Main IC RP

Location: Fort Black

Kyro had made it to Fort Black. He wasn't sure if Mephisto was there but either way was fine. He walked up to the gate and stepped through his shadow to get through the door. He continued to walk toward the center part of the fort. He found a man standing in front of a large door. Probably a guard. He walked up to the guard and said "Ummmm excuse me, can you take me to Mephisto please?" "Who are you?" asked the guard. "I am someone who must speak with Mephisto about the guild." The guard looked at Kyro for a moment and decided it was fine. Mephisto was strong enough to defend himself. The guard took him inside a central room. "Wait here." said the guard, and he walked into another room. @Birdsie

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto looked back at the guard and asked. "Hello, what can I do for you?" and turned around to face him, whilst sitting on his chair. Mephisto noticed Kyro behind the door. He put his hands on the desk and stared, with a happy face, as to look more friendly. His voice was rather loud. He wasn't talking to the guard, but rather to Kyro. "Come in, come in. I have tea and cookies." he exclaimed afterwards, with an inviting gesture and ecstatic smile, full of joy. How wonderful it was to meet new people, and as Mephisto assumed Kyro wished to join the Guild. Just an optimistic assumption, but still.
Belrek looked up, and then quickly looked back down. He wasn't very good in social situations. "I'm not sure, what do you have, and how much does it cost?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked back to her counter and the rack behind. "Beer is 15 coins, Water is one, Milk is 6 coins. Potions are 15-20 depending on quality. Angel's Chalice is a fortune though, so don't try." She looked back at him. "Hmm, how about this. Come sit at the counter and watch me make you a drink." She said with a pleasant smile. The undead and angry mob might've wiped me out, as well as the six potions of pyrotonic, but I can keep going with the last of my stamina potion.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid looked back to her counter and the rack behind. "Beer is 15 coins, Water is one, Milk is 6 coins. Potions are 15-20 depending on quality. Angel's Chalice is a fortune though, so don't try." She looked back at him. "Hmm, how about this. Come sit at the counter and watch me make you a drink." She said with a pleasant smile. The undead and angry mob might've wiped me out, as well as the six potions of pyrotonic, but I can keep going with the last of my stamina potion.

"Okay, and I'll just have a beer" Belrek said as he got up from his seat and walked over to the counter and sat down. He reached into his bag and grabbed 15 coins and placed them on the counter in front of him.
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto looked back at the guard and asked. "Hello, what can I do for you?" and turned around to face him, whilst sitting on his chair. Mephisto noticed Kyro behind the door. He put his hands on the desk and stared, with a happy face, as to look more friendly. His voice was rather loud. He wasn't talking to the guard, but rather to Kyro. "Come in, come in. I have tea and cookies." he exclaimed afterwards, with an inviting gesture and ecstatic smile, full of joy. How wonderful it was to meet new people, and as Mephisto assumed Kyro wished to join the Guild. Just an optimistic assumption, but still.

Location: Fort Black

Kyro looked over to the person who had just yelled a crossed the room. He was what looked like a wood elf. Kyro was interested, of all the magic he wasn't very knowledgeable in demons. He walked over to the person who he assumed to be Mephisto. "ummm, Hello?" He said in a rather shy voice. "Are you Mephisto? I would like to join the guild. I am fairly skilled in battle and I can show you my abilities if you would like?" Kyro smiled
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"Okay, and I'll just have a beer" Belrek said as he got up from his seat and walked over to the counter and sat down. He reached into his bag and grabbed 15 coins and placed them on the counter in front of him.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid grabbed her mug and started pouring out some beer into it. A nice froth came out but didn't spill out. "Here you go, one beer." She picked up the coins and cleaned off the counter. "So, what brings you to this part of town?"
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid grabbed her mug and started pouring out some beer into it. A nice froth came out but didn't spill out. "Here you go, one beer." She picked up the coins and cleaned off the counter. "So, what brings you to this part of town?"

