Main IC RP

 The shockwave from the ground almost knocked Baragar down, instinctively, the massive armored creature got on all fours and maintained his balance.  The stance made him harder to hit, causing 2 of the shards to miss.  One of the shards struck Baragar's shoulder plate... to very little effect.  The creature broke off the frost from phis shoulder plate as quickly as possible before blocking the axe with his forearm.  The axe dented the metal but the flesh underneath proved to be much, much harder than the armor above it.  

Baragar unfurled his rope from his other shoulder let it loose on the floor.  With beastly speeds, he swung the massive, heavy rope with his free arm... He used the rope as a whip to knock back his attacker.  The massive rope is quite heavy and takes the strength of a monster to lift.  Getting struck by it at this distance can prove fatal to some opponents.

"You are swift, bandit..."  The metallic voice spoke.  "But I'm naturally stronger... Give up now and save yourself the trouble!"  The rope struck the ground causing an even greater shockwave than the axe.  The impact was so great in fact that some rocks broke in half.


Location: Dark Forest

Woguran had been just barely been hit on the side by the rope. "AHHHH!" He screamed. The pain had woken him up and started pumping adrenaline. He began to realize this was going to be about who can bash the other harder with the bigger weapon. Baragar's weapon hitting the ground almost knocked him off his feet but he was able to gain balance and smash his axe into the ground directly in front of him. The shock wave was more focused this time directly as Baragar. It broke piece of the ground and it sent shards of rocks toward Baragar. In this small window Woguran switch to his sword. He could feel the pain of the wound, But it only made him want to fight harder.

Cooldown: Earth

BloodKnife: 3/15

Location: Dark Forest

Woguran had been just barely been hit on the side by the rope. "AHHHH!" He screamed. The pain had woken him up and started pumping adrenaline. He began to realize this was going to be about who can bash the other harder with the bigger weapon. Baragar's weapon hitting the ground almost knocked him off his feet but he was able to gain balance and smash his axe into the ground directly in front of him. The shock wave was more focused this time directly as Baragar. It broke piece of the ground and it sent shards of rocks toward Baragar. In this small window Woguran switch to his sword. He could feel the pain of the wound, But it only made him want to fight harder.

Cooldown: Earth

BloodKnife: 3/15

Baragar's opponent caused another massive shockwave... this time more focused and aimed right at Baragar.  Although the last shockwave was very effective last time, the same trick will not work twice.  Baragar's body reacted instinctively to the shockwave as he stabilized his weight with a low stance.  The earthshaking attack barely made Baragar's sturdy body budge.  The pebbles were then shot right at Baragar... the beast simply stood there and let the armor deflect most of the small shards.  With the larger shards, he simply swung his arms to deflect the rocks from his more vital parts.  Baragar barely moved at all... a lot of energy was saved.  Vapor emerged in front of his helmet, showing that Baragar's breathing was quite slow.  

"You are fierce... I'll give you that!" Baragar roared.  "It saddens me that you use your skills to oppress the weak... instead of helping others.  You could have had a lot of potential,"  Baragar said as he stabilized his stance.  He waited for Woguran's next attack... keeping on the defensive, hoping to wear the bandit leader down.

Location: Fort black

Larei had been walking around for quite sometime now after enjoying the nature back at Bowerstone. He had headed north to the fort. Somehow he had walked into the fort and the main hall without getting noticed. "Man I'm unlucky, where am I?" He walked through the main hall to see a girl. 'Someone is better than no one i guess.' He thought. "Ummm excuse me, I'm kind......lost. Where are we?" He asked the girl. (I hope this works, if not just roll with it?)

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main hall

"Don't you see young children? Here comes the test, the test of time. The heralds, the heralds shall come. Come see the beginning and the end..." Edilyn continued to sing the song from her childhood, losing herself in the memories of her brother's voice following her along. Some of the words she had forgotten, so she began to hum the melody instead. She found herself back in the past, when she was a mere little girl. She could see her brother's tired smile, that familiar all-knowing twinkle in his deep brown eyes as he sang. She could feel his arm rubbing against her tiny shoulder, a constant reminder that he was there and nowhere else. That he was always there. That-

The sudden sound of a voice brought her out of her reverie, bringing unbidden tears to her eyes. "Ummm excuse me, I'm kinda...lost." A man's voice muttered. "Where are we?" Blinking the tears away, Edilyn focused her attention on the stranger in front of her. He looked quite young, maybe about her age, but there was something about him that told her he was much older. His white hair hung in front of his pale red eyes, a few shades lighter than his rather pale skin. He wore what looked like a jacket, underneath of which was a crisp white shirt and black tie. Edilyn cocked her head to the side. How could he not know where he was? This place was famous after all. And more importantly, how had he gotten past the guards not knowing that fact? "'re in the guild." The silver haired girl said slowly. "William's guild at Fort Black. We take on various jobs to help those in need across the land, or at least that's what's said." She smiled." I'm only an apprentice, so I haven't really gotten to experience much of that. Name's Edilyn. It's...a pleasure to meet you." 
Baragar's opponent caused another massive shockwave... this time more focused and aimed right at Baragar.  Although the last shockwave was very effective last time, the same trick will not work twice.  Baragar's body reacted instinctively to the shockwave as he stabilized his weight with a low stance.  The earthshaking attack barely made Baragar's sturdy body budge.  The pebbles were then shot right at Baragar... the beast simply stood there and let the armor deflect most of the small shards.  With the larger shards, he simply swung his arms to deflect the rocks from his more vital parts.  Baragar barely moved at all... a lot of energy was saved.  Vapor emerged in front of his helmet, showing that Baragar's breathing was quite slow.  

"You are fierce... I'll give you that!" Baragar roared.  "It saddens me that you use your skills to oppress the weak... instead of helping others.  You could have had a lot of potential,"  Baragar said as he stabilized his stance.  He waited for Woguran's next attack... keeping on the defensive, hoping to wear the bandit leader down.


Location: Dark Forest

"Stranger, you don't know my life. You do not know my past, and even if i told you, you have not lived it. You did not watch as every drop of blood fall. You do not understand the pain i felt. What gives you the right you judge me? You fight for a cause that you believe to be justified, but i believe my cause is justified." Woguran spun his sword and created fire at the tip. The result created and tornado of fire that spanned from his spinning sword to Baragar. The massive amount of wind that would normally throw someone flying would do far less, but it would catch him on fire. Woguran prepared to switch to his axe. (I know what your going to say but Woguran has to figure it out on his own so......)

