Main IC RP

(After this post im gtg for the night.)

Arawn nodded happily and surely and responded "I'm from Bowerstone. Mom used to be a member of the guild, and she always told me stories about William Black, sometimes about herself." Then, remembering his purpose, Arawn let out a deep, heavy sigh, not a relieved one. It was like uncertain waves in the ocean, trembling unsurely. "It inspired me to join the Guild, but I'm not a natural fighter. Barely made it out as an apprentice, and suddenly it gets worse." And Arawn displayed a very strong affinity to talk, draw attention and lead the conversation in his words. The classic traits of an extroverted person. "What's your reason for being here?" Arawn curiously inquired, smirking at Tiercel, as he just couldn't afford a smile after all the annoying, bad stuff that happened to him today.

"Huh," Tiercel nodded once to the second generation guildsman. William Black, hmm? Tiercel only knew about him vaguely, but he also had never had such strong ties to the guild until now so understandably his knowledge of it's coming about was a bit rusty and limited to whatever tales made their way up to the extreme North.

 "I promise you it's not all bad. Getting the crap kicked out of you here, stinks, but I'm certain it won't always be like this if you keep going." He nodded once, words he stood by spoken aloud, he could help but let them resonate with his mind. "Ah but, I am also not a natural fighter. I rather not, honestly-" he paused and looked off as if he suddenly remembered that he had somewhere to be. 

"Oh, I apologize." He frowned then and took a measured step back toward the door. "I'm afraid I'll have to cut this conversation short. I have somewhat of an appointment that I'm running late for." He looked uncomfortable as he spoke those words. He did, however, briefly smile again as he walked back, he called, "again it was nice to meet you Arawn. I do hope to speak again sometime. I say, good luck on your training." He replied as he slipped out the way he came. The winged young man set down the halls, making haste toward the infirmary. To forget so easily- how clumsy of him!
Mephisto handed Baragar all of the documents, allowing him for a few seconds to study them, before he levitated in the air again, with his previous smirk from before. "Anyway... You are the Guild's number one tamer, and this thing is going to be a real challenge. I might come along to help you, because we're not talking about the modern times evil dragon that you can reason with, or kill with a group of skilled hunters. We are talking about Scatha. Dragons that ate dragons and enslaved dragons, that were worshipped by dragons. This will not be a walk in the park, Baragar. Can I count on you to carry on the contract with my help?"

Baragar stood silently as Mephisto explained the quest offered to him.  The description of the monster was quite detailed, "A dragon that eats other dragons..."  Baragar thought to himself.  When Mephisto paused halfway his description, Baragar poked at some books on the shelves, passionately looking for any information about the Scatha.  Mephisto finished his description by offering to tag along Baragar to deal with the Scatha.  "I'm sorry if this sounds disappointing, but I actually know very little about these Scatha..."  Baragar flipped through delicate books carefully with his brutish hands.  "I only heard about them through poems and legends... although Aethus Michalli of the 10th Imperial Bestiary did an essay about what he thought were old remains of these dragons..."  Baragar flipped through pages trying hard not to damage the books.  "I do have some experience with dragons though, and I do speak Dragonic... If Scathas are able to speak Dragonic, or Lizardtongue in a rarer case, I could probably ask them about their motives..."  Baragar looked up at Mephisto as he faced dusty pages.

Baragar then thought about Mephistos decision to accompany him.  "I understand sir, If you feel it's appropriate to join me, then feel free.  In any case, I will request a couple of hours to research and prepare..."  The giant armored creature plucked out many books from the shelves.  "I will meet you again when I'm ready..."  Baragar said as he drowned himself with information.
"Huh," Tiercel nodded once to the second generation guildsman. William Black, hmm? Tiercel only knew about him vaguely, but he also had never had such strong ties to the guild until now so understandably his knowledge of it's coming about was a bit rusty and limited to whatever tales made their way up to the extreme North.

 "I promise you it's not all bad. Getting the crap kicked out of you here, stinks, but I'm certain it won't always be like this if you keep going." He nodded once, words he stood by spoken aloud, he could help but let them resonate with his mind. "Ah but, I am also not a natural fighter. I rather not, honestly-" he paused and looked off as if he suddenly remembered that he had somewhere to be. 

"Oh, I apologize." He frowned then and took a measured step back toward the door. "I'm afraid I'll have to cut this conversation short. I have somewhat of an appointment that I'm running late for." He looked uncomfortable as he spoke those words. He did, however, briefly smile again as he walked back, he called, "again it was nice to meet you Arawn. I do hope to speak again sometime. I say, good luck on your training." He replied as he slipped out the way he came. The winged young man set down the halls, making haste toward the infirmary. To forget so easily- how clumsy of him!

