Main IC RP


Location: Astrid's Bar

Kyoko looked at Nero. "Everyone dies, even those who should live forever shall one day die. Even if there stories aren't told. If a tree fall in the forest and no one is there to hear it, the tree still makes a sound. Black may have died but that doesn't mean that what he fought for is gone. The very idea that the guild exists today shows that. About the evil part I would say that moral codes are an illusion. Someone who believes they are a Sociopath doesn't wake up one day and say 'Oh I'm going to be evil just because..' they do it for a reason, their morals are different. Sure there's a general moral code, but no one said that was right." Kyoko took a sip of her drink and watched as the beer settled. Then she looked to Astrid. "I believe that bloodshed has its place. Sometimes people must die for a cause to be considered important. But meaningless bloodshed is not welcome. That of course is only my opinion." She put down 1 gold on the counter after finishing her drink and smiled "Refill please." 

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil drank his drink and once again pushed the empty glass towards Astrid, placing two gold pieces on the counter as repayment for the refill. He was very slowly becoming light-headed, but he kept on with his talking. "Except you won't change a sociopath, no matter what you do. They're aware that what they do is evil, and they are fine with it being that way. And the general moral code is a good one to follow. I'd say you shouldn't do the things that you wouldn't want to be done to you, to other people." Vergil sat back, relaxing a bit and closing his eyes momentarily, listening to the continuing banter in the Bar. People were talking, about their lives, about their works, about their love. Many topics crossed the air, but did it really matter? The woman was right after all, even, Nephilimic immortal beings shall die. This made Vergil feel like even his own immortality is worthless. "Heh. So even love, life and our minds shall go away one day? How depressing." smiling in spite of what he said. Vergil opened up his eyes and added. "Killing others isn't right, no matter how you look at it. Bloodshed is evil. It's as simple as that."

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Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil drank his drink and once again pushed the empty glass towards Astrid, placing two gold pieces on the counter as repayment for the refill. He was very slowly becoming light-headed, but he kept on with his talking. "Except you won't change a sociopath, no matter what you do. They're aware that what they do is evil, and they are fine with it being that way. And the general moral code is a good one to follow. I'd say you shouldn't do the things that you wouldn't want to be done to you, to other people." Vergil sat back, relaxing a bit and closing his eyes momentarily, listening to the continuing banter in the Bar. People were talking, about their lives, about their works, about their love. Many topics crossed the air, but did it really matter? The woman was right after all, even immortal beings shall die. This made Vergil feel like even his own immortality is worthless. "Heh. So even love, life and our minds shall go away one day? How depressing." smiling in spite of what he said. Vergil opened up his eyes and added. "Killing others isn't right, no matter how you look at it. Bloodshed is evil. It's as simple as that."


Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Haha, I am merely a Chemist Bartender. I exist only to give people the opportunity to let the sorrows of the world fade away with a drink. Certainly our actions and our minds will escape us, but to leave a legacy is what many wish to do. Being at a bar to speak of it is one way to do it. Leading a cause and changing the world is another." She lifted her bottle of pyrotonic. "Another one, Nero? Clara?"
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Haha, I am merely a Chemist Bartender. I exist only to give people the opportunity to the the sorrows of the world fade away with a drink. Certainly our actions and our minds will escape us, but to leave a legacy is what many wish to do. Being at a bar to speak of it is one way to do it. Leading a cause and changing the world is another." She lifted her bottle of pyrotonic. "Another one, Nero? Clara?"

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil drank his drink and once again pushed the empty glass towards Astrid, placing two gold pieces on the counter as repayment for the refill. He was very slowly becoming light-headed, but he kept on with his talking. "Except you won't change a sociopath, no matter what you do. They're aware that what they do is evil, and they are fine with it being that way. And the general moral code is a good one to follow. I'd say you shouldn't do the things that you wouldn't want to be done to you, to other people." Vergil sat back, relaxing a bit and closing his eyes momentarily, listening to the continuing banter in the Bar. People were talking, about their lives, about their works, about their love. Many topics crossed the air, but did it really matter? The woman was right after all, even, Nephilimic immortal beings shall die. This made Vergil feel like even his own immortality is worthless. "Heh. So even love, life and our minds shall go away one day? How depressing." smiling in spite of what he said. Vergil opened up his eyes and added. "Killing others isn't right, no matter how you look at it. Bloodshed is evil. It's as simple as that."



Location: Astrid's Bar

"Hehe" Kyoko laughed a bit. "I love that, not every legacy must be made with swords or blood. I admire that." Kyoko sighed as if she was exhausted. "Yes please I would love another one." she said smiling. Kyoko still didn't believe that anyone was evil, but she respected Nero's opinion of the world. Because she believed that everyone's opinion was right. So she didn't say anything back.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Haha, I am merely a Chemist Bartender. I exist only to give people the opportunity to let the sorrows of the world fade away with a drink. Certainly our actions and our minds will escape us, but to leave a legacy is what many wish to do. Being at a bar to speak of it is one way to do it. Leading a cause and changing the world is another." She lifted her bottle of pyrotonic. "Another one, Nero? Clara?"


Location: Astrid's Bar

"Hehe" Kyoko laughed a bit. "I love that, not every legacy must be made with swords or blood. I admire that." Kyoko sighed as if she was exhausted. "Yes please I would love another one." she said smiling. Kyoko still didn't believe that anyone was evil, but she respected Nero's opinion of the world. Because she believed that everyone's opinion was right. So she didn't say anything back.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil giggled along with the two, but only because he felt the need to socialize, keep up his facade and because he was feeling a little light-headed from the drinking already. "Yeah, but it'll be the last one for me today. I still have business to take care of, and I can't be drunk..." And after a moment, he pushed the coins of payment for the refill towards Astrid, and as they moved on the counter, Vergil thought about Astrid's words 'sorrows of the world' and decided. "Or screw it. Screw being sober. I'll take the strongest, most intoxicating thing you can offer... times five." Preparing to pay. 
Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil giggled along with the two, but only because he felt the need to socialize, keep up his facade and because he was feeling a little light-headed from the drinking already. "Yeah, but it'll be the last one for me today. I still have business to take care of, and I can't be drunk..." And after a moment, he pushed the coins of payment for the refill towards Astrid, and as they moved on the counter, Vergil thought about Astrid's words 'sorrows of the world' and decided. "Or screw it. Screw being sober. I'll take the strongest, most intoxicating thing you can offer... times five." Preparing to pay. 


