Main IC RP

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Mess Hall

Edilyn had been having a nice meal with her friends, discussing a variety of topics, when out of nowhere an owl flew into the room, landing on the table in front of her. A piece of paper was in its mouth. A letter. Silence engulfed the room as everyone ceased talking. This wasn't good. With slightly shaky hands, Edilyn pulled the letter from thee animal's mouth and read it aloud, her amber eyes widening in surprise. An emergency? Edilyn wondered what could be going on. Could it have anything to do with the failed mission? Abruptly, she stood, looking at everyone in the room, including those not at the table. "Everyone, we need to move out. Now." Gesturing at Astrid and Zlyana, she headed out of the room into the courtyard. A bunch of other guild members were there, talking loudly amongst themselves, as well as the Grand Master, Gabriel. The older man looked worse for wear. Before she could ask what was wrong, the sound of hundreds of hooves suddenly filled the courtyard, coming from the direction of the gate. Edilyn turned in that direction, schock filling her. There stood hundreds of soldiers at the ready, a regal looking man in expensive looking armor standing at the helm. He then spoke, his voice loud and commanding. He, the king (and he was rather young Edilyn noted), was demanding that the Guild become a part of the Albionian military. Silence followed his words, the only sounds audible being the clinking of armor and the whining of the horses. Then, all of the sudden, chaos irrupted as an unknown person in special armor appeared and attacked the king, killing him within moments.

As Edilyn watched this all unfold, only one thought came to mind. Oh fuck me. She gripped her tome, waiting to see what would happen next. 

@Alteras @Soulmuse

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

Astrid watched the battle along side with Eddy. This is bad, this is bad, this is bad. She grabbed the two of them by the wrists and led them straight to the Guildmaster's Office. She took a quick breather and said, "I need to take leave immediately. I'll leave my potions here as a gift. Good luck!" She said as she dashed out of the room and across the courtyard toward the stables. She let out her stallion and through a back entrance, left Fort Black toward Bowerstone at full gallop.

Location: Bowerstone

As Astrid entered Bowerstone, she heard the rumors, of Mephisto being executed, and the king being killed. I can't believe the king just died liked that. But Mephisto? Killed? Impossible! He's can't even be convicted for swatting a fly.  She handed back the stallion and walked toward her bar. Wait... why are there people inside? Did I really not lock the door?  She walked into the door and hanged her cloak up. "Jimmy! You know that I'm closed when that sign says closed!" Her patrons suddenly were startled and started standing up and making their way out. "Don't bother, Astrid's Bar is open. But you're all paying full price, no discounts." The people relaxed, knowing that Astrid wasn't gonna bombard them with vials of poison and confusion.

She walked behind the counter and looked at the large man. She crossed her arms and let out a sigh. She recomposed herself. "Welcome to Bowerstone, Trollkin from the Land of Ur. I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender. What can I get for you today?"


Location: Fort Black

Ash giggled a bit as she had fully regained her strength. She looked up to Mikael and smirked a bit. "I would not know, I have yet to join the Guild or even consider it." She said as she put her staff onto her back and debated on putting her hood on. She decided against it for the time being. "But I was about to ask yo the same thing. I am new to this part as I have not explored it that much and this is the first I have seen this place." She said with a small giggle. "I had heard about this place and traveled for a while and blah blah blah... What did you do?" she asked, reffering to what had just happened. "That was the most strongest wind magic I had ever seen!"

@Princess Ami

Location: Fort Black

Ash giggled a bit as she had fully regained her strength. She looked up to Mikael and smirked a bit. "I would not know, I have yet to join the Guild or even consider it." She said as she put her staff onto her back and debated on putting her hood on. She decided against it for the time being. "But I was about to ask yo the same thing. I am new to this part as I have not explored it that much and this is the first I have seen this place." She said with a small giggle. "I had heard about this place and traveled for a while and blah blah blah... What did you do?" she asked, reffering to what had just happened. "That was the most strongest wind magic I had ever seen!"

@Princess Ami

The windrunner looked at the girl, tilting her helmeted head. The dark voice sounded interested as she said "That was nothing, the king was weak and overestimating himself. Further rage clouded his mind. Rage is the fighters greatest enemy.", she explained. "The wind is part of me. I am the Windrunner. 600 years ago i stood side to side with the founder of this guild. When he died, i left. But the guild needs me and so i have returned."
The windrunner looked at the girl, tilting her helmeted head. The dark voice sounded interested as she said "That was nothing, the king was weak and overestimating himself. Further rage clouded his mind. Rage is the fighters greatest enemy.", she explained. "The wind is part of me. I am the Windrunner. 600 years ago i stood side to side with the founder of this guild. When he died, i left. But the guild needs me and so i have returned."


Location: Fort Black

Ashe's face instantly went to confusion. "WindRunner? Never heard of that..." She said as she shrugged. "Anyway, my name is Ashlynn. Feel free to call me Ash. I don't know if you have heard of them, but I am a Carion." She said with a smile as she sighed. "at least, I was until I ran from the embassy..."
Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black - Mess Hall

Edilyn had been having a nice meal with her friends, discussing a variety of topics, when out of nowhere an owl flew into the room, landing on the table in front of her. A piece of paper was in its mouth. A letter. Silence engulfed the room as everyone ceased talking. This wasn't good. With slightly shaky hands, Edilyn pulled the letter from thee animal's mouth and read it aloud, her amber eyes widening in surprise. An emergency? Edilyn wondered what could be going on. Could it have anything to do with the failed mission? Abruptly, she stood, looking at everyone in the room, including those not at the table. "Everyone, we need to move out. Now." Gesturing at Astrid and Zlyana, she headed out of the room into the courtyard. A bunch of other guild members were there, talking loudly amongst themselves, as well as the Grand Master, Gabriel. The older man looked worse for wear. Before she could ask what was wrong, the sound of hundreds of hooves suddenly filled the courtyard, coming from the direction of the gate. Edilyn turned in that direction, schock filling her. There stood hundreds of soldiers at the ready, a regal looking man in expensive looking armor standing at the helm. He then spoke, his voice loud and commanding. He, the king (and he was rather young Edilyn noted), was demanding that the Guild become a part of the Albionian military. Silence followed his words, the only sounds audible being the clinking of armor and the whining of the horses. Then, all of the sudden, chaos irrupted as an unknown person in special armor appeared and attacked the king, killing him within moments.

 She gripped her tome, waiting to see what would happen next with bated breath. 

@Alteras @Soulmuse


Fort Black: Mess Hall

Not bothering to wait for anyone, Ziyana dug into the food with abandon. As she finished the third plate, the shaking stopped, and her runes started to fade. At her fifth plate, he too received an owl, but seeing that Edilyn had received the same message, she kept eating, watching the other mage read, and pale. At Edilyn's statement, Ziyana frowned deeply, rising to follow, feeling her stomach start to tighten. The sinking feeling continued to build as she saw the assembled members of the Guild, and the king. Listening to the conversation, she felt a thrill of fear as the Grand Master slew the King without seeming to break a sweat. 

"Unbelievable." She muttered. Even thought Ziyana considered herself a powerful warrior, she knew the Grand Master was far more powerful, but seeing just how much more powerful, was more than a bit humbling. Shaking her head, Ziyana stopped a moment, and realized that, if those loyal to the King wanted to follow through his orders to draw the Guild into the military, it might mean outright war. As her heart raced, Ziyana decided paying more attention to the unfolding events was in order. From the corner of her eye, she could see Edylin tensing

@Aura Of Twilight and anyone else in the courtyard area
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

Astrid watched the battle along side with Eddy. This is bad, this is bad, this is bad. She grabbed the two of them by the wrists and led them straight to the Guildmaster's Office. She took a quick breather and said, "I need to take leave immediately. I'll leave my potions here as a gift. Good luck!" She said as she dashed out of the room and across the courtyard toward the stables. She let out her stallion and through a back entrance, left Fort Black toward Bowerstone at full gallop.

