Main IC RP

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto saw and heard Astrid, then said. "In the courtyard, although everyone should soon be moved to the infirmary. I will pay you back for all of the help..." and indeed, he himself headed towards the Infirmary to visit the injured. Mephisto didn't say another word to Baragar, but not out of hatred or blame, rather because he was sad, even in grief after what happened.


Baragar held back his doubts about Mephisto and bowed.  "If that is all, I will take my leave and fix my equipment..."  The beast said quietly as he looked at the floor.  "I apologize once more for these unfortunate results..."  Baragar added.  The giant stood up from his bow and awaited further instructions.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

Astrid was put off by Baragar's silence. When she heard Mephisto talk, she was already headed back to her cart before he said "... pay ..." She reached her cart in a mad rush, tossed the tarp to the side, and grabbed three large bottles, two of which were greater healing, one was regeneration. Carrying them, she charged through the halls, cloak billowing behind her, towards the infirmary. Shit shit shit SHIT! I shouldn't have let Akena head there. She reached the infirmary to be greeted by the sight of wounded lying on the beds in varying degrees of pain. She placed her potions on a table and began searching for bowls and cups. One part healing, one part regen should do for the most serious. She began pouring out her batch and handing it to the nurses. The cries of those drinking her potions of Regen mixed with the cries of pain. She winced and gritted her teeth. Keep working, don't lose focus.
Baragar held back his doubts about Mephisto and bowed.  "If that is all, I will take my leave and fix my equipment..."  The beast said quietly as he looked at the floor.  "I apologize once more for these unfortunate results..."  Baragar added.  The giant stood up from his bow and awaited further instructions.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

Astrid was put off by Baragar's silence. When she heard Mephisto talk, she was already headed back to her cart before he said "... pay ..." She reached her cart in a mad rush, tossed the tarp to the side, and grabbed three large bottles, two of which were greater healing, one was regeneration. Carrying them, she charged through the halls, cloak billowing behind her, towards the infirmary. Shit shit shit SHIT! I shouldn't have let Akena head there. She reached the infirmary to be greeted by the sight of wounded lying on the beds in varying degrees of pain. She placed her potions on a table and began searching for bowls and cups. One part healing, one part regen should do for the most serious. She began pouring out her batch and handing it to the nurses. The cries of those drinking her potions of Regen mixed with the cries of pain. She winced and gritted her teeth. Keep working, don't lose focus.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto nodded to Baragar and said. "Yes. I know. You may go." in a clear rhythm. Mephisto knew that what happened wasn't anyone's fault. It was Akena... that... witch. The next time he'll see her it won't be a happy meeting. He was relived to see that Astrid gave initiative in helping the Guild and it's members, despite not being one. As he saw the Guild to be his family, brothers; sisters; children, Astrid was like a distant niece to him, or at least something of that sort, for all that she did. Mephisto entered the Infirmary after her and was wracked to see the group of injured people before him, some crying in pain, with some of them being grateful for being able to feel it at all. Mephisto felt brooding, he wanted to get Akena for hurting his family, but... it wasn't how William would intend it to be, no. William could forgive anyone for anything. Mephisto sighed, knowing he would have to abide to his old Master's teachings as to pay him back for receiving them in the first place.
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As soon as the chimney fell Aegis felt tense and ran a few steps towards the direction of the chimney.  "Princess!"  She called out.  "Are... you okay?"  She asked, worried about the young girl's safety.

"Your grace!"  The other captains were startled by the sudden sound of metal crashing down.  Some of the captains and advisers placed their heads in their palms in frustration.  "When did our kingdom become a playground for children..."  one of the advisers whispered treasonous poison to another.  "these children will bring down all the hard work of their predecessors... it's quite unfortunate..."  some of the men, old servants of the current king's grandparents, used this commotion to vent out their frustration.

Aegis heard some of the whispers and grit her teeth.  "Treasonous scum..."  She whispered to herself.

"We'll take that as a sign to dismiss this meeting,"  one of the advisers announced in reference to the princesses' arrival.  "Thank you for coming, your Majesty...  Long Live Albion!"

"Long Live Albion!"  The others chanted... some almost half heartedly.  They all packed their things and headed for the exits.

"Our country's doomed..."  one of the advisors whispered as he left the room. 

Location: Royal Knight War Room

Adonis sighed, taking support of the desk with his hands. He stared forward, then smiled. He took the Royal Seal and placed it on the arrest warrant he was going to send to the army. Once again, Adonis sighed and turned to Daisy. "What do you have to say to me?" he asked her, expecting an explantation for her behaviour. Adonis steamed off, hearing her words and reminding himself that his sister is still young and unaware of how the world works. Adonis got up from his chair and said. "Now. I will have to go take care of the arrest warrant. I believe it's only proper I ask someone to fix this... on the way here." looking up at the destroyed roof. With these words, Adonis left the room

Daisy was dumbfounded by her brothers words. "Unaware...", she mutterd. "What does he mean by that..."