Cooldown: Fire, Wind

Bloodknife: 5/15

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main hall

"Don't you see young children? Here comes the test, the test of time. The heralds, the heralds shall come. Come see the beginning and the end..." Edilyn continued to sing the song from her childhood, losing herself in the memories of her brother's voice following her along. Some of the words she had forgotten, so she began to hum the melody instead. She found herself back in the past, when she was a mere little girl. She could see her brother's tired smile, that familiar all-knowing twinkle in his deep brown eyes as he sang. She could feel his arm rubbing against her tiny shoulder, a constant reminder that he was there and nowhere else. That he was always there. That-

The sudden sound of a voice brought her out of her reverie, bringing unbidden tears to her eyes. "Ummm excuse me, I'm kinda...lost." A man's voice muttered. "Where are we?" Blinking the tears away, Edilyn focused her attention on the stranger in front of her. He looked quite young, maybe about her age, but there was something about him that told her he was much older. His white hair hung in front of his pale red eyes, a few shades lighter than his rather pale skin. He wore what looked like a jacket, underneath of which was a crisp white shirt and black tie. Edilyn cocked her head to the side. How could he not know where he was? This place was famous after all. And more importantly, how had he gotten past the guards not knowing that fact? "'re in the guild." The silver haired girl said slowly. "William's guild at Fort Black. We take on various jobs to help those in need across the land, or at least that's what's said." She smiled." I'm only an apprentice, so I haven't really gotten to experience much of that. Name's Edilyn. It's...a pleasure to meet you." 


Location: Fort Black

"Huh? I ended up here?" Larei looked around. He knew the place but had never been there, so it was a bit of a surprise to end up here. He turned to look at the person who he hadn't introduced himself to. "Oh, sorry I'm being rude. My name is Larei. Pleasure to meet you. I have heard of this place but i haven't ever been here. What about you?" Larei noticed that the girl seemed somewhat down. "Why are you here?" Larei had asked the question so she could take it many different ways, and he would let her decide.

Location: Dark Forest

"Stranger, you don't know my life. You do not know my past, and even if i told you, you have not lived it. You did not watch as every drop of blood fall. You do not understand the pain i felt. What gives you the right you judge me? You fight for a cause that you believe to be justified, but i believe my cause is justified." Woguran spun his sword and created fire at the tip. The result created and tornado of fire that spanned from his spinning sword to Baragar. The massive amount of wind that would normally throw someone flying would do far less, but it would catch him on fire. Woguran prepared to switch to his axe. (I know what your going to say but Woguran has to figure it out on his own so......)

Cooldown: Fire, Wind

Bloodknife: 5/15


Location: Fort Black

"Huh? I ended up here?" Larei looked around. He knew the place but had never been there, so it was a bit of a surprise to end up here. He turned to look at the person who he hadn't introduced himself to. "Oh, sorry I'm being rude. My name is Larei. Pleasure to meet you. I have heard of this place but i haven't ever been here. What about you?" Larei noticed that the girl seemed somewhat down. "Why are you here?" Larei had asked the question so she could take it many different ways, and he would let her decide.


Location: Dark Forest

The hot air warmed Baragar's bloodstream.  His muscles twitched with new energy as his metabolism sped up.  The flames turned Baragar's armor bright orange, the hot metal however doesn't seem to bother Baragar's flesh within, in fact... it seems to be quite soothing to the creature.  Baragar let the flames consume him for a few moments before swinging both of his arms back in a powerful, explosive motion... breaking the wind and flames.

"I apologize if I assumed too much..."  Baragar spoke as his armor glew white with burning heat.  "In any case, I owe my Guild a lot... If you don't surrender, I will just capture you by force..."  Feeling great energy within his muscles, the creature suddenly disappeared.

The massive beast then appeared right in front of Woguran, Aiming it's steel fist at his shoulder.  "Thank you for the warmth... let me repay you..."  Baragar's armor is still white hot... just being near it would cause an un-armored opponent 3rd degree burns.

Location: Dark Forest

The hot air warmed Baragar's bloodstream.  His muscles twitched with new energy as his metabolism sped up.  The flames turned Baragar's armor bright orange, the hot metal however doesn't seem to bother Baragar's flesh within, in fact... it seems to be quite soothing to the creature.  Baragar let the flames consume him for a few moments before swinging both of his arms back in a powerful, explosive motion... breaking the wind and flames.

"I apologize if I assumed too much..."  Baragar spoke as his armor glew white with burning heat.  "In any case, I owe my Guild a lot... If you don't surrender, I will just capture you by force..."  Feeling great energy within his muscles, the creature suddenly disappeared.

The massive beast then appeared right in front of Woguran, Aiming it's steel fist at his shoulder.  "Thank you for the warmth... let me repay you..."  Baragar's armor is still white hot... just being near it would cause an un-armored opponent 3rd degree burns.

Location:Dark forest

Woguran was surprised by the massive new found speed of the creature. He did not have time to think before the beast was right in front of him. The beast was SO fast he even had time to speak before hitting Woguran. Woguran had just barely enough time to put of his sword and try to stop the hit before the fist collided with both his shoulder and the sword. He was wearing very thick armor and was able to shield most of the heat, but was bashed very hard. The hit send him backward into a tree and he fell over forwards. He was, however, not out of the fight. Woguran stood up and grunted again forcing himself to forget the pain. "Clearly a fire person huh?" Woguran switched to his axe which he had intend to do before getting bashed into a tree. Woguran hadn't really figured it out yet, but he would wait for his attacker to move and observe to find his weakness. He put his hand out to signal to his enemy to come at him. "Your move, Baragar." He said in a deep tone.

Cooldown: Air, Fire

BloodKnife: 5/15
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Woguran was surprised by the massive new found speed of the creature. He did not have time to think before the beast was right in front of him. The beast was SO fast he even had time to speak before hitting Woguran. Woguran had just barely enough time to put of his sword and try to stop the hit before the fist collided with both his shoulder and the sword. He was wearing very thick armor and was able to shield most of the heat, but was bashed very hard. The hit send him backward into a tree and he fell over forwards. He was, however, not out of the fight. Woguran stood up and grunted again forcing himself to forget the pain. "Clearly a fire person huh?" Woguran switched to his axe which he had intend to do before getting bashed into a tree. Woguran hadn't really figured it out yet, but he would wait for his attacker to move and observe to find his weakness. He put his hand out to signal to his enemy to come at him. "Your move, Baragar." He said in a deep tone.

Cooldown: Air, Fire

BloodKnife: 5/15

Baragar knew his newfound energy is on a timer.  The air around them was quite frigid and if he go on the defensive now, he would lose his advantage.  If it comes to this, Baragar would have no choice but to use his emergency spell to allow him to keep fighting.  He looked at Woguran' s body and felt somewhat sorry for him... although he did not underestimate him.  Humans are the deadliest of all beasts... never underestimate humans... Baragar thought as he prepared himself for another assault.  He vanished again, appearing to the left of Woguran... his rope now in a massive lasso... the loop dropping down on the bandit, ready to capture him if he does not move immediately.  Woguran's armor slowly faded into a light orange as heat started to quickly dissipate.
Baragar knew his newfound energy is on a timer.  The air around them was quite frigid and if he go on the defensive now, he would lose his advantage.  If it comes to this, Baragar would have no choice but to use his emergency spell to allow him to keep fighting.  He looked at Woguran' s body and felt somewhat sorry for him... although he did not underestimate him.  Humans are the deadliest of all beasts... never underestimate humans... Baragar thought as he prepared himself for another assault.  He vanished again, appearing to the left of Woguran... his rope now in a massive lasso... the loop dropping down on the bandit, ready to capture him if he does not move immediately.  Woguran's armor slowly faded into a light orange as heat started to quickly dissipate.

