Main IC RP

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was instantly alarmed. In one single motion, she grabbed her two potions of Calming Tonic and her amulet. Just as she was about to tell the two to back down, the lady in black calmly retreated. A sigh of relief, she said, "The townspeople will definitely be coming here with pitchforks and torches now..." She put on her cloak and began dragging out potions from under the counter in preparation.

Suddenly the bar door burst open.  A leather boot with steel toes have kicked it open causing a loud bang.  Senor Fred's skull turned to the direction of the entrance.  A rough looking man with a giant dragonbone sword appeared at the doorway, behind him are two more battle hardened mercenaries.  "T-there it is sir!  It's attacking this bar!"  One of the thugs from earlier, still buck naked is pointing at Senor Fred.  The mercenaries let themselves in and looked at Senor Fred and the undead creature summoned by Tenebrae.  "Undead scum!  leave the living alone!"  The mercenary cried out as he raised his giant sword.

Senor Fred sighed.  "Just in time nino... I always admire fellow adventurers who rise up to the occasion!  Hurry and help me save Senorita Astrid from that Lich!"  He pointed at Tenebrae.  The sword however aimed for his neck.  Senor Fred instinctively ducked.  "I know you must be intimidated to be in the same room as a Legendary Hero like me, but you don't have to pretend to be a sword fighting novice to make me look better!"  The confused skeleton cried out as he avoided the mercenary's attacks.  "The Lich is that way nino!"
Suddenly the bar door burst open.  A leather boot with steel toes have kicked it open causing a loud bang.  Senor Fred's skull turned to the direction of the entrance.  A rough looking man with a giant dragonbone sword appeared at the doorway, behind him are two more battle hardened mercenaries.  "T-there it is sir!  It's attacking this bar!"  One of the thugs from earlier, still buck naked is pointing at Senor Fred.  The mercenaries let themselves in and looked at Senor Fred and the undead creature summoned by Tenebrae.  "Undead scum!  leave the living alone!"  The mercenary cried out as he raised his giant sword.

Senor Fred sighed.  "Just in time nino... I always admire fellow adventurers who rise up to the occasion!  Hurry and help me save Senorita Astrid from that Lich!"  He pointed at Tenebrae.  The sword however aimed for his neck.  Senor Fred instinctively ducked.  "I know you must be intimidated to be in the same room as a Legendary Hero like me, but you don't have to pretend to be a sword fighting novice to make me look better!"  The confused skeleton cried out as he avoided the mercenary's attacks.  "The Lich is that way nino!"

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Shit!" Astrid popped open one of her potions, Princess's Grace, and swallowed a mouthful. Taking her two Calming Tonics once again, she jumped over her counter and stood between the mercenaries and Senor Fred. "THERE IS NO DANGER HERE!" She took a breath. "This being means no harm." She turned her head and looked back at Frederico. "Do not falsely accuse my patrons."
Tenebrae did not really care for all that happened at the bar. She simply sipped on at her drink. "I could destroy this whole bar with a snap of my finger. I could. But i wont. And now sit down and order something or leave, you disgraceful bastards."
Location: Astrid's Bar

"Shit!" Astrid popped open one of her potions, Princess's Grace, and swallowed a mouthful. Taking her two Calming Tonics once again, she jumped over her counter and stood between the mercenaries and Senor Fred. "THERE IS NO DANGER HERE!" She took a breath. "This being means no harm." She turned her head and looked back at Frederico. "Do not falsely accuse my patrons."

"Out of my way, Woman!  Have you gone mad!?  Your bar is filled with the stench of the grave!"  The man growled and swung his giant sword around.  "Senor the stench might be coming from somewhere else... have you showered lately!?"  The skeleton dodge all the swings.  "Your aim is terrible Amigo, Are you sure you're not trying to kill me?"  The Skeleton kept on avoiding the swings.  "Senorita Astrid, go and run!  This young man will defeat the Lich!"  The skeleton backed a few steps away from the mercenary.