Hearing his words, Arawn truly tried his best understanding Tiercel and nodded without word. His words filled him with determination and Arawn decided simply: If I lose, there is always another time to try. Arawn looked at Amilia with a face ready for whatever comes.

Baragar stood silently as Mephisto explained the quest offered to him.  The description of the monster was quite detailed, "A dragon that eats other dragons..."  Baragar thought to himself.  When Mephisto paused halfway his description, Baragar poked at some books on the shelves, passionately looking for any information about the Scatha.  Mephisto finished his description by offering to tag along Baragar to deal with the Scatha.  "I'm sorry if this sounds disappointing, but I actually know very little about these Scatha..."  Baragar flipped through delicate books carefully with his brutish hands.  "I only heard about them through poems and legends... although Aethus Michalli of the 10th Imperial Bestiary did an essay about what he thought were old remains of these dragons..."  Baragar flipped through pages trying hard not to damage the books.  "I do have some experience with dragons though, and I do speak Dragonic... If Scathas are able to speak Dragonic, or Lizardtongue in a rarer case, I could probably ask them about their motives..."  Baragar looked up at Mephisto as he faced dusty pages.

Baragar then thought about Mephistos decision to accompany him.  "I understand sir, If you feel it's appropriate to join me, then feel free.  In any case, I will request a couple of hours to research and prepare..."  The giant armored creature plucked out many books from the shelves.  "I will meet you again when I'm ready..."  Baragar said as he drowned himself with information.

Mephisto nodded and said "It's not dissapointing. I understand and can somewhat relate. Yesterday I had zero idea they existed." Seeing that Baragar got to his work and studies Mephisto smiled tenderly then said "You should find leads in: Ancient history. Don't bother with draconic biology, they are barely related to Dragons except for similar ancestry." And prepared to leave to go to his office. He stopped and turned around "And they actually DO speaks Dragonic. They enslaved the Dragons millions of years ago, or something. Only the oldest, wisest Dragons remember their reign." As he finished speaking, Mephisto rose his umbrella and said "Come to my office when you're prepared." And then counted to there in another, germanic language. "Eins, zwei, drei!!!" And with a blinding flash of lighr, the Guildmaster was gone.
Hearing his words, Arawn truly tried his best understanding Tiercel and nodded without word. His words filled him with determination and Arawn decided simply: If I lose, there is always another time to try. Arawn looked at Amilia with a face ready for whatever comes.

Mephisto nodded and said "It's not dissapointing. I understand and can somewhat relate. Yesterday I had zero idea they existed." Seeing that Baragar got to his work and studies Mephisto smiled tenderly then said "You should find leads in: Ancient history. Don't bother with draconic biology, they are barely related to Dragons except for similar ancestry." And prepared to leave to go to his office. He stopped and turned around "And they actually DO speaks Dragonic. They enslaved the Dragons millions of years ago, or something. Only the oldest, wisest Dragons remember their reign." As he finished speaking, Mephisto rose his umbrella and said "Come to my office when you're prepared." And then counted to there in another, germanic language. "Eins, zwei, drei!!!" And with a blinding flash of lighr, the Guildmaster was gone.

Amilia had watched in horror. That person hard just come and destroyed everything. Arawn was full of confidence again and that annoyed her. A lot. 

The woman however had a stoic face, no emotions showing. She put away the training weapons and equipped the stilettos of hers at her hip, placing the longsword at her back. "You're dismissed for today. Tomorrow, meet me at the break of dawn in front of the main gates." That said, she left. 

Amilia walked to a small corner, front to the main wall. There was nothing pspecial, except that nobody ever went there. It was kinda her place. Only one person knew. "Mephiii!", she whispered, hoping he would know. She had no idea if that was possible, but she hoped. " Mephi please I need to talk."
Amilia had watched in horror. That person hard just come and destroyed everything. Arawn was full of confidence again and that annoyed her. A lot. 

The woman however had a stoic face, no emotions showing. She put away the training weapons and equipped the stilettos of hers at her hip, placing the longsword at her back. "You're dismissed for today. Tomorrow, meet me at the break of dawn in front of the main gates." That said, she left. 

Amilia walked to a small corner, front to the main wall. There was nothing pspecial, except that nobody ever went there. It was kinda her place. Only one person knew. "Mephiii!", she whispered, hoping he would know. She had no idea if that was possible, but she hoped. " Mephi please I need to talk."

Arawn nodded to Amilia and said "Got it." smiling and showing her thumb to her. Arawn walked over to the training yard, not planning to give up.

The ground trembled, then a figure of white-blue fire appeared and walked towards Amilia. As it walked, from the flames emreged Mephisto, unscathed by the teleportation spell. "Myes?" he asked with a nervous smirk, he was clearly hiding something. It was more of a suspicious simper, then Mephisto rose his hand and cleaned his throat. "Well, I feel like it didn't go too well, did it?" he asked, calming down. Mephisto sounded like he predicted the course of action before it happened. He leaned on the wall and looked at her, awaiting the asnwer.
Arawn nodded to Amilia and said "Got it." smiling and showing her thumb to her. Arawn walked over to the training yard, not planning to give up.