Belrek looked at her cautiously. He didn't want to give away any information so he did what he usually does and bent the truth. "I have been traveling for a while and this place felt a bit different so I decided to stay for awhile. Don't know for how long."
Fiducia smiled at the girl. She appreciated that she was willing to stay with her. Also, she had very little contact to humans usually. She tilted her head with a friendly smile. "I have never used the mortal showers, only those in the world of the gods... Would you mind showing me?" She giggled a little bit, then she added. "You could just join me. Not that you have to, you just seem to be in need for the relaxation."

(sorry could not do more, have to go to bed now...)

@Aura Of Twilight
Belrek looked at her cautiously. He didn't want to give away any information so he did what he usually does and bent the truth. "I have been traveling for a while and this place felt a bit different so I decided to stay for awhile. Don't know for how long."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid placed her towel down. "Well, welcome to the capital. If you ever need help, the guild protects the city. Their fort is only an hours north from here. I am Astrid Hathaway by the way."
Location: Fort Black

Kyro looked over to the person who had just yelled a crossed the room. He was what looked like a wood elf. Kyro was interested, of all the magic he wasn't very knowledgeable in demons. He walked over to the person who he assumed to be Mephisto. "ummm, Hello?" He said in a rather shy voice. "Are you Mephisto? I would like to join the guild. I am fairly skilled in battle and I can show you my abilities if you would like?" Kyro smiled

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto clapped his hands together, once again saying. "Hello! Yes, it is I, Mephisto Pheles~!" jumping upwards into the air, performing a somersault and somehow landing on his chair, in an epic pose. He held his umbrella out in his right hand for extra effect. The execution was rather good, consdering that Mephisto definitely wasn't expected to peform acrobatic moves. Mephisto heard his proposal and crouched, still on the chair, with his legs on it. He thought, staring at Kyro. "Hmmm?... Of course. Let me show you to your room!" and suddenly turned ecstatic once again. He put his hands down at his desk, performing a handspring and landing back on his legs on the other side, just next to Kyro. Mephisto led him to the living quarters, and opened up the door to a normal guild member's room.

The room looked fairly average, but definitely above average for what you'd expect from a place like this. There was a desk next to a chair, a comfortable bed with pillows and cushions, several books on a wooden bookshelf, a cupboard, and a few other pieces of furniture. There was another room that led to a very small, albeit good-looking bathroom. "Now, get yourself accomodated and come down to the courtyard when you're ready to be tested!" Mephisto tipped his hat to Kyro and counted to three in germanic. "Eins, Zwei, Drei!" and then, suddenly smoke bursted out from the hat, into Kyro's face. The smoke reeked of candy and sugary substances, extensively obscuring the vision of anyone that had it in front of them. After the smoke fell down, Mephisto wasn't there anymore, as he had teleported. He was in the courtyard and could be seen waving, through the window.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid placed her towel down. "Well, welcome to the capital. If you ever need help, the guild protects the city. Their fort is only an hours north from here. I am Astrid Hathaway by the way."

Belrek nodded as he took a sip of his beer. He only had beer a few times in his life and each time it tasted different, but this was the best that he had ever tasted.
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto clapped his hands together, once again saying. "Hello! Yes, it is I, Mephisto Pheles~!" jumping upwards into the air, performing a somersault and somehow landing on his chair, in an epic pose. He held his umbrella out in his right hand for extra effect. The execution was rather good, consdering that Mephisto definitely wasn't expected to peform acrobatic moves. Mephisto heard his proposal and crouched, still on the chair, with his legs on it. He thought, staring at Kyro. "Hmmm?... Of course. Let me show you to your room!" and suddenly turned ecstatic once again. He put his hands down at his desk, performing a handspring and landing back on his legs on the other side, just next to Kyro. Mephisto led him to the living quarters, and opened up the door to a normal guild member's room.

The room looked fairly average, but definitely above average for what you'd expect from a place like this. There was a desk next to a chair, a comfortable bed with pillows and cushions, several books on a wooden bookshelf, a cupboard, and a few other pieces of furniture. There was another room that led to a very small, albeit good-looking bathroom. "Now, get yourself accomodated and come down to the courtyard when you're ready to be tested!" Mephisto tipped his hat to Kyro and counted to three in germanic. "Eins, Zwei, Drei!" and then, suddenly smoke bursted out from the hat, into Kyro's face. The smoke reeked of candy and sugary substances, extensively obscuring the vision of anyone that had it in front of them. After the smoke fell down, Mephisto wasn't there anymore, as he had teleported. He was in the courtyard and could be seen waving, through the window.