Location: Bowerstone

As Astrid entered Bowerstone, she heard the rumors, of Mephisto being executed, and the king being killed. I can't believe the king just died liked that. But Mephisto? Killed? Impossible! He's can't even be convicted for swatting a fly.  She handed back the stallion and walked toward her bar. Wait... why are there people inside? Did I really not lock the door?  She walked into the door and hanged her cloak up. "Jimmy! You know that I'm closed when that sign says closed!" Her patrons suddenly were startled and started standing up and making their way out. "Don't bother, Astrid's Bar is open. But you're all paying full price, no discounts." The people relaxed, knowing that Astrid wasn't gonna bombard them with vials of poison and confusion.

She walked behind the counter and looked at the large man. She crossed her arms and let out a sigh. She recomposed herself. "Welcome to Bowerstone, Trollkin from the Land of Ur. I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender. What can I get for you today?"


[SIZE= 20px]Kyrule King of Ur[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Astrids bar, Bowerstone [/SIZE]

As the woman introduces herself Kyrule looks her in the eyes with an expression of apathy,he nods once and says "I am in need of food and work as I wait for the return of the King, I must have words with him about my Lands." He would say in a gravely voice. His gaze doesn't waver for a second and he doesn't blink. 

The woman smelled of too many things for Kyrule to get a scent, a fact that bothered him only slightly. 

"Surely you have work that needs doing?" He would say and while heavily accented, his English was far better than the usual three word sentences of his other kin. 

(Sorry for the late reply my phone died) 

Location: Dark Forest- Bowerstone- Fort Black - Entrance



No one. 


There were some sounds here and there, sure, a rustle or two, possibly maybe an echo of a voice too far for her to locate, but for the past day that Phantom scoured the area she couldn't find a trace of anyone or anything! Had something happened to make them leave? 

Of course... Those skamelars were probably wanted by everyone and their mother, plus the Guild themselves probably have several hit notices about them as well... any prudent leader would have had them evacuate the forest soon as word got out they were last seen there... 

"BLOODY NORA!" Phantom almost screeched to herself in anger and frustration. 

It wasn't just about her yet again fruitless venture, but her suppressed anger towards that blessed Apothecary also still vexed her...

"Levereter... Why in hell did he hide Ellie's location from me...?"  She asked herself, then thinking, "...Why the hell did Ellie not want me to know... to find her...?"

The weight on her shoulders being too much of a burden to bear, it slowed Phantom down sufficiently, and she quickly grew tired as her run turned into a brisk pace, then a stroll, then into her lurching herself through the dark forest not too unlike the undead that most likely dwelled in it dusk til dawn.

Phantom wasn't afraid, she was the scariest thing in this forest, in her eyes at least, and anything that dared come at her was most likely going to end up a hollow carcass decorating the dirt path.

She didn't know how long she was in there looking for what wasn't there anymore, but she passed out and woke up a time or two, surveying the dark forest aimlessly.

After a time or two of doing so, she decided it was pointless and left towards the Guild of Heroes. 

She decided to teleport back to Bowerstone, easy as she had been there constantly, and upon a light inquiry got directions to the Guild. She already had a feeling of loathing in her heart for these people, but she knew she shouldn't as she hadn't met them, and it was long enough ago that the guild members who dismissed her father's warning were probably retired.

Or in a higher position of power if they remained.

That last thought irked her. 

She arrived tired and a bit tattered, but she couldn't possibly care less how these people perceived her. 

It was beautiful to her... She could easily imagine her father being a part of this Guild with pride. The green around it flourished like to celebrate it's presence and the water surrounding it shone from the gleam of the sun, as if to add to the festivities. Even the clouds seemed to avoid floating directly above the hallowed ground, as if presenting The Guild of Heroes with it's rays for it's sheer glory.

She wondered if maybe the people there were as beautiful as their fortress for a moment. That seldom is the case, and that wonder lasted only a second.

She took a deep breath and calculated her approach. Whether she liked these people or not, she needed information out of them. Lots of it. She may even have to join them for further inquiries... especially if they knew her father. 

"You attract more bees with honey than you do vinegar, Callie!" She would recall Ellie taught her after she came home from her academy one day, angered by an earlier skirmish with a classmate.

"Eeeeew, who wants to attract bees, Ellie?! Bees are mean and sting you!" She also remembered her young self retorted, still embarrassingly a stupid child.

"Now, now, Callie! Bee's pollinate the pretty roses that we love so much! And all the plants we eat, too! Without bees, we would be in big trouble!" Ellie would giggle, correcting her gently. This was before her mother forced her to stay from education in favor of being her caregiver.

"Hah," She thought to herself as she stomped past memories out of her mind, "So small, yet so essential."

Not unlike the description of the members of the Guild to her. 

Phantom approached the Guild with a solemn look on her face, but unconsciously clenched her fists for several reasons she both could and couldn't list. 

"Hello? Anyone?" She asked, almost sounding normal and not grim with a deep-ish voice that was low and croaky like a frog (which is how she thought she normally sounded), knocking a bit loud with her hands and peeking her head through the doors, unsure of how she would react upon meeting said Guild members.

"Time to go fuckin' attract these bees with some goddamn honey..." Phantom thought to herself, unsure if she would be able to pull off even false kindness to get what she needed out of them. 

Kindness was never her forte. That was Ellie's. That had always been Ellie's.
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Location: Fort Black

Graham wasn't sure what to expect, but after some time waiting he couldn't make out any particular responses. It was already loud enough without him, he was sure, so perhaps being heard just by yelling wasn't the most realistic scenario. What was more interesting (and concerning) to him was the line of battered and broken people that had come into Fort Black, looking more like soldiers than anything else. It seemed like many of them had headed to the same place he had seen the girl earlier run off to, which Graham could only assume was some sort of infirmary or other place for the wounded. Rubbing his hand across the side of his face, he took a few steps towards one of the outer walls of a building and slumped down, pulling his pack around behind him and throwing his coat over his lap. He slowly slid down and placed his upper back against the pack, throwing his forearm over his eyes and drifting off somewhere between sleep and daydreaming.

He had at least a little time to rest, right? After all, it wasn't necessarily urgent and with all of the wounded people he had already seen, waiting for a better time was Graham's plan. He couldn't just barge in through the doors and look for the guild members; that would be rude-

Loud knocking filled his right ear, and Graham was jerked out of whatever daydream he was caught up in; quickly trying to sit up and turn his head to see where the loud banging had come from caused him to bang up against the wall himself. Reaching back to feel the back of his head and smooth down his hair, he focused his eyes on what he assumed to be the person that was knocking. He didn't want to startle them, but he also needed all the allies he could get in this unfamiliar place and thought perhaps this person would help find out about the Guild.

With a slight pain still in the back of his head, Graham slowly stood and began to dust himself off, putting on a small smile. "Are you trying to get in to talk to the people from the Guild?" His coat was once again slung over his shoulder, and he tried to be as polite as he always was with strangers. After all, everyone can appreciate good manners, right?

Location: Fort Black- Entrance


That was quick.

Honestly, Phantom didn't know what to expect, so no hopes were raised or dashed.

She fought a frown and looked this guild-member up and down, raising an eyebrow and silently judging him for a moment. There wasn't anything in particular that stood out about him, at least to her, but judging from his greeting Phantom knew in one second he was green to the Guild, and, as such, completely useless to her.

"God above, what the actual hell is with this mandrake mymmerkin...? Do I  really have to waste my time talking to him if he doesn't know a goddamn thing either?" She thought to herself, hoping her expression wasn't too transparent, and unsure if he caught her fighting an eye-roll.

Bees with Honey, Phantom.  Bees with honey.

Green or not, if he also has business here, two is better than one. Especially if this extra number could get her in front of who she needed to be in front of that much quicker. Besides, if he wasn't a complete moron himself, he was also quick to get an ally for that exact purpose, else why would he be here?