The ground trembled, then a figure of white-blue fire appeared and walked towards Amilia. As it walked, from the flames emreged Mephisto, unscathed by the teleportation spell. "Myes?" he asked with a nervous smirk, he was clearly hiding something. It was more of a suspicious simper, then Mephisto rose his hand and cleaned his throat. "Well, I feel like it didn't go too well, did it?" he asked, calming down. Mephisto sounded like he predicted the course of action before it happened. He leaned on the wall and looked at her, awaiting the asnwer.

She walked to him, obviously very reliefed that he had appeared. "Oh, good you are here..." she rested her head at his chest and looked up. "Its so frustrating. I had the boy. He laid on the floor, on the egde of crying. It was an important step... I had it. And then... this winged adept came... and... he...  built him up. And now that foolish apprentice is even more ambitious than before and he got that "no matter how often I fall, I can always get back up and make my dreams be true" moral. I hate it..." she hid her face in his chest, that she barely reached. "I just needed someone to talk to and your my best friend."
She walked to him, obviously very reliefed that he had appeared. "Oh, good you are here..." she rested her head at his chest and looked up. "Its so frustrating. I had the boy. He laid on the floor, on the egde of crying. It was an important step... I had it. And then... this winged adept came... and... he...  built him up. And now that foolish apprentice is even more ambitious than before and he got that "no matter how often I fall, I can always get back up and make my dreams be true" moral. I hate it..." she hid her face in his chest, that she barely reached. "I just needed someone to talk to and your my best friend."

Mephisto bit his lip then put his hand on his chin, sticking the pointing finger outwards and contemplating, whilst looking up into the sky, as if looking for divine inspiration. "Hmmmm..." he quietly muttered without opening his mouth, muffling the sound from within. "That's okay." Mephisto commented, then returned to his normal stature. "You did your best, it was a good effort. But... we did accomplish what we wanted, in a less... well, how do I say? In a less longing way. We took a shortcut. Whether it works, or not? We'll see about that. Still." he clapped his hands together and looked at Amilia. "We have accomplished the goal. He was broken, then built up again. We'll see if it was fruitful, and if not? Then we'll just try it again. Do not worry, as we didn't lose anything at all. It might just be a minor complication, an annoyance, nothing severe."

Something suddenly popped up in Mephisto's eyes, a sort of realization, or a revelation. He smiled at Amilia. Then Mephisto turned to his normal personality, and randomly said "Howzabout a little bet, mein Fräulein?" with a really tense and quick voice. "I bet that Winwisk will become warrior in the next month. As to make the deal fair, I will refrain myself from promoting him and hand over the watch of him to someone else, only they will decide about his promotion. If I win, you will forever have to refer to me as: "Your Awesomeness." Set your own condition, if you're not a chicken that is." folding his arms and taking on a cocky smile.
Mephisto bit his lip then put his hand on his chin, sticking the pointing finger outwards and contemplating, whilst looking up into the sky, as if looking for divine inspiration. "Hmmmm..." he quietly muttered without opening his mouth, muffling the sound from within. "That's okay." Mephisto commented, then returned to his normal stature. "You did your best, it was a good effort. But... we did accomplish what we wanted, in a less... well, how do I say? In a less longing way. We took a shortcut. Whether it works, or not? We'll see about that. Still." he clapped his hands together and looked at Amilia. "We have accomplished the goal. He was broken, then built up again. We'll see if it was fruitful, and if not? Then we'll just try it again. Do not worry, as we didn't lose anything at all. It might just be a minor complication, an annoyance, nothing severe."

Something suddenly popped up in Mephisto's eyes, a sort of realization, or a revelation. He smiled at Amilia. Then Mephisto turned to his normal personality, and randomly said "Howzabout a little bet, mein Fräulein?" with a really tense and quick voice. "I bet that Winwisk will become warrior in the next month. As to make the deal fair, I will refrain myself from promoting him and hand over the watch of him to someone else, only they will decide about his promotion. If I win, you will forever have to refer to me as: "Your Awesomeness." Set your own condition, if you're not a chicken that is." folding his arms and taking on a cocky smile.