The princess bolted out of the room, searching one person. Aegis. She had Aegis as friend since long time, she knew of her habit of listening and she was the person where Daisy could just let everything out, rant, cry, tell secrets. She was her most trusted one except her brother. 

Daisy finally found her and she smiled. Then she remembered her brothers words and the smile faded. "Hey, Aegis?", she started. She had always treated the woman as an equal and not a servant of any kind. "Can i ask you a question..." She then looked to the ground. "Am i doing something wrong by trying to save the lifes of people? Am i doing something wrong by trying to not have my brother act without thought? Is it wrong? Am i supposed to simply ignore if something bad could happen and just play the stupid girl? Is that how the world works?" 
Daisy was dumbfounded by her brothers words. "Unaware...", she mutterd. "What does he mean by that..."

The princess bolted out of the room, searching one person. Aegis. She had Aegis as friend since long time, she knew of her habit of listening and she was the person where Daisy could just let everything out, rant, cry, tell secrets. She was her most trusted one except her brother. 

Daisy finally found her and she smiled. Then she remembered her brothers words and the smile faded. "Hey, Aegis?", she started. She had always treated the woman as an equal and not a servant of any kind. "Can i ask you a question..." She then looked to the ground. "Am i doing something wrong by trying to save the lifes of people? Am i doing something wrong by trying to not have my brother act without thought? Is it wrong? Am i supposed to simply ignore if something bad could happen and just play the stupid girl? Is that how the world works?" 

Aegis was leaning on a wall when the young princess approached her.  This caused her to stand up properly and fix her pose.  "Your Grace..."  Aegis said softly as she gave a military salute.  She listened to the young lady's question.  When Aegis was a fresh graduate of the Royal Academy, she was given the task to be Daisy and Adonis' personal body guards.  The royal children were in their teens back then, and Aegis was just a bit older than Adonis.  This made Aegis' relationship with Daisy as almost that of an older sister.  These days however, Aegis is more serious about her duties as a Royal Knight Captain, formalities are more ingrained in her actions.  "Young miss, I believe it's not wrong to question your brother,"  She responded.  "However, since he is our King, it is very important to support him in his decisions.  A lot of people are not confident with His Highness' ability to rule.  If you want him to do his best, it would be for the best if you support him in your own way..."  Aegis added.  :"I hope my answers are satisfactory, your grace..."  Aegis bowed.
Aegis was leaning on a wall when the young princess approached her.  This caused her to stand up properly and fix her pose.  "Your Grace..."  Aegis said softly as she gave a military salute.  She listened to the young lady's question.  When Aegis was a fresh graduate of the Royal Academy, she was given the task to be Daisy and Adonis' personal body guards.  The royal children were in their teens back then, and Aegis was just a bit older than Adonis.  This made Aegis' relationship with Daisy as almost that of an older sister.  These days however, Aegis is more serious about her duties as a Royal Knight Captain, formalities are more ingrained in her actions.  "Young miss, I believe it's not wrong to question your brother,"  She responded.  "However, since he is our King, it is very important to support him in his decisions.  A lot of people are not confident with His Highness' ability to rule.  If you want him to do his best, it would be for the best if you support him in your own way..."  Aegis added.  :"I hope my answers are satisfactory, your grace..."  Aegis bowed.

She shrugged. "I see. Yeah, thats understandable.. but he told me i was too young to understand how the world worked..." Daisy sighed sadly. "I mean i understand he is under a lot of pressure... But... He doesnt have to be that mean to me... I mean..." She siged again and then shrugged. "I wanna do something. Hey, Aegis, should we try to sneak into the kitchen and get ourselfs some sweet pastries?" Daisy loved pastries. Due to that, her father had once ordered the kitchen crew to not give her more than two a day. And to never let her enter the kitchen. Daisy had oftenly snuck into the kitchen. She was a nice and naive girl yes, but nobody said she couldnt be naughty at times. 
She shrugged. "I see. Yeah, thats understandable.. but he told me i was too young to understand how the world worked..." Daisy sighed sadly. "I mean i understand he is under a lot of pressure... But... He doesnt have to be that mean to me... I mean..." She siged again and then shrugged. "I wanna do something. Hey, Aegis, should we try to sneak into the kitchen and get ourselfs some sweet pastries?" Daisy loved pastries. Due to that, her father had once ordered the kitchen crew to not give her more than two a day. And to never let her enter the kitchen. Daisy had oftenly snuck into the kitchen. She was a nice and naive girl yes, but nobody said she couldnt be naughty at times. 

