Combat Ready
Ashe stood outside of Fort Black's Bridge. She had her hood on so that the shade covered her eyes as she checked her map. "This is the place...." She said with a sigh as she started walking across the bridge, her staff making a clink with every step as she moved it with her steps. "Let us hope this place is worth the travel..." She mumbled to herself as she kept walking. Ashe had been walking for who knows how many days since she escaped her town of the Carion. She had found out about it from a town a couple days away from her home. "Guess I cant really call it home now, huh?" she said with a small laugh as she reached the other side of the bridge and halted. "Don't know what I'm in for... but It may be my only choice right now..." Being a caster did not leaver her with many options, but being a Carion cancelled that out if she told them. Why would she tell them that she was a Carion unless they asked, She looked human enough.