Amilia listened to what he said and felt a lot more reassured. She smiled back at the wood elf demon thing and then backed up a bit. Then he became his self. She thought a moment about the bet. A month... Well, she practically would bet against herself. If she said he would, she lost this chance of fun. If she said he would not, she would at the same time call herself a bad teacher. That was not a good thing. But who cared. "If I win and he won't be, then you will... For ever have to refer to me as "your cuteness". Okay?" She giggled a bit. She would love having him call her that. It would be very funny to see him call her amongst people by that name.
Amilia listened to what he said and felt a lot more reassured. She smiled back at the wood elf demon thing and then backed up a bit. Then he became his self. She thought a moment about the bet. A month... Well, she practically would bet against herself. If she said he would, she lost this chance of fun. If she said he would not, she would at the same time call herself a bad teacher. That was not a good thing. But who cared. "If I win and he won't be, then you will... For ever have to refer to me as "your cuteness". Okay?" She giggled a bit. She would love having him call her that. It would be very funny to see him call her amongst people by that name.

"Then it's a deal." he spoke. Mephisto smiled and said "Challenge accepted, mein Fräulein. Prepare to train saying the word 'Awesomeness' a lot, because I don't intend to lose." he walked back and tipped his hat to her in a way to show her that there was nothing inisde, then put it back on, counting in another language. "Eins, zwei, drei!" and with a flash of blue light, dissapeared again, his body turning into a statue, the hat was however disoldged from the rest of the statue. Then the statue collapsed, as Mephisto didn't use his magic to maintain it's existence, but the hat still remained. Upon looking inside, one will find the inscription: 'Too awesome for you.'. He sat in the office in his chair and put his feet on the desk, his hands behind his head. Mephisto closed his eyes and said "This will be like a walk in the park. What if I lose though? Well, it doesn't really matter. It's not like I will... or, will I?" he asked himself.
"Then it's a deal." he spoke. Mephisto smiled and said "Challenge accepted, mein Fräulein. Prepare to train saying the word 'Awesomeness' a lot, because I don't intend to lose." he walked back and tipped his hat to her in a way to show her that there was nothing inisde, then put it back on, counting in another language. "Eins, zwei, drei!" and with a flash of blue light, dissapeared again, his body turning into a statue, the hat was however disoldged from the rest of the statue. Then the statue collapsed, as Mephisto didn't use his magic to maintain it's existence, but the hat still remained. Upon looking inside, one will find the inscription: 'Too awesome for you.'. He sat in the office in his chair and put his feet on the desk, his hands behind his head. Mephisto closed his eyes and said "This will be like a walk in the park. What if I lose though? Well, it doesn't really matter. It's not like I will... or, will I?" he asked himself.

She shrugged it off, as she had gotten used to his tricks. She simply put the hat on. "Thats mine now.", she smilingly stated and began to walk to the library. She liked reading and she liked silence. That made the library a good place for the small woman. 

She took a book, a encyclopedia on old beings and powerful ones. She was no person that was good with animals, she had never been one. Therefore she always kept informed on them just for safety. 
Hearing his words, Arawn truly tried his best understanding Tiercel and nodded without word. His words filled him with determination and Arawn decided simply: If I lose, there is always another time to try. Arawn looked at Amilia with a face ready for whatever comes.

Mephisto nodded and said "It's not dissapointing. I understand and can somewhat relate. Yesterday I had zero idea they existed." Seeing that Baragar got to his work and studies Mephisto smiled tenderly then said "You should find leads in: Ancient history. Don't bother with draconic biology, they are barely related to Dragons except for similar ancestry." And prepared to leave to go to his office. He stopped and turned around "And they actually DO speaks Dragonic. They enslaved the Dragons millions of years ago, or something. Only the oldest, wisest Dragons remember their reign." As he finished speaking, Mephisto rose his umbrella and said "Come to my office when you're prepared." And then counted to there in another, germanic language. "Eins, zwei, drei!!!" And with a blinding flash of lighr, the Guildmaster was gone.

Baragar has never felt so unprepared.  ll he got from his research is that Scathas are quite huge, have a hard carapace, and can devour dragons.  Historically speaking, the only time anyone has ever stopped one of these creatures is by using a huge cleaver blade to cut it roughly in half.  Baragar talked himself out of using this drastic measure.  "It might be better just to allow it to live... it's a living fossil after all..."  Baragar said as he packed a small wooden box into a canvas bag.  He looked around his room for a special rope he would use for these situations.  He took the tightly packed metal rope hanging from the wall.  It made a loud metallic sound as it slapped onto Baragar's shoulder plate.  The rope is made of Draconium, a very strong metal that is both very flexible, and very fire-proof.  He reached for a small container of what seemed to be green paste.  He took a rugged cloth and picked up some of the paste... he rubbed it all over the sturdy metal rope.  Crushed Mandrake leaves -- applying it to metal makes the metal more flexible as well as giving it the property to resist the strongest acids.  Baragar experienced fighting a colossal sand worm before, he made the novice mistake of not preparing his rope for the worm's acid spit... the worm unfortunately broke through his rope and got away.  Baragar rubbed the paste on his own armor just in case any acid attacks aim for his body.  "I don't know if it even sprays acid... but it's better to be safe than sorry..."  He said to himself.  He keeps in mind that some dragons do in fact spray venom and acid.