"...Er, yeah... I'm assuming you are, as well?" She asked out of feigned politeness as she let herself inside the Entrance hall and quietly closed the door behind her, already knowing the answer.

She sort of left herself at a neutral expression when facing this man, but the truth was she was irritated it wasn't a guild member with experience enough to get her to the Guild's Master and, honestly, this man seemed so naive he reminded her of that damn Apothecary.


[SIZE= 20px]Kyrule King of Ur[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Astrids bar, Bowerstone [/SIZE]

As the woman introduces herself Kyrule looks her in the eyes with an expression of apathy,he nods once and says "I am in need of food and work as I wait for the return of the King, I must have words with him about my Lands." He would say in a gravely voice. His gaze doesn't waver for a second and he doesn't blink. 

The woman smelled of too many things for Kyrule to get a scent, a fact that bothered him only slightly. 

"Surely you have work that needs doing?" He would say and while heavily accented, his English was far better than the usual three word sentences of his other kin. 

(Sorry for the late reply my phone died) 


Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid paused. Outside, troops could be heard marching back from Fort Black. "Did you not hear the rumors? King Aldonis was killed. At Fort Black." She slowly released her arms from her chest and took out a bowl of fruits. "Sorry, this isn't much. As for work, the local blacksmith could use some pure strength." Astrid was clearly a bit shaken from battle at Fort Black, but she tried her best to remain calm.
Mikael simply deflected the sword with her wall of wind again. Her blade still rested at the kings throat. "You choose to die, then." Her sword made one quick move and the kings head rolled off his neck. "Sadly. But you left no choice." Then, she grabbed the head of him and with the wind underneath her flew up, so every soldier could see. "This is your king. He chose to die by the windrunners blade, as his ancestor did as well. You, soldiers, are free to run. Those who want to stay will find death as well."

Aegis Caliburn and Baragar

Location: Fort Black

The scene happened so quick but in the minds of the most loyal soldiers... they saw everything in slow motion... appearing all in black and white.  The beloved King's firstborn, the hope of the nation... the one to bring the Kingdom of Albion to the peace it longed for.  The young man was cut down like a simple blade of grass.  

Baragar watched as the nation's leader was beheaded violently.  A young man full of ruthless ambition... slain my his allies.  "No..."  Baragar though as he stopped his assault on the army's rearguard.  He placed a gauntlet on his face as if waking from a terrible nightmare.  He remembered the memories... the many innocents slain by his own hands... his own flames.  The Guild wasn't there to make him a better person... they knew of his power... they only wanted him to kill... to destroy.  He though he had escaped his violent destiny.  He thought the Guild was there to help him.  He remembered the day when Lilith killed a person without much thought, he remembered how Mephisto simply killed a demon before their encounter with Scathia, he remembered when many warriors were sent to their graves on their fight with Woguran.  The Guild wasn't a guild of heroes... it's a band of monsters.  He refuses to be a monster again.  "I-I'm sorry... what have I done..." He looked at the broken bodies of the soldiers he have smashed.  He looked at the many fighters clashing swords.  "I... don't want to be human after all... I don't want to be a monster..."  He whispered as he ran away from the fight... taking no part of the conflict.

<Baragar has left the Guild>

The public execution of their king filled the hearts of the soldiers with anger.  This wasn't an attack on a childish monarch... this was an attack on Albion.  An attack on Albionian culture and beliefs.  The men picked themselves up and healed themselves with magic.

"Impregnio!"  The Royal Mages cast spells that raised the soldier's morale and fighting spirit.  5 stacks of Impregnio has been given to the Royal Captain, Aegis Caliburn.

"You... killed him..."  She said as she grit her teeth.  "Traitors... monsters..."  She said as she felt the buffs from the mages fuel her rage.  "I did not believe it at first... I wanted to take your side... I wanted to make peace with you... but you have shown me your true colors.  The Guild of Heroes are a band of criminals that need to be punished..."  Aegis picked up His Majesty's body and carried it like a Pieta.

She placed his body on his horse and walked towards the wind runner.  "We came here to ask you to surrender... now... we will not leave any of you alive!"  She vanished!  The buffs from the mages have given her incredible speed!

She appeared in the middle of the Guild's formation.  "Magnetize..."   She cast a spell on every guild member around her... causing them to get magnetically attached to all metal objects... pulling them together.  "Divine Punishment!"  She cried out as the clouds gathered.  She struck her fists at the ground and a maelstrom of lightning bolts pounded the Clan members to oblivion.
Location: Fort Black

Graham kept his small, polite smile as he prepared to explain his own uselessness to the stranger before him. "I was, and I arrived here not long ago. In fact, I was hoping you would know more than I do." She seemed strange, but Graham simply brushed it off as the way people acted around this place in contrast to where he was from. Although, he was beginning to think he was overusing that excuse. "Oh, my name is Graham." Couldn't forget his manners, after all. As he stepped towards the door, he suddenly had a strange feeling wash over him and quickly discovered the physical manifestation of what was doing this to him; it must be magic. With the clouds gathering around, he realized that the soldiers he had heard coming in were not all friendly Guild members.

Although brief, he once again had the feeling that he was like a child in the wake of all that he had seen and was currently seeing. He wasn't sure if he should go inside with the person he had just met, or stay outside. A thousand different things flashed through his mind, things as small as the people he had glanced at on his way in and the man who had given him a ride to Fort Black. Yet, he knew the answer wasn't to freeze as he did earlier when the knight with the wounded lady requested assistance. Taking a deep breath, he looked over to the person he had been talking to and tried to grab them by the arm, hoping to direct them to some kind of safety despite how useless it would actually be. 'I can't be a coward!' If only the young man knew what he was doing.

Location: Fort Black

Phantom would have reacted to this man but...

Seems there was trouble in paradise, after all. Deep in her heart, Phantom fucking knew it.

As the sky darkened and a jolt of lighting, seemingly summoned by an ancient Thunder God of old, split the sky into light and dark Phantoms jaw dropped...

But in a good way.

"THAT'S THE KINDA SHIT I'M HERE FOR! YES!" She cheered internally, feeling a huge smile crawl across her face. 

Strong magic, strong caster, strong guild member, longer guild member, possible information wielder.

Before she could do anything, this new man GRABBED HER and started pulling her OUT of the Guild she just nearly killed herself to get to!



He just earned himself a beating. 

Phantom wrestled her arm away from him and punched him hard, right in his stomach, then kinda rubbed her fist a little deeper for a second to really sink in the pain.

"What the hell, Churl!? What are you doing, the casters are THAT way!! Why did you even come here if you knew there would be fighting and shit involved when you clearly weren't gonna actually fight?!" She scolded him, mostly for touching her, though a part of her was flattered he wanted to protect her, even if it was in his own stupid way.

"You can stay here like a damn mouse if you'd like, but I'M gonna see what the hell's going on because I actually GIVE A RATS ASS about WHY I CAME HERE!" She yelled, rushing towards the source of the lightning and the exact opposite of the way he was pulling her.

She ran like she hadn't before to try to see what the hell was going on, and wasn't disappointed with the scene:

It was beautiful brutality

Dead bodies abundant and blood nearly coating the ground. The ones on the ground, gathered in an unusual cluster, all fried like roasted corn popping in the summer heat... The body of a man she should have recognized as the King was beheaded and hanging from a Dark Elf, armed in what most soldiers wear, but the intense rage kinda drew Phantoms interest in them... 

They were staring straight at another, Phantom noticed, and this one was clad in armor black as the night, but the silver on top of the shoulders and helmet glistened a bit in the light to show it was not all-consuming... The air around this figure delicately spun the careful cloth decorating their arms... a mage of wind...? Could they possibly have known her father?

Phantom didn't know what in the seven levels of hell was going on, and she didn't really care... All she knew is she definitely wanted to watch and question any and all survivors of this battle.