Aegis looked at the young princess with motherly eyes.  "I know Lord Adonis seems like a different person these recent days, but I assure you he is still the charismatic prince we know and love..."  Aegis' voice is warm and compassionate.  "He is not trying to be mean to you, he just has a lot on his mind,"  Aegis added.  "In any case, the war room is no place for a princess.  I know you are trying to help your brother, but I don't want you to get roused by the ideas of those old men... you should stay happy, don't mind the kingdom's problems.  Your brother is more than capable to handle it, you should cherish your youth,"  Aegis smiled and then shook her head at the princess' suggestion to steal some pastries.  "That's more like you... unfortunately, I am a Captain now... I can't get caught running around with the Royal Family.  My role is to protect you, Your Grace.  But if you want to steal some, I won't tell anybody,"  Aegis winked.
Aegis looked at the young princess with motherly eyes.  "I know Lord Adonis seems like a different person these recent days, but I assure you he is still the charismatic prince we know and love..."  Aegis' voice is warm and compassionate.  "He is not trying to be mean to you, he just has a lot on his mind,"  Aegis added.  "In any case, the war room is no place for a princess.  I know you are trying to help your brother, but I don't want you to get roused by the ideas of those old men... you should stay happy, don't mind the kingdom's problems.  Your brother is more than capable to handle it, you should cherish your youth,"  Aegis smiled and then shook her head at the princess' suggestion to steal some pastries.  "That's more like you... unfortunately, I am a Captain now... I can't get caught running around with the Royal Family.  My role is to protect you, Your Grace.  But if you want to steal some, I won't tell anybody,"  Aegis winked.

The princess pouted a bit. She still had a child in her after all. And if her best friend didnt want to do stupid things with her, that made her pout. "But you need to protect me. Its dangerous in the kitchen. You will have to follow me. I might burn myself or cut myself or fall while trying to climb up to the pastries.", she said and then bolted off again. "Yes i will surely hurt myself and you are in need to stop me.", she then called to the woman that still stood where she was, hoping she would run after her. 
The princess pouted a bit. She still had a child in her after all. And if her best friend didnt want to do stupid things with her, that made her pout. "But you need to protect me. Its dangerous in the kitchen. You will have to follow me. I might burn myself or cut myself or fall while trying to climb up to the pastries.", she said and then bolted off again. "Yes i will surely hurt myself and you are in need to stop me.", she then called to the woman that still stood where she was, hoping she would run after her. 

Aegis sighed helplessly.  "I... suppose..."  She said in defeat.  "Seems like you never changed at all, my Lady..."  The captain moved to Daisy's side and followed her.  "You know that I will never forgive myself if anything happened to you, right?"  The taller woman said as she followed the girl.  It has been a long time since Aegis has walked alongside princess Daisy, ever since she got promoted, she has been doing a lot of paperwork in regards to her division.  But she silently admits, her relationship with the princess seems to be more sibling-like than the princess' own relationship with her brother.  "I'll stand guard outside... do what you need to do, Your Grace..."  Aegis said as she stood on one side of the door.
Aegis sighed helplessly.  "I... suppose..."  She said in defeat.  "Seems like you never changed at all, my Lady..."  The captain moved to Daisy's side and followed her.  "You know that I will never forgive myself if anything happened to you, right?"  The taller woman said as she followed the girl.  It has been a long time since Aegis has walked alongside princess Daisy, ever since she got promoted, she has been doing a lot of paperwork in regards to her division.  But she silently admits, her relationship with the princess seems to be more sibling-like than the princess' own relationship with her brother.  "I'll stand guard outside... do what you need to do, Your Grace..."  Aegis said as she stood on one side of the door.

THe princess squeaked happily at her friend joining her. They made their way to the kitchen. "I know. I see you as a big sister, you know? And as my best friend too!" Daisy then looked through a small crack in the door, to see where the cooks were. They were not quite there, busy doing something else. Probably slaughtering an animal for the dinner. Daisy hated that process, but she did understand the need for food.

Daisy quickly snuck into the kitchen. A bare minute later, she came back outside. She had her dress in her hands partly, carrying the pastries, the whole lot of pastries with the bag-like thing that it created.
THe princess squeaked happily at her friend joining her. They made their way to the kitchen. "I know. I see you as a big sister, you know? And as my best friend too!" Daisy then looked through a small crack in the door, to see where the cooks were. They were not quite there, busy doing something else. Probably slaughtering an animal for the dinner. Daisy hated that process, but she did understand the need for food.