Location: Astrid's Bar

"Hehe" Kyoko laughed a bit. "I love that, not every legacy must be made with swords or blood. I admire that." Kyoko sighed as if she was exhausted. "Yes please I would love another one." she said smiling. Kyoko still didn't believe that anyone was evil, but she respected Nero's opinion of the world. Because she believed that everyone's opinion was right. So she didn't say anything back.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Very well." Astrid grinned and lined up 5 mixers and a mug before her. She began performing tricks and filling up each one. "One mug of beer for the lady." She said swiping the mug across the counter while performing a large stroke, letting vodka pour out into the air above the mixers. The moment the drops fell in, she already had the bottle capped on the table and had another does of pyrotonic in the air, performing a show of fire and water. As flames fell into the mixer, she brought out five cups and picked up each mixer. Juggling the mixers as if they were nothing, she began to catch each one and poured it into the glasses. "Five cocktails of Pyrotonic and Vodka. Viola" She said with a flourished bow.
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

"Very well." Astrid grinned and lined up 5 mixers and a mug before her. She began performing tricks and filling up each one. "One mug of beer for the lady." She said swiping the mug across the counter while performing a large stroke, letting vodka pour out into the air above the mixers. The moment the drops fell in, she already had the bottle capped on the table and had another does of pyrotonic in the air, performing a show of fire and water. As flames fell into the mixer, she brought out five cups and picked up each mixer. Juggling the mixers as if they were nothing, she began to catch each one and poured it into the glasses. "Five cocktails of Pyrotonic and Vodka. Viola" She said with a flourished bow.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil giggled along with the two, but only because he felt the need to socialize, keep up his facade and because he was feeling a little light-headed from the drinking already. "Yeah, but it'll be the last one for me today. I still have business to take care of, and I can't be drunk..." And after a moment, he pushed the coins of payment for the refill towards Astrid, and as they moved on the counter, Vergil thought about Astrid's words 'sorrows of the world' and decided. "Or screw it. Screw being sober. I'll take the strongest, most intoxicating thing you can offer... times five." Preparing to pay. 


Location: Astrid's bar

Kyoko took her beer and started drinking it down. This body probably couldn't take that much beer so she didn't drink it in one go. "uhhhhuhhh Yeah this will probably be my last one too." She said as the person she was controlling began to sway back and forth. Kyoko sighed but the body she was controlling didn't sigh, just her. 'It would see this person doesn't have much alcohol tolerance' she thought and the person could barely stay awake. but she was still smiling in a drunk fashion.

Location: Astrid's bar

Kyoko took her beer and started drinking it down. This body probably couldn't take that much beer so she didn't drink it in one go. "uhhhhuhhh Yeah this will probably be my last one too." She said as the person she was controlling began to sway back and forth. Kyoko sighed but the body she was controlling didn't sigh, just her. 'It would see this person doesn't have much alcohol tolerance' she thought and the person could barely stay awake. but she was still smiling in a drunk fashion.

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil stared at the menacing fire-water show before him. The five, intimidating drinks before him. He looked at Astrid and asked. "How much? I want to pay now. Might not have a chance later." Taking one of the glasses in his right hand. It burnt with a steady, warm flame. He could feel heat through the glass. "By the way, can one of you do me a favour? Wherever I wake up tomorrow, please bring me a glass of water." Some of the people in the Bar were staring at Vergil, cheering him on to drink all of them.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil stared at the menacing fire-water show before him. The five, intimidating drinks before him. He looked at Astrid and asked. "How much? I want to pay now. Might not have a chance later." Taking one of the glasses in his right hand. It burnt with a steady, warm flame. He could feel heat through the glass. "By the way, can one of you do me a favour? Wherever I wake up tomorrow, please bring me a glass of water." Some of the people in the Bar were staring at Vergil, cheering him on to drink all of them.


Location: Astrid's bar

Kyoko took her beer and started drinking it down. This body probably couldn't take that much beer so she didn't drink it in one go. "uhhhhuhhh Yeah this will probably be my last one too." She said as the person she was controlling began to sway back and forth. Kyoko sighed but the body she was controlling didn't sigh, just her. 'It would see this person doesn't have much alcohol tolerance' she thought and the person could barely stay awake. but she was still smiling in a drunk fashion.

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid took out her wipe and cleaned off the counter. "I usually charge by what you can drink. 35 coins should cover it." She looked back up. "Same as before, the flames won't hurt you. The blue at the base of the fire proves the strength of the vodka." She placed two empty glasses and a small vial of antidote. She looked over to Clara. "This would help with the drunkness, but do beware the alcohol will remain in the system." Looking back at Nero, "I'll have a cup of water prepare. On the house."
Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid took out her wipe and cleaned off the counter. "I usually charge by what you can drink. 35 coins should cover it." She looked back up. "Same as before, the flames won't hurt you. The blue at the base of the fire proves the strength of the vodka." She placed two empty glasses and a small vial of antidote. She looked over to Clara. "This would help with the drunkness, but do beware the alcohol will remain in the system." Looking back at Nero, "I'll have a cup of water prepare. On the house."