He packed the last precautionary item, a small round crystal, and placed it carefully in the huge canvas bag.  He heaved it unto his massive shoulders and clanked out of his room.  He locked his door and trudged on forward.  The combined weight of all his items and his armor barely slowed him down at all... although his footsteps were quite loud, he seems to be unaffected by the weight at all.  As he walked through the hallway he noticed someone enter the library.  From what he could tell, the silhouette seemed to be Amilia's.  Baragar followed her, he felt like he did forget something from his research... maybe there was a book there that he just happened to miss.

"I'm sorry for the mess I left behind..."  Baragar said in a low voice, referring to the stack of books near Amilia.  "I got very excited and I forgot to put them back..."  The lumbering giant carefully put down his giant bag of supplies and started to pick up some of his books.  He placed some back in their respective shelves.  Baragar wasn't much of a talker, if the conversation ins't about monsters or legendary creatures, he felt very out of his element.  Maybe it was because he wasn't really used to being face to face with smaller races and have them engage in a conversation that didn't involve them screaming in terror.  
Baragar has never felt so unprepared.  ll he got from his research is that Scathas are quite huge, have a hard carapace, and can devour dragons.  Historically speaking, the only time anyone has ever stopped one of these creatures is by using a huge cleaver blade to cut it roughly in half.  Baragar talked himself out of using this drastic measure.  "It might be better just to allow it to live... it's a living fossil after all..."  Baragar said as he packed a small wooden box into a canvas bag.  He looked around his room for a special rope he would use for these situations.  He took the tightly packed metal rope hanging from the wall.  It made a loud metallic sound as it slapped onto Baragar's shoulder plate.  The rope is made of Draconium, a very strong metal that is both very flexible, and very fire-proof.  He reached for a small container of what seemed to be green paste.  He took a rugged cloth and picked up some of the paste... he rubbed it all over the sturdy metal rope.  Crushed Mandrake leaves -- applying it to metal makes the metal more flexible as well as giving it the property to resist the strongest acids.  Baragar experienced fighting a colossal sand worm before, he made the novice mistake of not preparing his rope for the worm's acid spit... the worm unfortunately broke through his rope and got away.  Baragar rubbed the paste on his own armor just in case any acid attacks aim for his body.  "I don't know if it even sprays acid... but it's better to be safe than sorry..."  He said to himself.  He keeps in mind that some dragons do in fact spray venom and acid.

He packed the last precautionary item, a small round crystal, and placed it carefully in the huge canvas bag.  He heaved it unto his massive shoulders and clanked out of his room.  He locked his door and trudged on forward.  The combined weight of all his items and his armor barely slowed him down at all... although his footsteps were quite loud, he seems to be unaffected by the weight at all.  As he walked through the hallway he noticed someone enter the library.  From what he could tell, the silhouette seemed to be Amilia's.  Baragar followed her, he felt like he did forget something from his research... maybe there was a book there that he just happened to miss.

"I'm sorry for the mess I left behind..."  Baragar said in a low voice, referring to the stack of books near Amilia.  "I got very excited and I forgot to put them back..."  The lumbering giant carefully put down his giant bag of supplies and started to pick up some of his books.  He placed some back in their respective shelves.  Baragar wasn't much of a talker, if the conversation ins't about monsters or legendary creatures, he felt very out of his element.  Maybe it was because he wasn't really used to being face to face with smaller races and have them engage in a conversation that didn't involve them screaming in terror.  

Amilia blushed gently when she realized that there was somebody. "Oh... Hello there. Baragar, if I remember correctly? That isn't an issue. I did not even realize it at all. I just wanted to relief some stress and I happen to do so best when reading." The woman stood up and started helping Baragar. She knew he was not used to social contact, but it didn't disturb her. She wasn't quite the extroverted being herself.
Amilia blushed gently when she realized that there was somebody. "Oh... Hello there. Baragar, if I remember correctly? That isn't an issue. I did not even realize it at all. I just wanted to relief some stress and I happen to do so best when reading." The woman stood up and started helping Baragar. She knew he was not used to social contact, but it didn't disturb her. She wasn't quite the extroverted being herself.