"Go back to the grave where you belong!"  The man raised his blade up high, ready to swing down on our Hero.
"Out of my way, Woman!  Have you gone mad!?  Your bar is filled with the stench of the grave!"  The man growled and swung his giant sword around.  "Senor the stench might be coming from somewhere else... have you showered lately!?"  The skeleton dodge all the swings.  "Your aim is terrible Amigo, Are you sure you're not trying to kill me?"  The Skeleton kept on avoiding the swings.  "Senorita Astrid, go and run!  This young man will defeat the Lich!"  The skeleton backed a few steps away from the mercenary.

"Go back to the grave where you belong!"  The man raised his blade up high, ready to swing down on our Hero.

Tenebrae, in the blink of an eye, had risen. Her blade, Hykratii, was in her hand and blocked the mans sword. The huge blade of the man stopped apruptly, its way blocked by the develish steel. "Get out of this bar, right now. Otherwise i will let the fire of Netherlands devour your flesh." She looked at Astrid. "I am not sorry, but this was not my intention."
"Out of my way, Woman!  Have you gone mad!?  Your bar is filled with the stench of the grave!"  The man growled and swung his giant sword around.  "Senor the stench might be coming from somewhere else... have you showered lately!?"  The skeleton dodge all the swings.  "Your aim is terrible Amigo, Are you sure you're not trying to kill me?"  The Skeleton kept on avoiding the swings.  "Senorita Astrid, go and run!  This young man will defeat the Lich!"  The skeleton backed a few steps away from the mercenary.

"Go back to the grave where you belong!"  The man raised his blade up high, ready to swing down on our Hero.

Tenebrae, in the blink of an eye, had risen. Her blade, Hykratii, was in her hand and blocked the mans sword. The huge blade of the man stopped apruptly, its way blocked by the develish steel. "Get out of this bar, right now. Otherwise i will let the fire of Netherlands devour your flesh." She looked at Astrid. "I am not sorry, but this was not my intention."

Location: Astrid's Bar

A quick dodge to the left and she is once again on the sidelines. She tossed her potions of Calming Tonic at the man as the lady in black held his sword. She reached into her vests and tossed two vials of Confusion at the man, knocking him out. She then turned to face the other two mercenaries. "Not in my bar! You do not FIGHT in my bar!"
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto was waiting for the arrival of the rest of the Guild Members, then once again explained. "I will explain one last time before we teleport to our destination! Our target is a bandit camp near Dark Forest. We are to wipe out anyone inside if they don't give up. Spare anyone who surrenders or survives, but I want to remind you it won't be easy. Woguran will not respond kindly to diplomacy!" and entered within the ranks of the Guildsmen, he prepared to teleport them all to the location of the contract. "Is everyone ready to move out?" he asked, one last time and clearly wouldn't repeat himself.

@IamNotLoki @Princess Ami @Aura Of Twilight @Gabriel97

Location: Fort Black - Infirmary 

Fiducia heard Mephisto object the possibility of turning her sister to be good. She sighed, heavily. Then, without any help, the white haired girl stood up. "Of course I heal quickly. I am a herald. Fiducia, Herald of Hope. I thought all mortals knew the legend." She smiled, looking at Edilyn peacefully. "Whatever. Would you show me the bath?" Then she looked at Mephisto. "Also, if anyone is a baka here, it's you, Mephisto. Everyone has good in them. You can't lose hope. That would be stupid. As long as I live, there is always Hope."

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black-Infirmary

Edilyn's eyes widened as she heard those words. Once Mephisto had left she said, "The herald of Hope? You mean like from the old songs?" It certainly explained why Fiducia had golden blood. It was more important that the girl was okay however. Remembering an old song that she used to sing with her father and brother long ago, the silver haired girl absently sang, "The heralds, the heralds, the heralds shall come. Come ye you children the heralds shall come...One light and one black the heralds shall come..." Trailing off, Edilyn blushed, shaking her head. "Anyway, I would be happy to show you a room Fiducia. Is it okay if I call you that?" Waiting for the other girl to respond and follow, she started walking out of the room. Suddenly, a wave of vertigo hit her, and leaning against the wall for support, she panted. Blessing had really taken a lot out of her already. "S-sorry..." Edilyn murmured, feeling drained. "Just give me a second." When she felt she was ready, she shakily walked forwards, towards the rooms. When she found an empty one, she gestured for the girl to go on in. " go...." 
Location: Astrid's Bar