Daisy quickly snuck into the kitchen. A bare minute later, she came back outside. She had her dress in her hands partly, carrying the pastries, the whole lot of pastries with the bag-like thing that it created.

"I know. I see you as a big sister, you know? And as my best friend too!"

Aegis' expression was stunned and her naturally onyx skin blushed red.  She said nothing as the princess emerged from the kitchen with a bunch of pastries.  "Alright your Grace, enjoy your meal..."  Aegis bowed.  She looked at the large amount of pastries one more time before scratching her pale blue hair.  "Are you sure you can finish all that?"
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main Hall

Edilyn resisted the urge to tell to him to wait, wanting to ask him more questions, but thought better of it. She wondered what "show" he was excatly talking about. A performance of some sort, maybe? It was hard to say. "I hope you find what your looking for." He said, looking in her direction. She nodded. "Thank you. As do I." She could tell he was holding something back, but decided not to question it. After replying to Zlyana, his tone suddenly became more serious. He was warning them of a storm? What could that mean? Before she could ask, he had already turned already turned around. "It was nice meeting you, Larei!" Edilyn said cheerfully with a wave. When he was out of earshot, her cheerful expression turned into one of a frown. She crossed her arms. "A storm..." She muttered. "What could he have meant by that?" She asked, turning to Zlyana. "Or am I just reading too much into it?" He had been an odd fellow to say the least, and his words had been ominous. Very ominous.  


Fort Black: Main Hall

Ziyana watched the young man leave, a frown on her face. A storm? For the briefest of moments, she considered the idea that he was simply making an illusion to her common nickname, the Living Storm, but that didn't seem very likely. Why would he have thrown such a mention into the conversation? The next idea had been a more literal thought, that it was just a storm, but she couldn't feel one of those coming. 

"I'm not sure." She mused, shaking her head. "There isn't a literal storm coming, so I guess it is a warning of some kind?" Ziyana sighed. "I'm not sure what it might be though. I guess we might be reading to much into his words, but with people like that, they always have a meaning. The question is only what the meaning is." Giving a other girl a bit of a shrug, Ziyana sighed. "No use messing around with figuring it out until we learn more." Before she could say more, a familiar face came flying across the hall, heading in the direction of the Infirmary. Ziyana easily placed the face of the woman as Astrid. Although she was unable to say for sure what had Astrid running for the Infirmiry at a breakneck pace, but Ziyana was willing to bet her meals for the next week that it wasn't a good thing.

"We shoudl probably figure out what that was about." Ziyana gestured at where Astrid had come running, and taking a moment to steel herself, set off in the same direction. 

Location: FairFax

After leaving Fort Black Larei felt almost as if he should have stayed. He decided it was better that he left. He didn't like action that much anyway. After passing several different small villages on his way to the north he had made it to Fairfax. A beautiful sight really, High within the mountain, away from all the suffering. From where he was standing you could see most of Albion. "I can see why its so difficult to maintain this place." He looked down at the curvy road below him. Fairfax has the high ground and could easily rain arrows and spells down on the enemy. Larei turned around and walked through the entrance. Walking through the entire village he finally found what he was looking for, a large house, that seemed somewhat secure. By simply jumping the fence in the correct spot he was able to make it to the door without being seen. He knocked on the door several times until someone came to the door.  "Who are you and how did you get in here?" Asked the man. "I would like to speak to Selene De Blanche. Its quite important." @Alteras

Kyro Scripts

Location: Dark Forest

"Peasants! can't even do there job!." Kyro had made it to the Dark Forest and knew what Woguran was doing. Kyro had seen crystal magic before. Kyro had been going from camp to camp tearing people in half to destroy the gems, that were supposedly the alarm. Kyro new that was a lie though. "Good for nothing, if you want something done do it yourself!" Kyro was spinning about 216 cards around slaughtering anyone that came in his way, Which was most of the men in the camps. The spell was made of of artifacts that create a circle with a center point. The spell requires you to set up every single gem in the right place. But once its up you have to take down EVER gem. If even 1 is still intact then the spell will remain. I should also mention that there is a center crystal. Probably on Woguran's person somewhere, What the circle does differs depending on the crystals but....."The worthless guild just ran away. Now i have to do this myself, AND there no way Akena will be able to beat Woguran alone. He just has too much up his sleeve." Kyro wasn't really mad, though from anyone else's perspective he's would look that way, tearing peoples limbs apart without showing any emotion. He wasn't mad, just annoyed. He wanted the guild to do this but now they were gone, AND he has to get back to the guild before they wonder where he went. Though all the confusion will buy him sometime. "STOP!" One of the wizards, that was leading the camp, said just before Kyro cut him into pieces. Anyone within this world would say that this was inhumane, but Kyro new the truth. These people were nothing, shadows walking on a empty world. They may look like they have a soul, but there are just empty bodies. Place holders. There are however some people that are important. Some people that need to live. Woguran was one of them. If he died it would be a waste, I just need to destroy everything he loves and leave him alive. "Thats all, hahaha" Kyro wasn't evil. He just was will to do anything to keep this world alive. @IamNotLoki @Princess Ami
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Fort Black: Main Hall