Baragar glanced at Amilia helping him return his books to the shelves.  He moved slighly away as she replaced some on the shelves next to him.  "Yes... my name is Baragar, I'm flattered you remember,"  Baragar couldn't remember the last time he talked with Amilia.  There was a gentle silence as he thought of the next thing to say.  "I... heard you are in charge of training one of the newest members... how's that working for you?"  The deep metallic voice echoed gently within the halls of the library.  Baragar picked up a book he didn't notice in his first research session.  He pulled it out and split the pages with his gauntlet clad finger.  The book did in fact have some information about the Scatha.  It appears to be written by a human observer of some sort of dragonic event.  The author wrote how a Scatha would spare the lives of dragons in exchange for being it's personal guard dogs.  If the Scatha found a dragon disobedient, it would devour it instantly.  Baragar brought a metal finger over his helmeted chin.  
Baragar glanced at Amilia helping him return his books to the shelves.  He moved slighly away as she replaced some on the shelves next to him.  "Yes... my name is Baragar, I'm flattered you remember,"  Baragar couldn't remember the last time he talked with Amilia.  There was a gentle silence as he thought of the next thing to say.  "I... heard you are in charge of training one of the newest members... how's that working for you?"  The deep metallic voice echoed gently within the halls of the library.  Baragar picked up a book he didn't notice in his first research session.  He pulled it out and split the pages with his gauntlet clad finger.  The book did in fact have some information about the Scatha.  It appears to be written by a human observer of some sort of dragonic event.  The author wrote how a Scatha would spare the lives of dragons in exchange for being it's personal guard dogs.  If the Scatha found a dragon disobedient, it would devour it instantly.  Baragar brought a metal finger over his helmeted chin.  

Amilia stretched so she could see what he would read there. "Scatha... Hm. Snake like dragon creatures, no? I read about them." Now that she thought of it, she remembered it was in one of the books, what she knew about them. "Why would you research that? A mission?" A little envy snuck into her voice. "I had no job in month..." she sighed. "I get really bored, you know? I get the feeling Mephisto hates me."
Amilia stretched so she could see what he would read there. "Scatha... Hm. Snake like dragon creatures, no? I read about them." Now that she thought of it, she remembered it was in one of the books, what she knew about them. "Why would you research that? A mission?" A little envy snuck into her voice. "I had no job in month..." she sighed. "I get really bored, you know? I get the feeling Mephisto hates me."

Baragar flipped a page as Amilia asked her question.  "Huh?  Oh... yeah... there have been sightings of them according to some villagers.  It's strange... as we both know, they have been considered extinct.  The last recorded sighting of one was way back in 200m.c. and all we have to guess their behaviors are from ancient poems and a bunch of fossilized teeth,"  Baragar paused as Amilia expressed her envy and boredom.  "Hmm... I don't think Master Mephisto hates you at all Lady Amilia..."  Baragar turned a page.  "He gave you the responsibility of guiding a young man to maturity... I'm sure he thinks very highly of you..."  Baragar's voice was deep but gentle, like the soothing voice of a father.  "The responsibility of training one of our young members is something I would like to partake in someday, I must say I am actually envious of you..."  Baragar said, not looking away at the pages.  He folded the book closed and returned it to the shelf.  Baragar turned to face Amilia out of respect.  He gave her a faint bow.  "I feel that I have bothered you long enough... I will leave you to your studies now,"  He bowed a bit deeper and lugged his giant canvas bag on his shoulder.  Baragar felt he was quite late, he needs to meet with Mephisto and start his quest. 
Baragar flipped a page as Amilia asked her question.  "Huh?  Oh... yeah... there have been sightings of them according to some villagers.  It's strange... as we both know, they have been considered extinct.  The last recorded sighting of one was way back in 200m.c. and all we have to guess their behaviors are from ancient poems and a bunch of fossilized teeth,"  Baragar paused as Amilia expressed her envy and boredom.  "Hmm... I don't think Master Mephisto hates you at all Lady Amilia..."  Baragar turned a page.  "He gave you the responsibility of guiding a young man to maturity... I'm sure he thinks very highly of you..."  Baragar's voice was deep but gentle, like the soothing voice of a father.  "The responsibility of training one of our young members is something I would like to partake in someday, I must say I am actually envious of you..."  Baragar said, not looking away at the pages.  He folded the book closed and returned it to the shelf.  Baragar turned to face Amilia out of respect.  He gave her a faint bow.  "I feel that I have bothered you long enough... I will leave you to your studies now,"  He bowed a bit deeper and lugged his giant canvas bag on his shoulder.  Baragar felt he was quite late, he needs to meet with Mephisto and start his quest. 

Amilia giggled a bit on what he said. "He does surely like me, I bet he does." Then she blushed. Why would she say that? 'Stupid me. Shut up.', she scolded herself mentally. 

"I would swap with you any time. I can't stand my apprentice. Maybe I'm not a person to educate. I wouldn't be a good mother, I guess." She smiled and then winked. "Whatsoever. If you wish to take your leave, have a good day. And I wish success to you... Feel free to talk to me when you see me around. I don't like to go first at all." 
Amilia giggled a bit on what he said. "He does surely like me, I bet he does." Then she blushed. Why would she say that? 'Stupid me. Shut up.', she scolded herself mentally. 