A quick dodge to the left and she is once again on the sidelines. She tossed her potions of Calming Tonic at the man as the lady in black held his sword. She reached into her vests and tossed two vials of Confusion at the man, knocking him out. She then turned to face the other two mercenaries. "Not in my bar! You do not FIGHT in my bar!"

"Maggie!"  The other mercenaries yelled out as they went and grabbed their friend.  They carried his unconscious body out of the bar.  The naked thug jumped up in fright as he ran after the mercenaries.

Senor Fred sighed and combed his hair.  "I don't know what swordfighting techniques people learn these days, but that nino is terrible... He almost chopped me in half! It's like he is genuinely trying to kill me!"  He said as his hair returned to its original luster.  "The Lich saved my life, you might be a mistress of evil, but I know the code of generosity... I am in your debt..."  He bowed in front of Tenebrae and offered her a rose.  
"Maggie!"  The other mercenaries yelled out as they went and grabbed their friend.  They carried his unconscious body out of the bar.  The naked thug jumped up in fright as he ran after the mercenaries.

Senor Fred sighed and combed his hair.  "I don't know what swordfighting techniques people learn these days, but that nino is terrible... He almost chopped me in half! It's like he is genuinely trying to kill me!"  He said as his hair returned to its original luster.  "The Lich saved my life, you might be a mistress of evil, but I know the code of generosity... I am in your debt..."  He bowed in front of Tenebrae and offered her a rose.  

Tenebrae took the rose. "I just wanted to have a drink calmly. At any other time, i would have let you died. I would most likely even have killed you myself. But today, i just wanted to have a relaxing drink. No need to thank me. I am a evil person after all." She simply sat down at her place, layed down the rose next to her, and drank on at her cup.

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black-Infirmary

Edilyn's eyes widened as she heard those words. Once Mephisto had left she said, "The herald of Hope? You mean like from the old songs?" It certainly explained why Fiducia had golden blood. It was more important that the girl was okay however. Remembering an old song that she used to sing with her father and brother long ago, the silver haired girl absently sang, "The heralds, the heralds, the heralds shall come. Come ye you children the heralds shall come...One light and one black the heralds shall come..." Trailing off, Edilyn blushed, shaking her head. "Anyway, I would be happy to show you a room Fiducia. Is it okay if I call you that?" Waiting for the other girl to respond and follow, she started walking out of the room. Suddenly, a wave of vertigo hit her, and leaning against the wall for support, she panted. Blessing had really taken a lot out of her already. "S-sorry..." Edilyn murmured, feeling drained. "Just give me a second." When she felt she was ready, she shakily walked forwards, towards the rooms. When she found an empty one, she gestured for the girl to go on in. " go...." 

Fiducia followed and giggled happily at the girls realization. "Yes, yes the one from the old song.", she floated. Then, however, Edilyn seemed to feel bad. Fiducia tilted her head in concern. "Are you alright? You know, i am extraordinary healer, my healing ability is superior. I sadly cant heal myself, but i could heal you...", she explained. Fiducia entered her room and waved for Edilyn to follow her. "Come on in, friend."
Tenebrae took the rose. "I just wanted to have a drink calmly. At any other time, i would have let you died. I would most likely even have killed you myself. But today, i just wanted to have a relaxing drink. No need to thank me. I am a evil person after all." She simply sat down at her place, layed down the rose next to her, and drank on at her cup.

Fiducia followed and giggled happily at the girls realization. "Yes, yes the one from the old song.", she floated. Then, however, Edilyn seemed to feel bad. Fiducia tilted her head in concern. "Are you alright? You know, i am extraordinary healer, my healing ability is superior. I sadly cant heal myself, but i could heal you...", she explained. Fiducia entered her room and waved for Edilyn to follow her. "Come on in, friend."