Ziyana watched the young man leave, a frown on her face. A storm? For the briefest of moments, she considered the idea that he was simply making an illusion to her common nickname, the Living Storm, but that didn't seem very likely. Why would he have thrown such a mention into the conversation? The next idea had been a more literal thought, that it was just a storm, but she couldn't feel one of those coming. 

"I'm not sure." She mused, shaking her head. "There isn't a literal storm coming, so I guess it is a warning of some kind?" Ziyana sighed. "I'm not sure what it might be though. I guess we might be reading to much into his words, but with people like that, they always have a meaning. The question is only what the meaning is." Giving a other girl a bit of a shrug, Ziyana sighed. "No use messing around with figuring it out until we learn more." Before she could say more, a familiar face came flying across the hall, heading in the direction of the Infirmary. Ziyana easily placed the face of the woman as Astrid. Although she was unable to say for sure what had Astrid running for the Infirmiry at a breakneck pace, but Ziyana was willing to bet her meals for the next week that it wasn't a good thing.

"We shoudl probably figure out what that was about." Ziyana gestured at where Astrid had come running, and taking a moment to steel herself, set off in the same direction. 

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Main Hall

As much as she wanted to continue pondering Larei's words, Edilyn knew that there were more important matters to attend to once she saw a familiar black haired woman running for the infirmary, pushing a cart full of assumed potions. What's Astrid doing here? She thought, puzzled. Occasionally, Astrid would visit the guild on business, but never had Edilyn seen her look so urgent about something. At Zlyana's words, the silver haired girl nodded. "Right." She said, a bad feeling forming in the pit of her stomach as she followed the older woman. Fiducia would have to wait. 

When they arrived in the infimary it was chaos. Dozens of people, preseumdedly guild members, laid on the various beds throughout the room, each one with some sort of injury and many groaning in pain. Broken limbs, gashes, blood dyeing the pristine white sheets red. The smell of copper was heavy in the air.  "W-what happened?" Edilyn asked, watching as Astrid handed potions to the haggard healers. Had there been some sort of battle? Then it clicked. Meshipto had mentioned a mission earlier in the day, and judging by the various injured it had not gone well. What in blazes?  How had did this happen? And so quickly no less? Edilyn thought back to what all she had done today. Edilyn had only been with Fiducia a half hour or so after the other girl had woken up. Then she had talked with Zlyana and Larei. Had things gone so wrong in such short of a time?

"Gods!" Edilyn exclaimed before muttering the familiar incantation for Blessing without even realzing it. She ran to one of the beds, looking down at the occupant. Pale face, blood every where, eyes starting to turn glassy. This man was near death! Letting the magic flow into her hands, Edilyn touched a large gash on his torso and began to heal. She knew she couldn't spend all of her magic on this one man, but she could at least stabilize him.  "Astrid." She said, not looking up from her work. "I'll work on stablizing some of the worse patients. Is that alright?" 

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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

"Ya, that would work. The regeneration potions would cause some pain, so they might hurt themselves." Astrid continued making her potions. She eventually ran out of bottled potions, and started using the vials she had on hand. After a few minutes, she began taking out her ingredients from her pouch and started performing Impromptu Brew. After several more minutes, she stopped. Nothing else I can do for now. She looked up to see Ziyana and Eddy continuing to help. She walked a few steps back, leaned on the wall, and took a sip of her ale. "So much for a day to relax."

@Aura Of Twilight@Soulmuse

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

Arthur looked at the man. "May I have your name please? I'll inform the Master." He said as he led the man to the parlor room. He then climbed the stairs toward the study.

"Checkmate! Johnathan," cried Selene. "Haha, every time." said the man named Johnathan. The two stood up. "It was a pleasure being able to play a match with you." "Any time." Selene turned her head to the sound of Arthur opening the door. She turned back to face Johnathan. "Looks like I have business to attend to. Let the Council know of my proposals." "Of course." They shook hands and Johnathan was led to the door by Arthur.