It was a bit black-hearted of her, but she had no ties or love for the Guild, and that lack of empathy showed all over in the anticipation on her face.

@IamNotLoki @Kenjinx @Princess Ami and anyone else in the area~!
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Location: Fort Black

Graham didn't even really have time to furrow his brows in confusion, as when he turned his head to see why he was feeling resistance he was met with a fist to the gut. He wasn't at all expecting it, and therefore he took the full brunt of the blow; the wind was immediately knocked out of him. He slumped over against the door frame as the woman he tried to help said some rather unkind words to him, to which he could only raise a finger and signal that he would be speaking if he had the breath. And just like that, the person was off with haste straight towards where all of the commotion was coming from. Regaining his breath, he slowly made his way over to the bag that was still placed against the wall, loosely grabbing the strap and coughing.

"Lesson learned." His voice was low, and it was really nothing more than a mutter to himself. 'Why would she go directly towards all of that?'  Maybe it was curiosity, or the thought of the man who had brought him here, or something else in the back of his mind; whatever it was, something compelled him to trust his instinct. Still stumbling around (mostly from caution and confusion at this point), Graham slowly made his way toward the general direction that the other had headed in. He quickly stopped himself from turning the corner when he saw the death and destruction, unconsciously reaching down for his cutlass. What would it do against something of this caliber? Just like everything else he was feeling right now, it wasn't something that he had the time to put into words and so his free hand remained on the hilt of the weapon.

As far as what was before him, it was like nothing he had ever seen before. If the punch he had just received wasn't breathtaking enough, then this certainly was. His gaze shifted from the destruction along the ground to the figures that were still standing, all of which seemed like they were powerful enough to either cause this or survive it.
Aegis Caliburn and Baragar

Location: Fort Black

The scene happened so quick but in the minds of the most loyal soldiers... they saw everything in slow motion... appearing all in black and white.  The beloved King's firstborn, the hope of the nation... the one to bring the Kingdom of Albion to the peace it longed for.  The young man was cut down like a simple blade of grass.  

Baragar watched as the nation's leader was beheaded violently.  A young man full of ruthless ambition... slain my his allies.  "No..."  Baragar though as he stopped his assault on the army's rearguard.  He placed a gauntlet on his face as if waking from a terrible nightmare.  He remembered the memories... the many innocents slain by his own hands... his own flames.  The Guild wasn't there to make him a better person... they knew of his power... they only wanted him to kill... to destroy.  He though he had escaped his violent destiny.  He thought the Guild was there to help him.  He remembered the day when Lilith killed a person without much thought, he remembered how Mephisto simply killed a demon before their encounter with Scathia, he remembered when many warriors were sent to their graves on their fight with Woguran.  The Guild wasn't a guild of heroes... it's a band of monsters.  He refuses to be a monster again.  "I-I'm sorry... what have I done..." He looked at the broken bodies of the soldiers he have smashed.  He looked at the many fighters clashing swords.  "I... don't want to be human after all... I don't want to be a monster..."  He whispered as he ran away from the fight... taking no part of the conflict.

<Baragar has left the Guild>

The public execution of their king filled the hearts of the soldiers with anger.  This wasn't an attack on a childish monarch... this was an attack on Albion.  An attack on Albionian culture and beliefs.  The men picked themselves up and healed themselves with magic.

"Impregnio!"  The Royal Mages cast spells that raised the soldier's morale and fighting spirit.  5 stacks of Impregnio has been given to the Royal Captain, Aegis Caliburn.

"You... killed him..."  She said as she grit her teeth.  "Traitors... monsters..."  She said as she felt the buffs from the mages fuel her rage.  "I did not believe it at first... I wanted to take your side... I wanted to make peace with you... but you have shown me your true colors.  The Guild of Heroes are a band of criminals that need to be punished..."  Aegis picked up His Majesty's body and carried it like a Pieta.

She placed his body on his horse and walked towards the wind runner.  "We came here to ask you to surrender... now... we will not leave any of you alive!"  She vanished!  The buffs from the mages have given her incredible speed!

She appeared in the middle of the Guild's formation.  "Magnetize..."   She cast a spell on every guild member around her... causing them to get magnetically attached to all metal objects... pulling them together.  "Divine Punishment!"  She cried out as the clouds gathered.  She struck her fists at the ground and a maelstrom of lightning bolts pounded the Clan members to oblivion.


Location: Fort Black

Larei watched as the guild memebers were ripped from this reality. Stolen from them like the very freedom they fought for. Larei looked at both sides and judged them. To murder someone's king, regardless of their nature, should be a sin alone. The guild had become nothing less than what they fought against. They are not the great guild that they had once been. On the other hand the royal guard was corrupt or broken. Not all of them are though. They were fighting for their dead king, but fighting helps no one. Should he try to make peace. What could he do? Fighting them would only make it worse. He felt somewhat powerless. As though regardless of how much power he had he was still weak. He sighed and leaned up against the wall behind him and watched. Whatever happened he wouldn't intervene. He didn't believe it was his place. He couldn't tell if he was strong enough not to intervene or too weak to. As long as nothing got too out of hand he would let evil fight evil. But where was the good? @Princess Ami
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid paused. Outside, troops could be heard marching back from Fort Black. "Did you not hear the rumors? King Aldonis was killed. At Fort Black." She slowly released her arms from her chest and took out a bowl of fruits. "Sorry, this isn't much. As for work, the local blacksmith could use some pure strength." Astrid was clearly a bit shaken from battle at Fort Black, but she tried her best to remain calm.

Kyrule King of Ur 

Astrids bar/Bowerstone Gate

kyrule lets out a sigh. 

"If there is no king then working for the human blacksmith is of no use." He stands adjusting his cloak and covers his head again 

"without your king no peaceful solution can be made... He would incline his head slightly, "I am sorry for what is soon to come." He adds before rising to his feet and leaving the bar. 


As he approaches the gates he sees the soldiers gathering and catches the scent of the captain from earlier. 

"Brave man... Do not send your soldiers to the fort...they will be needed for later, I shall go to this fort black..." 

He says to the captain of the guard.

and he begins walking in the direction of the fort. 

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Location: Fort Black

Larei watched as the guild memebers were ripped from this reality. Stolen from them like the very freedom they fought for. Larei looked at both sides and judged them. To murder someone's king, regardless of their nature, should be a sin alone. The guild had become nothing less than what they fought against. They are not the great guild that they had once been. On the other hand the royal guard was corrupt or broken. Not all of them are though. They were fighting for their dead king, but fighting helps no one. Should he try to make peace. What could he do? Fighting them would only make it worse. He felt somewhat powerless. As though regardless of how much power he had he was still weak. He sighed and leaned up against the wall behind him and watched. Whatever happened he wouldn't intervene. He didn't believe it was his place. He couldn't tell if he was strong enough not to intervene or too weak to. As long as nothing got too out of hand he would let evil fight evil. But where was the good? @Princess Ami

Aegis Caliburn and Baragar

Location: Fort Black

The scene happened so quick but in the minds of the most loyal soldiers... they saw everything in slow motion... appearing all in black and white.  The beloved King's firstborn, the hope of the nation... the one to bring the Kingdom of Albion to the peace it longed for.  The young man was cut down like a simple blade of grass.  

Baragar watched as the nation's leader was beheaded violently.  A young man full of ruthless ambition... slain my his allies.  "No..."  Baragar though as he stopped his assault on the army's rearguard.  He placed a gauntlet on his face as if waking from a terrible nightmare.  He remembered the memories... the many innocents slain by his own hands... his own flames.  The Guild wasn't there to make him a better person... they knew of his power... they only wanted him to kill... to destroy.  He though he had escaped his violent destiny.  He thought the Guild was there to help him.  He remembered the day when Lilith killed a person without much thought, he remembered how Mephisto simply killed a demon before their encounter with Scathia, he remembered when many warriors were sent to their graves on their fight with Woguran.  The Guild wasn't a guild of heroes... it's a band of monsters.  He refuses to be a monster again.  "I-I'm sorry... what have I done..." He looked at the broken bodies of the soldiers he have smashed.  He looked at the many fighters clashing swords.  "I... don't want to be human after all... I don't want to be a monster..."  He whispered as he ran away from the fight... taking no part of the conflict.