"Maggie!"  The other mercenaries yelled out as they went and grabbed their friend.  They carried his unconscious body out of the bar.  The naked thug jumped up in fright as he ran after the mercenaries.

Senor Fred sighed and combed his hair.  "I don't know what swordfighting techniques people learn these days, but that nino is terrible... He almost chopped me in half! It's like he is genuinely trying to kill me!"  He said as his hair returned to its original luster.  "The Lich saved my life, you might be a mistress of evil, but I know the code of generosity... I am in your debt..."  He bowed in front of Tenebrae and offered her a rose.  

Location:  Astrid's Bar

Astrid was back behind her counter, resupplying the vials in her vest. She began lowering the blinds on the windows and walked to the entrance. She gripped the door handle and turned to face the rest of the bar. "I apologize for my inability to prevent such a disturbance to your experience. You're more than welcome to stay, however I won't be able serve you all while I speak to the townspeople." She turned around, swung open the door, took a step out and slammed it shut. 

She stood outside with her arms crossed. The effects of Princess's Grace was wearing off and she knew those mercenaries would come back with the city in toll. To protect the bar and its patrons, regardless of their form or thought, that is what a bartender must do.
Location:  Astrid's Bar

Astrid was back behind her counter, resupplying the vials in her vest. She began lowering the blinds on the windows and walked to the entrance. She gripped the door handle and turned to face the rest of the bar. "I apologize for my inability to prevent such a disturbance to your experience. You're more than welcome to stay, however I won't be able serve you all while I speak to the townspeople." She turned around, swung open the door, took a step out and slammed it shut. 

She stood outside with her arms crossed. The effects of Princess's Grace was wearing off and she knew those mercenaries would come back with the city in toll. To protect the bar and its patrons, regardless of their form or thought, that is what a bartender must do.

Senor Fred followed the Senorita out of the bar gracefully and bowed in front of her.  "Although I enjoyed your endearing hospitality, I believe I have cause you enough trouble for one day,"  The knight explained.  "Although Ill be sad to see you cry while watching your number one hero walk away, I can assure you that I will always live here"  A skeletal hand pointed at her breast.  "I will always have a place in your heart..."  The flames within the skull's sockets appears to be winking.  "Now... let me be off... point me to a direction of danger and evil... and I will be there!  There are no sad farewells Senorita!"  The skeleton pointed at the rising morning sun and began walking towards it.  "May we meet again!"
Senor Fred followed the Senorita out of the bar gracefully and bowed in front of her.  "Although I enjoyed your endearing hospitality, I believe I have cause you enough trouble for one day,"  The knight explained.  "Although Ill be sad to see you cry while watching your number one hero walk away, I can assure you that I will always live here"  A skeletal hand pointed at her breast.  "I will always have a place in your heart..."  The flames within the skull's sockets appears to be winking.  "Now... let me be off... point me to a direction of danger and evil... and I will be there!  There are no sad farewells Senorita!"  The skeleton pointed at the rising morning sun and began walking towards it.  "May we meet again!"

Location: Entrance to Astrid's Bar

Astrid relaxed a bit. He'll be fine. She thought to herself. Well, at least if the mob breaks into my bar, they won't see a towering skeleton. In the distance, she began to see the mob slowly return. She guessed that they'll arrive in 15 minutes or so.
Fiducia followed and giggled happily at the girls realization. "Yes, yes the one from the old song.", she floated. Then, however, Edilyn seemed to feel bad. Fiducia tilted her head in concern. "Are you alright? You know, i am extraordinary healer, my healing ability is superior. I sadly cant heal myself, but i could heal you...", she explained. Fiducia entered her room and waved for Edilyn to follow her. "Come on in, friend."