Selene also climbed down the stairs to the parlor room. She saw the man and gestured to the velvet seats. Taking her own seat, she said, "I am Selene De Blanche, of the House of Blanche. And you are?"

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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

"Ya, that would work. The regeneration potions would cause some pain, so they might hurt themselves." Astrid continued making her potions. She eventually ran out of bottled potions, and started using the vials she had on hand. After a few minutes, she began taking out her ingredients from her pouch and started performing Impromptu Brew. After several more minutes, she stopped. Nothing else I can do for now. She looked up to see Ziyana and Eddy continuing to help. She walked a few steps back, leaned on the wall, and took a sip of her ale. "So much for a day to relax."

@Aura Of Twilight@Soulmuse

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

Arthur looked at the man. "May I have your name please? I'll inform the Master." He said as he led the man to the parlor room. He then climbed the stairs toward the study.

"Checkmate! Johnathan," cried Selene. "Haha, every time." said the man named Johnathan. The two stood up. "It was a pleasure being able to play a match with you." "Any time." Selene turned her head to the sound of Arthur opening the door. She turned back to face Johnathan. "Looks like I have business to attend to. Let the Council know of my proposals." "Of course." They shook hands and Johnathan was led to the door by Arthur.

Selene also climbed down the stairs to the parlor room. She saw the man and gestured to the velvet seats. Taking her own seat, she said, "I am Selene De Blanche, of the House of Blanche. And you are?"



Location: Fairfax

"My name is Larei. It is a pleasure to meet you." Larei bowed to show at least some respect, Though he knew a little about the Blanche family and had disagreements with what Selene had been doing. Either way he was here on her behalf. So he bowed. "I am here with a request, though it would be better if you servants didn't hear what i had to say." Larei moved his hand in the direction of the servants when he said this. "To make myself clear i am not demanding you to do anything, in fact it is the exact opposite. I simply wish to warn you." With that Larei thought for a second. "If i means anything I am from the kingdom of Leverila." Larei wasn't sure if she knew that, but he at least had made some kind of impression.

Location: Fairfax

"My name is Larei. It is a pleasure to meet you." Larei bowed to show at least some respect, Though he knew a little about the Blanche family and had disagreements with what Selene had been doing. Either way he was here on her behalf. So he bowed. "I am here with a request, though it would be better if you servants didn't hear what i had to say." Larei moved his hand in the direction of the servants when he said this. "To make myself clear i am not demanding you to do anything, in fact it is the exact opposite. I simply wish to warn you." With that Larei thought for a second. "If i means anything I am from the kingdom of Leverila." Larei wasn't sure if she knew that, but he at least had made some kind of impression.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

Arthur began to turn when Selene raised her hand. "Arthur is my most trusted butler. Anything that is to be said before me can be said before him." Arthur bowed toward her. Selene leaned forward and picked up her teacup. She took a sip, leaned back and crossed her legs.

"Leverila." She took another sip of her tea. She remembered the adventures she had with her party. She opened her folder. Inside on marble plates, red wisps moved around back and forth within the stone. They began to form characters, then words, then sentences, then paragraphs, all in an archaic language only taught to those of high society with a vested interest in world.

After about 5 seconds, she closed her folder and looked up. "I suppose you are the last of the kingdom, or rather... the downfall of the kingdom. Are you the harbinger of doom, warning the villagers of what follows you?" She took a third sip of her tea, watching Larei and trying to determine his motives.
Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

Arthur began to turn when Selene raised her hand. "Arthur is my most trusted butler. Anything that is to be said before me can be said before him." Arthur bowed toward her. Selene leaned forward and picked up her teacup. She took a sip, leaned back and crossed her legs.

"Leverila." She took another sip of her tea. She remembered the adventures she had with her party. She opened her folder. Inside on marble plates, red wisps moved around back and forth within the stone. They began to form characters, then words, then sentences, then paragraphs, all in an archaic language only taught to those of high society with a vested interest in world.

After about 5 seconds, she closed her folder and looked up. "I suppose you are the last of the kingdom, or rather... the downfall of the kingdom. Are you the harbinger of doom, warning the villagers of what follows you?" She took a third sip of her tea, watching Larei and trying to determine his motives.