Location: Fort Black

Kyro simply stood there. His eyes wide open. He wasn't really sure what just happened or where he was. He was pretty sure he was trying to become a guild member. He just sat down for a second trying to take everything in. "Whaaa........." He had learned SO much about fighting demons and how they reacted. Though he didn't know much about demonic magic. He was not in ANY way expecting the what just happened. He honestly didn't know how to react. "He...ha....haha." Kyro smiled a great smile. He enjoyed this person which he could not predict and enjoyed what he had to offer. Kyro's expression went back to his nicer smile. He didn't want Mephisto to think he was evil, but he need to be more careful to make sure Mephisto didn't catch him off guard.

He stood back up and looked at the room. "Not to bad, I've lived it worse." He walked out still looking inside the room. 'Why give me the room if your just going to test me, what if i fail?' A second after than thought he cleared his mind. He wouldn't fail. He walked though what was almost a labyrinth to get to the court yard. Seriously that was almost a test in itself, this place is pretty big. He make it to Mephisto, and stood in front of him. "I am ready...." He said with confidence. "What must i do?" he asked.
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Kyro simply stood there. His eyes wide open. He wasn't really sure what just happened or where he was. He was pretty sure he was trying to become a guild member. He just sat down for a second trying to take everything in. "Whaaa........." He had learned SO much about fighting demons and how they reacted. Though he didn't know much about demonic magic. He was not in ANY way expecting the what just happened. He honestly didn't know how to react. "He...ha....haha." Kyro smiled a great smile. He enjoyed this person which he could not predict and enjoyed what he had to offer. Kyro's expression went back to his nicer smile. He didn't want Mephisto to think he was evil, but he need to be more careful to make sure Mephisto didn't catch him off guard.

He stood back up and looked at the room. "Not to bad, I've lived it worse." He walked out still looking inside the room. 'Why give me the room if your just going to test me, what if i fail?' A second after than thought he cleared his mind. He wouldn't fail. He walked though what was almost a labyrinth to get to the court yard. Seriously that was almost a test in itself, this place is pretty big. He make it to Mephisto, and stood in front of him. "I am ready...." He said with confidence. "What must i do?" he asked.

Mephisto demanded. "Try to fight me. Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I just want to see if you can land a single hit. If you do then we'll skip the initiation process and make you into an apprentice." and stood in front of Kyro. He dropped his umbrella-saber-staff to the ground and stood in a relaxed pose, stretching. Mephisto stared at Kyro afterwards, and smiled briefly then asking. "Ready?" and changing into an unarmed combat stance. He was going to take Kyro on without weapons, fists only. Why? Well. One thing you can always predict Mephisto will do: It's that he's going to do something unpredictable.
Fiducia smiled at the girl. She appreciated that she was willing to stay with her. Also, she had very little contact to humans usually. She tilted her head with a friendly smile. "I have never used the mortal showers, only those in the world of the gods... Would you mind showing me?" She giggled a little bit, then she added. "You could just join me. Not that you have to, you just seem to be in need for the relaxation."

(sorry could not do more, have to go to bed now...)

@Aura Of Twilight

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Residential room

A light blush dusted her cheeks. "N-no thank you." Edilyn said cheerfully with a slightly forced smile. "I'll gladly show you how to use the shower though." Gesturing to the bathroom she walked in. The bathroom was simple and homey. Dark wood covered the walls and the floor was made out of marble. There was a rather ornate mirror over the small sink, and below it was a cupboard. In the right corner of the room was the shower, surprisingly big for a being in a place like this. A metal bar sat next to it in the wall, hanging from which were three white towels. Instructing Fiducia on how to use the shower and answering any questions the other girl might have asked , Edilyn then said, "Well there you go! I'll leave you alone for a little bit so you can freshen up, but I'll be back soon.Promise." With that, the silver haired girl shut the door behind her and walked out to the main hallway, humming the rest of the heralds song under her breath. "Be prepared ye folks for the beginning and the end..."
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Mephisto demanded. "Try to fight me. Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I just want to see if you can land a single hit. If you do then we'll skip the initiation process and make you into an apprentice." and stood in front of Kyro. He dropped his umbrella-saber-staff to the ground and stood in a relaxed pose, stretching. Mephisto stared at Kyro afterwards, and smiled briefly then asking. "Ready?" and changing into an unarmed combat stance. He was going to take Kyro on without weapons, fists only. Why? Well. One thing you can always predict Mephisto will do: It's that he's going to do something unpredictable.