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black

She can heal as well? Edilyn thought to herself. I suppose it makes sense, her being a herald and all..."Are you sure?" She asked, holding onto the door frame for support. "I don't want to be a bother, but I'd appreciate it...If you can heal exhaustion that is." She knew she could trust Fiducia as long as the Guildmaster did. The herald didn't seem like a bad person either. With that in mind, Edilyn took a seat on the bed. 
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black

She can heal as well? Edilyn thought to herself. I suppose it makes sense, her being a herald and all..."Are you sure?" She asked, holding onto the door frame for support. "I don't want to be a bother, but I'd appreciate it...If you can heal exhaustion that is." She knew she could trust Fiducia as long as the Guildmaster did. The herald didn't seem like a bad person either. With that in mind, Edilyn took a seat on the bed. 

Fiducia laid her hand on the girls shoulder. Edilyn could feel a refreshing energy flow through her, blowing away her exhaustion. Fiducia then took a seat besides her. "Well, this should have helped.", she said, smiling friendly. Then, she laughed a bit. "Your a little shy, no? You dont need to be, you can trust me. I am the herald of Hope, i will never mean any harm." Fiducia then tilted her head. "I will ask Mephisto to keep you around me until i feel good enough to leave ahaom. I will need someone to show me around and such. For now, i will take a bath. Are this bathtubs or actual rooms to bathe in?"

Akena got into a slightly less aggressive pose. What that man said sounded not like he was a harm. She would not let her guard down on him. "My conflict is to hunt down the murderer of my parents. After that is finished, i will open a new Order of the Black Lotus and teach those that are worthy the art of shadow. I will make a guild that can match the Guild of Heroes. My children shall then take the lead, once i have them. That is what i will do until my death. I will never lack my task in life." She then nodded her head towards the mysterious man. "What about you? What is your interest in my ability? Why do you inquire about my goals?"

Fiducia laid her hand on the girls shoulder. Edilyn could feel a refreshing energy flow through her, blowing away her exhaustion. Fiducia then took a seat besides her. "Well, this should have helped.", she said, smiling friendly. Then, she laughed a bit. "Your a little shy, no? You dont need to be, you can trust me. I am the herald of Hope, i will never mean any harm." Fiducia then tilted her head. "I will ask Mephisto to keep you around me until i feel good enough to leave ahaom. I will need someone to show me around and such. For now, i will take a bath. Are this bathtubs or actual rooms to bathe in?"

Akena got into a slightly less aggressive pose. What that man said sounded not like he was a harm. She would not let her guard down on him. "My conflict is to hunt down the murderer of my parents. After that is finished, i will open a new Order of the Black Lotus and teach those that are worthy the art of shadow. I will make a guild that can match the Guild of Heroes. My children shall then take the lead, once i have them. That is what i will do until my death. I will never lack my task in life." She then nodded her head towards the mysterious man. "What about you? What is your interest in my ability? Why do you inquire about my goals?"


Kyro Script

Location: Bowerstone

Kyro looked at the cards he had floating above his hand."What I want from your ability isn't important now." The cards were black, with white numbers. An old design. "Me? My goal is to create a world with never ending conflicts." He paused for a moment. "A person without a conflict fades away. They become average, Even if they don't know it. They disappear into the "Ordinary" of the world." Kyro dropped his cards onto his hand. "I've seen it happen before, great people have a massive conflict that brings them to their most powerful moment, but then is over, like their story has been told. Like a character in a book. The book ends does it not? It might end in a nice way, but none the less, that person's story is over and if they are not telling their story they might as well be dead. You might think that your story isn't over because your going to recreate the order, but then why didn't you teach people the way of the shadow before?" Kyro put the cards back in his sleeve but kept looking at his hand. "What you must ask yourself is 'Am i ready for my story to be over.'" Kyro looked up at the women. "After you get your revenge, after your quest is complete, you must answer that question. And at that moment, when you make that decision, I will be there." Kyro turned around and started walking away. "I can't force you to make a decision, I can only tell you what I've seen." Kyro continued walking. He needed one last thing from the bar. And then.....The guild.
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Location: Entrance to Astrid's Bar

The mob slowly crowded around Astrid. Shouts were made telling her to move. Many attempted to threaten her. Nonetheless, she stood resolute. Soon, one person out of the group before her. Astrid recognized him as one of the lead fighters during horde of the undead nine years ago. He spoke with a heavy voice.