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil stared at the menacing fire-water show before him. The five, intimidating drinks before him. He looked at Astrid and asked. "How much? I want to pay now. Might not have a chance later." Taking one of the glasses in his right hand. It burnt with a steady, warm flame. He could feel heat through the glass. "By the way, can one of you do me a favour? Wherever I wake up tomorrow, please bring me a glass of water." Some of the people in the Bar were staring at Vergil, cheering him on to drink all of them.


Location: Astrid's Bar.

Kyoko tried as had as she could to force Clara to drink the antidote. It was like fight a one man war just trying to pick up the cup and drink it but afterwards Kyoko had alot more control over Clara and was able to act more normal. She looked at Astrid. "Thank you that helped alot." She smiled at Astrid still a little tipsy, and then turn to Nero. She was almost getting drunk again just from looking at the five drinks before him. "Oh god, don't die from that." She said as she giggled. It was really funny to her to see a person like him, that seemed so powerful, with a face of fear before a couple of drinks. It put a new meaning to peoples personalities when their not being serious. This was the part of people she loved most. So she waited to see if he would be able to take them.

(Ps: Clara is the name she uses for the bodies she controls.)
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Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid took out her wipe and cleaned off the counter. "I usually charge by what you can drink. 35 coins should cover it." She looked back up. "Same as before, the flames won't hurt you. The blue at the base of the fire proves the strength of the vodka." She placed two empty glasses and a small vial of antidote. She looked over to Clara. "This would help with the drunkness, but do beware the alcohol will remain in the system." Looking back at Nero, "I'll have a cup of water prepare. On the house."

Location: Astrid's Bar.

Kyoko tried as had as she could to force Clara to drink the antidote. It was like fight a one man war just trying to pick up the cup and drink it but afterwards Kyoko had alot more control over Clara and was able to act more normal. She looked at Astrid. "Thank you that helped alot." She smiled at Astrid still a little tipsy, and then turn to Nero. She was almost getting drunk again just from looking at the five drinks before him. "Oh god, don't die from that." She said as she giggled. It was really funny to her to see a person like him, that seemed so powerful, with a face of fear before a couple of drinks. It put a new meaning to peoples personalities when their not being serious. This was the part of people she loved most. So she waited to see if he would be able to take them.

(Ps: Clara is the name she uses for the bodies she controls.)

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil paid Astrid her money, then took the glass he held close to his face and drank it in one go. Then, he drank the next one after that. Vergil needed a short break before the last three, but even in the state he was, he maintained an aura of soothing tranquility and near full fearlessness. Vergil took two glasses at once and drank both of their contents simultaneously. The people in the bar clapped their hands at his rather good progress, as Vergil took the last glass of flaming , pyrotonic-spiced vodka in his right hand. He looked directly upwards and poured it all into his mouth and throat, drinking it instantly. The five, empty, yet warm glasses were back on their original place on the counter. Vergil laid his head on said counter, as he was feeling drunk already. "Trying new thing, yay." In a weird way: his face was smiling and blushing, yet his voice was as emotionless as always. Vergil's eyes came to a close, as he fell asleep.

(Aaaand I'm gtg. Cya :D
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Location: Fort Black

Phantom ran up to the victorious figure that had won the skirmish and waited for them to be finished  with their speech and speaking with a child who didn't seem at all like a child.

Her heart sank when she had heard the Guild-master was dead.

"Goddammit, now who can help me??" She wondered to herself as the figure presented the girl with a contract. 

Where was she going to get any information now?

She patiently stood in front of this armored figure and waited to speak with them, though she wished she would hurry and have time to talk to her sooner, in all the chaos of helping others she had forgotten to get healed by the Apothecary herself.


Aegis stopped walking when a woman with dark blue hair and dark skin ran up to her.  She had a hint of desperation in her eyes.  She must be a Guild Member wanting to rant about the death of Mephisto or something like that.  Aegis bowed her head slightly.  "Excuse me..."  She said simply, attempting to pass the girl.  
Location: Fort Black

"I-is it true the Guild master is dead?!" Phantom blurted as soon as she was approached, her unthinking head not knowing her desperation might come off as false concern.

"I-I... I needed to ask them about a deceased member of this very Fort. If the Guild-master is dead, do you know of ANYONE who might have been a part of this guild as long, or longer, than them?? Anyone who might be able to know the Guilds record?? Anyone who would know about Khalil the Red, or any recent passer-byers of the past five or so years??" She asked, almost frantic.

She had waited for this moment for so long, she almost didn't know what to do now that the time had come. Bombarding a stranger with questions wasn't like Phantom at all, but she couldn't control herself.

She didn't want to say her relationship with Khalil, or her true name... But would that lack of trust cause this Elf not to help her...?

Should she sacrifice her privacy and anonymity for information about her father and his killer, and, about where Ellie might have gone??

Fuck life's tough choices...

She really should get her back looked at after this, it feels more singed than a rotisseried chicken... 

Location: Fort Black

"I-is it true the Guild master is dead?!" Phantom blurted as soon as she was approached, her unthinking head not knowing her desperation might come off as false concern.

"I-I... I needed to ask them about a deceased member of this very Fort. If the Guild-master is dead, do you know of ANYONE who might have been a part of this guild as long, or longer, than them?? Anyone who might be able to know the Guilds record?? Anyone who would know about Khalil the Red, or any recent passer-byers of the past five or so years??" She asked, almost frantic.

She had waited for this moment for so long, she almost didn't know what to do now that the time had come. Bombarding a stranger with questions wasn't like Phantom at all, but she couldn't control herself.

She didn't want to say her relationship with Khalil, or her true name... But would that lack of trust cause this Elf not to help her...?

Should she sacrifice her privacy and anonymity for information about her father and his killer, and, about where Ellie might have gone??

Fuck life's tough choices...

She really should get her back looked at after this, it feels more singed than a rotisseried chicken... 