Location: Fairfax

"Those days are in the past. I'm not here to bring destruction upon your village, I'm not here to tell you my story either. As long as you trust your butler I don't mind." Larei's tone and facial expression changed to be more serious. He looked around to make sure no one else had been following him. "In several days someone will come to you. He will ask you for you help, not just that, he will hold your freedom in front of your face. I don't know what he will offer you but I'm almost certain that it will, with 100% certainty, gain you the freedom you have been fighting for." Larei let out a deep breath as he pondered the next thing he would say. "I'm here to ask that you say no. Accepting his proposal will be a dance with the devil. You might get your freedom, but i believe it will cost the lives of everyone in bower stone, and may even create destruction that will last an eternity.  Most likely he will not betray you and what he will do won't effect you, but what you have to ask yourself is, which do you care about more. Your freedom or the lives of bower stone." Larei put his head down. He remembered a memory of when he was in front of his father asking him for something, despite his father being so close.....He still had to be formal and make a request, all because his father was royalty. This is the reason he left. He waited to hear what Selene had to say.

Location: Fairfax

"Those days are in the past. I'm not here to bring destruction upon your village, I'm not here to tell you my story either. As long as you trust your butler I don't mind." Larei's tone and facial expression changed to be more serious. He looked around to make sure no one else had been following him. "In several days someone will come to you. He will ask you for you help, not just that, he will hold your freedom in front of your face. I don't know what he will offer you but I'm almost certain that it will, with 100% certainty, gain you the freedom you have been fighting for." Larei let out a deep breath as he pondered the next thing he would say. "I'm here to ask that you say no. Accepting his proposal will be a dance with the devil. You might get your freedom, but i believe it will cost the lives of everyone in bower stone, and may even create destruction that will last an eternity.  Most likely he will not betray you and what he will do won't effect you, but what you have to ask yourself is, which do you care about more. Your freedom or the lives of bower stone." Larei put his head down. He remembered a memory of when he was in front of his father asking him for something, despite his father being so close.....He still had to be formal and make a request, all because his father was royalty. This is the reason he left. He waited to hear what Selene had to say.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

Selene took another sip of her tea and placed it on the table. She closed her eyes for a moment and thought for a while. She looked up with her iconic gaze.

"Ask the people of Fairfax what they think. Ask the children of those who have died to the battles against the crown. Ask the men and women who know their sons and daughters will die just as their brothers and sisters have, just as their parents have, their grandparents, and great grandparents. Ask the people of a town that has yearned for freedom since the beginning of time, whether or not they care for those who rule over them, control them, enslave them for reasons beyond logic."

She rested both her legs on the ground, leaned forward, propping her heads on her hands. "I am merely a commander. And a commander can only go so far without the support of their people. I follow the will of Fairfax and the laws they subscribe themselves to." She leaned back once again, taking her cup of tea.

"I certainly love people and would prefer a way to end battles in a swift blow." She let out a smile, one of a predator before her prey. "A good commander always have plans to succeed should one fail. Be at ease, for the likelihood of such a terrible event in Bowerstone succeeding is near impossible with the power of the guild a stone's throw away. And one who wishes complete damnation against the Albion is no commander, but a child with fantasies."
Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

Selene took another sip of her tea and placed it on the table. She closed her eyes for a moment and thought for a while. She looked up with her iconic gaze.

"Ask the people of Fairfax what they think. Ask the children of those who have died to the battles against the crown. Ask the men and women who know their sons and daughters will die just as their brothers and sisters have, just as their parents have, their grandparents, and great grandparents. Ask the people of a town that has yearned for freedom since the beginning of time, whether or not they care for those who rule over them, control them, enslave them for reasons beyond logic."

She rested both her legs on the ground, leaned forward, propping her heads on her hands. "I am merely a commander. And a commander can only go so far without the support of their people. I follow the will of Fairfax and the laws they subscribe themselves to." She leaned back once again, taking her cup of tea.

"I certainly love people and would prefer a way to end battles in a swift blow." She let out a smile, one of a predator before her prey. "A good commander always have plans to succeed should one fail. Be at ease, for the likelihood of such a terrible event in Bowerstone succeeding is near impossible with the power of the guild a stone's throw away. And one who wishes complete damnation against the Albion is no commander, but a child with fantasies."


Location: FairFax

Larei sighed. "Hehe, you think that ey? That's the same thing that the men said to me, when i told them i would kill them. And look at what happened. It is that the moments that we believe that we are most powerful, that we are the weakest." Larei lifted back up his head to eye level, and showed no emotion. "Remember commander, you may follow the will of the people, but you will make the call that will either lead to the deaths of thousands, or Fairfax to staying within the kingdom." Larei turned away as he had nothing else of much significance to say left. "Know this though, if you side with that person." Larei focused enough electricity to spike up his hair. He raised his hand and create a pulse of electricity at the tips of his figures. "You will be my enemy." Larei waited long enough to hear what Selene would say just before he walked out.