Location: Fort Black

Kyro let out a deep breath. "Not going to fight with weapons huh?" The way he was right now he probably couldn't hit Mephisto. Truth was Kyro wasn't going to use his cards at all. He would probably be forced to use shadow step.....but he needed to lay low. Kyro bowed to his opponent, truly knowing that he would probably make a fool of the Scripts name. But wait he didn't care. "I hope I can offer something." Kyro pulled out both his swords, but didn't light them on fire. He looked around the court. There were clearly defined shadow by the trees and place's he could jump to. Hopefully he didn't need to. Kyro lifted his sword in the air with levitation. "This is my ability." Kyro jumped back and flung both swords at Mephisto as fast as he could. He knew this won't work but you have to start somewhere I guess.
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Location: Fort Black

Kyro let out a deep breath. "Not going to fight with weapons huh?" The way he was right now he probably couldn't hit Mephisto. Truth was Kyro wasn't going to use his cards at all. He would probably be forced to use shadow step.....but he need to lay low. Kyro bowed to his opponent, truly knowing that he would probably make a full of the Scripts name. But wait he didn't care. "I hope I can offer something." Kyro pulled out both his swords, but didn't light them on fire. He looked around the court. There were clearly defined shadow by the trees and place's he could jump to. Hopefully he didn't need to. Kyro lifted his sword in the air with levitation. "This is my ability." Kyro jumped back and flung both swords at Mephisto as fast as he could. He knew this won't work but you have to start somewhere I guess.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto casted some spell, it looked rather suspicious as he glowed with a bright light. Only the most skilled of mages could feel the sensation of power coming from it, but the spell seemed to be channeling. The swords flew towards Mephisto, who stood his ground and got hit by them. They pierced through his chest and their blades got stuck in him. Mephisto looked down. "Oh my, you've managed to hit me~!" he proclaimed, clearly in surprise. Mephisto's eyes widened out, as if he didn't expect this. "Wow. You're better than I thought. I underestimated you so badly that I didn't even care about what you'd do. Look at this. They pierced through!" he added, poking the hilt of one of the swords and smiling. Then he laughed, and smiled at Kyro. You could hear two voices at once. One of them was Mephisto, and the other one was identical to Mephisto, however it came from behind Kyro. "By the way. Behind you..." and then Mephisto faded away, as if he was a ghost... It was an illusion! The real Mephisto used an invisibility spell and a copy of himself at the same time. A quick, roundhouse kick was aimed towards the back of Kyro's head, by the real Mephisto who just turned visible.
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto casted some spell, it looked rather suspicious as he glowed with a bright light. Only the most skilled of mages could feel the sensation of power coming from it, but the spell seemed to be channeling. The swords flew towards Mephisto, who stood his ground and got hit by them. They pierced through his chest and their blades got stuck in him. Mephisto looked down. "Oh my, you've managed to hit me~!" he proclaimed, clearly in surprise. Mephisto's eyes widened out, as if he didn't expect this. "Wow. You're better than I thought. I underestimated you so badly that I didn't even care about what you'd do. Look at this. They pierced through!" he added, poking the hilt of one of the swords and smiling. Then he laughed, and smiled at Kyro. You could hear two voices at once. One of them was Mephisto, and the other one was identical to Mephisto, however it came from behind Kyro. "By the way. Behind you..." and then Mephisto faded away, as if he was a ghost... It was an illusion! The real Mephisto used an invisibility spell and a copy of himself at the same time. A quick, roundhouse kick was aimed towards the back of Kyro's head, by the real Mephisto who just turned visible.

