag.  He ran after Mephisto back in the village.

"Alright, I'm back Guildmaster.  Thank you for your help.  I'm glad Scho'zaak could like in peace..."  He said to Mephisto.  "I guess I was wrong about you, I apologize for thinking you were someone who was unnecessarily violent..."  Baragar bowed.

Baragar felt like something or someone was watching him in the village.  As if someone just watched the whole scene with Scho'zaak and followed them through everything.  He ignored the feeling and prepared for teleportation.

"Then you should meet my brother. Then you'd know what violence means to me, because I'm sure you've never seen what demons see as violent." he responded. Mephisto laid his hand on Baragar and the two turned into stone statues, then the statues grinded into dust and scattered across the ground, some of it carried by the wind. The two of them teleported back to the Guild and Mephisto commented, saying "I'm exhausted. I'll go to my room and lie down for a few minutes." doing as he said. He walked instead of teleporting, as to not exhaust his own power. But first, Mephisto would take a nice, warm bath and clean the blood off of himself.
"Oh, trust me, I ain't picking on you. I just want to make sure you're tough enough. And that is up to you, little guy." Gabriel exclaimed proudly, smiling cockily at him. He wanted to see if he was strong, and if he had potential, he'd take him under his wing. He swiftly moved his arm on his sword, unsheathing it. "I would like to see both of your sides, weaponless and with weapons, if you don't mind!" He said honorably, as he slashed his sword a couple of times trough the air, as golden flames burst from the blade. He dropped his leather bag to the ground and stood in a guard stance, keeping his body lowered and his stance wide, preparing for his first attack.

"Oh, trust me, I ain't picking on you. I just want to make sure you're tough enough. And that is up to you, little guy." Gabriel exclaimed proudly, smiling cockily at him. He wanted to see if he was strong, and if he had potential, he'd take him under his wing. He swiftly moved his arm on his sword, unsheathing it. "I would like to see both of your sides, weaponless and with weapons, if you don't mind!" He said honorably, as he slashed his sword a couple of times trough the air, as golden flames burst from the blade. He dropped his leather bag to the ground and stood in a guard stance, keeping his body lowered and his stance wide, preparing for his first attack.


Eliphas said "It's because your spirit is... badly damaged. I am sure you will restore it's life by balancing yourself, but that's for you to find out." and as soon as he was done talking, Gabriel came along with his smirk. Eliphas predicted what he'd say and smiled. "Picking on the new guy, hm?" he decisively asked. "I'll let the cards decide." taking out the 22 Major Arcana Tarot cards form his pocket. He shuffled them in his hands for several seconds, staring at Gabriel with a sly smirk and confident eyes. The as the cards were shuffled, Eliphas stopped and took out just one, with a quick and swift movement of his hand. "This card will decide if I choose to fight you." and turned it around to himself. The card that he held in his hand read: 'The Sun.' Eliphas smiled showing the card to the two, then said "I'll take you up on that offer with pleasure." and got up. "Do I fight weaponless, or do I get something? Not like it will make a difference, though." cracking his joints and walking over to Gabriel in anticipation.

"Then you should meet my brother. Then you'd know what violence means to me, because I'm sure you've never seen what demons see as violent." he responded. Mephisto laid his hand on Baragar and the two turned into stone statues, then the statues grinded into dust and scattered across the ground, some of it carried by the wind. The two of them teleported back to the Guild and Mephisto commented, saying "I'm exhausted. I'll go to my room and lie down for a few minutes." doing as he said. He walked instead of teleporting, as to not exhaust his own power. But first, Mephisto would take a nice, warm bath and clean the blood off of himself.

Whilst the two were busy, Lilith snuck to the bag. She always wanted to try that stupid beer he had. This was her chance. She looked through the stuff until she found the bottle, snatched it and stealthily ran off.
Whilst the two were busy, Lilith snuck to the bag. She always wanted to try that stupid beer he had. This was her chance. She looked through the stuff until she found the bottle, snatched it and stealthily ran off.

Gabriel noticed that, and immediately the bag burst in blue, fake flames. They only stung, a lot, but they didn't hurt seriously. "You don't want to taste that, trust me!" He said jokingly, hoping she'd drop the bag.
Baragar noticed a shift of weight in his bag that caught him off guard.  Without saying anything, he looked behind him and saw the little girl from before steal one of his potions.  He reached out his hand as if to reach her but she was already quite some distance away.

"Please be careful with that!"  Baragar forgot what potion he put in his bag.  It might be the bottle of acid he carries around to break rocks, it might be the potion that froze any surface it got in contact with... it might even be that rare potion that temporarily changes the drinker's age, species or gender randomly.  Baragar chased after the girl fearing for her safety.  "Come back!"