Aegis' looked impatient at first but with a sigh her expression softened,  "So, you're not a member of this guild after all," She said to the girl.  "I'm not sure, but I think the new Guildmaster Gabriel has been a part of the guild for a long time... you may want to try asking him,"  Aegis looked up at the ceiling at the mention of Khalil the Red.  "Khalil the Red huh?  I'm lying if I told you it rings any bells.  You know Bowerstone has a library near the palace with records about things like this... maybe you can go there and see if you can find what you are looking for,"  Aegis suggested.  "Or even easier, you can ask the Guildmaster Gabriel to let you have access to this castle's library... I heard the guild keeps a vast collection of records..."  Aegis added.  "I hope I helped..."
"I see..." She muttered, disheartened, and hung her head. 

She hadn't cried since she was a child, but she imagined the look on her face didn't look too far off from it.

The thought really angered her and she shook her head for a moment to wipe she simper from her lips.

For a second, when the Elf looked up at the ceiling, she thought perhaps they might have something, but alas, it was just contemplation. She shouldn't be surprised, Khalil was a great mage, but a humble man. He wouldn't have wanted to attract too much attention upon himself. Part of her heart was glad they didn't recall him, that way no one would see what a terrible daughter he had and how far she fell from his grace, unlike his first daughter... but another part was devastated that his memory didn't live on in them, either.

She had been to the Bowerstone library many a time, but she knew the only book about her father was just a simple magic guide he wrote with a trusted friend. It said nothing useful about anything she wanted to know...

But this castles library might be able to shed some light on things.

"Yes, you did, you were a great help, thank you," Phantom nodded and thanked them, "Could you tell me where to find Gabriel?" 

She thought about asking for this Elf's name, but that would require her to say her alias in turn, like with Astrid, and she wasn't sure if she wanted, again, to lie about who she was.

Everything she had pursued had led to dead-ends from the moment she started this path... Her back may have been burned near raw, but her heart hurt worse thinking about the possibility that this lead could lead no where as well.

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Kyrule King of Ur

the lands of Ur


Kyrule left his room early the following morning,  he left the concubines in his quarters and paid a visit to the smiths, the forges had been burning all night and already close to 2000 weapons and armor pieces had been made, yet it would be a little over a month before his army was ready. 140,000 trollkin used a lot of metal for their weapons, fourtunatly they also produced a lot of metal. 

He went to the main chamber of the mountain base and sure enough his 20 Baloth breakers were there waiting for him. 

Their leader Shasha grins at her king as he approaches, "surely our master hasn't gotten so old that two younglings can tire him out." She says in a joking voice. 

The rest of the Baloth breakers joined in on the laugh at their kings expense. 

Kyrule smirked proud of these warriors. They were the best the trollkin had to offer. Over the course of 40 years the smartest and most capable trollkin had been chosen for this elite unit. If Kyrule were ever to be dethroned, it would more than likely be at the hands of one of these great warriors. Each warrior had over 100 hunts under their belts all massive and deadly beasts, but none were more dangerous than Shasha, she had over 1200 hunts in her 63 year life, and was kyrule's designated sparring partner. The second was their son Tonokos. While only as intelligent as your average trollkin, he was by far the largest standing an impressive 13 ft 8in and weighing nearly a ton.

The rest were an assortment of well traveled and highly skilled individuals. Kyrule laughed with his men but for a different reason. Men's hearts will fail them when they see the 20 Baloth breakers, what will they do when the entire race marches down the mountains and razes their cities. 

Without a word Kyrule raises his hand and gestures for the gates. 

The Baloth breakers leave the mountain keep excitedly talking about their latest hunts.



Marcella, Djinn of destruction.

Somewhere in the Dark forest 


Marcella's eyes shot open in her 4th dimensional prison.

"oooooh what this now?" She mutters as she feels much destructive energy building up in the world around her. 

She reaches out with her magic in an attempt to latch to the source but with no luck. 

"Damn where am I even at." 

From within her prison she senses no soul possessing life nearby. 

"Ugh, thanks daddy, put me in the middle of nowhere why don't you. 

Then she feels it...

a being in this world who's destiny is bound for much destruction. 

She links to this source and follows it...

leading her consiousness to a bar...

perfect. The liquor would soften mental defenses. She listened to the man speak for a short time. It didn't take long...she knew he was the one she had sensed. 


Focusing what little consious power she could from within her prison she sent her message 

"Virgil...Virgil...come to me Virgil...your servant awaits..."  With the last of her power she sent a flash of images showing her location. 

Yawning she smirks a bit. 

"H-hopefully he is here soon, it's starting to get...stuffy." She would say to herself before she passed out into a deep slumber yet again.

(it's so on!!!) 



"I see..." She muttered, disheartened, and hung her head. 

She hadn't cried since she was a child, but she imagined the look on her face didn't look too far off from it.

The thought really angered her and she shook her head for a moment to wipe she simper from her lips.

For a second, when the Elf looked up at the ceiling, she thought perhaps they might have something, but alas, it was just contemplation. She shouldn't be surprised, Khalil was a great mage, but a humble man. He wouldn't have wanted to attract too much attention upon himself. Part of her heart was glad they didn't recall him, that way no one would see what a terrible daughter he had and how far she fell from his grace, unlike his first daughter... but another part was devastated that his memory didn't live on in them, either.

She had been to the Bowerstone library many a time, but she knew the only book about her father was just a simple magic guide he wrote with a trusted friend. It said nothing useful about anything she wanted to know...

But this castles library might be able to shed some light on things.

"Yes, you did, you were a great help, thank you," Phantom nodded and thanked them, "Could you tell me where to find Gabriel?" 

She thought about asking for this Elf's name, but that would require her to say her alias in turn, like with Astrid, and she wasn't sure if she wanted, again, to lie about who she was.

Everything she had pursued had led to dead-ends from the moment she started this path... Her back may have been burned near raw, but her heart hurt worse thinking about the possibility that this lead could lead no where as well.