"Bartender, show us where the undead is."

"There are none here"

"Let us kill the undead."
"I refuse. No one can fight in my bar." The man struck his sword into the ground.

"Bartender, do you protect the undead?"

"I protect my patrons."

"Bartender, it is honorable that you do such, but you will be considered an enemy of the city."

"I have the honors of the City Council of Bowerstone, granted to me for my deeds during the attack of the horde nine years ago." Suddenly one of the mob shouted, "She is under the undead's control!" Several more voices shouted in agreement. The man before her raised his arm, silencing the mobs.

"Bartender, you have been tricked."

"I do not smell the scent of death."

"Your sense has been destroyed by your craft."

"Then why do I smell the scent of gin given to cowards." Shouts were made from the crowd, claiming lies. Once again the man silenced the mob.

"Bartender, I am a man of reason. Prove to me that you speak the truth."

Astrid gritted her teeth. She didn't like doing this, but she is left with no choice. If she let them into the bar, they'll probably attack the lady in black because of the musicians. She flashed a look at a nearby bard. He began to play a tune.

Ha, She thought to herself, Forced by an ancient code to play a tune befitting one's rank. A sad thing, those who follow the rules before the wandering bards. She took half a step forward with her right foot. The mob moved back one step. She reached into her vest and pulled out her flask of ale. She raised it before her, causing the man before her to move back. With her outstretched arm, she tilted the flask, letting the ale pour out, but there wasn't a splashing sound. Instead, the ale split into two streams and circled around her, slowly rising and crossing around her. Her cloak began to glow and lift, as if caught in an updraft. "I declare before the forces that watch over this town, that I am of sound mind and of sound body. I declare the patrons of my bar under my protection. I declare that I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender of Bowerstone from Oakvale. Witness my emblem and dare show me my impurities." Suddenly all the ale rose far above her head to form her emblem in exact precision. It glittered in the air and casted beams of golden brown across the streets.

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The man before her let out a hearty laugh. "That's a pure emblem if I've ever seen one, the exact same as the one that hangs in city hall. Forgive me for doubting you, bartender." The man turned to face the mob. "She speaks the truth, let us move on and continue our hunt." The mob grumbled as the man picked up his sword and continued the slow march through the streets.

Astrid relaxed when the mob turned the corner. All the ale fell down. She was exhausted, using up her magic performing that trick. As she entered the bar, she muttered, "I am a chemist, not a mage." Looking up, she made her announcement. "Sorry about that, everything has been restored." She returned to behind her counter asking for the bunny eared man's help.

@Kisaki@Princess Ami
Jack Alistar

Location: Astrid's bar

"Everyone call down! Your giving me a bloody headache" Jack yelled to the crowd. The bunny prince wasn't used to such loud noises. His ears were sensitive and he could hear a mile away.

@Alteras @Princess Ami
Jack Alistar

Location: Astrid's bar

"Everyone call down! Your giving me a bloody headache" Jack yelled to the crowd. The bunny prince wasn't used to such loud noises. His ears were sensitive and he could hear a mile away.

@Alteras @Princess Ami

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid was drinking her stamina potion. Twice in one week, bad sign. She faced the bunny man and said, "They're gone now. So, how is my leak?"
"It's fixed. You won't have a leakage for years...well if properly manage it .." Jack replied. 

Located:Astrid's bar
"It's fixed. You won't have a leakage for years...well if properly manage it .." Jack replied. 