Location: Dark forest

In Woguran's current state he couldn't move fast enough. He lifted his axe up to create a wall of earth next to him. The lasso that was above him smashed into the wall breaking it in half, but it slowed it down enough for Woguran to avoid being caught in it. He was however hit again in the side. He tried to jump back as best as he could but as a instinct he formed a ice sphere around Baragar so that he wouldn't be able to immediately attack Woguran. Woguran landed at an awkward angle and almost fell over.Fixing his stance he looked at his opponent within the ice sphere and waited. It was sadly, still his turn.

Cooldown: Ice

Bloodknife: 7/15   
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Location: Fort Black

"Huh? I ended up here?" Larei looked around. He knew the place but had never been there, so it was a bit of a surprise to end up here. He turned to look at the person who he hadn't introduced himself to. "Oh, sorry I'm being rude. My name is Larei. Pleasure to meet you. I have heard of this place but i haven't ever been here. What about you?" Larei noticed that the girl seemed somewhat down. "Why are you here?" Larei had asked the question so she could take it many different ways, and he would let her decide.

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Great Hall

Surprised at the question, it took a moment before Edilyn could muster a response. "O-oh me? I...I'm here because I want to help people...and because I want to find my brother." She looked down at the floor, amber eyes downcast. "He's...been missing for almost a year." She clenched her fists, gloves making a slight sound at the movement. Suddenly, a thought occured to her. Why was she telling a stranger about her problems? She shook her head at her foolishness. "Sorry. You must think I'm strange for telling you that." Clearing her throat, she then added in a more cheerful tone, "But anyway, again, its nice to meet you Larei. So what are you going to do? Join the guild?" Edilyn asked, posing a question of her own. He couldn't just wander here. He might get in trouble.  "I'm sure Guildmaster Mesphisto would love to have you."
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Great Hall

Surprised at the question, it took a moment before Edilyn could muster a response. "O-oh me? I...I'm here because I want to help people...and because I want to find my brother." She looked down at the floor, amber eyes downcast. "He's...been missing for almost a year." She clenched her fists, gloves making a slight sound at the movement. Suddenly, a thought occured to her. Why was she telling a stranger about her problems? She shook her head at her foolishness. "Sorry. You must think I'm strange for telling you that." Clearing her throat, she then added in a more cheerful tone, "But anyway, again, its nice to meet you Larei. So what are you going to do? Join the guild?" Edilyn asked, posing a question of her own. He couldn't just wander here. He might get in trouble.  "I'm sure Guildmaster Mesphisto would love to have you."


Location: Fort Black

Larei smiled "Your fine, no one would think your weird for saying that. Peoples most important things are always on their mind, so it's not that surprising that would say that you wanted to find your brother if you really care about him. Hmmmmm." Larei thought for a second. "What am i going to do and why am I here are 2 different things but i will answer both. I here because I simplify enjoy wandering. I like to find new places and understanding about the world. I'm also pretty bad at settling down in one place. As far as if I'm going to join the guild, I'm sorry. I agree with what the guild does for the most part but I am not the kind of person that would join the guild. I wouldn't benefit from anything it has to offer." Larei still remained a cheerful face.  "I like to watch things play out from an outside view, not be part of it." Larei had switch to a slightly more serious tone but was not aggressive in anyway.

[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Main Hall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana couldn’t help but giggle a bit as she stepped into the main hall. As usual, she had frightened some new, faceless recruit by eating enough for three people, and if she was being honest, she was still hungry, but more food could wait. She wanted to get some more practice in before a job of some variety showed up, and she had to go deal with not enough for, and stupid people who didn’t feed her again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Stepping into the main hall, Ziyana was surprised to see one of the new Guild Mages, Edilyn, was her name, talking to a definitely unfamiliar face. Ziyana frowned. She made a point of trying to know as many of the mages as she could, if only because there was always something to be learned from them, or she could teach them something. Although her introduction to Edilyn had been a bit embarrassing, Ziyana shook that off. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Moving across the hall, she spoke up, during a pause in the conversation trying not to startle the two of them. “It’s good to see you again Edilyn.” She gave the younger girl a bit of a smile, before turning to the new face. “I'm sorry about overhearing a bit of your conversation, but there is nothing wrong with just wanting to watch things from the outside, although sometimes we are forced to step into situations regardless.” Ziyana's tone was perhaps more somber than intended. 
@Swire  @Aura Of Twilight[/SIZE]
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In Woguran's current state he couldn't move fast enough. He lifted his axe up to create a wall of earth next to him. The lasso that was above him smashed into the wall breaking it in half, but it slowed it down enough for Woguran to avoid being caught in it. He was however hit again in the side. He tried to jump back as best as he could but as a instinct he formed a ice sphere around Baragar so that he wouldn't be able to immediately attack Woguran. Woguran landed at an awkward angle and almost fell over.Fixing his stance he looked at his opponent within the ice sphere and waited. It was sadly, still his turn.

Cooldown: Ice

Bloodknife: 7/15   

Ice... the same element the old kingdom once used to exterminate Baragar's people.  Images of frozen family members and friends filled Baragar's mind.  He remembered the lances and swords those white knights carried... imbued with frosty magic that dulled the strength of his people.  He was only a hatchling back then and it was a several centuries ago... but he remembers that event like it was just yesterday.  The genocide of his people.

Baragar's skin felt frozen.  A sensation of a thousand frozen needles stunned his once warm muscles.  The air inside the prison was cold and icy... breathing it in is like being drowned with cold glass.  Every breath Baragar let out condensed into vapor... his heart slowing down to a walk.  This was a bad situation and he knows it.  He struck the crystal walls with his fist... but his strike was sluggish and lacked momentum.  The wall was barely scratched. Baragar held his breath and wrapped his fist in Draconium rope.  He focused whats left of his energy in his arm and struck the wall once more.  This time he sent a huge chunk of ice flying towards Woguran.

Desperate for warm air, Baragar sluggishly exited the prison and knelt down.   The cold had adverse effects on his body.  He needed to cast his backup spell.

"Illuminate..."  He chanted a spell with panicked breath.  Suddenly a small supernova exploded above his right shoulder... creating a small sun that lit up the area.  The ball of flames also warmed the air near Baragar.  "Illuminate..."  He said once more.  Another small sun emerged on the opposite shoulder... defrosting his armor.

Baragar knew he needed to end things quickly now.  If he delays the battle, he will surely lose.  He gathered up heat from the balls of light and felt his body heal itself from frost.  He took this newfound energy and dashed forward.  Like a feral alligator he got on all fours and attacked!
Akena was a little dumbfounded by the warriors reply. He refused to back away. He was about to destroy everything she had worked for so hard. And his grunts with him. Rage build up in her. She never had a high opinion of the guild, but this went to far. "Gorge your hatred. Embrace your rage." She looked around. It were not that many guildmen. 