Aegis looked at the stranger and tilted her head in the direction of the door she just came out from.  "He's in there... not sure if he would be in the mood for requests though... good luck,"  Aegis passed the woman and stood in front of the main chamber hall.  "Alright men, we're leaving!"  She called out to them.  Their downcast, un-helmeted faces looked at her with tired eyes.  They're were all talking about the friends they lost in this battle.  "Richard, gather as many of the dead you can gather, their families will need to see them home..."  She said solemnly as she stepped out of the castle.

The rain has subsided, the sky still filled with dark cloud.

Aegis stared at a puddle and saw her reflection... a woman with a face as gray as the clouds.  She looked forward taking as step on the puddle... creating ripples.

The soldiers hauled bodies of their fallen comrades on a wagon.  They covered their faces with the fallen soldiers' capes.  They rode off, back to the capital.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil paid Astrid her money, then took the glass he held close to his face and drank it in one go. Then, he drank the next one after that. Vergil needed a short break before the last three, but even in the state he was, he maintained an aura of soothing tranquility and near full fearlessness. Vergil took two glasses at once and drank both of their contents simultaneously. The people in the bar clapped their hands at his rather good progress, as Vergil took the last glass of flaming , pyrotonic-spiced vodka in his right hand. He looked directly upwards and poured it all into his mouth and throat, drinking it instantly. The five, empty, yet warm glasses were back on their original place on the counter. Vergil laid his head on said counter, as he was feeling drunk already. "Trying new thing, yay." In a weird way: his face was smiling and blushing, yet his voice was as emotionless as always. Vergil's eyes came to a close, as he fell asleep.

(Aaaand I'm gtg. Cya :D

Kyoko Script

Kyoko watched Nero feel asleep, well it was more of a passing out fashion but still....She looked over to Astrid. "I should probably go now, it's been a lot of fun. I hope I can see you again." She smiled and laid down about 50 coins. Before she could make Clara walk out the door she fell asleep herself. "Uhhhh how annoying." Kyoko wasn't effected by things like that because she wasn't the one who drank it, well she can't drink it in this form anyway. She looked at the body sleeping, it looked peaceful. "I guess I owe them something." she thought. So Kyoko phased through the wall and headed toward Fort Black. It was going to take a good amount of time because she had to walk. As she was walking away she thought about the body she left. The person would just wake up thinking she ended up there somehow, asking no questions, but she won't remember anything, and her name isn't Clara, of course. @Alteras

Kyro Script

As Kyro approached the edge of Bowerstone he could feel something horrible awaken.He had a sick feeling in his stomach. The kind of sick feeling you get when your nervous but trying not to show it. Truth was he knew what happened. It happens the same way every time. 'but this time is different' He thought to him. 'This time she won't win'. Kyro started to panic and began thinking of all sorts of plans, joinning Vergil, going to Fairfax, try to summon a portal to hell?! "Calm down, Kyro it's ok." He said to himself over and over. "Stick to the situation at hand and go from there." He slowly calmed down as he headed to a not so old friend, and well not really a friend either but.....When he finally made it to the house of that creepy scientist. Her name was.......Lorelei? Anyway when he made it there he put back on his mask, and the cards under it, then shadow stepped into the lab. His eyes took a second to adjust before he asked blindly, "Are you finished?" @IamNotLoki

Kyrule King of Ur

the lands of Ur


Kyrule left his room early the following morning,  he left the concubines in his quarters and paid a visit to the smiths, the forges had been burning all night and already close to 2000 weapons and armor pieces had been made, yet it would be a little over a month before his army was ready. 140,000 trollkin used a lot of metal for their weapons, fourtunatly they also produced a lot of metal. 

He went to the main chamber of the mountain base and sure enough his 20 Baloth breakers were there waiting for him. 

Their leader Shasha grins at her king as he approaches, "surely our master hasn't gotten so old that two younglings can tire him out." She says in a joking voice. 

The rest of the Baloth breakers joined in on the laugh at their kings expense. 

Kyrule smirked proud of these warriors. They were the best the trollkin had to offer. Over the course of 40 years the smartest and most capable trollkin had been chosen for this elite unit. If Kyrule were ever to be dethroned, it would more than likely be at the hands of one of these great warriors. Each warrior had over 100 hunts under their belts all massive and deadly beasts, but none were more dangerous than Shasha, she had over 1200 hunts in her 63 year life, and was kyrule's designated sparring partner. The second was their son Tonokos. While only as intelligent as your average trollkin, he was by far the largest standing an impressive 13 ft 8in and weighing nearly a ton.

The rest were an assortment of well traveled and highly skilled individuals. Kyrule laughed with his men but for a different reason. Men's hearts will fail them when they see the 20 Baloth breakers, what will they do when the entire race marches down the mountains and razes their cities. 

Without a word Kyrule raises his hand and gestures for the gates. 

The Baloth breakers leave the mountain keep excitedly talking about their latest hunts.



Marcella, Djinn of destruction.

Somewhere in the Dark forest 


Marcella's eyes shot open in her 4th dimensional prison.

"oooooh what this now?" She mutters as she feels much destructive energy building up in the world around her. 

She reaches out with her magic in an attempt to latch to the source but with no luck. 

"Damn where am I even at." 

From within her prison she senses no soul possessing life nearby. 

"Ugh, thanks daddy, put me in the middle of nowhere why don't you. 

Then she feels it...

a being in this world who's destiny is bound for much destruction. 

She links to this source and follows it...

leading her consiousness to a bar...

perfect. The liquor would soften mental defenses. She listened to the man speak for a short time. It didn't take long...she knew he was the one she had sensed. 


Focusing what little consious power she could from within her prison she sent her message 

"Virgil...Virgil...come to me Virgil...your servant awaits..."  With the last of her power she sent a flash of images showing her location. 