Location: Fort Black

Kyro laid on the ground from being roundhouse kicked. He had half expected that and half thought in was funny. "Haha, Ok then lets try this again." Kyro really didn't like not having his cards, he could totally make the cards float in the air and see if Mephisto pasted them, but he had to resist the urge. Kyro for once in his life didn't have a solution. He wasn't sure. He would have to try different things. He stood up and walked over to the try, well it was more of a run. In his eyes 2 things were different this time 1. he was expecting it. and 2. Kyro used his powers to tear the tree in half. The tree wasn't the same as his cards, he couldn't focus on 540 of them but..... The tree formed into thick, sharp sticks around him, he flung the sharp stick at the now presumed Mephisto. This time however Kyro kept swords floating right next to him. And he tried his hardest to pay attention to what he heard and if he felt a punch/kick.
Location: Fort Black

Kyro laid on the ground from being roundhouse kicked. He had half expected that and half thought in was funny. "Haha, Ok then lets try this again." Kyro really didn't like not having his cards, he could totally make the cards float in the air and see if Mephisto pasted them, but he had to resist the urge. Kyro for once in his life didn't have a solution. He wasn't sure. He would have to try different things. He stood up and walked over to the try, well it was more of a run. In his eyes 2 things were different this time 1. he was expecting it. and 2. Kyro used his powers to tear the tree in half. The tree wasn't the same as his cards, he couldn't focus on 540 of them but..... The tree formed into thick, sharp sticks around him, he flung the sharp stick at the now presumed Mephisto. This time however Kyro kept swords floating right next to him. And he tried his hardest to pay attention to what he heard and if he felt a punch/kick.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto noticed the sharp, pointy spear-like pieces of wood flying towards him. He used Reverse Gravity to make himself fly up into the air, above the sticks, dodging all of them by quickly flying into the skies. He stopped casting the spell and fell back to the ground. Mephisto proclaimed. "Well. Now it's my turn. Try to keep up." and used the spell of Permament Image 6  times, spawning 6 illusionary clones next to himself. While so far Kyro didn't pose that much of a real threat, you could tell that Mephisto was genuinely enjoying the spar. Then all of the Mephistos in unison said. "Can you keep up?" and formed into a simple line, then started performing continuous sidesteps. They were mixing, like in the popular Shell Game, with 3 cups and a ball, where a person tries to shuffle them to confuse the other player, then the other player has to pick the right cup, except there were 7 Mephistos, only one was real. After they mixed, they formed a circle around Kyro and all ran towards him at once, at the same, exact time, jumping into the air in unison and trying to deliver a bo-duke-en kick at Kyro. Only one of them was the real one that could do any harm, the rest were illusions.
Location: Fort Black

Mephisto noticed the sharp, pointy spear-like pieces of wood flying towards him. He used Reverse Gravity to make himself fly up into the air, above the sticks, dodging all of them by quickly flying into the skies. He stopped casting the spell and fell back to the ground. Mephisto proclaimed. "Well. Now it's my turn. Try to keep up." and used the spell of Permament Image 6  times, spawning 6 illusionary clones next to himself. While so far Kyro didn't pose that much of a real threat, you could tell that Mephisto was genuinely enjoying the spar. Then all of the Mephistos in unison said. "Can you keep up?" and formed into a simple line, then started performing continuous sidesteps. They were mixing, like in the popular Shell Game, with 3 cups and a ball, where a person tries to shuffle them to confuse the other player, then the other player has to pick the right cup, except there were 7 Mephistos, only one was real. After they mixed, they formed a circle around Kyro and all ran towards him at once, at the same, exact time, jumping into the air in unison and trying to deliver a bo-duke-en kick at Kyro. Only one of them was the real one that could do any harm, the rest were illusions.