"I would swap with you any time. I can't stand my apprentice. Maybe I'm not a person to educate. I wouldn't be a good mother, I guess." She smiled and then winked. "Whatsoever. If you wish to take your leave, have a good day. And I wish success to you... Feel free to talk to me when you see me around. I don't like to go first at all." 

"Good motherly instinct comes with a child." He said with a grin, walking over to the girl with his hand resting on his sword's handle, WHICH is sheathed. He chuckled and gave her a gaze. "Why can't you stand for your apprentice? What's wrong with him." He asked rather seriously.
Mephisto walked around the castle grounds, as he walked through one of the hallways  he stumbled upon Lilith. "How's my favourite Apprentice doing?" he asked suddenly, with an ecstatic expression. Mephisto approached, holding his umbrella-saber-staff in the right hand, whilst tipping his hat with his left hand. Then out of his hat, a white bird flew out and quickly made it's way towards the window, flying outside the castle. Mephisto looked inside his hat in confusion, shaking it, then many more such birds flew straight into his face, ramming the hat out of his hands as it fell to the floor and generated an endless stream of flying creatures that escaped the hallway through open windows. The hat stopped and Mephisto picked it up, wearing it once again.

@Princess Ami
Mephisto walked around the castle grounds, as he walked through one of the hallways  he stumbled upon Lilith. "How's my favourite Apprentice doing?" he asked suddenly, with an ecstatic expression. Mephisto approached, holding his umbrella-saber-staff in the right hand, whilst tipping his hat with his left hand. Then out of his hat, a white bird flew out and quickly made it's way towards the window, flying outside the castle. Mephisto looked inside his hat in confusion, shaking it, then many more such birds flew straight into his face, ramming the hat out of his hands as it fell to the floor and generated an endless stream of flying creatures that escaped the hallway through open windows. The hat stopped and Mephisto picked it up, wearing it once again.

@Princess Ami

Lilith was about to smile and greet, when the birds came. Quickly, she reacted. A sharp pain went through her head, when a massive wave of dark energy emitted from her hands. It killed many of the birds and she absorbed them, but the wave went on. It wasn't supposed to do that. Crack. A window broke apart. Crack. Another. Lilith watched in horror, as the wave crushed every single one in the hallway. 
Lilith was about to smile and greet, when the birds came. Quickly, she reacted. A sharp pain went through her head, when a massive wave of dark energy emitted from her hands. It killed many of the birds and she absorbed them, but the wave went on. It wasn't supposed to do that. Crack. A window broke apart. Crack. Another. Lilith watched in horror, as the wave crushed every single one in the hallway. 

Mephisto looked back at the broken windows and dead birds, then frowned. He moved his hand in a circular motion, combining Prestidigitation, Mending and Grasping Hand spells to make the bird bodies fly outside of the building and fixed the broken windows. "We'll have to work on that." Mephisto commented, then slowly clapped his hands together and said "Speaking of work, Lilith, I will soon be departing for a certain contract, but I can't take you with me." and soon after, Mephisto turned back to his ecstatic, joyous smile and overly laid-back attitude. "Promise not to break anything, or anyone when I'm gooone~?" he asked, in a cutsey, but sarcastic voice, tilting his head.
Mephisto looked back at the broken windows and dead birds, then frowned. He moved his hand in a circular motion, combining Prestidigitation, Mending and Grasping Hand spells to make the bird bodies fly outside of the building and fixed the broken windows. "We'll have to work on that." Mephisto commented, then slowly clapped his hands together and said "Speaking of work, Lilith, I will soon be departing for a certain contract, but I can't take you with me." and soon after, Mephisto turned back to his ecstatic, joyous smile and overly laid-back attitude. "Promise not to break anything, or anyone when I'm gooone~?" he asked, in a cutsey, but sarcastic voice, tilting his head.

Lilith made a cute pouting face. "Why can't I join you! I wanna! Pleaaaase! I can defend myself! Better than I even want to sometimes...!", she begged, making a little pun towards what had happened seconds before. "Please! Please! Please let me join!" She begged and begged. She hated being without Mephisto, she always felt lonely then. Not that she was not sociable, he just was the only one she would call family. If she was allowed, she'd call him dad. But she never found the guts to ask.
Lilith made a cute pouting face. "Why can't I join you! I wanna! Pleaaaase! I can defend myself! Better than I even want to sometimes...!", she begged, making a little pun towards what had happened seconds before. "Please! Please! Please let me join!" She begged and begged. She hated being without Mephisto, she always felt lonely then. Not that she was not sociable, he just was the only one she would call family. If she was allowed, she'd call him dad. But she never found the guts to ask.