<Baragar has left the Guild>

The public execution of their king filled the hearts of the soldiers with anger.  This wasn't an attack on a childish monarch... this was an attack on Albion.  An attack on Albionian culture and beliefs.  The men picked themselves up and healed themselves with magic.

"Impregnio!"  The Royal Mages cast spells that raised the soldier's morale and fighting spirit.  5 stacks of Impregnio has been given to the Royal Captain, Aegis Caliburn.

"You... killed him..."  She said as she grit her teeth.  "Traitors... monsters..."  She said as she felt the buffs from the mages fuel her rage.  "I did not believe it at first... I wanted to take your side... I wanted to make peace with you... but you have shown me your true colors.  The Guild of Heroes are a band of criminals that need to be punished..."  Aegis picked up His Majesty's body and carried it like a Pieta.

She placed his body on his horse and walked towards the wind runner.  "We came here to ask you to surrender... now... we will not leave any of you alive!"  She vanished!  The buffs from the mages have given her incredible speed!

She appeared in the middle of the Guild's formation.  "Magnetize..."   She cast a spell on every guild member around her... causing them to get magnetically attached to all metal objects... pulling them together.  "Divine Punishment!"  She cried out as the clouds gathered.  She struck her fists at the ground and a maelstrom of lightning bolts pounded the Clan members to oblivion.

Mikael watched as suddenly, a royal guard blasted into the middle of the guildmembers, killing many of them on an instant. That royal brats. They never understood where the point was. It was the same as those years ago. History was bound to repeat itself. And Mikael would play along. She had tried to remain peaceful. But this was not in her hands again. "The wind has been provoked...", she muttered, as there aura of air that surrounded her as always started to get darker. "But the storm has been awakened...", The air around the soldiers outside appeared to freeze, gather. And then it happened. The air gathered in one place and a roar could be heard from the Windrunner. "FACE THE STORM!", Mikael shouted as a large dragon formed out of the air, devestating the place where once soldiers had stood. None of them stood a chance, as the dragon continued its rageful onslaught on its own. Mikael however jumped down from where she was. The masked warrior landed a little bit away from Aegis, but in sight. "You! Face your death!"
Mikael watched as suddenly, a royal guard blasted into the middle of the guildmembers, killing many of them on an instant. That royal brats. They never understood where the point was. It was the same as those years ago. History was bound to repeat itself. And Mikael would play along. She had tried to remain peaceful. But this was not in her hands again. "The wind has been provoked...", she muttered, as there aura of air that surrounded her as always started to get darker. "But the storm has been awakened...", The air around the soldiers outside appeared to freeze, gather. And then it happened. The air gathered in one place and a roar could be heard from the Windrunner. "FACE THE STORM!", Mikael shouted as a large dragon formed out of the air, devestating the place where once soldiers had stood. None of them stood a chance, as the dragon continued its rageful onslaught on its own. Mikael however jumped down from where she was. The masked warrior landed a little bit away from Aegis, but in sight. "You! Face your death!"

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

As soon as the dragon was summoned, Aegis ran back to her group and stood between the dragon and her allies.  Just when the Dragon was about to attack one of the healers, Aegis got in between them and took the attack herself.  "Psh... provoked?" She said as the dragon's attack caused her to bleed from the mouth.  "What are you defending?  Your memories of William Black?  Your profitable way of life?"  She spit out blood.  "And because you are provoked, you plan on killing my men?  Don't make me laugh..."  She said as she watched her shield wielders get in between the healers to minimize the damage of the dragon.  The healers quickly healed Aegis and allowed her to chase the dragon again.  She got in the way of the wind dragon and a Mage.  "The soldier behind me... do you know his name?"  She said as she punched the wind with divine electricity.  "His name is Lawrence Worthing... His parents wanted him to be a private mage and make a lot of money.  He wanted to be a hero for his people so he went against them to join my division.  He's only 17, I trained him myself"  She said as she glew from all the buffs on her.  Suddenly a line of cavalrymen with lances charged with electrical energy rushed towards the dragon with great force... dealing massive electrical damage to it.  Aegis grinned.  "You see that soldier leading the charge?  His name is Isaiah Rosewood..."  The soldier looked at Mikael with tears of fury in his eyes... his helmet removed.  "He fought alongside some of you during the raid on the Tarasque Syndicate.  He was so inspired by the Guild of Heroes that he tells his young daughter stories about Mephisto and his merry band of heroes..."  She she said as she whittled down the dragon with a flurry of punches.  "He idolized you... he didn't believe that Mephisto killed those men... he even pleaded the council to investigate further and not convict Mephisto.  HE CRIED DURING MEPHISTO'S EXECUTION!"  Aegis said as a final punch dissipated the wind dragon.

Her Bravery roused the hearts of her men.  The healers drank a ton of mana potions and healed the wounded.  

"You see them as blades of grass to be mowed down... I see them as my family.  What did you think would happen when you killed our king?  You think we would surrender quietly and laugh it off?  You damned idiot..."  She said as the line of cavalry men formed behind her.  "I'm sure William Black is rolling in his grave because of your stupidity... Heroes?  More like Hypocrites!"

"If any of you wishes to retreat, do so now... I do not want any cowards on my side!  This place will be a grave... either for them... or for us!"  Aegis raised her fist in the air causing a bright lightning bolt to engulf the area in white light.  The cloud began their downpour of rain.  

None of the men left... they were all united under Aegis' fighting spirit.  "Aegis! Aegis! Aegis!  Aegis!"  Even the soldiers outside of her division yelled out the Captain's name.  The buffs around her glew even brighter than before.  Scouts got on the King's horse and covered his body with the Albionian flag.  "Make sure he gets back to his people... make sure you do not tell The Princess..."  Aegis said to the scout as he nodded.  He dashed off back to the capital on the horse.

"Now... men... we fight here... or we die HERE!"  A lightning bolt covered the field once again with white light... The sound of thunder was covered by the men's battle cry.
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Fort Black

Astrid watched the battle along side with Eddy. This is bad, this is bad, this is bad. She grabbed the two of them by the wrists and led them straight to the Guildmaster's Office. She took a quick breather and said, "I need to take leave immediately. I'll leave my potions here as a gift. Good luck!" She said as she dashed out of the room and across the courtyard toward the stables. She let out her stallion and through a back entrance, left Fort Black toward Bowerstone at full gallop.

Location: Bowerstone

As Astrid entered Bowerstone, she heard the rumors, of Mephisto being executed, and the king being killed. I can't believe the king just died liked that. But Mephisto? Killed? Impossible! He's can't even be convicted for swatting a fly.  She handed back the stallion and walked toward her bar. Wait... why are there people inside? Did I really not lock the door?  She walked into the door and hanged her cloak up. "Jimmy! You know that I'm closed when that sign says closed!" Her patrons suddenly were startled and started standing up and making their way out. "Don't bother, Astrid's Bar is open. But you're all paying full price, no discounts." The people relaxed, knowing that Astrid wasn't gonna bombard them with vials of poison and confusion.

She walked behind the counter and looked at the large man. She crossed her arms and let out a sigh. She recomposed herself. "Welcome to Bowerstone, Trollkin from the Land of Ur. I am Astrid Hathaway, the Chemist Bartender. What can I get for you today?"



