Main IC RP

Ashe stood outside of Fort Black's Bridge. She had her hood on so that the shade covered her eyes as she checked her map. "This is the place...." She said with a sigh as she started walking across the bridge, her staff making a clink with every step as she moved it with her steps. "Let us hope this place is worth the travel..." She mumbled to herself as she kept walking. Ashe had been walking for who knows how many days since she escaped her town of the Carion. She had found out about it from a town a couple days away from her home. "Guess I cant really call it home now, huh?" she said with a small laugh as she reached the other side of the bridge and halted. "Don't know what I'm in for... but It may be my only choice right now..." Being a caster did not leaver her with many options, but being a Carion cancelled that out if she told them. Why would she tell them that she was a Carion unless they asked, She looked human enough.
Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto nodded and grinned. "Political pressure is impossible to apply. The crowd follows him blindly, like a flock, a flock of sheep! Unless you want to impose trade sanctions." Mephisto laughed at his own remark, then went into a half-serious, half-amused state. "Well. He`s untouchable, really. Unless we allow ourselves for dirty tricks, like a revolution, or assassination..." then Mephisto thought about what he said, and a second after reluctantly added. "That wouldn't be good for our image, though." And stood back, supporting himself on a wall and waiting for Mikael's choice.

Mikael shrugged. "Nobody is untouchable. If he is wrong, then we will show the crowds. But here is what i will do." She stood up, drew her blade. The wind on it was clearly audible. The sound was not the one of a normal blade. "I will go to his castle and get an audience. Should not be  a problem, back then the kings would have killed for a visit of mine." She let her blade circle around her in fluid quick motions, a rotor of death. "I will talk to him. If he refuses to listen, i will challenge him to a fair duell. If i win, he has to refrain from annecting the guild." Then, in a motion too quick for the mortal eye, her blade got sheated again. "If he refuses the duell, i will kill him."
Lorelei pouted as she was pushed back,  she watched in anticipation as he took off his mask... Only to be majorly let down.  "You're so edgy and mysterious that it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth.  Repeating magic tricks will bore your audience yknow,". She sighed.  "I can do it, I think it will take 24 hours... Depending if my shipment arrives or not,". She turned back around to clean up her table.  "You can leave now, your dark and edgy aura is making my lab look like a cemetery ,"

Location: Bowerstone

"Very well." Kyro stepped into his shadow and disappeared. He came out at the front of her house. "Hmmm, I suppose it's time that I go back to the guild and wait. Some weirdo demon is probably after me." He chuckled "ah, just like the good old times." Kyro went to the edge of Bowerstone and picked up a horse. His destination was for Fort Black.
Location: Bowerstone City Center

The crows and flies gathered for a feast, flying above the huge guillotine. Mephisto was already in-place, tightly, rigidly locked and unable to move. Despite that, the demon had a sly smirk on his face, showing no fear at all. He was prepared for what was coming, fearless until the end. There would definitely be bards singing stories about this. One of the Heralds moved forward and read from a scroll. "Mephisto Pheles! Thy excellency, the King of Albion and his wise court finds you guilty of treachery, conspiracy, murder and heresy! The only suitable atonement and punishment... is death. May thy lord give mercy onto your soul! Mephisto Pheles, do you have any last words?" the Herald turned to him, taking a feather into his hands to write down anything Mephisto would have to say. "Well. I never thought it'd go down this way. I thought I'd rather go off... Oh, I dunno. Eaten by a giant, flying snake? Maybe crushed by a troll? Never expected it to end with a sharp blade at the back of my neck, while I lie down helpless. I came to accept it anyway. As for actual last words: I'd say your King is around as corrupt as my suit is colorful." to which the crowds all gasped in surprise and disbelief. How could one insult the King in such a manner? The Herald frowned and kicked Mephisto in the face, then ordered. "PULL THE LEVER!"

With these 3 words, the guillotine quickly fell to Mephisto's head, but before it was chopped off: He gave a brief smile and winked towards Larei, in a 'I got this.' way. The Guillotine chopped of Mephisto's head and a fountain of blood protruded from his neck. His head fell into a basket, as the Herald took Mephisto by his hair and rose the head into the air for all to see. "The heretic has died!" he yelled, to which the crowd responded in the same way, yelling and repeating the Herald's words. The whole execution was spectacular. A gathering of haters, people that disdained Mephisto Pheles thinking he was a corrupt demon that sought to control Albion. A mindless herd of lifestock that followed the King's words to every last letter. What foolishness.