Shadows arose in front of the warriors, each mimicking the person in front of it. "Retreat, Guild members. This is no bidding, it is a warning. This is my fight. I tolerate no disturbance." One guild member, a human with a bow, tried to rush to the gate to help Baragar. The shadow of him simply shot him down. "Leave. Leave or die." 

The performance must have been intimidating, as most guild members fled. They did not think about their comrade behind the gates. The rest tried to resist. Akena concentrated on her shadows only and it drained her. But she managed to kill those who tried to enter the area where Baragar was. The consuming of their power refreshed Akena, making her ready to fight her destiny.

Akena approached the gate. She heard the sound of fighting. Then she saw it. It was the lizard, fighting Woguran. Her Woguran. It seemed like both had taken heavy blows, no winner was determined yet. The rage Akena build up even more. 

"Lizard!" The shout was loud enough to be heard everywhere in the forest. The voice was full of hatred and rage. "This is my battle. Your minions thought you were to weak! They abandoned you! The ones did not, died to my blade. Now back off my fate, stop claiming my place. Flee, screaming. Or I will remove you, just as I removed the others of your guild."

@IamNotLoki @Swire
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Akena was a little dumbfounded by the warriors reply. He refused to back away. He was about to destroy everything she had worked for so hard. And his grunts with him. Rage build up in her. She never had a high opinion of the guild, but this went to far. "Gorge your hatred. Embrace your rage." She looked around. It were not that many guildmen. 

Shadows arose in front of the warriors, each mimicking the person in front of it. "Retreat, Guild members. This is no bidding, it is a warning. This is my fight. I tolerate no disturbance." One guild member, a human with a bow, tried to rush to the gate to help Baragar. The shadow of him simply shot him down. "Leave. Leave or die." 

The performance must have been intimidating, as most guild members fled. They did not think about their comrade behind the gates. The rest tried to resist. Akena concentrated on her shadows only and it drained her. But she managed to kill those who tried to enter the area where Baragar was. The consuming of their power refreshed Akena, making her ready to fight her destiny.

Akena approached the gate. She heard the sound of fighting. Then she saw it. It was the lizard, fighting Woguran. Her Woguran. It seemed like both had taken heavy blows, no winner was determined yet. The rage Akena build up even more. 

"Lizard!" The shout was loud enough to be heard everywhere in the forest. The voice was full of hatred and rage. "This is my battle. Your minions thought you were to weak! They abandoned you! The ones did not, died to my blade. Now back off my fate, stop claiming my place. Flee, screaming. Or I will remove you, just as I removed the others of your guild."

@IamNotLoki @Swire

Ice... the same element the old kingdom once used to exterminate Baragar's people.  Images of frozen family members and friends filled Baragar's mind.  He remembered the lances and swords those white knights carried... imbued with frosty magic that dulled the strength of his people.  He was only a hatchling back then and it was a several centuries ago... but he remembers that event like it was just yesterday.  The genocide of his people.

Baragar's skin felt frozen.  A sensation of a thousand frozen needles stunned his once warm muscles.  The air inside the prison was cold and icy... breathing it in is like being drowned with cold glass.  Every breath Baragar let out condensed into vapor... his heart slowing down to a walk.  This was a bad situation and he knows it.  He struck the crystal walls with his fist... but his strike was sluggish and lacked momentum.  The wall was barely scratched. Baragar held his breath and wrapped his fist in Draconium rope.  He focused whats left of his energy in his arm and struck the wall once more.  This time he sent a huge chunk of ice flying towards Woguran.

Desperate for warm air, Baragar sluggishly exited the prison and knelt down.   The cold had adverse effects on his body.  He needed to cast his backup spell.

"Illuminate..."  He chanted a spell with panicked breath.  Suddenly a small supernova exploded above his right shoulder... creating a small sun that lit up the area.  The ball of flames also warmed the air near Baragar.  "Illuminate..."  He said once more.  Another small sun emerged on the opposite shoulder... defrosting his armor.

Baragar knew he needed to end things quickly now.  If he delays the battle, he will surely lose.  He gathered up heat from the balls of light and felt his body heal itself from frost.  He took this newfound energy and dashed forward.  Like a feral alligator he got on all fours and attacked!

Location: Dark Forest

Woguran saw the massive beast as he struggled to smash the ice wall. "Curious." Woguran had figure it, but he wouldn't have much time to use his new found knowledge. With a cast of 2 fire spells the beast lunged at Woguran. He formed at Earth wall in front of himself but it was no match for the beast. He ran at the beast as he switch to his sword as fast as he could. It just barely enough time to pull out his sword Woguran and the beast clashed. It was one of those moments where both people clashed swords, but this was with a sword and a beast. Both trying to overpower the other in strength. Baragar was simplify stronger however, far stronger. Just before Woguran was about to use his ability to save himself. "Lizard!" He heard from afar. The sudden noise distracted him and instead of using wind on the beast like he had planed, he jumped away from him. "This is my battle....." The women said. Woguran knew that Baragar's men were not all gone, but he wouldn't miss an opportunity. "Hear the girl out Baragar, she makes a good point. This fight is not your, nor would you have won. Go back to whatever men you have left and leave, this fight is for her."  


Bloodknife: 8/15


[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Main Hall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana couldn’t help but giggle a bit as she stepped into the main hall. As usual, she had frightened some new, faceless recruit by eating enough for three people, and if she was being honest, she was still hungry, but more food could wait. She wanted to get some more practice in before a job of some variety showed up, and she had to go deal with not enough for, and stupid people who didn’t feed her again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Stepping into the main hall, Ziyana was surprised to see one of the new Guild Mages, Edilyn, was her name, talking to a definitely unfamiliar face. Ziyana frowned. She made a point of trying to know as many of the mages as she could, if only because there was always something to be learned from them, or she could teach them something. Although her introduction to Edilyn had been a bit embarrassing, Ziyana shook that off. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Moving across the hall, she spoke up, during a pause in the conversation trying not to startle the two of them. “It’s good to see you again Edilyn.” She gave the younger girl a bit of a smile, before turning to the new face. “I'm sorry about overhearing a bit of your conversation, but there is nothing wrong with just wanting to watch things from the outside, although sometimes we are forced to step into situations regardless.” Ziyana's tone was perhaps more somber than intended. 
@Swire  @Aura Of Twilight[/SIZE]

Location: Fort Black

Larei watched as the girl walked up and seemed to know Edilyn. He watched her tone and movements. 'This girl is not average' he thought to himself. For some reason he couldn't put his tongue on it though. He felt like he knew why but...... "Before I say anything my name is Larei." He bowed to her a custom to show respect. "As fair as interfering in a situation goes, unless it becomes out of hand or it directly involves me i don't have a right to change the outcome. I'm not the heroic type to go around the world trying to save people." Larei thought for a second he still couldn't figure out what was bothering him." Ohhh...sorry I forgot to ask, What is your name?"
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Location: Dark Forest

Woguran saw the massive beast as he struggled to smash the ice wall. "Curious." Woguran had figure it, but he wouldn't have much time to use his new found knowledge. With a cast of 2 fire spells the beast lunged at Woguran. He formed at Earth wall in front of himself but it was no match for the beast. He ran at the beast as he switch to his sword as fast as he could. It just barely enough time to pull out his sword Woguran and the beast clashed. It was one of those moments where both people clashed swords, but this was with a sword and a beast. Both trying to overpower the other in strength. Baragar was simplify stronger however, far stronger. Just before Woguran was about to use his ability to save himself. "Lizard!" He heard from afar. The sudden noise distracted him and instead of using wind on the beast like he had planed, he jumped away from him. "This is my battle....." The women said. Woguran knew that Baragar's men were not all gone, but he wouldn't miss an opportunity. "Hear the girl out Baragar, she makes a good point. This fight is not your, nor would you have won. Go back to whatever men you have left and leave, this fight is for her."  