Fort Black: Mess Hall

Not bothering to wait for anyone, Ziyana dug into the food with abandon. As she finished the third plate, the shaking stopped, and her runes started to fade. At her fifth plate, he too received an owl, but seeing that Edilyn had received the same message, she kept eating, watching the other mage read, and pale. At Edilyn's statement, Ziyana frowned deeply, rising to follow, feeling her stomach start to tighten. The sinking feeling continued to build as she saw the assembled members of the Guild, and the king. Listening to the conversation, she felt a thrill of fear as the Grand Master slew the King without seeming to break a sweat. 

"Unbelievable." She muttered. Even thought Ziyana considered herself a powerful warrior, she knew the Grand Master was far more powerful, but seeing just how much more powerful, was more than a bit humbling. Shaking her head, Ziyana stopped a moment, and realized that, if those loyal to the King wanted to follow through his orders to draw the Guild into the military, it might mean outright war. As her heart raced, Ziyana decided paying more attention to the unfolding events was in order. From the corner of her eye, she could see Edylin tensing

@Aura Of Twilight and anyone else in the courtyard area

Aegis Caliburn and Baragar

Location: Fort Black

The scene happened so quick but in the minds of the most loyal soldiers... they saw everything in slow motion... appearing all in black and white.  The beloved King's firstborn, the hope of the nation... the one to bring the Kingdom of Albion to the peace it longed for.  The young man was cut down like a simple blade of grass.  

Baragar watched as the nation's leader was beheaded violently.  A young man full of ruthless ambition... slain my his allies.  "No..."  Baragar though as he stopped his assault on the army's rearguard.  He placed a gauntlet on his face as if waking from a terrible nightmare.  He remembered the memories... the many innocents slain by his own hands... his own flames.  The Guild wasn't there to make him a better person... they knew of his power... they only wanted him to kill... to destroy.  He though he had escaped his violent destiny.  He thought the Guild was there to help him.  He remembered the day when Lilith killed a person without much thought, he remembered how Mephisto simply killed a demon before their encounter with Scathia, he remembered when many warriors were sent to their graves on their fight with Woguran.  The Guild wasn't a guild of heroes... it's a band of monsters.  He refuses to be a monster again.  "I-I'm sorry... what have I done..." He looked at the broken bodies of the soldiers he have smashed.  He looked at the many fighters clashing swords.  "I... don't want to be human after all... I don't want to be a monster..."  He whispered as he ran away from the fight... taking no part of the conflict.

<Baragar has left the Guild>

The public execution of their king filled the hearts of the soldiers with anger.  This wasn't an attack on a childish monarch... this was an attack on Albion.  An attack on Albionian culture and beliefs.  The men picked themselves up and healed themselves with magic.

"Impregnio!"  The Royal Mages cast spells that raised the soldier's morale and fighting spirit.  5 stacks of Impregnio has been given to the Royal Captain, Aegis Caliburn.

"You... killed him..."  She said as she grit her teeth.  "Traitors... monsters..."  She said as she felt the buffs from the mages fuel her rage.  "I did not believe it at first... I wanted to take your side... I wanted to make peace with you... but you have shown me your true colors.  The Guild of Heroes are a band of criminals that need to be punished..."  Aegis picked up His Majesty's body and carried it like a Pieta.

She placed his body on his horse and walked towards the wind runner.  "We came here to ask you to surrender... now... we will not leave any of you alive!"  She vanished!  The buffs from the mages have given her incredible speed!

She appeared in the middle of the Guild's formation.  "Magnetize..."   She cast a spell on every guild member around her... causing them to get magnetically attached to all metal objects... pulling them together.  "Divine Punishment!"  She cried out as the clouds gathered.  She struck her fists at the ground and a maelstrom of lightning bolts pounded the Clan members to oblivion.

Edilyn Stone

Location: Fort Black

One moment Edilyn was watching the standoff with bated breath, the next she and Zlyana were forcibly dragged away from it by Astrid, who's firm grip remained inescapable. "W-where are you taking us, Astrid?" The silver haired girl cried out, barely managing to hold onto her tome as she was dragged along. The woman didn't answer, and soon they found themselves in the Guildmaster's office. "Why are we here? We need to do something about outside!" Edilyn exclaimed. It was as if Astrid hadn't heard her. Instead the woman merely handed her a bunch of potions, saying that they would help them before she took off at a hustle. "Wait! Astrid!" Edilyn called out to no avail, What was that woman thinking?! She couldn't just leave with all the chaos going on! And yet she did.

Knowing that she couldn't worry about that at the moment, Edilyn looked at Zlyana, handing her the potions. "I'm going back outside Zlyana. I can't just stand here! I need to do something." Do what she wasn't sure, but something had to be done. As she ran to the outside, the building shook violently, making the girl tumble and fall to the ground. What in the world was going on?! Shakily, she stood back up and continued onwards, the big feeling in the pit of her stomach growing worse by the second. 

Outside, chaos had irrupted. Guildmembers were scrambling away from the soldiers or fighting them, while a dragon (a dragon!) attacked the soldiers mercilessly. In the center of the fighting stood a female dark elf in silver armor, conjuring lightning from the sky to hit the guildmembers. No. No. No...Edilyn didn't understand all of the specifics, but she knew this was bad. Very bad. In her short months at the guild, it had been rather peaceful all things considered, but now....So much had happened so short of a time. A king was dead. A dragon was rampaging, A dark elf with killing with retribution plain in her eyes. 

This violence was too much for the girl. Tears fell from her eyes. "Please stop..." She screamed, even though no one heard her all the clashing of swords and whooshes of magic. "Please...." Running forwards, she barely dodged a soldier's sword in her quest to run forwards. What she was doing was sucide and yet, and yet....Raising a hand to the air, she muttered a incantation she hadn't used in months. " Ekarif Magae Teiodasto Ieraka!" A bright light burst from her palm, spilling outwards under the clouded sky to blind everyone who didn't have their eyes closed. "Please...stop this at once!" 
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Kyrule King of Ur 

the road to fort black/fort black.

As Kyrule approached the fort it began to rain he paid it no mind it seemed to match his mood. Then he heard the battle cry accompanied by thunder. 

"The cost of a kings life I suppose." 

He sees the riders galloping by with the body of their king in tote. 

Seeing the army gathered outside of the fort Kyrule would let out a low growl. 

"This will be a difficult conversation." 

He says to himself and begins heading towards the fort. From what he can tell two warriors are making up the majority of the fighting, the wind, rain, thunder and lightening, all from them. 

"Hmmm...they bring storms?"

amusement creeps across his face 

"hopefully They will listen to reason...if not I may enjoy myself." 

Moments later a bright flash fills the air briefly blinding him. 

Hearing the girls pleading Kyrule would take it as an opportunity. With a powerful leap Kyrule lands with a thud beside the girl hoping he could see well enough not to crush her with his landing. 

"Listen to her...your troops will be needed elsewhere very soon." He would say as he rose to his feet again. 

(Whoever else is at the fort battle) 
Location: Fort Black - Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Deep, Really f***ing deep, deep, deep, deeper than the deepest hole in the Underground


Mephisto was waiting at one of the lowest floors of the Underground, just in front of the entrance to the legendary vault. The road there was protected by hot lava, and the bridges that guarded the entrance could be rosen with simple levers at any moment. Finally, Vergil showed up. Mephisto stared at his Nephew and exclaimed. "So... you came?" and was met with no response, only silence. Vergil stared at Mephisto, then said. "I saw you dying. One of your tricks?" "You bet." Mephisto answered, chuckling and reaching for his trusty sword. Vergil observed his hand move and said. "Put that down. You don't stand a chance..."

Mephisto smirked and said. "Why?" Vergil's eyes met Mephisto's in a cold, disdainful gaze. They were like two different species of Birds staring at each other, wondering how life looked for the other. Vergil said. "I'm stronger... than you." reaching for the Yamato, and preparing it. "You know. I've never seen you before... Uncle. How about a kiss from your little nephew?" Vergil asked, then unsheathed the Yamato and pointed it at Mephisto whilst continuing. "Better yet, how about a kiss from this?" Mephisto didn't draw his sword. He simply waited. The two stared at each other with growing intensity, finally, but without movement Vergil asked. "Shall we dance?" to which Mephisto said. "After you."