Yawning she smirks a bit. 

"H-hopefully he is here soon, it's starting to get...stuffy." She would say to herself before she passed out into a deep slumber yet again.

(it's so on!!!) 



Kyoko Script

Kyoko watched Nero feel asleep, well it was more of a passing out fashion but still....She looked over to Astrid. "I should probably go now, it's been a lot of fun. I hope I can see you again." She smiled and laid down about 50 coins. Before she could make Clara walk out the door she fell asleep herself. "Uhhhh how annoying." Kyoko wasn't effected by things like that because she wasn't the one who drank it, well she can't drink it in this form anyway. She looked at the body sleeping, it looked peaceful. "I guess I owe them something." she thought. So Kyoko phased through the wall and headed toward Fort Black. It was going to take a good amount of time because she had to walk. As she was walking away she thought about the body she left. The person would just wake up thinking she ended up there somehow, asking no questions, but she won't remember anything, and her name isn't Clara, of course. @Alteras

Kyro Script

As Kyro approached the edge of Bowerstone he could feel something horrible awaken.He had a sick feeling in his stomach. The kind of sick feeling you get when your nervous but trying not to show it. Truth was he knew what happened. It happens the same way every time. 'but this time is different' He thought to him. 'This time she won't win'. Kyro started to panic and began thinking of all sorts of plans, joinning Vergil, going to Fairfax, try to summon a portal to hell?! "Calm down, Kyro it's ok." He said to himself over and over. "Stick to the situation at hand and go from there." He slowly calmed down as he headed to a not so old friend, and well not really a friend either but.....When he finally made it to the house of that creepy scientist. Her name was.......Lorelei? Anyway when he made it there he put back on his mask, and the cards under it, then shadow stepped into the lab. His eyes took a second to adjust before he asked blindly, "Are you finished?" @IamNotLoki

Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil, in his sleep heard a voice say 'Vergil... Vergil... come to me, Vergil... your servant awaits...' seeing some weird inexplicable visions of the dark forest. and his eyes opened up, as he woke up. He was calm, despite what he had seen, but his head hurt like hell. He took the glass of water that laid next to him and drank all of it at once. He had to take a moment to think about what he saw. A demon contacting him? Perhaps. He was Nephilim after all. Vergil decided to go after his normal routine: a relentless pursuit of power and victory. He got up and said. "I'll be going." to Astrid, suddenly walking out through the door to Bowerstone. The rain fell down on him as soon as he left, but Vergil didn't care. He marched on anyways. No one could stop him from pursuing power. Not a God, nor Weather. Vergil made his way across the roads, according to what he could remember from the images he had seen and started investigating around, to see what summoned him.
Location: Astrid's Bar

Vergil paid Astrid her money, then took the glass he held close to his face and drank it in one go. Then, he drank the next one after that. Vergil needed a short break before the last three, but even in the state he was, he maintained an aura of soothing tranquility and near full fearlessness. Vergil took two glasses at once and drank both of their contents simultaneously. The people in the bar clapped their hands at his rather good progress, as Vergil took the last glass of flaming , pyrotonic-spiced vodka in his right hand. He looked directly upwards and poured it all into his mouth and throat, drinking it instantly. The five, empty, yet warm glasses were back on their original place on the counter. Vergil laid his head on said counter, as he was feeling drunk already. "Trying new thing, yay." In a weird way: his face was smiling and blushing, yet his voice was as emotionless as always. Vergil's eyes came to a close, as he fell asleep.

(Aaaand I'm gtg. Cya :D

Kyoko Script

Kyoko watched Nero feel asleep, well it was more of a passing out fashion but still....She looked over to Astrid. "I should probably go now, it's been a lot of fun. I hope I can see you again." She smiled and laid down about 50 coins. Before she could make Clara walk out the door she fell asleep herself. "Uhhhh how annoying." Kyoko wasn't effected by things like that because she wasn't the one who drank it, well she can't drink it in this form anyway. She looked at the body sleeping, it looked peaceful. "I guess I owe them something." she thought. So Kyoko phased through the wall and headed toward Fort Black. It was going to take a good amount of time because she had to walk. As she was walking away she thought about the body she left. The person would just wake up thinking she ended up there somehow, asking no questions, but she won't remember anything, and her name isn't Clara, of course. @Alteras

Kyro Script

As Kyro approached the edge of Bowerstone he could feel something horrible awaken.He had a sick feeling in his stomach. The kind of sick feeling you get when your nervous but trying not to show it. Truth was he knew what happened. It happens the same way every time. 'but this time is different' He thought to him. 'This time she won't win'. Kyro started to panic and began thinking of all sorts of plans, joinning Vergil, going to Fairfax, try to summon a portal to hell?! "Calm down, Kyro it's ok." He said to himself over and over. "Stick to the situation at hand and go from there." He slowly calmed down as he headed to a not so old friend, and well not really a friend either but.....When he finally made it to the house of that creepy scientist. Her name was.......Lorelei? Anyway when he made it there he put back on his mask, and the cards under it, then shadow stepped into the lab. His eyes took a second to adjust before he asked blindly, "Are you finished?" @IamNotLoki

Astrid Hathaway

Location: Astrid's Bar

Astrid just watched the man fall asleep on her counter. "Well, at least he saw it coming." She began to pour a glass of water when she heard Clara collapse into the floor. She turned around to see Clara also asleep. "I thought I told her that the alcohol will remain in her..." She put down the glass just as Nero woke up and just walked out of the bar. "... ok..." She shook her head and moved over to carry Clara to the counter, propping her up into a comfortable position. "This one will be out of it until morning." She returned to her work behind the counter.