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Public Execution Area

<The following events occurred during Mephisto's execution>

Aegis Caliburn was stationed to be the King's bodyguard during the Guild Leader's execution.  She watched as hovering crows cast dark shadows down on Mephisto Pheles.  She remembers fighting alongside the demon and his disciples during the raid of the Tarasque Syndicate.  She knew that Mephisto was a fair and just leader, respected by his subordinates.  She brushed these thoughts away, he was declared a murderer by the Royal Court... he was a traitor now in her eyes.  She glanced at the King who was sitting at a large chair not too far from her.  His confident demeanor filled Aegis with determination.  

 "I'd say your King is around as corrupt as my suit is colorful."

Aegis grit her teeth and clenched her fist at the man's last words.  "I hope you eat those words in hell, Traitor..."  She said under her breath as the blade swung down Mephisto's neck.  The court officials said that the Guillotine is the new, humane, and painless way to execute... I still looked brutal and dirty.  Aegis was glad that the princess didn't get to see the execution... She doubts that Pricess Daisy is strong enough to watch a public execution.  
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Mikael shrugged. "Nobody is untouchable. If he is wrong, then we will show the crowds. But here is what i will do." She stood up, drew her blade. The wind on it was clearly audible. The sound was not the one of a normal blade. "I will go to his castle and get an audience. Should not be  a problem, back then the kings would have killed for a visit of mine." She let her blade circle around her in fluid quick motions, a rotor of death. "I will talk to him. If he refuses to listen, i will challenge him to a fair duell. If i win, he has to refrain from annecting the guild." Then, in a motion too quick for the mortal eye, her blade got sheated again. "If he refuses the duell, i will kill him."

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto nodded once again and said. "Seems like a fair plan." then sighed. Mephisto wasn't sure if killing a King was still a good idea, but they would have no other choice. Mephisto hoped that the King would listen to reason, but not for his sake. Rather, for the sake of the Guild. Mephisto said. "Very well. And me? Should I wait in the Vault, in case my nephew decides to visit his beloved uncle?" with a sarcastic, joking voice. "But really, should I?" he asked more seriously.
Lorelei Scylla

Location: Albion Research Center Basement

Lorelei sighed as Mr. Black left.  The corners of the floating device glew green.  "Analysis Complete..."  The device said as the scientist gave herself an injection of green fluid to her arm.  "I have analyzed Black's magical technique.  This ability to manipulate cards can only be used by only a few magicians.  I have concluded that Black must be an apprentice of a family that specializes in card magic.  Most likely he is an apprentice of the Script family..."  The floating device said as it's lights glew blue.  "Scrpts? Hmm... never herd of them..."  Lorelei bit her lip as she let the fluid numb her nerves.  

"Not much is recorded about them... only a few texts in my database have been highlighted..."  The floating supercomputer explained.  "Though it might be helpful to note that the Script family only pass down their magical knowledge to their blood relatives..."  It added.

"Oh?"  Lorelei yawned as she picked up a vial of red liquid and placed it inside a syringe.  "Sorry senpai, his identity isn't really interesting to me..."  She said as she put another needle into her flesh.  She could see her hand twitch and bend in reaction to the fluid.

"You wanted him to remove his mask..."  The computer replied.

"Just wanted to see if he's handsome or not"  Lorelei grinned as her hand morphed into a steel blade... then transformed back into her normal hand.  
Ashe stood outside of Fort Black's Bridge. She had her hood on so that the shade covered her eyes as she checked her map. "This is the place...." She said with a sigh as she started walking across the bridge, her staff making a clink with every step as she moved it with her steps. "Let us hope this place is worth the travel..." She mumbled to herself as she kept walking. Ashe had been walking for who knows how many days since she escaped her town of the Carion. She had found out about it from a town a couple days away from her home. "Guess I cant really call it home now, huh?" she said with a small laugh as she reached the other side of the bridge and halted. "Don't know what I'm in for... but It may be my only choice right now..." Being a caster did not leaver her with many options, but being a Carion cancelled that out if she told them. Why would she tell them that she was a Carion unless they asked, She looked human enough.