(She wasn't referring to you. THey didn't even quote / mention you.)
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"Oh, trust me, I ain't picking on you. I just want to make sure you're tough enough. And that is up to you, little guy." Gabriel exclaimed proudly, smiling cockily at him. He wanted to see if he was strong, and if he had potential, he'd take him under his wing. He swiftly moved his arm on his sword, unsheathing it. "I would like to see both of your sides, weaponless and with weapons, if you don't mind!" He said honorably, as he slashed his sword a couple of times trough the air, as golden flames burst from the blade. He dropped his leather bag to the ground and stood in a guard stance, keeping his body lowered and his stance wide, preparing for his first attack.

Whilst the two were busy, Lilith snuck to the bag. She always wanted to try that stupid beer he had. This was her chance. She looked through the stuff until she found the bottle, snatched it and stealthily ran off.

Eliphas looked up and suddenly smiled, lowering his head once again and resting his eyes on Gabriel. "How about a deal? If I win, or hold you off for 5 minutes, I'll become an Apprentice." taking on a standardized combat stance. His guard was slightly lowered, but you could tell that it was a part of his tactic. Blocking a sword with your hands was pointless, so instead Eliphas most likely planned to be an active dodger and sneak in kicks and punches into holes of Gabriel's defense.
Eliphas looked up and suddenly smiled, lowering his head once again and resting his eyes on Gabriel. "How about a deal? If I win, or hold you off for 5 minutes, I'll become an Apprentice." taking on a standardized combat stance. His guard was slightly lowered, but you could tell that it was a part of his tactic. Blocking a sword with your hands was pointless, so instead Eliphas most likely planned to be an active dodger and sneak in kicks and punches into holes of Gabriel's defense.

"MY apprentice. Because if you resist THAT long, you're one hell of a warrior." He said cockily, preparing for his attack. His grip on the sword's handle was tight, and the sword was surrounded by golden flames, while his whole body was surrounded in blue flames. "Attack me and show me if you're tough!"
Eliphas looked up and suddenly smiled, lowering his head once again and resting his eyes on Gabriel. "How about a deal? If I win, or hold you off for 5 minutes, I'll become an Apprentice." taking on a standardized combat stance. His guard was slightly lowered, but you could tell that it was a part of his tactic. Blocking a sword with your hands was pointless, so instead Eliphas most likely planned to be an active dodger and sneak in kicks and punches into holes of Gabriel's defense.

"MY apprentice. Because if you resist THAT long, you're one hell of a warrior." He said cockily, preparing for his attack. His grip on the sword's handle was tight, and the sword was surrounded by golden flames, while his whole body was surrounded in blue flames. "Attack me and show me if you're tough!"

Lilith did not draw back, she knew he wouldn't hurt her, because Mephisto would let the hell break out over him otherwise. She snatched the bottle and swayed it teasingly. "You'll have to force me not to drink it. But oh, your in a fight! You'd have to concede!" She stuck her tongue out and took place on the slide, analyzing the bottle. 
Lilith did not draw back, she knew he wouldn't hurt her, because Mephisto would let the hell break out over him otherwise. She snatched the bottle and swayed it teasingly. "You'll have to force me not to drink it. But oh, your in a fight! You'd have to concede!" She stuck her tongue out and took place on the slide, analyzing the bottle. 

**As you look at the bottle, it looks tasty. The smell is too. But she couldn't know that that was Syrup of Fish's Intestines.
"MY apprentice. Because if you resist THAT long, you're one hell of a warrior." He said cockily, preparing for his attack. His grip on the sword's handle was tight, and the sword was surrounded by golden flames, while his whole body was surrounded in blue flames. "Attack me and show me if you're tough!"
Lilith did not draw back, she knew he wouldn't hurt her, because Mephisto would let the hell break out over him otherwise. She snatched the bottle and swayed it teasingly. "You'll have to force me not to drink it. But oh, your in a fight! You'd have to concede!" She stuck her tongue out and took place on the slide, analyzing the bottle. 
**As you look at the bottle, it looks tasty. The smell is too. But she couldn't know that that was Syrup of Fish's Intestines.

Eliphas bowed to Gabriel before initiating the fight and said "Then I'm about to call you my master." with a confident voice. Eliphas ran towards Gabriel and jumped at him. He roadhouse kicked Gabriel in the face, or at least tried to. If the kick was successful, Eliphas would try to jump backwards, using his face as a platform to jump off of. If Gabriel blocked the attack in any way, Eliphas would still try to jump off of it and move backwards, to a more advantegous position.
Eliphas bowed to Gabriel before initiating the fight and said "Then I'm about to call you my master." with a confident voice. Eliphas ran towards Gabriel and jumped at him. He roadhouse kicked Gabriel in the face, or at least tried to. If the kick was successful, Eliphas would try to jump backwards, using his face as a platform to jump off of. If Gabriel blocked the attack in any way, Eliphas would still try to jump off of it and move backwards, to a more advantegous position.