Bloodknife: 8/15

Location: Fort Black

Larei watched as the girl walked up and seemed to know Edilyn. He watched her tone and movements. 'This girl is not average' he thought to himself. For some reason he couldn't put his tongue on it though. He felt like he knew why but...... "Before I say anything my name is Larei." He bowed to her a custom to show respect. "As fair as interfering in a situation goes, unless it becomes out of hand or it directly involves me i don't have a right to change the outcome. I'm not the heroic type to go around the world trying to save people." Larei thought for a second he still couldn't figure out what was bothering him." Ohhh...sorry I forgot to ask, What is your name?"

Baragar pulled away from the man and stared at the woman.  "Young Miss, you seem to have a great misunderstanding of how our Guild is organized..."  The beast explained.  "You seem to think that this attack was organized by me... and how my weakness somehow affects the motivation of my Guildmates.  You are wrong.  Unlike your assumptions, my friends came here for their own reasons.  Some want the reward money for the contract... some want fame and recognition,"  The beast explained.  "I fight alongside them, not above them.  My own reason for coming is to urge both sides to avoid conflict. I didn't want any of my friends to get hurt...:"

Baragar's shadow overcast the young lady.  "You who have killed my friends out of rage and vengeance... I consider you a much more irredeemable villain.  If you continue this path or rage and vengeance... you will get devoured by the flames you feed..."  Baragar said as he stared her down hoping to reason with her.  "I know the feeling of losing everyone you love... I too had a phase of blind vengeance.   I hope it doesn't lead you to a path of destruction like it did to me..."  Baragar retreated to the trees.

"Lord Mephisto... why did you allow so many of your allies to get killed?"  Baragar whispered to himself.  "For a few common bandits, you sent many guildmates to their graves... Master... I don't understand..."  The beast contemplated and doubted Mephisto as he retreated.


((I miss your characters man, when will you post again?))

Location: Fort Black

Larei smiled "Your fine, no one would think your weird for saying that. Peoples most important things are always on their mind, so it's not that surprising that would say that you wanted to find your brother if you really care about him. Hmmmmm." Larei thought for a second. "What am i going to do and why am I here are 2 different things but i will answer both. I here because I simplify enjoy wandering. I like to find new places and understanding about the world. I'm also pretty bad at settling down in one place. As far as if I'm going to join the guild, I'm sorry. I agree with what the guild does for the most part but I am not the kind of person that would join the guild. I wouldn't benefit from anything it has to offer." Larei still remained a cheerful face.  "I like to watch things play out from an outside view, not be part of it." Larei had switch to a slightly more serious tone but was not aggressive in anyway.


[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Main Hall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana couldn’t help but giggle a bit as she stepped into the main hall. As usual, she had frightened some new, faceless recruit by eating enough for three people, and if she was being honest, she was still hungry, but more food could wait. She wanted to get some more practice in before a job of some variety showed up, and she had to go deal with not enough for, and stupid people who didn’t feed her again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Stepping into the main hall, Ziyana was surprised to see one of the new Guild Mages, Edilyn, was her name, talking to a definitely unfamiliar face. Ziyana frowned. She made a point of trying to know as many of the mages as she could, if only because there was always something to be learned from them, or she could teach them something. Although her introduction to Edilyn had been a bit embarrassing, Ziyana shook that off. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Moving across the hall, she spoke up, during a pause in the conversation trying not to startle the two of them. “It’s good to see you again Edilyn.” She gave the younger girl a bit of a smile, before turning to the new face. “I'm sorry about overhearing a bit of your conversation, but there is nothing wrong with just wanting to watch things from the outside, although sometimes we are forced to step into situations regardless.” Ziyana's tone was perhaps more somber than intended. 
@Swire  @Aura Of Twilight[/SIZE]

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main Hall

Before Edilyn could muster a reply, another, this time familiar, voice spoke up. "It's good to see you again Edilyn." She looked in the direction of the voice, not surprised to see that it was Zlyana who was speaking. Like her, Zlyana was a mage, although a bit more experienced in the guild than she was. Thin and slender, Zlyana was a rather beautiful woman, with light blue hair that fell to her shoulders in two neat bundles, and slightly darker blue eyes that always seemed to be filled with some sort of curiosity. She wore a trenchcoat over her small frame, and if one looked closely you could see a sword hanging in a scabbard beneath it. Edilyn gave her a smile of her own. She resisted the urge to giggle as she thought of how they first met. Zlyana had been ridiculously hungry, nearly about to collapse, and had nearly eaten her own hair to substantiate her hunger. "Oh hello Zlyana!" She said, glad to see a familiar face. Zlyana looked at Larei then, her face becoming more serious. "I'm sorry about overhearing a bit of your conversation, but there is nothing wrong with just wanting to watch things from the outside, although sometimes we are forced to step into situations regardless." 

Edilyn nodded at the elder girl's words. "She's right. There's nothing wrong with remaining neutral." She paused before continuing. "I understand you don't want to join the guild and would prefer to wander the land instead. You can certainly learn alot from doing as such. I've done a fair bit of wandering in the past myself." She said, thinking of the time she spent searching for Illarion before coming to the guild. "At any rate, Zlyana, this is Larei. Larei, this is Zlyana." 
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Baragar pulled away from the man and stared at the woman.  "Young Miss, you seem to have a great misunderstanding of how our Guild is organized..."  The beast explained.  "You seem to think that this attack was organized by me... and how my weakness somehow affects the motivation of my Guildmates.  You are wrong.  Unlike your assumptions, my friends came here for their own reasons.  Some want the reward money for the contract... some want fame and recognition,"  The beast explained.  "I fight alongside them, not above them.  My own reason for coming is to urge both sides to avoid conflict. I didn't want any of my friends to get hurt...:"

Baragar's shadow overcast the young lady.  "You who have killed my friends out of rage and vengeance... I consider you a much more irredeemable villain.  If you continue this path or rage and vengeance... you will get devoured by the flames you feed..."  Baragar said as he stared her down hoping to reason with her.  "I know the feeling of losing everyone you love... I too had a phase of blind vengeance.   I hope it doesn't lead you to a path of destruction like it did to me..."  Baragar retreated to the trees.

"Lord Mephisto... why did you allow so many of your allies to get killed?"  Baragar whispered to himself.  "For a few common bandits, you sent many guildmates to their graves... Master... I don't understand..."  The beast contemplated and doubted Mephisto as he retreated.