Vergil rushed towards Mephisto, while the latter took out his blade from it's leathery sheath and started dodging Vergil's attacks. Vergil started off relatively easy, with quick, horizontal and vertical sword attacks, throwing in an additional stab there and there. He was just testing Mephisto's reaction speed, which he was really surprised by, as it was high. Mephisto ran back away from him, wanting to take a diplomatic approach. "Why do you lust for power so much?!" he inquired. Vergil left his combat position and straightened out. He stared at Mephisto and frowned momentarily, then returned to his stoic expression and explained his mindset. "Foolishness, Uncle, Foolishness..." rotating his head in decisive shakes, as if he was dissapointed by Mephisto's lack of understanding. "Might controls everything. Without power: You can't protect anyone. Let alone yourself." and then, used the fact they were both stationary to his advantage and used Blistering Swords. 8 Swords appeared next to Vergil, 4 on his right side and 4 on his left side, floating above each other, each one made out of blue, spectral magic. They shot towards Mephisto at high speed, however Mephisto jumped upwards performing a somersault mid-air and avoiding the blades, then landing on a large pillar. "We do not have to do this!" Mephisto yelled, to which Vergil responded by yelling back: "That's some weak dying words, Uncle!" and neared the pillar that Mephisto stood on. Vergil performed a basic Judgement Cut on it, causing it to collapse and fall. Mephisto jumped off, managing to fly above Vergil and several meters behind him. Vergil turned around and smirked. He knew he was fighting someone strong.

Once again, Vergil dashed towards his Uncle and released a quick, vicious flurry of attacks with the Yamato, these ones being much more controlled and clearly having some sort of combat style. Mephisto started counter attacking, trying to block, parry and dodge whenever he could, very slowly starting to control the encounter. To add to his own advantage, Mephisto used Polymorph, to literally, grow some more muscules. They both slashed their swords at the same time, entering a lock, however Vergil's Yamato was so sharp and durable it cut through Mephisto's saber, nearly decapitating his head, if he didn't crouch. Vergil kicked Mephisto back away, using the fact that Mephisto was crouched to his advantage.

Mephisto was sent back flying several meters, then Vergil pointed the Yamato towards his Uncle and loudly exclaimed. "I have won! Grant me the vault, now, or die!" with clear aggression in his voice. Mephisto laid down, watching the ceiling and suddenly bursted into laughter. He very slowly, clumsily got up and started clapping his hands together, as in applause. "Okay, but first..." Mephisto paused, snickering once again. "I have to congratulate you!" he stopped clapping and opened his hands to Vergil. Vergil was taken off-guard and in surprise asked: "Congratulate?" Mephisto slowly, steadily walked forward. "Yes! Congratulate. Your old man, Nero, my bro for life didn't even get this close! You're pretty ruthless." Vergil just stood there, unable to understand why his Uncle was so joyous about this event. Even in stead of that, Vergil said. "Right. Does that mean I can pass?" Mephisto nodded and said. "Yes, you may pass. Go on ahead, my child!" and gently motioned Vergil towards the Vault's gate.

Vergil walked to it, then steadily pulled it open... but it didn't even flinch. "What?" he exclaimed, pulling the gates apart with more strength, but to no avail. "WHAT?!" he asked again, continuing his attempts. "What the hell?!" he asked, then looked back at Mephisto. Mephisto held the key to the gate in his hand, then dropped it into the lava pits below, whilst saying. "Whoops. I dropped it!" as the key burnt into coal, then into ash, then into nothing. Vergil ran towards the lava pit, but not too close as the sulphur and dangerous volcanic acids were harmful to him. "No!" he yelled, kneeling next to it. "You goddamned... FOOL!" he yelled, swiping the Yamato at Mephisto whilst performing a Master Slash. The column of energy flew towards Mephisto, but before it hit, Mephisto said. "Ciao!" and turned into a stone figure, teleporting elsewhere. Vergil was left alone.

Location: Still in the Undergrounds, but less deeper.

Mephisto teleported to a higher level, then took out the real key from his pocket, sitting down and relaxing. "I think he really bought that." and laughing. "Throw the key to the Vault into lava? Oh, pah-leeze. William Black wouldn't forgive me." and laughing even more. "Well. Now I'm gonna take a nap. I wonder how Mikael's doing." closing his eyes and going to slumber.
Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

As soon as the dragon was summoned, Aegis ran back to her group and stood between the dragon and her allies.  Just when the Dragon was about to attack one of the healers, Aegis got in between them and took the attack herself.  "Psh... provoked?" She said as the dragon's attack caused her to bleed from the mouth.  "What are you defending?  Your memories of William Black?  Your profitable way of life?"  She spit out blood.  "And because you are provoked, you plan on killing my men?  Don't make me laugh..."  She said as she watched her shield wielders get in between the healers to minimize the damage of the dragon.  The healers quickly healed Aegis and allowed her to chase the dragon again.  She got in the way of the wind dragon and a Mage.  "The soldier behind me... do you know his name?"  She said as she punched the wind with divine electricity.  "His name is Lawrence Worthing... His parents wanted him to be a private mage and make a lot of money.  He wanted to be a hero for his people so he went against them to join my division.  He's only 17, I trained him myself"  She said as she glew from all the buffs on her.  Suddenly a line of cavalrymen with lances charged with electrical energy rushed towards the dragon with great force... dealing massive electrical damage to it.  Aegis grinned.  "You see that soldier leading the charge?  His name is Isaiah Rosewood..."  The soldier looked at Mikael with tears of fury in his eyes... his helmet removed.  "He fought alongside some of you during the raid on the Tarasque Syndicate.  He was so inspired by the Guild of Heroes that he tells his young daughter stories about Mephisto and his merry band of heroes..."  She she said as she whittled down the dragon with a flurry of punches.  "He idolized you... he didn't believe that Mephisto killed those men... he even pleaded the council to investigate further and not convict Mephisto.  HE CRIED DURING MEPHISTO'S EXECUTION!"  Aegis said as a final punch dissipated the wind dragon.

Her Bravery roused the hearts of her men.  The healers drank a ton of mana potions and healed the wounded.  

"You see them as blades of grass to be mowed down... I see them as my family.  What did you think would happen when you killed our king?  You think we would surrender quietly and laugh it off?  You damned idiot..."  She said as the line of cavalry men formed behind her.  "I'm sure William Black is rolling in his grave because of your stupidity... Heroes?  More like Hypocrites!"

"If any of you wishes to retreat, do so now... I do not want any cowards on my side!  This place will be a grave... either of them... or for us!"  Aegis raised her fist in the air causing a bright lightning bolt to engulf the area in white light.  The cloud began their downpour of rain.  

None of the men left... they were all united under Aegis' fighting spirit.  "Aegis! Aegis! Aegis!  Aegis!"  Even the soldiers outside of her division yelled out the Captain's name.  The buffs around her glew even brighter than before.  Scouts got on the King's horse and covered his body with the Albionian flag.  "Make sure he gets back to his people... make sure you do not tell The Princess..."  Aegis said to the scout as he nodded.  He dashed off back to the capital on the horse.

"Now... men... we fight here... or we die HERE!"  A lightning bolt covered the field once again with white light... The sound of thunder was covered by the men's battle cry.

The dragon still raged on through the attacks, killing more soldiers as he did. But the lightning went too strong on it. When it died, a loud roar was unleashed by it. The wind that it consisted off gathered in a big mass. Then the mass darted over to Mikael and formed around her, giving her a bright glow. "You are not prepared.", she shouted. A point was hit where Mikaels rage was unstable. She did not even care anymore. Guildmember, soldier, peasant. It did not matter. She would just kill, kill everything. Back in the old days, she had been a wrathful fighter, dangerous to the guild. William had impressed her enough to make her join his ranks. He had teached her the way of calmness and thought and that was how she had spent her life, believing in William fully. But niw she was back. The fury consumed her ability to think. The wind had never been meant to be calm. Wind was fast, deadly and furious. 