Gabriel smirked, and put his sword in front of his face, using the flat part of the sword to push him away from his face. He then rolled around and drew a pentagram in the air with his sword, "My turn!" He exclaimed, as he slashed trough the flaming pentagram trough the air three times, and at the third slash, tens, even hundreds of flaming and razor-sharp magic blades flew towards Eliphas. It wasn't the Circle of Death's full potential, obviously, because he didn't want to kill him.
Gabriel smirked, and put his sword in front of his face, using the flat part of the sword to push him away from his face. He then rolled around and drew a pentagram in the air with his sword, "My turn!" He exclaimed, as he slashed trough the flaming pentagram trough the air three times, and at the third slash, tens, even hundreds of flaming and razor-sharp magic blades flew towards Eliphas. It wasn't the Circle of Death's full potential, obviously, because he didn't want to kill him.

Eliphas started counting time, and managed to jump back away from Gabriel. Seeing he was about to perform an attack, he walked back, also seeing it's effects. Eliphas had used his power and foresaw the trajectories of the razors. Performing a cartwheel to the side, Eliphas managed to avoid most of the attacks as he was already some distance away, but as he stood back on his feet, he looked to the side, only to see a few strands of his hair fall off of his head. He kept counting, 19 seconds so far... 'Keep going...' he thought. Eliphas approached Gabriel and started circling him, about 6 to 7 meters away, then he ran towards Gabriel and delivered a kick to the man's dominant hand in which he held the enchanted sword, as his hands had considerably less armor and he tried to knock his sword out of his hand as a disarming move.
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Eliphas started counting time, and managed to jump back away from Gabriel. Seeing he was about to perform an attack, he walked back, also seeing it's effects. Eliphas had used his power and foresaw the trajectories of the razors. Performing a cartwheel to the side, Eliphas managed to avoid most of the attacks as he was already some distance away, but as he stood back on his feet, he looked to the side, only to see a few strands of his hair fall off of his head. He kept counting, 19 seconds so far... 'Keep going...' he thought. Eliphas approached Gabriel and started circling him, about 6 to 7 meters away, then he ran towards Gabriel and delivered a kick to the man's dominant hand in which he held the enchanted sword, as his hands had considerably less armor and he tried to knock his sword out of his hand.

Gabriel didn't see it coming. He was kicked in the hand, but his grip was really tight and it only unbalanced him a little. "You're tough kid, show me your best moves!" He exclaimed, holding back again on his sword very tightly, as he raised his hand in the air, activating the beacon of hope. He felt more determined to win the fight.
Gabriel didn't see it coming. He was kicked in the hand, but his grip was really tight and it only unbalanced him a little. "You're tough kid, show me your best moves!" He exclaimed, holding back again on his sword very tightly, as he raised his hand in the air, activating the beacon of hope. He felt more determined to win the fight.

Eliphas, seeing that Gabriel's defense was lacking due to him choosing magic instead of attack, and one of his hands was up, meaning he had only one to defend himself with. Eliphas started viciously punching the man in the exposed face, or at least tried to. Eliphas gave it his best and put in as much strength, speed and velocity as he could, whilst also twisting the hands before they hit to increase energy release after each one, and to irritate him. 
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Eliphas, seeing that Gabriel's defense was lacking due to him choosing magic instead started viciously punching the man in the exposed face, or at least tried to. Eliphas gave it his best and put in as much strength, speed and velocity as he could, whilst also twisting the hands before they hit to increase energy release after each one, and to irritate him. However, Eliphas was very light on his feet, preparing to dodge whenever Gabriel prepared to bring down the sword at him.

Gabriel smirked, and swift to the side, flanking him on his right with his sword, as with his other hand he tried to attack Eliphas and get him on the ground. 4 minutes and 39 seconds passed. HE was going to win the deal. HE didn't mind it, anyways. Gabriel then decided to pull back, pointing his sword's edge at him, as it shot out a beam of fire.
Gabriel smirked, and swift to the side, flanking him on his right with his sword, as with his other hand he tried to attack Eliphas and get him on the ground. 4 minutes and 39 seconds passed. HE was going to win the deal. HE didn't mind it, anyways. Gabriel then decided to pull back, pointing his sword's edge at him, as it shot out a beam of fire.