Located:Astrid's bar

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Thank you." She presented her right hand forward for a handshake. "I am Astrid Hathaway."
Location:Astrid's bar

"Jack..Jack Alistar." His cold hands reached for the hand shake. He hoped she wasn't bothered by his unaverage body tempature.  " I head out .I need to find a place to rest so I can start traveling again"

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Thank you." She presented her right hand forward for a handshake. "I am Astrid Hathaway."
Location:Astrid's bar

"Jack..Jack Alistar." His cold hands reached for the hand shake. He hoped she wasn't bothered by his unaverage body tempature.  " I head out .I need to find a place to rest so I can start traveling again"

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Of course. Good luck." Astrid said as he began to pick up his stuff and walk out. Frosty hands. An Ice user?
Fiducia laid her hand on the girls shoulder. Edilyn could feel a refreshing energy flow through her, blowing away her exhaustion. Fiducia then took a seat besides her. "Well, this should have helped.", she said, smiling friendly. Then, she laughed a bit. "Your a little shy, no? You dont need to be, you can trust me. I am the herald of Hope, i will never mean any harm." Fiducia then tilted her head. "I will ask Mephisto to keep you around me until i feel good enough to leave ahaom. I will need someone to show me around and such. For now, i will take a bath. Are this bathtubs or actual rooms to bathe in?"

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black

The second Fiducia touched her on the shoulder it was like magic. (Well, it was magic, but that's besides the point.) A warm, pleasant feeling coursed through Edilyn, like getting into a nice and hot bath after three days of traveling, filling her with a spike of renewed energy. The exhaustion faded away into nothingness. "Thank you." Edilyn breathed, smiling. "I really appreciate it." After Fiducia laughed, she scratched the back of her head. "I'm not shy. Just a little cautious is all, even though I could tell as soon as you spoke that you meant no harm." Running a hand through her silver locks, Edilyn nodded at the other girl's...suggestion. If you could call it that. Although Edilyn felt a little put off that she wouldn't be able to go with the others to stop the bandits, there would always be another time to participate in the guild. "Sure." She said kindly. "I would be happy to help as long as the Guildmaster allows it.." She pointed towards a closed door to the right. "There's a bathroom and everything you might need in there." Edilyn paused, before continuing. "I tell you what, I sure was surprised that each room had a bath when I first got here. During my travels, it was a luxury to get a nice bath all to yourself." 
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Fiducia laid her hand on the girls shoulder. Edilyn could feel a refreshing energy flow through her, blowing away her exhaustion. Fiducia then took a seat besides her. "Well, this should have helped.", she said, smiling friendly. Then, she laughed a bit. "Your a little shy, no? You dont need to be, you can trust me. I am the herald of Hope, i will never mean any harm." Fiducia then tilted her head. "I will ask Mephisto to keep you around me until i feel good enough to leave ahaom. I will need someone to show me around and such. For now, i will take a bath. Are this bathtubs or actual rooms to bathe in?"

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black

The second Fiducia touched her on the shoulder it was like magic. (Well, it was magic, but that's besides the point.) A warm, pleasant feeling coursed through Edilyn, like getting into a nice and hot bath after three days of traveling, filling her with a spike of renewed energy. The exhaustion faded away into nothingness. "Thank you." Edilyn breathed, smiling. "I really appreciate it." After Fiducia laughed, she scratched the back of her head. "I'm not shy. Just a little cautious is all, even though I could tell as soon as you spoke that you meant no harm." Running a hand through her silver locks, Edilyn nodded at the other girl's...suggestion. If you could call it that. Although Edilyn felt a little put off that she wouldn't be able to go with the others to stop the bandits, there would always be another time to participate in the guild. "Sure." She said kindly. "I would be happy to help as long as the Guildmaster allows it.." She pointed towards a closed door to the right. "There's a bathroom and everything you might need in there." Edilyn paused, before continuing. "I tell you what, I sure was surprised that each room had a bath when I first got here. During my travels, it was a luxury to get a nice bath all to yourself." 
Location: Astrid's Bar

"Of course. Good luck." Astrid said as he began to pick up his stuff and walk out. Frosty hands. An Ice user?

Locaton:Astrid's bar.-Outside

"Thanks" he turned around and walked out the front door. He leaned against the brick wall and relaxed his head. "Where should I go...I don't even know if theres a hotel here."he mummbled.

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