The flashing light blinded her, but for what she would do now, she needed no vision. "Bow down before the wind!", she shouted. When everyone could see again, there were soldiers out of wind that stood around her, an army even. She floated up in the air, still having a glowing wind aura and turned around once. Tornados started to form in front of her army, small, just the size of a man. But the tornados grew arms and suddenly weilded weapons, becoming scary opponents as well. 

Next, she took out her sword, slicing at the air in front of her. Giant air elementals rose among her soldiers. With that army, she landed in front of them. "Chaaarge!", she shouted and so did her army, accompanied by her, as she sent powerful shockwaves of wind towards her opponents lines. 
The dragon still raged on through the attacks, killing more soldiers as he did. But the lightning went too strong on it. When it died, a loud roar was unleashed by it. The wind that it consisted off gathered in a big mass. Then the mass darted over to Mikael and formed around her, giving her a bright glow. "You are not prepared.", she shouted. A point was hit where Mikaels rage was unstable. She did not even care anymore. Guildmember, soldier, peasant. It did not matter. She would just kill, kill everything. Back in the old days, she had been a wrathful fighter, dangerous to the guild. William had impressed her enough to make her join his ranks. He had teached her the way of calmness and thought and that was how she had spent her life, believing in William fully. But niw she was back. The fury consumed her ability to think. The wind had never been meant to be calm. Wind was fast, deadly and furious. 

The flashing light blinded her, but for what she would do now, she needed no vision. "Bow down before the wind!", she shouted. When everyone could see again, there were soldiers out of wind that stood around her, an army even. She floated up in the air, still having a glowing wind aura and turned around once. Tornados started to form in front of her army, small, just the size of a man. But the tornados grew arms and suddenly weilded weapons, becoming scary opponents as well. 

Next, she took out her sword, slicing at the air in front of her. Giant air elementals rose among her soldiers. With that army, she landed in front of them. "Chaaarge!", she shouted and so did her army, accompanied by her, as she sent powerful shockwaves of wind towards her opponents lines. 

Aegis Caliburn

Location: Fort Black

Aegis did not flinch at her spells.  Neither did her inspired soldiers.  Most of the royal soldiers killed were of the King's personal guard... wearing gold armor and white capes.  Now the majority of the soldiers were white... wearing bright blue capes.  Men and Women hand selected by Aegis herself... trained to combat even the strongest armies.  She knew them all by name.  The bright light in the sky blinded the soldiers temporarily but did not make them flinch.  They knew that this was their moment.  They knew that if they fall here, they will die valiantly... they will die wearing the the colors of their division on their backs... under the fierce Leadership of the Maiden of Lightning herself... Aegis Caliburn.  Even if they fall they will live forever as symbols... the blue capes on their backs will be honored by the Albion people everywhere.

Aegis grinned as Mikaels summoned wind soldiers.  "Psh... would you look at that?  She doesn't trust her comrades enough to let them fight with her... I thought the Guild was about brotherhood and self sacrifice?  I'm tired of people like you thinking the weak are useless... thinking that if those with very little power banded together, they will still be no match for your 'superior powers'"  Aegis spit out blood and smashed her knuckles together.  "You will see what us... 'mere mortals' can do if we fight together..."  She held out a hand in front of her... creating a huge shield of electricity that blocked the wind from reaching her men.  The shield was buffed tremendously by the mage's spells... not even one gust made any cuts on the soldiers.  

Aegis stood heroically, her blue cape flying in the wind as the rain poured down.  "You think this is magic surrounding me... mere stats and buffs given to me by mages..."  She grinned as she walked confidently towards Mikaels.  "No... What's surrounding me is the hopes and dreams of my soldiers... their hope for peace and prosperity for our kingdom...  You may strike us down here, but no matter how many you kill... our hopes and dreams will inspire others... and they WILL KNOCK YOU OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE!"

With that, Aegis punched a wind soldier with all her might.  "CHAIN LIGHTNING!"  A flurry of blue electric currents flew from wind soldier to wind soldier... decimating a huge chunk of the summoned forces. "Magnetize!"  Aegis pointed at Mikaels... causing her to feel armor to fold and buckle together. "DIVINE PUNISHMENT!"  Aegis struck the ground while Mikaels was magnetized... making a giant bolt of lightning to come crashing down on her location. 
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The dragon still raged on through the attacks, killing more soldiers as he did. But the lightning went too strong on it. When it died, a loud roar was unleashed by it. The wind that it consisted off gathered in a big mass. Then the mass darted over to Mikael and formed around her, giving her a bright glow. "You are not prepared.", she shouted. A point was hit where Mikaels rage was unstable. She did not even care anymore. Guildmember, soldier, peasant. It did not matter. She would just kill, kill everything. Back in the old days, she had been a wrathful fighter, dangerous to the guild. William had impressed her enough to make her join his ranks. He had teached her the way of calmness and thought and that was how she had spent her life, believing in William fully. But niw she was back. The fury consumed her ability to think. The wind had never been meant to be calm. Wind was fast, deadly and furious. 

The flashing light blinded her, but for what she would do now, she needed no vision. "Bow down before the wind!", she shouted. When everyone could see again, there were soldiers out of wind that stood around her, an army even. She floated up in the air, still having a glowing wind aura and turned around once. Tornados started to form in front of her army, small, just the size of a man. But the tornados grew arms and suddenly weilded weapons, becoming scary opponents as well. 

Next, she took out her sword, slicing at the air in front of her. Giant air elementals rose among her soldiers. With that army, she landed in front of them. "Chaaarge!", she shouted and so did her army, accompanied by her, as she sent powerful shockwaves of wind towards her opponents lines. 

Location: Fort Black

Gabriel looked at Mikael and Aegis and their armies fight. He stood up and a angered expression was on his face. He placed his hand on his throat and he took a deep breath. "STOOOOOOOOOOP!"  He shouted, looking at them, hoping they'd stop. He was furious in Mikael's actions. Killing the King? Not even HE would go that far. "YOU ARE DISHONORING THE NAME OF THE GUILD! STAND DOWN RIGHT NOW!" He shouted again, his expression getting more and more furious. "YOU ARE NOBODY TO GIVE CAPITAL JUDGEMENT! YOU WILL STAND DOWN AND ANSWER FOR YOUR ACTIONS IN FRONT OF A JURY! NOBODY SHALL BE JUDGE, JURY AND EXECUTIONER ALL AT ONCE! ONLY GOD SHALL HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE!" He shouted with a wise but still angry tone, his body standing still and firm. Flames burst all around his body as they signaled his anger. But then, he took a deep breath and they slowly extinguished. "Aegis, stand down. I don't want any more bloodshed." He exclaimed while looking at her.

@Princess Ami @IamNotLoki

Kyrule King of Ur 

Fort black.

Clearly words would not reach the warrior woman.   The roar of "stop" echoes through the air and kyrule's earlier smirk faded. 


THE GREY MARCH BEGINS AT NEXT MOON,IF YOU WILL NOT HELP MY PEOPLE GET WHAT WE NEED, THEN WE SHALL TAKE IT." He would say in a booming voice sounding similar to thunder

After his words Kyrule would toss his cloak to the ground and spit on it, a trollkin action stating disgust. He turns and with an angry grunt begins heading north. And to think I was going to ask such fools for help...parhaps I am the fool...

he would think to himself, as he left the humans to their battle. 

Let them kill one will simply make the march easier. 

as he thinks this his wicked grin returned, 

"we shall all eat well..."he says to no one in particular but with a pleased sounding rumble. 


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