Location: Fort Black

Larei had finally made it to Fort Black, and pretty far ahead of the Kings soldiers that were coming to the guild to declare the guilds assimilation. Larei was about to enter the gate when he saw a girl standing at the bridge of Fort Black . "Are you part of the guild? If you are you need to hurry, the kings millatary are coming to take over the guild. Mephisto was executed and the government now owns the guild. " He said this very fast and didn't have time to notice what race she was. He also left out the part about Mephisto probably still being alive, because he wasn't 100% sure yet.

Location: Fort Black

Larei had finally made it to Fort Black, and pretty far ahead of the Kings soldiers that were coming to the guild to declare the guilds assimilation. Larei was about to enter the gate when he saw a girl standing at the bridge of Fort Black . "Are you part of the guild? If you are you need to hurry, the kings millatary are coming to take over the guild. Mephisto was executed and the government now owns the guild. " He said this very fast and didn't have time to notice what race she was. He also left out the part about Mephisto probably still being alive, because he wasn't 100% sure yet.


Location: Fort Black

Ashe looked at the girl that was talking really fast to her. She was not familiar with politics and whatnot of these lands. Ashe pulled her hood down and gave the weirdest expression. "May I ask what you mean? I have only just arrived and have no idea what any of that is..." She said in a confuzzled voice. With her hood down it was clear to see her confusion, along with her brown hair and eyes. "But with you hurried expression and scared tone I would say they are not good guys..." She then realized he had said government and then slammed her staff into the ground. "How about you go inside and warn them... I will stay here..." She said as she faced down the bridge again.

Location: Fort Black

Back in his armor the giant metal creature clanked in the halls of the castle.  Everything seemed quieter than usual. Its as if a vital spirit has been ripped away from the walls of the Guild.  Its as if somehow the heart of the place has been taken away... silenced.  Rumors spread fast in the kingdom... and it was rumored that the Guildmaster Mephisto Pheles has been tried for murder and has been executed.  Baragar stared at the former Guildmaster's office in silence.  He clenched his fists and trudged on to the main hall of the castle.

Location: Fort Black

Ashe looked at the girl that was talking really fast to her. She was not familiar with politics and whatnot of these lands. Ashe pulled her hood down and gave the weirdest expression. "May I ask what you mean? I have only just arrived and have no idea what any of that is..." She said in a confuzzled voice. With her hood down it was clear to see her confusion, along with her brown hair and eyes. "But with you hurried expression and scared tone I would say they are not good guys..." She then realized he had said government and then slammed her staff into the ground. "How about you go inside and warn them... I will stay here..." She said as she faced down the bridge again.


Location: Fort Black

Larei catch his breath and became much more composed. He looked at the girl and began to noticed that she wasn't normal. He couldn't put his finger on it though so he didn't say anything. "I'm assuming your not going to fight them. I'm only here to warn those who want to not be part of the military. Fighting them would be bad. You wouldn't win and even if you did you would bring the attention of the entire Kingdom of Albion. If you would like, you may help me. But if your not part of the guild I wouldn't get involved." Larei said as he figured she had no affiliation with the guild.
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel and Amelia were both in Mephisto's office. Gabriel was informed of everything and he couldn't stay and do nothing. He sent an emergency owl to ALL Guild Members, to have them ALL in the Court Yard at once. The message said:

"Every member of The Guild of Heroes shall meet in the Courtyard. You all have 1 hour. Interrupt every contract and stop anything you're doing. This is an emergency.". 

Amelia stood there, contemplating Mephisto's Library. Gabriel got up and walked towards the courtyard as fast as he could.


Location: Fort Black

Larei catch his breath and became much more composed. He looked at the girl and began to noticed that she wasn't normal. He couldn't put his finger on it though so he didn't say anything. "I'm assuming your not going to fight them. I'm only here to warn those who want to not be part of the military. Fighting them would be bad. You wouldn't win and even if you did you would bring the attention of the entire Kingdom of Albion. If you would like, you may help me. But if your not part of the guild I wouldn't get involved." Larei said as he figured she had no affiliation with the guild.