((I miss your characters man, when will you post again?))

Location: Dark Forest

Woguran saw the massive beast as he struggled to smash the ice wall. "Curious." Woguran had figure it, but he wouldn't have much time to use his new found knowledge. With a cast of 2 fire spells the beast lunged at Woguran. He formed at Earth wall in front of himself but it was no match for the beast. He ran at the beast as he switch to his sword as fast as he could. It just barely enough time to pull out his sword Woguran and the beast clashed. It was one of those moments where both people clashed swords, but this was with a sword and a beast. Both trying to overpower the other in strength. Baragar was simplify stronger however, far stronger. Just before Woguran was about to use his ability to save himself. "Lizard!" He heard from afar. The sudden noise distracted him and instead of using wind on the beast like he had planed, he jumped away from him. "This is my battle....." The women said. Woguran knew that Baragar's men were not all gone, but he wouldn't miss an opportunity. "Hear the girl out Baragar, she makes a good point. This fight is not your, nor would you have won. Go back to whatever men you have left and leave, this fight is for her."  


Bloodknife: 8/15

Location: Fort Black

Larei watched as the girl walked up and seemed to know Edilyn. He watched her tone and movements. 'This girl is not average' he thought to himself. For some reason he couldn't put his tongue on it though. He felt like he knew why but...... "Before I say anything my name is Larei." He bowed to her a custom to show respect. "As fair as interfering in a situation goes, unless it becomes out of hand or it directly involves me i don't have a right to change the outcome. I'm not the heroic type to go around the world trying to save people." Larei thought for a second he still couldn't figure out what was bothering him." Ohhh...sorry I forgot to ask, What is your name?"

Akena listened to the whole speech, her face full of hatred and rage. "Do not lecture me, beast.", she spit out. "I follow a shrouded path, that you never can try to understand." 

As Baragar finally started to retreat, she looked at Woguran. Her eyes glowed with black light, the shadow in her showed. Two swords formed in her hands and her wings appeared. "You!" She shouted at him with all hatred that was within her. "You left me alive. That was a mistake! Now, pay!" 

Akena charged at the bandit. "Gorge your hatred, embrace your rage!" She shouted the mantra to herself. Her wings carried her up in the sky to start a deadly fall towards his head. Meanwhile a shadow formed behind him. She knew she was an easy target in the air.
Akena listened to the whole speech, her face full of hatred and rage. "Do not lecture me, beast.", she spit out. "I follow a shrouded path, that you never can try to understand." 

As Baragar finally started to retreat, she looked at Woguran. Her eyes glowed with black light, the shadow in her showed. Two swords formed in her hands and her wings appeared. "You!" She shouted at him with all hatred that was within her. "You left me alive. That was a mistake! Now, pay!" 

Akena charged at the bandit. "Gorge your hatred, embrace your rage!" She shouted the mantra to herself. Her wings carried her up in the sky to start a deadly fall towards his head. Meanwhile a shadow formed behind him. She knew she was an easy target in the air.

Location:Dark forest

Woguran watched as Baragar said truthful words. Words that long ago may have inspired him, but it was too late for that now. When Baragar had retreated, Woguran smiled "HAHA, foolish girl, you might need them. Haha." Woguran watched as the girl he had let live so long ago, filled with rage came at him. It made him so happy........and sad to see another person like his father. His expression changed to far most serious. "In your rage you shall defeat yourself." Woguran didn't even move. Not to say his guard wasn't up but that he didn't need to yet. A necklace that was around his neck began to glow. The necklace had a gem at the end which lit up and changed colors. The whole ring in fact began to change colors. A massive scream echoed a crossed the forest. And before Akena had even reacted Woguran a massive flying beast came from the trees. The beast had weak skin and sharp claws, it was also very fast. As it fell it opened it wings dived at Akena going straight at her with its claws out. 2 more beasts revealed themselfs around Woguran. These were shorter but had thick skin and looked stronger. "Do you know what this magic ring does?" Woguran asked as the beast above Akena tryed to attack her. (Gtg to class, brb in an hour)

Cooldown: Earth

Bloodknife: 8/15

[SIZE=12pt]Fort Black: Main Hall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ziyana couldn’t help but giggle a bit as she stepped into the main hall. As usual, she had frightened some new, faceless recruit by eating enough for three people, and if she was being honest, she was still hungry, but more food could wait. She wanted to get some more practice in before a job of some variety showed up, and she had to go deal with not enough for, and stupid people who didn’t feed her again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Stepping into the main hall, Ziyana was surprised to see one of the new Guild Mages, Edilyn, was her name, talking to a definitely unfamiliar face. Ziyana frowned. She made a point of trying to know as many of the mages as she could, if only because there was always something to be learned from them, or she could teach them something. Although her introduction to Edilyn had been a bit embarrassing, Ziyana shook that off. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Moving across the hall, she spoke up, during a pause in the conversation trying not to startle the two of them. “It’s good to see you again Edilyn.” She gave the younger girl a bit of a smile, before turning to the new face. “I'm sorry about overhearing a bit of your conversation, but there is nothing wrong with just wanting to watch things from the outside, although sometimes we are forced to step into situations regardless.” Ziyana's tone was perhaps more somber than intended. 
@Swire  @Aura Of Twilight[/SIZE]

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main Hall

Before Edilyn could muster a reply, another, this time familiar, voice spoke up. "It's good to see you again Edilyn." She looked in the direction of the voice, not surprised to see that it was Zlyana who was speaking. Like her, Zlyana was a mage, although a bit more experienced in the guild than she was. Thin and slender, Zlyana was a rather beautiful woman, with light blue hair that fell to her shoulders in two neat bundles, and slightly darker blue eyes that always seemed to be filled with some sort of curiosity. She wore a trenchcoat over her small frame, and if one looked closely you could see a sword hanging in a scabbard beneath it. Edilyn gave her a smile of her own. She resisted the urge to giggle as she thought of how they first met. Zlyana had been ridiculously hungry, nearly about to collapse, and had nearly eaten her own hair to substantiate her hunger. "Oh hello Zlyana!" She said, glad to see a familiar face. Zlyana looked at Larei then, her face becoming more serious. "I'm sorry about overhearing a bit of your conversation, but there is nothing wrong with just wanting to watch things from the outside, although sometimes we are forced to step into situations regardless." 

Edilyn nodded at the elder girl's words. "She's right. There's nothing wrong with remaining neutral." She paused before continuing. "I understand you don't want to join the guild and would prefer to wander the land instead. You can certainly learn alot from doing as such. I've done a fair bit of wandering in the past myself." She said, thinking of the time she spent searching for Illarion before coming to the guild. "At any rate, Zlyana, this is Larei. Larei, this is Zlyana." 