Kyrule King of Ur

the lands of Ur


Kyrule left his room early the following morning,  he left the concubines in his quarters and paid a visit to the smiths, the forges had been burning all night and already close to 2000 weapons and armor pieces had been made, yet it would be a little over a month before his army was ready. 140,000 trollkin used a lot of metal for their weapons, fourtunatly they also produced a lot of metal. 

He went to the main chamber of the mountain base and sure enough his 20 Baloth breakers were there waiting for him. 

Their leader Shasha grins at her king as he approaches, "surely our master hasn't gotten so old that two younglings can tire him out." She says in a joking voice. 

The rest of the Baloth breakers joined in on the laugh at their kings expense. 

Kyrule smirked proud of these warriors. They were the best the trollkin had to offer. Over the course of 40 years the smartest and most capable trollkin had been chosen for this elite unit. If Kyrule were ever to be dethroned, it would more than likely be at the hands of one of these great warriors. Each warrior had over 100 hunts under their belts all massive and deadly beasts, but none were more dangerous than Shasha, she had over 1200 hunts in her 63 year life, and was kyrule's designated sparring partner. The second was their son Tonokos. While only as intelligent as your average trollkin, he was by far the largest standing an impressive 13 ft 8in and weighing nearly a ton.

The rest were an assortment of well traveled and highly skilled individuals. Kyrule laughed with his men but for a different reason. Men's hearts will fail them when they see the 20 Baloth breakers, what will they do when the entire race marches down the mountains and razes their cities. 

Without a word Kyrule raises his hand and gestures for the gates. 

The Baloth breakers leave the mountain keep excitedly talking about their latest hunts.



Marcella, Djinn of destruction.

Somewhere in the Dark forest 


Marcella's eyes shot open in her 4th dimensional prison.

"oooooh what this now?" She mutters as she feels much destructive energy building up in the world around her. 

She reaches out with her magic in an attempt to latch to the source but with no luck. 

"Damn where am I even at." 

From within her prison she senses no soul possessing life nearby. 

"Ugh, thanks daddy, put me in the middle of nowhere why don't you. 

Then she feels it...

a being in this world who's destiny is bound for much destruction. 

She links to this source and follows it...

leading her consiousness to a bar...

perfect. The liquor would soften mental defenses. She listened to the man speak for a short time. It didn't take long...she knew he was the one she had sensed. 


Focusing what little consious power she could from within her prison she sent her message 

"Virgil...Virgil...come to me Virgil...your servant awaits..."  With the last of her power she sent a flash of images showing her location. 

Yawning she smirks a bit. 

"H-hopefully he is here soon, it's starting to get...stuffy." She would say to herself before she passed out into a deep slumber yet again.

(it's so on!!!) 




Selene De Blanche

Location: Fairfax

The preparations have going smoothly. The valley leading up to the city has been trapped and all along the mountains, scouts and troops hid themselves. Selene looked up to the see the moon begin to rise above the rain. Had this been anywhere else, the rain would've ruined our operations. Thank goodness the mountains stops most of the rain. She looked back down to her officers. These are the officers that will carry the messages of war and guide our troops to victory with each message they bring. "Remember, information is key. Our timing is crucial." "Yes madam!" "You're dismissed." The officers saluted and headed out, to each and every squadron to prepare the master plan.

A soldier came running in. "What is it Adam?" "Selene... ha... ha... Trollkin army spotted headed south from Ur!" Selene walked forward and clasped both her hands on the man's shoulders. "Calm down and tell me what you saw." "Thousands! Hundreds of Thousands coming south!" "Are they headed in our direction?" "No, they're taking the path of Liam the Explorer." Selene relaxed and walked back a few steps. She looked over to the map. She pointed her finger at a small intersection. "If they make a turn at Old Man's Crossing, let me know." "Yes madam!" The soldier ran out.

Our independence might have to be cut short if this many Trollkins are headed for Albion. We better let Bowerstone know so they don't get blindsided by it. "Prepare a message to Bowerstone, stating that the Trollkins are coming." She said to Arthur. "Master Selene?" "Our economy still needs a city to operate with, we can't let Gael fall to this." "Yes madam."

A letter was prepared and tied to an eagle. Selene ordered that it be placed in a cage until the Trollkins passed Old Man's Crossing.

Kyrule King of Ur.

outside the Gates of Ur.

As Kyrule and his Baloth breakers walked past the camp where his trollkin armies were stripping Forests and excavating massive chunks of metal. The forces had yet to leave the lands of Ur. Yet it was obvious to any man what they were doing.  

As they stripped the forest clean of trees to fuel their forges they also stripped it clean of life...a few human hunters had ran at the sight the trollkin captured the animals and the smell of cooking meat filled the air For miles. 

Kyrule smiled, his army would soon be ready and no kingdom on the planet could stop them. He and his 20 Baloth breakers left the gates of Ur heading south, towards fort black to meet the man called Virgil...

Marcella,Djinn of destruction

Dark forest edge.

Marcella stired once more. He was near, very near. She gathered what power she could and pushed as much as she could through the seal... 


A small golden locket half buried in the mud began to release a small amount of magic energy, the energy was dense and very old. Written across its surface in a launguage that was never spoken in this world were strange glyphs. 

"Here I am!!!" The same voice from the dream could be heard, it was loud yet soft as if one was whispering in another's ear. 