Mephisto thought, he took support of his cane and brought his finger up to his chin, thinking. He stared at Lilith and mumbled out a "Hmmm..." Then he tilted his head to another angle and once again mumbled another "Hmmm..." Mephisto did the same thing about 3 times, then settled and decided. "Okay, here's my offer: If you promise to behave nice today, and if you do... I'll reward you in two ways. First, we'll eat chocolate. Second, I'll take you with me for a contract." he then looked at her with the 'What do you think about that proposition?' face. Mephisto said "Besides, if you feel lonely I'll leave you an illusionary clone to keep you company. I bet you can make great pranks with him."
Mephisto thought, he took support of his cane and brought his finger up to his chin, thinking. He stared at Lilith and mumbled out a "Hmmm..." Then he tilted his head to another angle and once again mumbled another "Hmmm..." Mephisto did the same thing about 3 times, then settled and decided. "Okay, here's my offer: If you promise to behave nice today, and if you do... I'll reward you in two ways. First, we'll eat chocolate. Second, I'll take you with me for a contract." he then looked at her with the 'What do you think about that proposition?' face. Mephisto said "Besides, if you feel lonely I'll leave you an illusionary clone to keep you company. I bet you can make great pranks with him."

Lilith giggled happily and hugged Mephisto. "Yaaay! I promise to behave as nice as a nice kid would be nice on a nice day!" She kept him hugged for a few seconds. Then, whisperingly, she added. "Dad." She quickly let go and looked up. "What do we do now? Is there a task? Can I help?" She was eager to be a good girl. She wanted chocolate. And to join in the contract, of course.
Tiercel was walking back from his previous engagement, set on rest, perhaps a book- maybe training at some point, but as of now there wasn't much more to do here but bide one's time and wait for a mission. It never took long for one to come up, usually there were far too many-but nw when he's finally back in the game, all of a sudden there's a break in them. Tiercel had been sent to rest for nearly a year now due to a broken bone and some tears in the remidges of his wing. By this point in time he was rearing to leave. He was only a warrior after all- perhaps one of the lower ranks within the group considering the people whom he saw every day. He just needed to complete some missions and hopefully that would change.  A sudden surge of dark power, however, took him off his guard. With birds just falling from the branches, a chill ran up his spine and he edged closer to the source, his skin felt cold with the energy negating his own in a way- just like the birds who weren't able to withstand the power. 

Only then he saw a young woman and the Guildmaster speaking, and from the sounds of it, it seemed important. He wasn't one really to pry, and yet he stood hesitating for a moment longer before he realized what he was doing. 

However when the girl asked about a "task" he froze, curiosity getting the better of him, he lingered around bit longer to hear if there was any. 
Lilith giggled happily and hugged Mephisto. "Yaaay! I promise to behave as nice as a nice kid would be nice on a nice day!" She kept him hugged for a few seconds. Then, whisperingly, she added. "Dad." She quickly let go and looked up. "What do we do now? Is there a task? Can I help?" She was eager to be a good girl. She wanted chocolate. And to join in the contract, of course.

Tiercel was walking back from his previous engagement, set on rest, perhaps a book- maybe training at some point, but as of now there wasn't much more to do here but bide one's time and wait for a mission. It never took long for one to come up, usually there were far too many-but nw when he's finally back in the game, all of a sudden there's a break in them. Tiercel had been sent to rest for nearly a year now due to a broken bone and some tears in the remidges of his wing. By this point in time he was rearing to leave. He was only a warrior after all- perhaps one of the lower ranks within the group considering the people whom he saw every day. He just needed to complete some missions and hopefully that would change.  A sudden surge of dark power, however, took him off his guard. With birds just falling from the branches, a chill ran up his spine and he edged closer to the source, his skin felt cold with the energy negating his own in a way- just like the birds who weren't able to withstand the power. 

Only then he saw a young woman and the Guildmaster speaking, and from the sounds of it, it seemed important. He wasn't one really to pry, and yet he stood hesitating for a moment longer before he realized what he was doing. 

However when the girl asked about a "task" he froze, curiosity getting the better of him, he lingered around bit longer to hear if there was any. 

Mephisto took off his hat and counted to three in a foreign language. "Eins, Zwei, Drei!" and took out a big metal can out of it. It was warm, but not hot and inside there was chocolate. Mephisto said "Ah-ah-ah! I said I'll take you on a contract, and I'm going to make good on that. But not this one. It's one of a kind, and I just can't let you come along. I'm sorry." as he gave her the chocolate. He put his hat back on his head, and steadily chuckled, then saying "You can help me by being nice to others, do lots of good, do something worthwhile. That's all I ask of you, is to try to do it." then Mephisto slowly grinned in an awfully creepy way and looked to his left and saw Tiercel who was spying on them. "Hello there!" Mephisto made a friendly remark, looking towards Tiercel with his menacing, ecstatic and joyous expression.

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