Location: fort black

Larei had been happy to meet two random strangers at the same time. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you. I'm a little confused though. You said that your just here to help people, but what have you done?" Larei was being a little pushy but he didn't mean to be, he simply was wondering "since you have join the guild what have you done?" This time his question seem almost as if it was pointed at them instead of the guild. He began to recall his accomplishments and started to realize that they weren't to a Heroic standard. He was different now. He wasn't  the same person that was consumed in rage. To him it seemed that a lot of people become consumed in rage as they fall. 'Sadden' he thought, 'We seem to do our biggest mistakes during those times where we are filled to the brim with hate.' Larei had completely gotten distracted and had put on a serious face, which he tried so hard to not show. He liked to keep the mood happy despite his serious nature. He focused on Edilyn and waited for her answer.  (Controlling 2 character is hard, hope this makes sense :) )
(I Guess i will post something although i can't do much with Woguran until someone comes to him.)


Location: Bowerstone

Kyro stood above 17 dead body. He looked down upon them as there blood flowed across the floor. "Uhhh. At least i changed my cloths, because there all bloody now." Kyro looked at the emblem on the corpse's. They were guards.....of the royal palace. He had killed the kings men. He quickly changed his cloths and dropped the shield with the guild's emblem next to the corpse's. "Hmmmm what am i missing?" Kyro thought as he walked back through his steps in his mind. He had come to Bowerstone, the snuck into the palace, killed the guards. "Oh yeah!" Kyro shadow stepped out so no one would find him. He took off his mask and found his horse again. Looking back he thought, 'There are mages within the kings men that will be able to recreate the scene of murder, I had a mask on so they won't know who i was. They will however have enough evidence to figure out that the guild DIDN'T kill those men. What it will accomplish is that the king will realize that the guild could turn on him and there's little to nothing he could do about it. The guild is stronger than the king, the guild isn't evil so nothing has happened yet, but it will put fear in the kings eyes.' "Haha........" Kyro grabbed what he had stored on the horse and started walking. "Well I made a promise to Akena that I would be there so I better show up. This horse won't be fast enough." Kyro opened 4 packs of cards and made a sphere around him. The sphere, with him inside, lifted into the air and faster than any horse could run, he flew toward the Dark Forest. He thought this trick was pretty cool. He can make the cards move faster than he could so why not use them for transportation? Kyro moved around the sky, headed for the forest.


Location: Dark Forest (Middle of the Circle)

Woguran stood high in the trees with his men. "Sir, we have received word that camp 4 was attack and has almost completely been overtaken." One of the solders said to him. "It matters not. Those camps held our weakest members, they were mean't to fall." Woguran replied in a deep voice. He was standing on a massive structure that was at the tops of the trees, but it was hidden well enough that you couldn't find it. Like a tree house. "Soon they will arrive here and try to fight us, but we will have the advantage." Wogruan held his hand out. "I can feel the storm brewing." Woguran looked to the man beside him. "Have you secured everything of 'value'?" He asked. "Yes, sir. Everything and everyone that you asked has been moved to......" Woguran had a sharp look. "Sorry, sir. I know we aren't suppose to tell you. But why wouldn't you want us to tell you that?" The man asked. "I have my reason." Woguran replied as he looked up at the sheet of leaves the formed above the forest. He would wait here for them, for her, to come. 

@IamNotLoki @Princess Ami

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Royal Palace

((These events happened the following morning))

A crowd of knights and Royal investigators have gathered themselves in the Royal Palace's main hall.  Bloody corpses of many white armored royal paladins littered the marble floor.  A well-built white-armored dark elf made her way to the crime scene, escorted by a few of her men.  Many of her fellow captains gathered as well, taking notes on the bloody scene in front of them.  The lead investigator approached the elf and bowed in respect.  "Shall I brief you on our investigation, Captain?"  The middle aged investigator with a white trench coat asked with a raspy voice.  The elf's eyes stared at the corpses of the men... she did not see them as mere guards... some of them were fellow trainees in the academy... some of them were close acquaintances.  "Go on,"  The woman had a strong, mature voice... her voice is the greatest morale boost to her loyal troops.  

"Our magical investigators have caught some footage of the perpetrator.  A single person of unknown age, gender and race... not a lot were recorded, but we know this was caused by a single person..."  The middle aged detective grumbled.

"I see... he or she must be very strong to take on the Kingdom's most powerful Paladins... must be very stupid as well, this is literally a deceleration of war against the Kingdom of Albion..."  The elf woman sighed and stared at the other captains in the hall.  "Is there anything else?"  Her voice was smooth and slightly deep.

"Yes Capatin, let me get to the strange part... We found this insignia at the crime scene..."  The man motioned his hand to his assistant who brought the shield to Aegis.

Aegis recognized the insignia immediately.  "That is the heraldic crest of the Guild of Heroes... do you believe they caused this?"  She asked the detective.

"There is still very little evidence to believe so, Captain.  Anyone could have picked up a crest and leave it behind the crime scene... however it does not rule out the Guild's involvement... we will investigate further..."  The man bowed.

Aegis watched him walk away to continue working.  A smaller man bearing a yellow cape approached Aegis... a fellow Captain named Link.  "Captain Aegis, the King's advisers have summoned us to a meeting... they said to gather all the Captains and go to the war room at once..."  

Aegis grinned.  "Alright,"  She said simply as she stepped on.
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Location: fort black

Larei had been happy to meet two random strangers at the same time. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you. I'm a little confused though. You said that your just here to help people, but what have you done?" Larei was being a little pushy but he didn't mean to be, he simply was wondering "since you have join the guild what have you done?" This time his question seem almost as if it was pointed at them instead of the guild. He began to recall his accomplishments and started to realize that they weren't to a Heroic standard. He was different now. He wasn't  the same person that was consumed in rage. To him it seemed that a lot of people become consumed in rage as they fall. 'Sadden' he thought, 'We seem to do our biggest mistakes during those times where we are filled to the brim with hate.' Larei had completely gotten distracted and had put on a serious face, which he tried so hard to not show. He liked to keep the mood happy despite his serious nature. He focused on Edilyn and waited for her answer.  (Controlling 2 character is hard, hope this makes sense :) )

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main hall

Edlyn looked into his pale red eyes at the question, carefully considering it. What exactly had she done since joining the guild? Well, in the beginning nothing really as she was a mere apprentice. She had gone on only a few missions, one to take care some demons with some higher up guild members and another to deal with bandits attacking a village. Both times she had hated fighting. Blood had been spilled, both human and non human, making her stomach queasy so much so that she nearly thrown up. She couldn't help it. Sure she was a decent mage, but the thought of ending lives, of seeing the light fade out of someone's bothered her deeply. But she still did it. help people...and eventually move up the ranks so she could get connections, perhaps have better luck finding her Illarion. "I've gone on a few missions, one to stop bandits and another to defeat demons, but as an apprentice I haven't really seen too much action yet." Edilyn explained at last. "I've also healed a few people..." She thought immediately of Fiducia and her golden blood. "I guess you could say I still have much to do. I detest fighting, but if I want to be of any use here, I need to be able to pull my own weight." She was no hero, but she hoped to be of use. 
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Golden beams floated into the old and cozy room. The light shined across clothing, barrels, and chests, each with a dull glimmer. Below the window was a small bed, carrying Astrid. The sounds of the city seeped through the air, past the walls, and into the room, slowly waking up the tired girl. She rose from her side, hair in a mess, still in her dress clothes. Sitting up, she reached over to a nearby drawer, putting on her glasses in a tired fashion. She stood up and slowly dragged her feet to a barrel. Lifting the lid, she took a metal cup, scooped out some cold beer. She closed the lid, continued to drag her feet across the room to a wooden chest. Sitting on it, she slowly drank her cup of beer. Alright, let's get to work. She suddenly woken up and with a spring her step, she readjusted herself and put on her vest. Sitting back down, she put on her boots and walked into a small closet with a food stuff. Taking half a loaf of bread she walked out of the bedroom, past the backroom, into the main bar.