Eliphas had forseen Gabriel's movement with precognitive abilities, so he jumped away before Gabriel made his movements, just in time. You could hear a definite 'Pheeew' coming from Eliphas' mouth. He felt some fatigue, and a high lack of stamina, slowly getting exhausted with the fight. Eliphas' body wasn't built, or too prepared for fighting but with his inherent talent in nearly everything, that he owes to his spiritual abilities and his parents' teachings, he was able to hold his own in a fight, and even perform acrobatic moves, as he could forsee if he failed, or executed one properly and in what way. Despite that, the beam of fire was still a danger. Eliphas tried dodging to the side, but he was still exhausted as hell. The Sun that he saw earlier, the thought of it was what kept him going. Fate foresaw that he would achieve something in this fight, and it would be winning the bet.
Eliphas had forseen Gabriel's movement with precognitive abilities, so he jumped away before Gabriel made his movements, just in time. You could hear a definite 'Pheeew' coming from Eliphas' mouth. He felt some fatigue, and a high lack of stamina, slowly getting exhausted with the fight. Eliphas' body wasn't built, or too prepared for fighting but with his inherent talent in nearly everything, that he owes to his spiritual abilities and his parents' teachings, he was able to hold his own in a fight, and even perform acrobatic moves, as he could forsee if he failed, or executed one properly and in what way. Despite that, the beam of fire was still a danger. Eliphas tried dodging to the side, but he was still exhausted as hell. The Sun that he saw earlier, the thought of it was what kept him going. Fate foresaw that he would achieve something in this fight, and it would be winning the bet.

Gabriel gave his last blow. The 60th second of the 4th minute has come, and 5 minutes finally passed. He sheathed his sword and stared at him, panting. "'re g-good kid," He said, starting to cough. He then cleared his throat, punching himself on the chest a couple of times and then resuming to speak again, "Phew...I thought I was going to kill you with my attack before." He said jokingly, leaning on a fence besides him, placing his elbow on it. He then walked over to his bag and grabbed it, taking out a stamina potion, neatly bottled in a green vial covered in vines. He took off the cap and quickly drank it all, exhaling afterwards.
Lilith reached him his bottle. "Okay then, here. This is yours, enjoy it.", she murmured. She had just wanted to help her friend to win the fight. Then she stood up and climbed the slide, slid it down and then climbed up again, enjoying herself. 
Gabriel gave his last blow. The 60th second of the 4th minute has come, and 5 minutes finally passed. He sheathed his sword and stared at him, panting. "'re g-good kid," He said, starting to cough. He then cleared his throat, punching himself on the chest a couple of times and then resuming to speak again, "Phew...I thought I was going to kill you with my attack before." He said jokingly, leaning on a fence besides him, placing his elbow on it. He then walked over to his bag and grabbed it, taking out a stamina potion, neatly bottled in a green vial covered in vines. He took off the cap and quickly drank it all, exhaling afterwards.
Lilith reached him his bottle. "Okay then, here. This is yours, enjoy it.", she murmured. She had just wanted to help her friend to win the fight. Then she stood up and climbed the slide, slid it down and then climbed up again, enjoying herself. 

Feeling exhausted, Eliphas took the bottle and nearly drank some of it, but then he saw he'd regret it. He bottled the syrup up again and threw it to Gabriel for him to catch. Eliphas took his Tarot deck into his hands and took out a random Minor Arcana. 'Six of Swords' it said, and so Eliphas smiled and slowly walked inside the building, towards his room, intending to get some rest. While he walked, he walked past Gabriel and said "Master." referring to him winning the bet. Eliphas left the two, leaving with the door and whispered to himself. "The Sun was right..." departing towards his room.
Feeling exhausted, Eliphas took the bottle and nearly drank some of it, but then he saw he'd regret it. He bottled the syrup up again and threw it to Gabriel for him to catch. Eliphas took his Tarot deck into his hands and took out a random Minor Arcana. 'Six of Swords' it said, and so Eliphas smiled and slowly walked inside the building, towards his room, intending to get some rest. While he walked, he walked past Gabriel and said "Master." referring to him winning the bet. Eliphas left the two, leaving with the door and whispered to himself. "The Sun was right..." departing towards his room.

Lilith stood up and ran after her friend. She ran and ran, because she wasn't really fast with that staff dangeling after her. It was really big and heavy. She reached him after some time. "Eliphas! Hey, can't you tell me the future...? Like..  when will I be able to control my magic? Will I ever be leading the guild?" Her eyes were big in excitement.  

Little did she know that in her future, she would grow to be one of the guild's strongest opponents, she would use her magic to enlengthen her life and she would found a guild of black magic. 