Location: Fort Black

"I do not like any form of Government..." She said as she looked straight ahead. Her short hair rustled a bit as a small wind blew by. "If they are so intent on taking the guild over, is there no reason for them to falsely accuse the guild master of a serious crime for them to take over?" she asked as her staff began to glow a bit. "Now, I have a question for you... Do you think a Brown eyed caster can really be defeated without thinning out their numbers a bit?" she giggled a bit as she faced front again. "You know, I ran from a government and am now coming into the politics of another.." Her staff began to dim. "Maybe you are right... Lets just go inside..."

(Im not part of the Guild yet lol. She has never even step foot in it. But sh is heading in.)
Location: Fort Black

Gabriel and Amelia were both in Mephisto's office. Gabriel was informed of everything and he couldn't stay and do nothing. He sent an emergency owl to ALL Guild Members, to have them ALL in the Court Yard at once. The message said:

"Every member of The Guild of Heroes shall meet in the Courtyard. You all have 1 hour. Interrupt every contract and stop anything you're doing. This is an emergency."

Amelia stood there, contemplating Mephisto's Library. Gabriel got up and walked towards the courtyard as fast as he could.



Location: Fort Black

Baragar got the message from an emergency owl.  He nodded and clanked his way to the courtyard.  Perhaps this meeting will explain what happened to Mephisto.  Baragar is thirsty for truth... the rumors have put a lot of weight in his mind.

Location: Fort Black

"I do not like any form of Government..." She said as she looked straight ahead. Her short hair rustled a bit as a small wind blew by. "If they are so intent on taking the guild over, is there no reason for them to falsely accuse the guild master of a serious crime for them to take over?" she asked as her staff began to glow a bit. "Now, I have a question for you... Do you think a Brown eyed caster can really be defeated without thinning out their numbers a bit?" she giggled a bit as she faced front again. "You know, I ran from a government and am now coming into the politics of another.." Her staff began to dim. "Maybe you are right... Lets just go inside..."

(Im not part of the Guild yet lol. She has never even step foot in it. But sh is heading in.)


Location: Fort Black

Larei fronded a bit. "I don't doubt you couldn't thin them but it's not worth it." He turn toward the gate and lower his head. "I never ran from government." He wanted to add 'i ending it' but he didn't.  As Larei and Ashlynn were walking to the guild he remembered he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh, I'm Larei by the way." He said as they continued into the fort.

Kyro is part of the guild but he isn't there. And Larei isn't part of it.

Location: Fort Black

Larei fronded a bit. "I don't doubt you couldn't thin them but it's not worth it." He turn toward the gate and lower his head. "I never ran from government." He wanted to add 'i ending it' but he didn't.  As Larei and Ashlynn were walking to the guild he remembered he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh, I'm Larei by the way." He said as they continued into the fort.


Location: Entrance to Fort Black

"My name is Ashlynn, but feel free to call me Ash." She said with a smile as they neared the entrance. "Yea, sorry about being that whole 'savior of the day' thing back there... heh... I just don't like any form of Government..." She said with a smile and a laugh. "I ran from mine after they wanted me to lead a war movement. We are usually peaceful but my government wanted to change that." She said with a sigh. "The only way I could keep the peace was to run, had no choice.' she looked up. "I came here after hearing of a safe place where I could try to start over... live a new life you know?" she asked as she held her staff close. She also puled her hood back on so it covered her face in shadows again, blocking the view of her eye color. The cloak seemed to be some traditional garment.
Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto nodded once again and said. "Seems like a fair plan." then sighed. Mephisto wasn't sure if killing a King was still a good idea, but they would have no other choice. Mephisto hoped that the King would listen to reason, but not for his sake. Rather, for the sake of the Guild. Mephisto said. "Very well. And me? Should I wait in the Vault, in case my nephew decides to visit his beloved uncle?" with a sarcastic, joking voice. "But really, should I?" he asked more seriously.

Mikael shrugged. "I think so. We cannot affor to let you be seen and the people realize you arent even dead. Just... Tell me where the castle is and i will move there like the wind. " Mikael was determined to solve the problem. Her plan wasnt the best, killing a king wasnt the greatest of things she could imagine, but if the guild could not persist with respect, then with fear. 
Mikael shrugged. "I think so. We cannot affor to let you be seen and the people realize you arent even dead. Just... Tell me where the castle is and i will move there like the wind. " Mikael was determined to solve the problem. Her plan wasnt the best, killing a king wasnt the greatest of things she could imagine, but if the guild could not persist with respect, then with fear. 

Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto twisted his head in agreement and understanding. Mephisto explained their location. "We are in the underground halls of Fort Black. Long forgotten by everyone. You'll have to get to the surface yourself, meanwhile I'll go protect the vault. Oh, there'll be undead on the way. A perfect way to warm you up after the nap you took." without offering to teleport her to the surface. No one could see him, and she could be warmed up to fighing. That was Mephisto's justification. "Einz, zwei... drei!" Mephisto proclaimed, then teleported away.
Lorelei Scylla

Location: Albion Research Center Basement

"How's the progress on Project Izanami?"  The green haired scientist asked the floating object called "Senpai"  as she entered a key code on a panel.  The keys glew bright green the moment she pressed them.  A portion of the basement's ceiling shook and slid down revealing a bunch of metal harnesses and support beams.  At the center of all these beams was a metal cylinder with a glass panel.  From what one can see through the glass, the cylinder is filled by clear green fluid.  Lurking inside is what seems to be a green-haired human female that looked a lot like Lorelei's body... except with no stitches whatsoever.  She slept within the cylinder in a fetal position... her emerald hair flowing up and down with the bubbles.

"Project Izanami is at 85%"  Senpai said with a calm female voice.  

Lorelei's usual blood crazed face changed into a somber expression.  She put her hand on the glass.  "I'm... sorry..."  She whispered to it.  The glass reflected her own reflection, causing tears to run down one of her eyes.  She grit her teeth.  "They should have saved you instead... they should have,,,"  Lorelei said with hate fueled rage.

"Memory progress is 30%... I'm afraid I do not remember too much about my past life..."  Senpai replied.  "I apologies master..."

"Stop it... stop calling me master..."  Lorelei rubbed her temple.  "Stupid thing... hurry up and bring her back already..."  She re-entered the keycode and the tube was raised back up to the ceiling.  

Location: Entrance to Fort Black

"My name is Ashlynn, but feel free to call me Ash." She said with a smile as they neared the entrance. "Yea, sorry about being that whole 'savior of the day' thing back there... heh... I just don't like any form of Government..." She said with a smile and a laugh. "I ran from mine after they wanted me to lead a war movement. We are usually peaceful but my government wanted to change that." She said with a sigh. "The only way I could keep the peace was to run, had no choice.' she looked up. "I came here after hearing of a safe place where I could try to start over... live a new life you know?" she asked as she held her staff close. She also puled her hood back on so it covered her face in shadows again, blocking the view of her eye color. The cloak seemed to be some traditional garment.


Location: Fort Black

"I'm sorry about that." Larei said in a serious way. He didn't expect to get a backstory of her. Most people don't tell you their story out of now where. He felt as if he owed her something in return. "I have also been running away, but for a different reason. I have traveled around most of the world. I don't really have a good reason though." Larei opened the door to the center building of the fort. When they were inside he noticed many people running to the court yard. "I wonder whar there doing?" Larei knew that they probably knew that the military was coming but why were they all going to the court yard? "Hmm I wonder if we should follow them." He said to Ashlynn.
Location: Fort Black - Underground

Mephisto twisted his head in agreement and understanding. Mephisto explained their location. "We are in the underground halls of Fort Black. Long forgotten by everyone. You'll have to get to the surface yourself, meanwhile I'll go protect the vault. Oh, there'll be undead on the way. A perfect way to warm you up after the nap you took." without offering to teleport her to the surface. No one could see him, and she could be warmed up to fighing. That was Mephisto's justification. "Einz, zwei... drei!" Mephisto proclaimed, then teleported away.

Mikael nodded. Undead should not be the problem. Mikael made her way towards the surface, occasionally just slicing the upcoming undeads apart. She got out in the fort, finding herself in a weird version of the fort black she knew. She could see some people grouping up a bit further away. Mikael, sttill wearing her legendary armor, however did not feel like showing herself to any of the members that lived in this time. 

The windrunner just called upon the power of thw ind to make it rise her from the ground, lifiting her over the wall of Fort Black. From there, she just had to make her way towards where that king was. Bad thing she had not been told that.

Kyrule King or Ur

the gates of Bowerstone 

A massive cloaked figure approaches the gates. Two swords sit on his back each nearly the size of a full grown man. It doesn't take the guards very long to realize what this figure is, the two sharp toe like spikes at the end of his feet give him away. 