Outside the windows, people are moving back and forth, preparing for the busy day. As she opened the door, she was greeted by many good mornings. Responding to them all with a wave, she reached down to a small crate of milk bottles. She walked back inside, making sure the door was locked. She sat down at her nice oak counter and ate her meal of bread and milk. She could see under the rack of potions and alcohol, her vat of stamina potion and Angel's Chalice was ready. She could almost smell it in the air, a lofty sweet flavor. She finished her meal, cleaned up, and got to work bottling her batch.

Astrid was happy. The first time in a while I've been able to have a rest. I think I'll go to the guild today. Once she finished her bottling, she returned into the backroom to take out a large crate of other potions. She placed her new potions into it and carried it out the back. Passing a few other stores, she stopped at a shaded area. Inside were several horses in stalls. She rang a bell nearby. "I'll be taking Sarah once again!" Somewhere further into the place, a voice cried back, "Okay! Give the guild my greetings!" She walked around to a stall about 5 steps in. Inside was a nice palomino stallion. She lead it out of her stall and brought a cart forward. Attaching it to a harness and placing the saddle on, Astrid climbed onto the stallion.

"Let us go, once again to Fort Black." She said leaning forward onto her mane. The horse neighed and began trotting out of Bowerstone toward Fort Black.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

Selene sat at a large balcony, overlooking Fairfax and the mountain ranges. The house was decorated in gold leafs and marble. Beyond the large french doors of the balcony was a large study, with walls lined with books and maps. Selene was reading a book from the Far East, called the Art of War. A knocking sound came from the door. "Come in," said Selene. An old man with white hair and interesting facial hair in a butler suit wheeled a cart forward toward the balcony. On it was a set of biscuits, a teapot, and an accompanying teacup. As he stopped before Selene and started setting out brunch, he said, "Madam Bla-" "Selene. How many times must I ask you to address me as Selene." "Very well, Master Selene." A sigh could be heard as Selene took a sip of her tea. Earl Grey. "There is an informant at the door, bringing news from the Royal Palace." Selene placed her tea cup down and folded her book. She stood up and took her Red Leather Folder with her. "I shall be back Arthur, let the resistance know that I might be late." She said as she walked into the study and passed through the door way. "Very well, Master Selene."
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main hall

Edlyn looked into his pale red eyes at the question, carefully considering it. What exactly had she done since joining the guild? Well, in the beginning nothing really as she was a mere apprentice. She had gone on only a few missions, one to take care some demons with some higher up guild members and another to deal with bandits attacking a village. Both times she had hated fighting. Blood had been spilled, both human and non human, making her stomach queasy so much so that she nearly thrown up. She couldn't help it. Sure she was a decent mage, but the thought of ending lives, of seeing the light fade out of someone's bothered her deeply. But she still did it. help people...and eventually move up the ranks so she could get connections, perhaps have better luck finding her Illarion. "I've gone on a few missions, one to stop bandits and another to defeat demons, but as an apprentice I haven't really seen too much action yet." Edilyn explained at last. "I've also healed a few people..." She thought immediately of Fiducia and her golden blood. "I guess you could say I still have much to do. I detest fighting, but if I want to be of any use here, I need to be able to pull my own weight." She was no hero, but she hoped to be of use. 


Location: Fort Black

Larei laughed a little. "Keep that ability, there aren't many people that have healing abilities. Or at least I haven't seen many." Larei looked at the girl with silver hair. It seemed kinda odd. "You don't really seem like the type of person to go one mission's or hurt someone. But i guess healing does suit you, Maybe I'm going to far. I'm just messing with you. Anyone can do anything, though it might now always turn out the way you expect it to." Larei enjoyed talking to this person but he had asked alot of question "So, its your turn. You may ask me something if you would like." Larei said to return the favor. (Sorry for delay.)

Fort Black: Main Hall

Ziyana frowned at Larei. His question seemed a little forward, and seemed to be driving at something, although she wasn't to sure what it was yet. As Edilyn finished talking, Ziyana picked up. "I've gone on many mission, handling a variety of problems for people, including mythical creatures, demons, bandits, and the like." Ziyana shrugged. "We've had to do plenty of other things as well" She shrugged. It was hard to really break down what she had done for other people, given the large number of missions that Ziyana had gone on, since joining the guild. And that was skipping her work before hand... Those memories were bad ones, and Ziyana could feel her magic swirl, just a bit, underneath her skin. "And I've done work before joining the guild as well. Helping people isn't something that has to be done under this group." Ziyana hoped to her tone wasn't to serious. 

@Swire @Aura Of Twilight
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Location: Fort Black

Larei laughed a little. "Keep that ability, there aren't many people that have healing abilities. Or at least I haven't seen many." Larei looked at the girl with silver hair. It seemed kinda odd. "You don't really seem like the type of person to go one mission's or hurt someone. But i guess healing does suit you, Maybe I'm going to far. I'm just messing with you. Anyone can do anything, though it might now always turn out the way you expect it to." Larei enjoyed talking to this person but he had asked alot of question "So, its your turn. You may ask me something if you would like." Larei said to return the favor. (Sorry for delay.)


Fort Black: Main Hall

Ziyana frowned at Larei. His question seemed a little forward, and seemed to be driving at something, although she wasn't to sure what it was yet. As Edilyn finished talking, Ziyana picked up. "I've gone on many mission, handling a variety of problems for people, including mythical creatures, demons, bandits, and the like." Ziyana shrugged. "We've had to do plenty of other things as well" She shrugged. It was hard to really break down what she had done for other people, given the large number of missions that Ziyana had gone on, since joining the guild. And that was skipping her work before hand... Those memories were bad ones, and Ziyana could feel her magic swirl, just a bit, underneath her skin. "And I've done work before joining the guild as well. Helping people isn't something that has to be done under this group." Ziyana hoped to her tone wasn't to serious. 

@Swire @Aura Of Twilight

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main Hall 

As Zlyana finished speaking, the silver haired girl crossed her arms in thought. Larei was certainly forward on some things, but he didn't seem like a bad guy. For being a man probably in his late twenties, he seemed like he had seen the horrors of the world and lived to tell about it. There was just that sort of vibe to him, experienced, tired, yet a wanderer. She pondered his suggestion. "All right then..." She said slowly. Edilyn considered asking him what abilities he possessed, given that he was definitely no ordinary wanderer, but thought better of it. That seemed like a private, almost inimate thing to ask someone. Instead, she said, "Well you seem like you've traveled alot. Where have you been, if you don't mind me asking?"

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