She would even become a serious threat to the world. 

All of that was of course just one possibility. But there was no other possibility to be seen at the moment. 
Lilith stood up and ran after her friend. She ran and ran, because she wasn't really fast with that staff dangeling after her. It was really big and heavy. She reached him after some time. "Eliphas! Hey, can't you tell me the future...? Like..  when will I be able to control my magic? Will I ever be leading the guild?" Her eyes were big in excitement.  

Little did she know that in her future, she would grow to be one of the guild's strongest opponents, she would use her magic to enlengthen her life and she would found a guild of black magic. 

She would even become a serious threat to the world. 

All of that was of course just one possibility. But there was no other possibility to be seen at the moment. 

Eliphas turned to her and exclaimed. "Future?" and smirked at her, curiously. "Wouldn't you like to know your past? Such as your age, or name?" and shrugged, taking out his tarot cards. "Very well, I'll give you a reading, but only a quick one." and sat down on the ground, starting to shuffle the cards. He laid down 3 Major Arcana in front of himself, and one Minor above the middle one. He turned them all around, and they read the following, in the correct order: 'Wheel of Fortune,' 'Death' and 'The Moon' whilst the Minor Arcana read 'Seven of Swords.' Eliphas stared at them, as if trying to make sense and started explaining. "In the past, a change of direction led you to a major change of yourself. This change will in the end make you follow your instincts, perhaps after betrayal. You will end up..." and he paused, taking the Minor Arcana in his hands and shuffling them, then put one above the 3rd card. It read 'Ten of Swords,' then Eliphas finished his reading. "Feeling burdened, perhaps in regret. All I can advise for you is to stay away from anything that involves betraying anyone. This way, you will achieve..." and as Eliphas laid a 'Two of Pentacles' card under the second one, he said "Balance."

(Geez, trying to make Tarot Cards fit the RP's plot and character backstory is easier than I thought.)
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Eliphas turned to her and exclaimed. "Future?" and smirked at her, curiously. "Wouldn't you like to know your past? Such as your age, or name?" and shrugged, taking out his tarot cards. "Very well, I'll give you a reading, but only a quick one." and sat down on the ground, starting to shuffle the cards. He laid down 3 Major Arcana in front of himself, and one Minor above the middle one. He turned them all around, and they read the following, in the correct order: 'Wheel of Fortune,' 'Death' and 'The Moon' whilst the Minor Arcana read 'Seven of Swords.' Eliphas stared at them, as if trying to make sense and started explaining. "In the past, a change of direction led you to a major change of yourself. This change will in the end make you follow your instincts, perhaps after betrayal. You will end up..." and he paused, taking the Minor Arcana in his hands and shuffling them, then put one above the 3rd card. It read 'Ten of Swords,' then Eliphas finished his reading. "Feeling burdened, perhaps in regret. All I can advise for you is to stay away from anything that involves betraying anyone. This way, you will achieve..." and as Eliphas laid a 'Two of Pentacles' card under the second one, he said "Balance."

(Geez, trying to make Tarot Cards fit the RP's plot and character backstory is easier than I thought.)

Lilith shrugged. "That seems kinda stupid to me. If I would betray anyone, I would regret it. I don't need you to tell me that." She pouted and hoped onto his bed, laying down on it. "Also, I told you I wanna find out about my past by myself. Its my mission, my quest. And I can't betray myself with getting a psycho to help me." She did the small pun intendedly. 

The girl wiggled her feet around, as she looked at the ceiling. "Why did you join the guild?", she curiously asked. 
Lilith shrugged. "That seems kinda stupid to me. If I would betray anyone, I would regret it. I don't need you to tell me that." She pouted and hoped onto his bed, laying down on it. "Also, I told you I wanna find out about my past by myself. Its my mission, my quest. And I can't betray myself with getting a psycho to help me." She did the small pun intendedly. 

The girl wiggled her feet around, as she looked at the ceiling. "Why did you join the guild?", she curiously asked. 

Eliphas took some time to think, then answered. "I guess it's a way of paying back a debt. My life for the Guild." not explaining further what he meant. He collected his cards back, then stopped when he saw the Wheel of Fortune, frowning and said "Well. I inherited my powers from my Mother that was murdered when I was little. An old druid called Rufio taught me how to use and improve them. He used to have close relationships with the Guild, so he asked me to join it as a way of paying back, and asked me to do something worthwhile when I'm there." and put the cards back into his leather pouch. Eliphas got up onto his feet and asked. "Is becoming an Apprentice in one day here a big deal?" as that's precisely what happened to him.
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