Kyoko Script

Kyoko watched Nero feel asleep, well it was more of a passing out fashion but still....She looked over to Astrid. "I should probably go now, it's been a lot of fun. I hope I can see you again." She smiled and laid down about 50 coins. Before she could make Clara walk out the door she fell asleep herself. "Uhhhh how annoying." Kyoko wasn't effected by things like that because she wasn't the one who drank it, well she can't drink it in this form anyway. She looked at the body sleeping, it looked peaceful. "I guess I owe them something." she thought. So Kyoko phased through the wall and headed toward Fort Black. It was going to take a good amount of time because she had to walk. As she was walking away she thought about the body she left. The person would just wake up thinking she ended up there somehow, asking no questions, but she won't remember anything, and her name isn't Clara, of course. @Alteras

Kyro Script

As Kyro approached the edge of Bowerstone he could feel something horrible awaken.He had a sick feeling in his stomach. The kind of sick feeling you get when your nervous but trying not to show it. Truth was he knew what happened. It happens the same way every time. 'but this time is different' He thought to him. 'This time she won't win'. Kyro started to panic and began thinking of all sorts of plans, joinning Vergil, going to Fairfax, try to summon a portal to hell?! "Calm down, Kyro it's ok." He said to himself over and over. "Stick to the situation at hand and go from there." He slowly calmed down as he headed to a not so old friend, and well not really a friend either but.....When he finally made it to the house of that creepy scientist. Her name was.......Lorelei? Anyway when he made it there he put back on his mask, and the cards under it, then shadow stepped into the lab. His eyes took a second to adjust before he asked blindly, "Are you finished?" @IamNotLoki

Lorelei Scylla

ARC Basement

Lorelei sighed when she heard a familiar male voice coming from behind her.  "you really should learn to knock.."  Lorelei said as she finished her work and placed the chemical in a black jar.  "My shipment never arrived... so I worked with what I got.  I believe this should do the job though..."  She said as she shook the black jar in front of him. "Here you go..."  She said as she looked behind her.

Kyrule King of Ur.

outside the Gates of Ur.

As Kyrule and his Baloth breakers walked past the camp where his trollkin armies were stripping Forests and excavating massive chunks of metal. The forces had yet to leave the lands of Ur. Yet it was obvious to any man what they were doing.  

As they stripped the forest clean of trees to fuel their forges they also stripped it clean of life...a few human hunters had ran at the sight the trollkin captured the animals and the smell of cooking meat filled the air For miles. 

Kyrule smiled, his army would soon be ready and no kingdom on the planet could stop them. He and his 20 Baloth breakers left the gates of Ur heading south, towards fort black to meet the man called Virgil...

Marcella,Djinn of destruction

Dark forest edge.

Marcella stired once more. He was near, very near. She gathered what power she could and pushed as much as she could through the seal... 


A small golden locket half buried in the mud began to release a small amount of magic energy, the energy was dense and very old. Written across its surface in a launguage that was never spoken in this world were strange glyphs. 

"Here I am!!!" The same voice from the dream could be heard, it was loud yet soft as if one was whispering in another's ear. 

Location: Edge of Dark Forest

Vergil drew his Yamato, hearing the voice, then looked around to see where the voice came from, noticing a weird, dense aura of magical energy coming from a particular place. He made his way over to it. Vergil looked down at the locked and picked it up into his left hand, holding it by the chain steadily, but taking care not to break or cover it in more mud, then asked. "What are you?" knowing to be careful around demons, for they are deceitful beings. He didn't known that what he was speaking to, was in-fact a djinn, a being he had never even seen before with his eyes and not a demon. "You have a weird aura. Unlike what I have felt before." Vergil commented, however remaining in his stern belief that what he was speaking to was a demon, yet... that aura put some doubt on his thoughts. Perhaps it was a specific type of spiritual being similar to a demon, not neccessarily a demon.
Lorelei Scylla

ARC Basement

Lorelei sighed when she heard a familiar male voice coming from behind her.  "you really should learn to knock.."  Lorelei said as she finished her work and placed the chemical in a black jar.  "My shipment never arrived... so I worked with what I got.  I believe this should do the job though..."  She said as she shook the black jar in front of him. "Here you go..."  She said as she looked behind her.


Location: Lab-Bowerstone

"Ha knocking? I don't think that very edgy now is it?" He said make a sad joke. Kyro looked at the vial and after a couple of seconds of examining it, he took it. "There aren't going to be some unforeseen mutation or side effects are there? Also i asked for a machine that could activate the hosts in the final stage and steal their souls. Do you have that as well?" Kyro worried a little about the idea of not having the 'shipment' but to be honest he didn't even know what that mean't.

Location: Lab-Bowerstone

"Ha knocking? I don't think that very edgy now is it?" He said make a sad joke. Kyro looked at the vial and after a couple of seconds of examining it, he took it. "There aren't going to be some unforeseen mutation or side effects are there? Also i asked for a machine that could activate the hosts in the final stage and steal their souls. Do you have that as well?" Kyro worried a little about the idea of not having the 'shipment' but to be honest he didn't even know what that mean't.

Lorelei smirked slightly at Kyro's attempt at a joke.  "Keep it edgy..."  She said as she motioned her head to a mass covered by a black sheet.  "It's over there... everything you've asked for..."  She said as she sunk her face into her arms.  "You sure plan a lot, don'tcha..."  She said wile her face is over the table.  "Hope your plans don't bite you in the ass later on..."


LOCATION: Astrid's Bar

When the rising sun had set fire to the night-sky, the lone mage had wandered into one of the many bars in Bowerstone. When he had approached the entrance to the bar, a quite unique-looking fellow had caught his eye - unfairly handsome he was, but the blade he held was more to his liking. It looked pricey as hell. But Vance knew who he could take things from, and that particular man was someone who he couldn't rob so easily.

However, as he had taken a seat inside the bar,  he found it difficult to stop thinking about how he had let him slip away. Especially with his current situation: he was low on funds this month and jobs seem to be going scarce. He refused to take low-paying ones, because the coin would stay for only moment and disappear the next. 

Covering his face with his hands, he uttered a frustrated groan. 

'The hell am I gonna do...?'

He let his fingers slide slowly down his face before reaching into his pocket to take out a single cigarette. 

"Hey Bar-Lady, ya know anyone who pays well?" Vance asked, before popping the cigar into his mouth and slowly chewing on it.

'Gotta start askin' around, I suppose. Nothin' in this bar seems good enough to steal.'

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