"Hold sir!" One of the guards says and the others begin nervously gripping their weapons for comfort. "I've never seen one of your kind so far south, what buisness do you have here?" The first man would say while keeping his distance.  

The large cloaked figure remains silent for a few moments as he regards the guards with slight disgust. Their fear put a foul scent in the air. Eventually he responds. 

"My buisness is with your king, either open the gates or go and fetch him..." He would say in a commanding yet monotoned voice. 


(Any who near the gates? @Birdsie care to have the guards respond or should I?)  
Mikael nodded. Undead should not be the problem. Mikael made her way towards the surface, occasionally just slicing the upcoming undeads apart. She got out in the fort, finding herself in a weird version of the fort black she knew. She could see some people grouping up a bit further away. Mikael, sttill wearing her legendary armor, however did not feel like showing herself to any of the members that lived in this time. 

The windrunner just called upon the power of thw ind to make it rise her from the ground, lifiting her over the wall of Fort Black. From there, she just had to make her way towards where that king was. Bad thing she had not been told that.

Location: Fort Black

Speaking of the Devil. Adonis, the King of Albion and his troops arrived at the gates of the massive fort. There were hundreds, whole waves of troops. They could besiege and destroy the fortress in minutes. Adonis, suited in his golden armor and sat upon a beatiful, white steed drove up to the gate and yelled, with a voice of demand. "The King of Albion demands to speak with the one who governs you! In the name of Albion, I hereby proclaim my ownership of this fortress, and that all members of it's Guild are to become members of my military!" with threat in his tone. There was clearly a reason why he brought all these troops, and you could guess it.



Kyrule King or Ur

the gates of Bowerstone 

A massive cloaked figure approaches the gates. Two swords sit on his back each nearly the size of a full grown man. It doesn't take the guards very long to realize what this figure is, the two sharp toe like spikes at the end of his feet give him away. 

"Hold sir!" One of the guards says and the others begin nervously gripping their weapons for comfort. "I've never seen one of your kind so far south, what buisness do you have here?" The first man would say while keeping his distance.  

The large cloaked figure remains silent for a few moments as he regards the guards with slight disgust. Their fear put a foul scent in the air. Eventually he responds. 

"My buisness is with your king, either open the gates or go and fetch him..." He would say in a commanding yet monotoned voice. 


(Any who near the gates? @Birdsie care to have the guards respond or should I?)  

Location: Gates of Bowerstone

One of the scared, however willing Guard Captains approached Kyrule and with a polite, yet informative tone told him: "The King is not currently in the castle, m'lord." seeing that he was in-fact some sort of important figure in his culture, as he clearly had to be important to request speaking to the King. "He had moved out towards Fort Black, however he should be back in at least one day." the same Captain added shortly afterwards, maintaining the least fear he humanly could, trying not to show it, however you could see on his face that he was nervous seeing such a creature. "If you wish, you can pass inside, but our beloved King Adonis won't be available until later on. I hope you understand..."
Location: Fort Black

Speaking of the Devil. Adonis, the King of Albion and his troops arrived at the gates of the massive fort. There were hundreds, whole waves of troops. They could besiege and destroy the fortress in minutes. Adonis, suited in his golden armor and sat upon a beatiful, white steed drove up to the gate and yelled, with a voice of demand. "The King of Albion demands to speak with the one who governs you! In the name of Albion, I hereby proclaim my ownership of this fortress, and that all members of it's Guild are to become members of my military!" with threat in his tone. There was clearly a reason why he brought all these troops, and you could guess it.



Mikael, faster than they could even realize, took a stand in front of the gates. She looked as if she would just take all those soldiers on herself. That wasnt her plan though. "I do not know your name king, but i do know this. I, the Windrunner, will not let this happen. The guild of heroes is no military group and none may abuse the guild for their wants. Many years ago, King Tarveim of Albion tried same. And i was there. He died to my blade, just as thousands of his soldiers. I cannot believe you have never heard of that. That was the last time someone attempted to take over this guild. DO you really plan to so soon take the place of your ancestor?" Mikael had not fought alone that day back then, but the legend said she had. And she knew it did. Why not use that to her wellbeing?

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