Location: FairFax

Larei sighed. "Hehe, you think that ey? That's the same thing that the men said to me, when i told them i would kill them. And look at what happened. It is that the moments that we believe that we are most powerful, that we are the weakest." Larei lifted back up his head to eye level, and showed no emotion. "Remember commander, you may follow the will of the people, but you will make the call that will either lead to the deaths of thousands, or Fairfax to staying within the kingdom." Larei turned away as he had nothing else of much significance to say left. "Know this though, if you side with that person." Larei focused enough electricity to spike up his hair. He raised his hand and create a pulse of electricity at the tips of his figures. "You will be my enemy." Larei waited long enough to hear what Selene would say just before he walked out.

Selene De Blanche

Location: House of Blanche, Fairfax

As Larei stood up, Selene opened her folder. "Only fools believe in the peace of neutrality. The world will continue to spin and change will occur to all. It is what one makes of that change decides what peace exists. The world isn't as white or black as you may think it is. You may seek that equilibrium so coveted by the druids of nature, but the table that holds the scale is never balanced." The wisps once again moved into a series of words. She waited for Larei to leave. A few moments after she heard the door close, she said, "It has never been balanced."

Selene finished her tea. "Arthur, let the guards of the crown know of a man claiming to hold the keys to freedom." "Master Selene?" "I suspect this is the same man who broke into the royal palace." "Do explain yourself, Master Selene." "A child with fantasies can turn into a tyrant with power. He cannot have any power in Albion." Arthur bowed and left the house.

Selene stood up and began to collect her items as she left the house as well. "It is time I meet with the council once more."
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Amelia woke up suddenly and looked around. Gabriel was there with a bag on his shoulders and another bag laying down on Amelia's bed. "It's time." Gabriel spoke softly. Amelia rubbed her eyes and got up from the bed quickly. She put on a green cloak on her with a quick movement of her arms and closed it, pulling up the hood. Gabriel put the silver helmet on his head and headed outside, followed by Amelia. As they reached the courtyard, Gabriel sent a small letter trough his personal owl to Mephisto. "I would like to speak with you as soon as possible." The message said. He waited in the courtyard patiently, sharpening his sword with a opaque-looking crystal. Amelia, while she waited, took out her book and started reading.

Amelia woke up suddenly and looked around. Gabriel was there with a bag on his shoulders and another bag laying down on Amelia's bed. "It's time." Gabriel spoke softly. Amelia rubbed her eyes and got up from the bed quickly. She put on a green cloak on her with a quick movement of her arms and closed it, pulling up the hood. Gabriel put the silver helmet on his head and headed outside, followed by Amelia. As they reached the courtyard, Gabriel sent a small letter trough his personal owl to Mephisto. "I would like to speak with you as soon as possible." The message said. He waited in the courtyard patiently, sharpening his sword with a opaque-looking crystal. Amelia, while she waited, took out her book and started reading.



Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto received the letter and then said. "Einz... Zwei.... DREI!" with a new message falling out of his hat. Mephisto took it in his hands, then tied it to the Owl. He sent it back to Gabriel, the letter said: 'In the Infirmary. -M.P' Mephisto patiently waited for their arrival, whilst watching over the barely alive guildmembers.
Location: Fort Black - Infirmary

Mephisto received the letter and then said. "Einz... Zwei.... DREI!" with a new message falling out of his hat. Mephisto took it in his hands, then tied it to the Owl. He sent it back to Gabriel, the letter said: 'In the Infirmary. -M.P' Mephisto patiently waited for their arrival, whilst watching over the barely alive guildmembers.

"Amelia, please stay here." Gabriel spoke, half-running towards the infirmary. Amelia sighed and kept reading. "Whatever." with a neutral tone. As Gabriel arrived, he looked around. "Dear Kurnorus..." He muttered out to himself in shock, looking at Mephisto. "What happened!?" He asked with a demanding and shocked tone, approaching Mephisto calmly.
"Amelia, please stay here." Gabriel spoke, half-running towards the infirmary. Amelia sighed and kept reading. "Whatever." with a neutral tone. As Gabriel arrived, he looked around. "Dear Kurnorus..." He muttered out to himself in shock, looking at Mephisto. "What happened!?" He asked with a demanding and shocked tone, approaching Mephisto calmly.

Location: Fort Black

Mephisto stared at Gabriel, then said. "The attack on Woguran didn't go well. Akena, the girl you gave directions to. She attacked them and we had to pull back, retreat. There's lots dead too." and sat down on one of the chairs. Mephisto started feeling depressed. Suddenly, bad things started happening to the Guild, like a curse, or a jinx that brings bad luck. "If only William was here..." Mephisto dreamed, then harshly sighed and looked at Gabriel again. "So what did you want?" he asked.

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