Location: Fort Black

Kyro still had his spinning blades around him. He lifted the 4 spears of wood into the air. Mephisto wasn't trying to kill him, and though it would help Kyro if Mephisto was dead, Kyro wouldn't be able to kill him. So Kyro would simply take the hit, its just a kick anyway. Which ever Mephisto's hit him would get 2 swords in the front and 4 spears in the back. That leave's 1 Mephisto left, will he be lucky? Well Kyro will just stab that last Mephisto as fast as he could.  He waited to see which one was real.
Location: Fort Black

Kyro still had his spinning blades around him. He lifted the 4 spears of wood into the air. Mephisto wasn't trying to kill him, and though it would help Kyro if Mephisto was dead, Kyro wouldn't be able to kill him. So Kyro would simply take the hit, its just a kick anyway. Which ever Mephisto's hit him would get 2 swords in the front and 4 spears in the back. That leave's 1 Mephisto left, will he be lucky? Well Kyro will just stab that last Mephisto as fast as he could.  He waited to see which one was real.

Location: Fort Black

The real Mephisto was about to be stabbed with a sword, however before that happened he managed to turn into a stone statue to avoid the harm, technically not getting hit as at the same time he teleported a bit to the side. The sword hit into the Stone Mephisto, stabbing through the space in between the statue's eyes. Mephisto took support on his stone copy and said. "This guy's having a bad day." as the said statue turned into dust. "Anyway. You've proven yourself enough. You don't need to be an initiate. You can start out as an apprentice." and smiled once again. It was his favourite type of smile, more of a grin, actually. One that went from ear to ear.
Location: Fort Black

Belrek saw Fort Black in his sights and continued to ride towards it. Once he got there he walked in, wondering if he was able to train or do something that involved training. Belrek didn't like just sitting around so the training kept him active.
Location: Fort Black

The real Mephisto was about to be stabbed with a sword, however before that happened he managed to turn into a stone statue to avoid the harm, technically not getting hit as at the same time he teleported a bit to the side. The sword hit into the Stone Mephisto, stabbing through the space in between the statue's eyes. Mephisto took support on his stone copy and said. "This guy's having a bad day." as the said statue turned into dust. "Anyway. You've proven yourself enough. You don't need to be an initiate. You can start out as an apprentice." and smiled once again. It was his favourite type of smile, more of a grin, actually. One that went from ear to ear.

Location: Fort Black

Kyro bowed again. "I'm sorry if i seemed aggressive, I had fun." Kyro smiled back. It was true he had fun and it was a genuine smile." I hope one day i can fight you and be more powerful." Kyro said but he was thinking 'I hope i can use full power.' "So what do I do now? Should i just wait and go back to my room? I guess?" Kyro didn't know much about this place.
Location: Fort Black

Kyro bowed again. "I'm sorry if i seemed aggressive, I had fun." Kyro smiled back. It was true he had fun and it was a genuine smile." I hope one day i can fight you and be more powerful." Kyro said but he was thinking 'I hope i can use full power.' "So what do I do now? Should i just wait and go back to my room? I guess?" Kyro didn't know much about this place.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto nodded and said. "Correct. You will be assigned a Master, and once you are deemed loyal to the Guild, and ready to become a Warrior, you will be promoted!" and smiled. Then Mephisto bowed to Kyro and said. "I've enjoyed the fight. Ask anyone for directions." and performed his classical dissapearing stunt. He put his hat on the ground, then counted to three. "Einz, Zwei, Drei!" and on three, he jumped into his hat, dissapearing in it as if it was a portal, but he found himself back in his office. Upon examining the hat closer, it was just a normal, white, decorative tophat with no magical essence whatosever.
Location: Fort Black

"Wow, that guys crazy." He looked around before walking back to his room. He would probably be called in the morning. Which means for now it's fun time. Kyro found the nearest shadow and started teleporting around the building and the fort. Make extra sure no one saw him. Eventually he came a crossed a good symbol. It was a shield with the symbol of the guild clearly on the front. He would have rather had a uniform but this will do. He stepped into his shadow and walked out with the shield at the front gate where he left his horse. "Lets go boy, back to Bowerstone." As he was riding back to Bowerstone, when he looked back at the fort 1 more time and couldn't help think. 'He stopped that dual early, I wonder if i was too obvious.' Kyro needed to go to the royal palace. (I'm going to wait till midnight to get there just because FUN.) 
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